HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1918-1-31, Page 1Established 1865, Vol, 52, No, 32 On Feb. :Et tie New LINTAI ' ' A C l N 't' 0 Nt ONTARIO, THURSDAY •' JANUARY 31st, 1918, W, l-1, Kerr & Sort, Editors and iPttblishere. ra is . o in Canada and $2.00 in the U, wkiwito wwwoovvowku vMa+ hdvanakA.AAAAAAAAA'AA.A" •C ARTICLES OF SPECIAL INTEREST On sale for the first time in this country, is a handy article called "Brown's Electric Stick" it is a wonder -worker and will remove any spot or stain from all kinds of cloth, We also have in stock "$tevens Comfort Foot Warmers" a very desirable article for a cold beet, or to use when driving. 'foil simply Jill them with boiling water. You Will `iihid that a bottle of "Holies' Lung Tonic" will rout the worst Kof. 25 cents at -THE REXALL STORE - 727". B. .tea.. IT7 LM EL Phm . B. rtdwvvwvvw'.dieVWtewvwwryvvdvvvvvesvVvvvvNvervvsedVVV VWV Tie Royal ap OF. CANADA incorporated 1869. Capital Authorized $ 25,000,000 Capital Paid-up 12,911,700 Reserve and Undivided Profits 14,564,000 Total Assets 335,000,000, HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL 450 Branches with world wide connections. General Banking Business Transacted. R. E. MANNING, Manager . Clinton Branch INCORPORATED 1655 ....««....�,.r .«.«w CAPITAL AND RESERVE $8,800,000 38 Branches in Canada A General Banking Business Tranc.,cted CIRCULAR LETTERS OF CREDIT BANK MONEY ORDERS SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Interest Allowed at Highest Current Rate H. R. SHARP, Acting Manager Ciittton 11 Ordered (•Iotriduk: Itendy-dio-Weir l7otlting Y Your Next Wi,ter's Overcoat N •w If you kity your Winter Overcoat Nov we can save you 50 y;,. Consider What This 'Weans !Boy's Overcoats clearing at $ 8.50 Next Winter's price $12.50 Boy's Overcoats clearing at , , .'5.10,00 Next Winter's,price $15.00 Men's Overcoats clearing at , .. , $43,50 Next Winter's price $20.00 Men's Overcoats clearing at ... „515.00 Next Winter's price $22,00 Men's Overcoats clearing at $18.00 Next Winter's price $28.00 MAKE *YOUR SELECTION NOW While the Assortment is good 5 Doz. Men's Underwear, broken lines 75 Regular $1.00 and $1.25, to clear at The Morrish Clothing S ;4genr,t ter 41. 1", 1k. 'TelIceme saph fOe. A tir31a1ttFR, praf40 gore w llry. ?it'htIS x.3e•eaw¢+n-�nnw.nvxea+,+erArmnm,vxmaov,rl�, Try The M ew Era for Job dor. to * :R * * PATRIOTIC NOTES 4: :s as g * * * ;r sr •a m * * a, to * * ea r The W. P. S., will meet for busi- ness in the Board Room Friday after- noon at three o'clock sharp. We hope for a large attendance as there is Special business. ' Will those who are knitting for the contest please return socks to those front whom they received the wool, the first. of the week as far as poss- ihle, the rest may be returned up to Friday, February Sth, but sucks not in un that day cannot be counted in the contest, Everybody who braved the storm to attend Mrs. Rowland's tea last Fri- day were well repitdd as a very pleas- ant afternoon was spent with the host- ess. Proceeds amounted to about $18.20, * * * * * * * * s a a * * * H. W. C. A. Report * * * * * * * * * * * On account of the blockade, the monthly shipment to London was de - !dyed a week, Although the qututtity was not as large as usual, because so many of the Societies are having "Sock Contests," the quality was excellent. The ladies in charge of this work at headquarters appreciate very much 'the splendid work clone by the Societies at this centre. The shipment consisted of the fol- luwing:-- Varna Pat., -til pr, socks; t) Ilannel shirts; 4 pyjamas; 19 trench towels; 3 feather pillows. Bayfield Soc.--50 pr. sucks and 2 suits of pyjamas, Stanley Maple Leaf -20 pr sc.-eks; 7 flannel shirts, Bethany Soc.-20 pairs of socks. Turner's Church ---20 pr. socks. Clinton W. P. S.-92 pr. socks; 11 flannel shirts; G pyjamas; 10 sheets; 32 slips; 1 cap, 1 package of old, cot- ton, To Own Boys Y.L. of S.E. of G. T.-24 prs, sucks and $5.75 word, of eats, DEPENDENTS TO GET UP TO $40 A MONTH No Deduction from Wives of Nou- Coms.-No Reduction From Out -Patients, Ottawa, Jan. 24. - A number of important changes -in the schedule of allowances allotted to dependents of soldiers have been made by the exe- cutive committee of the ,Canadian Patriotic Fund, By the new regulations the maxi- mum allowance for dependents in Eastern Canada has been raised to $40 'per month, instead of $35, as formerly. This increase, whet) amounts to $10 within the last three months, is due 0 the increased cost of living, and will materially' assist those wives of soldiers who have large families. Another regulation provides that the different branches shall not de- duct $5 per month from the wives of non-commissioned officers with the rank of sergeant or sergeant - major,. as hos been done in the past. This is dare to a uniform scale of separation allowance having been adopted for privates and non-com- missioned officers. It is also provided that there shall be no reduction in the allowance granted to returned soldiers who are "out-patients" at convalescent homes, .on account of the subsistence allowance having been raised from hoc to 80c per day, SUBSCRIPTION HATE TO THE CLINTON NEW EUA. IN,. CANADA Three Months $ .40 Half Year . .75 Year 1.50 OUTSIDE OF CANADA (In Advance Only) Great Britain $t.50 United States $2,00 France, Greece and other War fronts $2.50 MACARONI Have you ever tried* Macaroni in bulk ? Large beautiful. quality, ' made in Italy. Bald by the pound. It will not last long. I, ('HH HE PUB GRO.C,E,1 ltinott ), hR * AND EVENTS :;: 1- ON, W. J. HANNA, who has resigned the position of Food Controller f u• Canada after seven months' servit.e, • Mr, Hanna is still a member of the Ontario Legislature and a member of the Ontario • cabinet without po t- fulio, having previously served f n• several years as Pruvtncial Secretary. His business interests are es a hii,lt official in the Imperial C1ii .o, THE SECOND JANUARY BLIZZARD Sunday night the second Jatuau•y blizzard started and it looked for a while un Monday, as if the Daily New Era would have to appear itiaht, bat the G. T. R. kept one train running. The L. B. & B., et -ruing train made its r way down, but the Goderich train could not get out. By noun all trains were cancelled on the Goderich and Buffalo. ®Y�e6+YE9�dcoN�®®Y9y(-MQ-WA,..; A(Granted o the Canadian Over The Teacups Patriotic Feed by the Co. Councils d*an�aaua+anra x Gunner lielstrope, spent: the, week ntcMMo Cori ng 1911end vial#int old friends, Brant County 830,000 payable in fall of year, Broca County 75,000 payable quarterly Carleton County ' ^8,000 through Ottawa branch Dufferin 'County 25.000 payable $2050 monthly. Elgin County 54 000 payable $4500 monthly Essex County Fronteuac County 24,0110 payable $2000 monthly Grey County 74000 payable $6000 monthly lialdintand County , , , , .. 12,000 payable $3500 monthly Halton County, indepetideet Contributory Patriotic Association, Hastings County 16 000 payable 83000 monthly Huron County County 75,00090,000 payable .$8000 monthly. . payable $6250 monthly County 54,000' from sale of bonds, Lanark 'County 24,000 payable $2000 monthly • Leeds -Grenville 40,000 payable as bonds are sold Lennox -Addington . 21,600 payable $1800 monthly Lincoln County, Independent local organization, Middlesex County 72,000 payable $6,000 monthly Norfolk County 60,000 payable $5,000 monthly r Northumberland and Durham 120,000 payable $10,000 monthly, Ontario County 77,000 payable monthly installments. 53,)00 payable $7000 month! 72,000 payable $6000 monthly, Oxford County • Peel County • Perth County Peterboro County Prescott and Russell Prince Edward County Renfrew County Sii coe County The Lundin train gut back about 10 p.m, 'Tuesday the Winghauu vain made return trip, and the first train out of G iderich came in after three, following l the snowplow. The tirst train up from Stratford came in about $.15 bringing lady hockey players from Mitchell, t)n Wednesday all trains started running but in many cases were hours late In reaching here. a Goderich Buys •Bosh Goderich, Jan. 28,-I0 order to conserve coal the merchants have agreed to close their places of business at G o'clock each night and 10 o'clock on Saturday nights. The drug stores close an 9 o'clock each'evening and t0 o'clock Saturday evenings. An agree- ment has been closed by the mayor and council (titin 3, W. Galheld for the pur- chase of nine acres of timber, to be cut and sold to the townspeople at cost. Bad Storm at W'inghan1 ' Winghant, Jan. 28.-Wingha m is again in -tire grip of a btizaard and the roads are drifting everywhere, 'There has nut been a train an the Huron & Bruce branch all day, a snowplow/ alone going through about 2 ifclock this of-' ternoon from Palmerston to Kincardine, The storm eased up for a time this af- ternoon, ternoon, but. resumed again tonight. The fuel situation i s still serious. Yesterday the local dealer, Mr. McLean made deliveries all day to needy cases, some 40 houses in all being supplied. OnOta Rn 090+ecmds0a0e,4000000000a • • e1 tOcove tang`tSP-.. modiiN>C.a stimeset3ent4t26D Public School Won Wednesday afternole the, Public ,hockey team defeated the tat Font of the C. C. 1, by a score of 6-1. Seaforth Ties with Mitchell 'By defeating Goderich at Seaforth on Tuesday night by a score of 8• to O,r the Seaforth juniors lied Mitchell in the 0. 11. A. district. The ice was keen and the game fast. On friday evening Jack Bawden's Y 43,000 paid in full in June 35,000 payable :4,000 monthly 36.000 payable'$3000 monthly 1,000 paid in June 24,000 payable $2000 monthly 65,000 payable 88250 monthly 120,000 payable 510,000 monthly Stormont, Dundas, Glengarry. 57,000 payable 6 otos. at $4,000, 6 at $5500 Victoria 'County 55,200 payable 84400 monthly Waterloo County 50,000 payable in fall, Welland, pays by township through Count' Branch. Wellington County 16,000 pays as convenient, * Wentworth County 72,000 payable $6,000 monthly Total *2,032,800 aoationsetaniwiatassmotaainst 0 0 is WITH TEIR CHURCIIRS. me a voogFrSKd9 oeueosec000001 thittuio Street C'lort'elt. The Pastor's subject last Sunda morning was "Spiritual Abilities," At night he. spoke on 'Three Kinds of 5)'n, lite League service on ,Monday night was in charge of the Missionary C)epart- ment, which Save a splendid program. Despite the rather t*td weather, there was a good attendance. A number of girls from the Junior League sang; Erskine Evans dealt with the "New Problem of Home Missions." A dis- cussion in the form of a debate was given of which the subject was "Re- solved that the Problem of city pro- gress is greater than that of rural re - cousin ction," The Rural side was up- held by Alvin Leonard assisted by Ern- est Livermore and glary Holland. On the other side Margaret Walker, Ethel Wasmann and Percy Wheatley spoke. The discussion was very interestin4 ;and instructive, The skating party held by the Lea- gue last Friday night was a grand sec - cess. Proceeds amounted to over $52. Expenses were 818 and half of the pro- ceeds were given to the V. L. P, A. Baptist CIim'oh. 7 p. m,- The Pastor's subject will be "Neglect" ti1'Iilis Church. The annual congregational business meeting of Willis church was held an Thursday evening last. The reports presented by the various organizations showed a very successful year. The contributions to the Missionary Budget were considerably onstdern I y in advance of any previous year. The meeting very un- animously granted their pastor a bonus of $100 on last year's salary; • nd an increase 01 $100 per annum for the future. At the morning service in Willis churglt on Sunday the Huron County Temperance work wig be presented. In the evening al specially attractive (raise service will he rendered, This service is based upon Dr, George Matheson's beautiful hymn. "0 Love that Wilt not Let Me Go." Order of Service Doxology invocation Psalm Selection 114 Anthem "0 love the Lord" Scripture Lesson Duet "The Lord is My Shepherd." Pratyer Anthem "0 Love that will not let me Go." Hymn 46 • Quartette "Lead Kindly Light" Sermon Hynn1 155 Solo "0 Love Divine" Prayer Anthem "In Heavenly Love Abiding" God Save the King. • I.I.I!'! i!!!iif !!Ili I'Ii11 i!llhi":fi!!Illffllllliiil111111!"!!i!!G!i!I'rlilll!III'RI!u!II!i!l!Ilrlii116V!IIII MEN and EVENTS a G IIIA! I!illE 11111!7: 111Elaii12611i:;11212!L1711ItII!ii'!rI Ili G i PREMIER LLOYD GEORGE, who has called a ,conference of the Irish con- vention with the 'Cabinet, 101st OFFICERS IN BAD ACCIDENT According to word received at Winghant from England, Major i1, Campbell had his leg broken and Major 'C, t', Vanstone was badly cut about the face and head•in a runaway accident. They were returning from the funeral of Pte. Adair, of Wingham when an auto rune up'behind l nd and frightened the horse, The driver was killed, and Lieut. Woods, who wars also in the party was badly shaken up. All three were taken to the hos- pital. Both Majors were well known in Clinton at the time the trust was mobilized, A Pleasant Evening On Tuesday evening at the 1. 0. 0. 1'., hall after the regular meeting and 'a rehersal of the 1st degree, the members present were divided into the North and South and a pleasant hour was spent by playing euchre which was followed by a lunch. A Columbian Phonograph from Ball & Atkinson• furnished a musical pro- graun, 1.a Months In The Trenches - Next week Corp. Murray Draper will have seryad 13 months in the trenches in Prance and so far. has es- caped the bullets. Murray went over seas with the 161st Battalion and was soon transferred over to the fighting guards, There are not many of the drafts of the 111St.lefl, but we Ilene no ill will befall the young Bald- ler, team played against Hugh McGuire's raw- in hockey and came out ahead ,with a score of 10 to 3, EARL READING, Lord Chief Justice Great Britain, who is now in the United Stares as his ,toumtriy"s sip- tial envoy to the Republic, 'the Earl is a Saw and has had 4 apeclnc (Tar career, contnteneiln.$ Itis tvorkt yy Mg life as it cabin boy at sea, Our Bid Minstrel Show .February 5th and 7th 111IIIIII!@u!V1111IIIItII1111 Dll$°EP A Show, for Everybody The Biggest, Best Minstrel ever held in Clinton New Plays' [1 Jokes f ri Dances Cl and Songs RESERVE YOUR 'I'ICIi:ETS EARLY .AT W. D. e'AIR'$-PLANT OPEAS ON AN. 29th. ADMISSION 211e wed $lie, Girls Patriotic Awl illthiry Mrs, ,French left on 'Thursday for Toronto to attend Ole funeral of her neice, Airs, Chas, Mallinson, --0--_ Mr, James Snell was at Crossl,ill, Perth Co,, on Wednesday to a big stock sale, Lieut, Wes. Caldwell, M, C., who has ,,just recently returned from the front on furlough, was a visitor in town over -night, last week, He is an old C.C.t boy and his home is in J•lensall. ------0_._.. Mrs. Wright, of Toronto, and a -dau- ghter of Mr, Arthur Knox, of Wing= haat, who was an old Clinfonian, was storm stayed here on Monday while enroute to Seaforth. -0----. Seaforth Expositor; - Miss M.'Modeland ,hats returned from visiting her cousin in Clinton, --0-- Mr. A, '1', Cooper, field Secretary of the Huron 'Temperance forces took the services in the Baptist church and the Victoria St, Methodist c.hurch at Code - rich on Sunday. -0- Guderich Signal last week speaks of a former Clintonian:-Town 'Treasurer Straiton has been confined to his house for two weeks or so with illness. Good men are scarce, and we are pleased to learn that ,11r, Straiton is getting about again. -0--- Mr, f^, J. McMurray, of Barron, Alber- ta, is visiting his brother, air. A. J. McMurray. The brothers have not met Inc 18 rears, -0- Messrs. George and Steve, Cordell, former residents of this town, Spent the week end renewing old acquaint- ances here. The family have moved from Garson Mines, New Ontario, back to Stratford, when they expect to re- side. The boys were welcome •Visitors, ---0- Mr, and Mrs. W. B. Edwards, of Souris, Man-, are visiting with Mr, ;and Mrs, A. McCartney, of town, -0- Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Cole, of San- dusky, Mich., were visitors with Mr. and Mrs, A. McCartney, Mr, 'Cole sang an excellent solo at Ontario St. church on Sunday evening, -0- Mr, and Mrs, Everett Jack were visit- ors all the home of the fcrrnmer's aunt Mrs, W. S. Downs over the week end, before leaving for their home at Lor - burn, Sask. Mrs, Jack, nee Miss E. Gilkinson is known to many 1* 'anon having visited' in town on former oc- casions. The marriage took place on New Years day at Listowel, -0- 0,1, T. 11. Race, Field Secretary of the National Sanitarium, was unable to get here on Wednesday last for his address, his itinerary having been interfered with by the recent stormy weather. lie carte Thursday and spent part of two days here making collections for the tvo,Gk with which he is connected, -0- Dr, and alrt, J. A. Mcdohald, and Miss Jean Macdonald of Toronto, have been enjoying delightful weather in Kantat Kura, Japan, and Miss Mac- donald had the additional pleasure of a visit to Tokio, and some Christmas shopping there.. They ifttend• spend- ing as fortnight in Manilas, and from there will go to Hong' Kong and China, returning to Japan far cherry blossom time. 0.01106041aomngmwa0414111m 111410r Local News Canadian Fund Gets Grant Hour T. W, McGarry stated that the Government grant of $i,20o,ogo was made to the Canadian Patriotic Fund, Sadden Death Citizens were greatly, surprised on Monday morning to Imo of the sud- den death of Mr, John Irving, who passed away early Sunday, morning. Deceased had been suffering from a cold ail week, hut; nothing serious was thought of it. His brother, Will- latn thought something fuss Wrong early Sunday morning and went feta itis brother's bedroom, when John expired in his arm,. Deceased was 'in tris Seth year and was it tdachdlor, a strong support of the Liberal piwty, Ile it survived by his brother stere, one in Winnipeg, and two in California, The funeral arrangements had not been conipelted up to press 1i)6e, •