The Clinton New Era, 1918-2-7, Page 611 PftGB, 4 1'7p,1 T G'lalN.EW ERA uww.Nuzy+kayry,aq�,s,�rtw.ciw:nog,mum•,c�wv,qu(r,�w,ws�i!?P.�r+upVwwrw�WANM�kP."lw+�a rd PI(IIgIUIU II(n� pj UY .; T ' GOODS A N D HOUSE ti. 7"°, NISHINGS 0 Tile price of tite above mentioned Hues will Mel %� 0 l £ B L1 • be ore 0 a we ere now quoting. Everything :n The Store Reduced.Ex,cept The Folio win SCOTCH BES' MAKE) . , $1.95 PER POUND 4 -PLY ,ad vier Cid , niO will .CoA orthe future sell one pound of We never leave, norwell wet w n in(, yarn.at Otte Dollanr', and Seventy-five Cents to one customer and one hundred pounds to another: eustorner at a. lower price,per (sound. One price to all whether the quantity be large or ainall.1 We 'would muw'le rather' sell one hundred customers one pound each, than one hundred pounds to one customer. hey are less 2 and 3 ply" Factory Yarn 98c a pound 6 Gard Spool Gottoi ' (Goats Make) 4 cents a spool Same aS above, only larger spool, 5 cents a spool' 12-4 Ibex Flannelette Blankets (the best made' ''240 pair We reserve the right to limit the quantity purchased by any individual person; this we do in ffairaaess to all Customers can have goods held for a period not exceeding thirty days on payment of a email deposit. R ' A 1) E EPIGRAM- "As the blacksmith strikes while the iron is hot, so the wise 'fl buyer will anticipate 11"er wants for a long time to come and make her selections early while the assortments are good," If our prices do not urge yoti to buy the clerks will not, it is against our rules. We want you to make this store' your shopping headquarters, come in whenever you til e, • stay as Iong as you like, we are at. your service. Woin en's Store Next Royal Bank Phone 67 `Ey ezEirrzz.t.temeizemsammas=tamm=conmematemtemmeaana atzamearx e. -,azo,-�. near. Deceased spent nearly all of her lite in Clinton. She is survived by her husband and threw sons, Oliver jr., be- ing overseas with. the 161st. Mrs. Johnson has been in ill health for some time naw. She was a valued member of the Ontario St. Methodist church the funeral is being held today and interment will he made in the Clinton cemetery. The heartfelt sympathy is extended to the husband and sons in the loss of wife and mother. emeteeteramevereivessatmneweeemontte Yo tion Men's .Store Opposite Library • Phone 103 'flatursdily, IE ebruit tlly.l0a 11li$1P111i11il i11101111011111fIIUI1111111111111111111111111i111111111101111111111iIPI$11111111111'u110 ${11!111!!11111111111111111111i11111111N111111111PIi!IPC!141111{W!'Ji11Till!111$llllll111ill11111N1lIVIbr' A Former Cilntonfatt Read, fd i i 'j'hc }ldnuurton Bulletin, of'Jen. 3rst � �Bsi9n �1 �11 RotTE refers to t •former C piton! is iiia 4� funeral ui Daniel Gruenntett 74 yam's 2 o'clock e(eest sy a ernocn n1 ige, was held ,at Cotlkfng: Culla, et THE. \Y 1 l ft mr. aid' Nilrlhclitfe fn a. recent article 1 says. --''Another thing which shosld t always -be •sent is a local newspaper, 8 which gives the intimate details for s which the boys at the Front lung so 4ke to see what r sued by the power controller, Sir Ienry Drayton, and the chairman of he .ttvdro-lilectrie power commis - ion, Sir Adam Beck, amending and upplensenting the order of the Sth 1f January, that on- and after Feb - uitry 5th all window - lighting shall t e discnnineed, and that all ex- terior and entrance lighting other than that necessary for the public safety, shall be -discontinued. In- st.) uetions ate in Give» to the chiefs of police of the various towns and cities in the districts of Ont; rio served by power generated by the Niagara river, to enforce the or - dor, or for any disobedience there- of t'1 inflict the penalties in the Jimmi55 provided for in the order of .tan .Ory Sih. - lV1r;. C'livor Jchnaton Dead, , paihefieally. their friends are dieing, They like to read about "church socials." They lit to know •that bliss Smith poured tea for Mr, isruwn. Tile troops et the Front always have plenty of the world's greatest newspapers to tell: them 1.y -hat is going nn, but the to -al! h„m2 ournal is t gift for which they'. are always thankful." -The New Era 1 is always on the look -out for the home. and district news, .and es there are a • of rattlers being sent to the boys{ tvc se• . ,,it,• hody can- make this journal Interesting by sending in the• ' local ti ;:genings. No Window Lighting 1 further joint order is being . In Galeria) on Sunday,.Jennie New. march beloved wife of Mr. •Oliver Jahestora easeed away in her Stith t@ Grusuntett ssvCs Welt -known ifi Es a - ' tun and djstu t far the past 25 ,tins, � " 1 it� Ile leaves his widow and a family. The LIN 1 " , � � i :0 deceased was the owner of It prosper- tt�� ons kurus tit Cooking -Lake, lie died rl1outhty evening, Certain of the lively youths of Clin- ton have decided to form- a town lea- gue for the purpose bf playing hockey and amusing the citizens. '.::They are divided into ohree teens which will battle for the championship as hallows 1'-1'ustiuie.17,lub vs. C. C. 1. 1'eb. 111-ltaherty vs Pastime , Pei 22-1 ' . ! vs Doherty Feb. 25--(., Ci cos. Pastime March 1 -Pastime vs. Doherty Mar,- 6 -Doherty cos 1:.0.1, 7„ er rse Breechner t -9nvir nment AT the present time there is an enormous demand for heavy work horses which cannot be adequately met with, and, as a eanseciuenee, prices are higher than they have ever 'been betore, This condition, though .chiefly (mused by (the use of a large Number of horses dor war purposes, is likely to eon- ittnue for many years alter the ter- trnlisation of the war, Nowhere Is the Stiemand •keener than in Western Canada where coneiderable areas of raiele land are available for putting oto trop, The market there is an immense one. Farmers are breaking ore land every yea!', and althonvh large number's of tractors are being need, many farmers prefer to use arses. New settlers continue to arrive in increasing numbers, It as always been possible to sell ecally bred horses at prides alto- igethe,r out of peopartian to the cost et production. The country is par- ticularly adapted to the industry. and largo as are the returns from other branches of farming to 'western (lane Oda, in none are they larger than those which the farmer who engages 3n the raising ,of }arses may expect, ' In an article written .by 11tr, til, d. Z)avenpostt, • of Admo> Alberta, which appelred;in a recent issue et the' "Farmer'e, Advocate" (Winnipeg,), some 01 the advantages possessed by Western Canada as it horse raising country are pointed out Mr. Bayou - port has been a sticcessfttl breeder of 3Percheron horses 1st Alberta for a. number of years, had arItete from experience, • "We t fie tortineae to 'ptrestern Canada that our ellttatiei cbndittens are Taverabld tsr,. ilio production Sol` ealthy }arses, that our WI condi- 'iohnsal,a.reosnsnsucahand thatuonthoritfhiledng• groforwnUta Is erfect and construction °eat strong, p capering trattte. The ttttntlSphere Is .bright, br,ti;idg and Oro, ,with the xvgen required for hint lova sp-jj etit and blood bell,1ing; trltlle Ogeel dant sunshine benefits animals and rn lent alike leer the development t oP plants de P dense, flinty bone of sufficient calibre mineral matters must abound in the Codd and drink of horses, \Vithout these r'egntsites of nourishment Im- perfect animals will be prodmeed. Western Canada In regard to these 'e. i�em t ieminently s us est >Y s s for the breeding and rearing of horses of the highest type and (ual- ity. Her soiis are ricer fn minstrel matters; her drinking waters are strongly impregnai'ed with minerals; her Node are beth rids in proteins 4114 earthy Waterfall), and en4celalty fitted ler perfect frame ituildtaug. We' can at all fitnas supply nor .lto,'si'tt with nutritiotis feed freak nevty-t411 Ing sources. u z i i s . iumero '1 nerds bra CSP the ca 1 t a f proving> to he of pattdnitlar 'mini be the feeding of hones, Ai,It fnrtnishns teateriele '.tor the deVelopment' of strong bone, dense tendons, tough hoofs and. e' ul muscle essentials forowtl. which e Wethe the stern horses are already fated, "It 'may, therefore, Inc stated :with confidence that Western Canada favors these deeirable dualities; which are lees perfectly developed where the rlinilite is hotter and eop- se4uesttly less bracing, and where the character oil the soil it better ddapted for the produntinn of ndrts and ether fetid materiels more, Or less deficient in 611.111Cittftttlsis 4.Iw ; redients.; We }tn,Ae., aipsos, bet:tpr .n -alt' other s.alen of t e'!eant)it^. aha. 3 0 4 ;11.. h + predstivt drntt, hence t :fit®tt7 psiailty and devel,'tpxneng its, regar1ai ?urate, Vigor, stoentnai, eonettt;utiat,., RIO I t . 'i era " n aqui icy n d t l 9 t) 0.i it � � � � a i t t ee' ar ' na ore, t nt e s y ore 4 e m iq pQr, P a e to "ti'le'r e �" s re' eats than �+os ati reqs m that worke bard 1a the alter w4•ay4a Died at Ottawa, ADA On Tuesday, at Itis late residence in ,5 ,40 Ottawa>, Mr, W. S. Lawretiee 'formerly' I ,75 't teacher on the 15th coil.ot'•Godericlt 1.50 township passed away after :t serious Three: M milts Half Y est)" Year illness with pyrothea poisoidhg, lie lied OUTSIDE OF CANADA been =dined to bed for u month. His I (hi 'Advance. Only) many old- friends here will sincerely Great Britian . .51..50 regret to learn of itis death. To the Hotted States , , , . , . . , , ,52.00 willow and family, the syltlpaHiy • goes France, Greece and other War out to them. the funerilt is being held today from his late residence to the Beechwood cemetery at Ottawa. Now Postal Regulation's s For. the purpose of, reducing • the tonnage as much as possible that War supplies may have first place in the nation's shipping, the British Govern- ment, in connection with the Celled- ian Post Office Department, has Issued a stringent regulation forbidding the sending of newspapers in bundles to both soldiers and civilians living in the United Kingdom. The new order for}warded in single copies.- It is ex- plained that it is purely British regu- fronts g e. 5 0 Coming to Town, _._• It iss reported that a Greek is eomilYg to town and will oven hp a restaurant and confectionery store, Its a cold }winter so far. Third Instalment: The third "instalment on the re= cent -Victory, Loa)) was•ciue at the local banks, the staffs of which were busy ,last week receiving payments., Are Frost Bound' tatiou, to which the Canadian Govern- Although n11 the Grand Trunk meat has had to :acquiesce. Itis it lines are open to traffic, frost -bound peculiar order, for it allow; the ship- conditions still prevail, and the con- peculiar b1 bundles of newspapers to nections are very- uncertain at divis- suldiess in Prance and not to those in tonal puirits. Through trains are England. Another feature of the reg-' 1'uun[ng Isaacs late, elation is that it does not. prevent No January Thaw the same party sending at the same time to the same person different The past month itis unique in that single copies of newspapers. there was no thaw, and that it was the. coldest February since 1557, Out otherwise It dill not introduce any naw records. The snowfall totalled over 23 inches, but this was exceed- ed as late as 1915. Mercury ma Lowest Point A Great Success. 'l'lte Minstrel Show and. Platy pre- sented by the Y• L. P. A. on 'Tuesday evening was a great success, with a lilted !rouse in spite of the extremely severe weather. The play which had t& et place on the program was well re ceived by the appreciative audience, When tate curtain went up the scene revealed at college' girl's pretty room, the walls covered with profusion of i school banners,- pictures,tennis rackets snow shoes, etc, and table strewn with books. Janet 'Mark, the lively Owner of the mous had answered several ad- vertisements for "Isinale help" and. spent a .busy morning receiving "ad- v'attce agents" Peons the different con- cerns with which site !tact corresponded Hiss Jean f\IcTagga rt, as Janet, was On Tuesday morning According to unofficial reports the mercury made at new record for the season Tuesday morning; various thermometers registered from 27 to 35 degrees •below zero early in the morning. Ladies Hockey Match 'Tuesday Februafy 12th. • •'I'h , second game of the season 1ci11 1,e played in the Clinton Arent on Teestlay, February 13th. Strat- ford Ladies \', S. Clinton Ladies, Miss Allis, of Stratford is advertised as the best lady hockeyeet in Wester» Chit - :trio, so ,t fast gauze may be expected. Come and cheer our girls. Game. nulled at 7:45 Band in attendance charming, and plowed the rule perfectly. and skating after the match. •Adtsiss- iter first caller, loots Briggs, a chanty worker. was represented' excellently by :Miss. Doily Canitelun. Miss Jesus Scott, played the part of Miss Spike a prim spinster ,ef the Teachers waln- ing frust. Miss Plnmi1tis, frons Boston, 'a Literary ary Light, was well portrayed t, .'list Ethel. Wylie. :Hiss Lucile' -Grant, as "Madame Maude," represent s!1. 1„w mats a e Anick retreat t 1 h fun: -Children 1.5' cents and Adults cents, • Old Bear. Saw His' Shadaw • Coming forth front his winter home this morning the tsar took one brief sniff at the colt! 1111. sehere throes} which the sun shone and seeing his ng a tut'ertt)r line of filet regtusstes, ., occasioned hearty laughs from the au_ sten, there in remain for six vve.eks nst,ra. Accl,rdiey to It t old time 1)1' . (lienee and ,Miss Rattle t,ourtice, tate last "agent" to appear, es.. miss iiig- gin.. chyli the rule of the severe be iness woman. After being well cate- chised by all her visitors ,thud much laughter front the audience, .laulet de-. cidtd that Arthur, her persistent ad- mirer, ;Ind •t matrimonial engagement were best after, all. The Minstrel show worked up to the precedent established by last year's performance. and in the opinion of many surpassed it. 'Fite end Ladies doing; many new, funny stunts which kept the spectators in tits of laughter and the choruses were gitod. Thi chorus in black dresses, red handkerchiefs, and bandanas, looked very effective against a decorated back- ground of orange, the decorating being done by Misses Ward and Stone, Miss Jean Scutt, as interlocutress, wore evening dress, and the End Ladies had new costumes too varied and elaborate to permit description. 'I'hc jokes were height and funny, the local hits good, and the songs and dances effective. r1 pretty touch during the siegiitg of one chorus was a flower dance with char- acteristic and artistic costumes, the dancers being Misses Wylie Mc- Taggart and Draper, ,The Quartette. "Nigger, Nigger, never die" with the dance was clever and a scream of lough ter from beginning to end. The two little pickauninies little Misses Edith Hill and Mildred Holloway, were cunn- ing and sung their little song "Coon. Dolly" in it pretty style. The antics of the Mid, Ladies -Mrs, MacKinnolt, Mrs. La Penetiere and Misses Ctuff and How- son, cannot be described-theysang and danced and joked tont( were so funny that anyone who did not see the performance on Tuesday must not !'ail to go to -night. To those who saw the Tuesday perfarmeocS and intend going agate jet it be .said that. all new jokes will be given and a few other changes will he made so that they may feel ars; tuned that the entertainment will be lust as entertaining, ias it tuns the first night Great credit is due fa 'Mrs: Jack Mackirinost who .took charge of the niinstrei pe+fortnance sand euild'e• it such a. success. The Y,1.,P A, feel that their thanks are owing. t .Mrs.' La Pen- etiere whet calve down to Clinten:'e5- ,peciall•y to take her efficient, part as one of tlse and LSdiec aiso Miss )viand 'l orrnnce, the clever pianist . A goodly sum was realjzed front the 'first night's 'pettermance pheey the beau' comes out on the leo nine of the 2nd of February ea,'h Year. If he does not see his shadow ha remains out and an early spring is looked fur i ut this morning the sum was shining brightly and he could not possibly help seeing it, Elgin Liberals Ask for New Leader. 'rhe altitude of Wm. Proudfoot, K 0 present leader of the Ontario Lib- etal party, in the recent cam- paign, cn- paign, when he supported Union Gov- ernment, does not appeal to the East Elgin Liberal Assoeiadion, who, at their annual Meeting at Aylmer, officially frowned on his action and called for a new party convention to select a net„ le•,acler. The association commended the Liberal papers \which stood behind Sir Wilfrid Laurier in the recent cam- paign and adopted resolutions pledtr- Mg loyalty to Sir Wilfrid, and W. G. Charlton, tate defeated Liberal candid- ate, in East Elgin. 5. S. hicrierman.i, the candidate for the Legislature. was also indorsed. Only. for Depot Battalion. in future no- man snider a class call ed out by the proclamation under the Military Service Act may be taken on the strength of any unit other Ulan the Depot Batl'atljon, without special au- thority from headquarters, according to order issued last week, Any mans who has originally reported for service may voluntary report for duty to the Depot .Battalion- any nine before or- dered u do so by the deputy regis- trttr, lily. main whose application for exemption is disallowed may report for duty before being ordered to do so by the deputy registrar, - Men voluntarily retorting for duty with the Depot Bat- ta colt luso be transferred to another unit if convenient. COAL FOR CASH c in '•c +x sei•ieu e Alter seem year, • �.1 the' cold. business, we have come be the ' i saceessfel' 1'n ,.' tat that !tea v c.tcius c1 1 2n from t d is foe cash', cony to sell grist c c1 , t4 owe on all coal sold will be fin caal9 rinlp. gree' 1111.11111.1 Will1stzSp to irzaap iowtt <, -. thi, p,} .; et' than, any y1t le AA Ave. ale, now torv.} t or its 'kite, ,ti 1 t1 .. t r Iq,f SW t°taE No Pull' Now. Orders were received fronl.Gen, 5 C. Newborn, minister of Militia, 5011- veying explicit instructions regarding the use of 'influence" in connection with applications for promotion, ap- pointments' of any sort of effort in which the militarycommand was con- cerned. The gist of orders from Ot- tawa was to the effect that all efforts to intieence' the Minister or militia would' he useless, Arid that when re., quests of any sort night be made there •was nttiy one proper way to do this, through le Ii1natid- 7 h general ofl CeI' r.b 1 img, Any person who iu future tries to'use influence to niti any application fnt? favor's wIl[ merely delay saki other- wise injure 'his Sense, the orders state, NEW SCHEDULE Trains from East. neve I1,f0amt. Leave 11,1 ani, ('rive' 5.53 p.m, Leave 6.41 p.m, rrive 1 1,1,4p .tis, Leave 11.1tt p.m, Trans from Wait rove 7,33 a an. Leave 7,33 ion, rrive .2 .58 peel, Leave 2.55 pin. Trains front South n rrste (3,4 o p. , Leave f ,4 0 pa. '! rdini from ;North i`rive 7,3'3'auIe1v@ /,5e 1 Is a time of Remember- ance. Kindly Remember our, firm among thosewho, ' extend good -will for the ' future, who appreciates ... yours in the 'past and ex- pects that future meetings, will bea benefit to both,.. cos,..�rr3mxnaFRumm3==rnsamtomv.•,,aTa,taar.a,,•m-. J f h Fair Often the ehe pest-P.twB'ys the Best nonmastaZdte s alter r se sr sr; .:'raglamrao en M.s+nsat,rrnrn�-"}" ».,.n.a 5s5a55zte'.F1 na.trais usss,mizail 1:a,s4.OtJVr�+,%r„ A Tested Lens - An Accurate Shutter 3itnple Operations --- Good Pictures - All these are assured when you . purchase aKodai,e 1, Anybody can take good pictures with aKodakk or Brownie.. We have thern.from $1.00 up. Come in and let us show yaoin) how easy they are to use. • -We do developing and printing and guarantee good results '.. 77-1D', Despensing Chemist omer ,.. sY1'^T lilt. . !S,ST .. 4 m,,ry, 7.. W , rAw � , .. ArK.rll �' �^;a.:t. ra�*^�'rnwr�tu v<rm;� � rn •war• • xaw ar>wrx aium'.l*ace»:am>w-_••••,•.••••. vesnuesrt>:se vmnrrR-3:22�r.+w+xm,r . } -- a The Features c'Our ii es t tri fir... To shim, we in 014 spaniel tittasttf&'7c. are its bewitl's., its :steered tlun,fos'D, iia y. ;.olid enoeirlIPt100, stili its bt'ora 116110 pa'i!,es. Any one t .f theeapoinfs..' woad !,. Eu111,4,11t. to earn it ynnu' pt•t•feeeer't,. When they »rstillevas- ion/et we feel our. y01> 1vi11 . t het irrah:aysthet, the is a tut, irote r•uy'og opener-, tautly you cannot . tv.e d to ignor1,. f.,? 1,„,Y,), ca`'t t 1, : ll, v. ,, 1 Via➢ a y. oP i'ttalesri:tktar Lod L tineriei firi`ree torr. l'Gtutte N1gIat ttald trinishhiey 4';ilils atttewt'pesi : t llteotielsttee corer store) WARM AIR FURNACES 1The . Corner Grocery tiIt;d. fa LET "TME" -s e-tll �l ese. a the Are recognized as the best on the -Market, There are manyI �s i`s�iti of these installed in the homes in. Clinton and each and everyone giving the best of satisfaction, They are made byi- CLARE OROS, Preston Foods all the 'Dinner ' Foods and Supper Foods. Also all ih, 1 between meal foods such as Naga:, Thes.11awkins i Fruits, Confection, Etc, LOCAL � .>l a'a SPECIAL 1 QUAKER CORN FLAKES" ' 1 Second hand Wood Furnace fol 3 Packages for 25 cents while they Sale cheap. cast. Phone: 33 Shop -over itowixnd'y Llnrdwn1' EfYea�tN Piping And1, 6014 i "always On 0, nand. PHONE 15 1130.0rm bior.�. ...e aamw ' al....conmm.n.aa.mwnedanaa.au n.8Mallt71 - .I THE KDES UKE EL Try our F,dwa rdshurg Corn Syrup. Just the sante as you buy in Pails, only you are not paying for the Pails. Bring your own Pail or Jar'and we w4II 1111' it at 10e per ffi SPECIALS Good. Cooking Beans per !b ...... ,10 Mince ;Meat, 2 lbs for . Glauber Cattle Salts, Per it, 2 only hand made Cedar Tub,;, well made, to clear each... Market Baskets, each ...,.„.., HIGHEST PRICES FOR PRODUCE, I k�u Phone 1.171 Phone Promptly Attended': tea Mtct interest is 'aroused among patriotic organizations in a sweeping enat.tneht recently promulgated at Ottavva tinder which it is Made an faietice to , take up ata collection anywhere lit Canada for patriotic purposes without the permission of an executive which will be nu}ned to deal with the granting of such au- thority. The measure provides that no patriotic Collection of any kind. s It l ,.* undertaken, antes, t lie n natty 1 nisi er(akc t 11 y , gouuectiolt'"n'lth divine seTyke in a r i 'Sits tslturcll Vt'Iilidttfi tacit a pe ut. t, 1t, X111 other' days anti other ventures of the weak will' be dependent:'. uyrstr Xis issuing of scuh permission, h lot of editors who woult3e i know the front end of a guts trcutm:: i sole of sole feather ate advislilfs• to reiieva lite tuest shnrta tg 1331•'-, l ing vitt ittio the woo4e t54' y r ,' It snitnds etc , ,the wilMts `4 t 11 v5o. y l laity s11" simply fn t •nf '• b s abiit other g,itiid~11151551als'':$110, VIA., leg to ire.•s1•t. sed. • C i