HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1918-2-7, Page 3it 444 Page Three BIER LIQ EGGS Fancy prices lice being paid for fancy rnew.l.AiD EOCIS at our' 'Poultry Plant. Brking your eggs to ue and gestthe karcly cash. • yt,ijgh prices will be p:lid for 'large eintetities of live poultry that will be srAquired to neer the increasing, lie- niand fine to the meattets• days. ?o Itry Wantoti. Pokifh'y taken the first three, stays of eaeh'week during the winter montls. 13.e: good to your flock of hens' yelir,'.. and help .pro(aucile n Thi: is, Patriotic work and at the sometime helping your own pocket. urs - ilglois & Go., ;trailed The tap -to -date Firm Clhatess Branch Phone I ) I N. W. Trewartha, Menages or llolnresville 4 on 142, ♦Antro aefieA;anaeae®aiiieltaeaAA eaess a O. .ee' • PIIIIiOS o P 4 D q •7i lies and here our finests. 1 New Stylish designs of s. 1 Doherty Pianos and is le ei Organs. ,s r Mt4;tiliil values in Art IP CRS es Is .P se 4 Plano& and organs rent o • e.1. Choler- stew Edison .• piliesOgraplIS, Music $4 at variety i;t:,,ods. y 1 W • °dF4181C h"lilOAltin ce rh 'en C. Hoare ,,aTpOti7,>,y:v'vae^Q"lv r r ®v v e e prwrt v 7 Electric Wiring And Fixtures 1 Second Hand °j Heater In Good Repair. 1 Second Hand Range. C c?; a 1 or Wood. E. ':heap. Furnaces, Pumps, and Supplies THE CLINTON NE EPA "11ur day, February 7th, 1 91 11, ti,4-140510,x,444..-. ORIGIN OF MILITARY DAMES '"Oaptatn" is dertvee from the Latin "caput," meaning , a Bead; "eelone'l" coulee tum the Italian "eolonlla," a column, the "onunpagua eoaonella" hay htg been the first corupeny o1 an in- fantry regiment, the little colupau Which the. `'`colonel" led. The title "lieutenant" cones from a word etsnt tying,"holding the ptaee"—that ie, a lieutenant -colonel to a sort of under. study for tt colonel, a lieutenant looks atter a. company, in the abgner°, .of the captain, and so on Tite' atle' of "ltlneeeseegeatit" and "itttloe-corporel" originated In the fact that in the old days the holders of, these ranks ear. tied a tattoo tin -geed of a bathers, round the head .pf which was twister; a ,slow rnatuh. Their duties were to go round the ranks with these torch- light lances and give t)r'e to the twitch - lock men, just • before n battle, took place, The word "dragoon" was lirst ,used by. a regiment of mounted in- lahtry, so called from the •"dragons," or short' muskets,, with which they were armed; the well-known cavalry call of '"Boot and Saddle" is really a corruption of the bid Wrench signal, 'Solite-Salle," or "Pet on your sad- dles:" , 'Admiral" cornea from the Arable "Emit of Bagh,"'meaning "Lord of the sea',; commodore"comes Iron! "comniandatore";'."inate" Is from the Ieelandle, and means. an equal; and the 'terms "giving quarter" Is believed to have originated In the agreement which existed in the old fighting days, that the ransom oi a fool soldier" should be one-qu.t:rtcir of his pay for one year, a M w ,...FOW"iHXI CittlEYyf— Se cceeitte$" Where i ,wr Operation 'Faded ; II "Jocmrrs, Que. ▪ " nurtng Augustlaetl went to Mont- • neat to dot e r terribly with aalietton'bod been ■' egareriag. terrthiy walone in the Bladder. rte hod decided ma an opera- p p tion and was assisted by o nother doctor. p la They said the calculus was larger than p p n Kean and too hard to crush and they p p could not take it out.woe recon- p II mended by a friend to try Gin Pine. p p 1 bought a box and found relief front p p the pain at once. .I did net aspect p 14 that they would relieve me of the p p alone, but to my great joy 1 passed the se W stone on October Ord and am now a p E well man dao very happy. p K ...,,1, A1'.IUR'r I,1ISSARD."' p. lot Gin Pills lire the greatest solvent ■ DI Et for uric acid ever offered.. Profit rt al by Mr. Lessard's example if you p iv have Stone or Gravel, Rhenma- p le x tism or other Itiduey or Bladder j An disorder. ■ ps Sold al all dealers al sec a box or li al 6 boxes for $2.5o. w Sample free if yon write st Pt National Drug & Chemical Co. El pt of Canada, Limited, - Toronto. W U. S. Address: NadJvx.Co., aac. 202 Maio St., Buffalo, N.Y. 119 toe4seesearsaleneeBilaeistait7 s lis IMer eat a Lost or stolen—One January thaw. Some people save all their sym- pathy until the man is dead; theft they make his grave sloppy with their tears. "Fast trains" carries 4 130W signifi- cance this year; fast --in a snowdrift. 9nP', H:t=i,'5r"laei01E1 BARRISTER t3OI"IUiTOFL t O ? 1LdY EC;StIC, ETU LINTtir INVISIBLE HORSES Color of Coats Changed $o as to Match Color of the Ground Useful experiments are being cnr- rled out in the united States with the object of determining whether horses eau be so colored as le render ties: less conspicuous and rt.:tined the. Chances of their being made a target for the fire of an enemy. Some ut the tests have Leen conducted in Arizona, with animals of the 1st Cav- alry, and apparently have boon attend- ed with considerable success. Aceording to the Arruy and Navy Register, ti gentian wet applied to an ennead with tin ordinary grooming brush or sponge after the coat jtad been damped with water to preveiit. the coloring pilaf. frnln nenteg. amen H. RANCE ever the dry heir. It changed the Notary Public, Oonvevartcos', horse from a dark chesfhltt to u yd., trinancial and Real L'F1.N1,. tow dun aeeording to tltti @trent tb. 1N8Ulta tiOR AGENT—Representing 14 Fire le Immo Companies. Ditlelsion Court Oiltee, PiattQo Tuning • Mr. James Doherty wishes to in- form the public that he is pre- pared to do fine piano tuning, tone regulating, and repairing. Orders left at W. Doberty'e phone 61, will receive prompt attention. e t M. f Cameron. l(. C. H,terisier, Solicitor, (Conveyancer, lite Jit, trans r, i1 c•"t 01 evvei, (done r, ,a t,C.,t SIr,•et, ucenpi,•ti Py t r thluedtty, nod ant Ant rmrmracAtar=a01nw rr aWanm,•axu. Plumbers and Electricians Phone 7. • Better Pay The 'Price appoi"!!Club': ne•4 made, Ill'-ho(1rs fronts f .t, 0l. 1 n f p tit. A g:,oClAtii,irlt in eottot-ction will/ the office. Oilic,e upon every week day, Mr. i4nol;er will make any appoiutauuntsfor fila. Uttnlel.00. Don't be tempted In choose cheap Ietvetery. Par hotter to pay a fair pricestrol know exactly what v0'L. "ire getting, 'You will never be sorry—fpr las a matter of money, it le easily the rnoet: femme rtilial. 'J'hat'hae been said so often that everybody by this time should know it --and yet there is no scarcity of cheap jewelry in the. land Now to get, personal—L1 y MI would like to rnifis Ghat sortiaitogethee— CO.ME HERE lff you would like to hely where nothing buj; high ttualttiee are dealt in—COME HERE And even at that, no person ever said um: prices were unfair. WA Ra e'minter Jeweler rend Optician AM' r at Marriage i.ict it,ses FORD it Met,EOG) We're now ttetlirig Timothy Seed (Government. Staudtl:ro.,l. We sled have on hand, .blrala, Alt4ike, and Red ' Clo's'et. We alwayal have on hand --,Ciown0 Wlent, Pena, 13tsslea and t'ftyoil Corn Afiiphest .laltarkxet Prieae tialrt!ine ljttnf tied tali! TpiiYFfl,' a Y fi. ge6E 15it. J. C. GAMIER, Office at Residence, ViIturllt ;Street Clinton, -- •--• Ontario DR, W. GUNN Ofeee at 'Residence Solna High and Kirk Streets. 'Climb!• Ontario Off;. te. PL. AXON OHNTIST tlrolrt dad R%MMae Work al n;aetaltyt Graduate of C,C,D.S... Chicago, and 14,0.13.8 Toronto, any diem on alleluia's. alnv 1st Lo 1445 w�i i+91,. IL lai'tOl''�.1.(EIt, Vi?cIN °Meets deer O'NNEIL'S store.. 14pssial dots taken to make doutni tees s read 44 pnlniesa AS' poasable. pie Frye lasts a out four or flue Wanks, 14 longer or s iortt1P time de- pending ttpt�>? w__llzettwnr (pe animal 18 66i?tidtitt7-g c,• ,not"ii,c ti u7,'ia urn, Luke as long to color a horse Qs urcl'filtu gloouillig takes, es it Is only nenea- sexy to go uver the 1541130141 0841' in the same direction as the h;iir lies. It neither (unfree nor alters the tex- ture or Leal of the cont. At four to five hundred paces, tate animal was s viable, erste t itt s One expert has stated that it is almost impossible for a sniper to shoot horses colored in the way that it has been done In the 1st Cavalry corrals on the border, because the enemy will be unable to see Ute ani. mals at any OM t ,lstal ,es, there is nothing so soothing and !testing as Zam-Auk. This great herbal balm alleys lnflernmatfon, draws out scrota se, end reduces swelllug. Those who have. once used Zatn.J ulc for ,the treatienet of winter ailinenis any theywoutd ON'S no other remedy, as experience proves that Faulting elan. egniii Z;int-Irak for cheeped bands, cold sores, told tracks end chilblains. 11 Is also Invaluable for ell akin injuries and diseases, ..41.11 drug- gists and stores, or Zom,ilule Co., Toronto. 50c. box, 3 for $1.25 - Seed lc. stomp- for postage ass free trial box. ti<Ae � flues'' 0 1r� t•asawora 10 aye Tower It may net be gene ally known that the Lord Mayor is the only person,— ether erson—ether than the Meg and the Constable --who knows the Password to the Tower of London. This password In sent to the Mansion House quarterly, signed by His Majesty. It is a- sur- vival of an old a30toul, The first census of the kind ever taken in Denmark, which has about one-third the area of Wisconsin cred- ited the country witb more than 6,400,- 000 fruit trees. Iron ore is found in almost every Chinese province, but it ie mixed ex- tenteively in only a few. WANTED ONLY THE EARTH Pen•Germanist Ambitions were not any too Modest ; Here Is a Prussian Idea of a certain Pan -German in all his pride and greed: "Count l{eventlow demands an the Plast ('outland and territory for German colouizlitlon-•-he does not Lineal; very highly of the Polish scheme. in the West he wants trig territory of the Walloons and 'iau- ders as base for a strong Ingle Seas and stile 111ins fleet. H. will bear uoth1ug of an intern .!:thud! freedom of the seas. Hie ohj(9et is a (german free• dom of the 'Sees and a German fleet strong Kintigh to challenge any hos- tile mantles]. The Incorporation of the ore districts u1 Sricy and LongwY an the 14 spire the speaker regir de rt li iu•i•tiseity ,for (lertululy, Sat n the other lined, he lilts by trajooLiq to reliugtai^ltne does So Sash 10 be...lint "i ti ui1 ft lean xith Ultyi}itq t s s Tit conciuslon the cgilut described himself as a,lhortie tighter with a sacred vocation, 'but it Is probable that the man 4n the trenebes will gravely doubt whether his praiseworthy zeal has ;leen direct- ed rightly." _ .._ _._. THOMAS GUNDRY Live stook and general.; Auction ass, GQPERIOH ONT $3t In stolen 514101 a apeob➢t11 ), 08C.otl4 14 +, New Line adios, OU1ntntt,•p_wo v,y^outenun bo, Terms reasonable, ilarmera 4410 nob• dleeonnted- Ci. D, Bildtaggart lit„ L). hiaTaggaa McTaggart Biros i niklit'ERS ALBERT ST , CLINTON (eave'ral tNtalapl4Lttp Oesetlaewt, tt•ea nested NOTES DISOOtYN1'111) Drefte leaned, Internes* snowed n • denonttte The McKillop Muir ;rp t Fire Insurance e_' 3145241 emit taao.tattbd Town 0r•ti,y dotty ivauied5 45end °tact --Sentara' Nankai Officers J. Connolly, Godericb, rdsillattt.'yss., Bvans, Beechwood, 4ibc-+Presi;lentt Tilos. P-. 001(3 , Setae rreasltree. I jileth, 'geCretary- Ajif Alex, !:aitch, No atcata'le Old. Bird* 9 llinchley, Stafortr 14,1Qiintoes'ildleard m d til J 18 Ji NB's elect .,. W Agee, > ,, (11 Wen Rion, tiiftror,,sota: t1e veto, Bros 1tlVA, %, Settdbtilatl n Bare" Connolly, oati, 19, at,:1111aftOti , Caflnelt , , ,< aptin, it t li ,, , ,lam t5� 1! cdaraoile r i atttiat .}v�.r ,v kf'iY i�iV t 1VIed0t , e an v ct lar,ttiutit, 13redit' ; f 00e'CreiLs(ribb Pi c1, ata— Vaw ,order,.•.u�xe: ularity. A WOMAN'S HEALTH it ' .; trig;l' Can Only be Maintained lige Keep ing the Blood Rich - ,. and Pure,• T▪ he woman at humor deep in house- hold duties and the Oases of mother- hood, needs nccassiunat help to keep her in good health. The demands up- on a mother's health are many and severe. 1•ler own health trials and her children's welfare exact heavy toils, with hurried meals, broken rest and much indoor living tend to weaken her constitution. No wonder dint the woman at home is often indisposed through weakness, headache, back- aches and nervousness. Too many women have grown to accept these visitations as a part of the lot of tuotherhood. But many and ruled as 1 her Health ir13Jiales are, the catae is., simple add the •cure at hand, When , well, it is the woman's good blood that keeps her well; when ill she must make her blood rich to renew her health, The nursing mother more than any other woman in the world needs rich blood and plenty of at.•, There is one always unfailing way 'la , get this blood so necessary, to perfect health, and that is through the use of Ur. Williams' Pink Pills, Thine pills make new blood abundant- ly, and through their use thousands of weak, ailing wives and mothers have been made bright, cheerful and strong. If you are ailing, easily tired or depres'ed, it is a duly you owe yourself MI your fancily to give Ur, Williams' Pink Pills a fair trial., What this medicine has dune for • others it will surely do for you. Mrs. W. H. Aiberry, Maliorytown, Ont., says; --"I wits very much run down and suffered from weakness and ner- vousness. At times i did not know what to do , Its I would shake all over, and would have to go and. He down. I h straight out and out, open and above board clearance' sale,. Arpad. atoJ4 y to moving. This season when shoes are "u " in price; and good shoes are a luxury, our CLEARANCE Sale means more than it ever meant bet° r 'e. ri tiobTOtitkxt'hl your own 1414, t,• i your liver active l' aii(tit•','ottr bowels regu- i :' and natural. Good ;steatite is possible in no /other way. GLte pill, a day is the regular rule. Two-- perhaps woperhaps three — now and then, if necessary- intES'S TTLE IVER PIUS tooting. bc'tar•a% ',Sisr)!)iutr,. Coierlesstacemateashow ,,batsocoof 1(roo'IA the eatteet "II)n.:%tip 4nra0.. t�aaVF,.d M w as treated by several doctors, -who he 4, valet the trouble wa bad blue. I weak iiefees, Iltii lthty.�lltivi A.J0 lryme t a hit of good. ,• (1r. Willituus' 411,,k Mils and they, made 1118 feel like u View woman, Later when i wet's aVursing my baby, 1 felt run dceene, 'end again took the pills and 'it1\ !baby at six months weighed (hlity+ra've pounds. it was this aresi- 'ztiie elea( gave Inc the strength ifijes 0 ham, and both baby and nlyself y' ally benefitted lay it, i hope every suffering women will give Ur. Wi11- 'liams' pink Pi11s a fair trial as 1 did, for I proved their wonderful merit," 1 You cats get these pills through any medicine dealer or by mal postpaid at 50 cents t box or six boxes for $2,50 from The Dr. William's Medicine Co:, Brockville, out. v ...------------ THE --- THE CANADA YEAR BOOK Pacts, herd and y d otherwise, are "stubborn things." One alight under - Mend, therefore, the labor of, com- pressing Baena SUfffciently for • gen- eral use. The Getnada Year Book -bides annuaily in one Volume many 0f ',the facts about !Canada that can be .secur- ed, and makes them easily avititi 10 to journalist's, poiiticians and benefactors vocal and silent, The current edition has •a general Introduction deela9tg in spite detail with tate natural resou'rc'es`of,the coun- try, It is well illustraled_Old (1101 raugement of the infol'il)ation supplied is excellent, A feature of the book. is the special numbs, of the prairie Provine45, (liked! 041,J41y ist 1916. 1n five years, 'tile ptipuldtion of Manitoba orff SaskatclikWahh,'irten 1402,4o 25 t 647,,- 335; of Alberta, 'from 374,663 .to• 4'96,5.25, a'total Metease, lie -con/Flied wit 11 a91t, of 'e 69,49,5, ,despite the: drain of I1, ,vhr. ' ;At the ottj'hreak of the 1T1r ire,Ve'•i '411(1,1 of i1t}jiligratitall 1rorn t1.lp: m ht'bti • Stato$.re0. v41i a S tbati , YSi ;the �Y-.'' nafa(.@ Int a rivals ,for' i t4"a 19112 3u(i. 't0,4 7 OS, t701pel9oils tot tialtx / .1 jtpttl rly•.1 daluali e"'. it'atnre pi,' , 'ft�hane oar. °0Oot, tc ike ,s ai&genal, ,' lfkt(tatat +..,.a:le ;, ..'.41iyty 1,44Y11 ,1t he etas 'I-.° � CbA't'. }til e 4 7 E TE PIBCES AND EIIOTE TSE GflET SVINC $5.00 Ladies' Bell quality shoesat 4.50 Ladies' high-grade button shoes ids Bluchers .� at 4.00 Ladies'vici k 3.5-0 Ladies' patent calf, lace at 6.00 Men's Russian calf, lace at 6.00 Men's box calf, lace at �1) 2.75 2.25 2.35 3.98 309 Nl s shoes, a mixed lot at Halt' Pace, SHOES WITH � FINE PEPtligTION st THE TERMS ARE CAH. NO GOODS ALLOWED ON APPROVAL. Fashionable footwear for fashionable women Young men's shoes with Pep ! Shoes that pay dividends in comfort Shoes that show their superiority GET THEM A' 'S . th d ..r 4(S {t•� 9S0Y,1 t ?' g1A,ltthtget ear4 " • i r t • . , rn• n 0 t4t. •g- r! , . ,. ; . :. ... $Gln t dl rr4lt "a 'G". ?7 • 0 T RBitD{.i7R'''tk ! r .a,: f' , r.� 1 , i . ,, 7 ,. 1 .. wt,utyvk„y u” I`I 1