HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1918-2-7, Page 2Ready to v {tip y, a Dry. Goods
C{year and1'louue
cl+rmeiAta�,.�.,,.....,...,,,,,,,.,,..,.-......+...�..�.-.l.,..,., furnishings.
• PHONE 78
25% Discount Off all Furs. Fur
Lined and Fur Collared. Coats.
Every Fur Ruff, Muff, Neck piece,
Fur Coats, add Fur Collared Coats will
be cleared at 25% Discount,
There never was a more opportune
time to'buy, probably nei'er again will
reliable furs be offered at these great
reductions. We stili have ilii excel-
lent assortment to choose from: -Coon
setts, Sable setts, 1 Russian Pitch sett,
2 white 'Tibet Setts, 4 marmot setts,
4 marmot setts, 1 natural Wolf Muff,
1 Black Walf Muff, 1 American Fax
Sett,: 1 Hudson Seal Sett, 2 Grey
hunt, setts, 3pick setts, 1 Persian
lamb sett; etc.
Ladies' Winter Coats 1/9. Price
After the largest coat season this
store has ever had we are anxious to
make a clean sweep of every coat left.
Only 12 to choose from, all tills sea-
son's styles. Blacks included. Your
choice Saturday % price.
Ladies Coats
Just 6 Ladles Coats, last year styles
All wool cloth. We do not want to
carry these over to another season.
Values up to $1 5.00'
$3 A9
-..'..•,..,>,1e: ::c^ez.•.xAa:.:,,..:.,.,,,..a.a_..�-,•.r.� ey:. err
Motorists should 'secure at once
their 1918 license markers, as Jan-
uary 31 was named as the last day of
grace granted by the pr- incial auth-
orities. Further motoring with int 7
license's will probably lead to the
embarrassment and possible expense
of police court proceedings,
�;,7- n an:
d r.
!enation, Jan. 30.—The Admir-
alty announced to -day that since the
start of the war nine British trans-
ports lied been sunk and 9,000 lives
lust. During tile same period 11,-
oul',oi.'' s::ldiers have been trans-
,err =�.r,�i�:•: �--m�-�:,xa�,:T�:,:u:::t,>z�,a::
," T :sa fan
Those figures have a 'vital significance to
Think for a nioahcnt of tate exact tempera-
ture at which water belle.
Below that you have merely Sant ivaten'--'
above it, part of the ureter becomes Stearn.
In years el motor cur production on a
eeriertic stair, Maxwell builders have, learned:
(1) 'flirt n Suildi,tJ tt car to set! for less than
$1043, white :materials cost what they do today,
they would have to sacrifice sornotliiag--'efficiency
durability, e•.eoixorly, rtsfort, beauty, or standard
all-e f wrh r. eh the Wietawell poasosacs.
(2) T'het in building ts nor to sell for more
than $10'l , klay oculi give you no nticr practical
value -hut • only increased side, weighs. or luxurious
'They titrvtt found, the point et' rleftnite
Sotos oar v ttua, ns fixed as the boiling point of
Tisiniie thio overt 15efoi'o, yott buy a car cost*
1ng either more or'Ins&
Seeley & Bartliff
aLi'>i won, v a O-ntad°
-/ ✓✓ (Wirt . /. ✓.,�✓✓.a"O"024W✓✓,✓✓✓moi 1•J
T't-iE CI -1411'0N NEW :ERi►.
CONS AI10E. •...
7 of whom passed the alhrl'ed age ,of
Miss Jean Cook, of Goderiell Town-
'shill sleet a week or ser with ltcr'
sisee Mrs. Jos. Riley, • .
Mr, Deo Miley had a \V0011 bee on
meeting -
`I'I .ad e ' it fel heti
re J 1Ls A l l d t-
week at the home u1 Mrs; Wit ,
Mein tush.
The Ned Cross are havisl a con
test between .Ile North and the Soutll,
The f 0pteins are'Mrs, John ,Mills for
the North anti Mrs, G, McGregor for'
The Soetip, '
The W. Al, Society will hold their
meeting this, week et the Monte of
Alt's, Tudor. •
Mr. 'William McNorie, of Mount
Forest and Mr, James McNorie, of
Provost, Alberta, spent a couple of,
day's Its the guest of the ffornler's
daughter, Mrs, Wm,,l3ritton,-
Miss Edna Love, of Walton, was
called home 011 account of Illness at
(intended for Last: Week,)
Miss Edna Love, of Walton, is yrsit-e
ing her sister, Mrs.' 13d, Britton,
We understand wedding bells will
ring in our village w'11e11 two popular
young people will be made one,
This has been- a pretty cold snap
as one of our citizens claims Ills tea
kettle froze on the stove and the stove
0115 red tau.
The Church people have been
fortunate in securing 15 cords of
wood from the Lawson faros.
1 Mr, 'William Cook died cm Sunday
morning after t lenghy illness.. The
funeral will take place' 03 Tuesday
afternoon to the Constance IC.enre-
tery. He leaves to mourn his loss, it
wife, ane 'sen *Victor and one daugh-
ter, Miss Leila. •
(Intended. for Last Weak
Miss Edith Mogridge is home from
Gnderic17 where she has been attend-
ing school and is ender 'the doctor's
care with an attack of erysipiles in
the face.
Ernest Mills left on Monday maul-
ing having been called out under the
M, ..-.A
The8War Auxillhlry held a meeting
In the Library on Tuesday afteiinoen
to consider means fur raising murrey
for the Local Red Cross Society. They
decided to hold a rummage sale about
the beginning of March when every-
body mill have an opportunity to con-
tribute anything that will bring in :my
money which will be given to the lied
The fuel situation was relieved
somewhat to -day by the arrival of -two
cars of anthracite and two cars of soft
coal. and a car of curd oil, but that
amount of fuel does not last long in
a town like Uuderic1^, with the tem-
perature hovering at about 20 below
zero, as thermr'metars rer,i:tired
wear that figure early this morning_
the late Aria to r.,, es -collector
of customs at 3nd_u,.h. whose 1n. er,d
took place Th it r eiternn,fn from
ilk Late residence. ee01 ,.d that
a`' si•
t:nn for over thirty 1'. 1'.. L.in•::iprr..
aanuated F,.nte intotilts
dc:,lh took. place 3c,e. eek after an
aacidcnl in iywe 'Ht 1.1! on ih' .,,a..•
:Ind i -'L :',red 1 t u.' ire :.1
Ms 1,1-11 le::: alt c f1.14'.! 0t i'. 17 -
shirr, L:1 ,15:1 1. I _ , .ag :L chl.a.
of 5 r:, to tT (tie
to !Malt :
t al
cdeco„ fa., and for
year: 1.ngitt sMo.a. 1 t
wit5 - cn -aft at Hip-
ata t d some i
1 ::n:. Is i.. -1 to ti•eicii.th at til+
t :e 1 , re tr,eziit i.f'
til I ' pre-
,,teem i. 1.Cm 424..11111
his son Ch."tit.ir. t i of the (5, T,
Ii , Forvice. 15 r c i inn
'i bred daeeliters,!411,, I. n : of Brook
, r h 1. ani. and
t Y and tar. Misses'
Ethel of town survive. 1he funeral
services were conducted by Rev Dr.
1 utiedi c pastor re -North. Street
Methodist 'Church. Mrs, Reid was -
here for the funeral anal Mrs.Mus-
grro•e of Bluevale. One sister; Mrs,.
Snaith, of Bluevale, survive,
Mrs. i., Wood and two little dau-
ghters, Lily aid. Olive are spending a
fete days with Mrs, Wood's sister, Mrs,
Tilos. Lyon.
Those who attended Mr, Lyon's fun-
eral from •t distance were: -Mrs, A,
Kerslake, Exeter, Mr, and Mrs. F.
Campbell; Westfield; a Me. and Mrs,
Stanley, Miss 13. Garrett, Miss F. Garrett
and Mrs. E, 13a11, Clinton,
Death Of Joseph Lyon—There
passed away at his mime in Loedes-
boro, on January 291It, one of the
pioneers of lluliett in the person of
Mr, Joseph l..yoe. 'the deceased was
born in Smjtterby, Lincolnshire, Eng-
land, January 10, 1821. He wag mar-
ried on March 17th 1S5a to Mary
Hewson, who predeceased him 4 r!1
years ago. On April the 8th, 1552
they Set sail for 'Canada on a sailing
vessel "Fingal” by name, They
landed in Quebec on the 24tih of Mey
and came to Guelph via Montreal,
Kingston and Hamilton, It took
over seven weeks when they left 11ell
in England 5011 they reached Guelph.
For three years he lived in the neigh-
borhood of Guelph told ,then cane
to Mullett and took up a homestead
part of lot 26, Concession 13, where
he lived until four years ago. Here
Tle :started to clear the land and built
a 'shanty. For three sunninere after
coming 'to tlullctt he returned tci
Guelph to cat's money in haying and
harvest and as there were no railroads
at that time lie walked about eighty
nitres leaving this young wife with ttVo
stilall children in the shenly 111 the
clearing. During the rest of the year
'he worked at eh0ppiig and
clearing 'the land, 'enduring the hard-
ships of pioeeer life,' offal) Walking
to'Clinton e distatrce'of, 1 Jlsiles 1'0 get
provisions 'eometim els carrying fifty.
parie4s of flour and other provisions.
Although he never took any' active
hart in public tb,e, he was kilowu as
L good neighbee always willing to do
bus part in promoting the welfare of
the community, In polities he waS
Sep.ported the Liberal party le lel
gion he was a 'Methodist being, a inept
bar' of the Londetliofe MehOdtst
Church for, a';.groat •T,03ilter ,of years.p
M, Lyon wee the'Iasi 'sitfeivor'.6!. a,1
tay of 12 brothers and Sisters,
1 Ai t o a le 1 else
living to over 90 Years. ale and his
Pllrtner alt' life 4verc permitted to five
together for Over 61 years and were'
blessed with ;t (auriiiv of 13 children,
3 0f whom cheer in infancy, the other
10 growbsg to MI11111002 and woman-
hood., George, Joseph and Susie (Mrs,
1, Lawrence), of lluliett, and arah,
(A9rs. J. Spindler), of Lueknow, des
s 1 r
ce,Is d, TJ s )o ,. Jixu ), ,ire Ban, of Bran-
don, Manitoba :Phomas, Harrison and
W'l is n 11 Iof I1e M,'
Mary(Mrs T.
Sampson) of Londesbaro and Miss
Esther of Londesbaro, with whom he
made his home. He is also survived by
23 grandchildren and 9 great grand-
children, The funeral service, which.
ivas'held in the Methodist church,
Londesboro was conducted by Rev. C.
C', Kahle, assisted by Rev, 1't, .l, Mc4^,or-
nick, . of Blyth, and was largely - at-
tended. Rev, Keine preached a very
impressive sermon, taking for his text,
Job, 5.26: 'Ilion shalt come• to thy:
grave in a full age like t,; at 'shook of
coral cometh in in,los season Plie
remains were thentekt to rest beside
those of 111S. wife in Londesbolo ceme-
tery, The pail bearers were Messrs.
i`hot it., . !lar risofi and Wilriain Lyon,
,iohth Spindler, William : Hiles and W.
I1. Lynn,
Mr, .Henry Livermore hires visiting
relatives! and friends it • Toronto;
Ilespeler and Preston last week, •
Mr, and Mrs, Percy Cole assisted
at The League Meeting at Mr. George
Leaguers were much attracted by the
singing of Mr, mud Mrs: Cole. Rev.
Mr, Moulton gave an illustrated `ad-
dress which was also apprecietled,
We are sorry to have Lo report
that Mr, Joe, Shipley is under . the
Doctor's car, '
The 10 cent tea and knitting bee
at Mrs. Swinbank's last week was a
great succe;;s. Nearly everybody on
the road attended.
While in Tertinto fast week Mr,
Livermore visited his old friend, Mr.
!'rank Grant,
League this week met et the home
of Mr. Robert Hunter.
Nobody will be Scarce of ice next
summer if they can Duly save it,
The funeral took place here Mon-
day from the residence of his son
Charles of Adam Smith, aged 74.
ale died at Clinton.- Deceased was a'
native or Holland, and coming to this
2,n ntry as a lad ;settled with his par-
ents in :Michell. iie was a flour miller
by trade. anti will he remembered by
the older residents of Blake and Bruce -
field, where Ire had been engaged in
business some years ago. Two sons
survive, Walter in Jackson, Michigan
and Charles 1:. of Seaforth.
Nev.S F. Sharp, i st, r of Caves
Presbyterian' Church ter nearly nine
:dais. has tendered 1ii. rest;1211 »' to
tate enact ou August 1.
11 tt' t"h of the iiulni...s •ill.
ty vt,,
'very bry
..:;n ,'ref ' turret!'. (if
'. ,r. for
. ' 1,(a
1 1714.5 .m,3
r : in th
.. ,Ver;
-i Pro:- 4..' tea'.
n of 1J .i, 1'711 ill
w and the •,,.irk
Geo. Sheppard o +.'air
tiara l..,ddon l4 pa,' ^1 4 L`cr,
l!; rile Trews rlha. 1-i ilv i reel sr.
Minnie 1 Io,,Lor t 1 pail. and errs,
tura Pi lyd, Mrs, Edgar Trewtrtha
1(i pair each, Mrs Burns, Mrs It.
SitMoi, Tillie C'llclough 9 pair,
?Ars, W. Jenkins, Mrs, .tender, Emma
Courtioe 8 pair, MrsE, Yoe
'Mulholland, Susie Acheson and
Elisabeth Gould. 7 pair. Al r s,
John Trewat th c .Mrs. Courtice, Mrs.
Holdsworth, Elizabeth Ford,! Tena
l dmonston, 6 pair. vl r S. Flick.
Mrs. Johsi, Potter, Mrs. R. Cob:lough,
Mrs. Wm, Rutledge, Mrs, R. Mc(lart-
ney, Mrs, L, Tebbutt Mrs, Alcock,
Ella Colclough, iVtaggie Rutledge 5
pair. Mrs, C. Williams, Sr., Lottie
hACHH 1 -con
Com NOT SkET:' AT MUT. •
". The constant harking cough that sticks
to yeti in spite of everything you have
done toxelieve it, is a eource of danger.
The longer the coud,h stays, the more
serieu5 menace it tri to your health.
It is easy to cla:4 e cough, at, the out-
set with Dr. Wood's \orway fine Syrup.
If you have let it run though, it takes a'
while longer to Sure, but 1)r. Wood's,.
Norway' Pine Byt'up will earn it even
then after other real -Tries have failed.
Mr. ,T. Ttrul y 7 ,'.dry, Sent i P, iv0r,
Bttrgecis; SNS , Vir,f,y:--"I revolved :mph
Pneat benefit froth Dr, Wood's Norrt'ay,
ine Syrup that 1 :earner help expre,plug
my tluolks. '1 suflc'rc'd With ss kerning
coligbt for over a month, and could not
sleep at night. .x used many kinds of
remedies, but they ditln'$ do ma any
,bond, unt31 I ua d„'1)r. Wood's,' and
found great -3011o£ right, from the start.
'1 only heed two bottles, and Wua, corn
tuned. pletely td. I will never he ,Without
1t as ion(; rte I live,
There are w nurtlhee. of fluhri ftrtlA15 on:
the inarkot for 1)r,'Wuo1Ve Norway ` 'iue
Split)) ee when y'mi aslc for it ode tfta,t it
i taut tip in' a yrliou'Wrappsr; three Mau.,
tt'eedthct14111 ntaib,i'puhe25e.l*1(13etre.;
and that :1t t1Mrp tt 0 riar5ter The* `i,
horn C'1o.,"Litnited, G'orokdto,, Ori..
Ltlrt;'a Incl9ftse 111 Assets Under
Administration Shown in
Annual Report,
Assets under ardanlrsistration .by trite
7`lu(1115 aria .C4Uaretatee CtS'nnirl411y, .1-11115-
!t d -
o tVtiro atlolwrt; in the tw eery 'brat
€Sneered rostrum, allWSented 1st- the 11'141(
Ih'cl.dertt hay LM'esldemt Jaunts J Woe
ren 'at the. annual 413eetic' , on tort -
day. least, to lanion:fit to. at,mot 417,-
090,000, 'Nit sum, 1'elel'esentn au ht
orettee' domino she wear u4 wort, talon
91250,.00(1, an evedonee. ore iuiaaf twat -
Vying peowtth .and oe ,Lite ,p'ubito's gun-:
fide as in, the Institution, 'also chief
5aliu as 5xhtb9lted In tale F,Utorunteed
trust and estates and itgeney ('U1140
und-er 011e card or the 'n511591i.ny,
Cluaratalteed ,rlulats entrusted to the
earnipa.ny Yom 'lnvowtrneu't tore In 'ex
cants a4 $5,000,000, an increase 02 :mire
than 4000,000 tar the Year,
'.'Ale sunpLus wvaBsuble, sifter dts-
inussenien't 01 Alio usual dividends, was
ol'edited to dara'rtit LLLri loss 01! 10ee'1"ve
71h0 meeting AWLS flue srtrst to he
5uid 1'n Hie e5111f5..iny's nano bulltllnt;
on Buy street, tout was at. awtfs,faatary
one fn 5Al s4esdlcuts.
Votes e1' the ales euro extended 0a3'
'the meeting to the botartt Car dtreotar's,
the a(51115u'17 booed. to tate Alberta
A>ran><ah, toad to the of hears ur1 steal
for tlheic services,.- w, ,
Davis 4= pair. Mrs, 1), Gliddoq, Mrs.
0, R. Forester, Mrs, Bert Cox, Mrs.
William Finley, Mrs. John Tebbutt,
Miss Holmes, Katie Williams, Francis
Potter 3 pair. Mrs. L. Proctor, Mrs.
S. Merrill,' Mrs. F. Potter, Aggie
Telibutt and Elva Proctor 2 pair.
Olive Sturdy—&shirts, Mrs. slick --•7
shirts, Mrs. W. Pickard -33 shirts,
Minnie Proctor -2 s'hlrts, Mrs. N.
W. Trewarltia--i shirt, Mrs. Burns -
1 shirt.
At the meeting of the Council of the
Township of Hallett, Held last friday
in the Township Hall,' the financial
statement of the result 'of the British
Ped Cross canvas, made last November
in the township, was presented by Rev.
Jas. Abery, chairman of the canvassing
committee. as- the treasurer, Mr, J. fl.
Lounsbery, was unable to attend. The
financial statement could net be made
before the January meeting of the
council, as those contributing had the
privilege of making their payments on
or before January 28, 1918. The
total amount subscribed was well over
fifteen hundred dollars, but the exact
amount paid 10 up to Jan, 28th, was
31467.25. The Township Council
matte a small grant, making the sunt
fifteen hundred dollars and a cheque
for 31500.00 was sent to the Provin-
cial Treasurer in Toronto. . The small
alb in Madden
L4 is gl BQr ii:.7 '''EBl uta
XI :aA. 'PS t i. , i t r•t:.r: Ont.,
love for ,:1;,,111
i, . 1 : 1 ., i,, ( ;
i i � 1 •,i morning tt
1 .4
i as 1 n ,',i r - .. to IL: .,.a ,t:,°.",
.' t r r. u. .....:,.;, nb,.;i!e. 4';1 -- f CErttl.. i
ceot ' ",', ., n L'1;1 :6c a t. r, c' e*rr•1,
r z:., i uv lay. ch ,LrJ -5:, i,..:, ,:, .. •:np tf
o;. ,.'�I' ,-1�' ' .'1 ,'1 ill,. water
4 n n, n , than lee anicttIllt to :flu ,at
7 1
1061 I ,: rot ty (41..1.1..
u t ,r1, .,.y , .. :: 1y.'
Thursday, Jac ilf'ultry
balaflee ht111, due whipli the bonln'Iittee
expects to ba 1)1518 10, will be handed
over 1 for Canadian iced Gross Work,
111e''uwusttip i ounaii, throegh Reona
Armstrong wishes to thank all those
who assSStutd in making 41)0 ';mills a
stale1054. - -
Mr's. James Stoddart tubo has hee11
visiihtg at the home of her brother, 1
Mr,Robert Pearson
returned has
her home lit Seaforth,
is t0
Reeve Lobb was defeated by only
one vote in' the election of Warden
at the Comity town,
Capt. 1t, R. Sloan had the misfortune
to lose a valuable Jlurse ell Monday,
Mr, and Mrs,. liarry salsalnl has been
visiting the latter's mother, Mrs, Mc
Chaland who has been very ill,
Airs, Brooks is visiti11.5 her start, Mr,
Albert Herrison,
Mr, and Mrs, Peter McDougall enter-
tained 11 number of friends 'Tuesday
eveni ng,
Mr. Ormond Mcock, Hnlmesville, is
visiting iris friend,. Will McGuire,
Wesley Vanderburgli attended the
Orange Black erecting in Stratford an
Friday last,
Mr. Fred. Pickard was in Thedford
this week attending, the funeral of his
brother, Jnhn Pickard.
Mr, George Vanderburg') attended
the County Orange meeting in Exeter
on Tuesday,
Miss Jenkins of Goderich visited at
Mrs Lindsay's this week
Miss Gertie Blair returned home on
Thursday after spending. a otolith at LAWRENCE—At his hate residence,
Wingham. 127 Cartier St., Ottawa, on Tuesday
of Ki', Robert Brownlee rand daughter, , February 5th, 'William :Lawrence, aged
Pp i a Stirling ling N cPlialls
last week.
Early Pullet
Lays the, arlylagg
Andthe carry egg -say late Novem-
ber and through December—eons.
mantis the tet price of the yaar.
Start a
in March or early April; raise the
many chicks you'll hatch in a coal -
burning Standard Colony Brooder,
and this good tnouey is yours.
We know the -Buckeye Ineabntor and
the. Slnnd,ir,i Colony Breeder W!ll do
exactly what 00'W, We guarantee it.
and oer gnumatr a is barked br the mnnu-
tacturer. Everybody gets a square deal.
Nothing heats the Buckeye,' and the
Standard Colony Brooder has no equal.
Carne la and see them.
66 years.
Mr. James Harrison has been con•'
tined to the house for a few days. "Fast trains" carries a new si uifi-
ani Emmerson is still in very poor dance tMs year; fast—in a snowdrift.
Nurse Potter returned halve on Sun -r
day from W, iL L ebb's whose daughter 1
!tad u.cdergane an operation for appen-f
Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Mcl3urnie, of Tiv-
erton was this week the guests of Air. a
Hugh Aikenhead,
John Mustard received a car of coal 'I
this week.
The Red Gross Offerings for Jan-
uary were 376 pair of socks; 33 set of
pyjamas; 10 ambulance caps: 5 pillows. '
The contest between 'I'uckersntith and
Statile), resulted in a victory for the •
fuckersnlitry ladies
The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper
will be held in the Presbyterian church
on Sunday next,
Pte. Wm. Wright, who is training In
London spent the week end at huhu,
in our village
Geo. 11411 who recently sold his farm .
in 1» (17 4r41(1(l(, has bought Len. Me -
Conners house in our village. He is one;
of our old villagers. We welcome hint i
back 1u our town.
Air. and Mrs. 'Chnmas Sate celebrat- I
ed the sixtieth anniversary of their mar-
riage last weak. Thong!) 85 years of
age, J1:; Sage 13 still !r.UR and hearty.
Miss alaraaret 13allr;h has resigned
her position in the ilo•'.ick Mutual
Fire Insurance t:t-me51'1 and has gone
d,, her !toms., na:.r Heinaora.
1„ i�,-i,'1: r P'lis ars c. Births, Macre t•,e:_ r'z z.t'eaths
arithut from 11
,la..,_ u, the liver, Fo -a..' is ; Deat::B
a -. ln- Hiet '' of 17i rt' easy -acting,
aunt sting
are 2F
re. r. a
vial at el, rionlys of mailed threat on
receipt. ip of prige 5.y The T Miiburu
Limited, Toronto, Out,
911 tit:x-In t„u411411, on Sul
day. Fob ru r, it'd, t1111, Jennie New
f Mr.ick beloved of I 1r'
c o(sliver
Juhus''u 1 t 1T •rluta year,
R:\11tt 1e Stasi 1 'Township, rill
Monday, I ebruary lth, George Baird,
aged '!u years and to months.
Standing Committees of the
The first mentioned In each Com-
mittee is Chairman,
Street — Mtiler, Sheppard, Ford,
W th—ee,
Property.,,tilper, Sheppard, Lang -
Fire ane Water—A1011wxu, Langford
Cemetery—Ford, Langford, \Viltse.
'Charity—Sheppard, Ford, McEwan.
Park—Langford, Ford, Sheppard.
By-laws—trooper, Miller, Sheppard.
Finance—Wiitsc,'Cooper, Sheppard,
Court of Revision — Thompson
Cooper, Langtord, M14I Wan,
McEwan. Miller.
Soihrs S51 6
Every , enlisted man
Would shad up, stronger
and ret sit much sickness
if he could have e the ben:.,..as of
Ie ^t !(5 t1a k4gs
arra €c.soat,{z1,.u1jer. sireel?'1.1 to
awcid !) ;"-�`.'71 pneumonia
and nIakes !'c-1 blood to avert
i1'hCi 11r7a C tendencies.
S.. nd a bottle of
orfriend the in se '
Scutt S i;owt:e, Tuzuuto, ant 1744
1 ° ,d'',,, ro
Tru and t, 'arantee
Compa,ny, Larnated
Balance.. Sheet December 31st, 1917
Capital ,ACcount. ,
Mortgage loans, Call Loans, Debentures and other Securities, .with interest ac
:riled triticea 4.1
Office Tvnrttilure, PiSLures, eba, tit'1.'oronto, Calgary and Brantford'. . $1.6210D,'1211000.00
Real .tete i •a 131,714.80
Cash en head .and to 'Banat 102,684,:00
11utalletl Capital .Stccic . 5411,605.44
Guaranteed Trust Account, .
geouhitdas Cu Real Ilistate Bonds, Debentures, Stocks, etc 54.5025.",4.0;9
Government, Provinciai, kunlctpsd and Rural Distrie.t'Bohc3s 1.0711,"49.8,;
Cashin Bank • 51.514,24
Estates and Agency Account.
A40rLg51t•es on Real Iestole $1,708,157.011
0.ther een'rlt,es,.including floverninent rind illunaloipal 13nn21's cud ''Unreaiized
Cash in hank
Capital Aceanlit,:
Capital Stock Subscribed
Sundry Acc(1tit5 pay111:15
LIAM 1,7;j71;
7.044 1544.46
321,691 ,18
Dividend duo' January tat, 1015 414,111,44
Balance' at :,omit of Profit, and Lot, 441,14144
-- 92,434,080:76
Guara)tteed.Truat Account, -
Prost minds with 1nter•fet Accrued to dale' . ,95,214,202,67 .
I .---- 5,214,202.67
1'7il;tates and Agency Account, -
lilstates and '21 nets tinder Administration by the Ctitnpany , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 49,033,95344
------'----- 9,588,8119.84
1AMNr'J. 'WA.
, Pr(ltxidittti
. E. 13, S'1'O(`T(;l)A1,bl, '
Ciene •al Aldltager.