HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1918-2-21, Page 5t9'tyiF"I;Yt+,ra,trr7•^' TIRE CLINTON NEW ERA. eseorloommoomommomoommommoo Children Cry for Fletcher'% The Kind You Save Always Botight, and which: has been ' int Use for over ever 30 years, ]las borne the signature of del,and has been made under his per- '����sonal supervision since its infancy. • Allow neone to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imnitations and tt Just -as -good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Childreen•—Experiences against Experiment. What is C ST FRIA Castoria is a itax'tnless substit'u'te for Castor oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea ; alaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea—The Mother'sFriend. Bear, the Signature of ALWAYS ig Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought 1111 �T,1.HE CENTA VR COMPANY, NT WYORK C,TY, Our New Serial Story That Mainwaring Affair 0 by A. Maynard Barbour w W * •!F y,. * g if * SOME WERE SHORT Owing t,, a misprint of our inside page 3 and 4, The New Era ran short and a number of the Western paper,: only 'rot the four pages. However we give hast week's installment of our serial airing with this week's, sa that the stnry won't be ,desert -_Editors. a 4 * * * N k * W * ?t # it (f'ontinued from last Week) "Wilt you state the name of this man?" "Be was spoken of as Richard Hob- son, formerly an attorney of Lon don. " co.,uorr:R \'ll A BATTLE ROYAL, "Harry Scott, private sectclar,' of 'Hugh ilafnwarine." announced the coroner, when Air. Whitney had re- sumed his chair. As the y :mast se,'retry walked de beraielt throat:11 the crowded net there were few who faiied to r•enut his creel, athletic "'ni. his splen bearitt and esr ee.alh' the striki beauty of his dark face. with its olive tint, ale a u,t le ttur„s. indicative of firmness and siren v'h, and Large, pierc- ing sees i thin whose depths, on the present occasion. titers seemed to be half hidden, half revealed, some smould ering (ire. Instantly a half-dozen pen- cils %%ere' 1ransferrin+; 10 paper his form and features "Say, what are von 'doing' him Cori' whispered one reporter 1't his neteh- bor. "tie isn't anybody'; only the old man's secretary." "Can't help that," replied the other; "he's better looking than the linrlish chap, any how'; and. in my opinion, the old fellow would have shown better sense to have left hint the `stmt',"' Meanwhile, young Sccltt, having an- swered a few preliminary interrogator - Fes, turned slowly, facing Mrs. La- Grange, who was watching hint with an intensity of manner and expression as though she would compel hint to meet her gaze. As his glance met hers, a look of in- quiry flashed from her eyes to his, ac - co spanned by an expression Persuasive almost appealing, 13ut the only rept was an ominous flash from the da' eyes, as. with a gesture of proud dis dein, he folded his terms turd :tgait faced his interlocutor, while, with eye gleaning with revenge from under thei heavily drooping lids and lips tits curled front' time to time In a smile o bitter inatignity, she watched him, lis telling eagerly for his testiitlolty, los tug nnw•o• word h' g that e said 'rhe young secretary Y g s ar well el understood derston d 'rho character of the enemy with Minn he had this declared war, though he was as yet in ignorance of the weapons she would use against him, but tit honeyed words of the little note crushed within his packet had no pow- er to swerve him for an instant from the Course upon which he had deter- nti n ed. After a few general questions, the coroner said,--. "please state when and what was the first intimation received by you of any unusual occurrence." 'SAYS LEMON JUICE mu.; REMOVE FRECKLES If- tn, rlf did ng and her breath came and trent .nick - "1 was awakened this morning by a woman's stream and heard sounds of confused running m different direr- tions, A fele moments later Mr. Whitney came to my room and inform- ed Rhe of what had occurred, and 1 then %vent with him to the private rooms of air. Atainwariug." You were :associated with Mr, Main- tv'artng yesterday during the greater part of the day null evenings were you tint?" "1 '55 during Ile day. butt 1 did not see trim after dinner until late at night.' "Did you notice anything unusual in his appearance at any time yesterday?" lie appeared rather depressed for about an hour ;liter luncheon, during the execution or the will." Ind you know any cause for such depression?" "l‘altributed it, in my own mind, to the conversation at luncheon, to whicit :dr Whitney has referrd." "111c arding one Richard Hobson?" "Fes, sir' "1a, you know' what, if any, relations existed between Air, \twin w'an'ing and this Ilobsnn'" The black plumes of Mrs. t.aGrange's tan suddenly quivered, her cheek paled y k Iv. but these were the only signs of .aetl.uion which she betrayed, as Scott replied. -- "I have no knowledge as to what relations existed between them of hie 1 Hilt' knew' that .Ayr ,'lainw•arintt had. years ago, sonic important private business .with this man." "Will you slate the nature of this business?" 'Without giting exact detail.," $roti replied, speaking deliberately but with nn hesitatiint, though conscious of the surprise and iudi,gation depicted on same of the faces about hint, „this nlan was employed as tot attorney by Mr, Malnwaring before the latter came to this country, and has since, at various limes, extorted money from him by threats of exposure regarding certain transactions," The silente that followed this state- ment was of itsett eloquent. The young secretary felt every eye fasten- ed upon himself, and, though his own eves were fixed on the coroner's face, he saw reflected even there the genets! expression of mingled astonishment, incredulity, fund resentment Unmoved, however, he ;awaited, coolly mid lin- - passively, the, next words of the tor. S ' 'lir, Scott," said Dr. Westlake, n r toucr of severity in bis tone, "this is t a serious assertion to make regarding f n ratan so widely known as Mr, h4ahr- - wartug, fund so univeryatty considered - above reproach In his business trahs- fiti "1 am :mare or h plied Scott,c'lniy,t"but tarefereticerto the private letter -riles of Mr, Main - tearing will prove the truth of my as- e section, 1 made this 5tatenient simply because the time and place demanded it. You were endeavoring to ascertain the rause of Mr, Mahtwaring's per- turbation on learning yesterday 'of the arrival of Hobson. I have given what 1 consider the clue." "How recently had this man Hob. _sun extorted Motley from Mr. Main - Waring, and in what amount?" "The last money sent hint was about three years ago, a sum of five thousand dollara, Hobson wrote a most Inso- lent letter of acknowiedgment, stating that, as this 4noney would set him on his feet for a time, he would not write again 1ntnrediately,-hut asSurhtg, Mainwa'ing that he. would never be able to elude -hint, as the writer wauld keep posted regarding his where's hout<, and might, sonic time in the future, cell upon iliac in •person,t' "Carr yon describe title mane AP- pearanee?" "I cannot, 'It)ayittg• neYen •0te4•,hint r ,' "Will goal 44st:liled the , stranger, Who is reported to R tt called di, 4he •afternecxt.'!,t x, o�t,lNe. mIf tact, q at.e p air •l usttaliC,Iletrdw5 itrr ,hark iiruA$ad in a •tweed•salt, solliewljat tbdivel.,wturh, •pati wore rydark b+Iti1s. • f5(A he, Stene,i ere ritiP" ply tl At iia aNiHeat rail A10 Meltll Y Make this oheap beauty lotion ,4tr clear anti whiten your ekfri, Squeeze the juice of two 1pymeit9 into st beLDe containing three ottithee of orchard white, shape well, and yoin have 4t quarter pint of the boat £%ekte and 'fan lotiatr, end complexion hettixtitler, int very, very emelt coat. Ito'etr wooer Mori, the ieinf>x,s heti any axe* eters et tahne eounter will supply iitir'i+ Mattes a£ ,,otelised White:tor *IOW aenha ^"Maiglage le iseectly feagree to ti tigFt ata ilio' thee, meet, aiib)3 itifrttt lays 041% 4Y fold ,1tb5V;,1,tteeklea out. Trietr 1p i l) ti gtpottrr anA Xh'�sa' 'ottntra Ao, trio sitih beito00,44.,,t' tgis ttik, �„ Parlance, Ile at firat seensed rather to- tuslstettt, 0141, Olt learning that Mr, Mlnwerhig wee out tout that ire would receive cru bestn.ese calls for a 4ay nr titr two, he readily gO1tsentcd to deft+t' his interview until later," "Did he leave his Hunte or address?" 11'115 card bice the mune of J. i'lenry Cau'rulhers,• cif' Lundell. Ile gave tits present address its the Arlington Bruise. "You noticed nothing ttnusual 1n his appear:owe?„ The only thing that struck me its ranter peculiar was that Mr. Carruthers seemed well informed regtu'ding events expeeted to take place here, while his moue was tyhotly' uufanriliar to Mr. Mittnwuring." At this point a pencilled mite was handed by the coroner to Mr, Whitney, wltrt immediately Summoned George Hardy and hastily despatcher! him on some ttrrand. "Mr, Scutt," resumed the coroner, "were you in Mr, Matutvttrutg's p't'ivpte library at any time during last even- ing?„ ,1 was not, 1 spent the entire evep- ing Ili my twit roup]." "When did .you see 41r, Maimwarieg? "Not until after eleven o'clock. I had conte dnwti for a smoke ie the grounds outside and met Mr. Mainwar- ing in the lower hntl on the way 10 tilt rooms. lie asked me to come to his library, before'retiring, as he wished to give some Tinel directions for the next day , About half an hour later 1 went to the library door', but hearing loud and angry talk within, I waited in the hall some tefleen or twenty minutes until 1 knew Mr. Mainwaring was alone. 1 then entered, received his instruct- ions, and trent directly' to my room for the night." "Were you able to recognize. tits voices or hear :u)y of the cottversat- tun?" "1 was. 1 recognized the voice of the housekeeper, Mrs. LaGrange; but feeling that I was (hearing what was not intended for ate, I walked back to the main halt and remained there until Alts, LaGrange carte oral," "You saw her leave the library?" "Yes, sir; I passed her in the cor- ridor." "She sate you, of course?" "Site seemed scarcely conscious of fay presence until we had passed; site then turned and watched int as I en- tered the library. "What was the nature of the con- versation which you beard?" "1 only heard what Mrs. LaGrange said. She evidently was very angry (Continued neat week) % At L S Ind PIMPLE'S ON FACE AND BODY. Boils and pimples are simply, t•t'ident'rs of bad blond than. is site -eluting in the system corning to the surfnra'. The only wily o 'i wily u) r1 yourself of there painfut azul unsightly blond riisenst•s is to have:view Henry petrified by ltu!'doek Blood Bitters. It, removes rvery par- ticle of fold material from the blood, and the dein becomes clear and smooth, and free from all eruptions. Mr. Roy A. /levity, Trenton, Ont,,, writes:—"Two years ago 1 was very match troubled with boils and pimples on my facer and hotly. A friond advised me to take 13ardeck Blood Bitters, I got t.11ree bottles, and before 1 had finished the third one, toy }toils and pimpltst bed all d,istppr;u•+d, trod my fare and body rverr ue rir•;tr and as smooth as any baby's -.mild be." Burdock Blood Bitters has been on the market for over 40 year,. Y.,ti arra not experimenting when you buy i;. llannfar,',ured only by Tim T. h511. burn Cv„ Limited, Toronto, that. W:iiEN THE DAY IS DONE. I tray, eat', u t hate [ 11 :;)'teach and k,le. Acd i've never rai`ed a row. 1 have swallowed a can It nt„ f.tened brat And 1 feel like a I'rindled cow, I ant taking a snack Proal the old haystack In the evening shadow's gray; And I'm glad you bet, At last to get To the end of a meatless dlty, A inisx is Evidence That Piles, or Hemorrhoids, Can be Quickly Coxed—A Justice of the Peace Cured Many Yeats Ago. There hos come to u8 reoentiy these two letters from prominent men who bear unquestionable teathnonv In re- gard to Dr, Ctyase's Ointment as a prompt and lasting etre? for piles. These men give their' evidence freely because they know what it means to safe' t front thetortures cur es of nes and P u then be cured. They feel it. a h and a nletasure to tet others know how they, too, may be cured. Rev. Prank IV. Bowes, Methodist Minister, Prtcevtlle, Ont., writes: 'In the winter of 1912 2 was statintted in Cobalt. 1 went far a snowshoe tramp one day, and sat for only a tow min- utes on e, cold. stump waiting lir seine comrades to catch up to are, Prom sitting on the damp stump 7 con- tracted piles, and suffered so severely that it caused Me great pain to walk. A. friend reconttnended Dr, Chesib's Ointment,' and 1 immediately 'pur- MhBsod a smart box, which very rapidly effected a, etre, I always keep a box on hand and find it excellent for any kind of wound or sere." Mr. W. B. Thorne, ,l•, T'„ Aldereide, A.tte,,, writes: ' 11 was twenty-eight Years ago that I became acquainted frith the motifs of Dr. Chase's Oint- ment end would not he without it on coy account, Salt never fails 'to do Ate work. Y wits And inducted to try it for Wiest' ,T eita than one bole Cured too, Old I have never heel) troubled Etlneb, that was twenty-eight. yeere ago, so L think the cure in permanent, It dot reed for sore lips alit? tha.nds, olustIngt tud,.in feet, all a*rttl 0;t dares, '''olt ire at litarp_ty to. We. this .giat,teritetie'L for the benefit at atheel.," -to 454.15:pint I)r, glial,.'., OthtMevbtt l4 the feet in !atee encu- f sports eiitfit• ' 4 he tam t o bt a. rant ' '°;crit ce t ti • u Y sit' '• ►titain rei4Af from tru?Jfd d trill-'. o v lMdtiMtjt arire, , Itil ttf�i a herr. tnhi i f t, lio:; 7!,isaif " '. N "nrrx,o•�r•tK: 7Sph1r;: S•sr.;; g,01.1 rul."ritr►; j!+ %tltoi?tigi- NOV rice ' ItvM 1tAt11ttkring tii 6n51tt2S,5,;, sp4lltAi"kkil., +> ' ONLY MEDICINE MIDE' FROM FRUIT Extraordinary success which "Fruit -a -Lives" Has Achieved One ',moo wlty "Fruit-ft-tiveb" is so extraordinarily successful in giving relief to those suffering with Caintitcrtiori, Torpid Liver, lrtcfc,g•tts• iia 1, elerOdic ileadeekea, Neter /l,I, ia, A'idtiay, died Bladder Troubles, Ji°/ierima14',e, Aria /,i (/tu Back, ,f'c„court and other Skin Affcetlons, is, beoauso it le the only medicine in the world made front fruit t Juicies. • It is composed of ilio medicinal principles found in apples, oranges, figs and prunes, together with the peeve tonics and antiseptics of proven repute. 5Oc. a box, (1 for $2.50, trial sine 25e, At all, dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit -a -tires Limited, Ottawa, SCHOOL, Lesson 8-."41rst Quarter, l'elrll= ary 24, 1918, 'l'RE'.' INT felt !ti'A7'19)ti'10 41':Ill},i Lesson Teti, Mork .1:21.31—Mem- ory Verses, Matt. 14:rI1, 52 --- (;nldr'n 3't'xf, iaa. 11:9-4 Min” military 1:EJ--{'ttrn- militarY {'r'c'pt red By fie+. (1. Si. Stearns. The first two .arses nt our• 1e't,nn find a similar shying t7 Mar 1, 5:11. 16, when believers are called the salt of the earth anti the light or rhe world, hitt. the wanting is /oven chat salt may lose Its saver, and a lie:71 may he preveete,J by elrrtun,tatt Q from henefi(f tp others. As w,' sate In titre parch!:' of the sower atony 1 !kings into. b!Ltlir'r fh• ulifoih.':;s, to that Parable ,f r'e•r•uta fo me that nei- ther wayside nr,r rn,'1, soil gvo any c,vldr'nr-o of th•+ 1'.fr,''', salvation, while the thorny null may iudirato a saved but unfruitful cf,, 'I'herefore the warning a hon, the necessity of the Light shining, and the oars hear- ing. in lesson verses 24 and 2 5 tient is 'an U4111°00100 so much needed In 0111' clay when there is so rotten false. teaching— "Take heed what yo hear" --•suggesting rhal the should be care- ful to hear only that which is mored in the Scripture of 'Truth (Dan. 111: 211. Our altitude should be, "1 will near whirl Cie,! the lore vent speak" (l''s. 85:8). is to tt reran losing that which he hath, the meaning is mor - plain In Lnke 8:18: "That whief: he 'seen1.e4.11 to have." Wo are io lit u, as hit mot her mid bt'i'threll ,,nly when we hear tier' ward of God and du it tl.uk' 5:311. 11'h'm hr' a•,:•11:,, of the K'u'-•dant of rine! in parul,l'' . :il',nr th:' t'h:rrl- d, y., 111%1 u,, 17 :, iii t. t :: we 11.-e t atui hi o ,o hi.t r rein; '"1 ,,',,, ,. iii ., ,t v. ' i, h• e11:,'d •:7 1151 rt „f tile' so;a, , .•sn,'rt u. t'r• 111.. F!‘r1,1 11p 7,1 0 ft,,n..'!. ,r• 1 1 11 1 u n ;e:.. t; v.1'` :ii 1',i!n n: n:11 ell:•n•r.,• 1:,1-•!1 h r t ' ri,, ,11. !I She r.- : t-.,', cosoeps i hr .' t" r r.'•ant an) •'i t ,1 l,n.r„ ('P11 int' 1•0.:4nl:.- .,:s!, sad in ,1•, .:Ih t: I1:., -t',:n1u�. It r: ,,,• l', tow ala :rl, y"!4 1 im,', " ,'1it-:'2 5,,00 1, rho ptu'tih;r of natvlard ser'rl, which ear. hr• 'tn-. ! „wt only int aha tight e• 1 1i 11',•r par:,bi,•t of this di;'si r,e, •ah'"h Cally given In Marl, 11. I:.re is an unnatural growth, lot• the u;if.,1,1 nfaot Is not a grout ire,', and by foals •:7f the air must be tinder- ' rad in the lie;lt,, of his nxposliion 1 •hn parable of (1',' sower. 1,01." Ir" v;': ess 4 anti 15. flit' let us inntt at the whole seven .-f ihis one discourse In Malt. 11, and ^:'amtbr+•r Ii,nl hr, is describing 1.11'5 •vl•oit' age bet worm his refer:tion and :, return tiering which bis follow- -r:, pre to "Occupy till Ste come," "'hilts.' dilln.ent aaae+ of the pounds 'n'1 ,he 1']tints he rouunlis to us, nd of which we mast give account ct kiln. The first heir, 1be sower out i.hef seed, the wheat turd the tares, the mustard a'iod and the Icmv,m, were spolten publicly, and when they were alone he expounded all things t0 1118 diteiples (Mark 4; 34 ). 'Tilt): last three of the seven seen (0 have been epok<5 pry 'ilohy to bis disciples in the house (;tint,. 13:311; Whim token tngether as one discourse, a.^.,hon t really .V were, p the t .1 ea )lag seems very blain, and in perfect accord with all Scripture. Our great business as his followers 's to preach the word as fila ttaeasen gars with his Limas:me, not; exfttrll ng to find good soil everywhere, but re- lying upon Him Who cannot fall not be tiiscoorttged. Wo meat expect that until the and of this age tares, the devil's eounf.et'feit, will • grow with tho wheat; the children of the devil and the children of God ;tide by side 1111 the eery. The little plant. will beeorne a great tree, tde vast thing called the church, 1n which will he many a Judge Ise.ai'iot. Many n chill of that devil In the pulpit, in the choir, on the board of trustees, and n the pews; the birds a1 Lite air in the . branches, The food, which ought to be the pure Word of God, wilt pertly .be Mixed with evil, • fm' tenee.n Is always euggest re of cvtl, 'and" we Mitre come to dayri when froth raauy a upulplt, only falai doctrine is proelalmed 'lie Itnew that it Would be so, and thld'tot that we MigI,t not be disgaturtiged. key who itch leek- theef01 h oo id wro t '.o (hr,Jnt In 1,11ie Ago. atm 1atkitt)1 toe that tot• Which there la hd eotuun'II' in Rltrrittture, cnonittttli.u4 to hear hint aifd ratltt+n)- ,ering that ha triad "'phef,lli!hit1 tat the *oriel,' '(M'at,f IA: 311ir ' YSDb gine 4--vftftg; up itu Uti)t,4114 ' too our 1 7 b tli.�. et t'niAt rri• his k. ::o'r• 810) 'ditty It'4 otght: r rat{ ttIM. `191it'Azit . tt)pte, tell' (ASS Wevt „ d, ll' titin' Sate* tit tilt teet5nlire 10 IS, me jtttrplet terabit, sstt1 hidden but exon to he manifest. TIN alp+) le the merchantman, and the pearl at great price le We ehut cls gathered from the Boa of alt uatione, wlhleb in clue time he will present to iilmeelf its a Mealtime church, holy and without Itlotntstr, not 'having spat o1' wrinkl•e, or any such thing Mph, 627), 11. 'is of great priee because or the prier he paid for it, When the church shall have been completed, and israel redeemed int hie coming ie glory, them shall ibis tong -postponed. Kingdom come, Meanwhile the net gathers all kinds, but there shall be a separation at the end of the age, and it will be for each and all the Kingdom and the glory or the furnace of Ilrc, In the alluvial deposits of Mada- gascar remains of ostriches have been found which when alive were fourteen to Arleen deet in height, *4144044400040M4". - - 4.00404 Thwn and, Country ®444e04'1a*2•D 4.4444494440044440 Honor Stripes Retired officers, ex- officers, dis- charged :edifiers • and others who while servng were entitled to wear the doter lrraid would distinction cm the uniform are permitted to con- tinue to wear the braid, If they -wish to do so, on plain clothes after leav- ing the service, In future the num- ber of stripes of gold braid to which a mita is entitled is to he noted on his discharge certificate, Chiirtren Cry FOR FLETCHER'S 'CAS T O R A. Village Sues Constable The case of Tee'swaler vs, Trench which will come up for trial at the County Court next Monday at 11 a. tn. is an action brought by the Village of Teeswatter to recover moneys held, it is claimed illegally, by Constable Robt. Tench. Trench, who is the well known lightning rod contractor and race horse owner, took the job of Con- stable under local option to (915, the agreement being that he was to retain hall' the finis ss Itis fees. lie secured conviction of two parties who paid 412511, Aller paying ,;cit the legal anti outer expenses and retaining 4625 as his own fie. he paid in the suet of 451(1.75 10 the village, Ile claims haat he made an agreement with the corporation's solicitor that this a mount would be accepted as payment in fall. The village is now suing hint for the difference between 4625 and the :mount paid (55ie.75) or S105.- 25 plus interest to date.—Mr. 'french ' is well known here being the owner of the skating rink here, C:iilriren Cary FOR FLETCHER'S CAS TORIA Dr, W. H. Hamilton Dead Stratford Beacon:—Wird was re- . ccived an the city by Mrs, Robert .51urrat, 47 Daly ayen ue of the death in Florida of her brother, L)r, \V, tl. Hamilton, aged n2 tears, The late. Ur. Hamilton who was the donor of the handsome ;Hosoleunt at the. ceme- tery has not been in the best of health I,v some years. lie was In the city • Iasi year to see the nu,s,deu 11, after which he lift for Florida to spend the winter in the hopes of regaining 't'lt u1'adg Y, Fe br 7'y 1st, 19'1$ nl l health. Ws olli. i 1 uwtavar, he fai14!at rapid- lY and the death otmerrect on friday. The deceased wire bore in North Easthope and was the suit of the 'late James Hamilton of Stratford, Ile had been u re41d9111 of fort mitten) for the past 35 years. Ile leaves to mourn their Inns, his wile„ two bro. tiers land four sisters, Rev. Dr, 13, D. Hamilton, of New York City ; S, '1', Hamilton, of Minneapolis, Minn; Mrs. Robert Murray, 47 Daly avenue; Mrs, James Sutherland, Toronto; Mrs, W, 15, Andrews, Vancouver and Mrs. C. H. Strath, of Katnl,ops, The late Dr, J, R, Hamilton of Clinton and the late het. J. 11, Humliton of Vancouver were brothers of the deceased. The late Dr. Hamilton was tl member of the church of England. The remains will he brought to the city for inter- ment, YEASTL HAS SEEN CANADA'S FAVORITE. +YEASTFOR MORE TF'' N 30, YEARS MAKE PERFECT BREAD MADE IN CANADA ROYAL 1 ts %me Ma -- MOCQiI Prvit. ,!>t,t',t 2R0NT0,oattCs, flow it steadies and susnins ��19, Wi,1gum, ai.flavour it) this delicious m, iaJ how it 1 . 'ss! tfsrdra"m$ 1';:ea YC41R Loy vat rseas arhpvl,iil PeeeDE IN CANADA A Cli1 521a everywhere It t is b (1 t lege n:y,'A44.33111h1u•„ 9 r, f;,vff',���N '; ,f ti � ltisit5r� .f' f k, It'zNyfilE _'„ I;,. d Saves the. and the Horses " T -HAS been estimated that five acres of land are required to maintain one horse for a year, r, ald that the same five acres would producenarly enouh food for two people, Ti 5 U UU Canadian o n far mors each one horse with a Ford, 250,000 sores would be added to the Nation's source of food supply and enough extra food made available to feed 100,000 people. ,hist think what a great service this means to the country at theresent time and the benefit to the fanners from the sale of food produced an thin acreage. A Ford Car also saves the farmer a week or more of valuable time each year, which can be used fort further productive work. The Ford travels three times as fast as a horse and rig—costs less to run and keep, and is far easier 'to take care of, With labor so scarce and high priced, time moans Money,' so do not delay in getting your Ford. Runabout .. 1 $475 6li)IARR w .r , $495 ..tOti}1st, $770 P. A '& 'O:), imetz: 'Bert ' .an ford ' Dealer nt : r. „. .. .. .- .G,... ...