HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1918-1-17, Page 5Thursday, January 17th, t91ii THE, CLINTON NEW ERA rrnaaer u',rls�at useraMener:;nma'r .a; N701 errtuomeEIM IMISaea Or iesestanerssemanswea.;xwr..timq:FL'IT[tr9L4vd1Zll{ameCs:'trrJn]i"iS,9:dsrtlitAffiramA9maL,IF5YI8dUrigattOZZEZ=ZZAMithi ac atvr?� f(!►;j n, 401 Store ver T ! TO op oors • rt SALE STARTS i Our Great lid- inter Clearance Sale Preparatory to Moving Into Our Own Store Here's a Shoe Sale that means some- thing to shoe buyers these days when shoe prices are -soaring "way up !" Take this paper and look over the unusual inducements we are now offer- ing a Consider your shoe wants ---Antici- pate them Figure out how many pairs of shoes you can use, and then figure the .great saving you can make by buying :now, while we are making these unusual offerings Ladies' high cut, two tone brown kill, lace, Goodyear welted. Regularprice $7.00. Sale "tG-� price v -4-P Ladies' higli cut, black patent leather, lace, beautiful fawn top. Regular price $If. S 4 S Male price L. } L,aciies' high cut, all black, kid, '.' lace, Louis 1t heel. Regular. price � ' MOO. M a 1 e 2 price 30 � # S> Ladales' patent colt, button, black S craveuette top, Bell Quality, welted, Ilegular price $5:-5 50. Male priee '0dV a � i i S Ladies' kid, button, black craven - cite top, Bell Quality, • welted. Re^:- t(ular Price $3.50. 3. i Sale price Ladies' Dr. Reid Shoe, cushion insole, welted, best Brazilian kid. Regular price $7.• Sale price "JF Ladies' all kid, lace, cozy fleece Men's mahogany tan, lace, Good - lining, warn'? and comfortable.g Re - • sear welted, high grade calf. :Reg- ular 3 alar priee $1.00. C� alar priee $8.00. Male price 1 .50.Jf,d"'1 Sale pricea`L.J 1 7. .Men's tan, calf, lace, Hagar ; 1 Men's boy Calf bluchers, leather Shoes, welted, Regular price8 linings, welted. Regular price 3 $0,011, S a 1 0 + 3 9 { $0,00. 5 a 1 a $3.98 prim - w . } ,vice ,� y Seventy-five pairs men's shoes, a mixed lot, calfskin and pat- ent leathers, blasts and tanc. Euery pair • t goes a Half Price The chief attraction of this ig Sale these days of "High Shoe Prices," lies in the fact that the savings are tangible and worth while, the shoes being of the best in style and quality, THE TERMS ARE CASH. NO GOODS ALLOWED ON APPROVAL ACkSO.L ' 'Praetieai S oem 1,u" British' Army Will • HRH t1iW More MR Sir Aulrland Geddes, Minister of National Service announced in House of Commons yesterday, that nearly half a million men were from Great Britain are to be received into British army at earl- iest date possible and that it is pro- bable many more will be added to that number in coming months, These will comprise younger men exempted because of employment in industries essential to war ser- vices. The Empire has enrolled 7,500- 000 fighting send labor battalion forces during the war. or] Karierube London, Jan. 15—War Office announces British air-raid squad- roon yesterday carried out suc- cessful attack in broad daylight on Karle•ube, capital of Duchy of Baden.. Resulting in destruction of railway stations and , munition factories, a ton and a quarter of explosives were dropped. Many large fires in progress when the squadroon left. OntarioSegora And Nurses 611. tote Ontario Legislature To Deal With Question At Coming Session, Toronto, Jan. 1.5—The Glviee says it is informed on best author- ity that Legislation will be sub- mitted at approaching session of Provincial Parliament providing for voting of all Ontario soldiers and nursing sisters, no matter in what part of War theatres they may be serving in next Provincial general election. Sermon i rei n Minister MADE CANADA inquiry general staff war cabinet and government considered Bri- tish higher army command bad not been surprised by German at- tacking Cambrai region on Nov- ember 30., London, Jan, 15.—The Berlin Vorwaerts organ of Socialist party says Militarist party in Germany is completely in ascendency and that every thing now paints to a military declatorship accompanied by resignation of foreign minister Kuehlman. FOOD LAWS IN U. S. Washington—New laws regard ing economy of food by American people were introduced in Con- gress yesterday. Food Adminis- trator Hoover has approved them and they are expected to pass prompty as supplement to present Food Control Act. NEW MILLING LAW IN CANADA. Ottawa— Beginning January 28th, and till end of war all mills in Canada are to manuacture flour with larger proportion of the wheat, producting one barrel from 265 pounds of wheat instead of 300. TWO SECTION MEN A New Russian Army Raised Petrograde — Despatch states first 5,000 volunteers of new Rus- sian socialist army left for the front today amid most enthusiast- ic demonstrations.. Ten thousand more then are being enrolled. KILLED NEAR ALVINSTON St. Thomas—Two sectionmen C. Cunningham, Watford and J. Carpenter, Alvinston, were killed near Alvinston when snowplow was upset by drift. Gerrnans h.ad Foothold in Chau ne Wood French War Office reports Ger- mans yesterday gainedfoothold in French positions in Chaume wood but N: re••lat_r ejected. The–en- emy attacked on front of 200 metres. MONDAY A LEGAL HOLIDAY IN .U.S. UNTIL MORE COAL New York—Fuel Administrat- ors of New York State and Mass- achussets -aye to declare Monday of each week a legal holiday un- til future notice in New England States, New York, Pennslyvania, Deleware and Maryland, until coal problem is solved. lore Successful Air Raids London–War office reports fol- lowing successful raid an Karl- srube Monday, British air squad - mons last night attacked the steel work at Thioville, midway be- tween Luxemberg and Metz, and railroad junction at latter place, dropping ton and a half of bombs with excellent results, British Army Not Surprised. at Cambrai. Cloderich is supposed to play at mitchcll tonight ---but game will he postponed, —0— Clinton is due at G•.,dcrich on 'Thurs- day night. —0 -- THE JUNIOR STANDING Won Losl 0 1 1 1 0 London—Andrew Bonar -Laws, Chancellor of Exchequer, announ- ced in House of Commons that as a result of Field Marshall Haig, Worthtie.. a Box The speediest remedy for sick headache, biliousness and'indi- gestion is a dose or two of BEECHAM'S PILLS Let,04 Bata of Apy lidadietne in the'Worjd„ $oid eveinwaaere. Irl iwxea. gas. 14litchell Seaforlh Goderich Clinton A material saving in coal would immediately he effected if a •number of churches would adopt the very sensible suggestion of uniting various congregations until the winter is over. sin,Ly1 MI; Wrinkles .Eyeaches and Ileac, cher REMOVED By Wearing GLASSES Scientifically fitted and • Accurately adjusted by W. Het Heliyar JEWELER AND OPTICIAN day 1918 bring Peace Happiness -w.Tra Prosperity ot reGiais.,,,,=•FCTi73ttPV1070154mvMPiBassnA7aalleVAuVAMMi;aLNSIa°mrxws' ralS1:1442M/ aalltiloutWMu P. istee Small Profits SELLS FOR LESS Phone 25. wtore..usinr;sh d THE sToas Tina hj loos AUCTION SALE . On Saturday next. at 2:30 p, Limo will. by at; Auetion Salo of 1110 ileal listate and Iloushold Fur. 011010 belonging to the Estate of the late Mrs. T. Jackson, Sr. The Real Estate consists of the brick cottage next. to St. Paul's Ohtcrch and a Yawn slur' 1,111,1110 horse earner 1luron anil Orange Streets. Autongst. the. Household Pat 1111ure +a square 'Piruu, made by the New Yot1. Motto jompamy, It ;s fii`slui rt did condition and will be to bargain for somebody. As the Rotate is to be wound. up at erre everything must be ,sold. For North•+r parlicultu•s see herrn bilis. RAW FURS WANTED Highest prices paid Bert Hovey, Clinton. House for Sale. Six proms and Summer kitchen, waterworks, good cellar, central and very comfortable, to close an estate, Apply to Jaynes S, Miller or W. Brydone FOR SALE On Albert Street, a seven roosted cottage Electric lights soft and town water in kitchen For partic- ulars apply to ..- •'- 'a 1, A. GREiG Calves and Collie Pups for Sale Parties wanting, ,.+b+es please leave your orders, You need not take theta if thy do not suit.,.,. Good Collie pups for sale. A. E. Matheson, Phone 17 on 136 Clinton—SeaforihPt) POTATOES WANTED MEETING OF T1yE HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The Council of the Corporation of the County of Huron will meet in the Council Chamber, Guderich at 3.00 o'clock on Tuesday the 22nd inst. 1908 GEO. W. l•IOLMAN i;toderich, Jan. "lh, 191S. Clens. FOR SALE Barred Rock i;ocke•: s, bred from a Cockerel from Field's No, t pen. 5 cockerels at $1.50 each: 1 cockerel for 02.00: 2 cockerels at 04.00 each. A- bove prices are good for two weeks; when prices .vitt be raised, so come and get your :ockerc' now. H, A. HOVEY, Ct'nton„ Ont. MORTGAGE, 03000 wanted to take up a first mortgage, good security. interest 6 per cent. $4,000 wanted, on first mortgage, good security. Interest c, 1-2 per cent W. lirydone ANNUM. MEETING 'rhe annual meeting of the members of the tMcKillon Mutual i'ire Insurance Company, will be held in the "I'•,+vn Hall Seafurth on Friday f h Int,t )IS ,t 'clack p,ix, The I u lnese if the, nteettitg will he t,, reeene the a,mird statement ;tad Auditor's repo/1; the electing of three directors and two auditors and other business which might be considered of benefit to the company. The retiring directors are 6i;dadm A1r8wat-, D. R McGregor and 0. R. McCartney, who are eligible for re-election, ,)AMISS CONNOI.LY, President THOS. b, HAYS, Secretary Delivery any day. Highest market THE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTE price paid on delivery. Hides, Furs 1 bought also any quantity empty sacks. between . Jas. Steep & Co. 'MONTREAL 9.0, Box 192. Phone 126 T O R O N T O – DETROIT MEN WANTED FOR MUNITION and WORE. CHICAGO A number ofgoodreliable men can UNEXCELLED DINING CAR secure steady employment on Munition 1 work. Apply to, SERVICE The Robt. Bell Engine & Thresher Co., 1 Seaforth, Ontario.` Sleeping cars 011 night trains • V• I and Parlor cars on principal day For Sale or to Rent trains, The brick house on Raglan street, now occupied by J, E. Doherty, for san or to rent. Electric light and town water; 2 acres of land. with stable. All in good repair. Apply to David Cantslon., A�a'�; 'FETD �fil�'\N Pince Year Order for some of our Western Oats, whieh wo have just received and wo will charge you no more than if they were just the ordinary grade 01 Oats, If you wish to secure some of these Oats place your order early as they are going taut, We always have a full stock of Flour and Feed. ifighefat Price pati. for Grain W.Jenkms&Son {?bone 199, 3tesideoo* 1 On t12 Full information from any Grand Trunk 'ricket Agent, or C. L'. Horning, District Passenger Agent, TOrOnto, John Hannfnrct CSon, city passen- ger and Ticket Agents, phone :.t O. 1'artison. 011)11011 agent KIDNEYS SORAD WOULD FAINT AWAY THAT WAY FOR TWO YEARS. Those who have. never been troubled with kidney trouble do not, know the suffering nod inti-ry whie 11 these afflictedundergo. The dull tains, sharp pains, and quick twinges, alll point to the fact that the kidneys require atIcntion• Doan's I(idney, Pills arc a specific feet all kidney trnuhle. Mrs. Albert Williams, Edam, Sask., writes:—"l have the greatest pleasure in telling you what Doan's Kidney Pills did for me Ten years ago 1 was so bad with my kidneys that 1 would faint away, and could. nob stand to do any thing. I brut been that way for two ,years, and had done all I could but did not get any better until one day some one put a little book in our door, and 1' snw how another young girt had suffered like I a ads 11(l:tmsg'ladltotsay thatttefter+talch them, four boxes I have Hover had the same thongq again. thanks to "Doan's," i'Vhen asking for "1)ottn's Pills" sett that Toll got the oblong grey box with ills tratle mark of a Maple Leaf." Price 502; put up by The V. l4tllbtula Ce., Limited, Toronto, Ont.