HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1918-2-21, Page 6,_101_ . "W'i ITHER You PREFER -A WATCH TO BE WORN ,,. THE C L I N T 00 a ff;g' T(jr G l tiA M'.. oxford ' I d SoAts nal,w vaicailt, • atilt' ti') ,OoW,• %,kh,ich, ,.... . , , — — ,—r .----.-.., uitp.id , pp{ib61d,os ,OvOor-`'l;iuce e111tokom} .. . ")r* . f ttMM FOR 34Lfn (71erk Ill War c1i1i.CC gild lilt lgn Foreign ill ,due course of human fortune will : E t tiro utverilsiig business and, n(aw Office. ltecolne vi paoL The legisfatur.e. lifts _ Qpar)Lle Utflelts in Ills ilnpor(aut' , r S,,,ol , B s . • ,1 t 1. -A1 At r11Sst'1. 7 rl VV . W a n Qn Y b I 0 full power du r dt t f, a to 11 i f 1+ 9 lid , u e w, a I of c r" 10r. t) ant n' Lti1 f r all• lit. Toro 1 o f . f,11! 4 n 's +.a 1 a dal i t 4 farm, ' , ui to u - o sL, til. Wa t 1 x 1 ! b 1 0k) 13 n' l tt aril ,! d C 18 ll ttnu e o f ). u )! . d , •'t' t f .t. a .0 1 '(i s . nit t t • •' " t n to 11111 la A l Attt.lal,tu •' a of Lots a , peg lid Mcanlresj, ,.1 std 2,,, ll it. 3;un, TQWn^ (;,Marge d'Alfairl.s, `t'elaerim, 1')00, Brltish Coh)m]sssioner of Public Aet enabels it, fro')) t'inle to thlie, IQ iihland the Constitution of this Pro.. • .shit) of Gnderiiill, eoniAdnd))g about- +il 1kL w Sion Rcpt' 1C1' m osil"d? '05 tte)'osl Ort It lire two ComfortAble Il f)aparttnia tt,, oario, 19ui, + c • t t, it . LLr o Ll I a n eiNr t 1lbass l o- Y, (.ia vinool, r,xcept as regards the Litauton t-, s ) u t v r i n e u h t G cillo wIt fu C un 1 S it' 1 lS ,t s t 1 I ;11 dwellings, ileo 1cIrgt barns, tvitlt Stith. 0' did( i rr, i,. To rn+ 1 < Ir sill t f• h of 1 0 m,t 1 U t lt(e c t till ra k t 8 1. S Ad d s Il U e 1 d c t I .1U3-1 .!) l3rt(, 1 1 S. A'11111$i(, 1' PLI'$lll 1906-19{)ll..- r tiftan b(LIl S;tid, 1174 (,lit be f;t(tltfsl(it larfS)r'r11Ili 1)}' i! 1'.Ul)tier Stalai. ), 'ihL 1 r - int+ r n ri I ( RF eitreug§ •-'•.Nn. ;_all., lit, (tYtl SII(JS; fwd \5'iulil1l11iSl slid ` ". c'l` '4 A,, 311; I'll, ,L, o- I)el'heal ;h"OldanoL' o ovine(, +15 "' Minister, Sweden, 1908-181?, egisJature play, dal. fact; Perpetuate r Fulr_ b .': all driilgrysta, or,soni acres gm 4 ( rvllxi oll remiO4 or rials )tetylY seeded to clover amt t•imotll)'i minister, U. $.; 1913 1918, Itself to the end of Lillie. I 1 - -a- pap,p(dsi,. Ad( •asnl 80 acres fall plowed; 7U' Id pasture and C;reate(I.1C, C., M. G„ 1906; C], C. V, U, The bargain suits rhe Globe, which TillECOOK MIFOICINECO, 25 well nlnnured, last fall and resent ►"' 'r T9110010. OXT. 79U8;.l+ilei t";outrcillor, 191;1 G, C, C l gains til»e to create a hew party of (f rnuvtywiwtrot,) winter, I'his:fai'n7 having been, for Al, G.,. 1'916, Non, L, L, G,;: McGill University, its own to replace- that Which it has done its heist to destroy. A new party 'Pap Every Maple Tree Urges limit year[;, used .as it stock and gra2- Ing Garan is now lu it high $(lite of for - M )ulreal; Harvard and Princtadn. with any h naturally Substance rlsnt ) The Food Cnntrollor' lJlit y; it a(Ijains the iowh of-0IfntUlt, is Married 1'lorence, daughter of and apart front the influence of The The fund controller 1s urging that W101111 15 lu 22) lilanutes walls of Post Right ilon, Sir Frank Lasolelles, has Glube is likely to be it party of oe- the greatest pcisssible producllon Of Office, (:eillegia'le, Ptchlle Schott(, tine sou and one daughter, """"`"-I action against socialism ;u d revolu. maple sugar find I»iaple be churches or G.T.R. depot, Will sell _ tdoi, :and, in that event, 'the Globe syrup, udderiaken by farkners and all .of jointly or Separately, Possession its Ottawa, Thursday, Feb, 14, -Sir might he ol,ligoad ti'go with Apr, Proud- flint lilt') lila ptu'ty of Mr, llearst, Mr, those who are Ill close proximity to rutty Ile ahread upon. avallable sugar 111111110 bIi S'll, rhe Cecil Spring -Rice, former• British Pruudl'uot rlt>ClNies candidly that he I D. A. Forrester, sugar shortage ivill mead that titer, AnlbrtSsadoh to the United States, died this morning at nue o'clock of told Mr. Hearst do dol differ in polilf- Cal prldcipies, Both, we are led to _ _ _ will be absolulLly an uniinl!!'ed star. -- - " ket for 1918 for Cute loud beet' sugar COTTAGES FOR SALE g It failai Government House, 1 l Sproul -Rice and 11 eV sou believe, ire sodadists, imperialists 111nd substitutes of :u1,y soul every kind, • ----• ., -_ and (l' ''1 t B • pe0teLI11."IsI5, and both are - __ , ;> a,L {{ •" J r , __ I _ . - __ I I I ,, , I , 6 1 6 . I r 1, I I. '_ . I ! "... BA' A: , . " , . - '.I . . 6" , , , I .' "'", _. a. -a..,... .. _.10 i ­ .;_ I 6 1 . . 'A4 , 7 •---,-- "' For this week we have picked out a t of broken lineslof, calf, Kid, and patent leather, and' you gill find them on our Men's :lie shoes,. Just a pan or twa of any one kind,, in I3ox- tables all at one price to clear .. , . $3 50 Our stock of shoes for the coining season is heavier and better assorted than ever before and although prices are still, .t advancing you will find our prices even lower than last season. Men's fine shirts, slightly soiled ' I Lot No, 1 --hour choice ' 70c 1.01' No, 2•—Yoilr choice .... , ... , SSC till t er, Lt y, oglf 1 Lot No, 3 --Mixed lot of fine and work, ),,ars, and emulously extravagant in the e,$)endt- - !)N'tPtl•E WRIST OR IpR Anthon.Y, aged nine pears, -were with hJre illi the ublic Ina»eys Bui' ilia l have oil my list o'f houses fur sale I hIg Shirts, your choice . ... , .5oe. p I number of vary desirable properties MEN'S TIES -THE POCKET, him, 'lire forgter envoy died practi identity of the pt•Ltic" I ttis of ;V11, :AIMOSr HERESS for those who wish to purchase a ue'nt ' I sally In Ills bleep... Hearst and Mrs, l'micei9ot does not comfortable cottage, suitable io a re. A feW'ties to Clear at, 2 for . ,25s Voll will find It With Its at its ______11___ Justify a usurpation of power or the f tired couple lir a small I'tunily of nlud. Another tat 0f tJeftCr ones at, dACh . , 190 tt.av4?_ exclusion Of ale people from f nM flHIMMATISM elred oupll S. They are l,e Ick cnitt a p p govern- ii YYY I mens for Lite long period of saved ford ble iu)uses and call be had at MORE SPECIALS FOR NEXT WEEK -Watch for next 'e have Chola for mall, Wo- 'k >»$ tY ¢ years. 'there must he Opitti011S unci 1'ea$utlable prices. Week AnriO11nCL'lTterat aa».. D, 'ploy, Send girl, I1'I Gold Y .. . Interests T» the country, y, which are IF kverl Sterling' Silver, or Nielt a , s )+ Parcels f and 2 we heli brick cot- , ON nut represented in the le Isl tlure and Only Able • to Move About on e - ' tagus, Lactt with a girded, located un wamtalala..mlaa .raaua.>1 a' +, a are, of course, entitled lu r0presenta- Crutches—Dr. Williams' Pink {)Iltario StLa!', next West of t1tL Nlallse• I4, -"III sizes, all prices, ;ins] all t tion. Nor is usurpation justified by id?rlsiilSmed{eeper& 1 n ; yf3 Pills Restored They ltuve beau held at „FI0oo.00, fc»' . " " . # tilt clifl]t ulty of taking the overseas y. t di e,9.° .1 t - quick sale 1 will accept r5)oU;for either, an I B ` f Woks ere paTtieufar about one !`.',' e c. s' ,icU < i" vntr. !t would he better to elect b,Y Parcel 3 is on Frincess Street in 4irI:111 t'rollV;v (']lone " :1$0 , '°"-t~ro r , a , aF.4 the vote at hoist! a legislature to d!s- r4 Him „) _,, Yriz., to sen any WSttelr t1 "1" 4", ::.} solve on the return of the snldi0re Inflammatory rheuIllatistn, acutL rear of Presbyterian church, a frtune f 1 ` t , +q 4 Blau to exclude all, as now proposed, I'heuutattsnt and rheumatic fever are Cottage Very contlnodlous and well ar_ I'tili 5'I'QRL'"!'IIA(' SL""LLS I`C7R I_[;SS f latsraltrg the name of HELLYAR ' aa'iW,U lite a, credit ro tis. I c f) .. '\ y y t' ! front participation in goverwuent illi different ')allies for prnct(calh' the ra:w9ta ] suitable fur a farldly of 2 to G. a iI.1. a; s t 1931. same thing. ]t comes oat with hardly tl:as been held at $eUa. Will sell for ''+ ..,. - -- v ty.uH ,, : r , µ41y11 '' > : ,F' .t K at ' ,. •4' 4 ', 6 4 y . Cl ws r 3v', .at' . 5+'4 ii,g t,' i iB9(3.19tfifiFifo•SgL%2tA6l2atSiDt7JG9t96Drdw9aAtd?d 1 :31c tt s£ a +kit Local W.-,. - I IN, I w,w. a U 4J ` r;;: m w dsa s7A5 tl,0 , : •,' .• ® arir ,n• so -t,* -40.,& ilm 'i i_ il` <N 4i'TiCIAPd , fir. e ,.,sA Government Saved $z,000,000. As9x?ar of NfarrJage Licensos - I ,_` r s L') defzrr(ne' the Provincial eget- ,' ,ytyit+ tion until one dor after the war lilt ma),ar9xttr„iCt, ..,I t ,. •r "I" 1• (hitarlo Government Cil ,nsys,vrsssarrcrnarsr+n• saved „ono - J ,, _ve a• 1 C (} u according , r lu* t t the •s , I I. by l b timate of a 3 t t. , .. t.s .1iU DEhSvoexlcaN Qr,ernm lit official. OF a a's VN v 's. U F :£t31 i, my r ti« c dui Si°dI0 P N E ----razr A t r. RM HENT 1 - aara,"ul.tats ua Rev, Wrighton Retires AOIAY CET 80 PER CENT. SIR CECIL SPRING -RICE former 'Ilia Rev. W• 1. Wrighton, for the past twenty -Lille I»nnths pastor of the I British Adtl7assador to Washington, Park B:aptisttchurell, ;tad formers,• of I"fz,tn }•inancial Past (las the follow- who expired suddenly at Ottawa, 4 thz Baptist Climb, G"ddrich, has at inti; hConnection tvitlt the Duntini0n ° tt itis mel, requ0st been relieved of aha ,._,..,._:..-„,_-.- .._...- 1 , S ,,wit tell ale pernW.went Loan Co.: - i I a • grounds 0f Ill-iletdth, 1'hz tette Sir Cecil had been unwell -`:y 12,e Spokane slid British Colurn_ for sometime, and his last public ap- Election Will Cost t lint Ydiil\vay. -!n which tate Dunlininll pearance as British Ambassudt,r to At Least $3,500,000 Parlament Loan Company is inter- the thtited States was made at the Ot- tawa (Isn:ldian C'.lub, when lie deliver- from rrliahle sout'ces it is estmat- ab're.dt ;o the extent of more than $4, ed :iii Inspiring addt'es5 on tl)e diplu_ ail 1.h:t1 the recent t eneral election in rt))3:niira,1, _proves to tie .its valuable id -magic side Of the struggle. Canada will, have cost the Dominion 44'-`-%'X As G: T. Clarksotl; the conipmt7rs When the former Amhassatdvr s3.500,uuo. • This as compared w]Lli iglaTtalntr, 'ltcipes, debznture holders ct,nlplainect of not feeling well short_ about .5700,000 fur previous election ly after midnight Dr. Thomas Gibson to tho Dominion, xlld; QkPositors of the company will 1,•as summoned, Nut the putiont ex- Nn real nor a dividend of So per cent. pired shortly after he arrived, ,>20,107,861 For Missions ias:ds'-a:.t that the sum of $t,50U,0oo To Be Buried At Ottawa. Of total ,'llisSiDnar'V colltributions of 52n,4o7„ til from t:utada stud lhz salt• 1-- obtaidLd fir the railway, such Ottawa, Feb, t t, -Sir Cecil Spring- 'If 6`c] Stale;:, ','anada has cu and tile I` 4Wo"'jZutlon can be made, and there is Rice, .ncded dipionlat and until hilt ail :41,31 u,a')97- Amon'; the dcdomi- r'ecvu cyo think, Tn view of deals which tl rete weeks aro Ant],asadur for Ir.Itii+.ls the Pre,,, terL'tn% lead In ills Great- Britain to the Unrlc(1 States, ifferfim- with Ct7.+7o. Metho- lrtr-*1,;a-,v escaped being Con Sol In typo died very peaceful!; t Rideau dist:; gave Sdo7,510, Baptists $tt8,- iiii.zatulast that such an expectation hall :it one it. ny to -dap', will he I'll”- 55,;, Anglicans .5113,31 Congrc a- ry yu;t rented." fed in Ottawa. tions! $27,91;4 and other bodhos 95,- . ' _____ 223. +a-' ti:R . SP .(LNIG-RICE WAS LONG I e t o6e"s ,:.',CiJ`,.73QdkAV ,'`LTi fall?I.0iMATIC SERVICE — , 1'r""".3 Tit, Or,,,t ;,,,,u+Atrltrm,rl . om,• n.' It • 2 n m, 1 i S• at: v L' n t L „• N, atter' h t t ' 1 S1411 I l t. , , . ' tl t tis 11 ,!ill I, +!'l:ll t,•inm^.q '',tbSeii itldr''itic It it,-' . •;, k.:; ', I,,:r,•nay:^,:r ,:,t•(;........ aN ln•,r•.. Isi'as t -Ambassador Served ) t t ,,, old \c„ . .ICY,•„•„ - ,':1 the action ''S the f, gttti in'{'al'1!a117eni I ! rr g t1r +rrrd nail 1,rq,tt 7I........ hr ru Britain in All Parts and Ow ()pposition leather a, follow,:; , u r , oy utrn:r, 1'u.,';o+rim ,I r 1l , r rte....... rr I ri - 1 I r h. of ®rid —IM iruudh,,;t ntak0s, and lilt, i , 1 a ,, 1l, , (ieaYsr must OI'li'r,in'11y accapts t. I r) I I a r .t i?rop0<d;! t, eS(citd isle life of I' 1,. tu..eo11orr,e.o„r, Cr>'..% 1, Oil, +. t _ the 1'r1 , inchl PsrMwicnt .futil uA,,.r 'S — r.arrned in Western Canada all the ,Idier% have Peen brought i New O,.i±e- For McConnell bited Toronto With A. ff home; tont is, In all probabil-d J. Balfour. it)•, until 1931, Bath those statesmen I and Fergusson heltlg new deniocrals slirink from the 1 The well-known 'tdvo—tising ; y0nev STRING -RICE'S CAREER. disgusts of an appeal to the people,'of AlcCunnell and ]' rgusson have So sousitive are they that they will removed (heir 'rnran(o offices to.new L•tr, rta :February 27, 1859, nut even permit J+yO-eleetlons, but will add cuoI,, .,,ns quarters at IIi3S C -A ted i ,tae Eaton a B i '', , n lid alit (1 i' vie ) ,• College, e uu z .l t ) 0 11 5 1 . -,(tri Lcu an ( t` Temple Building. a ''r g Is 1 it L 0 u d l) dt lirm has r I 1 ,I II ode P l h I veenne F. ? .. i r over” , e, . s W(l I d "'3 p A Y' k' rtl , A yl, `s 4 'a 3 >i' Y sltYy c.. x i r „ ' x h v , ` ,,,. %ate. ru. d yl ria: r , z ,}oto t 1, y J I , it r R > rh t e t '$,11 Ij a"n ball .; `\ i tai sav{ a,...l • tt•X \. ,.. ,3 t tv 11 r , . .t:,S , :t,w 'a . F, e, u a t, -a , I j ` ,a,.1i 'v as NI ,_.tl , a a,,. , - .. t 3d Smrflr has Veen the population, gloomod. With g fled food, and the the wall' and ]f- tle was lett but the 1 tet, Castle Mountain., Alberta, ever loss of pain from ids log he t4)gained string, his flour auks ivere r•ilr[fod f 'h to hi I - Its sin o'tlie rest a the, o ulat n s strength an a on Hash, iso ti sand 14h cont d t e a erste red aver • p P g p scattered Y. ,3novod out with C, P. it.. con- Cage, stroug, galvanized, iron wire where his saLmr And too. and ctiSee' t tettr5 Aiau tit, the early ,eightien of the a one•iuch mw esh, as. ,ADorad with were raised in all awful iness on Lho lama+century., lie makes We living by ooneriete, and batt proven sufficient to floor. II,% dog growled with hrtat. t fpraakitag, trapping and prospecting. hold grey wolves. half-grown bears, ,ling inane, and then dashed uridior I ' deo winters 14go, bothered by the stood fill -grown badgers, He was con-. the 'bed. There gime the sound of i • ­*m_redatious ot'.a wolverine he sat siderod located for life. But one snarls and worryingEy and then there ( '-1:4 ps wtth a eunning which was part- morning there ,Was exodtemeaL The tolled troln batiteath that plats of rent c 0, .ilral and partly acquired, Lite keeper tomid the cage empty, and In a furry bundle Which snapped, It ku pPa 1 xn.ruit Gain tl7itt he caught a Inst the wire, h t 1 I 1'am. rho a h t e v re three Loc t t was the dog' 'nd . •o g 6 Y I a a w lvertno a fat , 6 , a uzl csomewhatt cant dr b It n loos will- ground, m rt • ha a til SUS wire a neat 1 a t wires'who t i.h v ' . g! , but;•irt w t iglar. i_ •'` ane: thrust outward as th:pugh an eight-,11olledne, The trapper, at an epportuae womenK C Josie, who Inas found that live ani- innh she'll has posse tbrough. On crunalted its skull with the bark of *xJs.ls of .the wild often brought more the round was the broken half of a an axit and, the badly tern caatlue it calz( na f .h .tin.... g Y V tom the government officials tnalr ehcowing that, . annual had ihii e y g o tat e d awa to treat ht a g n y a i e , P r ,d I ,aa„ \tits .onto icai gardens in i3anff b 7. h, wires until hoes un g bitten std torn at the e r.a wounds. fi It . fes a than the Ir him- •1 : y .tut Away, t e dear had it broken, otutugh to force h rn lnvestigatian by rite tnan showed t 'ateev'dld from the fur dealers, deeld- sell thorough, that the appetite of the wolverine had ,id •to, tako ilia prize to tate govern- Phis was iq the fall, That winter caused its downfall. Lean anal hun- S ,.rxmsttt park. So, after paillful•adVen- A. trapper was etnupad an.tllo bead••gry it must have Dorno p1t0H'11ng I1 traices like boxed the muscular young waters of the KnorentLy, near the around the house and found the veli- i •ftla-•y and delivered it before the au- point where Lite Banff-Wl:aderniere tllation' hole througglt which it crawl. r dit' llkeadent of the pari(, kfe was motor trill crosses the I>.00tena.y ed, 'Piton it fotimd P6134, Now a woI• i1 ' ,meted:wltb warm words of cotnmen- River_ Ilase had a sting, mud-r'Oofed vetlne has another name., and It is sh -*adan, Cor the park had now a live cubiti of Inslvo logs, and be had eonlmonly known by th i; 119 tr .y itot . idlatvorlilo to its eagoN• The Coet that plenty of food. Along about Oh1•iat' I reAt title. This name. Is. '"glu'tton," o &.e ;actitnal had, broken it front leg oras time he d"Ided lie would tratlie,nd whootiver possible it lives up to S ,1W Jdlvt m3tigame 'alt; all against the out to,Golden toll. the Christmas holt. lit, That Is whop this animot dill, It ,b'do•a ked, da so be 10•'t(eti tis lace and tart- a. 3!aIC€6 s ya, c, i u n a Ira ail miic.h • f.Ttat' it could not (yet ,•,F+ put his catch' !n the strongly„ ed with hie dog suit sue'la fur's as he l)ac:k through , the hoie and had curl• 2eilatie,d cage, 'took'bl3 )honey sud Auto hiid' eauglht, • ,IIs ,was :a. canittitl, trap -l -ed lip' to -sleep ¢ff its sattoty and slzA 1 v ba r ' ru"ihma+na. er• n lI left a solal iatot . u.at i t > J? a •. d e e e4t; the bacl. Before this hap" ' +' 1 boa ' prOlveritm ,sttlkad ilaiWi Ito)Wl boor, olkht 'hY Wii iiidHea' 'opera; Thtr pened,tlWwhite ntA•n' caale bale. T,fkt+ ' 11 AWO :pre . • lea .snal`led • anti rov ed .dSde 'Wags' tut 'throto h 'the, ii6ad id Tdg inaar • Anoth r ' it T.t)t . ,,, g .. Y er ,reatuu- in hTglusY . 14Mip,d , giojrttrod t a t the, kaeper, 415, ot•hte`aalain., ,I•re kb*Wrthat: uo pdelu malks,otilff(t Ity carnal hitpet(t, baud o r•::`.°alt=i'•e h&,I1 to •tylia • his 111mig, • w11 -h riitsatyoulyd• eonkl llt,Itheauae II, Hwoae* l ; baa), the gaasts of Its ctesttl.. . I rtattr '+footla, Slw,a ivookb (pAtIsed,, rtlic+ tlnd •t Olken .kap, UP, abode AN at+a9%1rbll l • The" trapper turned iL fee:' 1 ' t, ts, ' 4 i6mia lottetatitt,,the: T6tr log lcrilk-:-16 l;, ;"arby -and wfLTtt- Wlst,af, hln.;biiiitliig , bloocI.R,AIn+aQ jawh forinrlcil lit drsatTa •e;N lIyi,•ther; ijoabo fiatit ;,rutwkit1:'Iii arid-Axatiitd.,thd,biiilditlg„., : !onai long ,xaug showing ,beoltoii .:tardyy (t o..welverf .'Wats ,s,, far Itdvatft . A, ' k'I h tbtn 0d 11oa5el Iti ., , ”. i ,, ,, *,.d late.. 1111 , .q , . r, ; 1, ggdgf fta tight fare ia, : ,.... s, , ,:., ... .. , .: A .... _ . , .r r N ., , .. _ . • ,^ .... ,.. g i W, "red ogtt j ',II 4 4Vfcy tltat'he do{„whod torepi adith piiffflioi5 and pld,tomat;,iet, klVkJiJwArd *htjf•f dt itoil'laLan 111 it `yea+ tubi &1vEh ill tit, but•,'.116 , a(tttay •, , _:aa itsel' Ytis di), Ise 4'd LU d Agh cat. • ft frau tire;' kir aftoap l "iavicelt urit.tl aftoi` dafiSl .to da ls.i» biICAA wdbtwil">stakr its ny,)1'dn) .• ,X„ t!> 0g .'pial ox,6,liel 09-4. brC 4LMt , 1. .,, : , IIx a' a i I ;any warning, The fain is excruelal- $tion cash. _-tl®'___ ._ ___ v -„; - - Inc;, and there fs 't tendedcy of tile, Parcel 4 is west of parcel 3 and is a disease TO THE LADIES House for Sale. to attack the heart wheu it brick collage well built and with con- mav [lave t e fats 1 results. --- ,' I (i t .I t }t Ciuuacht b • 1 i 'd 5 y rte r dere edh nti-tear flavor. 'the periodical Woe ' ,'• , t • tel lull a nal mut s. 1 Any one Who 111 t L is ,earth s v ha SQ So, suffered from • n , a i) 11 t R but \VIII 1 sal t'a I e d t ,850 cash. Th e Misses [)' ' s , (.0 r nn )t area ar• p p t<! i n C' O Cl dP til plain e s along and i Lon seWlii>! at Six illi C 1 l Ill ,old s t d Summer kitchen,. attack of inflmunl seal rheumatism Poi' Inspection or particulars apply knua•s that •the casual treatmelli their home an Gutter street, Glint,nt waterworks, good cellar, centrad and is highly unsatisfactory. L'sternat ;i is ,It Lily otlice. W. BRYDONE. -" — ---- -- -•--- -- very n,ulfortable, to close an eslata- plleatlons of hot cloths and liniments `— —'- NOTICE Apply to and ' t Internal closes , a (f sal^'• AUCTION s I Ltlat,, t A T N SALE S t1 re- ­^ • 'e James S , mos Miller r• awe h t pain c a z li a r o, not enough • lig, fill' -_ they du dol drive the poison from 'i'h • •'o ' ,r L I \t 1 Council , uuil Will r•I space ;lll(I place upon rite streets all ashes free or W., 'Brydone Of tilt ! uo t lair» rt 1 d, and the sufferer is liable Eo I Stock ;out impiemdnts art er hroc)1 tins ar other refuse, wtthuuf ...... ..- ^—:., a ._ ... renewed attacks whenever expos. -d lilt , Concesslon 5, Goderlch Town_ charge, if left codvedicntly for re- MORTGAGE. (I) Cold or danlpuess, ship(Oil n1,nday, March •Ith, the fol- nluval. • 'I'll cure rheumatism so that it will \IO,t in>—Ile:v) draft horse rising; 5 Citizens are also warned not to de- ' stav cured the rheumatic poison In years old; black driving horse rising 6 Posit ally ashes alt the tuads wl.ife $3000 wanted to take up :I first the blood ulust be driven out, slid the years old, black I'e:•cherun colt rising oinuw Ts on file ground. mortgage, goad security. Interest blond made rich and red. When the)ears; tow 7 years otd,spppused to blr„'d he D. L. MacPHERSON, Clerk, 6 per cent. is pure there can be no nccu- I ill call; 2 haters to (-',.live early lit April; _. __-__, .. S I,io,t matisnt• Dr.. Williams' Pink Pills i 2 lumber a^..ggu7 waggon box; FaF Farm Sale. ,,;anted, oil lust l x+: tsfae,ns;' build up the blood, snake it rich, red I t set bill sleighs; hay rack; ha\ us. .h o•", ,r, i , t 0 1(I1 1` .)a l y grain of ,Data. roan at anti tal'ntn.nrnt x•r`lirf. P I I. ^,"o:l ,ecurtty, Interest 6 1-:: per and pure and in this way cure the I take tool roll t Frost & Wood gan.,4 I.f you w7sh'to secure some, of theca )\!ire, W. ' I ) . . 1 1. T. 1', I rir+r .. Z! I : (ht . opts' tlatr r i 1nuJr . t. i .o your order ottrlY as they r Y •r. r, cent most obstinate cases of rheuntatisul. I pinuglt; Wilkinson plough: set ,of har. In Goderich Twp„ Lit 77. Maitland W. Bry(Iono Al George Har,( rows; 1,0PYin', disk drill: I°roll & \4'nid b 1 Isle, R, k. Nn, 1, t, Vevershatn, (Int., is one whose euro I dist,- harrow; Prost & Wood scut ler: ('u n, 55 acres. good C.t\ loam, suitable for agriculture lir 5 . -- " " ----- _,_-. _-,_-__, — thrnugh the use if Ur, w(lliams' Pink I I'La harvester; Frost & paslurc; acres of ewice hardwao(l maple.' Never -failing; FOi. SALc. li;i),,r ,1. I'ills is most striking, alis mother i d » „er; t.l el h;uuuw; set of glees the particulars of his attack tad ;heavy h;onzss; ladder, (:inning n»11 :o)d spring Creek running through il• t5 acres ploughed :and rest under grass. _ Fr:unc house :,lid d:aeres tit' laud, cure is tnlows Snlile ya:Lr$ ago wdllle ' bat;:{dr: cuttilm box: A quantity of "it)'; I Possession can be given at once. 1 t. r 1 partly in frail; Bank barn with sioue illy son was working as a blacksmith I a:::un separator; churn; tnrks, chains, Iv to )n F. Win. Bodaur, Stabling; gond well water. Splendid Ili a ntrhigan lumber camp lie ,-vas and other articles; (hri firm Incubator I Phone property for ;t retired farmer. For ' :')tacked v.•itla rhemn:ttic fever. Iia capacity t2o 0g$s, tial at 2 o'clock, 12 nit 14); 1t, R, Nu, 2, Clinhtn furtlulr particulars apply to was at once taken to a hospital at ! Teruls- All %mins ill 51 1) and under -•---- •-----------•...-- _.- .. I Mrs. Argent, Clinton, Out. ;1'larse» eta, ;"lid was there under filed, , cash; oyer that at"iunt eight duntths DEBENTURES FOR SALE . `___ ical treatment for four months with I ereclit on approved joint note cu• 5 `' _. i For Sale I'll', little lir n0 relief, Ile than decid- "f1' for cash un credit amounts. I'" meet liahllities falling; duo within ed to go to Mount Cleninteus, when I '1'lunnas Gundry John S. Burton he t„ilk the ha(hs for three weeks, I tit,' next few months the Cor,oratiin of the 'I'mo-ii if Clinton offer. lt!r sale i A ,:and frame barn 28x io.:lpply to hal did not find ane benefit front ( Auetiona r, Proprietor In residents of t;llntoo and vicinity C. J. wAlis. then,. By this tittle he felt 1 (s I — 1 that It •, • d l i t is rt t c which were issued our ._. _ ___ T __.- ca,e was hopeless and decided t) re- , i~IOTTCE llc,tn,-Electric and Witter works psi' _- I For Sale) turn Imil,e_ When Ito Peached Mille ha poses, aaln"untint; to $12000.00. . c„ulil 11171) inave around b}' tile' use lit a crutch and :t' cane. ()Ile I 15'11:10 (l,,`;: i. sl,fiphld it trill b I hese de:'eilt1IrO% form part of the , -,,(nkiu Fund and are in denontinatiop., One "f the ww,,t decird,le rr:;identah knee was so stiff that fie cuuid not 1 V.!a ill oa-,r „t (ire, to ll;wo tha ,It A50m.u0 etili. '('h,`, are „ifored at propertios it tilt, town ,,f ciintnu, ,s t blit , .1 , i i r ! a 1'.1 b '1 ' Icl It .11 1 )' n r i tl i .itii Ut it"r+' td to st f his joints \vete ... ( i ,l pric0 to \(alit th0 im0sb,r six r:. l:nuwn as the 'C:nh,r Cnt4tl;e. Appy w„Ilia nut of shape• lie could ilei- I The I t n , •' 11 , Il will pay for he ;,rat , •is tills usl'0r !s „ion for only a limit- to C,co. Mci.,ntm,n thor dres, n:,r undress hunselr and I t7`ain „Irlani.; at, he Tire Ii,dl ,attar :n; had be helped a rm, the swvl , .3.00 the teal cd little' iatevdfn:; pc,chasers sh„uLt' _._...___„_.-_ —c -- — i F OR ALE to Ilk0 a child. 1 til 11 , if u 1 prly at "Ileo. ur,ed him to try I)r. Williams' Plnk n.eil, au,i _.,o it d"t used. Further ininrrn.W,,;l nt.t% bz ,•:•,a:n•+ I — Pills :old filially he Consonted to ; D. I.. molerHERSON, Clerk. 1 cd frwn i On All'.rt `tre•it, a s. e.i runuted do so. !ie had only been taking the pills ;t fc,.v weeks when ha could limp 1 - -SALE T-__ ! H. WILTSE„ : cottage, f:laalric lights, salt and aN„d t, withimt the crutch, :and his ap- AUCTION i 1 :'hairtn•tn' tovrn t•,ator in Litdion, t'" aortic. Cih;tirnum ,rf 1'i rune I' :nm(ttae. potite gree til• improved. This have I „r D. L. IVIacPF-1ERSON I ul,tr, app;, (,I him new• coutaeo and as he continued f I,(KI1;;Ii51O\ :kl't:'1'It).1 a,.tLP o)R I'foasurer I T. A, GREIG the use if the pills he shoved constant iniprovemeut, I )•171(1? 1311JB1) Rl•:GI`i0"11l•a)— ( - '' ” -----",--, —' ' — I ..-.__.___.__.__.___ __, - - ._ .___ and Was able to walk about outside. fie continued to t;lig)I?TI101tN UA'I"I'Ll'1. sfA%i?P! , 1 HOME WORK• ; HOUSE WANTED use the pills foil- Solie' tfour nlrulths, by ,SWINE, llt)kSfli A:\U F:\d'11 UYIPIA01IONTS Would you like St to $11 daily :lit i vti,h tineet"z)i. ,i t)tits ,f altL 'p „ t'1,igld nwiu; to iuuhiliti- h017e,kilttilr tLal4tckC auto knit. About nine t ) It15 Ci7", rn dent u'uuhiz had disapppeared, and ho Went 1 to r;t•rury suitn!dt• t'tLrnl hrlp, huts tic- lersl FXperience unnecesSAVy. Send' conveniences prof0red, not essential„ t0 his work in Michigan a cured than rillull to glva alt r11.111h)g laud will 3 -cent stamp. Department 451 'r;. :and small baric it outhildint, suitable His case \vas well known ti Lite neigh_ ( ifl'rr for snlr Ity pubhe dnotiod at his Auto Knitter Cnntpany, Gallego SL, for t;atrago. Pnssessiun fit sprng. Ad - ,ors around here and his cure was furl') oil Lot I•I•, Cgni-vs.iin 2, L. R, S. I Torodto dross with particulars :and lowest price, looked upon as marvelous, fur every- 11711ekvi:smith, ,t IlAkt and It gtlarler -. -- - -` Advertiser” -New Era, ()nice. me thought at the best he was doom- east of Kippel, and half a ❑1llr Smith POTATOES WANTED ---- - ------ ad to be ,t rheumatic cripple, It 1$ because lhel' hate made SUCK do 1'RIDAY, MAI -Wil 1. WIS, lit l 1), ln., till fullowil)t; d(Itivrihed _ t Mi ' ' d, 1 wonderful cures as Mr. liarbottle's pet`- ,Ct»al »op, sty- to yvit,- Delivery an) day, highest market , %ot :hitt Dr, Williams) Pink Pills have a FTo 1.11,:3 --()lie rolgislrretl ClYdpii- price paid on delivery. slides, Furs i'l•iE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTE vorld wide reputation, and are the till)• Illedidne Used Ill thousands and dale move six yl•+ns of, Ili;(', Lntly t)a\1'nil!(:I(ifl;yyl, ()111' gehllllg.i -a -to bought illso alt)• quantity empi% sacks, between Ihousadds of Ironies, YOU can get Lrf itg (oI sired by Uolulwd (lrrhnm : (fol' Jos. Steep & Co, Iso O Irl T R E A L hese rills through OLIN medicine grlrling f, years [if loge, .=he'll by Lord P.O. Box 193. Phoue 126 Witter or by mail •tt• 5o cents :t box Arnlstron (MEN ,r six Nixes for $2.50 iron) The Ur. t1A'I I 1 I - \latus -- Une vupnriol' WANTED FO.RyiviUNI1'iON l) E T R O I T Williams' medicine Cu., Brockville, rutin bull (fi'hoohotl.'otrr 1l1Ctl)o) 14 i Int. month, nisi r oar, hull call` 11 luoutha WORK. and old (I I ):'I7 and on1' hltlT calf (llulge - C' I'l I C A O O `RUSSET." PUBLICATION ffnUlen (115820) five months lilt Fr• midis (08000) this !,;ill ("Xtra nln' cow and ill” d Schnn)li,astll, 0111, !` ill” A number of ,good reliable nett can UNEXCELLED DINING CA )ft BANNED FROM CANADA of so .secure steady employment n Ylunitlon ren cin i,ady T)nt'llt•Ns po11111 OYellis of Itt,'t out' reel (•i\\' n) t t•s of n9p- work. Apply to, SERVICE h l,c 11(il ,u 11 i. t tie o f til III- ) 1 s n L utvaDuchess i lu,,1'.', ` .rl9e., oft us The Rohl. Bell Engine & Thresher Co,, eY11atC,itltl Bible $flldLil l.,", Assoc t s rltw 5 t cal, ofage, Pit! Crust incl, (las. Seaforth, Ontario. Sleeping cars on night trains inn, occasionally peddled front dour ,Lill), Lhis rote has it hull calf ILL h01• roil: onr rid VOW ealv(•d M'llrell 111th, "'-'"•'"- ""._.. - _ For Sale or to Rent and Pallor cars oil principal day n Cl<'10Y 111 Clinton, Heed 1101 be lu()k- i,)ca, ,Irtnrt.:11ui ln'en (10.5,33.), till,` I:O\\' -- -- trains, d far any longer, for rite publication hvii'vi.civil'nLh(rCool:Ont t•nttalhlilial' Lydia J., (IlIH4 J ralvrd nlurnh 1t h, The brick house on Ra tt g•u street, I'nll fdfnrnuuiun from :ill)• Grand 1 , ,s been furl odd' ill c'raili i, 1 tt c n in ,anada, because the tone of It's con- ilg5• Ude Ihu'k red heli<))•, 130 eout. u i. naw o c 1 .led lv 8 Doherty, t l J he for sal 1 e lir to rout. hlectrlC light ,old town TYunk Ticket Agent, lir C. B. Horning, ents gave rise to it strong suspicion hilt nelng (I?iil')(IJ) retired Aoguut 1st, 1015: O)I(, red luiifcr, nitury (lrry, crtived ;Inly water; a. acres of hand. with slable. Ail lit repair. lllstriel Passenger Agent. Toronto, an attempt teas made to 10113. All lit' that above'. fn111101+a have load arr • oil i the Dominic U ) n n, oder the 'li!Se. of religious 1011 Clthlg, it pl'rtpa- Il `r bt'e l Il Il thol 141•P SIIlIlyosso to be Ili tvlll' to ri110i'tltn t•i, htiitn to lafSeS, I lin l'l,u a Apply to David Cant 1.. n. i p Y r'- _ -- '-"' I'ihn Rails -d Salt, tsly patraen- adds Siniihir to that carried oil by )1,4•DIL:, Pha;r(tt`t,tri5t!(' of L,hl:, Iloted r i J_l..l S"1' And Ticket A- etlts. hone, v g P iti mads lit other allied coudtrtes, Some m( tune r. ago 1lhclz i the ', g s 11 a Btl h. hired, Imri tail of Lilt, co,vr ILrr. gond ' 1 r nal ( I v incl iia\ ( all been ulilkrd be• l \ O I'Nrtia„rt Ninrinrl noon: tudenh; n10 h t nit Published sv p ed 1 the nternalionll Bible Students Asson lima In Brooklyn alilaeted the xi tin . Also r A 1 r lne tuna higus, f1th. 0166 \Jars (i)1r1 I)c'ulvrrl AllgnkLrtith. (01if: Oar. ilei hrifer, 1 10ra nl,rrdorinilt , „• ' .,—_,--,— _. --_ ,.-_,_ i F, TO. I\ d' C i i " g tl,er ,, f; } Heart antion of Col, Chambers, chief press 13.3- 706) rith•lad OeLutimi .10th, 1Jlf3; (bar t„ i/ Q .1 ,' I (i t .I t }t Ciuuacht b • 1 i 'd 5 y rte r dere edh nti-tear flavor. 'the periodical Woe hr. for al f N . • , i l l ill li e n \ t,1, l 11 i valf, , Ci11V- rc1 niliv If)li; Ono hrJfrl coif, Annie' i iy y ; , tprip "F`' , 5 q, 11/. . Gt "fCU3` , 4 C ee:13"ae •atclied and shortly was fnund to be l brit (132700) talvnttNottnihe, 21st, C J, 1 l; ' riding articles condennling lite Nal, 191 c , All lit the ahovn entt.ln ro',• re• WOULD I FITS. [lacking the churches as being ]n vor'b'd to ih,• .Dominion Shur( tlot'i \ - t a C1 .1 1st' ^ ,' e t t e Cu itnl. IL la 111 1) . l p class td 1 (+rd Luck i ­^ ,p,porliug rite tear, violently assail ylllSb;P--odtetwnyaarolilr..eirester I r g existing Systems of g+,overinlle»t .lino, (17871),. And also it nninbet• of 1' d " Chrnugh. onr, ent(sq or annlhrr rt large Illi showing n noticeable lack of IRS, w ,, III'(' 1)1141 LeIC0. L(,1 Will Shl'o fah ilii ltcn: ( rna'orit atthe eo, ` ', .' y, p i I( All 1.1 U1t})lid, IYIUI'e " tin i2 titin t , • t t n i loci Ilam f n placing a or the a• r t , • c lir hit t t s 111L t lamb l t , ( 1 t f crass tri t d .alar` oI .l. R sa with tit form 1 an L fern f •i•. •, het lu .. t t lib] e. . :- uthrtaaik (if lite world ennflict where belonged, ru't's, i HNVIN1, 011e purr. Iver, rogisternd Little Attention is paid to lite slight Ir weaktteas until the hr:u•t starts to brat The iliac Pastor Russell was •' "the hnna• (tnn41:11, rlleo 0»11 poi (•' I rnrl rc:g• ). , 0 l.iq,.Q'; Your Ol'(iCl' irregularly, and 1'hny suddenly fool faint ri,lrinidor of the Intel•aaationai Bible ish'rrtl srnv, T't,pou 13,11o(•-51. 8) 'ti-0110 nnridizzy,a»tl feel ae if the 'tvCYD N]ilOtTter+ J tudents' Association, llt'I.1'l,Ttni l..lV in'lito"y tlit,'rla - for some Or Our Western. Calls, whie,ft - jug. _.,,....... -„-.__,••,•_, MEAN WANTED binder ttcutrly lir tv olid nety nlaasuy 7in1't'ic Nldr IIv) I\ ilry raJte, Ono net(' we have Just received find we will on the, first sign of any weakness of nal.iI arillftlev malls haan Im"'rr,; t' • ,• charge you no the ltrnrl: n'1ilbireu a tTeart g y 1 More than it they wore And Nerve 11. t r shotold and lid 11 r n,N a tlr0 t plo7it;h, lino sat c L 11'tm hau'awa; nail us. .h o•", ,r, i , t 0 1(I1 1` .)a l y grain of ,Data. roan at anti tal'ntn.nrnt x•r`lirf. P I I. nil illi ef.er a fin' li rill id , a Mnl'1'iLd , I referred, 1 ersuuat' a) lieatitm I tp \' rrt sit' 1+ N t FLL, ll, l L t. t ;ill t(,1) Illtvwov, thin, •rd r• , v . t i 1 it T Etu'r . ' , , r 1 t st I T niltle T ta• r 'r u o a I.f you w7sh'to secure some, of theca )\!ire, W. ' I ) . . 1 1. T. 1', I rir+r .. Z! I : (ht . opts' tlatr r i 1nuJr . t. i .o your order ottrlY as they r Y •r. r, desired, Duties to .begin about"t 5th ' rli5Tr, 1'tLr'ltt anrT r..tl•h(n: 14!'tiCEea tan nilunrnOK Its InonLioi7. 1 lI N. 'r are "'O.ing fast. 4r 1 Wa,9 17 )llhlr(1 \Yl ill lily 1lCarp * for five Years, Nod was so bad it wo)ald MIIP011'.- . . . ,, .; :., •.. . P. A, F'arraetoY, ,n.., .. '' tri; Ia1Ln4S-e4J.1 sums of i.tvi5 dnlllpt:, .Tr'lour,a'tl(1 We Afways have it •flint FtDali OC Send •(tie t aToed: oto iota u.nd smoihrring..T nould flop do ally wrn'k`.while I "' ,• -.-.." .HOUSE 'TO RENT " . (tool iioder, crtah ; over didt, aulountt s: nlmitbl3'rverllt uu 'furutsiun( .at •t was'Iik'- fe'oted, hat afttli tflikin three, boxes of ' r ►, t . itllf lldest, Jl a IODS pntdi. flat' G :illi Tvlilhilrn' . r y s 7I :Inti Nerve dIg; 'T • ,proved, haukttbia jnfttl;. nil, ool, :,al Vint,, , arrtlnL a;t tabs. ra,tts of six pat y,au.t pile -art brow re gained nl . ) '1 --.-. .-..,b.. - - . 1, V TaoalilE,. a aA 7 .r nm house on 9I,Wnsettd: St., ,-itn)tnln off foe caet,Il stn OrttUL a I y . ., . ; , bn d s 11e1trt and Nervn I^ti1D Ittier t6h alrrtl'Io 1r;Q'IitS;'''Sftft 1ViI141' a19f1 - .. ... lilplllif5:. .... ,, t ,..., . l iv,i,U' TI,•, 1,ucl.,. , j ''` sac, rni; box at all (irl:ilors of it ,'il . . ,a+ 1 t • it S ti9ia'rrb .. . .. „ ,..... Oil t `i 1 „ t i o Ill ' UT@J,1.'tJrn f I.lto.7.Y 'ten y ,li. Its lurtltci• nnrflctylars',. '' ' Mrs V. ..- .Ili, ,,,r „ti '; Q r Xr Tr i t, r . 1, ill. t ,y ('p,?,J alln , Co„ Limitlid f'Or'onbnl l.ln{,,,. 1 1plyto Frelipil; V'eXt inti) ('hunt ro r; :, Lyta) , ;pk. iiit7patia 1i+1£< L,' •(: _dna, alfa ,* Il sae' tf r t'5s r .,. I 0 " eI h , ...., ! { I 0