HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1918-1-31, Page 3Page Three NEW UN EGGS WARTED FnCy Ces are. being paid for fancy new LAID HOGS et our Poultry Plant. Brig your 'eggi to us and get the ready cash. Nigh prices will be paid .forltrg� valentines of live poultry {het will be • required ,to meet the 'increasing de mild due to the meatless days, Live Poultry Wanted Poultry taken the first three days of each week during the winter mouths, De good to your flock of heos this year and help production. This is Patriotic work and at the sametime helping your own pocket. & Go., ladled The up-to-clate Firm Clinton Branch Melte $90 N. W. Trewartha, Manager or Ilolmesville 4 on i42. -didAd4lAchAanitikaAALAgitianclgichiaodAA(114 /1. LI 1.• 1(10.1 • See and here our finest New Stylish designs of Doherty Pianos and Organs, ▪ sflteial values ht Art • or, 4 Cases Pianos and organs rent eL nt.iw tdio phonographs', M nen> & Vat icie, gooCle, LISI V.4'311101'1111111 Hoare 11: nem ••••1 'reel Neew nee eV *weer ere • -- - PeotAtaleergerecoreeiver•Areceeeee.e...e.e.,...e Electric Wi ring .And Fixtures 1 Second Hand Heater In Good Repair. 1 Second Hand i Range. Coal or Wood. (heap. Furnaces, Pumps, and Supplies Wegingfeggregtelancengineenawnuret=gni Byarn & Sutter ••j Plumbers and Electricians Phone 7. teo"PanieitiFtiovtri..0-4to~rov'spiviaitotateott Better Pay The Price OF !ODLE AGE Need Help to Pass the Crisis Safe- ly -Proof that Lydia E, Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound Can be Relied Upon., tIrbana,I11.-"During Change of Life, in addition to its annoying symptom; I had an attack of grippe which lasted It winter and left me n a weakened conditien. 3 felt at times that 3 would never be well again. I read of Lydia E.. Pinkham's V e gee table Compound and what it did for women passing throughtheChange of Life, so I told my doctor I would try it. I soon began to gain in strength and the annoying symptoms dis- appeared and your Vegetable Compound has made me a well, strong woman so I do all my own housework. I cannot recommend Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound too highly to women passing_through the Change of Life." -Mrs-FRANK ilneisoN, 1316 S. Orchade St., Urbana, III. Women who suffer from nervousness, "heat flashes," backache, headaches and "the blueS" should try this famous root and herb remedy, Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound. STOPPING HOUSEHOLD FIRES New York Fire Dept. Hints to Wo- man Are Worth Rememberino. The New York Fire Department has issued the following hints that every woman especially should commit to nemory, for they are so easy to carry out that if universally known and put in practice they would save much valuable property as well as lives A wet broom forms an effective. fire extinguisher for all small household Fires. If the curtain blows over the Don't he tempted to choose chea.p rewelery. - tear better to pay a fair prieeeend know exactly what vou are getting, Yon will neyer be sorry• -for isa e. matter of money, it is easily the moat eConomical. The, has been said so often that eeverybprly by this time should know it -and vet there is TIC ecareity of cheep jewelry in the land • Now togeb personal -4f you would like to miss that sortealtogether- COM E MIRE ' If you would like to hny where nothinghot high qualities arc dealt 1n -001i113 HERE And even at that, no person ever Said 01111 prices were unfair W. R. eounter Aewoeii. Gild optician suer ot Marriage Licenses qlet, i .i..R.i.tasift cii01.! tty t'cii.,t, H. T. RANGE Notary Politic, Conveyencer, Pitiaocial and Real hiet; in INSURANCE AGENT -Representing It Fire In continuo ocannantes, Divielen Court Office. PORI)& HOIROD We're now selling Timothy Seed (Government Renderer.). Pi n,00 Twang Mr, James Doherty wishes to in- form the public that he is pre- pared to do fine piano tuning, tone regulating, nod repairing. Orders lett at W. Duberly's phone will receive prompt. attentiou. 31. G. Caiu..ron. K C. Barriseer, Solicitor, Conveyancer, If.te Oftlee ori Albert Parrot, occupied by Mr. Hooper. In (JliNton on ever Thursday, and on anv day for which a.ppoie Lamas are made. C Slue hours from0 man. to 6 p m. A gond vault ha connection with the offite. Uffine open every week day, Mr. Hooper will mate any oppointments for Mr. Cameron. We naso have on hand, Alfalfa, Aiailte, and Red Clover, 'We Id ways have OD hand ---,Goose Wheat, Poem, Dawley and el'ned Coen lUlftheM Merk.et Prieee paid lot Hay mid. WI Graham. FORD & 161100 14. dill l.1l 51114t AI: is Or. OV. Onon, 5,.12. C. V.. It. U. 41. ee. 1401 nv, office fit residence High Street Dr .5 C. Candler. D.A. MU, UntocA.intarle Strset, Clinton. Night mills at residence. Ratuinnn, 45 or at lircinital OR. tr. R. AXON *IMMO crawls Ittid Bridge. 'Work 5 APectititY. Graduate of Cbiotien, and IliG.DA Toronto. Dastreld ett lliondava. glar 1141. Ii 0 111.' FOWLER, DENTIST.' OtBees over O'NEIL'S atone Special oars taken to make (lentil trer rognii et palates:a as possible. THOMAS GUNDRY 'Ave seeek and general Auction ve. GODERICH ONT 50.10 OLDM liaise a epee/nit... taunt 51 Nnw ERA eillae, Clinton. PrGol 0 ataieno to. Toms reasonable, Partnere tale nos diatonnted G. O. MoTaiggart SI, D. Mel:eggs? TLIE CLINTON Niyv ERAt gas Jet or lamp,and blazes tip, use a broom. Wet it in a pall of water or 11 a faueet. Cilie can throw a solid sheet of water or lust es a spray with this from a pail It. Is almost as good es e. hose, It s possible to beat out A fire with 1 wet broom or pull down a ,blasing curtain or portiere. On discovering finales in any rtioin close thtr door and window, iso, If possible to stop the draught, ;old. -them run for the broom and pall. If the 'bed catches fire, beat out the fire with a wet broom, if the fire Spreads to the mattress get the. man of the family to roll le up and throw it old of the window. If this .cannot be done make him upset the bed and throw the mattress on the floor, 0 will burn slower there and the broom ,and Water cell be used to edvatitage. Neeer try to extinguish burning grease by throwing wafer on the blaze, es this only weeds it, Such fires must be smothered, Put flour, salt, sand, or even baking powder on the flames. it Is often best to let a pan of grease burn Itself Mit and sim- ply' see that it sets nothing else on fire, latnet ilvow the flour or sett on it, as this will make the burning fat splash in all directions. Use a long stick or poker to mix Ote fluur ur other substance with the burning grease. This will quickly put out the fire. If a lamp or oil heater takes fire handle it very quickly or let it Alone. Toss a rug eir heavy blanket over it or empty salt or flour on it, but not sugar, or it will only make a bad mat- ter worse. If the lamp explodes or up -sets the best thingto do is to close the doors of the room and turn in a fire alarm. Never pass close to a fire, Do not go above a flre, for flames travel up- ward. Do not go back for valuables after reaching a place of safety. Lose DO time in getting' every one out of the house. If your clothing catches fire don't run out ;A doors but lie down on the floor and roll over, throwing a rug around the body, 0 possible tcJ smother the flames and protect the face. Nielfaqqart Broa WeRNIKERS ALBERT ST , ()LINTON cxereerel Banking Rusin eat transacted ;e0'1?E8 DISCOUNTED Drabs issued. Interest' Allowed n deposits The NtelCilkop Avautttai Fire Insurance Coo Parma add &slated Teem Props tarty eniy Insured. ••••••••••••••• Bead 011ice-SenfOrth. Out keen liciataches CAUSEI BY SLUGGISH LIVER. When the liver becomes shiggieh and inactive the bowels become constipated, the tongue beroinee coated, the breath bad, the stomach foul and then ensiles headaches. heartburn, floating specks before the•eyes, water brash, biliousness and all kinds of liver troubles. Milburn's Laxti-Liver Pills will stimu- late the sluggish liver, clean the foul - coated tongue, sweeten the sour stomach, and banish the disagreeable headaches. Mrs. A. Shublery, Halifax, N. S., writes: -"I take pleasure in writing you concerning the great value I have re- ceived by .using Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills for a gluggish liver. Vilma Illy liver got bad I would have severe headaches, but, after using a couple of vials of -your pills, 1 have not been bothered any more." Milburn's taxa -Liver Pills are 25c. a vial at nil dealers or mailed direct on reretpl, of price by The 'r. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Oat. "Give us more coal,'' the rabble eried, Or else you'll see some fun." "Ho to," the fuel controller decreed - 411 you get is half as ton." "What :ire yeti knitting, my pretty maid?" She purled, then dropped at stitch, -A sock or it sweater, sir," she said, ''And darned if I know which:" -1- .11••••••••••••••• CASTO's IA For Infants and Children. In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of Only 28 days in February. This winter, at all events, Our Lady of rite Snows believes that, if she has the MIME, she will have the game also. Should February duplicate Janu- ary's weather, all will be thankful that it isn't leap year. "How to save coal", is the title of a book advertised. "How to get coal," would be a book title more fitting to the situation. Ofecera J, Connolly, Ooderich, President; JAL Evaes, Beechwood, Vice -President; 'rhos. E. Hays, Seaforth, Secretary - Treasurer, Agents Alex, Leitch, No. o, Clinton; Edward Hinchley, Seaforth; WM. Chesney, Eg- mondville; J. W. Yeo, Codericli; R. GI, Jarmutle Erodhagen. Directors Wm, Rine, No. 2s, Seaforth; Jahn leen.„ RAMIS, 0t0(th agen ; James 'tains, beech. wood; 11/1. McDwart, Clinton; hetet Connolly, Goderick; 13, It. McGregor,, leo. 3, ,Seaforth; 3. 0. Grieve, No: Waltolle.liebert Fereiti Herleek; MeCertgee NO; 3. sesser0., , • You surely Need is a healthy, active, in,- dustrious Serial closes, taken reg- ularly, insure that. MaybeYouNeed a purgative sometimes. Then take one largcr dose. Keep that in mind; it will pay you riga deeds in Health ttrtcl Happiness. CARTEris , Mat MILS 6eradme bears •Stawalwr. DO YOU SUFFER FROM RHEUMATISM?' If yott hail suffered for year* front Ithetunatism and then lied forme a treatment that baidelled your pains end made yoti spry rni your feet owe more, wid yelt Went 10 keep fee remedy Secret, or would yon want to .pass 05 the good word to other sufferers ? it is an ordstainling feature ef the leunclrede of letters received by e pro- minent firm of mannfactitring druggiste nett after returning thanks far the relief MT ariled, the wish is expressed to let others know the good. news., Here are a few extents that win' interest anyone who has Rheumatism - "I have recommended Gin Pills to some of any friends who are troubled in the Seine Wity." ' "World advise all sufferers from Rheumatism to try OM Pills." "I recommend Giu Pills to every- one Suffering as T did." "I take great pleasure in recom- mending CM Pills to all sufferers from Rheumatisin.'' If you wmild like the names and addresses of these people who are so happy in reconnuencling Gin Pills, and also a free stutfple to try for yonrself, simply drop aline to the National. Drng & Chemical Co.. of Canada, Linti it d, Toronto, (U.S, address-Na-Dru CO hie. 202 Main St., Buffalo, N.Y.) 100 Dealers sell Gin Pills on a strict pia. rantee of satisfaction or your money bask. 50e a box or 6 lances for 5'43i./. CANNOT CUT P. 0., CHARGES Contract With Britain Prevents Can- adian Government Reducing Rates on Soldiers' Parcels, Dr, R. W Coulter, Deputy Post- master -General, tete written in 'reply to a request that the' postal rates on mail sent to soldiers overseas be re- duced,. He says the department has every sylemithy for the soldiers ane would be glad to render any assistance possible in improving their postal facilities. "There are, however, certain diffi- culties which make it impossible for the 'Canadian Post -Office Department to remove or alter the rate of post- age on parcels. The transmission of parcels is governed by an agreement with Great Britian, to which Canada is bound to live up to. Every effort has been made to obtain low postage rate.s, but the Imperial postal author- ities have not seen their way clear to agree ti ,ail arrangement which would increase the burden of the transport service. You will observe that Can- ada has thrown off her charges on parcels for the soldiers in France, I and insofar as she is concerned low- ered the rate on every parcel by eight cents a pound, 13st for this action eight cents more would be charged on every parcel that goes to the front." Celielrletit; facet; cClfeia '1 the absence of /vas in ; 44tinitteS MOM M.g.';'.4 • vI Ltelp AI& conIVA1ovt4 cunecii THE BACK -YARD FLOCK 51 '411 The greatest hope for incre.ased pro- duction at the present time lies in the back -yard flocks of poultry. 'rhere is no reason why every city, flown and village should not be whollly or in great part ot any rate, seil-supportine hundreds and thousands of dollare worth of Cool feed thrown in the gar- bage pans every day. The waste going on even vet in our cities is simply appalling. Th, kit- chen waste front the , wch nary fllflhily Or Ore or six people may be fed to best advantage to a flock of about twenty-five birds. This is more than many will want to keep, but at flock of this size will only require a house about twelve feet square -even a little less Will do -no yard room Is necessary and the eggs produced shnuld keep the house supplied and still leave enough to sell to less thrifty neighbors, to pay for all the supplementary feeds which is neeess- 'ary to purchase, What 0 more tempting to the apptt- ite than an absolutely new laid ;leg from a flock that has been cleanly fed? Once used to home produced eggs, the consumer will never Inc con- tent to depend on store eggs. If you don't believe this, try it. Under present conditions increas- ed production should not be brought aeout by increasing the number of poultry farms but rather by increas- ing the size and number of farm flocks, .culling closely, and keeping nothing but good producers and last of prenary importance by the increase in member of back -yard poultry plants where flocks may be kept largely on feed that would otherwise be wasted. ,,Woors noephosisus, The Great ,rth Ittlfeheliemetiv. Torres and Invigorate the whole nervoultaysIelni rakes new Blood to vie:Veins, Cures Avereses nebdity, Manta/ Praia 'Worm. &Avon. &melt, Loss of If:Herinh Pojpiloifon c11 Um. Pailiag .3 I entOrk:"Price 51 ore bee, ete lor 55,4i One will pimp% erg will Mire drnegows Inniled ut plain pkg, wi receipt of Imre. h'r,optlopidetmoilrel Pea THE WOOD WIEDICONg CO..,TORONYCLOWT, Mimeos Weise •••••••••••••• KEEP ALL DELINQUENTS May Not Be Discharged Even 0 .Les Than Category "A." Although only category A men are being called out tinder thc Military Service Act, militia orders state that all men handed over to the Western Ontario Regiment will be kept an the strength at the discretion of tire • offi- cer coininanding that unit. If 5 delin- quent under the act is of a category less. than A he is to be put at the work cif a military nature that he can do best. Men who report for service wider the order of the deputy -registrar and are found on .re-examination to come under ettegory B are to be transferr- ed to the Special Service Cempany. Mee under age who enliet are also put into the Special Sereice Coemeny mitiI they attain military age, Men enlistfid in the United States are pieced 1 the units according to their physicet Clanainit, a.t1 fqr all oiracticaf porposes onl;,, men who are absolute. ly nein for military Service are reject- ed. In many eases a. category B mat larreoya, so much by military stryic, 0 is stated,- thiti,on eiramination he Is found tit for Servicein the front line. 51 I'hurscfay, January 31st, 1918, HeittignaggaMIMIESS: 44=40=508:0 SIONEtir 75 e and the opportunity for saving is replete with bargains ! It's simply our way of averting the necessity of carrying these lin- es to another season, and of closing out our lines before moving to our own store. If you've ever attende't3. one of our clearing sales you'll know what a Big Saving Means If you've iot ---come and learn 111 We have enough of last week's • offerings for -another- Week's sell- ing5 Your- opportunities are getting fewer. Make your selections NOW! and • you will have no "Regrets." cusitionette, lace, Olen Quality, turn soles. Regular price $4.00. le a I e295 Price . • Ladies' Relent° kid, but ton, rub- ) j her heel, cushion, welted. ilegeler } price 34.00. Sale $ 7 5 price Ladies' 0. 31. and kid, lace, Hagar shoes, welted. Regular rriee $4.00. le a 1 e price ..//1 • 47 Ladies' gun metal, lace, sonn5 all calf, some cloth lop. Regular price 33,50. 114 a 1 e 2.35 price L$3,e:wiles. yid hill, blucher, sexthie, Ladies' patent calf, lace, Cuban McKay, sewed. 00. S it I e Regular price ',; ; heels, illeKay welt. Regular price 5 $2.25$3.50. Sale , price a-4 $2• tmil,5 s' Z inen's Russia calf, lace, Dell Quality, welted. RegT."11er. Priee 1116.i:c0. 8 a 1 e SQ Tz/w Latiles, kid, lace, common sense, low heel. Regular price a 1 e price $2.40 A few pairs are loft of last, week's offeringa in Men's Shoes. The prices are attractive. The styles are good. Qualities the best. Get into them while the going is good There is no investment that can be made that will pay you such a, handsome dividend as a shoe investment made here right now. THE TERMS ARE CASH. NO GOODS ALLOWED ON APPROVAL, HIE JACKSON "Practoal ,