HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1918-1-17, Page 3T .E CLIINTON NFW ERA!w *laps r i
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta.
ble Compound Helped Her,
West Danby, N. Y. -"I have had
nervous trouble all my life until T took
lLydia E. Pinkhamis
Vegetable Com-
pound f or nerves
and for female trou-
bles and it straight-
ened me out in good
shape, I work nearly
all the time, as we
live on a farm and I
have four girls, Ido
all my sewing and
other work with
their help, so it•
shows that I stand it real well. I took
the Compound when my ten year old
daughter came and it helped mea.lot.
I have also had my oldest girl take it
and it did her lots of good. I keep it in
the house all the time and recommend
it." -Mrs. DnwiTT S)NOEBAUGH, West
Danby, N. Y.
Sleeplessness, nervousness, irritabil-
ity, backache, headaches, dragging sen-
sations, all point to female derange-
ments which may be overcome by Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
This famous remedy, the medicinal
ingredients tlf which are derived from
native roota and herbs, has for forty
years proved to be amost valuable tonic
and invigorator of the female organism.
Women everywhere bear willing testi-
mony to the wonderful virtue of Lydia
E. Pinkham'8 Vegetable Compound._
The barrooms are treatiess,
My coffee is sweetless,
Each day 1 get poorer and wiser.
My stockings are feetless,
My trousers 'are seatless -
My, stow I do hate the Kaiser!
My Tuesdays are meatless,
My Wednesdays are wheatless,
I am getting more eatiess each day,
Aly hpnle it is heatless,
My bed it is sheetiess,
They're all sent to the Y. M. C, A.
W. i3l1 iAl1.N;6
I3dtitil4l'ISit 6OL1()1TOlt 0O4'ANY
t'C!ic.li s'i't,
Notary Public, Conveyancer,
Financial and (teal Estate
INSURANCI: AGENT -Representing 14l ire to
amazon Companion,
Division' Court Oftice.
Nano Tithing
Mr. Janes Doherty wishes to in-
form the public that he is pre-
pared to do fine piano tuning,
lone regulating. anis repairing.
Orders left at W. Doherty's phone
61, will receive prompt attention.
1.1 C Cameron, K ;.
Barrister, Solicitor, UOnveyeawer, Etc
Oflt,!e on Ad,rrt Street, occupied by
Ili. Hooper. To Cliet:on nn every
Thursday. and mi any day for which
appoinrriierte n re made, (.!lire hoot's
front 9 a.m. to 6 p ,11. A good vault in
cooneetion with the otTo e. Office open
every week any, Mr. Hooper will make
any oppointments for Mr. Cameron.
111114 (8NIA ♦slut s• A rA 1.1 l le
i5r, W. i;unn, L. it, C, P., P.., IC, 4',11.. e:4t
Ur, .^.urn's office at residence High Street
iPr ,t 1:. Gaudier. n,A, 215.5,
°Moe- Ontario Streit, Clinton.
51510 0511. nt revi,3enoa, Rnttm6ar 155
or at hoavitgl
fa. 4it. 8e. F1. AXON
Prom so0 gelelita Work 1e Specialty.
Graduate of C.C'.12.5... Cbientin, and
Hayfield 011 Mondava, alar Is( to aP
Onions ever O'NEIL'S store,
'insoisl Dare twtiett to matte dentist trer
'e t as palofene as possible.
Live ,Donk and general Auction Orr
12 5tstoat; Ames t naenlalii UIG,ir1l et
Now INA arace, i".t111ton prom t.y amens,
to, Terme reaeunsble. lrm:n1ere ensu Cot
G. 8). Alc'laggnrt A1., 1). bleTagger
'°pfi�4Lti��a 33r91
4..e11ersct t c4atkttstf5 lenalneat
e6Ol'63C4 MS00171,1'1'hli
Draw flamed.. Interest showed a
The McLt.iliop at Ilp fiM
Fire insurance 3o.
l?airin and 1zolented Town Prove
arty terely letenired.
Head 011k ie-Settfortlt, Out
J. Connolly, Goderich, President; Jas.
Evans, Beechwood, Vice -President;
Thos. E. Hays, Seaford), Secretary=
.Alex, Leitch, No. 1, Clinton; Edward
leinclltey, Seaforth5 Wm. Chesney Eg
tnondville; J. W. Yoe, Goderich; R. G.
Jarenuth, Trodbagen.
Fin. Flan, Nri. 2, Seatortb; John 13ei-
newo s, Brodhagen; James Averts, Beed1.
wood; M, .McBwan, Clinton; James
Ciiniidllj, Golicricb; t). F McGregor,
Xleo 3, 2$ea8oieh; .1: G. Grtelee, He. a,
'Walton; Robert Petrie, tkftt'Fook; Owe,
IlleGerfue, !i 4e. 3, Seefee'b.
4 iF * « •t*
C, C, 1. •REPORT
.t ;t a it a it‘
First Tet'rn Examination
Honours 75 per ceul,
Paas 60 per cent,
4y 7
Ft PoWell 59.5, (3, Raithby 59, 0,
Hall 58,8, M, Beaton 57, 9; B, Lindsay
57, t, W. Mulch 56.8, G. Carle 56.1,
E, Bradshaw 55,1, K. Ladd 54.9, B,
Slowman 54.5, F. Libby 53.2, 13,
Berry 51, A. Glenn 49.8, G. Shipley
49.4, A, tladie 49,1, M, Quigley 45,
W. Seeley 41.4.
flonolirs;-1, Cooper 81,2, 1•i, Ross
. ours -D. Nediger 76, 13. Mur-
E. !lardy 73.7, E, Mc'Taggiu't
73 ,, Fowler 72.9, A. liellyar 71,
B. fish 09,8, S, Thompson 69,6,
E, 69.5, C. Hamilton 69,1, M.
Gi s 68,7, D, Brennan 68.3, 1<,
'Ca 07,6, F. Reynolds 66,9, M.
Magor 06.7,, 0, Ferguson 66.3,
1•. 65,6, J. Rands 64.8, D, Rorke
63,4, . Walt 61.9, W. Ball 61.7, A.
Reynolds, 60.4,
"Below The Line
80,5, J. ' Townsend 80;1, 5, Draper
'78.2, M. Jones 76.6, Ai, Shaw 76.4,
W. Cooper 76.6.
Pass -M, Hoggerth 74.8, A. Walker
74.2, 13. McCaughey 74, R. Mackay
73.7, 1. Bouck 73.2, I. Merner 72.9,
Ii. Johns 71,7 C. Tyndall 71,6, F.
Smallaconhe 71,3, A.. Lawrence, 69.8,
E. Rutledge. 69.6, M. Grainger 68.4,
A. Macdonuell 67.6, E. Jackson 07.4,
L. Potter 67.1, A. McCorvie 66.6, M.
Flynn 66.2, N. Priest 65,, S. Jackson
64, B. Jervis 63.6, G. Evans 63.4,.
A. A1cLean 63,1, A, Holmes 61.3, M.
Rutledge 60.5, 11, Rathwell 59.7,
Below The Line
E. Balt 59.1, 0. Murphey 58,7, S.
McBrien 57.7, M. Snyder 57.4, 13;
Reynolds 56.8, A. McCartney 56.6, F.
Gibbings 52.3.
FORM 111
i'lonors-F. Fingland 81,7, B. Chow -
en 76.7, K. Elliott 7 5.5,
• Pass -E. Iliggns 74.6, 13. Lough
73.4, F. Armstrong 73, N . Kennedy
72.7, C. McGill 72.5, C.,Sheeley 72.1,
I, Cole 69.7. L, Holmes 69.6, E. Was -
man 68.4, I, Sinclair 66.4, K. McCon-
nell 65.5, D. Stephenson 65.2, M.
Cook 64,4, 75. Lawrence 64,2, E.
Livermore 64.1, K. Downer 63, B.
Roberton 62.9, A, Davidson 61.3, V.
Snyder 60.8, C, Jervis 60,
Below The Line
V, Wise 59, ;M„Ross 58.7, 0, Green
58.5, 13. Jackson 58.5, 11, Walker 58.4,
6, Stirling 57.2, H. Rance 56.6, R.
Graham 55.8, 1, McClymont 55,2, lr
Lawrence 54.9, L, Reiff 54.3, J. Bell
54,3, 61. Powell 54, 11. Mannng 53.9,
E. Scotchmer 52.4, P. Currie 52.2, L.
Elliott 5 1,6, A. Eagleson 51.6. J.
Lindsay 50.8, Freda Wallis 50.6, G.
Middleton 46.6, 11. Gibbings 46.4 I.
Kaine 46.2, F, MacGregor 4 t.9, L.
(Judie 41.7,
Part 1 -Faculty Entrance
ihlnuurs-J R. 'Taylor, 83-5, A.
Leonard 82.7.
Pass -R. McMath, 74.4, E. Churchill
71.7, E. Levans 70, 13. Kemp 68.7, M.
McMath 65.4, 11. Kitty 61,1, 81. Crich
60, 7,
Below The Line
M. Ullman 58.4, B, Ellis 58.2,
PART II -Faculty Entrance
llonoui•s-L. Mackay 83, J. Fergu-
son 30,
Pass -P, Scott 75.6, 1, Stothers 71,
71. aMcMurchie 68.8.
Below The Line
W. Gray 59,8, 11, Stewart 52.
Honour Matriculation
First Class -J. Middleton 81,3,
Second Class --11. Putter 73.4, M.
Chidley 70,9, W. 'I'ewnsend 67,2.
Although generally deeoritaed as a
disease, constipation can never exist
unless some of the organs are deranged,
whits)) is generally found to be the liver.
It contests of an inability to regularly
evacuate the bowels, and ae a regular
action of the bowels is absolutely es-
sential to general health, the !cast irregu-
larity should never he neglected,
, Milburn's Laxa-Jiver Pills have no
equal for relieving and curing constipa-
tion and all its allied troubles.
Mrs. T. Martin, Prince Albert, Sask.
writes -"I had one of the worst cages of
constipation my doctor said he had ever
known, and Milbul'n's Laxa-Liven' Pills
cured ane of it. My father-in-law had
used them, in fact ho was the 011e who
gave them to ire, 'A. number of people
around here use them, and thoy, all say
that they are the best pills they ever
Milburn's Lam -Liver Pills aro 215c, n
vial at all dealers or mailed direct on
receipt of price by The T. Milburn CO,,.
Limited, Toronto, Ont.
(Toronto News Conservative)
Mr. William Proudfoot, K. C., M.
P. P., has been chosen as temporary
leader of Ole Provincial Liberal party,
He will occupy Mr. Rowell's place ars
House Leader until the end of the
potnieg session of the Legislature,
When a geherzt party Conventioii W111'
8310051. 11 perma1151U leader. Mr,
Proudfoot i5 probably the hest choice.
that could be made at the present, 'If
he possesses little genius for inspit
ifig personal loyalty, lie has 'had con-,
slderable experience in the Legisla.,
Peps w311 end it! Si nip131' afs.
solve Peps tablets ig your amount.
The Pine forest vapor1 'vh eh are
thus released aro 'brelttl ed down
to the remoterit parts (l the air
passages and lungs, soa hind' and
healing the inflamed them trams
and bringillgquletc relief from that
Irritating and exllaustinp' cough.
Mrs. Luther }frown, of'$Vilson's
Beach, N.B. writes : "For two
Years 1 Was troubled with a very
bad cough. At nights it became
worse and I coughed incessantly
and could not sleep, 1 tried every
re.oeedy ii'Imd ever 11eard af, blit
nolhIxag did One ally Flood until 1
ureal peps. Tev1•n the first few
thbletef gave me relief. I continued
their ado, with the result that my
(Imes has entirely dtsappeerr:d.,,
' These breutheable Peps are also
ariequglioci for colds, sore throat,
bronchitis, catarrh, aslbrnii and
chest and lung troubles. iillc. box,
3 for. $1.25, All dealers 0r Peps
Co., Toronto.
tu'.e, and knows the ways of • the
lit itse, lie would have been more
acceptable to the public at large if be
had not frequently associated himself
with petty political tactics. Some of
his methods on the Item. of the House
and in Committees have been charac-
terized , by considerable unfairness.
Al r. Proudfoot has a read problem a-
head' of him if he means to control
Mr. Hartley Depart and the Laurier
wing or his small following in, the
Legislatu re, '
Too ervous
To Sleep
Nerves Wrecked by Acoident -
Was Afraid to Go in a Crowd
or to Stay Alone -Tells
- . Of His Cure.
Medh sympathy was felt in this city
for 10. Dorsey, who met with a dis-
tressing accident wheu his loot was
smasijed in an elevator.
The, shock to the nervous system
was "se great that Nit. Dorsey was In
a pitiable condition for a long time.
Ile. was like a child in that he re-
quire $, his mother's care nearly all
the t •me, Ile feared a crowd, could
not slay alone and could not sleep
becagbe of the weakened and excited
condhston of his nerves.
Detroit doctors did what they could
for him, but he could not get back his
strength and vigor until he fortunate-
ly heard of Dr. Chase's Nerve bbod.
It is no mere accident that Dr.,
Chase's Nerve Food proves to be ex-
actly what is needed in so many cases
of exhausted nerves. It is composed
of the ingredients which nature re-
quires to form new blood and create
new nerve force. Por this reason it
'cannot fail and for this reason it suc-
ceeds when ordinary medicines fail.
Mr. Laurence L. Dorsey, 3D Stanley
street, London. Ont., writes : "About
three years ago I gat my foot smashed
in an elevator in Detroit, which com-
pletely wrecked my nerves. I doc-
tored with the doctors there, but they
did not seem to be able to help me.
My nerves were in such a state that 1
could not go don town alone or go
any place where there was a crowd.
Sometimes my mother would have to
sit and watch over me at night, and
sometimes I could not get any sleep
at a11, But one day last winter I com-
menced using Dr. Chase's Nerve Fond,
and before I had com`Oletely used the
first box I could sen• a difference in
my condition. I continued using these
pills for some time, The result was
splendid. I fuelso nmch better, can
sleep well at night, can go out on the
street and attend gatherings like the
rest of people. 3 ant so pleased to bo
able to tell you what Dr, Chase's Nerve
Food has done for me, and to recom-
mend it to other people."
Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, SD cents a.
box, a full treatment of S boxes for
$2.75, at all dealers or Fldmauson,
Bates & Co., Limited, Toronto. Do
not be talked into accepting a substi-
tute. Imitations only disappoint -
B El Storm
The worst storm in years broke out
Friday and Saturday everything was
badly disarranged. The morning trains
were late in 5etttl15 to Clinton and
since then no trains have got to this
important place of the map,
The Buffalo train was stalled at Dub-
lin amine to Stratford and at 3 o'clock
all trains were cancelled.
This =mina a snowplow left (lode-
ich at 8 a.m. and at 'noo had not got
Saturday afternoon Messrs Ball &
Atkinson left for Londeshoro with a
casket for the late Mr. Phillips, and on -
le started 10 wank back. on ,Monday
morning, leaving the team there,
The milkmen, butchers, bakers and
grocery rif,•s had a terrible time getting
For lsafuxlis slid Children
USe IFOWOV611; :46"tr'Oars
Al ways !scar'
Slenaturo of ..%
The clearcaes t'rere''l1otxaverty crew/44
ett;dn Siltlxlay, '" z•
Local News
Ice Harvest
Teamsters and Ice cutters have al-
ready commenced operations to se-
cure a supply of lee for next sunnier,
Legislature Galled
It wits' announced officially, at the
Parliament Buildings 511 Toronto Out
the Legislature world convene on
Tuesday, February 5,
Ideaest Sends Calenders
Sir 1Villiaol Hearst is sending' 150-
000 copies of a very fine cllender to
the farmers of (3ntario as al New
Year's gift: 'flue calender contains
timely suggestions for each month.
is Advancing,
Last week the G.T.R. Band at Strat-
ford had their election of ulticers
and we notice a former Kiltie member
in the person or Bandsman, W, Tong,
was appointed assistant -Bandmaster
50(1 also Librarian of the Banc. Mr.
Tung was al clever nnlsician when with
the Kitties here.
Children Cry
Minor Locals,
Have ,you tried oleomaragarine yet?
If you have anything to sell , try a
marll ed in the •New Era.
Suppose you send the New Era to
that friend or relative! it's as good
a letter from home, and is, a constant
reminder of the folks in the u1d Monne
town and district,
Children Cry
Poor Baby.
A newspaper calls attention to a
nursing bottle advertisement which
concludes thus,.,. "Vdllen the baby is
done drinking it must be unscrewed
and had in a cool place under a hip
If the babe does not thriev`e on fresh
milk, it should be boiled." Poor little
Asked' to Give Twice
Newspaper publishers are asked to
do what is asked of '110 other calling.
They are expected to give twice:. as
individuals to the various subscription
lists for patriotic purposes which are
presented to them, and as publishers
by giving away that which is to them
the chief support of the business
which they conduct. Journalists are
wilding to bear their fair share of the
common sacrifice, but they do not ex-
pect that they alone should be asked
to make a double sacrifice. -Brant-
ford Expositor.
A quiet wedding took place at Lin-
coln street, Methodist church, Walk-
erville, on Thursday, December 2014,
when 811ss Sandie A. Rothwell, laugh••
ter of 'Thus. and Mrs, Halliwell, Clin-
ton, was milted in marriage with C.
E, Ro4,'ell, of the Rozell Dairy Farm,
Huron 1911;1(1, Clinton, ceremony
was perforated by the Rev. Mr. Gra-
ham. pastor of the church, and was
witnessed by a few immediate friends.
Bride wore her .travelling suit of
taupe 010th suit 1 but and shoes 1"
match. The couple were unattended.
After the ceremony Mr. and Mrs,
Konen left on a short honeymoon trip
visiting several points In Michigan
and 81077day returned to their home
all the Huron Road. Coneratulatio,s
and good wishes for happiness and
prosperity acre extended to Mr. and
Mrs. Bozell, The grown was a former
resident of Brussels locality and rela-
tives and old friends loin in Ilearte
good wishes for a long. happy 'cl
successful life.
Address and Presentation
835. Rub♦, Armstrong and family
who removed from their farm in
Stanley to Rake up their residence in
Clinton. Mr, Armstrong has lived
here all itis life and we regret to loose
such valued neighbors as he and hes
family,- however we hope that they
May spend many happy years 111 their
new home, On Sunday last the Pas-
tor of the Goshen Methodist Church
on behalf of the congregation with
sv11on1 Mr, and Mrs, Armstrong have
been associated with presented them
with a surf/l gift and the following
'1'o AU'. and Mrs. Armslrongc-
t Dear Friends -As you are about to
sever your connection with us, and
lake up your residence elsewhere, we
who have been associated with you in
the life and activities of the church
wish to express our appreciation of
you fellow workers among us, you
have always been sympathetic towards
the work of God, and 10150 gladly
rendered assistance in the extentinn
of his kingdom.
We regret that you contemplate
removing from our midst but we
trust that Heaven's choicest blessing
hill rest upon you.
.As token' d1 aur esteem we
present you with this small gift,
and with -it We 8.5551511 yon that our
earnest- prayer Is (hat God will eon -
(blue to guide your pathway, fray'.
you be. ctflbled to trust 'ie the in -a.
finite love of your heavenly Father,.:
and i:ver to acknoWledtle dim as yam'.;.
•i4i'15t6'i'•''alkt� Loid;' ' '
Signeltl'tn bellal5 of Goshen 'tea:
tregal3oif, ,
Re*, J. •E. Ada*
'filtu'$day, January 17th, 1918 '
plc1ur5 of the Dominion of
1 Bertrand 74111anrieh an Alsatian sole
rr .dler, over 6o years of age was grant -
j Iu ed 'ihe MillttMedal in Parts lrls ter
bravery on thehe field. Ile 1s retired
Send your soldier friend a box of
zha.h.Buk, which for iia great heal-
ing power and ooutpactnuss is called
"A. surgery in a two'inell box." It
le indispensable In Ieranee for had
feet, polso ed woundn, frost bite)
cold emeke, chapped' hands, chil-
blains and sores of all kinds.
Pte 30. Westfield, of "0" Company,
3rd Worcester 'Regiment, writes
home: 41 wish we eou111 get more
Zam.iink out here instead of so
much tobacco. We need Zam-liulc
badly and nothing can take its
Re sure to include at least, one
box of Zam-Auk in your pert parcel,
Ali dealers or Zam.Buk Co„ Toronto,
50e, box, 3 for $1.25,
„ Sports. 1•
Goderich, Jan. 10 -With Goderich
leading, 3 to 2, at the end of the sec-
ond period, Mitchell put on a burst of
speed in the final atone of a junior
O. 11, A. game here to-nght and won
out, et to 3, The game was fast and
clr:m throughout, C. Lightfoot, of
Stratford, refereed,
SeaforU1 juniors again trimmed the
Clinton boys here on Thursday in a
clean game of hockey, Riad, un left I
wing for Seaforth, carried off the hon-
ors with his speed and stick -handling,
The home boys' put up a game light,
but were defeated by 12 to 3 The
following is the line-up
• goal Lawrence
defense Wheatley
defense Elliott
lying Huller
geuell11, but enlisted as a, private
when the war broke taut.
13y the Man in the Street,
Serve and save. Lel this be the
slogan fur the new year.
A January thaw would erece.ive a
vent welcome just now.
How some men do have Itonuis
Outlet upon ,.nem. How the ete0-
terate does insist that sante men
run fur Municipal honors in spite of
their determinetiun not to? Seme
men are born great.
Children Cry.
Many taps were frozen and pipes
"busted" owing to the severe weather
Saturday find Suuday.
The Doctors are having hard work to
get to their country patients,
A. J. Holloway has a car of stove
coal in.
R. Fitzsimons et. Sons cancelled their
shi; silent of cattle to Toronto nn Sat-
Council met this niornhrg at 11 1.111,
-0 -
School Board meets Wednesday
Why Worry? Ni trains! No bank
wing Wallis Losses in 14,0,2 tires in Canada in
centre Livermore 1917 totalled 82.1,251.604, more
Referee, 1)1511 Dick, of Seaforth. than ' 55,100,000 damage resulting
'tlot9,'s V. 65,,13,holt6e,
The Great RnglisA4k Demean
Tones and invigorates the whole
nervouseystn,n, makes new 1311)1Ki
in old Voins, (11555 A'rr•eoue
Debility, Mental anti Brain TVorrp, !Jeanine.
desalt, Loss of Energy, Palpitation of the
Tian et, F4cilirtg Mentor!,. Price 81 per box, six
for Viso One will_please, six will cure. field by all
druggists or wailed in plain pkg, on reen,pt of
nth,. \'ern )1or,tph ref -moiled Ave. THE WOOD
MEDICINE 00..5050550.05?. tFo,tnerht Wiodcor'
Th,, nese one dollar bills which
were issued in March last are now
finding their way into circulation
They arc of very artistic design,
green in color, and in an a pictorical
point of view are an improvement
on the old bilis. flu the front is a
medallion showing a portrait ut Prin-
cess Patricia, while at the back is a
from only 76 fires; fatalities number-
ed 150 excludin th fs f 11 H 1if
1 disaster,
N0t "
e pN . ,n r Sellers Stro g
Early in the world war experience proved the
extraordinary value of cod liver oil for strengthening
soldiers against colds, pneumonia and' lung troubles.
Thousands of Our Soldiers are Taking
Because it Guarantees the Purest No wegian Cod Liver OH
high in food value and rich in blood -making properties.
molt's will strengthen you against -winter sickness.
Beware of Alcoholic Substitutes.
Scott & Boone, Toronto. Ont. 17-7.3
-roes o . 1r'ess
M1f� "{tala6r xt7p021 rs}alulge;r required to 0515
7-,1?Ca�t Oiliri;,, tsT este e.
;I.* Irelepho4e Co. pi' Canada