The Clinton New Era, 1918-3-14, Page 6PAGE 6 1�.,5
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Locaal News.
A Dress or Suit -no matter how good its style and tailoring -is no better than its cloth.
A little stretching, a few wrinkles, will ruin the most fashionably cut, finely tailored gown
ever made.
Only an expert can accurately judge the quality of a piece of dress goods by inspecting
a piece of the 'cloth. But when that cloth is made up into a garment, its quality quickly
shows to everybody. Every piece of
is guaranteed all -silk, all -wool, or silk -and -wool
the long wear of the garment as well as in the
learned that they can rely absolutely upon the
, as the case may be -its high quality shows in
beauty of the cloth. Well-dressed women have
quality of all dress goods bought at
• Women's Store ! S Men's Store
Next Royal BankBROWN OppositehL10rey3
Phone 67 Phone Store
Will Have To het a License ,The Municipality Wins
(Inners will he eonWel(ed to pay a judge Dixon has given judgement In
license after May 1st.
Tjnirsliay, Odra 1,401;
favor of the plaintiff in the easy of the
VilLtge of 1 eeswater vs. Trench 'rhe
March is Going suit was to recover $05.25 plus in -
To -morrow, and half of Mareh will terest, judgemnt was for $95.75.
'he gone -and most of us won't he Gone into Business
Mr, A, P, Johns, for a couple of
yearsa resident of Toronto, but for•
merly a popular tal:her in Huron, has
given up the latter profession and.
gone into business in the city, he b•:
ing one of the principals in the Ford
Candy Co„ a concern That mann•
factures and retails its own candy.
Already a profitable btisiniess has been
To -Night
The Scarlet degree of the. L. 0, L„
will be "applied". to several candi-
dates to -night,
of B`
Called To Egmondville
Rev. S. MacLean, of St ,Mary's has
received a call to Egntondvifle Pres-
byterian Church,
Hydro Reduction?
A press report states that Hou
Adam Beck, when speaking to a de-
that general reduction of rates was
under contemplation.
Pastimes Won
On Friday night the Pastimes. won
from the C. C. 1„ by a score of 5-4.
The 0, C. 1,, claim that the Pastime
Club got a little rough, Wallis suffer-
ing from at broken nose and the .other
players from minor injuries.
To Have' School Fair
Principal C. D. Bouck is forming
plans for a School Fair and will seek
the co-operation 'of near -by rural
schools, so that the fair may be a
success in every way. Fuller report
will be given in due time.
_ x
..e More Week
Reduction in Photographs
Closes on Saturday, Mar. 23
We still have a large assortment of up-to-
date folders. Prices ranging from $2.00 up.
Come to the Studio and we will be pleased
to show you our BIG REDUCTION prices.
There is always room in the Soldiers Kit
for Portraits of home folks.
Your portrait in a case to fit the soldier's
pocket -the ideal gift.
We are giving the, same reduction on Photos
mode from old negatives.
We do copying, enlarging and amateur
The property at Bluevale belonging of Dr. Jos, Hamilton, V, S., at Dun -
to the Btuevale Cheese and Butter gammun, on Sunday afternoon, the
l. Co„ has ben sold to 1l. H. Hama )ud, Cause being an overheated stovepipe. of •Moorefield, i Fortunately the fire was extinguished
There was a little blaze at the home before much damage was done,
W ,r
Three e , Points pints
There are just three things to consider about
Men's Shoes -the Style, the Quality and Price!
The Style!
Our Shoes are made by the Best of Men's Shoe
Manufacturers.. We've styles suitable for the
very Conservative Business Man or the limit
of style and Swaggerness for the Young Man!
The Quality r
There are no better Shoes than ours for every
detail of Good Shoemaking is well looked af-
ter and our Shoes are made by Makers who
know how!
The Price!
It's the best at any price here, Pixy us $4.00,
$6.00, *00 or $10.00 for a pair df Shoes and
;yotte'I1 reach the limit of Shoe 'Value at an;,sr s+f
these Prices.
, O
eTi . LS 1MPk
,Inspectors' Salaries Raised
County City and District inspectors
haye had au inereatse of salary by the
Ont, Government, Hitherto the mini -
171 11111. salary has been $1,700 and the
maximum $2,000, The new egulation
Increases the maximum to $2,500 per
annufu, the increase to be paid entirely
by this Govt, inspectors usually come
in for lot of censure because they
compel, trustees to observe the school
taw, but it must be remembered these
inspectors have to make reports to the
Education Department and must do
their masters' bidding or be brought
to task for not adhering strictly to
the rules and regulations. The fault
lies with the centralizing system of
the Education Dept., which suppresses
initiative and originality among the
Lieut. Cluff Improved
A cablegram was received Saturday
by Rev. and Mrs, W, T. Cluff, front
their sun, Lieut. Howard Cluff,
France, stating, "Fe_eling Fine Have
written." it was thought on Wednes-
day that Lieut. Cluff was dangerous,,,-
angerous',;wounded, but the cable dispel s
Some Weather
Clinton was King again Winter. last
Saturday by
weatherman gave us everything on
the calender, from a strong wind,
then snow, rain, hail, thunder and
lightning. Saturday's weather shov-
ed that Spring was still around the
Buried Here
As reported last week of the ser-
ious illness of Mrs. Matlock, our for•
mer citizen passed away on Wednes-
day night told the body was brought
to Clinton Thursday by her brother,
Mr, Wiison. The funeral was held
on Friday afternoon from the rooms
of hall and Atkinson.
Itinerancy Upheld
Married At London
A pretty wedding took place at the
home of Mr. and Mrs, J. T. Reid,
Pegler Street. London, on Wednesday
evening at 7 o'clock, when their
nephew, Mr, Thomas Butt, of Kippen,
was united in marriage to A•liss Mae
Glazier, of Clinton. ' The bride was
attired in a dainty navy blue silk dress
and carted a bouquet of roses and
wore the bridegroom's present, a pen-
dant of diamonds. They were unat-
tended. The ceremony was perform-
ed by Rev. Dr. McRae, After the
signing of the registrar a dainty lunch-
eon was served. 'rhe remainder of
the evening was spent in games and
music. The young couple left Friday
for their future borne, Enchant, Al-
berta, the bride wearing a travelling
suit of navy blue poplin, with hat to
match. The best wishes of lite
bride's many Clinton friends go with
her to her Western home.
Enrolment• Begins March 17.
Actual enrolment of the "Soldiers elf
"the Soil" wi11 begin on Marcia 17th, the
following week being devoted to en •
r4111nlent throughout Canada, In towns
of less than 1u,000 papulation, High
r school teachers and hank managers will
The result of the referendum of the act as enrollment officers, white in larg-
The W. D. Fair Bo.
Often the Cheapest--•PU.tways the Best
Methodist Church on the propos:
pastorates has been that the people,
by an overwhelming number. have
declared for itinerancy to continue.
The ntatjur'it.y vote, of the 15,61 1 of-
ficial members of the 726 circuits, 15
i1 favor of continued itinerancy by
5,725. -
Judgement For Corporation
in the aetiun of :McLeuntn vs, the
er centres High school teachrs, 1. M.
A., secretaries and cfficers of tit
Buy scouts and other boy orgamtiza•
tions, will enroll the recruits. Mr.
Taylor Steffen is appointed Superin-
tendent of the "S. O. S." Arrange
meats have been made by the Depart-
ment of Education in the several Pro-
vinces, so that boys who enlist for
this work will nut Tose their schen,'
standing• invert' boy who gives Mee
A Tested Lens -----
An Accurate Shutter -
Simple Operation
Good Pictures -
All these are assured when you purchase aKod s
Anybet. We
have them can Promo$1.00 ures up. wClome in and letdak or
us show. y oia
how easy they are to use.
-We do developing and printing and guarantee good results'-•.-
Despensing Chemist
town of Seauorth, in 5111511 the t'lautt It uu'' '. of catisfuuny s tvice u❑ the
sought damages on account of ata upe•1 f5rm 5111 be given a hro ze natfunai
drain adjacent to his premises, lodge I honor badge, le adtiihun he will b
ct fe eon has given judgement for the paid regulau• wages, based upon the 1-
dcfendenE the. judgement carries
ntuuut of work which he is capal•li
costs if Abe defendant asks for them, of dofue.
but Ms honor suggests in his judi:
meat that this is 't case in which the Two Exeter Boys
corporation might very well forego
Military MedalsTwo m
Can Use Window Lights Saturday dist nctfuntle em ExLBerb;ttfles havestten of
Regulations restricting the illunnina- b
Flanders and have. been awarded A1il-
tiun of store windows have been re-itary t'lan Medals fur 5. he guisthed service.
eluded in so far ars Saturdays Inc con- C7urp. Gr,utt 1looper, sun ofLatkAir,Rand,.
(tented, and instructions to that effect Mr's A. Hooper, of the e
were issued by Sir Adam Beck last
took a section over the top la a suc-
Friday to merchants throughout West- cessful raid an the enemy trench
ern Ontario. The order will remain
and his l!nihultry .don for him a:
force on other days of the week `hialilau•v Medal. lye also learn tial
with the exception of Saturdays and Corp.`
is unchanged a of a est the ptoh-bn Mrs Geo Jeffrey, of Usborne, has
tic❑ of the use of electric signs. 'rhe been similarly honored, Corp. J
Mn. John F, Rickbeil, of Zurich,
met with a very unfortunate accident
on Monday morning. While descend-
ing the back porch steps the .slipped
on the icy boards and fell heavily on
his hip, which `MSS fractured.
A sow on the farm of Mr. George
Monteith, of •Usborne, gave birth to
a freak of natdre one day last week
in the forst of, a pig with a single
head and two'. bodies. On the head
were four errs and branching - oaf
from the neck. were two 'well -formed
bodies with four legs and a tail each.
The animal was living when born and
lived for several minutes after birth.
Mr. Monteith brought ii to town and
had it preserved In alcohol.
na t 'i. Will Jeffrey, sun of Mr, and
iorder has been repealed on Saturday ,feries took part in a tench,rnnd dur-
nights because the industries axing mg which the officers in charge of
power in whose interests the order
his section were shot down and he
was first made, are not in operation took command. Corp. Jeffrey is
ate that time. -.11 present taking a course for a com-
mission, Corp, Hooper, who has
Cas Engine Fumes Cause been seventeen months in France has
Death Of Fdur Pigs been awarded a stripe for good con-
n, tinfurhunale affair that nligitt duct and in writing hone states that een awarded him. -Corp. 1x
have been attended with more seri he prizesthat has- S, this more than the medal R
Those who have never been troubled
with kidney trouble do not know the
suffering amt 'lit iaairy vv, hi ch those
afflicted undergo,
The dull pains, sharp paints, and quick
twinges, all point 10 rho fact that, 1.1A
kidneys revue attention.
T3on.n's :Kidney Pills are a specific fon
all kidney troubles,
ivirs, Albert, Wiliialns,, Edam, Sask.,
writes: -"I have the greatest pleasure
in tolling you what D osn's .Kidney Pills
did for mea, Ten Years ago 1 was se
bad with my kiilneys that 1 would faint
away, and could not stand to do anything.
',bac ben that way for two ys trre, and
had done all 1 mild., bat dirt not get safy_
betake until one slaty 50111 otle pule a
Yftl,tc. book 11i 010 door, and 7. saw how
another young girl had suffered like k
was them, so 1 thong htisik would try than,
and am glad to say that after laking
Tont boxes S have never haus the nese
tbi_n1ii again. Thanks lis 'Doam's."
Whom asking for "Doan a fills" eM
that you get, inn otiltitig; grey' bus with.
the trade mark- of a "Ivinpio Cent'+
Coq Landed, !rortmt04 Oats
>m cl 5 Phone
Undertaker and Funeral Director.
Night and Sunday Canis answered :at Residence.. over store
.vas -.. -....- --.•...
-----..} `. EGGS
The Features • of t'3 ,.
'1'o which we invite special atter.,lant.
are its beauty, its mewed cornfrvr, 15..
solid cousl.rmc)Inu, and Its item v tare
usual prices. Any one of t'heso points,
would be sufficient to earn it 1r+.1=
preference, When they also all VAT --
Mord we feel store you will rrral'ar.•
that this is a furniture buying eToms
tuotty you cannot afford to ignore.
_But it is hard to beat the Quality of I -SPECIAL IN TEA THIS 4iii'i t
our 'Peas or Coffee. Every cup is full Try some of our Loose Sada'$ nay
of satisfaction and you who enjoy a I your nett order. They me t res
good flavored tea or coffee, will ap- and 'Crisp and once used' always sni 4_
You get more fur your mune'. a; 18c.
per iii,
1111 Store open Every Saturday and
day as usual.
preciate our Lines.
TEA -Black, Mixed or Green.
COFFEE --Royal Excelsior,
Phone '1'11
Pride r0c1. lint :up by The
. 2llfibiida'.
inns results happened on the farm
Hooper is a nephew of Mr, A. Hooper
of Air. John Hamilton of near Crow -
of town.
•trty. Mr Hamilton started the ,gaso-
line engine running allowing the ex- Why Not Here ?
Faust to escape in the burn. After
The late shoppers who leave their
some time he was overtaken with a hu lie until the Inst thing on
sick and dizzy spell and started for Saiday nights sold then enm Iain
the hi use, fie also nur
noticed that some that the goods were not delivered
of the cattle were down. Neighbors until some time the early hours of
were immediately telephoned for and Sunday morning. inniy in alt probability
when they arrived at the faro, Mr, Sunday
jolt. that will set them
Hamilton was In an unconscious con- receiv ring, There surely is a time
(Ethan as were also some of the cattle combo when the delivery man will
The animals were hauled front the have his innings. The sighs point
barn into the Resit air where they that way.Up 111 Gwen Sound for
afterwards - revived but four riga
exattt leThe Sun tetis us deft "the
that were tai the building at the efforts of the delivery men and
time sueatmntied to the fumes. merchants to eliminate the delivery of
Minor Locals goods on Saturday night has met with
success that the Innovation deserves.
Sunday is St. Patrick,s day. Every grocer and hatcher in ("liven
Have you enough coal to lust till Sound's business district have signed
the old time Spring arrives 1' an agreement 1101 to deliver goods that
Cheer upl There are signs of Spring were not on order at 5:30 o'clock 00
The seed catalogues are arriving. that day. - The new order came into
The, Council and Public Utilities effect on Saturday; Feb, 16111,"
Commission stet on Monday evening, 'i•he chtunge, it is expected, will be
Parliament is summoned to as- so .great that the only surprising tiling
sembie Monday morning, March • 13, will he that it was not adopted many
at 1 1 o'clock, - years ago..
"A prophet is without honor," ere,
In Canada the rule seems to be,
three R's at present. largely en- G'home
the profits,"
caging attention in Canada are the
C. P. R., the G. T. R:, and ilia C• N. R. After sonic years of 'experience in
There is one thing of which Canada the coal.bUsiatess> the have come t0 the
should not feel proud. its fire loss
per c.gtital Is the largest in tate world, conclusion that the only successful
it I's a puzzler to the Toronto people way 10 sell coal is for cash, and from
to -day to find out which is the more
popular man George tIaitey, of the A, now on all coral sold *ill be for cash
191, C., or William Jennings Bryan. ",ObiThe railways,, itis reported, will
give. no 51155153 excursion rates tlits This Will help to keep the price dorva7
year. Meietnent of freight will as We. ate .nriw lower than any other
toduet. place in the attention+^ of town of` its size.
the ,nitovaynaati
C}ulada's national debt stood at $a,- ....,-,+1......_
010,150, 170 off f'tbrUCry 28, 'an i1t••
.iu.ase vlu.rtot 1'elsnUsiy of $13,25x,• ; /p U- 0+i , i
6J. 'Flax total foss 44111 of the Uoftt- IT}5. ail d o-
1)601) 011 February 18 vlss OA096i393" I"FI4A1'+iE:kw
359 .Total assets were $965,612,889:;
N & e(
Phone Promptly Attended 155
11 Corner Grc ce '�
Phone 53
1 Second hand Wood. 'Furnace for i
sale cheap,
1e a . -
We have a very (Me stot:k al czuoigAlt
fish for the Lenten SeaSOtI. 19e:
mention a few specials belt?tv...M.•.•+'
LOBSTERS and •'>'1 '
SALMON 1 'bin
1/ ik
Shop -ever R owland's tiarilzware . !? z a H i '
Piping AndFittings Always On es It a 1"tttt�Al
Band. 3
nu m Ki!+�"!? 11
Mr. Wm, Marlton, of GoderiCh, iia;
had word from the Ottawa authorities,
notifying hint that the tugs belonging rr{
to the dredging outfit will probablyytri
be re4nired for the purposes of the tri
British Admiralty, the price to be
named later, tri
The marriage of Miss kotueldat, tri
Grace, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
George Wylie, of fiewick, to Mr.
Albert F,dwardbeustowedltastlay,7a kern.
Sack,, took lyla
Trains from East.
ve i1,0 a.m. Leave it •Ig' 555.•
vC 5.53 p. nr, Lcn'ro (3.40 ting ,
ve t 1.4& p.i` I. Leave t i3O,8 p nth«
Trains frau& liVca2
ve 7.'3 11 in. t.eave 7 3Sf :a:ram
ve 2.38 pan. Leave 2, 145 Sail a
Trains froth Sort s
rrivc 6.40 p.m. Leave 6.45 "v', ,
'fisnius From Noah
rrtve 7.53 5.111. 1-5551 7.50 11.M,