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The Clinton New Era, 1918-3-7, Page 7
PAGE ti , ,,.1„a` T.n:4}7,1 71s plmrsrrr,nv4 geol e«n ata amwa,w:$1.14 .., ._ . ypyp44 a9S Ja2221•PI tglatizU Wp :I1. "MY,nsNl�g 1`dP V l FINE IN DS ss --BUY '• THEM NOW--, rw`• THE CLINTON NEW E:'R•A, mlliIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIVIUIIIUIIIIIIIIIIpIIIIIIII ulVppIIIIIIIiIIIpIpIIIIVIIIIpIUI11111JIIIIppIIIpiIIiIIV1pIIIpSpI91CIIppIIVGIppIIIppIIIIIVI@IVIICIe@IINpmIpIiIIpIeplllllllllPIIV% ews inlllpllllllil111ppllllpmIIIIUIIIIIMIIIIIIIIVIIIIpIIII'11111@IVlplllppplpplplIII@I1ppIIIIIIEWJll19111i111!IlpfiIllllpilllllllilillmIIIIIIBIIt➢1111Uplplllplllllllllalllll@6pilClll "hiiII1V Attending Grand Lodge Will Streak Monday Eyaning Mr, William ' Falconer, Worshipful tar. Ai cMillall, of Toronto, will lec- Master of the 1., 0, L„ Clinton, attend- lure In Willis Church Monday even-' ed Grund Lodge at Chatham this week, ing, A 111usichil programme will also be given, Going Into the Droving, Mr. William Coats, who has seen service [u France, and who now Inas his discharge, is gbi1g to go into the draying business In town. Mr. Croats, being so well known, ought to gel hold of a good [retie, More Soldiers Bock, Among the soldiers that returned Bofruyn)s. overseas at Loudon on 'Tuesday night were the following Huron Co. - Pte, F. Berry, C;oderich Pte, T, McGrath, Goderich Pte, A. (farness, Exeter, ,r• A Dress or Sint ---no trotter how good its style and tailoring -is no better than its cloth. A little stretching,a few wrinkles, will ruin the most fashionably cut, finely tailored gown ever made. Only an expert can accurately judge the quality of a piece of dress goods by inspecting a piece of the cloth. But when that cloth is made up into a garment, its quality quickly shows to everybody. ' Every piece of is GOODS SOLD AT BROWN'S is guaranteed all -silk, all -wool, or silk -and -wool , as the case may be -its high quality shows in the long wear of the garment as well as in the beauty of the cloth.", Well-dressed, women have learned that they can rely absolutely upon the quality of all dress goods bought at Women's Store Next Royal Bank Phone 67 • 9 Men's Store Opposite Library Phone 103 Jsl /�7 r�si A. BIG RE UTIN IN PHOT GRAPHS Starting S.ATURDAY9 MARCH 2nd and Lasting three weeks Come Ez d3r and Get Your Choice ©f our.L tr ge Stock of Latest Styles in Folders MAKE THE SOLDIERS HAPPY WITH PICTURES OF HOME FOLKS. -HERE ARE A FEW OF OUR BARGAIN Old Price 8 1 Cc, (10 per dtiz, S e.ou per doz. Sepia or Black and white. Sepia or Black and white. PgCE S-4_ Salt Price ,`x6,00 5.25 w S.uu per doz. Sepia lir I3lack and white 5.00 $ 7,)w per doz. Sepia or Black and white. . 4.75 $ 6.01) per doz. Sepia or Black and white. . 4.50 S 5.0u per doz. Sepia or Black and white. , 3.50 8 -Loci per doz. Sepia or Black and white. , 3.00 $ 3,5o per doz.. Sepia or Black and white. , 2.00 CLOUDY OR BRIGHT DAYS ARE GOOD We have a lot of picture frames at a big reduction. We do copying, enlarging and amateur finishing FOR SITTINGS ROY A. L L PHOTOGRAPHER PHONE 66 0.0 At The Hotel Normandie WEDNESDAY MARCH 13TH DORENWEND'S DISPLAY OF ARTISTIC HAIR-G,O,O.D,S 4� Ip 1 I LADIES a' -Switches, Bra ids, T rarisfon nations, Pon'tpo- doors, Waves and many, oilier Bair -goods creations of the Cane - est qualaty hair. GENTLEMEN'Se-- 1lYg'enic Tort* pees and Wigs .which .are hide- tectablu, •featherweight and ars worn by over a quarter million people, A benefit to the heal'elt end nppearanee, REMEMBER THE DATE OE VISIT W IEDAIN'1 'SDAY, MARCH 13. DOR1,1'4 WEND1S• Head Ofiihe1- 105 Y rsge St. (Toronto) Should be seen by every ratan and wo- man who 'would keep attratetve and' youthful ' Ladies who' have not sufficient hair to dao Justice to t h eir appearance an1.. GENTLEMEN WHO' ARE BALD are invited to have a FREE DEMON- STRATION' •of iti$ style that will ' an- swer their needs. 4i .,,...•� .. .'ice :;.:.: Roger Pepper is quite busy 00 the Road threshing timothy anti buck- wheat. ' • The Knitting • bee today is at the home of Mrs. Hanley, League meets next Tuesday night at the home of Mr, W. Stanbury. The House of Refuge.Convnittee mat here 00 Tuesday anti. passed accounts. Several real estate deals are being made in town, EVERYPIE 01 t1 nr young is invited to the r'l':'ucI i rotriotUU _: r t - 'to be -given by' the Y.L.P.A, on - le Spring Coming? You can see bicycles, motto' cycles, as toes, huggies, cutters, wagons and sleighs all Moving around, Is Spring coming On Wednesday, March 13th. DORt3NWEND'S of 'Toronto (Ca- nada's GreatestHair Goods Stores) in- vite you to see their display of line hair Goods at the Hotel Normandie. Switches,,. PoInpacluurs,. Transformat- ions, Self -Dressing Waves, etc., for ladies and Toupees and Wigs for Gen- tlemen who are 1351d. There is no charge for demonstration. Tuesilay March lith in. T t p iaUU Mtn 1 -0 CARDS - Five hundred, ' Euchre and Flinch; frojn 8 o'clock sharp until 10 DANCING -After teen (1'51041k,'. 'l1ekets may be Obtained at W, P. Fair's More 00 .and after Saturday, March Q, PRICES --Holies 35c; Gentlemen 506 for cards. The Sam price • for dancing Spa.:tators will be charged 25c at'the Buffet Supper. 4r•„ . C, C. 1. Won. Last Friday night the C, 'G. 1. hoc- key team defeated the Doherty team by a score of 8-6, The combination work of Kitty, Wallis and Murphy was too much for the piano -pushers. The standing- of the league. is as fol- lows Won Lost C, C, 1, 2 1 Doherty 1 t Pastime tl 2 IWO 9180,9041111400660880660061$ District News. waisoaeueceseouseoesootamteola HOLMESVILLE. A concert and play by the young people of "'rhe Gleaner's Circle'' will be given in the Methodist church on Friday evening, Alarch 15t1r. .BAYFIELD, The tug ltdna K is as yet safe from the flood. Alen are at work drawing out the Government scow before the next freshet. Excellent herring fishing 'is beim; realized on the Lake. The property of T J. Marks on Main Street ,'111 be sold by auction 111 a few days, "rhe Patriotic concert brought on for the ladies was greatly attended. The excellent night :out programme offered the greatest security for a grs.t treat and good entertainment. BRUCEFIELD. W. Sage. of 'Toronto, sang 0 most appreciated solo in the church on Sabbath eveniing. 11 R. Higgins and fancily have mov- ed t', Clinton. They take with them the uoud wishes of thg}r many friends. A'Dumuber /if our Shcagers attend- ed the entertainment at Baird's school Loa leek. I'h_'' pronounced it good. Air. \V.•,lev received a cable last •ire'. a1Lnouncine the death of his "sis- 'iliss Wooley. ut England, The (,dd Fellers held an "At 1G one," un 'Tuesday evening in their Lodge rooms. it was the ..10th an- niversary of the order in flrucetield Mr. Douglas has moved onto the farm he recently bought from 1.1. P. Ilia"gins, We welcome hint to our village. The roads' are at present very bad. LONDON ROAD. These frosty nights ;and winter snow are getting the maple trees ready for the great, sap ('low, .Mr, Will Falconer is attending Grand Lodge of the L, O. 1.., at Chatham. Mr. B. Ruwcliffe is not improving as his friends would like to see. GOAL FOR, CAS_ After some years of experience in the coal business, the have come to the conclusion that the only successful way to sell coal is for cash, and from now on all coal sold will .be for cast, only. • This will help to keep the price down as we are now lower than any other town of its sire. A. J. Hollowa j PHONE 3w Coming• V1iss Gieof Glennintrles, 'Tor. 0,110, C,uuada's flair Fashion Store, will be in Clinton, Saturday, March 16th at Normandie House, with a full line of Ladies and Gentlemen's hair goods, If you are not satisfied with the appear- ance of your hair 50u5011 Alis Glenn who is an authority on Bair Goods and individual hair styles. Free dem,,nstrat- ion, Sister Lives [fere 04. The, following relates to a brother of :Mrs. J. Marshall, of town: - "The death of Mr. Jas. S. Spading, a well known anti highly respected res- ident of Owen Sound after an illness of 9 days, occurred at his late resi- dence 1705 5th Ave, East. He wits In his 65th year. Deceased was born and raised on a farm in McKillop, and at the age of 2l entered the drill of Grey, Young and Sperling Salt Works, Seaforth, Blyth and Wingham. After several years 0) successful business career, Ire Caine north to Owen Sound Willi his family in 1003. Since then he has' been al employee 011'hel n al rule Factory, Deceased leNatioaves a-. wife and two sons, Will and Herbert, and three daughters, Mrs. A. Caswell, Mrs. L. Jones and Mrs. W, 61. Hender- son, to mourn the loss of a kind and Loving husband and father. 110 death will be sincerely regretted by a large circle of friends. .'Ire J, Walsh, of Seaforth :and Mrs .1. Marshall, of Clinton, sister of the deceased, were in town for the funeral also .Mr. W. M. Henderson, of 'Texas of 0 1'. C. The funeral service was conducted by Rev. McAteer, of the lira \lethodist 'htlrch, of wh1511 deceased was a member. The funeral was held to Cireen,,„od Cemetery. Sincere sym- pathy is cxtended bereaved relatives. q O a ct t ,s e w � e t...e .D zs .'...- . WITH THR vdf"le, ^ .. •>See m 1'.. 1Scv1el• ('lturrt,. ! he pastor's subi.et next Sunday et.•nine will be he loth Commandment Anniversary services on Sunday'-vnd :\bila,'. March 17th and 15. 'I he 5114.1r will turnisit excellent maxi; for all the services and 11rs de la L'es'tiere of Kincardine, is expected t, assist. tin :gondol an>;ht the 1011511, St. church inked quartette will sing. Rey. ,Mr, Scoit, ,sl "God in World Polities' will he one of the mos) wrnnderful plat- form efforts ever heard in Clintn. Baptist. Church. Pastor's text next Sunday evening trill be ''For there is no Difference." Outnrio Street. Church. Rev, Mr_ Agilew will take his .own. work on Sunday. His evening sub- ject will be "Soul in hell," The Wesley League carte over and the Social and Literary committee of Wesley church had charge of the pro- gram,, Solos were given by Mrs. F. Andrews and Mr. .1, Doherty; duet by Mr. :111d,Mrs, C. Lobb; readings by icaisy Nediger and Ella Rutledge, Willis Chttrelt. Rev. Dr. McMillan, •of Toronto, will take the evening service on Sunda'. Last Sunday morning .\1r, James Scott took the morning service, in the evening the pastor Rev. J. 1i, Hogg took, the service, closing his first year as pastor of Willis church, On Monday evening the Men's ban- quet of Willis church was held. The Ladies Auxiliary of the church had as splendid supper, which was followed by two addresses by Rev, Mr. Hogg and Mr, W. Brydone. A very pleasant evening' Nils spent. ■maga fMtlFli saarf.P1QU'. r Thursday; Marc evalr ✓r''a+{o'i r-'Im HE WR INSTI' >0 teXte>50414(01 s n the eheapest-T araansa 1aua 4:121[; a 011)2241)==1) 16,12====rarrasetuaimotteriti A Tested Lens - An Accurate Shutter --- Simple Operation. -- Good Pictures - All these are assured when Anybody can take good pictures witl have thein from $1.00 up. C( how easy they are to use. -We do developing and printing an Despensing Che .49,5vossagen rete vl 'er-etetRb eraexrtn11Stw',^,,y?e t..,, pr,u0/xesammrmJuarn,W�im axmrmowaammRuymamerser.as..2 • 15.f. L's,sl'r 5o'. o anal .1118,1.0) ;tv..fat and "st1c1410y 1'11113 111.5444": IT'S EASY TO -But it is hard to beat the Ouaiity of - uur Teas or 1 'lies, livery cup is falll of satisfaction ;and you who entov a good d:tv,n'ed lea o1' coffee,, will ap- preciate our Lincs. TEA -Black, Mixed or Green. COFFEE -Royal Excelsior, I dl HIGHEST PRICES Phone. 1 1 1 �•---- c'-- r SYRUP I t ON "max.,::...:,+comm,vsrarzammmnnaawmmamaulate namomme.+em+,mwasam cemnrawwa;w 1 About Rubbers bers i.� •s..ac1i6,•o' On5S This is the time of the year we are making contracts for our supply of Rubber Footwear for nein winter. To reduce the quantity we will be carrying over we are calling you to a 'This sale will appeal to everybody ---Mens Womens, Boys, Youth's, Misses, Childrens, Wnrkmens-Rubbers of all kinds go into this sale. Better come early while the :lines of sizes are full. Mons $1.1.0; Woolens 85c; Boys 85c; Youths 70c; Misses 65e; Ch'iidrens 55e; Werkr meth; $2.50, $3.00 and $3.60. IROD. „i a u3 -In the NEW STORE • 2 doura. Nora: of formers Store WILL SOON BE HERE. BE READY BY ORDERING YOUR PANS AND BUCKETS NOW. ti: hu„:'kit L0I''A t. AGENT Pluto{+ fall PLUMBING AN REITING I Second hand Wood Furnace f >, . 4111,1.' Cheap. Shop- over 30VII ao(t CA erdsvinre Pining! Avid letil.Su„,W A1sem11 : 6sso mnormraammrnavmaw,..somena tsrupamnvaareemmmnz,nen CLINTON MARKETS 1lta'y, $17.56 ; t1'i 1tUtter .. 385 to 40e 1 Eli t e' 50c I rri Wile'[, . )11.12 75c to 85crri ('ca •%3.00 " Bete ,,.,,,, . s'6 $,+10 :1 of i, $'15.00 $8.00 to $'10,00 if Otey 111:35 to $4.40,` t3a kceh•f:a $1.35 to $1.40 ri