HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1918-1-24, Page 1Established.1865, Vol, 52, No, 31 On Feb. it The. New 1.00WW WWOdldW' lieseiAAAANA0tAAMAMAAliAAAM ARTICLES OF SPECIAL INTEREST , On' sale.for the first time. hi this' country, is a handy article called "Brown's Electric Stick" it is a wonder -Worker and'y will remove any spot or stain from all kinds of cloth, We also have in stock "Stevens Comfort Foot' Warmers" a very desirable article for a cold bed, or to use when driving, You simply till them with boiling water. You will find 'that a bottle of "Holmes' Lung Tonic". will rout the worst lof, 25 cents at --THE REXALL STORE --- w» s. Tito JLA vi et`S Phtll .B. ...owtivtaskiwkneatAfroAckeWywyvvvawyenyvvvmvvervvtowv nokova nanto ••• le 03741 OF CANADA incorporated 1869. Capital Authorized $25,000,000 Capital Paid-up 12,9,11,700 Reserve and Undivided Profits 14,324,000 Total Assets 300,000,000 420 B R A N C H E 5—With World-wide Connection interest Allowed on Savings Deposits. General Banking Business Transacted. R. E. 'MANNING, Manager . Clinton Branch' INCORYORMI D 1855 LSO s CAPITAL AND RESERVE $5,800,000 98 Branches in Canada A General Banking Business Transacted CIRCULAR LETTERS OP CREDIT BANK. • MONEY ORDERS SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Interest Allowed at Highest Current Rate r H. R. SHARP, Acting Manager Cic,iton t {1 :Yamaisa4MNffhRlMocammvofl' 111 ma -imam SflYt Aul•a•l, roma 'mum * . mot om. Ordered Clothing . 1Ceut y-t►,g t ar tlothi?ng NSPsrrmti&-mmxi'mTZ.+,B'_. 1tSp�=i1SFi e41Ywu1 Siti{memat. our.. N't �S ' .it j:;ter's xt3Overc <l l Nat No If you imply your Winter Overcoat Now we can save you 50 ;4 • Consider What r.. is Means Eoy's Overcoats clearing at • $ 8.50' Next Winter's price $12.50 Boy's C)vercoats clearing at , ,$10.00 Next Winter's price $'15.00 Men's Overcoats clearing at , . , $43.50 Next Winter's price $20.00 Men's Overcoats clearing at , • • $15.90 Next Winter's j)rice i.l., .$22,00 Men's Overcoats clearing at $18.00 Next Winter's price' $28.0Q • MAKE YOUR SE'LECTIO,N.NOW While the Assortment, is' 'good ' 5 Doz. Men's Un lerwear; ►r•;oken; lines ; ' • Regular $1106 and $1.25, to 'clear at :, • Peg altlft Ser air.•,11",•llf,r'iitetegr'•1tnla,ttlo. Try The Nevii ra for Jo o "" tt CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY , JANUARY 24flt11t 19171• W. l-1, Kerr & :Son, Editors and Publishers.. Era is d® in Canada mioaKse (h :copFet$Qe:f,9ttnpetta QJti' lt'at0jt NONEIL ra o sect o at oscroatsel oe6s.fscas cOefsmo The ladjourned meeting of the Coun- cil was held on Monday evening; all members present except Reeve Ford. Bylaw No. 1, 1915, to appoint cer- tain officers was read three (nines and passed. Following are names. selected: Auditors. --Messrs, Peter Canteion Ind J, Wiseman. Board of ila;iltlt- Mr. D. L. Macpher- son. Public Library—Mr. J. W, Tre- leaven. t'.C.1. Representative—Mr, W. 11. Hellyar, Councillor Miller reported on the fuel situation. A portion of the wood had been hauled In, cut and about 15 cords delivered at 33.75 a cord. 'there is nearly two•tltirds of the wood still in the bush. Many more orders had been placed. The wood is to be Suitt where it is needed at once, Councillor ntcillor Cooper asked for fur- ther particulars about the purchase, and Councillor Miller reported stilet the Council Nought the wood on land between 2 and 3 acres for $120. on niotlou of Councillor Cooper and seconded by 'Councillor • Mellwv:ut— Councillur Miller be appointed as special representative of the Council to look after the purchase of wood or bush already authorized. and that he be allowed to associate with himself one or two citizens and 'also to take charge of the distribution of stone. The notion carried, The Mayor told his story of tate pur- chase of the soft coal from the Staple- ton Salt Works. 100 tons were pur- chased and up to noon (Monday) 71 tons had been placed. The price was $10 a tun at Stapleton. The Mayor thought it would be well, if they could, to purchase :mother 50 tons and store it for• future use. On motion of. Councillors Sheppard ;end Langford, the Mayor was author- ized to purchase :mother 50 -tons, if possible. 1 On motion of Mc}iwan and :Miller the 'Treasurer was authorized 1t' pay for the coal purchased from the North American Chemical Co., at the rate of to.00 per ton. Committee's Reports. Chairman Miller, of the Street Com- mittee, recommended. that the snots tanks on the front street be levelled and the Council agreed to it. A change in two 0amnnttee's were allowed. On the Fire and Water, Councillor Langford takes 'Councillor Cooper's place; and on the Special t't,mmittee. Mr. Cooper takes Mr. Langford's place, Councillor A. T. Cooper, Clntirntau of the Property (committee made the following reporl— Your Committee made an inspection of the Town hail last Tuesday and wish to report that the building is greatly in need of repairs. The glass in some of the windows is broken as well as the weight cords. thus causing the bras of a great deal of heat. The furnace cold air conductors all need attention. some of then( being, disconnected in the cellar and the fur- nace drawing air from the cellar instead of from the Hall: We found much cold air coming in through neglected cellar windows. For •want of a' proper fastening the door of the lire hall was open and ex- posed to the storm, , Several years furnace ashes are in the cellar, which to say the least, is not sanitary. We recommend that a general house-cleaning be carried out as soon as weather conditions warrant, and tea necessary repairs be made to the win- dows, doors, closet and furnaces. That the Coon:table's office be re• papered, repainted and a new windows shade secured, That the electric lamps now burned out in the several chandeliers be re - 'placed. ')'hat a suitable Mayor's chair he pur- chaesed- for the Council 'Chamber, That tate walls of the stage be re- paired and repapered. That the watering cart be put in good condition. The report was accepted. Other Committees had no reports to offer.. On notion of Councillors Miller and McBwan, Couadjourned to go into Cnnunittee as ancil whole, * :r• tl a: :l , * * * * AN -OLD HURON BOY a: :a a5 • :I: :I! * :a * :r. :r• LT, -COL. JOHN A, COOPER, hate editor of the Canadian Courier, and an old 'Clinton boy, whose lattalioi'. the 198th Canadian i3utrs, is in the 5th Division, at Whitley. is lino visiting the Canadian trent in Flanders. EPWORTH-1 LEAGUE ANNIVERSARY SERVICES ;a 5. et to x e at a ., 4:• ar C. W. C. A. NOTES °i •R * n• * 5 t'r t1 * * .r. * The Societies at this centre, that contributed so willingly, to give the boys of the 161st Battalion, who are still lu'Englftid n Xmas dinner, will be pleased to know that the Secretary has received a letter from Capt, Allis, the Quartermaster, expressing their deep apof p'thei dinner.aitThisd ltmay tibmenu 1e seen in another column; -- i ACARO �Iv' y;,•' e'.v e r tried 'Macaroni ? ' Large 1ieantifU1' quality 'l ia& a:sig It 01,37' So1.d'by,the pobnd, :it *ill Iriogt Oast long, • TT e : HUB G i<: OC3:0( Phone SPECIAL SERVICES ON SUNDAY EXCELLENT ADDRESS AND PROGRAM ON MONDAY The Epworth League Anniversary services in connection with Wesley church. although postponed for a week on •iccount of the storm, were a decid- ed success, On Sunday strong appeals were made to the ,young people to live true, noble and useful lives by the pastor, Rev. A. E. Jones in the morning, and by Rev. J, 15. Hogg, of Willis church in the evening. The newly organized choir, for the organizing and training ,d' which, ,Mr. J. 11. Doherty deserves great credit. rendered excellent service, Monday Evening tin Monday evening solos Were ten- dered in jive voice by Misses Elsie Farquhar and :wlyia Marion Gibbing::: a duet by Miss Holmes and Mr. Doherty and quartette by the Misses Holmes • nd wise and Messrs. Monett and Doherty. The Sunday School Orch- estra enlivened the ‘,.;hole meeting with their music. Rev. Ch:udai t Graham's lecture was much appreciated, the audience hung t half, words • l„r an hour and t of Its r is 1 t • while ire relied experiences, humor- ous and pathetic, viiia the • men, the cttticers and the doctors and nurses overseas, relating m,uty incidences of cheerfulness, bravery and heroism aurone them Ile showed the wonderful work that was being done overseas by Canadians and brought it (tome with great force to his audience that it was the duty of everyone, at home, male or female, young, t1 t old to rut their whole strength in this great struggle, that soon :t peace Wright be signed cleat would preserve liberty and democracy to the. world. The watchword over there was cried to u •full he "carry nn,” When nc the next in atlice "!awry on!" Captain Graham said this was the watchword for us at home. The pastor, Rev. A. E. Jones, was the chairman of the evening. A hearty vote of thanks was passed for the ad- dress and program of the evening, and .00 in the REI BATTALION REEVE ELLIOTT NAMED WARDEN Mayor Thompson received a Menu card from Capt, W, B. Allen, the Quartermaster of the 1dist liattl., which was for tate Christmas I./inner It the Men's Mess,' of the 161s1 Iluron Infranty Battalion, Dec. 25, 1917 5t Witley C;unp, Surrey. Lt. -Colonel 13, ,Mur be,' 0,5 0., Officer Commanding. MENU. Soup. Scotch Broth Roast 'Turkey with Appe Sauce Vegetables Cabbage. Potatoes ' abbatte Salad. 1HUM Pudding asitia Brandy Sauce Mince Pies, Christmas Cake Dessert Apples Oranges Malaga Grapes, Nits 'Teat "GOD SAVE THE KING.' --sl+t--- MUSIC March ......"The Ling Boys" 1',,,K Trot 'Some Aftentoutt" March • , "t )'Brien is talking Hawaiian" Waltz .."The Maid 01the Mountains" pus '!'rt "I•lors lYOeuvites" March ",\h• Baby Soldier Boy" tblst Battalion Regimental Orchestra Conductor—Bandmaster Scott N. FALL NEW PUBLIC SCHOOL CHAIRMAN At the inaugural meeting of tate Public School Board last Wednesday evening, Mr. N, 13al1 wits elected .the new Chairman for 1918. Air. Fl. E. Rorke was reappointed Secretary -Treasurer. • The various committees were, named Property Committee—T. Cottle, chairman, C. i•lelyar and H, W.. Watt. • • Finance Committee—T, McNeil, R. Carter and ,l; Rands. The •eppoittments made by the School .Board were: 'To'the'C.C,I.—Rev, J. 'A. Robinson. 10+,:Public Library—J. E. I'tovey Mr W,, G. Smyth, was reappointed 'Catefutke'r;' • I* :t:..* * * * x * . * * * 1* '1N , * C, C, . i, NEws,• t. HURON COUNTY POULTRY OF HURON CO, STEPHEN TOWNSHIP COUNCILLOR VICTORIOUS OVER REEVE LOBB—INAUGURAL MEET- ING OF CO. COUNCIL , Goderich, Jan, 22.—Reeve W, 11. 011i0t1 of Stephen 'I'ownsitip, was to- day elected warden of Huron County. According to custom the selection of a Warden is made alternately from the Liberals anti Conservatives. In the Conservative caucus Mr. Elliott had a close fun with peeve Loth, of Gode- rich Township, winning out by lust one vote. The new Warden has had seven Years' experience in township politics, two years in the council and live years zs reeve, the last three by acclamation, in religion he is a Methodist. '110 appointment of a district agri cultural representative routes up again this session, this county being one of the few which have not yet pro- vided for such an appointment. South Huron Board of Agriculture, a farmer's club in the: south of the West Huron 'Teachers' Association alt request provision for such an appoint- ment at this session, SITOW J, ford and G. W, lioiman were ap- pointed to the board of criminal Audi: and Oliver 'Cousins, of Wingh:nn and AT Peter C:utelon, of Clutton were ap- pointed auditors of other accounts,. Application will again be made at Goderich, .tan. 22, — The auntcd this session lar a grant to purchase a Huron County poultry sign, which vac' children's shelter for the county. Last postponed from last week on account year's grant of $96,00(1 to the patrioii, of Ole lir-up of the railways, is loin; fond will be repealed this year, AI is ex- h^id this week In the town hall. The ected, show opened this afternoon and will p continue for three days. Wm. Carter, Lonctesboro,. is the Government fudge and he is proceeding with the FIVE PATRIOTIC GRANTS 5 task of Judging the large eIlection of )Vater„ R. W. Elliott, in his inau- tine birds. Exhibitors have leen en, tered from Lambeth, Clinton, Sea0trih, gur:l address referred to Elia war sit - Ingersoll, Stratford, Kitchener, Guelph, nation and the need of adequate pro - Woodstock, :tilitchell, Parkhill. Wing - ham, visions tor Red Cross and Patriotic i:xeter and 'Thedford, besides 1m purposes. In the evening the mem- loc,d exhibitions. Wm. Carter, of Lond,u, is Ipresideut of thn_ hers of the t'uun�il wethCresta of elution.esicurrd :Mr, I.yntburtter, nie Gassode- Cuuuty 17aasurer Lanare, aned t:onntt rich, 0 secretary -treasurer, Clerk Holman :0 a smoker at the Hotel Bedford. • At the morning session the ust.,: grants to agricultural societies, I1 - Word has been received that Pte. braties, etc., were passed. and a grant Harvey Harland, son of Mr. Will Har t't 3,uuu• W, , -given to the Red Cross of Gttel-h. but former residents sewing circle> im the counts; t2,ouu hold. f was gratified to tate ltcd dross hand, :unci here, has won the Military 'Cross at a'gr:utt•of $5to u. the Y. M. (: A•'to Christmas. The o Christnut . )'pre, lust before furnish hokk,,�drinks and comforts, int young soldiers many friends offer ttte boystfv'the count. The Groat U, hearty congratulations,ante psfeii°elle [turd tv'as ".ono a un,nth, Qaatieome�itatz)r4ta®©tleaatnoRb t'he st:otding mnunil.tees were an.. A GOOD LIST OF ENTRIES GODERICH WINS MILITARY MEDAL 1751 Quinteti as follows— Executitea:4i. C. Petty. J. N, Camp - , t * hell, R, W. Livingston, James Ford and S. T. l'lunt. Pittance -0. W. F, Beavers, F. Har burn, A, 'I'ipltug, J, M. Gaveuloek and .1. Laporte. Special—A. h. Erwin, h1. Armstrong., J. Douglas, \V. 11, Fraser and 3. Hackett, liducation—John Love, J. Laithwaile 11, Crich, J. McKinlay and T. K. Powell Road and Bridges—W, 11, Lobb, G. ' in the junior sertds of the Public Voting, N. .Taylor, Jos. Dalton, Joseph sebool, Jack Batwden's team defeated .Malhntglt. Fred • elliotlt's by 0-5. Ott Tuesday County property—\V, F, Clarke, T. night 'Fred Elliott won from Harold Brock, J. McNabb, W, L. Spottttt, and Lawson by 1-0, R (larding. House of Refuge—J. McKiml;q',• T. Bruck, J, Latthiwaite, W. Beavers. tit Thesdtty' night the Clinton innkiurs Ward:n's Committee—l5, Harding, lost at Mitchell by score of S-1. G. C. Petty, T. K. Powell, J. Goventock and 51, Armstrong. Seaforlh defeated Goderich in the URGE CHILDREN'S SHELTER Ltikr town'by a score of G-2. 1t looks aa'li"Seaforth and ,\li(altell would be a At the afternoon session a large tie'nn the round. deputation, representing the 'Children's Aid Society of the County was present and addresses by Police Magistrate The Valentine Girl i Kelly, of Goderi•;h; J, J, Kelso, of Tor- The ,', L, P.A., had a succesful con- onto,' and Nlr. Mitchell, president of cert on Teesdity evening In tite Towyn the li«rn1l;Society, were given, urging it,.,,, to: the photo play a program! .was ;The Warden indicated that the Council none a9 . ti9 R9. 5t✓7$i rptbtDNHot'1®a,'1rQ4tn'81o^'Jt3 eJ Goderich Juniors w•hn .front 'Clinton fast week by 8-0, Seaforth loon at home from Mitchell by a score of 17.2. "' t0 AN OLD] HURON BOY as ., to- as s air :v 4r s SIR JOHN WILLISON, former' editor of the 'Toronto Daily News, who has been elected by the graduates of Queen's University, Kingston, to the Board of Trustees. ADDRESS TO ST. JUDE'S RECTOR. Rev, C. E. Jcakins' Work Appreciated by His Congregation. 'rite Brantford Expositor last week made the foll.,w�'i» g reference to the conning :u,niversary of their Rector, who went to that city from Clinton:— A tribute was paid to Rev, 'C. E, .leakins;. rector or Sl, Jude's church whem.onn behalf of the congregation .and the various organizations, he 'was presented ,with the following ad- it The C. Wtis, olfett every .day this week although the attendance has 'been mucic below the normal . espec- ially at the beginning of the week. .Mgttday. there were scarcely any stud- ents in from the surrounding country. mad. of course note from the • South or North. Part of lite school was not heated, In Form IV there were only, half a dozed ,in Port 1 and none at all in part ll, Monday 'nonning asmall load of cool at,ti4d•,whlch helped .to relieve the fuel' Situ:akin which•wa's. quite serious Ten'tas have bet.(' secured from Stapelloh since, howl' ever, an Jllenc is no danger of that school; being closed 4many. 'of lira:, st«dciits Were 'itopint e:' . • Forms..11 •anti IV defeated tarps i and silt, Tuesday night 'at ltoc'k cy h '•it wore of, 11--4. The game w $ vary,l one-sided, eHOCIc, ^ Y' $CHl nlr%' m 1 dant; atUh •filitchell kt"C111t;ti)t1, Jan. 29th!r—OtsderlClt at ScMOt'tii, - 11,.1(("'i•,' tine •Gtr(" wits presented, .in addt- Hall when the film play, 'The Valera- the need of it shelter for the county. given before and .those assisting Were would take 'the mailer into cottsider- Airs, McKintictu, Mrs,'De La Penotiere' anon and would likely •purchase the Mr. James 'Doherty, the C. 1:,, 1., Chor shelter. us and the Wesley Church Orchestra. Ur Bag MinstrelShow ebruary 5t'Ii and nth • uIIIIIIIIIItIIIIIUIIIIIIiIIIVIIIIIIIIIIIIIIrVIIIIIVUi . Show for very ody The Biggest, Best M .St.re .ever held in Clinton r' Nei* 'i yrs "E1 Jokes ' i.'D'ances and SOngs attvlu' !root:'i;'lc`R,G1r9 EAt41Y AT W. D. FMIR' t--• "II.,P\t\'I• 01111\1S dais, : •Alk1EiBSSlON •2ov and 3Sc, Girls PatrioticAtlxil iar'y dress,— Reverend C. E, Jealwins, Sl Jude's Rectory, Brantford, Dear Mr, Jetakins:— We are reminded At this time that you celebrate your fourth an- niversary with us on Sunday next, three years of which have been most critical and trattblous ones fur *Tour own and many other Empires, and the world struggle new geeing u01 is tn„mentous in the life :and welfare.. at Christians and of Christianity, but we feel an All -ruling Pruyidence will Guide and direct tate torces of which we cue a part, In a decisive victory in sustainian,; national life, honor, free- d.uu, justice. and above all tite Christ- ian spirit whi yt at this season i;, s„ pre• dominant. in our hears. We ,are proud of the part you have taken i:. d:.fenze of the Empire, in the work done. and contort you were per - milled to render others, si:picting, in a measure the prin:.q•irs roilroilpreach and - practice. We ('.'sir • 1n extend our thanks for the elf,oeNwe work you have clone a- ntt n st us, perhaps much more to thio you realize, ani eon' hope is that yo'1 in:le he spared long years 1,1 be with us and one of us. and that the result of c,nt• Labors may be incre:oed u,any fold. We appreciate sincerely your ministrations in general. the Fug• cesst'ul growIh of the 5 onlay school, the kindle thought and ad- vice in regard to the various soc- ieties. As a man we esteem and respect you for the many evidences of kindness, thoughtfulness, and affection displayed at all tittles. We ask you and :Mrs. -'-:Akins ter accept our best wishes on this oc- casion, and may it be only :t. fore- runner of ntauty pleasant an't)ty,er- saries amongst us. 's Signed on behalf 1,1 the congregat=s•,. Huron Co Mr. lis Colvea t died in London last week. (le was a former resident of EgmondviIle, Eddie McKay, of the Royal Flying Corps, who went overseas front London and was credited sante time ago with taking a prominent part in bringing; down Capt, Boelke, the famous German , airman Is missing, Ills mother, Mrs Wnt. McKay of 'Harrington, received word to this effect,: The family resid- ed in Brussels for many years, Hagan McDonald, of East Wttwanosh dropped dead while shovelling snow. A blood vti sei.burst in his ]lead. Mr, and'Mrs, James lsard, of Wing - ham, have received word that their son Pte, Bert Isard, lias. been wounded for the second time 'lie is suffering from • gunshot wounds in the leg. Mr. John Atttist'i'ottg has purchased, the too -acre farm on the Goshen Line, Stanley, from his father, Mr, Robert Armstrong. . The ' Wl:oxeter News has been, in- formed that at one of the polling places in Ilowick on Mtlnday a German, who was debarred from voting at the Fed- eral Election, presented himself and was allowed tan vote, 19e could not l7e sworn as the only hook that could he found W:is a dictionary, Mrs, Ben, Whlttard, of Brussels, re- ceived another cable informing her that her brother, Pte, Nelson Agar .was admitted to the 'hospital, suffering from shell gas on lSeceniber 3oth, 1917. 'This alai Is the second time that he lots had to ,o to the hospital as he was October 17th. Gilfu° Ftatttmukfr Si t .n "attty. rite Gills )'',ample Skating Patty will be 11,1d in the ar•.'na on ,last. 30111. An t esrltlbtio,a hockey game ar 7.15 by the. Pato otic. ,-iris. Skating al S.to. A 1efreslouemt booth wIil be at the rink The Ltitle land will be in attendance. Everybody 'conte and'have n cup of l toffee. Admission 15e, •