HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1918-1-24, Page 4Page Three NEW LEI EGGS WANTED Fancy prices are being paid for•faucy New LAID BOGS at our Poultry Plant. Bring your eggs to us turd get the ready cash. Nigh prices will be paid for' large xtyntities of live poultry that will be t4qubed to meet the increasing de. maid .die to the meatless days. live Poultry Wonted t.. • Poultry taken the first three days of each week during the winter months. Be good to your Bock of hens this year arid help production. This is Patriotic work and at the santetime helping your awn pocket, Gllf[ll—Langlois & Co,, Untied The up-to-date Firm Clinton Or mach Phone 19 N. W. Trewartha, Manager • or llolntesville 4 on 142. 34,40.IAA6AA664ai6s4AAAAILAAAAA a 4 p. .4 .4 a 40 A Pia os ISc-e and Isere our finest New Stylish designs of • i )oherty Planus and 0..gans, 4 M w L A to • +•R Nodal values in .lira Cases M 5. w et - Electric Wiring A n d Fixtures 1 Second Mand Heater In Good Repair. • 1 Second Hand Range. Goal or Wood. (heap. Furnaces, Pumps, and Supplies lies Byam & Sutter Plumbers and Electricians 127 Phone 7. Better Pay The Price ti Don't he tempted to choose cheap jawerlsry. Par hector to pay a fair piiee end know exactly what von tire getting, Toe will never he sorry—far as a matter of looney, it, is easily the innst econnmtoml. That has been said sn often that everybody by this time should know it—and yen there is no aearefty of cheep jewelry in the bend Now to get personal --If you would iike to miss that sortjaltogeLher— I:OMit HI1i1:tE s*- if you would like to hey where nothing hot high qualities aa'e death in-OOM lit HERR: And even et that,. no parson ever weld one plicas were unfelt W. . eounter Jeweler and 1►ttician slier of Mtu'riage Limoges FORM kV,, Me1,160 We're ooe sellingTimothy Seed .(government Stantemo,). HUSBAN THE cLINTQN NEW ilig things neat and. tidy around their D SAVED home., When ritn erten sat down to supper fisc butter was plsskd around WS WIFE Stopped Most Terrible Suf' fering by Getting Her Lydia E. Pinlham's :Vegeta. ble Compound. Denison, Texas, -- "After my little girl was born two years ago I began suf- fering with female trouble and could hardly do my work. I was very nervous but just kept drag- ging on until last summer when I got where I could not do my work. I would have a chill every day and hot flashes and dizzy spells and my head would al- most burst. I got where I was almost awaiking skeleton and life was a burden to me until one day my husband's step- sister told my husband if he did not do something for me I would not last long and told him togetyour medicine. So he got Lydia E. ?inkhorn's Vegetable Com- pound for me, , ':1 After taking the first three doses I began to improve. I con- tinued its use, and I have never had any female trouble since. I feel that I owe my life to you and your remedies. They did for me what doctors could not do and I will always it wherever I praisev go."—Mrs. G. 0. LOWERY, 419 W. Mon- terey Street, Denison, Texas. If you are suffering from any form of female ills, get a bottle of Lydia E. ?inkhorn's Vegetable Compound, and commence the treatment without delay. JOKE ON OLEOMARGARINE Oletenargarine is now on sale in most places in Ontario and the de- mand for it is rapidly increasing,. The other day a joke was told, which ran sonletntng like this:—Sante (bite ago a farmer living across the line in the United States had a number of men at his place, helping with the threshi111. This sling and his f.unily were mete over particular about keep - Tito also have on bend, A.iteltat . Attila, and Fred Clover, 'Wm ailsearti have o11,hand -Goose• IT/gloat, Peen, Barley rand VeeeI Oorn effeAghpet Market Pekoe paid far gay Oka 0411 Org.W.0, FORD&-MeLgoD ry, BR t),oai tit; Bei.let.STInB 'iOLI(11Sult 1'O1At"Y LC, te. et; s rero to H. T. RANCE Notary Public, Conveyancer, I"ieln.nrieI and Real Estate INno uA04CE 40I:N'r—Beprn,eoaihe 15 Farr Ir `minas Comp,tutnt, Division Coast 0liice. Piano Tuning ds', Janina Doherty wishes to 10- torm the public that he ta pre- pared to do flue ln.tu.' t0cu, tune regulating,a and to repairing f 'in g Orders left at W. Doherty's phone 05, Will receive 'ttrttrrl1 t attention M. IK. Cameron. 6i (i. Barrister, Nolieitur, Co1,veyaau•er, (Ste. Udine on Albert Street., oc.onpled 1'y Bir, Rootlet, to tai aunt on every. Tint"d.ty, and on 5151 day for which i5I,puiuttnentH are made, l hire boort: from SI 51,50. to (i p tn. A good vault in connection 1vilti the ntln e. 011ice open every week day, Mr. HllOO.•r will make any appoint ief'ts foe Mr. Cameron. Medi . al. ai1141 Q,sis..}i1kiiill , 1:1 hTt lel. L0 Or. 15'. elan n, L, It, e, A'., 1L, It. C. 8.. les Dr. Connie 5111re at residence Nish Strutt Ur .5 C. Candler. ILA. 35.51. ,tire • Ontario threes, Oliutou, Night cane at residence, Bnttenbare nr at bniultal OR. t'.IL.isx'Tal 55l.TL51' ek11111, 111111 armee worst n 55laitalty, Gractuaue or 0,0.1),9... Chicano, and 15,0,1),5, Toronto, 56ayttetd on, \toad fi. Mae l t to AM DILL 111. VOW L tt, DENTIST. Otiirea over O'NEIL'S store, )Speoial care taken to make dental trent mora 0e painless ee possible. THOMAS GUNDRY Live Sts* anti geuecitl Auction tes. GODEFIICH ONT Is at It etf1•.S sales a suocuen, 1.555519 el Naar 5511. ninon, Clinton, )tr,.n• 1 s action e to, 'rams ves,ltrrighie. learner. talo not dlsoennted Merl'gl are M. l), MnTsoggar MeTawort Bros. RANKERS • ALBERT ST , CLINTON 4.settaeroel isanStiafl keteslnese tr ansaeteal SIOTLIS DJSOOTfI4TIGI) Drl)tt)) leaned, interest Allowed n . daitoslto The releKiiliup •tyi�tuttt; 'ti)l Fire insurance tin Form and Isolated Town Props tiny Only insured. timmammii *lead Office —dearo '1,h, Ont tied the neighbors lo helping them- selves noticed a hair in the batter,. which they tried to avoid, When tate Mall of the hoose went to get his share of the butler he discovered the hair and puling R our exclaim- ed; "Gentlemen, this is real cow's butter," and holding up the hair, "hare is the proof of It that ll is no Oleomargarine." SPARTAN LO I NE 3 John Ward, Plain Labor M.P., Hero of Tyndtirr•oss • It was not u liayfidr aristocrat, a. blue-blooded °thenar of the t'a,dstreem Guards, tate King'e 11r.ssn s or the Black Watch, who will go down ici'the annals_ of the British army as thehero of the I'yndarous, but plain .John 'ward, Labor leader, up from the peer Non was it a crack regiment that stood at attention and faced death on the deck of the sinking trausport, John Ward's fellow* heroes were the volunteers of the Middlesex. bitttalion', Londoners, Cockneys, all sorts and conditions of hand to mouth toilers, some of thein waifs and strays, and perhaps human derelfete with nothing specially to live On' in the old days. But discipline had transformed the least worthy into mall, love of country and pride in the regiment inspired all of them; they were responsive to sympathetic leadership, and they stood firm, Spartan -like, with a hea'r't for any fate, when Colonel John Ward made the appeal to uncut that will be historic; Daughter, SOUR STOMACH FLOATING SPECKS Mother, iluton, Eyes BOTH CURED BY ftil.SIJll1fi'S URA -LIVER $1ILL;1. 'Choy stimulate lite sluggish liver, clean the coaled tongue, sweeten fol breath, clean away all waste and poison• ohs matter from the system, and prevent as well as cure all shit:nes arising from a disordered condition of the nts.;xseh, liver and bowels. Mrs. Joseph II. 'Ph:•rirntt, Nnulner- villa, N.N., writes:—"1 was troubled with a Soto' st.unsnc6, uud 1001: 113.0 viol:. of klilhurn's Lax:o-Livor Pills, and they cured int', MY mother tits() used them for floating smic s h,tnta, the eyes. `limy cured her also after 1iaviue; tarn four vials. We (1,555 L4'i,h• rm•om:nrr.d (hent to ail boli. f , f ut L1 er trent ire." 1res-! 1; et. ere 2.1e. per v::•1rl 011511,,•"01' mail,d,liretun rloei. e e.' :'•o 5, The T. ,Milburn Cu., Limit.•d, !',sant.,, Out, Invented in\lomcnt of Genius by Chip's Captain It is interesting to recall -talat the first ironclad used it :lethal naval warfare was designed 011 Ulu spur of the moment during the war over American Slavery. The 1101110 of 018 vessel Wats t11(1 3lerri:uac, and she was originally all old wooden steamship, She led:mlg:A to the 1'nafederate States, wee were lighting the North- ern States on the question of slavery. One day in :larch, 1.Sa::, be,r captain hit upon the ides or Meting her ail over with old iron rails torn tip from a derelict. railway, :5 sloping• roof of the same n°Aerial wet built up to pro- tect her deck, and, Mitts equipped, shit n 'Roads in Vir- ginia I -lam ,to steamed Into f 11t sank Ill and a 1 early site morning glair "the spare of about hide an hour, two great wooden linof-battle ships lying ari se l smaller r' in 'McMinn to v t there, craft 'llis exploit, PV sounding the death knell of the wooden battleship, rendered obsolete, at a stroke the navies of the entire world. FREAKS OF NAVAL DRESS Eccentricities of Nava; Dress Have Origin A naval man writes: The naval dress is full of.curious little freaks It was Lord Nelson who introduced the sailor collar, lo ]Peep the pig -tails wtth:b sailors evoro then frim malting Officers J. Connolly, Goderith, President; Jas: Evans, Beechwood, Vice -President; Thos.. B. Flag's, ' Seaforth, Secretary - Treasurer. Agent« Ales, Leitch, No, A, Clinton; Edward llinchloy,, Seaforth• WM. Chesney, tag snondvillet, ,J. LV. Yeo, Glederic11; R. le, Jarmnth, Brodlaageu. lDihneeltare Watt Rlosi,. No, :6, Sesfortb; John Ben.. newels, Brodtiagen; James Evans, Beech- wood; Nt. Mclwau, Glisten; James Connolly, Goderich; le, F, McGregor, 14o. 3,,Scaforth, 11, G. Grieve, Igo, 4, Walton; Robert fortis, Garlock; Geo. icCartae, No, 3, Sedttirth. �ry�7ryp1 Std i,tlR' )lS+A 1 �glf r tY X40 r ra' 4 Il}k .• ll:eoplewith brotnchitis, eeillnrn, and lltng t.onbles benefit very Much by .living nrnotigst i'iue trees. Why? ilcettuse they breathe the tumidly aroma of the Pines. Pips contain beneficing Pine ossencet„ together with ether tneciginal ingredients- end for 50c, you only bring ini.o your home (1 VOI'11stble fine forest, When a Peps is placed in the tnetllll the p!.re essences are turn- ed into 1 ellli1J,r, vapore hese are breathed direct to the lungs, •tliratrt and bronchial tubes —no's swallowed dome. to the stosnnch ryill s:lt is not ailing;. Try PaPe.foryour coli,e0ugh;bronchi. Astir testhnxa. Ede box, ail dealers, stand oil Gtei'i• service fac;trtt;. '.l6 three rows of white braid round the edge were added Teter to celebrate three victories of the period. A sail• or's black tie, e.gain, recalls Nelson, for it was first worn ag the navy's mourning for the death of their chief at the ]tattle ,f'5't'nfalgnr, Why it has, been worn ever stnce no 00e seems ec ms quite able to explain, but it is a JR - deg memorial to the memory of our gres.teet sailor. A sailor's trousers re all the old day's of sailing ships, when swarming up and down the rigging wee part of every day's work. To make his climbing as easy as possible the trousers were designed tight at the knees. I'liey were wide at the anitles to be easily rolled up 'whew ;deeming the decks. INSTANCES OF HEROISM 1...,, CARTER'S ITTLE IVER PILLS a ra; ,Earl vat::r•;; :::.:ox;l:iatr::' _.I The Best Habit In The World is - the habit of health. The way to get it is to train your bowels% through the liver, to act naturally, at a fixed time, every day. Take one pill regularly (more only if necessary) until you succeed. Then • you can ' stop taking them, without trouble or annoyance. This has been tho good=lieelth- rule for SO year's. CARTES' ITTLE IVElt PILLS coigne bears 'Sigeater4 Colorless faces often show the, absence ofbon in, the blood. Carteris Iran Pills' will help this condition. Artillery Officer's Splendid Courage Under Fire .A War Correspondent writes: I wrote of the splendid .vork of the British gun. nerd, ihtnt-great orchestra of destruc- tion whose symphonies continue day and MOIL--aiid Which plugs' 111. such harmouious anonymity that it is hard to pick out the part of any single per- former, But in this battle there oc- curred an incident • well worthy of special record. The day before the attack an artillery officer made his way out to a point where he could observe the state of the German. wire, and found that 10 one important place it was not being destroyed by our ar, tlllery bombardment. 'rhe weather was ton thick for aeroplane observa- tion, so he crawled out with a tele- phone and line and lay In a shell -hole in front of the Germain lines, and there remained surrounded by burst- ing shells controlling and directing the tire of Itis buttery. As a result of this magnificent act of eoohtess and attacking arty found the eoura a the alt, p g K wire entanglements <roue when they advanced, 1 give: this instance not because it is unique but because it is typical. DH &` a • Mothers \vheat your baby is III: aches his little Stomach and bowels are ''555 of ruder; when he is troubled with constipation, colic, colds or his teeth- ing is paintul sive his; Baby's Own 'tablets—the perfect medicine for lit- ti e ones. Concerning them Mrs, Al- phonse Pelletier, St, DdmuseQue, says:—"Baby's Own 'Tablets are e grand remedy for little ones. i used wonderful re- • 1 ', 1babywith them for n tl e 1 sults," The Tablets arc sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 Cents t box -from - the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont, How Incendiary Lomb Looke This is the outward appearance of the bomb used by Germans to set, fire to nedefeuded towns. 'These bombs 'readily 117.e. hnildings owing to the tierce flames. and the; molten metal generated by the ritulnicalss aged. They aro dropped from aeroplanes and Zeppelins. ., - THE FIRST LOCOMOTIVE IN THE PRAIRiE WEST. • The following 'article • from "'Pitt Onward,'! refers to a locontative that \vas taken to Winnipeg by the late Joseph Whitehead, (solane an ea - teemed resident of ICltnion), who at that time had the contract for build- ilig the first section of tic, C. p, R. Mr, .Whitehead was the `est Reeve MA:Anton, 'afterwards its 11ayor, and also' 1N. P. for North Buren, and the grandfather of our esteemed 'towns- man, MrW. D. "sir. The article is as follow\,— . fit an open space fronting the Canna-. digit, Pacific railway station in Win- • hipg, stands en tdd Iocbinotive, so ufilik&' the ,llig.. )moguls thdt. pull in end (),asci the yard fust across the way MO . it looks as if intended for a Curie etkihlt. It is Weatliti woSI,' geld plainly of a style ne lunger in vogue among the builders of railway engines, To, !Mike its exhibition all the .more atrlklilg, IloWer boxes have been placed on its nothing -boards and :a- cross its battered front, and all around the length of tail on which it stands is a nicely kept lawn. If ever a piece of multi nery wits discarded with hon- ors at is • the funny old engine in Winnipeg, - , • Forty years ago next October the same luooniotive, then new and bright, was landed in Winnipeg; the first rail- way engine ever seen in Western Canada. Since then it Inas done ser- vice fully earned it the right to an honored rest, now that it has been re. tired, anti in every sense it is deserv- ing to be counted among the historic relics of the Duni)nlon, Its scars and its general Old-fashionedoess are en- tire pardonable, That was 't great day is Winnipeg, in the fall of 1877, when the "Coun- tess of Bufferin" came in. At that time the people of the new Western capital were anxiously wafting or railway connection with the outside world, and had been asking for two or three years for the completion of about sixty miles of road that would connect tate city with the American built railway, then running to the in- ternational birder from St. Paul, The engine, that was lo initiate the new service arrived before the road Was built,- It was brought up the Red River on a barge, in low of a gaily - decorated steamer, and was run a- shore un to it track laid from the ter- minal of the railway, then under con- struction. '!'here was great reloicing over the event, and all Winnipeg was down at the river to see the "Coun- tess" Landed. A little more than a year later, the last spike an the road was driven, and the pioneer lucumo- tive in the West began regular trips between Winnipeg :hid Peuthia, Where connections were made, for the first time, with trains from the South. SUFFERING FROM COLO If you shiver in frosty weather, if you have cold hands and feet, if colds are stubborn and frequent, then your blood may be thin and impoverished. has been correcting this condi- tion for nearly fifty years. It possesses rare powers for creating natural body -warmth, for t., charging summer blood with winter richness and strengthening both throat and lungs. Scott & nowne, Toronto, Ont, 17-12 rlur i Her Pride Two fair 1n 'ds met ht :t shop, ani at once 11e cur loeisipim, in spite el the fact tie. they were ltinder:leg other customer.... "017, have yon heard about Phyllis?" exclaimed the one in the white -topped boots suddenly. "No" rc:u.ti she of the fief: plumes, "What has she done nolo?„ "My dear"—in dans of horror— "she's brohrn otT gar engagement!" "What ever (''0!''?'--ia tot,t.a1 ee :.:11 !•;Tenter horns'. "iihe went with her fiance to a Goon ball Match, Ltd nova ,!1e 548 Ile gut ,• furfur more enthusiastic t l t .tic e ll,„ U o g.uua than lie has ever 5, 15 aualtt iter.” Scandalous "1 r anraidyoung Swift has had a Vit) l'tc'6erred r^,1'eer," "f,S:cs:s: ti:1 ooki0tcl That t'tUtov never pleyeu any &telt mild game as 'that. Piker and faro aro Itis favorite Pastimes." CASTO For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bear's Sisnature of SUNDAY SCOL Lesson 4.—First Quarter, Janu- ary 27, 191 S. THE INTERNATIONAL. SERIES 'Text of the Lesson, Mark 251.12 -- Memory Versa, Marta 275—Golden Text, Mark 2:10 --Commentary Pre- pared by Rev. D. M. Stearns. This lesson on the forgiveness of sins is ,found in Matt. le and Luke 5, as well as le Isfark, The necessity of the ('nr- git'eness of Our sine is seers In Christ's commission that repentance Irud re- mission of stns shoved be preached (n' his name among an nhtionsl in Voter's exhortation at Pentecost that they should repent 1n1(i be haplleecl lu file none of .Twos Christ for the remission . of stere, and In Paul's declaration tit Antlnels that Through thin Mon w tire:whed onto Inn the forgilcuc:sSs of wine, anti by hila ell ihtl let ort t5's : ;futltiiis d from all tilt Wei (1 Avis >tii 13:118, n,1), 00 the in eaten rut' the ,tx(l5dt'n1 of our 1cs1u15 !t1` '."1114 10511 '111.015 00 a 1555119w 1st C';Ih'v'teOlt', ':1.1 Bairn .350410 P1111 1111, ^o 1 »' 1'1 tint' nttl'tt>• h,v 14,111:1. Wiwi riot 33(st' 4515 five:y fa vu oi' t4ar1 nod .ill• deo, sad lieu:sli 50; sate db. `1,501'"1 etc I:ht' Lurid W5), 113•13,01,, tr 143o', 5110111 t` "i'.'.h..%, neve: 4.1 W. The Kind Yr d In use :Co: uv c All. Cour "-r«*et Experirxx.ri );'.menta t£t��d".11 43 j ,ik?t is 4„„ i • Castoria iJ a1 Drops r.::.) r . 1. neither c:i: a5 'age is been in eo • f Vtritid Colic tllerofrein, and by rrr5:711 the assintiint'.urt of Reed: .'1!; - The Children's Pezinser'-1 1C2t a 1 W V .S �,1"i1 !'r V.x3"Lp,"t,•etavis sat: • 4N 6,9 Iric,n Jb..!QWf {yG� v The .Kind You giro Tli t: ENTAUI. llgi C "SLE (lathe 1:17).nls- turbed by men uncovering the roof to let down through It n man sick of the palsy, lying un' n (5'I(, wins, four cP his friends had brnualit to Jesus, be- lieving that he would Ilea! hie, When they could not reach Jesus with their skit friend Is', ,,.., et- the multitude about the house, their faint tuui per5 ' neriinee tout: this ,0'111°11 of arc°n)- plishing their u1 ,isS. 'I'hv i'hurisee: and lite doctorH reel',• 1100,011y lis• 11101:1Pd by this unitsin 0 prnr, .•d!ne. 1,111. the I'llore of 1'01101' 11:15 ,'11'' 5 ,5n1:11 ns 1451151, Hr lust 110,'n per°nils•, tau' \Porti to all Who r°u!d h.'er I,a;, °p,m- Ing t°l"(11:11035,1,1,31' er511,• �e:•iptnr,'-, a ids hlfi ('tiOWiuth(l.tlkme :51:.17. 1!), Ili naw he t110115 n, ib" .irk li a ,ri•11 1 1:0 0.101111.1.• tut words, "don, he u5 55,,,,,1 r!lror, thy lu, hr for:avrn .., 11, a.s brought that hl: 1,04 5M:d,1 lie Ir.•ah^.1. Sad maul} ter' i!,in'.i;:55 noire of 1Is'1. cion nest•, +nun °f i1, 1' rsS:\'n°•os ul' iLrir signs, Ler 5 55' 5!''g or the soul is thesFuli'nlp,nTn°r thing. "'le must h , nt S • :un is taw e s'•tt- Ilr., 1)1.5,5 0, .1.h a sleollrwtts, an: 1110!IOW 5,1•n gin!r•:.,the foraicettr:s of :dna, When is,',s shiners i,l,, d guilty, nod n'a'ry rreeive the Lard sus, ptliti::r "..!! rain' Ir0,1 in his crest for our Silts, be- lieving that his own self bore our 511214 in 1,-a' wunli,trd for our u,,., -,, ..,.!t.•, t ruined 1 1 .,, . lnlyuitirs, IS, n 1vN esu rejsice 11181 WO lance 1.501 undo chi!dren or (lid, necoide'I.in tis" ':,'1 u•.'d. mid in him have redemption, the for;;iveuess of our slus, 1vl:lt rho assnrnnee that they shall never er Own; sned to as (heti, 3:1P, ,' t '" 4 1 1:12; I John 2.12, Ih 1 7; IH S. 43:25). It 5' 13.1.11 3013 11111 !esus saw their failth (vs, 11), which miry have in- ti n tie sick num, but in- cluded due ft nth P 11 d o'v , Ilutnau • , •4 tftis we know fi stn the , I t e centurion, Ute Syro-1'hnrrdcinu woman and tyle Cupernsum uoidensau that our frith call bring blessing to others (Mott. 8:13; 15:23; John 4:50). Noth- ing seems to please sur Lard like great faith, a cliloplu citildillu: continence ill. him, ju,it taking hhn• ut Itis word and. counting on hili to do as he has said; and without faith It is Impossible to please him (flab. 1'1 :(1), yet how often he bad to say to his disciples, "0 ye of little faith" (ithrtl. 8:220; 0:30; '14:81 ; 16:8). The tterihee said truly when they said, 'Vim can forgive sins but teed Ditty?" (vs, 7). And 11 they hurl add- ed: 'i't11s inial I u05 be (soil, they 5.0 1(i have reneened.'roi•rectly„ but 135elrr,; 111171 only tis a num they ucensed his of histe.pl).•uej'. '7'So m'or'tal teen cute for- give sins, wheth0r lit' he priest. 50 bishop; or me llt,lsh'I' or pope, 1,111 Mu humblest belie, or is titalinrleed to lead a sinner to t'lriryst'si0U show him in the Word the: wny'of forgiveness, unci the Spirit by his Word will give assurtntce of forgivanees fo every true peul tent. Jcsas perceives all our reasonings (vs. 5l) tied knows every thought of our hearts and by his Spirit and his Word 1t•ill east down all rensuni.ttgs and bring all our thoughts into subjec- tion to king if (h.:cek,J.1 :5; I's.1510:1-4; 11 Cor. 10:4, 5, nmrgln). Tioebilt 55ive1i 1155' 1111,1 t'nrgi1ert'S uI' urn -P.,-, gym ;,31: artecnalfrn When Tire If the end of the day finl table,with aching head and something to tone and s EEC are remedy/kith tlulictdy ditioias. They octal e the 02111 y B nd SPD renew the strengtls, A few dog of these wort 111,61i0111y 1)9tTtsaC5 is Meetrault, sola aivcar5vb,awo 5eClaladtlit nerd U..