HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1918-3-21, Page 111 Established 1865, Vol', 52, No. 39 Feb, 1st The New 4wvvWvy'a VVyyyv v v /t/ne."AnAnnnnanannnaannnnnn ARTICLES OF SPECIAL INTEREST On sale for the hest time in this country, is, a handy article called "Brawn's Electric Stick" it is a' wonder -worker and will remove any spot or stain fr'oni all kinds of cloth. We also have in stock "Stevens Comfort Foot Warmers" a very desirable article for a cold bed, or to use when driving. Youh'n simply 1 f'11 them erre withboiling water. pY t b 1 1t 2t r g Yoti will find that a bottle of "Holmes' Lung Tonic" will rout the worst Kof, 25 cents at THE REXALL ._ -- STO E— S. Ro. 2E10 LMIIS Phrn . B. FV'aM/V'MMlyw wwwwVVWvvyvvWVWvvWWvyvywwwvvwW Tl e Royal Bar* OF CANADA Incorporated 1869. Capital Authorized $ 25,000,000. Capital Paid-up 12,911,700 Reserve and Undivided Profits 14,564,000 Total Assets 335,000,000 HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL 450 Branches with world wide connections. General Banking Business Transacted. R. E. MANNING, Manager . Clinton Branch INCORPORATED 1855 THE MOLSONS BANK CAPITAL AND RESERVE $8,800,000 98 Branches in Canada A General Banking Business Transacted CIRCULAR LETTERS OF CREDIT BANK MONEY ORDERS SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Interest Allowed at Highest Current Rate H. R. SHARP, Acting Manager Clittton Ordered Clothing • Blendy-to-Wear Clothing inc•at Nothing takes the place of the RAINCOAT fir its particular service. The RAINCOAT is as much a part of a plan's wardrobe as his overcoat. We have RAINCOATS of every approved • fabric ---Rubberized or Waterproof. OLIVE PARAMAITTA RAINCOAT Single breasted close fitting. collar, strap on sleeves, While we do not claim it to be per- fectly waterproof, we do say it will be a satis- factory coat for mud or dust. Just the coat to Carry in your motor car. Price $5:00 DARK GREY CHECK COAT Made from a very neat pattern, not all wool, but very serviceable. Price $7.50 ENGLISH RUBBERIZED TWEED COAT ' Made from. good quality tweed, all wool, seams sewn and. cemeted, t^nfoughly rubber- ized, Price $10.00 THE I3ALMAROON RAINCOAT .Made from good quality snglish tweed, single breasted, convertable collar, 1:Wo large patch pockets, lined With fancy plaid material thoroughly waterproof, while tuning a snappy spring and fall overcoat. Price $13.50 YOUTH'S SMART RAINCOAT Made from an olive paramatta cloth, close fitting collar, straps on sleeves, sizes 30 to 35, Price $5.00 We showing all the New Styles in Trench, Motor, Halmacan, eft. The M.orr sh of l na ; * e t4tfesizet ter it , P. R !a,'Tltetlee ,'pal torr. APAut1'a^fivlrr( Nan E Tr. New ,.IL foe i' CLINTON, ONTARIO' THURSDAY MARCH SI$, 1918 W. X. Kerr & Spa, editors and Publishers ra is $L5o in Canada and $ .ao in the WATORiSTE Consideration roe The Convience and Safety Of Others, Forms The Basis Of All Reasonable Use Of The Public. Highways DRIVE carefully at street intersec- tions, purlieu/01Y when entering a main thoroughfare, The great maj- ority of accidents happen at street in- terseetiors. AT street intersections, a mots car approaching from right side has the right-of-way, IN the presence of danger, there is no right-of-way. It is your duty to prevent an aet:Went under any circum- stances. RECKLESS driving is always fllegu, no natter what the speed. THE majority of fast drivers haye nothing to do when they get there, They are a menace to themselves, to those wltoln they pass, and a nuisan-e to people who reside along the road. WHEN you meet a vehicle, pass on the right; when you overtake one, puns o» the left, DO NOT "cut in," When you over- take a vehicle, and another is approach- ing, custom and safety give the right. of- way to the 'approaching vehicle. DO NOT change speed or direction suddenly, Indicate your intention by holding your hand up if you wish to stop and to the side if you are gobee to turn. 'There is usually a car be- hind you. DO NOT drive with glaring head- lights. PEDESTRiANS who have started to cross a street at a reasonable distal from an approaching motor car, hoes the right to do so at the pace of an ordinary walk, and the motorist has no right to compel pedestrai"s to rush or run for safety by the insolent l+lowing of the horn, SLACKEN 'speed when approachinu,' pedestrians, blow the horn if thought necessary to warn them, but permit them to cross the street in safety at a reasonable pace. Remember there ace old people, invalids and children.. THE foregoing rules for motorists do not excuse pedestrians who e•el to LOOK before stepping from Nle curb or attempting to cross the str_ct, or who inconsiderately and 51 neeess• arthy stroll or stand still in front of a car; compelling the motorist to jamb the brakes and shift gears. The ped- estrians should LOOK and have con- sideration for the convenience of the approaching motorist as well as fox his own safety. WHEN an a street of small hcitisis• and large families, and the family prin- ripelly in the street, especially after school hours --DRIVE SLOWLY, n child is not responsible under the law, 1'utt ire. YOUNG and inexperienced drivers frequently drive with the muffler open. Unnecessary noise is illegal and objectionable. IF you are a licensed driver or the owner of a registered car, and change yuur address notify the Department of Public Highways immediately, WHEN you sell your car, notify the Department of Public iiirhwevs mediately of the transfer, giving the Liam and nd all dross of the puchar;r and the license number of the car. WHEN you buy a car which is reeis- tered notify the Department of Public Highways immediately, giving your mune and address, and the license number of the car, and enclose the fee of St. WHEN you buy or sell a car which is registered, the number of plates trust remain with tate car. GO to the nearest examiner and puss the prescribed exaniinabion fur drivers of motor cars, obtaining a non-t.rof Mona) certificate. Don't wait unlet after the accident to obtain this evi- dence of competency. IF you drive for "hire, pay or gain " It is' Begat to do so without passing the prescribed examination and obtain- ing a Provincial license, IT is illegal 'to employ a chaffeur who has not it driver's license, mid who is not regstered for the year, See that every driver in your employ wears the badge. The foregoing paragraphs are mere- ly a free interpretation of certain por- tions of the Ontario traffic laws, vege- tations and accepted rules of the road. and are not to be understood as ver- bally statutory. Copies of the Motor Vehicles Act may be obtained by applying to the Department of Pubic. Highways, Parliament Buildees, Toronto, W. A, MCLEAN, Deputy Minister of Highwa -s Do your part in making Ontario noted for good and careful driving! OUR FIRST BIG SUGAR DRIV E is now- on anti" we are able to sell for Cash,. Sugar by the lny. W T i e A .4 T3bf+ kiU'.1I (J cx.- Phone 48 •'`i're.xlilMsww' sMiksxli6.wuY• .w.r{fY6{rw' Over The Te c• 1 CUPS Mr John 17autsfoed is in 'Toronto this Miss M Clud', of Goderich Twee is Miss 'd,t Welkin returned to Detroit week, visiting her nuns, Mrs,` R. J. Croft of on Muridty morning' If ter IrOMiss Bessie -Davis is visiting in De th i tow". epending a Mr, S. et, Sorlev, of Toronto; Is as-' fetMr,ecl3a at the Deputy, tante, Mr, Klnley .returned to Toronto this i sfsting el the Doherty Piano (:ti's office i Agriculture of O • itarioy'tymhEIS i town week. at present, I last Friday; making arrangements for Mr, A, J. Beltway was int Toronto 1 Mrs, W. Pridham; of 'Toronto, wits a , the coming of. 1'iurou's new District an Wednesday. i visitor with her cousin, Mrs. D. Look ' Representative, Mn Stothers, Bir, and Mrs, J. Torrance are visit- t this week, ing tr Ted Mr e _ Mr, 13, V. Buchanan, who is general f manager of the London Utilities Com - /Miss Helen Roberton was a Seaforth • r „ 1 mission, has been elected President of this week. Judge E N. Lewis, of GrUll ayb oderich, was town t.tst week visitor in i Mr, C. i' Libby is in "Toronto on business this week. ' Miss Jessie Theinpsoe Is v'si i n tIer sisters at Blyth, Miss 7-etta Bowden is spending a fewdays with BJyth friends. Mr. George Bradshaw leaves on Fri- day for a trip -to -Vancouver. f Mr Selden, of Exeter motored 1 to Clinton on Wednesday Mr. Perry Ptuntsteel is confined • the house with it severe cold, Co. Constable Whiteside,' of lie - sail, was in town on Wednesday, Rey. W. L. Diehl, of Paisley, was t guest of Mrs, McGarva List week. ' up to ti he Mrs, C. C. Koine, of Lonrlesboro, was visiting friends in town on Monday. Mrs, Luker, of Toronto, is visiting Mrs. fe Cook and other friends in town, Miss. Glenn, of Toronto, was the guest at the Normandie Hotel on Sat - Rev, and Mrs, R, .1, MieCornnirk, of The skating season of 1917-18 • 1 the Ontario Municipal Electric Associa tion, is well ktlown to a great many• in i tUwli, r Casualty [1st' SPECIAL MEETING OP HURON COUNCIL. Will be .Held in in Clinton ' an Tuesday, Meech 13tith,.—Mare Production the Call. The Warden of Huron County has called a special meeting of the County Council to be held here at 10 o'clock ill the town hall on 'l'ttesday, March 26th, It is expected that Mr. Either M,P,P., Mr, Musgrove, ex-M,P.P, Mr. Bowman M. P. and others will speak on• the great question of productioii, TO -NIGHT We are sorry to report that Rev. Dr, Those interested' in the Soldiers of Stewart, former pastor of Willis the Soil Movement are asked to meat church, is confined to Isis home in Toronto through illness. His many its the Council Chamber, Thursday friends here will (tope for a speedy re- evening at 8 o'clock. covery, KILLED IN ACTION . Listuwel Banner: —Private John Terry Pte '!'tomos 11, Morrow, Goderich ferry, sots of Mr. and Mrs, Edward WOUNDED Edward Terry, of Listowel, who was invalided Pie. W. i. Mason, WOUNDED Myth. ]tome Friday for further treatment and I discharge, after seeing service in France for better than a year. Private GUDERICH MAN KILLED IN ACTION Terry enlisted at Clinton with the 161st Goderich, Marcie 1G—Mr. and Mrs. 1 Huron Battalion and went overseas in George Morrow, of the Huron Road, re- 1 1916. Shortly aftarrival fu Eno George otlicial notiticaton from Ottawa land he was title 0-1.• a draft of two that their son, Pte. Thomas el. Morrow, was killed in action on March 6, Pie. Morrow enlisted at Winnipeg and had been overseas over a year and a half. A sad feature of the affair is that the father is critically ill at his home as 3s result of a stroke. Skating Season Over. 1 hundred invalided soldiers, Listowel .vas Blyth, and children, were in town on i finished Saturday evening and on hundred for France, of which number 00000ssooe000soososioonsnoo t Local News 'so•N•o*ee•oa**oee,a.mwe-,.a,o, . Library Open. Now that the fuel question Is past its worst, the Public Library is now open Ise believes about eye are still living. during its regular hours. Passchendaele Private Terry •was wounded in tate left arum and hip and almost up to the time of sailing has since been confined to hospitals in France and England. He arrived at Halifax March est on the Llandovery Castle, which carried upwards of six Tuesday of this week, - Monday Rink -manager Caldwell left Rev. Fr, Hogan attended the funeral for Brantford. The skitters have had a service of the late Fr. Corcoran at Sea good season here and the ice has been for the cause of righteousness and lib. forth last Friday morning, 1 in lewd condition. ertee citizens are glad to welcome him back as another of her sons who Inas risked life on tht,lefing line and done his bit Union Prayer Meeting. A union prayer meeting will be held in St. Paul's church on Wednesday evening of next week and Rev. Mr. Hogg will be the speaker. Movings. Mr. George Cooper has moved to his tather's home in "Little England." Mr, Harr. Fremlin has moved to the brick house owned by -Mr, David Can- teton, next his own (tome on Raglan street. Coming To -Night Two more war veterans will arrive to -[tight ('Thursday) from London, . w.r ®.,r... d `"" " " " " '. ...._, e^ . •t ^ ..-- . -. on the o:30 train. They are Pte. Ed .vard Steep, Pte. R. Woodhouse. Everybody should go to the statiee to meet Ilse boys. el\v oy's- el\r sy Dijstnjct- Naces TUCKER SMITH. Airs. Mary Cameron, aged 56 years, wife of Junes Cameron, died at her home in 'ruckersmith last week. She was a fife pule resident of the township• tier husband, one son and one daughter survive, LONDON ROAD. i'armers are up to their eves in the syrup ilvsliess. tin ter tate run ief sap has not been heavy. Mr. Joe Shipley held :t wood -bee on Wednesday. Le,si;ue will hold an Easter literary evening at the home of Mr. George i.avton next Tuesday evening. N l5le holland 15 on the Read this weak threshing beans.' Some of tate yields have been very good, but others did not do so well, Mrs. Fred Nott was back in Morris visiting her sister, Mrs. Bert ,Jackson, KIPPEN. James Grassick realized a nice sunt the otherday when he. delivered 1-1 steers to Milton Love, which averaged 970 IDs: each and brought 51565.49, at the price of 511,55 a e,w,t.. Mr. Grassick has still 33 heat. He is a gond feeder and always does well with his stuck. Miss MCKenate of Bayfield, has been speediuf a ple.tsant visit with her brother here, - Robert Thompson, Jr., was in the County town last week, attending the 1ssiees as juryman. He is one of the fortunate ones with his bean crop. He realized $1900 from a field of 13 acres. He hand-picked ills seed and the re- sult was it splendid even crop. We are pleased to welcome Mr. and Mrs. French as residents of our village. Mr. French sold his farm back to Mr. McDougall, who is returning to his old homestead from Henson, where he has been residing for the last few years. Mr, 'rstskin is in his post again as station agent after a few clays' absence in Elora attending his bt•other's fun era!, While putting down some hay one day last week, out of his 'hayloft, Harry Chesney had the Misfortune. to run the fork into his ankle. It was so painful the first day that Dr. Moir, of Hensail, had to be caned in to treats it. He found the nerve injured but with care- ful treatment Mr, Chesney is improv- ing and will soon be around agin, AUBURN, • A regular meeting of the Union 'Sunday School Executive was held Its the Library ou Saturday afternoon. A11 but one of the members were present. Arrangements were made for the members to visit the different schools of the Association during the month of Jane, A committee was appointed to plan a general exclsuige of the pulpits for a Sunday during the summer, the pastors will address the different con- gt'egaltnns Motif; the lines of Sunday School work. A debate was !liven in the Pr'eebyfer. 151 church on Tuesday evening, rte - solved that Foreign Missions are more iteportattt than Hone Missions." Both sides were well snatailted, The decis- ion of the judges were in favor of the' a lli t m ll.at''yi (intended for Last Week.) Mt. Teed Plaint has pnrc.hasecl a new'i'lf's', 'Prawn 10 20 of the Istcr- ` national make. Mr. Allis liaitliby, the 17 ,year old son of Mr, Geo. Ras.hby, who lies heels tithing a short course at the Guelph Ac•sicitltursi College, last 'Phevetlay Yee• ceive(' u chcgtie for Sts as a prize in stock judging. . n 5610 was made sit the Rummage Sitar h©d on the ausplces"'the Wet' Aux- 1' tiler I'he, Red Cross lecture given by Capttin Thompson, of Kingston was gond. The Society make 53,-1. :qr. and Mrs, Alt Asquith visited with relatives at Watford. 1h•. and Mrs. .L J, Robertson, of Goderich are visiting at the :bluriroe house. HULLETT c7 A tory unique event took place u Sunday .March loth, at the hum o Mrs, Won. Morris, of 11ullett 'T'uwnshil rhe lestitute held a quitting bee last Thursday in Use Forester's flail, Hiss Ainsley,• of Leamington, is visiting friends around here. 'Hiss Weymouth is visiting friends in Turoutn. Miss Nellie Manning is improving, airs, Keine visited'Clinton friends on aloe day. :Uathers is visiting at the home of .air. W, Gray on the 13th. :blas. (Steele Brigham who unde,:- went an operation lor :appendicitis in the General Hospital, 'l'or,ntn, is home, f She is improving Meek.. the occasion tieing the ceiebtatio'i of her ninetieth birthday, Out of her large family of eight, seven remain • ll u whom were present. Those from distance were, Mrs, S. J. Nelson, e liighwoud, Montana, Wet, and Enoch of Toronto, and and James of St Thomas, 'l'Ite other members of the family are Joseph and Mary who side on the old homestead and MI; Jos Manning of Hulfett. A very pretty wedding took place al four o' duck on Satturday,,March 9th i1 the hone of Mr, and Mrs, Jnsenn Manning, of Hullett Township, when heir eldest daughter, Rubio May, was united in marriage to Mr, Albert E. -1unking, also of the township of Hul- ett. Rev, C, C, Keine, of Losdesboro, nliciatec. 'The bride, who was given tw•ay by her father wore a dainty dress if white marquisette and lace with tidal veil and orange blossoms and arried a bouquet of pink carnations and sweet peas. After the ceremony sumptuous repast was served in the dining room which was decorated in rink and white. The bride's going a- yay costume was a suit of brown cloth with brown satin blouse and hat to match. The groon's gift to the bride was a pearl and ruby pendant and to he pianist an opal ring. The bride was he recipient of many beautiful and ostly presents. After an enjoyable veiling the bride and groom left for heir future home accompanied by the est wishes of their many friends, it 'i', Millar was in London lest week to see Mrs. Millar who is in St•. Joseph's Hospital. 1 bliss llerrinelen, wf Blyth, visited x friends her:: this week. t Miss Lizzie "Taylor is visiting re- latives in Toronto b c a e b LONDESBORO. A Iran cake Social will be held under the Auspices of the Red Cross in the Township Ball on Easter Monday, April 1st. Lunch served from half past five until eight, Plenty to eat and it good programme are being pro- vided so the success and big crowd depends on you, Admission 25 and 15 C t The Pie -Social got up by the Wo - ens. "test's Institute, held on Tuesday night was a grand success, The program was good and the pies and cakes were splendid. Proceeds amounted to 5120. which will - be 'nosed to buy goods to made shirts and socks for the brave soldier Boys. We congratulate ;our 44 tm.. I :s 5 ., .. 8 CF it 5.. ., More District News on Page 2 m .r .. 4. .. „ ., i4 45 :t u a e • esass3aot«_,rtban.'i,as to e s e W1'l'ti Tani CUC'Nt:t11:S. a • muacts+aamata®nosvamoos eo Wesley Church. Next Lord's Day the Pastor's morn- ing subject will bee— "The Conversion of children" to this service, All Sunday School teach- ers and fathers and mothers are N- ested. 1u the evening the subject will bee -"The Conversion of Adults." Wesley Church Anniversary was a great success. For all three services the choir under the able leadership of Mr, J, 13, Doherty and assisted by Mrs. De-la-Peuotiere and Mr, Walter Lowe furnished delightful music. Rev. Mr, Scott gave two powerful and deeply spirited sermons on Sunday, and on Monday night handled his sub- ject "God In World Politics,' in an eloquent humorous and masterly manner, to the great delight and profit of all present. The objective of the Board in finan- ces was $500 which amount was realiz- ed, Willis Church.The congregation of Willis church have granted their potter, Rev, J, B, Hogg, four months' leave of abesnce, this summer, to go west o1) behalf of the Home Mission Board, An Easter supper will be served by the Girls Club of Willis church on March 26th, from five to seven, The regular monthly meeting of the 'Club will he held the sane evening, Baptist church. Women's lnstilute for the good patio_ At 7 pen, of Sunday evening the tic work they are doing. Pastor's subject will be 'A Pnhn Sun - Miss Lizzie Taylor is visiting .her day Message." Maher ie Toronto at present. Salvation Army Thf e ice broke up on the river on 1 Special Easter' Services to be con- ' ducted by Captain Mortimore and ,Mrs. !'Pucker, Toronto, in the Salvation Army 1 Citadel on Good Friday evening at 7,30 p.lu, 'Topic—"The Cross, the stttrect- 1 ion," Services Sunday 1 t 5.51; 3 p.111. and 7 p.m. Ontario Street Vhtnreln, Wednesday, when a number of tine vil- lagers took in tate sight, Mrs, Brogden spent a few days in Blyth this week, Mr, and Mrs, Brumley event a few days with friends in Hensel), Miss Ansley, of Comber, is the guest of friends ]acre at present. The sick ones ere all improving, • Rev, Mr, Abt'ey took the service last Sunday tweeting in the Methodist dome.dome.!'lee pie social ushde.r the auspices of the Women's Institute on Tuesday welling wan a grand sueecte. The pfa3 "ropey-Turvey" ' given by, the t; n stance Deereetic'Club afforded good entertelnniret to the large audience which: were present. The other utliir:4 on the myogram Were also bf veil renderer. ' 'fele proceeds a• mounted id 5120, • The Ontario Street Leegue meeting was in charge of the Missionary Com- mittee, The topic "Our 7tthet'htattce" was' taken by Norman 'Tynctrn ; - "Our Task" by •George Evans and "Our ligtliptlient" by Harty Ball. A duet was :given by Mil, 11,'and Miss 11, Jer- vis, The Ptsetor, Rev. Met Agnew, dill occupy fee 'own inlplt Haat Sunday both mottling and evening, Hie svening snbjert will pe: --"Something you Need." - In "Uncle Shin's Army. Pte. Lack Kennedy, sun '1 Mr, and Mrs. Dor,. Kennedy, is home on a visit from C:unp Cluster,in Michigan, Where he has been serving tor the past si.t months. Lack's old friends were glad la see bills once again, , Huron's District Representative: alr, S, B, Stothers is the newly ap- pointed District Representative of the County of Huron. Mr, Stothers is au. aid Asiuietsl township amt and has spent all his life on the farm. Ile is a graduate of the (morin -Agricultural College, and we are badly mistaken if he does not prove gawsi in his new position. Isis headquarters will he in Clinton. A Pleasant Evening. 011 'ruesdav evening the Y.I.. P.A. rave a Patriotic Card party and dance, lite proceeds of the affair a- mounting to $90, The Hall, where the party was held, presented a pretty ap• pearance, the decorutidns alt being carried out in green and white in honor of St. Patrick. A prominent feature of the decoration was a "cart wheel" effect in green and white crepe paper Suspended from the central chandelier to different points on the walls, while the stage was artistically arranged with wicker furniture and a profusion of ferns and other plants, A good game of cards was enjoyed by those who came for the forepart of the evening. Tables for both 500 and euchre being well tilled, Shortly after ten o'clock a buffet supper 01 coffee and sandwich- es was served tend the card tables were removed to make way for the dance. A great many cause up at ten o'clock and the program of 15 dances was "such enjoyed. A little before mid- night the cake presented to the Y.L.P. A, by the hockey girls after their rattle was auctioned, the bids ranging from 505 to 511.50 at which price the sale closed, the highest bidder being Mr. C. Libby. Mr. Fred Jackson, acted as the auctioneer. The Young Ladies feel much gratified at the success of tits new venture and are grateful to all those who contributed to snake it such. PTE, CURL HOME Tuesday evening, Pte. Wm. Curl arrived back to Clinton after doing his bit for King and Country. Pte. Cori enlisted her in February 7915, with the 33rd Battalion and went oversees in a draft and was t11to the trenches a short time. Ile went over- seas with "Pick" Levy, "Heck" Huller and the late Homer Cnntelon. He was wounded in the back of the head and has been in the hospital for 10 months. tie was employed on the farm of Mr. John Ralsford, prior to the war. The K.iltie Band, Reception Con- nlittee and a big crowd of citizens were at the station to greet the re. turned soldier. Sir Thoriia,sWhti Silk THOMAS WHITE, Minister of Finance, wiiocetay tent be able to at- tend tile• session of tate Dominion Parliament, owing g ter' nervC>tla lr'U"- t,tc S;ir 'Thomas is et present 111 California, , ,