HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1918-1-31, Page 5"fll.Etsdayr, January
'.l$l; 191
.By Wearing GLASSES
,Scientifically,fitted and
Accuratelyadjusted by
. Hflyar..
'ArdW@LAtRl9.. TT ^XMRWtcawms,reu9c..
T. it THEM
n,e melt time you suffer with
lnae, indigestion, bilious.
:', s u. ,es •or loss ofa it
app t e, try—
IIIIIII111111IIiI 11111lIp11111111111.1111111111i1D11IIIIII11111111p11111111111!1IIIIIJIIIIII1l111 11111IIIIIIIi
M.EN. and gVENTS
illViallilillii111111111U111111111111111111101111VIIIII1111111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII11ili U t
GENERAL CURRIE, ' Canada's Com-
mander fn France,' has been honored
with Belgian Orders from King Al-
Huron CO.
Mr, G. J. Dow, of Exeter, shipped
a car of horses to Sherbrooke, Que-
W. J, Morrray, of Exeter, has ac-
cepted the position as assistant man-
ager of the Bowser Co., Toronto.
• F. W. Dawn, of Usborne, has. suf-
fered the loss of three horses dur-
ing the past few weeks. it is sup-
posed the horses took sick from eat-
ing some turnips,
The Ivo junior departments of the
Public School, at Brussels, have been
closed this week, temporarily, owing
to the fuel shortage'These exper-
iences are new as similar situations
never existed in town,.
Frost in the pipes of the steam
heating plant in G. Andrew's resi-
dence, at Exeter, caused an •explosion
the other day, which blew out the
side of the boiler and bursting open
the' furnace door threw the fire out
aikea'ulo of An,' Medic;no intbeWitra on the cememte floor. The basement
'1eJ5evorywhera. la Ilexes, 25e. was flooded with water which also
did some damage.
Miss Louise Sinclair eldest daughter
of Barrister and Mrs. Sinclair, Brussels,
has gone to Toronto where she is tak-
ing a course at the 'Technical School
intending to become a Dietitan. She
is already well versed in the art of
. Pte. Herbert Edgar, eldest son of
Jas. A. and .Mrs. Edgar, ifowick,.who
enlisted in the West with the 152nd
Batt. going overseas, 17 months ago,
arrived at Quebec last Week and has
since been sent to Regina, where he
wounded last String and has not re-
covered the use of one of his limbs.
On Monday, 11th inSt., Wna, J. Bar-
rows, son of J:tcoh and Mrs. Barrows,
Walton, died in the Medicine elat
hospital whither he gone for an otter -
Hon for apotscc its. Ile was •13
years and 5 no iths of age
Jas. McCallum One d,ovn a house
aid drew it 2 ' i tl ,i to the village
tef Ethel all ins . ,.i 4 losers. Who
veiai do the next hie, day's Work in
Me'srs Stewart Bros., of :ketonic,
have I,outh1 the • men's furnishings
stuck of Mr, 11, 'Tuck, at Mitchell anti
have removed I he saute to Seaforth.
Following an illness extending over
several months Mr. Daniel Fryfogle
passed away at his home in \Vinghant
in his 66th year.
The many Old friends and neighbors
eee. ""Wall Street journal" pub-
'S,iehe=s a leading editorial on what is
w'id'e vwlbed as a "flare-up in Western
Qiase.ea over the ag(tatlou for govern-
rzt ownership of all •the railways,
eteles,aine the Canadian Pacific."
eleeeee all of the co-operative social-
, eesevocates of state socialism and
r i is metes of what is called earn-
oreareeseetity, from all the farmers; Luer-
us.r..'ae and lumber associations eo.n-
5aura;, could transfer the Canadian
• reieleee i,nilt•neei to the Government,
_seer r; -ire the Clovarrm,rat will -
eve:. t:tc editorial insists, "They
ecrelei eat it en bot they c•nnld not
s,,,,i -. 0 Mee is tnst:,ot, a5 it is known
r lee 5nd et ii- value to there in -day,
•'site.- i iuy sat it, . . . Canadiane
ehie,ed not gt, ono step beyond their
^e -t re a u--t.order to deeld., whether a goy,
} t.. eet•mv-ac 1 ra..:.l e:.n maintain its
'valuably. ams"t. It is Just. be -
.w. it cannot be done that part of
sae ;—setae press has for some rinnths
vette wished to make up the deficits
•-ece the government-owned roads by ex
s. oprlating the Canadian Yac1le's
v1artent prcitts. The idea is a chimera.
Tbsns would be no prolate to dived°.
"Less than one-sixth of rhe com•
•g.x,ceseed stock is owned by Canadians;
•:,vse than one-seventh nr the share-
:aafeltra are Canadians, Canadians are
bolts honorable and eapshle In bust•
s,esit''Sazatters. Certainly they would
5)511 disturb that ono security which
etres'ectitributed most teethe country's
lalsarth., and has by its stability and
mert%lifted Canadian inveetmeats to
• .pt,ultion of great repute and strength
Alt flak: 9nancial markets of the world,
neitfacctot at least conainiting these
• esheea e alders.
`"sr they dta, leo ono would rotifer
wore; than tate great farming glasses
nt tlt•c,,west whose exports would no
twt3ter receive pricy stimulation from
esgrowingforeign Investment market
nedies constautty rectifies the luegnal•
f adverse Canadian trade bal.
Western. Canada's deadliest
menu' has been the ghost of .single
tam, ft has successfully , withstood
eesa0 temptation to reaction and decay,
'kxa arrouuds of hots good faith and
seteecedlenty, it will not 'Traria coutt•
:Clara' the Canadian t'aciee,"
ui ,ytr an mrs. l+. L. ISrni, tornt-
erly of. the 9th a„on , will learn with r "Bob” wrote every week regularly
regret of 'Mrs, Wilson's death which to his relatives and friends and had
took place at Parkland, Alberta at been a clay in the hospital. He
only 1e p
the age of 72 years, was unmarried :ind about 38 years of
who ley (Serried un a flower and feed
bttsutess in Winghani for litany yeerS,
have dissolved pertners111p, - and the
fire) is now known as tlowtop. &
Howson, Mr,l rack 1lowso'n tiering
purchased Mt, Brocklebank's interest
in the business,
Rev, W, 11.Wrighton, pastor of
Perk Baptist ehurslt, of ilran1forci ,Mid
formerly of GoderIell, has gone to
Florida. He is 'reported to be very
touch improved to health, load is en -
Whig the be. ut{ful summer' climate,
some clays registering 70 in the shade,
The Rev. gentleman was knocked
down by an ;who last summer and is
still unable to take his work, •
The South Huron L, 0, 1.,will'liold
its annual meeting' in Exeter on
Tuesday, Rab, Stir, the session to
COMIaeaee at ten o'clock in the fore-
111r, Thomas Purcell has been ape
pointed assessor of McKillop' town-
ship, as succesOr to Air. James Evens,
who filled the position so creditably
for so uaany years, but who recently
removed from the township.
Capt. Gordon Gene, son of the late
B, B, Gums, ex -M, P„ is spending a
few days with friends in Seaforth.
Capt, Gunn has just returned front
France where he has spent nearly
two years to Army Medical work,
Lttst' week. Robert Miller, 1211s Con.,
of Grey Township, solei a'fine draft 6
year old horse to Philip Ament for
the snug sum of $230,00,
Mr, Sol Kip ler and family of. Zurich,
have moved to Bayfield where they
will make their future home.
Mr, John McCallm, of Belgrave,
Ives an interesting relic of the war in
the shape of a German pistol which
his brother, Sergt. Jas, McCallum
picked up in a German trench. The
gun is a dangerous looking article,'
The mutual report of the directors
of the West Wawanosh Mutual Fire
insurance Company for the year 1917
shotes that the Company is now in the
best' position it has ever been in, the
assets having increased during the
year by 519,345,56, 119 policies
were added to the list, increasing the
insurance at' risk by $435,105. After
paying for a $5,000 Victory Bond,
the Company still has an $11,000
cash surplus. Total losses paid were'
T'w'o highly esteemed residents of
Wiughant; Mr, and Airs. Andrew Link -
later, celebrated their fiftieth wedding
anniversary, on New Year's Day.
Mrs. Li mkhater's maiden name wits
lsebella Hogg, and they were married
at 13luevate on the 1st of January,
1868. The ceremony was performed
by the Rev. J. J. Hastie, who was the
first pastor of the Bluevale and Wing -
ham Presbyterian churches Mr, and
Mrs, Linklater have been esteemed
residents of this section during the
half Century and their large circle of
friends will wish them many more
happy years together. Messrs,
Rob( ,and "Thos. Hogg of Mount Pleas-
ant Michigan, were present at this
happy event.
On' Sunday afternoon last, after
the usual service, the members and
friends of the 14th con., iiay,
Evangelical church gave express-
ion to their recognition of the ser-
vices' which Mr. Cyrus Schoch has
rendered to the church and Sunday
School, Mr, Schoch has disposed
of his farts and with leis fancily will,
in the near future, remove to his new
home near Kitchener.
Pte. Robt. Lawson Faris—it is
reported that a well known resident
ui the 8th line of Morris township,
who enlisted with the tetst Huron
Ilat:alion, was killed in action un
Oct, -her 26th, The last report re-�
ccived concerning him came front
Pte. Agar, of Brussels, w'1u w'nrte that
he. Lawson and others were in a shell I
lisle seeking prr.tection from a(3er-,
• buriaD e • '
,u,an onsl'aul;tu. Agar ws
Capt his head and arm by a shell.
Whet became of his companir»tt' he
did Int know, It is hoped Mr, Law-
son was taken prisioner by the enemy
although no such word has arrived.
Pie Lawson was the wad son of John
Lawson, an old and welt known resi-
dent of the $th line. Ile owned 100
acres of Enid, and when he enlisted,
in Mardi, 1916, arranged to have it
Worked. After training in Brussels,
London and 'Camp Borden he went
overseas in November of the saute
year and was Linty 6 days in England
before beim drafted to Prance.
sir. ,Ions 0peme, of Wing
hes purchased Mr, It, J. Dobfe's farm
near Bluevale and will take possession
in the Spring,
Llewellyn. W. Andrew, formerly of
Gerrie, was ntiu•ried at Beaconsfield,
Mah., January 2nd, to Miss Grace
While 'at school at Win.ghmn, Cyril
Wright, eldest son of Mr. acid Mrs.
John L', Wright, had . the misfortune
to have one of his legs broken,
A former well-known resident of
Wingham passed away in, Flint, ]vlieh.,
on Friday Iasi ill the person of Witlianl.
Cassels, who had been in poor health
, for sonde months,
1 An old and highly esteemed pion -
eers of the Township of 'ru'nberry
passed away in the person of Mr. Thos,
Goy, aged 87 years and 3 months.
There passed away at his home in
West Weeemosit, a highly esteemed re-
, siden,t of that township in the, person
of W. J. Jefferson, aged 54 years. Mr,
;Jefferson had been in poor health for
some time. He had resided in West
Wawanosh, near St, Augustine for
many years.
The side news was received at Godc
erich of the death of Mrs. Pasmore, a
former well-known nod highly •es'teent-
ed resident. She passed sway at
Chicago, where she had been staying
with her sent •lid.
Messrs, itowick & B}'ockleb(utk,
you catch colds easily, if troubled with catarrh,
�,��a!aect to headaches, nervousness or listlessness,
all means starttoday to build your strength with
s.. building-
1 .food and buI
�o�a is a ccAncent:raied'Ixl>edlcll al g
sa 'tonic th..put powir in the blood, strengthen
thele orces �i d tone up the appetite.
`No hale fug drugs in SCOTT'S. .
6rtekt.3c •nowl.'e,1t*ratt46, 0014 17+13
Our Canadian winters are extremely
hard on the health of little ones. The
weather is Often sit severe that the
mother cannot take the littte one out
for an airing, The coeseguence is that
baby is confined to overheated, badly
ventilated Moms; takes colds and be-
comes crnss'itnd peevish, Baby's Own
Tablets should 'be given to keep the
tittle one healthy. They regulate the
stomach and bowels and prevent or
cure colds, The 'Tablets are sold be
medicine dealers or by )nail at
cents e box from The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co„ Brockville, Ont,
M¢,ar,4•a4.9+i+.0.4.5<,+ae44h•6 4.4.45-+$
Legal Querirds
k?BMSM@40c�4ara?�pa A a•a9644+4+
W, M. Blyth.—Cit 1 be compelled to
pay debts which ley wife owect before i
married herr (2) If I received any
property trona her at the time of my
marriage or since will that be liable for
her debts?
Ans.-1 and2—Owing to frequent
and ,recent changes of legislation the
question of the liability of a husband
and wife for her debts contracted be-
fore marriage must be divided into two
periods. 'Ilse state of the haw before
the Married Women's Property Act was
passed, and the effect of that Act up-
on the previous late, have to be cons!.
dered. At the common law, that is
before 1870, the husband eves liabie.
But 1)y that Act the/husband's liability
was dobe away with. Hancock V. La
Blanche, 3 C.P.D. 197, The Act say
originally passed, 'abolished the hus-
band's liability entirely. But it was
stibsedticntly amended' so as to Make
the husband liable to tile'extent of any
property received by hiiti' from his wife
at or after the marriage, Fear V.
Gestle, 8, Q i.1.D, 380. And our Mary
tied Wonien's Property Act, eh, 149,
see. 18, says: A husband shall be
Bibl 50i' time debts ofIsis wife surd
for all contracts entered into and
wrongs, committed by her Before mate
rine, to the extent of alt property
rr1 jp:)., nr•
0'' x
whatsoever belonging to his wife, which:
he shall have acquired or b,econle era.
'titled tete from o1' through. lila, wife,
tt (MEP
This. Trouble is Rooted in. the
Blood and can only be Cured
by Enriching the Blood.
Some disease's give instant ty from
anther attack, bet rheumatism
works just the other' way, Every at
tack of rheumatism luvites another
worse than that, it reduces the body's
potter so that each attitek is worse
than the, one before,
if any disease needs miring early
it is rheuntatisn, but there is scarce-
ly any disease that physicians find
more difficult 10 treat • successfully;
When i medicine does cure rheum-
atism therefore it is worthy of speci-
al notice. Medical authorities
agree that the blood becomes • thin
with alarming rapidity 'as rbeuuia-
eutdity of ,the blood is therefore a
works out in fact is shown by' the
beneficial effects which follow the
treatment of rheumttt{sm, acute
muscular and articular, with that
gretat blood tonic, Dr, Williams' Pink
That thousands of people who
have taken Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
for their rheumatism have been Cur-
ed Is e fact beyond dispute. That
rheumatism does not return as long
as the blood is kept rich turd red is
equally true. If therefore, you are
suffering from rheumatism in tory
form you should IoSc nu time in glv-
iug Dr, Williams' ` Pink Pills a fair
triad. Air. A. E. Hinton, Western
Ave., Toronto, says:—"Up to about
n1 wife suffered for
a year ago, y wef had su ed
nearly three years from rheumatism,
from which she suffered greatly.
She had been under the care of sev-
eral doctors, besides spending dol-
lars on advertised cures, but did not
get any relief. One day talking to a
fellow clerk, she said her sister had
been cured of this trouble by Dr,
Williams' Pink Pills, Although
not feeling very Hopeful I took two
boxes. hone. that evening and urged
my wife to try then. By the time
they were used they had done her so
much good that she required no
pressing to continue the treatment,
and after taking six or seven- boxes
she was completely cured. As 1 have
said this was about a year ago, and
she has .hint no return of the trouble
since. l feel very grateful for the
inintettse good Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills 'have done nay wife, and 1 hope
otice sufferers et-! benefit by her
experience." .
You can get these pills through
tory dealer in medicine, or by mail
at 50 cents a box or six boxes for
$2,50 from The Dr, Williams' Medi-
cine Co., Brockville, Ontario.
A word or two as to easy methods of
smoothing the way of the numerous
Rural Mail Couriers possibly only re-
quire to he mentioned to secure their
hearty application to praedcal every
day life.
To follow' up the onerous duty of
serving the public in the proper deli-
very of letters, newspapers and par-
cels int the hundreds o letter' boxes
and the Mina nt mail smatter from
said boxes to ee carried back to the
Distributing point is no small ,.Rote.
eete.:{alt,• in • the frigid sale e ++r
,ondst rains ;Sr Serine; ;led fall The
ordinary individual can often 41:011,1S0
whether he will leave his domiciles or
not when weather conditions are red
favorable but not so the a,tnn•i,rrs ,11
they are expected to nrake their r'on-
ler trips every week day, smr.tiutes
when roads are next to inti isst,lc end
Old Prabs, is in bad humor,
ilere are 'a few sugestinns for box
owners, if the 1 cregoing meets with
your approv:d—
(1) Keep a good road clear to easy
access to your box—the regulation
asks that this be done.
(2) Have . a supply of postage
stamps on hand for mailing letters.
papers &c.
(3) if stamps are required from
Courier have the right change ready
as it is no easy task for hitt to have
to hunt for it when bundled up for his
long drive and if repeated from 1 to
20 limes keeps the servant of the King
from perspiring much 00 a cold day.
You are at home and don't notice it
probably or else forget about it,
(4) Don't drop coppers in the letter
box to pay postage, The Courier's
duties do not calf for trim to hunt for
the coin. If he is accommodating
enough to do so imagine how you'd
succeed in fumbling round a metal
box on a cold day with driving mitts
to or if the latter had to be removed
to secure the cash, the di8iculty of
doing this without shaking handl
with Jack frost in weather' -like titi:,
with perhaps miles of the trip still to
he coveted.
if these friendly hints are kindly
complied with by alio people on the
Several rural routes they will lyde
Much to the comfort and convenience
of the Couriers and merit their hearty
thanks. A good many box Owners
are very considerate and ready to aid
in every way possible and.the hope• (rt
The Naw Era is that their number will
be increased in the interests- of •the
good fellows who deliver IRs Majesty's
Some (3o Mad With Fear, Others Re-
main Cool in .Danger
Most animals are ,afraid of lite, and
Will fly from it in terror. To others
there is a 'fascination about a Mane,
aril they will walk into it, evert though
tortured by the heat.
A horse ini a burning stable goes
mod with fear, but It dog ie as cool in
n fire as at any time, ' Ile keeps his
noes down to the floor, where the sir
is purest, and Sets himself cantly to
Tending his way out. 'Cats in fire cry
piteously. They hide their faces from
the light and crouch ie corners. When
their eescurers lifts them they ore as a
rule quite docile and si Isdied, never
blithe or scratching,
Birds seem to be hypnotized by fire
and keep perfectly still; even the to.
quecious parrot it a fire has tfotltng
say. Cowsr Ike doge, do not Show
alernl. They are easy lei lead forth
Mid often lied tltier way out theiit-
it K x • at ac 5 it is ,w it ek
t? :R
•n• ;r. +t ,H• it it 5' >< * - it 5,
SIR LOMER GOUIN, Premier of Quebec
who opposed the Fr:utcoeur motion
in the Legislature looking toward
sesecee�sssion,,following which .,.the re-
solutinn was withdrawn.
Births, Marriages & Deaths
DO1'IBRTY.—lu Clinton on Jan, 30,
to Mr, and Mrs. Jas, 13, Doherty, a dau-
ghter, (Mary Agnes.)
ARMSTRONG — In Tuckersmith,.
January 18th to Mr, and Mrs. Rainey
Armstrong, a son.
bleRAE,—tit Brussels, on Sunday, Jan.
27th, ice Dr, and Mrs, T, T. Mcll ae,' 11
TAYLOR—In Hardisty, Alberta, on
January 13th to Mr, and Mrs, Will. J.
Taylor, is daughter,
Seaforth, on January i8th at the home
of the bride's grandmother, Mrs. Sint-
on McKenzie by Dr, F, H, Larkin, Mr.
Arthur A. Nicholson, of T'uckersntith
to Catharine McKenzie Mcburney, of
N ciint.SON — A1cBURNEY — In
on January22nd, Arthur Wheatley in-
fant son of Rainey Armstrong., aired 4
This winter, at all events, Our Lady
of the Snows believes that, if she has
the name, she .well have the game also.
Should February duplicate Janu-
ary's weather, ail will be thankful
that it isn't leap year,
Good brick residence, corner of Rat-
tenhury and William streets; all modern
conveniences; good arabic on premises.
l'or particulars apply tr,
Mrs, James Twitchell.
For Sale
Ai T
way ficin n alie!a tenet roz
For this week we have picked out a lot of broken lianas of
calf, Kid, and patent leather, and you will find them, on our
Men's fine shoes,. Just a pain' or two of any one kind, in Box.
tables all at one price to clear
Our stock of, shoes for the coming season is heavier and
better assorted than ever before and although prices are still
advancing you will find our prices even lower than last season.
Men's fine shirts, slightly soiled
Lot No, 1-.—Y,our choice 70c
Lot No. 2—Your choice 85c
Lot No, 3—Mixed lot of line and work-
ing shirts, your choice 50c
A few ties to clear at, 2 for 25r
Another lot of better ones at, each ..19c
Week Announcement
nsaarariaCralarreaaY ncwuamutnauacwrcmrnc;L ".mit':oxrwaramtaa vaarazam,,aar:urasrmrca✓'unwrvu
u st Bros.
Small Profits Phone; 115, More 14uslaca'.d,c
alrat lraii'1 nu .uG'31'.' 41.2' 01r21Gia714aaar aural
House for Sale.
in the Estate of Hannah Riley, Deceased
NOTICE is hereby given that all per-
sons having claims against the estate
of Hannah Riley, late of the village of
Londesboro, in the County of Huron,
deceased, who',died on or about the
first clay of December 5917, are requir--
ect to deliver to the undersigned Ex-
eeutors or their solicitor on or before
the 5th day of February 1918 a full
statement of their claims together with
p;trticulars thereof and the nature of
the securities, if any, held by them all
duly verified by afffidavit,
AND 'TAKE NOTICE that after the
said :std mentioned date the said Ex-
ecutors will proceed to distribute the
estate of the said deceased amongst the
persons entitled thereto having regard
only to such claims as he shall have
received due notice and le acenrdauce
there ti'ith.
DATED at Clinton, this 1'111) day of
,iamtdr', A,U, 1t1I8.
MAIR, Executors,
W. leRYDONIi, Clinton, (int, Solicitor
for the Executors.
A costal frame barn 28x'10. Apply to _ ^_
—__._s 0 ' C. J. Wallis, 1 (!n Albert Siren, a scree roomed
F r Saln cottage. Electric lights, sort and
U,wu wafer in kitchen. For 1 arti;
eters. .q'1'ly to
one of the most desirable residentai T. A. c .
rrrpert,e,' in the 150)1 of utitton,
kuottn as the 'Taylor cottage. App!:
to Geo. McLennan Calves end Collie Paps fo+.' Sitio
Store and a half house, on Patten..
bury Fl, West, containing parlor, din -
int; roost. three bedr ,anis, kitchen. cel-
lar, wood sited, town water, geod
ei,tern end garden. Apply to
_ Chas. Helyar.
Somewhere bittveen Frederick St,
Clinton and Mr. Gnidie Graham's farm
on the Second of Stanley, a brown
purse with $5 and some change and
veil. Finder will be rewarded by leav-
ing it at The New Era Otlice,
About nine rooms, central, modern
conveniences prefered, not essential,
and small barn or outtiildiog, suitable
for garage. Possession in sprng. rid-
clress with particulars and lowest price,
Advertiser"—New Era, ONice.—
Tlie annual sleeting of the I-luron
Co. Spring Stock Show will be held in
Councii Chamber, Clinton, on Saturday
Jan, 26111, at 2 o'clock, All interested
in a Spring Show, kindly attend,
3, Shanahan, President.
A, e1, McMurray, Secretary.
frame .house and 6 acres of laud,
partly in fruit; Bank barn with stone
stabling; good well water. Splendid
property for a retired farmer. For
further particulars apply to
Mrs, Argent, Clinton, Ont,
• i HOME WORK. •
Would you like $1 to $2 daily at
home, knitting war -socks on auto knit-
ters? Experience unnecessary. Send
3 -cent stamp, Department 451 'C.
Auto I.nitler Company, College St,,
Applications will he received by the
'Corporation of the Town of Clinton up
to 6 &clock p.m. on, Friday, Feb, 1St,
for the following positions, and at the
salaries staled:—
Clerk ` 4350
Treasurer 8150
Chief Constable and 'Fax Coliectnr$500
Night Constable $450
'Cemetery Superintendent • $550
Dulles to continence on Feb. 15t1, 1918
and to co0'tiinre for oleo year, or such
other lime as the Council shall deter-
D, L, Mtiephoreoa, Clerk
Iflgito1st 91'11118 paid
Bert Hovey, Clinton,
Six rooms and Stormer kil.:hen,
waterworks, good cellar, central and
very comfortable, to 'close an estate.
Apply to p,
James 5, Miller
or W. Brydono
Barred Rock a;nckerels, bred front a
Cockerel from Field's No. t pen. 5
cockerels at 51,50 each; 1 cockerel 1 +r
$2.00; 2 cockerels at 54.00 each. A-
bove prices are good for two a,eeks,
when tineas will ,e raised, srcome and
get your cockerel tion.
N. A. H'JVEY, CJtoxon„ Ont.
83000 twitted to take t'p a firs'
mortgage, wood security. inaer,rst
6 per ceatt.
5.-1,100 tranted, en first nt„rteeee,
geed security. Interest n 1-2 per
W. Erydone
f t' '--,r
sof Ih . '; ,,: rl ! 1.1 .
, ., ,•t'. I ,
11:.'1..1 111
. .'lit,
i; to , .. ..rl
,'tali. ' 1
Parties wentine eelves plr.tss ic.iv u'T.t...
e • Like Creel lie 5 ,,ire •
your orders. You , .ed u•,;
it thy du not suit. (:.uJ C.n,he hug,', 0 ,' ... ..,.,. .'.i
ba' sale. A. E, IVtatheson, r__.;iezl1't.
Phone 17 on 156 tliiulr,n—..Se.u, relit'.' JAMES 5)NNi1LLY. i'resident
_ 'Tl!t15 C. ILSYe. ee:re-Lary
'',tr ,9,f• , rt -,.-,iii
Delivery ally day', highest market .*� e ,
price paid on delivery. Hides. 1 urs
fought also tory quantity empty seeks.
,Jas, Steep & Co.
PP.. Sox 192, Thane tau
A number of good reliable men can
secure steady employment on Mtc sition
work. Apply to,
The Robt. Ball Engine Ss Thresher Co.,
Seaforth, Ontario.
For Sale or to Rent
The brick house on Raglan street,
now occupied by J, E. Doherty, for sale
or to rent. Electric light turd town
water; '2 acres of land. with stable. Ail
in good repair.
Apply to David Cautelo+a.
Nate Your OI°tl'y't' •
for some of our Western Oats, which
we have Just received and we will
charge you n0 MOM than if they wore
Just the ordinary grade of oats.
It you wish to secure some 03 thesd
Oats place your order early as they
aro going fast.
We always have a full stock of
Plow, matt Peed.
highest Prices paid Ter Grain
evWen k a- s&Sen
taone tits, Tietlideries A oa a+lt
1' 0 R 0 N T 0
Sleeping cars on night trains
and Parlor cars on principal day
trai ns.
Full information from any Grand'
Trunk Ticket Agent, or C, E, llot•nittg,
District Passenger Agent, Toronto.
John Ranc.ford ,5: Son, city pnssau-
gc,r and Ticket Agente. phone M.
1.0. Psttisnn. citation agent
NA dRt TO p+,r4d7 �.c) TO 1.:a i1, w.i
t5 87
SO P r,")
CO11L,D 9107 STeete .'a fe e T':. I! 77IT'.
i'Voinvn should unt d n, it r )1 if
they are troubled with
Mus, sine or b i, I., ,i ,[ .r,,lr 10 ,.t ,:,,d
to ihair hnitsehnl,l nt l io: ,
The kidney+ of ceetre,', rue 1 erne
ni.ao tines one o lett ti: t ,
promptly and poem; m,:eeltlt me, .,,tidy'
by the nen n' 1)o5 s toilets'
Pim's. 11. Al Jene n, 7`ai1,1,,i. reole
wttf a—''I 1 �tl it myru
iy nty 1u nm-
m!.nd .Doane 1ucau•v 1`rila m , 1tnne
ha,Ving•wrnk 1 id cryo, ne limy here oven
n great help to to , A nu+tlh :> cry
l idnrvs w, r eo 1,..1 llrt' 1 hind . .oro
paws Ill 1111 us; oa, 1 t :,,i;, m, i i` was
mipomitrlr .for r1 t.e, t -5' „ tt. 1
then got, eo bad 1 n•:v, to go r d, and.
was 'that way for a wevy1"" eeet for •
ionic .,D'an'e ,15.idrvy ,111411 L have
taken just about one nits, nod now i, mem
able le be., ftp and do my avrt tori,. I
nm ce)'Ixtinly grateful for the good they
have bone me"
'Co mecum getting D)Oaai ;s Xi luny Pills
whin you ask for them, see that they .are
pump rn n n nhlong grryl>oxwith our iraulo -
lnerk or 0, 5fapis' Leer on the 1'tliel.
Pelee fide, per box id all dealers' or
lei drd direct on 'taint ort pooto by The,
'I', Milburn Co„ Limited, 'J'ot!ontoi Ottt.