The Clinton New Era, 1918-3-21, Page 2P'AOB
Easter lis very':
e erg i thw Year '.
Marcie- 31st
f V a>'.bm•''40.1�pMN
his Sprtiggare
YOU Ready
fiji014E 78,
en s
ear � .1�►-�.�'nl t
This Store ha§'docided to give, up
liner for coning the mi se n. ' e have
devoted the second floor for high class
,Beady -to -Wear garments and House
furnishing's: This will be ope of the lam-
est and most up-to-date Ready- torwear
departments' in the County. "We are
carrying a better assortment of Coats,
Suits,Dresses, Waists, eft,
We' give you our word for it, that this
year early buying will pay you well. But
whether you are ready to buy N 0 W or
not, you are equally welcome to call and
see the beautiful new models.
Y'bu will find it a pleas>titt'e
to select your ine*. Easter Suit
fronea collection of Shits, such
as we have noay. on display.
A most impressive, showing
of Women's smartest ;suits: in
the• correct models and' mater-
ials'and very reasonably priced.
T AN�t
feMrd g .s.Sent d
Sneon onjt Sp, ent a few days with
l tel s
r 1
vi •ited
JamesT. 11 Brussels,is
Mt•.rte of
gl ,
for p few days with his sister, Mrs. It
Mi', est Adams was down to,Tor-
unto on a business trip,
lrs, Jas, Man sr,; has a very severe
' O'iiu''t :orjet the' isuppek in :tile
church on th°e 29th- of. Mlirdh; when
the North will give the, supper, The
o, d� .
p:rogralil will c nslst•o1 an a drass.Uy
get 'Mr, Avery' of Laudesboro, on Trite;
War. and Re'd Cross Work," A silver
colfeetion will,.be taken. '
Mr. Herb Jenkins and bride returns
to their lso>ne on 'the sixteenth Cion-,
cession of Goderich 'Township last
week after spending their honeymoon
in 'Toronto, Hamilton and other East-
ern points.
The sincere sympathy of this
neighborhood goes out to Mrs. Jos.
Jervis and family in the loss of hus-
band and father.
The first car was out on Sunda,'
and it was a Ford. They will soon be
quitershthape,ick when the roads, are in bet -
The many friends of Mr. and Mrs,
Roland Jenkins are sorry to lose them
from the 1 Gth Concession,
Mr. Albert Townsend has purchased
the faun of Mr. John Smith .117 Gode-
rich Township. Possessionto be
secured on the 1st of April.
A baby boy arrived at the home
of Mr_ William Churchill last Thurs.
day. --Congratulations.
Mr. Peter Cole is in Flint, Mich., at-
tending the funeral of his brother, the
late Rev, William Cofe,
Mr. George Cantelon and sister. Miss
L, Cantelon, were at Mild. Mich, at-
tending the funeral of their brother -ie -
law, RevWilliam Cole.
The South Lind Patriotic Society met
last Wednesday and held their annual
meeting The finances are in good
shape. The new officers are Pres-
ident, Miss D. Middleton, 1st vice, Mrs.
J. Middleton, 2nd vice, Mrs. A. Welsh;
Secretary, Mrs. J. (•ludic, Treasurer,
Miss Wise.
Mr. Peter Cole of the Bayfield Line
received a telegram of the death of his
brother, Rev. William Cole, who died in
Tacoma, Washington State, on 'Thurs-
day morning. The deceased was born
in Goderich Township, and when a
young man entered the Methodist min-
. istry of the American church. About
3 years ago he gave up his work on
account of ill -health and has been visit-
ing various parts of the country ever
! since. He was back to his old home
last summer. Besides his wife who
1 was formerly Miss Cantelon of Code-
. rich townhip, he is survived .by four
brothers, Peter, of this township, Wes-
t ley, Sandusky, George at Mint and
!John of Chicago; and one sister, Mrs
t Thompson Detroit. The body was
laid to rest in Flint, Mich.
1 The funeral of the late Earl Hanley
1 was held on Wednesdav afternoon, un-
� i der the auspices of tithe L, O. L, to
Ads. r E:ty field cemetery. of
deceased mus
me DRU ,Yryli�
°tjull''"11V, . NII
it n..
t r7.V
I:dicines at
fl.en ` �e i' Sit'. re
FTER the publication of
his Receipt Book Dr.
Chase found himself over-
•zirhelmed with the demand for
his services and his medicines.
Not only did patients come from
many miles to throng .his office,
but the flails were filled with
letters ordering medicines.
Rather than disappoint his patients
and admirers, and always anxious to
relieve suffering, the doctor decided
to give to the people the great pre-
scriptions which had been NO thor-
oughly tested and so remarkably suc-
cessful in his private practice.
And so it came' that Dr. Chase's
Medicines were placed on public sale
at nominal prices.. To -day you nasi
scarcely find a drug store that isnot
stocked with a full line of these medi-
cines. and that home is the exception
where there is not one or more of
them in use.
Like most articles of e:tce(tionai merit
and large sales 1)r. a'hase'b Medicines are
widely Imitated, and substitutos ars fre-
quently offered in their place. Oh this ac-
count it is very important that you should
see the portrait and signature of b., ''4v:
Chase, TMD., the famous Receipt J3oo1c
author, on the box you buy. They are
printed on every boX for your protection,
and imitators de not dare to use then,:
Dr. A. W. Chase's Iialnepliv"erPills, one pill a dose,
25 cents a box, 5 boxes for $1.00.
Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Food (Pills), 50 cents a box,
6 bonds for $2.75.
Dr. A. W. Chase's Ointment, 60 cents a box.
Dr. A. 'W. t",Iiatto'a Catarrh Powder, 25 eents a box,
blower free, 5'boxed for $1:00. '
Dr. A. W. Chase's Syrup of Linseed. Mt Tur-
pentines 25' cents I bottle. Family size, three
billed as fitzch, 60 cents, •
Dir. tivg W. Cbti b'ti' Liver Cure; $L00.
ISr.'A. W. Backache Plaster, 25 cents.
each, 6 foga $.1.001 '
i All,iloaiers or Ed sianson, Buten & Co., Limited,
Toronto. •
'Thursday, March list, 191.8
of the flistric
• Rohl.' Hanley •ur
a sal of Mr, d ilasUt
Son t.
ins 2i{rd`y'ear. lie hadybeest lis ill -
With forthe snst eRr
or so,
After Si' ins extending
nunlosei Jerlds >a sed -way at his
late residence
on Saterdsyat the age
of 49 years. lie was born h1 Goderich
t i f li' here al his
township shi as ved h e g1
mut t t
w d
life. He was married to Miss Carrie
Staling' and besides his widow 15 sus'-
Viy'ed by four' children, Verna, LeStie,
Dorothy and Robert, Ile Was a mem-
ber hod' Trustee of: the H•olmesville
M'ethddts't. church. He is also survived
17y. three brothers, C1larles of Chilton,
John of Stanley township, and Alfred
of Ploiulesville, and five sisters, Mrs.
J:no, Trewartha, -Mrs. Samuel Merrill,
Mrs. 'Thos, Potter, Mrs, .Glias: holland
end Mrs. Thos. Hotand of :Winnipeg,
The funeral was held en noonday from
h15. late residence and Interment Was
Made' at tine Clinton Cemetery. Rev,
Mr. Sinclair, of Hohnesviile, conduct-
ing the services.
(Intended for last week,)
Mr, Dan Mt -ton was down to Lon-
don last week to visit his son, Pte.
Percy Gliddon who underwent an
operation there and 'hid several pieces
of sharpnel removed from his foot.
Robins have made their appearance.
Are you going to make maple sugar
this . year? Quite a number have al-
ready tapped their trees but the main
flow has not yet'started.
Last ,week a number of friends and
neighbors • assembled at the home of
Mr. William Huck to bid them fare-
well Before leaving for the West.
Mr, Huck Sr., was presented with a
gold headed walking stick, Mr. Wil.
bur !tuck, a club bag, and a gold
wrist watch was given to Miss !luck.
Their friends will miss them great'/
when they leave for the West.
Pte. George Pearson, eldest son of
Mr, Robert Pearson, of Goderich
Township left for overseas last week,
John Dallas, of Tuckersmith, has
sold his 50 acre farm to H. Stewart for
$4,500. It is a good farm. Mr. Dallas
intends' moving, to town.
Word has reached us of the death
of Dr. Armstrong of Tara, formerly of
our village, 1•]e was here for some
years, having sold out to Dr, Rogers,
14 years ago. He was married in our -
:village to Miss Florence Jameson about
20 years ago. tie leaves a family, the
eldest Lorne and Bruce, who were
born in Dar village. Much sympathy is
felt for the widow and family.
Autoes are once more on the
Making maple syrup is now the work
of our farmers.
Cecil Simpson was in our village
this week, removing his household
goods to Wroxeter.
Foilowing a visit to the public school,
Inspector Tom of Goderich made a
most satisfactory report. The school
is badly crowded, and additional accorh-
odation may have to be provided
J. E. Gould has sold his residence to
Win. Armstrong, of Flay Township, and
will leave shortly to settle in the west.
Miss Ise McDonnell, who recently
left Isere, intending to engage in mili-
tary hospital work at Regina, has been
transferred to the military hospital at
Miss � Hallman, who has been
teaching on tie Bronson Line school
has resigned owing to ill health, and
has returned to her home in Elmwood,
An interesting event took place at
the home of 111r. and Mrs, John GasCito,
13rnnson Line, liav, on March 8th,
when their daughter, Fanny was united
in marriage to Mr. David Gesell, of
,Blake. Rev. N, iiunsberger. of Water-
loo, perforated the ceremony,
Au accident occured in the sh,>e
store of C. Fritz the other day which
might have proven more serious, Mr.
Peter Lamont was warming the back of
his shins at the warm fire in the stove
and was getting nicely heated up when
tt was noticed that smnk.e. was, issuing
from Somewhere out, of his clothes.
'The excitnlent caused was intense and
some. were going to call the •fire bri-
gade and get ;t few chemical fire ex•
tinguishers, but when a full investiga
Hon was made it Was founts that his
legs (the trouser part) was badly scor-
ched Peter Was, •badly scared but
says the' heat felt pretty good Just the
Mullheron, organist and choir
leader of Melville einfra-, tendered his
resignatio>ll.which- Will Jake effect in
tithe course :of a•coupie of mouths,
Brussels rural mail route No. 4,
avhtch has been rtin by George Morris
'for some three past, has been purchased
by Dab, penman, who also looks atter
'R,R No, .S,
A Car ;of live stock and settlers' ef-
fects waS Shipped. on Wednesday by
Jas. Bniz and Percy 1Nitcilell to their
'home at keitiield, Sask.
'The fifty-two' acre farm of Angus
McQuaig,•acijoining the village of Wal.
ton, has been purchased by Thos. Hack -
well far'the suds of $4,700,
The hundred -acre fart of Jas, Bal.
lantyne, on the 1st concession of Grey,
has 'been purchased by 'Hen. 1lisiop, nt'
the ilowick Boundary and Mr. Ballan-
tyne has invested in the fifty-six acre
farni of Thos, Brown, 'loth concession
of Grey, Mr. Brown's. health has not
been' good and he will take a trip to
the West.
Edward tleckwitii, of Goderich, Ont.
last Thursday, night' reported to the.
Buttallo police that he either lost in
,vas robbed of $19 on Thursday after-
noon' W11011 'he was itf a Niagara trolley.
Binier Wells, while working on the
steamer Sarnia, was painfully injurer.
by being struck with a sledge above
'the eye. 113s head Was cut barky,
• .''Conductor Doolittle, of the C P, R,,
has been transferred to the 'Toronto
aletresit• roti and he •a,14 Mrs, i000littte
ase' tpoying to Toronto. 6ondt1Gtor
James McDonald will take tile Toronto-
C3N tr kb eon
T{Id f tnes,d services of Mrs. Nteba) 1 ;4P t
Slitirrt,V. Wits° died at the honIC of 11,
J. 7,Cooke,� heraTues.
dt'y, were held today, and were can.
ducted b
c e Rev, R. C, n1 e f
Y cU rmid o
Knox Ghtrc> of which h the deceased
was a member.'
The remains were
taken to tienssiI for interment. fifer
.husband predeceased 'her 25 years ago.
W,'Grain; Who ha • glee ti'C^ l -
t a n t.ou tt
ant at the Sterifog wank here, slag been
transferred to the head office at Tor"
onto and left tits week to assume his
new duties, M. Mctregor is his sue.
eessor here, Misk Mc'Cool,of the same
bank,. has been transferred to Auburn
and Miss Gladys field suecbeds her.
Fire originating upstairs in the
house hast night rle. ely destroyed
the residence of Richard Birks, on the
Bayfield road, seven or eight tililes
(rem tu
!,!ch. Whet' discovered
tile whole upstnu's was a' •slags .of I
flames, All the furnishingsupstairs
Were lost and most of thfd Git'urel
downstairs as well, Great diffichlty
was experienced in saving" the hare,
A heavy rails which was falling at the
time helped to save this and other
A strong protest is'being made by
the fishermen of Goderich against the
new Government regulations by which
the Government is to take 20 per cent.
11101111Il IIIIIIhfl pglHllfhNDlll)IIUuihVIBIlUIj111Ul�lljl�lil
Yer4on'u1 and ather
it•etue air ihtereet frond
New .,g' a .rt pfevl'f''ntatives•
at• . "'
o the t;ateb a fixed rate. is The
flshernteh state that they will huve
shag fishi r If thesease regehtdons era
carried .ott, The matter.
et eeWAS disc
us -
eat 'some length blwep
,,,,the usher-
alien:khd the 'town f smell, salt ft W l!
o iii
' C"de' 'that 8' 'Connell r, d
der d t the Cain e l is o
t the ,nutter, ,
Sapper John 13. McKay, of Goderich
who went overseas .with fire 161st Bat-
talion and' has been to France slate
Atirtf, has beenin' tiospltat for some
time with trench fever. Word recent-
ly received by Mrs.,1+11e(1W ista the
feet that he is gettitth.better,
Carh.Lakes the ' }.lace.
of all ., hese Things
HEM'' you ovinia Ford you can do away with many articleeh
that are a source of continuous expense to the man who still
deiives a horse.' For instance, not only your driving -horse
and" lag •y; but the single harness, blankets, whips, currycombs,
briislies, .horse -shoes, pitch -forks, feed -bins, etc.
Iii their place you have a speedy', depesrtilable dignified, rohiny
Ford t �i It i • s
Gar••-eom le a In ,self s va tit sit: errortathe route*.
py p `kb,
cran3Ped'bnggy that travels so slowly. .And when a Ford is standing.
idle it does not eat three meals a day, and it requires no " looking'
after "
A Fol"wiil save yon, time, trouble, and money. It is the utility
car for the busy fanner and his family.
Bert 11,angf
THE a mVBRs4.Y CA, ',
Touring - 5:15
Coupe - $770
Sedan .. 970
Chreasis - $535
Ono -ton Truck $750
P. 0. B. FORD, ONT a
eater, Clinton
of 'Fixation, Geo,.
R. "rambling, Load,
s,mn w
,Inc°1.I .e now
Returns must be filed on
THE Dominion Income War Tax Act
the five special Forms provided before
• assist the public to understand just
on each Form is given below. Read
form that fits' your case and fill them
accurately. For making false statements,
lniprisotestlesit, or both, is provided.
lndMditeds.—All' persons unmarried; and all widows
whose income is $1500 a year or more; must fill In
$3000 or more, use the stone Form. Where any
received from Canadian and Foreign securities separarcly.
Mark on page 4. Partnerships, as such need not file
ncrships must.
Corporations and Joint Stock Companies, no
normae tax on income exceeding $3000. Use
attach a financial statement. tinder Deductions,
and Canadian Red Cross or other approved War Funds.
Trustees, Executors, Administrators of Estates
of the distribution of income from all estates handled
distributed. :A separate ;Form most be filled in for
Enjtiployers must use Form T4 to give names•and
other remuneration paid to all employees during
aggregate to $1000 or over.
Corp4$t'Attiot9 gists of Shareholders. -•-On Form
bonuses, and dividends paid to Shareholders residing
and the amounts.
)higu'res in eve}'yl•catie are to cover 1917 Income
neglect, a fine of $1qO for each day of dsfatale
In the cruse' of 3l'ornsd Tl. and 142, keep one copy
the Inspector of Taxation for your District. In the
the other two, with' the Commissioner of Taxation,
groins ttaay he obtained ,fr4ris the Idistrtaf lnspsotors
satataters at all leading centres.
Taviage'm ant herd on lit WortAlt
and' diraeei;at ore srdea by matt'
to I$s@actnr of a1ratdau.
ax :pixs
or before 31st March
requires you to fill in one or more of
31st March, 1918. In order to
what is required of them, information
carefully, then get three copies of the
in. Answer all questions fully and
a penalty of $10,000 or six months'
or widowers without dependent children;
abrin Tl. All other persons whose income Is
income is derived from dividends, list amounts
Fill in pages 1, 2 and 5 only. Do not
returns, but the individuals forming the part-
matter how created or organized, shall pay the
lroim 'r2—giving particulars of income. Also
ahbw in detail amounts paid to Patriotic Rind
and Assignees use Forst T3. Full particulars
must be shown as well as details of amounts
each estate.
amounts of salaries; bonuses; commissions and
191.7 where such remuneration amounted in the
T5 corporations shall give a statement of alt
in Canada during 1517 stating to whom paha;
--all Perms must be filed by 31st March. For
may he imposed.
of the filled in Form and fife the other two with
case of 1'3, T4 and T5, keep one copy and lite
bept, of 'fanatics, Ottawa,
of Taltation .and from tite Fast*
sttiiitl KE of 3+31a to re ; . '
Y • -
Cktrdedo, &usedris
of 'Fixation, Geo,.
R. "rambling, Load,