HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1918-1-24, Page 6PAGE 6 THE CLINTON NEW E12A, P�• LY ' JR S COATS DRY O'S DS N HOUSE USE FURNISHINGS The price of the above mentioned lines will be DOUBLE before they are less thasl we are now quoting. Everything In The Store Reduced Except The Fallowing 4 -PLY SCOTCH FINGERING YARN (FORBES' MAKE) $1.75 PER POUND We never have, nor will we now or in the future, sell one pound of yarn at One Dollar and Seventy-five Cents to one customer and one hundred pounds to another customer at a lower price per pound. One price to all whether the quantity be large or small.; We would much rather sell one hundred customers one pound each, than one hundred pounds to one customer. 2 and 3 oly Factory 'Yarn. 98c a pound 6 Cord Spool Cotton (Coats Make) 4 cents a spool' Same as above, only larger spool, 5 cents a spool 12--4 ibex Flan.'nelette Blankets (tire best made) $2.40 pair We reserve the right to limit the quantity purchased by any individual person; this we do in fairness to all Customers can have goods held for a period not exceeding thirty days on payment of a Email deposit. TRADE EPIGRAM — "As the blacks instil strikes while the iron k hot, set the wise huyer will anticipate her wants for a long time to conte and Make her selections early while the assortments are good." If our prices do not urge you to buy the clerks will not, it is against our rules. • We want you to make this store your silo pping headquarters, come in whenever you like, stay as long as you like, we are at your service. Women's Store Next Royal Bank Phone 67 ea Men's Store Nittlir,e. Opposite Library Phone 103 1,mar+n ,cmerbtl=0 aamitUrX wam�armm . aasaae 2:. - ^—'-•••,..--^r,;r ,, .,,,,. . ,.:c� w.r,�:.eenn teens err. --==-asks A� 1fit r Fa{{,i in m Minton l ssi m..,arms*4m�c,.sn.me.�Amam.::.eaa.�..m. cv rid I •r uWaterworks Customers are in the habit of NSt��P Li �6 As so many t" our. letting the water run at the tap, so as to keep their pipes from freez- ing during the cold weather there is so much v,later wasted that our two pumps running continuously cannot supply the demand. This is a serious condition which may be averted by shutting d d ' raining the water out of the off the water at the tap in the cell al an pipes so they cannot freeze. We ask you to give this matter your immediate, -persistent, at- tention, as you all know the seriousness of a shortage a water. If there is no waste there will be no shortage. in the "There is no cause for a panic as there is plenty of water wells. CLINTON PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION. m�inauv,v,.w,Kx �°.:ce.,,�a:z•�»wc:.aa�-a�,s�u • Victims of Indigestion Often Dis- Iike the Sight and Smell of Food. Every healthy ' nn.w and woman should h:ne a natural desire for food at meal times, This means that 'the digestion is in working order and that the blood is in good condition. But if you feel a dislike toe food ---,if the sight and smell of wholesome food repels you—thea you may he sure that all is not well. 11 after a night's rest you have no appetite for breakfast, your digestion requires attention. If your food is distasteful or if you Leel that 0 is a trouble to eat, :emir stomach is rebelling. You do not digest proper- ly the food you are taking and th.ere- fore not hungry, All these symntons of a disordered digestion mean brat• the blood is not absorbing proper nourishment from food, for the work of the blood is to collect proper nourishment from food and impart it to the systetu. The stomach tries to refuse food the nutri- ment from which the blood cannot ab- sorb, and this causes the lack of appe- tite. If you force yourself to eat the undigested food becomes a clog to the system. Nature is warning you. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills alone give the b,bod the richness and. purity that It requires to perform its natural function.' That is •why Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure the most obstimtte cases of Indigestion—why they will cure any trouble due to poor blood Miss Lizzie Ashton, Thantesville, Ont., says;—"I suffered for years with stom- ach trouble, At times the distress was so great .that vomiting would follow, and there was always severe pain after eating. 1 tried several remedies but , they did rot help me. On the contrary the trouble was growing worse, and got ao had at hast that I could not keep anything...on, my stomach. i'inally I began using D0 Williame' Pink Pills and gradually the trouble began to leave., ape, and 1 regained in all res- peels niy,,,,cust rosary good health, and enjoyment of food. 1 make this' state- ment voluntary so that others may know of he wonderful results that, 'follow the use of:this medtcine,' • You Can get these pills through ;My' Inedicine; dealer orby mail 0 50 cents• a box or six hones for $1.5o from Tite Dr, Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. • Minor Locale 'There was,at big crowd at the auction sale of furniture', etc„ of the late' Mrs. T. 'Jackson on 5aterdaiy afternoon.. • 'I'hc days are leagtltening out, `Trains are running very irregular these days,. 0)111dreit' Cry FOR FLETCHER'S • A TORMA Go, Ceiuncil as, in session tills week at Goderich, Cotter:it met tin Monday evening. Only 7 inure day§ 111 January. QuiLe a hit if sickness in .town and acountrystde. Saturday the sero • weather made everyone rtiove With extra speed. The :oft curl did not last lens;, that the Cr unell bon tilt. • y .Aiwa s ' sotmthing''to ` be thankful '.10e—the iCc erojs for next mounter 0 :teen red, • t' ettlon • i'edi'n • Coal Supply IS n p a g h.r , these days, 00000 o5 ;•®°96.,a:.,aora7totot. A0 0 0 WITH TLIO CHURCHES. 0 ,ro,ye^eeqepsceta+0erasmm0asamrs Baptist Church. Subject at 7 p.m.— "Eleventh Hour Repentance." • Ontario St. Churcii. Rev. Mr. Jones of Varna preached two excellent sermons an Sunday. In the morning his subject was '"Three kinds of Joy." At night he spoke ;,m "What is Man." Itev, Mr. Agnew was' preatehng anniversary services at Var- na circuit, The Epworth League will have a Skating Party on Friday night, The League service was in charge of the Literary and Citizenship Depart- ment on Monday night. Next Monday the programme will be given by the Missionary Department. A special discussion 01 the form of a debate Will be tate main topic—"Re- solved that the Problem of Rural re- construction is greater than the Pro- .hlem of city progress, Everybody should attend as Lite various speakers are preparing good papers on •the subject. Wesley Church. On Sunday next the evening sub- ject in Wesley church will be the 610 Cnninandment "'Thou Shalt not Kill." A real weir time subject, On Monday evening the subject to be taken up in the Epworth League is double one, "Education and the war," and "Religion and the Wale". The former to he taken up by Fred Wallis and the latter by i•larold Manning, On Sunday end Monday, March, 1710 and 18th, Wesley church will hold their anniversary service's, when Rev. 0, 11. Scott, of 'i'oronito, will. be the speaker, ,Vlr, •Scott is a man of great power 'n' the pulpit aid ant the plgtfdrnl. Mr. Scott, although almost totally blind me; ceives a salary of 142,000 at year, and is perhaps he highest salaried blind clergy, Man in the world, who fs engaged ii the regular pastorate, Births, Marriages t Deaths:: MethsL 1 hs t C0CNtjANE—At Victoria, B (;i• •Jatititry: 6tly': til' Mr. glut Mrs Rot l C7(yclirane, a sun.'.,,(Fredericft, George;): , Ddiiths MelNTOS1i,. --in' Brucefaeld, on Sµit- day, Jan.:2Oth, Marjory,t>nly daugtif!j' ,of Rev. •aj)d Mes. Mclptosh, aged '18 months, . . GOAL FOR CASH After sotfte years of experience'Itt the coal business, we have conte to'th:e conclusion thn the only way to sell coal is for cash, and tt?dnnt. now of all coal 'sold will 'be for cash only. • • This will ltelt to keep the ' dice drawn w l 1 P as we are now lower than trey other town of its slze;, PHONE 3w WOUNDED Pte, le .1, Shaw, Blurvale, Receives Bayonet Wi'ued Blurvale, Jan. 2i — Mr, Anson Shaw received ontiele! notice from Ot- tawa today that his son, Pte. Frank .las. Shane, of the 161st Huron Battalion had received a bayonet wound in the arta in France and was admitted to the nth Field Annbulautt- on January 12. Mr. Shaw also has another sant in France. I mizesererea'+sestecsQzesese0C.oeraseC-. a liver• l ie Teacups 0 0 iter 0000. 000001P0C 0 aP ka es©004. 0fS :Mss Betty Thompson, neice of Mayor T'httntpson. sang at a recent meeting of the t:oilege heights and Rosedale Pat- riotic Society, Toronto, at which Major W. A. Bishop V, C„ gave the adds ess. —0— Mrs. de Lt. Penotiere, of Kincardine, was calling on 'old friends here this week. —0— Mr, and Mrs, Will Kyle, of Wilkie. Sask., were visiting ,1h'. and Mrs. J. B. Lindsey this week. —0— Mrs. .1. T, Carter and children ar- riyed back to town on Tuesday. —0— Mr, A. J. McMurray was in London last week attending •the'hractor School. —0— Alr. Fred Fox, of Winnipeg, is visa- ing 0 the home of his uncle and aunt, Mr, and Alt's, R. Fitzsimons. —0— Misses Ida and Margaret McLennan leave this week to visit: with friends in Toronto and Sault Ste:.71arie, Mrs, McIntyre ;old Mrs. Hayward were visitors at Seaforth on Monday. —0 -- Miss Ifarttalt Argent has returned to her position In 'Toronto after spend, ing it few weeks at the parental (tome, —0_ London Advertiser: --.•Cap lain Beattie Martin, A1, C,, has returned to the city after a couple of weeks spent in Regina as the guest of his brother, Premier Martin and Mrs, Martin, —0— Pte, Will Cords, who is at the Mili- tary hospital at Guelph was home for the week end.' . —0— Mitchell ' R rt -- r t 1 1i' I ecu ler: M , W i , f>r'• rester, who hasbeen seriously ill with. y pneuonia is improving and his felende hope that he will soon be out of danger, • —`-0-- Miss Kerr was a visitor ak Goderich for a few days with her sister, Mrs.; (Dr,) Traylor, • 0—, Miss Annie Hcaitie, of Brandon, was a visitor in town last Feiday, while en - route to visit her sister at Bayfield, Itecve Ford is attending Co, 'Council • at Godet'lds this week. Mr, D, A. Forrester was in Mitchell last week attending the fttnerai of 00 step -Mother, and also visiting has brother, who is ill with pneumonia. Mitcbell lteetrclera---Mrs. '(Col.) Cootbe anti chirdretr of 1 11t1ton, ere the gaests.of Dr, utast Mrs, J, W., Cull, itaineu4 )'iteelSrg. The' 111uinal'.itrrotznh, of -the Ritmo Co, Spi'ittg Stock $itt>1v wilt 1. held in C'oailcti OhItimbe.r, Clinton, on Setita'tlay. Jan, 56th, at e. o'clock: '.All ifiterbsted in a Spring'Show,- kindly attend; III�ImIIppIIIIImnUmVlm�lllillllllll{IIIIIIIIIIVIIIIIIIIImImIIIIIIIUIIIUUIIIIUIiIIIIIIOJIIImIinlllUi'�ImIIpIIImmIVImUImImIIIIImVIIVpIVIIIIImIIpInIIimIInUImImIIII�n�uuIIIIVIIIUpIpIliUtl d 1 cal 11 imiumuumumummuus mlmmuumgoo mum inic uimiuinonaloi mnmmmuuumuniumiuuimmiuuimummuuuouummuum>mmntimnsiu ' A. Goad Motto, "Torn olT the juice when not in use," 0 a suggesied.aludto for these days 01 power shortage, Well Known Here. . Mr. A. A. Langford, who is the new shaiirntaot of the Loudnti 13tttu'd of Edu- cation, is well known to unary GED - hellos, as he has bowled here with the Hayfield campers Horny limes, Cutting Down Snow Piles The luwu grader has keen out and the -big snow piles on the sines of the stain streets are beteg out down, Arch' Meeting Friday 'there will be an arch meeting in the L, U, L., 114. un Prid;ty everting o1 this week, . • Coming Here 7 • Mr, J, J,.Meruer•has sold his resi- dence in Zurich, and alto one farm of 15o acres lie will probably stove to Exeter or Cliittrin in the spring, Moving to Toronto • This week"titi furniture of Air, AleClyn1 11 wa.: shipped to Toronto, Mr, AicCl niont has- been working there for some time and his good lady will gs Itis week, Might Have Been Serious While ,aver on the hills behind the C. 0. t, little Jean Hogg had an upset and w;as badly shaken up. Site had to be conveyed home and is still at prisiuner in the house, Will Move To Town Mr. Roland Jenkins, of Goderich Township has purchased the brick house of Mr .John May , Rattenbury Street, and expects to move to town next tat nett We welcome the new cr+eters to Grtvn, No Perishable Stuff, The Grand Trunk railway has re- fused to accept any perishable stuff at the border for transit into Canada, The order effects bananas, oranges and all other foreign fruit and vege- tables. On Committees. At the inaugural nterting of tate Board of Education at Brantford, Rev t`., 11. Jenkins, formerly of Clinto0, was placed on, the following varin is c.ntntittees ---Building and grimed: Einarce; :end'c'ootmerci:d schisery, Reduce Power Export Mayor Church, as president of the netario Power Union, has milled a meeting of the municipalities in the hydro -electric area for Wednesday, January .it', At this meeting he will suggest at curtailment of the export „1 power to the United States, Another Picture This \,.trek .11r, William Jackson presented the town with ,t framed pic- ture of Inc father, the late 'Phomas Jackson, who served as Mayor for five tzars besides beim rin the Council Hoard for years. The oh:lure was hunt; in the Council Chamber. Must Re -Hear Cares, hsetrptsoo tribunals that granted exemptions unconditionally will beer to beer the cases again. This 0 the decision arrived at by Mr, Glyn Osler, the Ontario rgltlrt•. It is said that there are several hundred eases in which the tribunals marked the papers "exemption allowed" Mr, Osier slates that under the Military Service Act no unconditional ex- emptions may be granted. and de- clares that 'these "defective judg- ments" will heve to be rectified. News items. The New Era will be pleased to re- ceive news items from the public. If you have a visitor or you are going 'neat' on a Visit phone or send it in, All items should reach this entice bd• fore ten o'clock on Thursday of each week to insure publication. We com- mence printing as soon after dinner as possible so that this journal is dist•i•• buted and read by readers on Thurs- day eventing. and is mailed in time to reach tate great bulk of its readers early Friday morning. • Married Last Wednesday. Last Wednesday at t 1 a,nn, at Si. Paul's church by Rev, J. A, Robinson, the rector, the marriage ceremony was performed between Miss Violet, eldest daughter of Mrs, Argent of town and NVlr. John Bensley Whittingham of Herschel, Sask, The bride was attired in her travelling suit of blue broadcloth with white led and black wolf furs, which were the gift of the groom, was given away by her brother, Mr, Carl Argent. After the cerenuniy the wed- ding dinner was served at the bride's home and about 35 guests were pre- sent. The afternoon and evening was spent in games, Auld music. The wede •ding march at the church was played 'by Miss 13entley,'organist, The brine when a resident of town was a valued member of tine Sunday School, being it teacher;- The youngcouple leave in Febtheiry for their Western home, I % EXTENDED DU 'FEB, 1ST. :On laccilunt of the snow blockade .:tedoevut-heine disagraiigett we have de-, cided to etttettd 411 tithe during Mitch the. 41.00 tate will 'remain In force to ,Feb. 1st but on and. after that date, late' price fit, The Cil5iton :New Era will be $1.50 a ,year' in advance. To address e's in thevUnited States .an,additional 50 must ust be added tai cstver postage. Subscriptions, pltid at the, ogee or matil- 'ed briber That date will'bit neceplcd at theroid rale of $4.Q0, The $1,50 urate is the reenter priest of most weekly '.papers dock The .Ney Era is one-ol,the last to yield to the pressure of neces- sltyt fn ticlvattcin,g .the rate, leo one nOt,familiar with 'the 0liainess can fully realize the extent •tp-Which the tuare0s- ed, cosis.of materials have dirt info:the reneatte 'of a tiewsita,1is s otlice, but ,;we believe ,carr submetibers \will' tree the i eai5'oriehit ek'QQT' of Our position Y:n 'a51.e , 4,, atg'(I1e(IJf Jja lilrk�a9e' lir tutee, , iUli ,$.11,.'save ?tat :egpty b�;,letting ns' ligvt yoifr•rertetedl.lsetote 1/eh, 1st, Saving Fuel. The gentlemen's waiting room at the station Is closed for the Present an count of the shortage of fuel, Not Here Yet. The New Bra's robin is still enjoying sun -baths ill its winter home, and has no thought as yet of spreading its wings for its nt'r1lteru tiigttt, Keep the Tap Open, Do not let this zero weather freeze up the springs of your generosity, but remember with more than your usual nal the claims of the various 'Patriotic funds, 1 Engine Broke Down The Engine on the Goderich morning train East Friday morning broke down and dict not get to Clinton unil 10 o'clock. Ae engine had to come up ft'uttt Stratford to bring out the train, Re -Elected Chairman, The'. inaugural meeting rtf the Public Utilities Commission for 1918 was held, and Police Magistrate,S, J. Andrews was re elected chairman. 'The other members are ALtyt r Thompson :std ex -Mayor B, 3, Gibbiigs. in the Days of Old. c,lintenites are exhorters just now to return to the Apostolic days when "all that believed were together and held all things common, and sold their posses- sions and goods, and parted them to all sten, as every stmt had need." Got Mail Here, Last T'hurstlav Postmaster Galt, of Goderich, drove to Clinton and brought up a lot of mail that had arrived here from Lindon, the L. 11„' ez B. Ilse hav- ing been opened up earlier. Train was Cancelled. The midnight train on Friday night last Cut stuck in a drift the. other side of Seaforth and was pulled heck to Stratford, It was cancelled aid the. 'lest train up arrived here about 3 p.m. on Saturd Ln. Buys Cottage, The brick cottage. un Ontario St, occupied by the Lite Mrs, Jackson, was sold by auction on Saturday afternnr't to •'tlr, 1'. A. Greig for ,2,n5o.00 The property is a good one. being in the central part of the town, Mr, Greig and family have already nerve into the house. GCth Anniversary Attention is being Gilled to the fact that the ,':7rat d 'Trunk Railway i:nntpauny 0 this year celebrating' its sixty-sixth anniversary. The 0. I it, 0 practically .the pioneer rail- way of Camra, because tt t Pitt itd and carried through the first compre- hensive transportation plan for scrv- ing the people of Canada. The old beard 'Trunk is still well to the front. An old Resident of Clinton. \Vinghaun Advance—Possibly the oldest citizen to cast a vote in the Municipal elections here on ..\lenday { list week, was Mr. Arthur Knox, of the Queen's lintel, and eir. Robert Knox jeweller, was rt close second.. May these hale old men be spared to poli more y ,les.—Air. Arthur Knox, is well kn vn to the older residents of Clinton when he was a former resident here. Peach Tree Uninjured The continued cold weather is cars- ing the owners of peach orchards in A. Thursday, ,January 24t1'i,'1955 'BetrattaneletelseentrelzaWelnarateea waatrtenrttsieweenti, NTe Is a time of Remember- ante• Kindly Remember our ,firm among those who extend good -will for the future, Wh appreciates yours in the past and pects that future meetings will be a benefit to both. 1:1=sz=giratcatansaaoazsaxarsun=1,01 asl1126r awa:ac12P.1=5=savertnss=1.181= =�..=ltyn. t�e9 J S i. 5W •'_ �t Often the tea pest-23Iways the Best eaerreeeaeasw.oscarr„y nize"nonramr eagle ,Gxe+,a,a.r•.' sn s tsma ea aaSes ae 412,mf •marl tantl1, .�.�-•.....m,ww-...,«..w,..w,-.+,.,,m„�w,.°mnarv�,war�w.°.,r<,w�..w.,� �wu,axivnauxrsun 1,41wasnazasaman eoa a atsa ales. tn_x wmt-,,:tseax1.7. stXZW.rea,+G=szctr t, 1553) 5t5i5l A Tested Lens----- . An Accurate Shutter-••-• simple Operation --- Good Pictures All these are assured when you purchase aKodalk Anybody can take good pictures•with aKodak or Brownie. 'Pile have them from $1.00 up. Come in and let us show ytan how easy they are to use. —We do developing and printing and guarantee good resulte— Despensing Chemist . yuranor rmeusxaeaxa:ar.:•ax,muea&•rsa lsaa,• --, ner mvazarwm•,afficsmara:a,ravgrmnew y, The Features of IClui tb w re To which we invite special atter:.;. aro Um (wittily, its nat=ur)d enrol'::➢t,' :olid noLst ruction, Hud its be,ovr- usn•,1 price.=. Atm', one Of thee.'., world he snlllr.ieut. to Para it y. ptt•ferent'.e, When they est x13 :.:,: 1inud we fet•l ante 3:00 will It that this Ian. furniture huyu,; tunny you cannot i.lOot•d to fa;lanzs. .@ D . a�(r Undertaker and Funeral Director. Phone °t'.7', Night and Sunday Calls ttitttsvel ed at Residence owner store sa-- ^:w ,ufsf..maa+m:r.:samK.wr:mr~wg,u= or.17crorcefam:amaan�.,,um.- _ECLA Essex much anxiety. :Many of the trees are being examined to sea if the bugs were killed, A few trees seemed to Noe been slightly damaged on the lower land but all of tite trees on the higher places are in line condition so tar, and indications point to an extra crop this year. Last seance's crop in Essex district wee; altttt an utter fail- ure, but grower say 1918 should be a record-breaking season. Lieut. Frame Passes Away, Lien Itnan1 R 4 Frame, of the 11 eth Battalion, died at the Victoria Hospital Landon, on Sunday morning, Jan, 13th. Ile went overseas with the Perth Bat- talion, but severe illness in England prevented his going over to France and shortly before Christmas he was invalided home suffering from heart trouble. tie was given a military fun- eral in London on 'Monday and the body taken to Stratford for interment. Lieut. France was well known to Horny in Clinton, as he was a noted bowler and had often played on the Clintem green, where he was scat. tttini:ir. A Great Disappointment. Goderich Signal—Saturday's, storm prevented Dr. and Mrs. Taylor from meeting their son, Major (Dr.) Harold Taylor, who had curie across from Eng- land in charge of a hospital ship. He reached Toronto on Satuday ,and Dr. and 101rs. 'Taylor were to meet him there, as he had to leave againjthe fob lowing day, Much to their dispppoint- naeni, the blockade of the railtj'pys kept them at home, and they hid he•content themselves, with a talk over,:the tele- phone. 1t is over three yekrs since they last saw him, and in tilt;; period he has done splendid service it§Jan army r surgeon, -"The young officer ts•a grand- son of Mrs. Kerr, Victoria s#;{Clhnton, !it rs= CLIIYTON MARKE9Fl lip • It Butter ;33c to 36c Eggs llc to 450 Bogs $16,75 Wheat $2.OQ,lo $1,10 Oats t; lStt Buckwheat $s.15' to 11,30 �•`' •$45.00 i• $S aorto 1110.00 li NEW 5Q;1'lEDt3l.,E > Teeing herrn, Rxat}i reive 11.10 a,15, t•eetvei'11.17 ea ritett 5.53 p.m. Leave,: 6,45 p.1 Hive 11.48 p.m, teivjlff.l8 p.r Trains A'oar Wtniitt flirt 7,53 :l.tu. Leavbt, '1.33 a,n rriVt) 2.511 p.m. Leav+i 2..58 r.s 'teeing from Sot94it Hive 6.40 ,m, Loeser 6,40 ,r p r. hireling front Nardi ?rive 7:33 a,m, LeaV 7,50 a,nt, Bran Shorts Hay.,,..., 0 n. 11, 1. 11 11, IR FURNACES T h z eoo'ue'r G4 of ei:,6, "t ivr ,'Ph �-0,... C,' x7185 Sl E.,etv,- EAT FISH AT LEAST TWICE A WED.: I � - Are recognized as the best, on the Market. There are many of these installed 'in the homes in Clinton and each and everyone giving the best of satisfaction. They are made by1-- CLARE BROS. Preston Thos0 Hawkins LOCAL, AG31N't' 1 Second Band Wood Furnace fol sale cheap. We are asked to conserve help the Allies. There is u., Way than thin. rood will he rite s.. int( point sf the war. It is the dt.,:' e. all to save nun -perishable toode. Hy eating Fish you ;re Helping to wits the War. Fish is a delightful an ecroiorac11. food. You will 1•e surprised whet. •a= v' zest it will give to the menu. Isere are a Jew varieties to eta: -et front:— Cud Steak; Halibut; German itaei-we4 ilerring; Mitts; Salmon 'ft•,','1;' White Fish; Fresh Water llcae- itng itt Trine. Phone ' 53 Shop -over Rowland's 'hardware E's F a A A j flR xf 'a ° d Piping Anet Fittings Ailways 40u hand. Pt5074113 45 T 7r OWER � �R COST SURE SA'TISFACTIO You on make yyour cakes and I pies at, a lower dost if yopt, ttHe J1AS1..1b113,ST' shoe ening, .i. rolir;r1ty used it, will give ,yo t SUSIM SAT1S- , int use low L t\0 1'10N. S os of 't' 1 y >. r �YfI awould! • dust shttt.nttf than an 7?:aay of g y Ilse heed sr butter and itt limns vv cast. 'Pry it with ?,taut' next 'Mini', i Iliatta nine fltivoi',rd Mincemeat fin:' , fits. -2 pound fitt'l Soe a Special Price oto Pure: !Lala dry„S'oap,Par This Week. t. „ n t .w ren.ta pet:' list nt .,l balite eine •r weds af18 ia':t'atblt ts' S'iH assist „J0a5 zw'Ibing, these cold days, 11'I'aiblets isr Get your supply. 13e fotv'trfesistifi,tl; sod gut some supplies limited. r HIGH.EAT PRICES .. FOR PRODUCE .., , r�_+¢ 4 .p, • 9 ■ 1 . ; lad, kee 110tH x l.il r Rune Promptly 'At •tende1 Minor Locals. 1 0, ContestIsis se551011 art .Ge> fericit•, this week. .t Trains are still toning late, 1918 came In like a. lion, and the lowness of the coal:bin did not improve matters.ters, The local tett been haveharvested their aiurttuter supply. The tynahty 1tas never been lteltter: , After December dot 1It p , et'sou s col - letting nnonys for war charities stn• lets authorized tif'wrlt'itig by the &'isv- eritiitg body of a 1'egittcred: war char.. sly association, are liable to ,t ss ae4le ion tinder the act. Registratiot made with the. Secretary of Stew S Canada. The. Recount5:of'haa a geet5y ed ttssociatiotis must be ttdiitedl'*n Half-yeasrly:retjtrn5 ter the ,Detisrktird of 'State ,are required. • CALIFORNIA'S GIBE • Prowl an aocuuni of an C)regoo; ding; "'rhe bridegroom's preeent the bride was Ai' handsome city:>'elex beautiful aim. to cul Mass.'