HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1918-2-7, Page 5t'+'Fi!/iRt1iAG Y
'i'ln)rsdt4,y, Vubl'uary; 7111, 1918.
have,) team dr«w the hose slelgli in
Case of t fire TWA t the first team
arriving be paid $3.,00 if used an l
• $2.00 if :not. used
it On motion of Councillors Wlltse•
anti Miller, (i)lnteil adjourned.
You will find it with us at its
• We have theist for man, wo-
man, boy, and girl, in Gold
Billed, Sterling Silver, or Niek-
i el, u,ll sizes, aid prices, and all
Creed Time Keepers.
We are particular about ono
thing, viz., to see any watch
bearing the name of HELLYAR
shaft be iL credit to us.
N liellyar
issuer of Marriage Licenses -
C►111ci,reu, Cry
f* c m .et9aa .. m+m ewaaaasrs)z+aastwasle
Odds and Ends of Council
ra •
The pay sheet for 'street work for
Janitary was $22,60, •
For snowploughing the total •cost was
W. T. Hawkins.for -work on furnace,
etc was $21.00.
Street lighting cost $136.54 for
Jan nary.
11. C click's salary of $50,00 for
January' was paid,
The Cemetery Superintendent H.
Hill's salary and postage of $34.48
was -ordered to be paid.
.For repairing sprinkler, A. Seeley
was paid „3.70.
Printing account from The New Era
was $5,25,
- -'em--
3, 13. Hovey, for filling extinguishers
was $1.00.
- -SO--
The salary of Fire Chief Bartfiff, of
$25.00 was paid,
The salary of 15 Firemen for six
months was ordered paid, which a-
avtaaum,cssms •r mounts to 8150.00.
oilCOCOCCO0C2+00090c5000eatact, The Bell Telephone Co. had an ac-
'' sw count of 25 cents.
`tsiati passe(1:—,
As the Doherty Loan Debentures
';wail due on April 1st, it will be net
sssary to dispose of some of the sec-
aerates in which the SinkingFund-Itas
Wen invested, We therefore' recent- i
mend that the Treasurer and Chair -
"man' of the Finance Conunittee be
authorized to dispose of whatever
such securities as may be necessary, ,
and to use whatever means they deem
%est lo'secure the best price possible• '
Chir motion of Councillors Miller
;z,ld McEwan, the account of S. .1
tknl57eu's, for work on fountain
457,75 has ordered to be paid.
The Auditors, Cantelon and J. •
"'Wiseman made the following report: --
"We the undersigned auditors for
'the Municipality of the Town of Clin- 1
ton have examined the books, of yoltr
'Treasurer att10 those of Treasurer's
1l0t ca for Collegiate Institute, Public
tido •1, Yubllc utilities and compared
w+t,lt es wr t1 entries made in them,
find S t +se several bot .s Correct. Wt
take pleasure in certifying to the
• pea s, t nt to wav in which all
the , ks e kc pt,
" Pub 1 Utilities Cotrntiseiou
sem the fol vi v
fat n , letter:—herewith
;y'ct a and the annual reports for
v-' it o,) tont t'•l.r:i w1 `s I)ep:U•t-
or t'te year 1'7 17, Yon wiit
tulle 1 t. at, otettir,'ft amount -
in 4 te '0101 371 in the (tu
Capital a.Co't
'ate! works f)ep„rtrent as pre.
arr,,. 711,.1 with the Council
TOL. overdr.-dr has been paid out of
111111 ;;t,:inteuance account and we now
ask 04,0 pa:'s a Debenture t,1 cov r
thIS amount.
A motion by 'Couneiliors Cooper was passed: -•—That rhe
repnrls of the Auditors and the r41
tic +lilities Commission be referred to
the ft ,:ace Committee for further re-
C.nancillors Langford and Mcliwan
.brought in the following report
An announcement be made through
the total new$pnpers that. during the
wittier months it will ,be necessary to
Miss Chowen for typewriting Audi-
tilrs Statements was 64,00.
D. L. Macpherson foe 3 months sal-
ary was $112.50 and $10 for statement
for auditors,
Chief Wheatley, 3 months salary
Night Watchman R. Welsh, salary,
The two Auditor's, 1', Cantelon and
J, Wiseman, were paid $12,50 each,
Payslteet forwork for stovewood
was .120.40, and for teaming coal
$ 79.20,
Chief Wheatley reported$0.05 from
uarket scales and $5.00 for hall rent.
Hill, Cemetery Superintendent
reported 56,0o for sale of Int; $20.00
or care in perpetuity, and 518.00 fur
'Se eil'a3'poi"
.' J ori rVe
.y;n !terve...,
,i,i,.1 ,
" t r..
Ift) c lir. 44;7.111 ni Gotieri,th pall
t, t71, TIenl7al rn r7 Trr 1 , f r I
f t 7"'9 of I
I ri Ji, 1.11(7 Air 1.,, 7 t) •pt
)•, vilf)d
will E.:.i, r , •1In(ra 1 .heti •li• nn •5ahu'ti:!y i.ut
in pl ,
I1 y,a prn„ph1;:7 rrrnhdrrrr• r.E -:Q4g2 lir, Ii1Cr '.1, the $herlff'S Cu11-
.) 01J:t70 ¢T•t,,,TeaetlTe.euT. (ro4erlr, 77;,gw,4' ,tabu. , t (,. al/7ich, tt,ts ill t.itvn oft
* •, N1 Al
77 * 0 d5 +k i:. • 0 0 t7 Al 9! *
On Friday nest the Women's Pat-
rlotie tenet* will have an exhibit In
the Council Chamber of all socks knit
in the cooled, All eoeks not l0 by
Friday will no Ile counted In the con-
test, The ladies will serve a ten cent
tea, There will also be a variety
table of all kinds of things,to which
we ask the ladies of the town and
country to donate such as odd china,
picl,ures, jeweilry,. fancy work, bags
aprons, fruit, jam, butter, eggs, poul-
try, vegetables, Anything • saleable'
the, Ltdhes will endeavor to sell,
`t'he Society, gratefully acknow-
ledge the following donations of
aloneY during the months of Decem-
ber and January:—
Misses Mouncastle $5.00
11uron County •Grant $27,00
Mrs,' Warren , ... , , , $5.00
Ladies of Wesley Church Tea$25,00
For Infants and Children
hi Use For Over 3OYears
Always bears 7
4 4--Z4G
S1¢nature of
The Treasurer of the Muskoka Free
Hospital for Consumptives,• desires
gratefully to acknowledge the
ing contributions uns received ved lit Clinton
by the field •Secretary of the National
Sanitarium Association:—
W. H. Kerr & Solt $2.00
J. W, Treleaven
T. li. Graham
C. W. Cooper
Miss M. Sinclair
Miss I,- Draper
Miss L, Stevens
Miss H. B. Cnurtice
J, Ifarland
J. E. Hovey
W. ti. !•leliyar
R. Rowland
A, Wilkin
W. D. Fair
Chats, F. Libby
G. H. M.cTaggart
Miss J. J. McDougall
C. D. Bouck
Miss F. S. Morgan
Miss W. E Thompson
Miss M. Wiltse
Miss R, Stoddard
Miss J. Wilson
if. Fowler, D.U.S.
Fred Jackson
H. Bartlilg
A, J. Morrish
F. H. Sharp
Jas, Scott
1.0 7
83 Q.011
Children Ory
C00 AATO 1, 3 A
4,6S sj a ..5 Lr_ ra•
r- —
'71, :01.7,.'11 was a sufferer
o.71 ul 1..' , 1,.111 this week.
Talking about a passible sugar
famine, ine, w•e note with interest tate
' statement 1.f the. 17lnntreal Star, that
there are millions of acres of virgin
maple forests untapped in Canada,
and that scarcely one-tenth of the
maple crop in the country issued. As
a substitute for cane, and beet sugar,
maple sugar would be distinctly in.
the class of "something just as
IliattgriefralarPtkattrefhemakt: AygtschiblePrepaab Ife
,Similatingehero y Reg i 1
4inOthe'Slomarhs eadnewele of
Thefebylyroinoting Cligesliellt
75 aaeit1tel'O lum,Tdot'phi ne ttoK'
Mineral."No'i NAi't'tImici
]hcipcal'DiiieSdyl,EGF+?Cos o
Au:Oda, 41•44
T'ur r315,1 s
,omla.77705 "
T1Yrl:vn finMe,,,.
anti Feverishness % Ii,
)L0$5 O31 4111h1
• infancy
pl ktlltintlfrosu %a t ,'
arr .r..
Ttta ttil;.
S,tONTRt%aT" £•, NLT'W.'YO
fr!nibn41it51oti .i
P. or Infants Old Children.
Mothers Know That
Genuine a tt
Bears the
X O.115t,.E,4X.
,'l) , Wilbur t'ol'd matte a short visit
t,.1 'l'o'onto this week.
7,1r, 11 .Thant was forced to lay
off tt._,rk a ie. w• tia.rs this week,
Mr, Chas. F. Libby was in Hamilton
this week on business. •
Mr, 1'), K. Baker, of Ethel, t7as a
visitor with Mr. and Mrs. 0 Hoare last
Segi. Georgi; Webber, of No, 1, Mil-
itary camp, was here for the Week •ehd.
Mr, Thomas Jackson was token
suddenly ill in Toronto last week, but
according to reports is improving 11.5•
well as could be expected.
Lieut, Wes. C;ldwell,,M, C., was a
visitor with old friends in town this
Mitchell Recorder:—Mr, Wm. For-
rester' has improved so much that he is,
now considered out of danger,
Mr: and Mr's, J. B, Whittingham are,
expected home from • thei)• wedding
trip the end of this week.
Nliss J. 1.1, Argent, who has for the
past few weeks been visiting at her
home has returned to Toronto where
she is employed at the Dominion Al-
liance office.'
Mrs. W. H. Jervis visited 'Goderich
friends pert of last week,
Mr, Gibson of Luckeow, W)IS a visit-
or on the Bayfield Road for over the
week end.
Mr. and Mrs, A, Hooper of town and
also their son, Olin 0. of London, here-
by wish to express their thanks and
appreciation not only to those who
helped, but also to the many friends
trite neighbors who offered to help in
the time of their sore' bereavement,
The many old friends of MIs, D,l'erg,
Macpherson will )'egret to learn that
site is confined to her room in 'a
1oston hospital, 511e has been living
Witit her daughter it, that city for
sometime. That site may be speedily
to health
is the sincere' wish
'of 'Iter old friends.
While there are al lot of teachers
fr0111 I1etoii e
e1 i
{ia various
schools of Toronto,
it does s tto.t Often
happen that any number of thein get
i41 One S 1 1
clod,et in Ogden school
h c too]
three. from 9liuit0)1 find, .emiiloyni5ni,
'I'liey :ire Misses Dell O'Neil,'Helena
Micdle 0
1 and ati Eii
t t Leine Levis,
Mr,`. Jetties Snell 1s this week attend-
ing a 1lht0ber of agrieultu'a1 and stock
ttleetillgs, and it goes without saying
that he, will 'lake an aI(l'e part in Meet
of them. While he is interested JN
three branches of stock raising, (horses
cattle and sheep) his specialty is pips,
sibly the latter, and there are few,'
11113', 7114)1 hh 77)018110who have a wider
and more enviable reput11100
breeder of thorobred sheep, So ti'ellt,
is he known in this connection that he
has beet) called up00, to set es ,fudge
at fairs i'ronl She Atlantic to the Pec -
Bic, and it is no figure of speech to say
that he almost spends plore time away
from home than he does there,. He Is
as well k710w0 it) the U11157! States as
in his own Province. Suet men are
not only at Credit tu. the community,
but 'they are an asset of'inestintable
value because they add to .the wealth
and prosperity of the country,
0 WITH '['1354 CIIURCURS, mo
w o
13aptlsj• much.
The Pastor's subject for Sunday
evening will he "Liberty."
The all 17Led business meeting of the
church followed tate sleigh ride of the
Sunday School and tea last 'I'hulsdey
evening, The finances are 111 fairly
good shape and the church is looking
forward to a gond year.
Ontario Street Uhureh.
fire Leligue meeting was in charge
of the Christian Endeavor Department,
A piano solo was given by Beryl Salter
and also by Misses Vesta and Marie
Snyder, Miss Emma Plunisteel had
the topic, •
Last Sunday night Mr. A. 'T. Cooper
representing the Huron Temperance
Society, had charge of the service.
Last Sunday Communion and a re-
ception service were held, Eleven
were received by letter and profession.
of Faith.
A patriotic Sunday School service
will he held in Ontario St. church on
Sunday afte.rnonn, when Mr. A. 13.
Brawn, of Toronto, a representatit%e
of the Y.M.C.A, .will address the meet-
ing. A special musical program will
be given and a special collection is
asked for which goes to the Y.M.C.A.
fund at the front,
/1r, A, I?. Brown, of Toronto, will
address both services on Sunday next
on behalf of the Y..M.C.A. overseas
Wesley Mauch.
The Pastor's subject on Sunday even-
ing will be the Sth'Commandment,
At the puarterly Board meeting on
Tuesday evening a vote was taken on
the pastoral terns and it 901177 decided to
have it remain as it is. The Board
passed a vote of thanks to Mr. Israel
Taylor for the hymn book presented
for the pulpit. Arrangements were also
made for the coming 'anniversary ser-
vices when Rev. E. 0, Scott of Toronto
will preach, Dat Monday evening.
March 1Sth he will address a publta
nleetlne on "God in World Politics."
Hard to Swallow!
Doctna•. •'7 I -'n. t •111,1 tzl that your Lay
I as 5wa11), d n quartltr."
"Oh, 1“,,'ia';; not, so !ad us that --•11
was onl;, a copper!"
Fate of Persistency
She frowned on ihim for a yen" 4.7' logo
to eel
Fresh andFit'
-you must keep your stom-
ach well, your liver active,
the bowels regular, and your
blood pure. Your physical
condition depends on the
health of these organs.
When anything goes wrong
• N
a few doses of Beechanm's Pills
and avoid any serious illness.
They are a fine corrective and
tonic for the stern and
system, a
great help in maintaining good
health, Asilgle box will
prove the remedial value of
SII Y(Glit 9alp, *1 An* lbaediciao in the Wotl
• , 'Seld 4ivairmbstu: 1p bwson, 26c.
Instead I took Lydia E. Pink-
harm's Vegetable Compound
and Was Oared,
Baltimore, Md. --"Nearly four years
T suffered from organic troubles, hors
vonsness and hearl-
aehes and every'
month would have til
Stay in bed most of
the time, Treat -
merits would relieve
me for a time but
my doctor was al-
ways urging me to
have an operation,
My sister rifted me
to try Lydian, link-
h a We Vegetable
Compound b of or e
consenting to an
/operation. I took
five bottles of it and
it has completely
cured me and my
work is a pleasure. T tell all myfriends
who have any trouble of this kind what
Lydia E, Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
pound has done for me.'—NIsLDW 13.
Bluvrirwsr lM, 609 Calverton Rd., Balti-
more, Md.
It is only natural for any woman to
dread the thought of an operation.: So
many women have been restored to
health by this famous remedy, Lydia 1:,
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, after
an operation has been advised that it
will pay any woman' who suffers front
such ailments to conceder trying it be-
fore submitting to such a hying ordeal.
But he stayed tin he von her smile.
And now as his wife, what does site
But frown on hits all' the while.
Mrs. Henpeck: "Those who are
unlucky in love are said to be lucky
ut cards."
I enpeelr (brisking up a little) : "Ir
you'd let me out at night, dear, 1 11)151.7
it would he it good thing for me to
play flap!"
Last or stolen—One January thaw.
Some people salve all their sym-
pathy until the man is dead; then
they stake his grave 510ppy with
their tears.
On 'fltursday, February 2 1st, at 1
o'clock sharp,' on lot 13, concession 2,
II, R.S., Tuckersmith, ?_ mile west
of Egntondville, farm stock and im-
pientents. John McNay, Properitor;
I. Brown, auctioneer.
Farm for Sale.
55 acres gout clay loam, suitable ,
_,Ap1 1
For this week we 'have picked out a lot of broken lines of
calf; Kid, and patent leather, and you will find them on our
Men's IPne shoes,, Just a pair or two of any one kind, in Bax=
tables all at one price to clear , $3.50
Our stock of shoes for the coming season h heavier and
better assorted than ever before and although prices are stili
advancing you will find our prices event lower than last season,
Men's fine shirts, slightly soiled
hot No. 1—Your choice 70c
i,ot No. 2 -Your choice 7 85c
Lot No. 3—Mixed lot of fine and work-
ing shirts, your choice ... , , . , , 50c
A few ties to clear at, 2 for , 25s
Another lot of better ones at, each ,1..9c
Week Announcement
ItIt "v'7 himiR le bwmC Intel ntrlrrax=51
P.'J li {:7 G'L' A'.'1 S M7 a L4 I£NP
Small Profits
i'itone 25, )sore Business
FOR SALE. House for Sale,
Six roosts and Suntiner kitchen,
waterworks, good cellar, central and
very comfortable, to close an estate.
Apply to
• Frame house and G acres of land,
partly Lt' fruit; Bank bairn with stone
stabling; good well water, Splendid
property for a retired farmer. For
further particulars apply to
Mrs, Argent, Clinton, Ont.
, Would you like 51 to 52 daily at
hone, knitting war socks on auto knit-
ters? Experience unnecessary, Send
3 -cent stamp. Department 451 'C.
Auto Knitter Company, College St.,
Highest prices
Bert Hovey, Clinton.
On Albert Street, a seven roosted
cottage. Electric lights, soft and
town water in kitchen. For partic-
ulars apply to
James S. Miller
or W. Brydane
$3000 wanted to take ,-1p
mortgage, good security.
6 per Cent,;
$4,000 ‘canted, on first mortgage,.
good security. Interest 6 1-2 per
W. Brydone
at first
Gaud brick residence, corner of Rat-
tenbury and William streets; all modern
conveniences; good stable on premises.
For particulars apply to
leirs. James Twitchell.
T. A. GREIG --- ._..
For Sale
1 ,oft t:,un4 barn :5x40. Apply to
for agriculture or pasture; 5 acres of 1. , ve , y day. C. J. '4i'ttliis.
tin, y any day. Highest market
choice hardwood male. Neer -failing 1711
sit, melt running through it; tS l paid on delivery. Hides. Furs
1t mar SaIse:session can be given at once. Al' Jas.
a, a,
ploughed and rest under crass. b•uu;Gt , also any quantity empty sacks.
One f tit; r+,:'1 desirable r;sidental
, kn, wn s the 'las tor r.d Apply
p t 1 , VW'm, Iiedeurt l 1 ) Cllr 1 ... Steep FPhone 1«
t t ..le 1_''rt 1 17• R.R. No.
' i.linh,n 1 r,.fet es 11 71,7 town of 0111111111,
AiiCTIL'iti Sr,Le . — t.;:.i Lva.I;tC;I' 1G:i ltlUitilTiON
1 O t,t't f' I::i' 1 7i.l: Oi' 1:1.11si
!- i:• 1 .1 1 ..1,
11. ! •tit , ir..,.
F..• '.1 t'A' 1, ,' 11'71 ..
.: y. . I,, , u , _I,.:, 4111_. ,.',:7.,i lc . •_rt1
Dill I
7141 1 i'•1:117,
11113' 1.1,041.;; ytat)
,171::. I a;r,+i
;1! , ., , d it) n.:al, 1 11147(177 uvu„ 70
:'•,11, 0 ,1. Watt:1.1191 ,4llol•(h.,; u
11t1111'31uurtl:.,' u. 11, 1 bail
ti months obi, I e..w• 10 0, 1(11 ,,i,i duo
to (TIN', in April, 1 rntl 7 y-''11.14 tett
,hie to calve in May, 1 rote a years
old tion to calve in A1arc11, 1 , ow 5
years 7ld snppesed it) call', 1 heifer
2 years old due to ralv)' 1 1 10(7('('11,
1 bet 1017 t months old. Grade Cattle
—1 teov0years altl 7uppused in ogle,
1 vow title to valve in A.771 il, l heifer
2 years old dile to calve in 341ttrtah,
heifers:3 y'ear's old, 3 yearling steer,;,
2 yearling; heifers, 1 calf 31nooths old,
1 sow to litter in Mnrcll, A 51u'npshiee
Down 771008 411(11 l ran, 70 young hobs,
I gleeett lied gander. 1111(111177141 t.4, ire.
—t Massy ]Barris 7.11 binder nearly
sow•, 1 Frost and Wood (5 ft uu)w7r
with pea. harvester. .1 MuUorulielt
cultivator nearly new, 1 _leering 121te
sulky rake, 1 Uockshntt 111annre
spl'ender 1110', 1 Maxwell 15413' loader
new, 1 Uool 8htttt searl drill hew, 1
dint, 1 laud roller, 1 set hauaotns, !3
single plows, It twin plow; 1 se uffler,
1 turnip deal, 7! root pul9er, 1 witgnn
with box, 1. set of sleighs with bunks
anti wood. rack, 1 sot sleighs wiila box,
1 sleeve cutter, 1 • troy track, 2 stock
racks, 1 gravel box, 1 pig box, 1 Chat'
haul fanning 5)11!1, .I sr l; 1.200•lxotmd
scale c, 1 stoneboat, 1 flat hay rack
for tleiglb, l hay fork w itli 0111' ropes,
pohoystt>tilcl8lu)J•14, 200 feet new a'ope,
I .hoid'toouo7 car inn 1900 miles, 1
top buggy, 1 open buggy, 1 cart, 1
toutter 2tvlio lbcirr,•ews57171141• kettle,
30 17.1711A extension latdde 7 12 foot Ind
der, eider barrel, rel, 2 barrels, e l5 pgeriltdel 011e
sickle [11111101, wire stretcher, lawn
mower, 1, make, 2 of ossa ht. sh,ws, Ings,.
inchain, chain, pipe 'mooch, pail. hedge
,sippers, quantity 1011111,1 (10 redua'
posts, set breeching ling 1141 nese, set bark
band I1aa.rnt+s5 2 sets plow harness, stet
sin7lt: harness, goat tube, 13 hol'ee
blankets, set fly nets, 2 doze!) wain
bags 1 dozen' sacks. 10 cordo of dry
wood split, 00 bushels p0tatoece .20
tons hay, 100 beshelt, seed hitrle t 200;
bushels ruixe cl grain, 100 bushIe soc(1
oats, 400 bushel+, feerd oats, violins,
'Nets, shovels, ditching spades. eroly-
b41n 41)111- nutti rh1s other articles.
t!ulnitnr(l—"1)itisy(thorn, conic stove,
lounge, 2 statues, enp10(11c1,sideboarcl,
ldozen chairs, 9
8tauI5 2
Omits, 2 beds, 2 sets spring, 2 irlht•
1are0its, dresser, 3 Washstands, parlor
)nits, pirstnrr„ coal oil and 21) gallon
burro ,bed room suite, toilet, set',,
(11171071 (11111il'5. 771711) Ohio', lounge, high
Chair, small lied, heater cradle Moult
&O. Vint +1 •'11;10 stmt 111)Ael, (web t 017017'
i.ht f 1 amolu17 10 mouths credit given
uu imlauslting 7(771Oiied joint notes
it prt et77;l; off foe ettelt nn et'edir ati•
CO011eL 1Tay,,gt'&t'nl 77000(1, 1(1111 }xlf1
toes cash,
VVIL',TAIAt t.17i,' LOli }, '17xeo75 *r,:
FfT5 R'2' AN15171LS0N 1
t1. sr seem , '. ; 9,,
A.uetinheter Plerk
17'.11'1 r 4 a•I a -
.o .
,1 111, (.. .1 .,1'
1 S4.11. W,r t ,1 en patten.
bury ; l ,1111;., 1'.))'ll, din- 1 1,V,i7, Coe,. ` ,.Ii '111:. 1.
;,..•.1.77n, eel-
. fir. .tr'a i:3 1, ,•nod
s:x• f`,,,, } Ci ;',f l .. 10' ,•yuti )..7,11• 1,1
['or n,:o a• to ,. t-,, ... ,.. 77 /,3 . ,`:i
'The, P71'1: lou , , r 11111
:IOW fit: "t i2,1 7•,1-: , t -.f $a:,.
or to rent, i.l;;;l,l1 seti town
water 2 scres et lto:d. ,t ilii 5!abie. All
in good repair.
Apply to David Cnnt?for.,
of high-grade Durham and ilerlord
Cattle and (togs. The undersigned has
received instructions to sell by pub-
lic auction at Geo, Holland's farm, one
mile south of Clinton, on Tuesday, Feb,
1211!, at 5.30 p.m, the following, cows,
heifers and steers—i new ntilch cote,
4 years, calf at foot; I lierford cow,
years, due time of sale; 2 extra tine
Durham cows due in March; 3 fine roan
cows due in April; 2 cows, 6 years, clue
in May; 1 large Jersey cow, due in
Malell 1 farrow cow, n good grasser;
2 (turhant heifers due in spring; 1
durhant bull, 1 year old; 2 durhant hei-
fers rising 2 years;,4 durhahn steers,
rising 2 years.; 20 pigs averaging 75
pounds; 1 Massey -Harris binder, 6 -ft
cut, in good repair. Guarantee—Any
cow proving not to be in calf can he
returned and cash or note will be re-
turned. Terns -3 months credit on
hl .roved joint
pP holes, or six % off for
cash, or nine- months credit will be
given by adding 5 % straight. Geo.
Holl«lid, Prop., T. Gundry, Auc,
.Pace Your ; Order
for come of our western Oats, which
We halo lust reeefved and we w111
0har717 you 110 more than It they wore'
Just the ordinary grade of Oats.
If you wish to0 n
se ores
some ofh
t oso
Oats place your order early ea tl'ey
(110 going fast:
wtIwa i
s lave
a y of
F loth and Peed:.ull star+it of
' 'lightest 1'rictr15741(4d .for grain
c enktrisiton
£:',hone 5915,' k"ieaide ss # do 142
"1' ''1' nine. r' , 0111 /1, nl:,dern
con v Cil 1L.'i'" i '.1 •L n,lt 08'710:11,
and. i,r11 ,, 'luttli,d;a;, ssitabie
for saraso. Po.,sessiott in •.pro 7. Ad-
dress with p..7'77,711170'7: :tnd lowest price.
—"Advertiecr"--blew Era, ()Rice.
Sleeping cars on night trains
and Parlor cars on principal day
Pull information from any Grand
Trunk Ticket Agent, or C, E. Horning;
District Passenger Agent, 'Toronto.
Ioln1 Runsfortl A. Son, city passen-
;er and 'Tloket Agents. phone 67
4) f,atl al: 1r etmion neon!.
dizzy and Feint Spells
Are Warnings of Heart Trouble
That S1euilal Re Heeded.
Those feelings of wrnkncss, those dizzy
spells and "all eons!" 111)1cin6 sensations,
which 50100 over somd 7107)111 from time
to time are warlhnge that 115nst not go
tlnheeded, They indicate an extremely
weakened condition of the heart and a'
disordered state of 5110 nerves.
Those who are ty1Ne will start taking
Milburn's Ilene, and Nrtve Pills before
their case 30100 e5 hopeless, .Chet' have
andcal fonelft c11 (Awing t:hc heart
ncl inostvigotatt ng til, nervus,
Mrs. E foal 121 )oltst Ip (ia Tipper ex ptowtl
N „ i• i e . ,111 last; tunnnor and
winter L had (1in13' and weak spells,
1101ulaahtti7 and (81tltingy 45(141311)11118) 115,
A friend re tmtYl+n
ac e, d01 lvlilbar s 1Trart
and Nrh've Pills to tans. t 11w only
taken two boxes When. I found great, re-
lief, .I highly
rocom5l d them all.
who Sufferfront
nt heart trouble," to ll
Millinrai's heart and. 1drv0 ,Palls are,i
505. Per box at all dealers or mailed
direct on receipt of 111•10171)3r The 't`, Mil•. .
{lura 064 Lianited, Temente, Ont,