HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1918-2-7, Page 1trtbiisllet141865, Vol.52,140 33 r:V'M lV t"ts tikY" %Mi w,tir":lti %.q CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY rEBI'CUAIt' ' 7tit, 1918. W. JI Kerr 8c San, 1w:chtpxs and Publishers, • :ne New hora. i a� o in . z t�.:.:.. ctt.a and400 in- e Us Sr, W 4081Nd tonne tr**e re,lkfSF! ''vwa6 O.AscwteV?starer eteisA a Arse a nn10Aet le*est 44l/ai50+ * * ' * * * * * * :;; ' es a COUNCIL MigTING ,t, On sate flus' the first time in this country, is a hand3t article 'r. alt I ti j1 a: s cxiled "Brown's Electric Stick" it is a wonder-\varkel' and ` Council net Monday evening and \viiI reGlove any Spot or stain from all kinds of cloth. ¢ owing to the Mayor "being under the We also have• in stock: Comfort Foot 'Warmers 1 a ver' desirable article fora cold bed, or to use when driving, the ghief chair and Co1wciilors Wiltse, 3 Sheppard, 1 7 c L d Miller, Mann, n Cooper and a er pp d 6 , p Langford 'r„ You simply illl'l'h:;rlt with boiling Wa'tel', wdra, present, Authintock, Ayrshire, Scollautd on rout the worst Kat', 25 cents at—THE REXALL STORE— "utc, Lunhlted• A l of was read from he w•t -. ntarrie . o . his'now beret ar- . - � ltadt:i! Committee catling attention to was d t „ t p t K the., meeting 1 r teat .t Guelph regards p � ,,, G 1 ar to T 1_.tM, Whin .13 s t p n g s 0.,00,1/40, ,avyk wVVkovivivN4+wvh.poto'Vvvytt'totisovvwritataWt+vvykev`ros..AN Mai' AUTICIsES Of $RECIAL INTEREST "Stevens o „ doetor's cue" :Reeve ford occupied he 'Ma„, t a' o s Words fail t express the loss ill this community "when, on Monday` Mr, George Baird, wtlo has been a resident f, Stanley 'township since 1852, and -who for - 50 years taught in one school 1 s, ,-, house,„ The deceased w' born it t U G, d ,t5 t You will 'Hili •t.hat a bottle of "Holmes' Lung Tonic" will Minutes of bast meeting, were read April and, 1$a t. . With his parents he an i country i 18 . 1 1865. came t n 52 » ' nt the Hydro Y o .. apk OF CANADA lncorporated 1869,. Capital Autbai ized $ 25,000,000 Capital Paid-up 12,911,700 Reserve and Undivided Profits . 14,564,000 Total Assets ... 335,000,000 HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL 450 Branches with world wide connections. General Banking Business Transacted. R. E. MANNING, Manager , Clinton Branch railway matter's, • A fetter from the FuelController asking that tt fuel inspector be ap- pointed, 0it motion of Cogr,cillor Wilise and :Miller,the letter from the Fuel Coo - troller was laid on the table for future consideration. », tderation. • (Jn motion of Councillors Wiltse and Sheppard the hydro Radial letter was fyled On motion of Councillors Sheppard and Miller, the application of Mr, J.W. Shobbrook be accepted as Cemetery Superintendent. Moved in amendment by Councillors Langford and McEwan, that Hiram 11i11 he appointed as 'Cemetery Superinten dent:. The amendment was defeated on a vote, Councillors McEwan and Lang- ford and Reeve Ford, voting for the amendment and Councillors Wiltse, Miller, Cooper and Sheppard against it, The motfoh was them put to the Council and carried, apponting Mr, J. W. Sbobro:tk. By -Lacy No 2, 19.18, for appointing certain oiiicers was read three times and carried, naming the following as tow '» Wheel s:— D. L, 111ncphersun, Clerk and Treas- urer. of the people of this community were Jos, Wheatley, chief of police, and stirred as word was passed around that Collector of taxes, etc. George Baird, sr„ of the 2111 Coll., of R. Welsh, night watchman, et c. Staulny, had passed away in Itis 76th Dr Gaudier, Shobbrook, Cemetery Super - Gaudier, -Medical Health ()dicer, year. About eight years ago hecoin_ intendent. pleted his Stith year as teacher of No. Wan. Grant, Engineer. 1 school, Stanley, having taught con - Wm, Bast, Railway stock scales tinuausly during this tient. Upon this t3 L 3 f 918 f t INCORPORATED 1855 CAPITAL AND RESERVE $8,800,000 98 Branches in Canada A General Banking Business Transacted CIRCULAR LETTERS OF CREDIT BANK MONEY ORDERS SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Interest Allowed at Highest 'Current Rate H. R. SHARP, Acting Manager C!i.dan d'+5 t1a�retlClothing I Gettal y -t o -We to r Cict,hing °u4..1Znalel sews t'�.•w^•'lageaare,.T,ales012.11f.S.,:',-,S'ufl>`2"",...w11,3rx+:^,.a2e's-v �nv',no'r {our 9 ..,:e ats No- ext '�`✓ r c If you buy your Winter Overcoat Now we can save you 50 4';•. Consider What This Means Boy's Overcoats clearing at .....$ 8.50 Next Winter's price • ... $12.50. T3ciy's Overcoats clearing at .. 'i 0.00 Next Winter's price $15.00 Men's Overcoats clearing at ... ,$13.50 Next Winter's price , , , :. i 520.00 Men's Overcasts clearing at , :.1,$15.00 Next Mater's price $22.00 nMeri's Overcoats clearing' at ...418.00 Next Winter's price . • , $28.00 MAKE' YOUR SELECTION NOW While the Assortment is good 5 Doz. Men's Underwear, broken' lines 75 Regular $1.00 and $1.25, to cleat' at The Moi%richCiothip fif$aat4; tort C. 11". 8,',11'43 eeir,7'n,I►h co; is*ali(Lt b 11)o%JJ,R4W Ansley 1,O ane. nee i11 Clinton .on September 28th, by. the Rev. A. U. Macdonald, A family of six sons, John in Mopsejaw, George at home; Robert at .Pastime, William in 'Toronto; Peter at Pasque and Alexander c,f Strathburg, and one daughter, Miss Christina at home, survive to hold in loving memory, a kind and loving lath,. For r I , 27 years he 37•x5 superintend- ent iv t� p ent of a Sunday School which was held in the school house. The late. Mr. Bird is also survived by four sisters:— Mrs. isters.Mrs- P. Campbell, of 'ialinti;u, but now visltin1 in/the West, Mrs, 011110ur, Mrs Thompson and Mrs. Cameron of Stan- ley, and one brother, Mr, Thomas Baird of Stanley, The funeral will take place from his late residence, Lot 21, concession 2, Stanley, 011 •Saturtay at 2.30 p.m. Service at the housesat 2 o'clock. Interment will be made at Baird's cemetery. A TRIBUTE. The following was written by an old School pupil of the late :vlr. Baird: It is seldom indeed that the feelings of 1 or .lppout - o,:cslon the people cif the annusunity HIS JUBILEE YEAR • 'ng officers and tiremeu of the Clinton f Fire Company was read and passed:-•• and many {r,mn „L164ale pouf, L1l,har. Chief -11, Bartliff. ed tugethsr st his house to eetei+rate 1.1'1 :e New Era,. of December 15, Captain—J. Il. Kerr his lnbile.e. .\t this time his many ; ta'::r the following' vwhich re - to the .Jubilee of the•late Mr. Baird (When the. Christmas vacations nes an,end nd (h' rte Baird. Stan - let's ,1111,'111• ltt, 1 teacher will have 1tl4;b1 Y 1r5 is nee school, a record ..=.-t few toache1s have attained. When a boy of nineteen years he c.•teach 71' the school he now et -,pi:. In some instances he has tetielst three generations, Malcolm °;lir 111 v -as his pupil; today he is to (cilli _ 'air. M ws a'S grandchildren (ebild can ' l r4,.,n1 Stlw•art and Jobn McFarlane ) ile we:. always zonsidertcl clue of the rest teacher; 'a Ontario, and his pupils have done credit to his teach - hp:. and Sr -oak 9' ha':n as (01.• of the bast 1.1111 they have known. They are- scattered trrscattered 'ser many lands, all over thitarici •many in. the \Vest ;some are town feel the cemetery has not re• l ne 515210.1, were-. his former grad holding • responsible posfhons in : t ht-. cetved the attention w'hiClt it should mates who visited his home in the spirit cago and New Y,u•k, and one of them„ have received from the Council, 'whe- that they tiWe;i hint a debt of gratitude Dr; James -1311 1111't, a'medicatl hifs31Q13 iher this neglect has been on 'the part , that they 'could never repay. - aro in t 11 211: • • of the Committee or CFor 11 we are • 1 not prepared to. say. 1_or-a number, Iia wins the nue outstanding character itis ehbnl is 2'e n4les from his ;'tf years thele has been no money of in the community that for real sterling home, of Lata yeals,l11 Was a bicycle to any aceouttl spent on the Cemetery. worth,' overshadowed all others. Has summers -1n tat wfn111' 11e walks. tie has other than the caretakers salary and splendid example could scarcely fall 110 use • fora fur taxi. When the wea- I caretaker. aker is few articles used L aC a y t 'i severe he dons his load a al tha.r s L e d h1 fel > 1 „, n I t �,"' t those who o reproach f, l 5 t L l S 1 I it 1tv wonder • that our cemeley bus i t a 1 ngdtte11 and neglected aplteaa'tnce, far short of measuring- up to iia marches bravely on.- 1•le 1v strong and This is not 'it should be because • standard, He visited the. sick;'Ise sym-; hearty .and enjoys lite; 111111 happier Minh it should be our cenletery', sure to fasten the Golden Rule found., one, u! right utd lh,n trai a in, has des Your convnittee- therefore would expression in his life. 1 - - -- like- to make• such; improvements Ile began his .life -work as teacher' *- a. r a r ,a r rM•*' r -, r that will Create an atmosphere of rest- when he was 18 year, of age, end while * • * ' fulness and beauty, within our cerate• tery, the last resting place of -those the school law only required Miry to „ A VALENTINE TEA I who are gone before us. The Con'-. teach the scholars nilly as far as. the * • ',d ±I; lied II me THE LATE GEORGE BAIRD the results of his`life worse will live as king as time shall last. His memory will long 1 1 remembered as one who 5110111 his bible throughout, his time and who pr tetlee1 what it leaches and as he matured sand mellowed with a're ;f 0'44 tended 11 still m17ore endear him L !i•e community. We feel that we ran Say twilling- new, it is some cc'1rplensati,:n Io know that 11111,is1 everything that could be said was said daring 11 lifetime, t n par our last respects and the certain is erc:vn 2pa r has life, we fe,•I this our best consolation is in the kit, slet4,e that he lived the life that 137,15 hal worth while living. The sympathy' of the entire community .goes out to his sorrowing wife and family, Lieut.—N, Kennedy, Secretary—H, Glazier. Firemen—Luke 1•aw'5on, 11, Fremli11. I. 14, .1,41 1,8011, Wm. Kennedy, Alex. long services and example. presented a t3udntore, Bert Fitzsimons, Frank Dick-' bin\ 1v1t11 1m adders; •,1nd stand taluab4 son, P. t), Reynolds, Chas, Connor, C. ' , ts, faelitn • that in honoring him that Draper. Wm, 'Proctor, Wilson Elliott were honoring at in yes. A ills bate chairman 34 till Street C'immittee. ' ftiet:ds out of the fullness 'f their hearts and in recognition of his life l,ouu..(lir tiller asked that a ❑otuet :Ill eyes were turned upon the history be placed in the newspapers asking t,,1 the p 1 the 57eak:rs indulged la that ashes be placed in convenient t vary fntlrest• u,4 rrmi:1i,c_uc.e, recallin;, places :and will be gathered up in th,• 1 Spring. A nudism was moved by trout out of the sa,Sdo\vs ,,I the past Councillors Miller and "Wiltse. Tile t many interesifnll characters a•.,,cialed noir n was Carrie) I with the selt.xl hist, my tr n the he - a The Clisirnrin of the !'ire and Water ‘131/11111 up 1:, iltat b1ne,/111/10131 it an !j Conn dice recommended that a sleigh event. that will be lout; rem inhered wh t 'rfll carry the hose for the rest 01 the season, which will cost $5.00.' as historical. Ilis house '113 for many be 1, in:hived, ,Hotton was carried. 1 • 3x13 , 3•,1;x1 11iare for a radius of 't he Cemetery Committee's 1111)t : ,uf!as, jliavi1114 a v'r ' large circle of a.� w.s ' •ad wllith is as follows:— lour l'onuuittee bet; to submit the friends. 21-iturs coming into, the following report, We -had it is fin_ .,1i Ihlr,rhtod Felt that their visit .was pos,.able to make ,t suitable report at n•`1 1.1311' ,i. ,,ut with •uta 1.•ft to his this season of the year. However' We li,nii1, 211tci1 to his delight Hoary of regret to know that the citizens of the tl if ihel•e is one plaice more than ler- patltized with the unfortunate; his de- than when showing a favor to some other ±1111 demand our first consider- • ,I l ntittee will report on proposed work Entrance exams. vet in the early part 'M I to the 'Council The report ssas ear - 1 ried on motion of Wiltse and Cooper. On motion of Councillors Cooper and Langford, the Property Cont- e niittee's report was presented:—Your committee repcn'1 that the cold air i conductors of the large ftu'nalce liars. been properly connected and are now in good working order, The cost of , sane was ,5.(8.00 The other repairs recently ordered Will be carried out as soon as weather conditions permit. • The Finance 'Committee's report was presented and 1nost of the items will be seen 111 'mother 1011111111. Councillors Wiltse and Cooper moved the foilo'tviffg nlotiun which Continued on Page 5, , 117ty....The for Job or 1 a;.- 4.:,:,,. 3. MACARONI Have you ever tried : Macaroni in bulk ? Large beautiful quality made in Italy. Sold by the pound" It will. not last long. 'H ),1 tjr3 I7'140158 48 of his career, he conceived the 'idea °} of arousing the ambition of many boys "; At the Salvation Arany Bar- and girls to receive a higher education. :a rocks lits efforts, bore splendid results, Malty */ a. graduated from his school with teach- ' ' 'THURSDAY, FEB. 74th g'a a ers certificates and at later periods in a by the .Ci T's' Patriotic Auxiliary 11 Itis career manly others followed their' , example through his influence and a and the Salvation Army in aid of a' gUfdance. During all those years a n the Red CFunda Sunday school Was conducted in which a ( a lie was the central figure, an[fops ,u Everybody ross is invited, to come * which Ise was rarely absent, .No ratan i, more sincerely scorned fraud or deceit * and have'a cup of +ea from 4 to ar his entrance into any company inn- G. * mediately hushed ,any disposition to " It indulge in levity or loose jokes. He ;, ; - t, -z. ,, x .* a ,. e A laid down the principle' that n0 c0ndf+ 11011s could x1111 Whicit. WVere 1101 either distinctly right or distinctly wrong. They saw in .his example oile .tvho scorned to hesitate in deciding, but who always chose the right. They also knew that his motives ever Wats a sense of religious, fluty. Ile foliowed his life Work with mit1r ing preserverence and fntinsit31 of Pur- pose until in' the' fullness of time he receibod what was la slim the sweetest coiitpens,ttiou, the appreciation of 1111 conuatmti1Y,-and the gratitude of his. former graduates, a number of whom had gone out to run' the gauntlet of the perils and temptations of city life bout in4lnada and the United States, It is the testimony of a slumber of his former' graduates while no a'visit home that toasty a ±1111e the tttclnory of floe '11•1astcr''" 31±10ple had (stubbled • thaelit to slum 'evil in file day arra the hour of temptation. . While we, bear this in mint and while we also remember that the 'Mos -tees! iiiiltr1llc1 over the educa- tional and thle•apirituah welfele of the schoili• clestrendett tlowu to the child, )-cf the second and third generation eve are forced to the conclusion that , itlgs to all, In every sense a gentleman, ]resides his day school he has been Sabbath School superintendent for the` Sabbath School held each summer le his soil r 5 oil forover , L ten h ! .ears. t Y l . Y begins usually in April and ends in November, there the scholars are thor- ouglily taught from the Bible and shorter catechism, For the correct re- peating of the Bible verses and shorter .catechism, more diplomas frons. the General Assembly have been given 'to the scholars' from the school than per- haps from any other one school in (121tarlo. There are in the Sabbath School a few teachers who are equally zealous as tile superintendent.. Every Thanksgiving D t, '1, o sly the Sabbath bath SLh of schol±r assemble and are examined and books are given as rewards accord- ing to merit. The beautiful farm cm which' Mr. Baird now lives is tate old homestead where lits parents, Mr.:und Mrs. Thos, Baird settled on, un what was then called the 'Huron "Track." There they were permitted to see 'the forest blos- som as the rose," Good roads ap- peared and the whistle of the engine of the railway could be heard when the ir, [f, Sc B. railway passed through, Tile parents Have long since gone to rest. Although Mr, Baird will not have his school duties to perform, he is one of the melt who cannot be idle, he has no thought of rusting out, mind as well as his body is always acitve. Miss Lizzie McEwen, one of Mr. Baird'5 pupils, will teach the school that has so longbeen his. 'She has proved herself an efficient teacher and all wish her every success. FUEL ORDER CLOSES MOST OF THE STORES To the Fanner Saturday is Clinton's big market day, because the farmers have formed the habit of coining to the town• on that day to do their shopping, and they bring their *three. r • While drug' store.:; are permitted to remain op,:n on Saturday, and bracer stores may do business Sat. forenoon, and other 'sto'res will be closed. Clinton Inerch nts are ar- ranging to take care of their Sat- urday trade on Friday. Farmers . are urged, thcr3 fo"1, to to the 107,'1l to i.ilear trail- ing oil Friday, keeping in mini the fact that stores will be 'closed Sat- urday and Monday. Barber shops 111,o keep open Friday night but are closed. Saturday and Mon- day. , To The Shopper It is the patriotic ditty of every person to assist that fuel controller hi his effort 10 conserve e ihr coal supply. The order issued requir ing merchants and manilfactin'ers to close their places' of business Saturday and'Montiay is ,a distinct hardship to those business tiled. Merchants who had 'their plaits laid for next Saturday's trade have been obliged to make a quick change, but they are doing so cheerfully, knowing that they are making a sacrifice in the interests of the whole people. The public should realize this and see that their week -end pur- chases are made on Friday. So for as special sales are concerned and from all other viewpoints, Saturday this week, will come on Friday. Keep thus in mind—Store closed Saturday and ' Monday, Shop and Market Early. Our Big Minstrel Show Nal A Show for Everybody The Biggest, Best Minstrel ever held' in Clinton. New ?lays s Jokes a Dances r So;> NOivii3r1S10la ?Sc nets! ,`18'c1 and • +" rSho `Tusay „ April I th The •Mesal »eeting of the Huron County Spring Stock Show was held in the Council chamber, 'Clinton. on Sat- urd;V', Ja- The mlan,ili1tes2(h, of the last meeting were read and confirmed, The Treas. urer's report showed a Valance on hand of $241.38,' It toss moved .by W. 1.1. Lobb and C. McGregor that the report be approved, Carried, Moved by Chas, McGregor and Ed. Wise, that all the oRieers be reappofny. ed, with W. 11. Lobi to act as Vis President, impost parried, The officers are:— John Shanahan, President, W. 1-1. Lobb, Vice President, WIn. Miller, Treasurer A, 3, McMurray, Secretary, L. Tyndall, auditor A letter was then react from -the Board of 'Trade, recommending that a date not earlier (Van April the 15th be set to hold the fair. After some discussion it was deckled to hold the Spring Fair on Tuesday, April 16th, '1918. Moved by W, Marquis and 1!. Fitz- simons that the usual grant be liven theriecl. secretary and treasurer for their services during 1917, Motion car-. Moved by Thos. McMillan and' .Mc- Farlane, that the Agricultural District Representative, of Huron County be added in the board of directors. The motion carried. Moved by L. Tyndall and Ed. Wise that all checks or accounts not pre- 'sen±ed by Sept. 30111 1918, be not ac- cepted. Motion carried. Moved by Chas. McGregor and Wes- ley Nott that the priee list and the selectint1 of judges be left in the hands of the officers, The meeting then adjourned. The financial statement of the i'Iums; County Stock Show wits presented as follows:— Bal. on hand from 1014 $ 81,0.5 Town of Clinton .... , . , 50.00 Huron County 25.00 Twp. of Tuckersutitll 15,00 Twp. of Hullett ....,... 15.00 Ttvp, of Stanley 10.00 Twp _of Goderich 10,00 Pin eeds from concert 01(1":..01.08 (hit. Govt. grant lout 50.00 (int, Govt. grant, tot; ' 50.00 Donations luid Subscriptions . 181.00 Don,ttfons Is,' 31o'atis 35.00 11 .tn.19 Expenditures Judges $ eo,t10 Donation of Secretary 10.00 Donation to Treasurer - 5.00 Printing 27,10 Postage and' 141111011ary 21.11 110115ta1l,' ............ 2.00 non,'et for Deceased•VicePrea. • t.50 iloter * •pelr;es (oleins)- .... 7.50 Sw y. tike., ribbons- 2,50 Gash prizes for Horses 107,00 (1x511 Prizes for Cattle 50,00 Exchange on cheque .t0 By goods 35.00 Balance in Ranke 24 1.3 8 • Dile Beetoettp,:at(:,a2odoo15tSa1349E,'loetttefee is CITi�Ys. es e usucecaceri;srsrua0'xaoue to rayee3usou The 1', L. P. A. are holding a Valeo tine Tett in. the Salvation Army Bar- racks on Feb, 14th. Everyone is asked to attend the Tea which will be held all afternoon. 1 a111 the storehouse of knowledge in Clinton • I ant opportunity. 1 ant the continuation school for a11. i hold within myself the desires, .hopes, theories, philosophies, impres- sions, doctrines, culture, attain- ments, experiences and sciences of nil ages. I an the house of wisdom and an institution' of happiness. I am supported by the people for the people. i offer you the opportunity to know all there is to know about your work. 1 am for those who would enjoy fiction, poetry, philosophy, biogra- pity, or learn more about business trate and science, 1 have books for ail tastes audlieeds and creeds, I at the. literary .service bureau for the boys and girls, tam free to the public to profit from and enjoy. I ant in the care of interestedat- tendants who arks willing to help you profit from tate. 1 open my doors as a great public mental recreation ground for .your leisure hours, A The Chilton s %' itriOti.c , ti*i�II alrY' \ Public library TRY ME: