HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1918-1-10, Page 2PGE
'1'htira(t<ty, Jatll•lary 'Hath, 1918,
hr-•-...,_ .�.c..«1...- ,-..-+.,.•-..�... wauv unw,r++n+,r�vr,�u
v.u1+�w�....wwrv.p.w,.nw.,+..:;:w.,�.w.ra.:.....r `,n+crow.wwrw+wow"'u...Wri..uW„`wn'"ynwrv�wwnM "u„w,',w�.•.."°"r""°v.,.., x.�..,.,rw.�q,.�.'�..:w,.,w..
i SIMA 'i-'SY1. Lv� '�YIWJ.•Pmll9mYmu�lo.assausaAiwANV cWiageotama a is manages*
25 to 50 per cent. Discount
le }; <�> t tut° �y�, J i uar � 12 h; en.�
f t
Goods Advertised
Ladies Raincoats, $3.98
Two dozen raincoats, rubber lined;
light and dark grey; guaranteed 7s water-
proof, Regular $7 anti. $3.9$
f;5, Sale price ar+ ?
Ladies Raincoats? $2.49
Fifteen only Ladies Raincoats; light
f grey, rubber lined; sizes 36 to -42,
price $2I Replier $6.00, sale "� @� "
▪ Ladies. Coth Skirts $1.99
SIX only all wont serge skirts odd;
Styles; colors Black and navy. Would
make a good scull skirt. Sl,` 1 o9
Regular $6; sale price.. iD.M
Ladies Silk Waists $1.99 ,,
i'dox. Ladies Silk Waists, made of
pailette silk; Black and Navy; regular
.};3.50 and $4,00; sale $•1.99
Your choice of Twenty-five 'e
Ladies, Misses and Childrens win-
ter coats at exactly 1/ the regular
{. dozen Ladies Trimmed flats; all
this seasons styles your tl A Q
choice •
Ladies Silk & 'Voille Waists $1.99
2 dozen Ladies Silk and Voile Waists #
white only. All sizes; reg.
$},50 and $1.75 for. , • • $1
9 Jr ry th, 1:t 1
The Sale begins with remarkable
values and bargains in every de part-
ment of this store. Upstairs, down-
stairs and in the basement too you
will find them. You ought to take ad-
vantage of this January Sale. It will
pay you.
Your Choice of
f any Fur, including Mink, Lamb
Natural and Black Wolf, Coon
Sable and Thibet at 25 per
/cent. discount off reg. price
Dressgoods too yard, cotton dress goods; Blue
and white check, and Black and White
check, Values up to 00c. Sale �i�A R? c
price a )aril 47
48c a yd.
',Children's Hats 49c Jlliilll!1011111!11111111101!IPai!!!IIIIIII!1!III!IIIIIIIII!I1i111111111i11i1111111'11111111!1111111!1!Illllllllli1111!1111111!IlilllllllEIIIIIIIIIIIIIi111111111111111111111111IIIIII11111111111110111IIIIlnll11111111!!1!IlllllllllllIIIIII IlliIIll
t dozen children's toques made of nelelte 3o inches wide would be good 5 dozen Linen Towels, good 517.C;
2 dozen Children's hats, made eof
r wool and corduroy; regular $ c value at 57c. Sale price a 14
would be good value 1t 50c cordur,y and cloth; also a•tew leather lad ^M ^^� 1�^
per pi, January Site priceRupr C
�1 S5c; sale price )
Tants. Values up to $1.50, �ai� ..._.,,.,....., ].; J!�¢3
sale. price • Tailored Waists 59c Towelling 14c a yd.
Gimpes and Braids, Sc a yd. ?t "
n rs fV!i t only suited 1t'Ai5t5, 34 5and 3G. ( 'So yards rowelling; suitable tor
Fiewers, Wings and Ornaments �. • •,+• 'k.._
vtdues up to $2.Oo; Sale pricef1� S roller Towels and dish towels 1-r�
500 yards of narrow Gimpes and x7
Values up to 52.00; your Braids, All colors, values up to n1 n } EVERY ITEM AGENUINE F A li f' r'' l N ) each eery spacial al a v:oil
��� Z 35c, Sale price gra+ 32.
cbutc a m,
, 16S�r�'M7rIIifltri�YP➢°",. f�aEzmSi.. mz2ra[a±."""'°' rte, 'C- w•era.aR„G3sl::i.^affi':'•yAai?!ff:'SA➢..Cs+�et�n'J�:,••t•Enwew:Gc2A��e�aw.'�'.�,'�ssF'+aua•"na�*,*w a^t'6.£'1 -- - - --- - ` -
��+xaa�maa�l2�es�!'r'�-�'•Wr�vm®ma�eares>rat� ��uramr ,�,�, rasa
DISTRICT Gatrett i 3, Luella home , o, b1:u'v i n' sbe is notch a n;, r ! of rhr :tsiuus b, Iran, hn:key will 1?e wet- >f
� �'" 1Vauds r,8, Jack Little 6G, II:u•olct U•en,el aeU•esses In the t:,,uia w, t•Id. ! route. : hnsc ui.;hing lu knuty m:n'r , SI.11i?Bi11LD1NtG I'OIt CAIVA,19'E',
� -ar ,„,Lin
Railcards Ce, .lean Holt/hatter 65, Mar- Besides this p.i liculi film other r ti- about this nu ,:n ani may enciuirr. of .- 1 e >,
1 grela 11111 43. Nunes in order of tractions will he offered at the entertain !the prc!s;cten". the Secretary =,r Air:;. HON, MR. BALLANTYNE OUTLINES HACKit a
��agrieulture interests. The scatter has merit. Senior Primary—Fred Samp- melt which takes place afternoon and; May Nance iSh,cl:inuon,' NATIONAL SHIPBUILDING POLICY
CONST;aiNCE. ,keen enure irate before by the sons- sun, Bertha Webster, ,Vary Little, Ruth evening .oi, 151h. f)eLtile concern: — —+?--
daughter n Mr.+ , voted down several Shadd;ek, Ruth Armstrong, Arthur tug the affair tray he lour'.'u a special !`reparations :it being made for the OF UNION GOVERNMENT.—STOP 4a Iv �I19 � $ �o
Miss Edith Riley, g r ell and has been Lyon, Lorne Shobbruuk, Berk Arm ad. in this assn,:. Ministrel show and play whiclt it is CONSTRUCTION FOR FOREIGN h5
Geo. Riley has been very sick with ;times, ! expected will take place on the 5th and I REGISTRY — CANADIAN YARDS• •�_
pneumonia but we are glad to report t leen oatemt:t was called to Toronto strung, Cecil Griffith. Junior Prim- _...0--- l " } ' `
ary—Bert Gray, Emily Little, Epi• The Auxilittr, Patriotic endeavors 6111 of February. The President asks
she is slowly recovering• to attend the funeral of his brother -in- stroke
Gray Bessie 'Crawford, Gordon Mann• have taken a new turn in the forma,., that all who can possibly attend the TO BE UTILIZED TO THEIR FULL- '
Mr. Fred Fowler has been hired We lion of a Girls' patriotic 1lnckdy Lea- next stealing, Friday at 7 o'clock., will EST CAPACITY.—MODERN STEEL The constant haekiugcough that. slicks
Taw, J. preen)," who took a stroke of Ing.
teach in this school for a tarot. paralysis, and expired :t few hours t(. Holmes, Teacher do so, as the leader of the Minstrel to you in spite of rya;ryt,h:ng you have
wish him success. after. His wife and six children are .►� gue, n meeting was held in the rink STEAMERS.
ou Monde) evening ,when i�irs, Robi„_ performance is anxious h> make up the done to relieve it, is a source of danger.
Miss Margaret Love left for Tor- ” "'— "-- The longer the cough stays, the more
left, one son doing duty overseas. son was elected President; and Miss choruses.
onto last week, where she will try het
Pte., Roy Thuell, who went overseasOTTAWA, Jan. —An tunbitious serious menace it is W your health,
ezantl,tations. We wish her success. with the Huron Battalion and was shot 4sG131CRiC1l. Margaret Schoenhals secretary, 11 i program of national shipbuilding is to
musk be understood that this hockey I Children Cry It is easy to check a cough at the out- -
Akhr spending the Christmas Mr, poo through one lung, the bullet lodging a pts. Nereid Lawson, of the A. li .C• scheme has been devised not only for he carried out as a policy of the Union set with easy to check as ugh at Syrup.
Baas here withrhis parents, Mr, Geo. his spice, causing paralysis of the „f Lnndiin, preached a very thoughtful good1 t FOR FL.ETCHER'S Goveruntent. The molter for souteti°1= If you have let it run though, it takes a
Clark returned .o Toronto. ?layers, but fur amateurs too.
limbs, is now in a Liverpool, Elf, 11a sernwn in Victoria Street Metitudist A„)one who can skate :tt ail and who is A S. r O R 9 dA has been 110 while lodger to cure, but Dr. takes a
Mrs Ben Snell is visiting her sister -
hospital :old is slowly improving He Church on Sunda)' night. The service def consider- Norway Pine Syrup will cure it even
in -lata, Mrs: Falconer, at Leamington is recovering the use of one Icg and was in charge of the pastor, Rev. J. H. tar iced S +t alien an d
f � then after other remedies have failed.
fora week or two. hopes are entertained for the other.' Osterhout and a resolution was moved ���� � �0��n�� j ��Q]� A"���' rt St,: t4 ; act' „r � L Hon. G (;. VTI. J. IIc•nry Tmndr), South iver,
One of our popular young men a1 1(e has two brothers and a cousin from by G. hl, Elliott car and seconded bey J. H. Canty tl i ` a h B a Ihtntyue r .
the village. Mr: Joe. II. Riley will be Bu'geois,i, i writes irec,ivixlsuch
here in khaki overseas. llillian, and carried un;:ninx,nsly b) a ���' ����`I?� � � �Q1� to -clay out- groat benefit 1, wri llt 4\'ood'a Norway
married 0n Wednesday of this week standing vote ewpressing the apprecia- i �C «>?.' plans Pine Syrup that 1 cannot help expressing
$e, , lined i
Cook, of Goderich Town- ”"alien felt inwards the 5 a result of suggestions made Grand Trunk, Howard G. Kelley., !fs•.+c;i' ;y:us,R+ ;?r '? desigueci to my thanks. I suffered with a ]caching
to Miss Sadie C tion the congregation
ship. We extend our congratulations. 1$U'Ll. i 9 Government for its recent prohibition ibyn the Government or that dor- (;nnadlam North•2rn, Sir Wm. Mae 'a cough fur over a Mouth, and could not
Ing the period of the war, keazie. ykv `�h ,env utfliz e t o , sleep at night.. I used many kinds of
he young couple will take up their nit, and sirs. John Smith were visa- corder, the resolatio„ to 1?e sant to lite + the fullest remedies, but, lbw: didn't do ate any
residence in the house formerly oc• there should be closer cooperation American linea in Canada, A►tatd p1 a1' � good, until I used `ll11 good's,' ;Qnrriudi
cors with Nlrs. Geo, Jackson at Bross- ]'nntier between the railways in Canada, an SmLith. ! ? capacity the
tti:ted by Mr, J. Price. At the Victoria street parsonage on association has been formed by these By their direction, a subsequent fib : Cana dial gonad great I us right from is srt.
els on New Yeats. meeting was held in Montreal, on
f a` T only used two bot.tics, and was Yo1loSvtti Is the report of S. S, No, Alonday afternoon, Rev, J. It Oster- railways corresponding to the Ra]L _yards and esg outh united in mariage Cephas Young' ways War Boardin the United turd October,at whichtheprivate 1pletoly cured.I will neverbewit
BRUSSELS S, flullelt, for the months of Novent_ States, wii.h the obfert of securing and government roads operating in ' I > tablish roil- Tt acs long as I live."
of Colborne Township, and Alice non Beale !ea)
ilatnl- d*in nailsThe monthly horse fair held Here bar and December, Those making p' greater co-operation not only between Canada were represented, and a'n Ad•l Thereare a mirnber of eubstitutea on
ham 10 cent are not inserted. Hutchinson, of WestWtuvanosh.l'he t)ne railways tlaemsalvee but eiso he• mtuistrttive Committee was conned,essenhe the indush•yt led fide
Thursday was largely attended by buy- Sr. t perconsisting of: Balinntyne said Ile day: the market for Dr. Wood's Norway Pine
ars and others interested from all Sr, IV015 116lady's Grainger 76, Harold young couple will reside in 'Colborne AlthougheeterailCanada need and the
U, 19. (lilies, (;rand Trunk, Chair Syrup, so when you oak for it see that it
I'riwnship. risen with other countries as to man, "The government has reached a tie- kaput, upinayrlloa ivrttpper;tlusepine
over she district. ul Some of the finest Adams 6Ci, Ida Lyon t 0 Edith ill Mann-
slayer Mornings issued a procla- C. A, Hayes, Catnarltan Government cistou sto utilize the fall ca natty of ens,: speed sod efficiency coy with which p• trees the trade uteri:; price 2Gc. and bUc„
incarria to be founds •the a Dominion son 58, Alfredertobbr ok 55 WSrMill - inert^n ti, observe Sunday as a special munitions, equipment, foodstuffs and itaJitvays, fisting to uttuds in Canada iu the pru-
tea raised in this section and find int; 53, Bert Shobbruok 55, Sr, ill— man have been moved to the front, it and that it bears t•t i+ name, 'The 7.'. Mil -
1' Garrett S5 Laura Garrett S0, dry of prayers, in accordance with the was res.}teed that R still more kitten- D• H• Hanna, Canadian NortJtern, duction of modern steel cargo skeamerc and burn at Limited, , Toronto'Ont.
ready buyers at goad prices, Lillie a Kings' proclamation. Amass meeting R L, D. f3ronner, Michigan Oentral_ of the must a ,roved types for lite use
Bast Huron Board of Agriculture at 5a, Muriel
Kahle 77, Evered Johnson sive eeort might help to speed up P• F. Backus, Toronto, Hamilton & p} •.. ^ *
for men was held in Knox Church such movenients and no privets in- B ale of the Government and for registry in
its meeting here passed a resolution 52, Muriel from
Jr.49, Russell hill 43, and one for women in the Baptist tercet has been allowed 10 stand in Canada. want. The work has not sufficiently
urging the County Council to engage jomie I.ye from .lIII {o Sr. Il—Mar' church at 4.15 !ll Sundry afternoon the way of public benefit. It is ex. J. H. Walsh, Quebec. Central.
FOR CANADIAN USE, advanced to enable a definite statement
a County representative to promote ijorle Lyon St, Nettie Gray S2, Auric for special prayer. and special services peotdd that through heavier loading Sir George Bury, Canadian Pacific. In be made, bol lhu construction of
p p Y of cars, elimination of mtnrcese of A resolution has been adopted by
`"rhe productive capacity of these three different types of ships is under
v ,,, , ,,,,, were held in the other churches. train service, the co-operative use or all the railways in Canada that, real -
The. coal situation is still severe all facilities,ntrr'stner..ie best may beat be natingthe national all industrial activitiesneed
toward yards, which at present are engaged In consideration. One type will comprise
.,.« .�-. -•-�m•�a^M* ,�^*^• ° °• ^^^^ """'" " `"" """"""""�"�"` here and many are suffering hard- (z+,,'e, the Y the construction of ships for the Eli- vessels „n [ approximately 3.000 tons,
_....._--•-- a•.v a- 7tn,>nh caLa be dant to achieve the Prosecution of the war, all! desire 1
ships these cold days. Thursday these results through closer no-ePeri ing further ea-oncretion with each tisk Gove.,,,, ant local interest and for These. , • be built in shipyards situforeign account—the latter almost ex- ated on the Great Lakes, Another type
morning 35 vehicles and i t hand Mien between lam public and the rail- other to render the most efficient pos.
elasively for Norwegian registry—may will comprise ships of from 0,000 to
sleighs were at McEweit's yard at one ways. eible eerviee to the national etree,e, do
time to secure from one to five ,bags Very sheirtly after Groat Britain hereby* agree to establish for the
became -involved In the war, the period or the war an organisation to be roughly estimated at froin 275,ono 7,000 tons, while yet a,lother wilt be a
of coal, One old, lame may, walking British Government sent for the he known a() the Cianediat Railtvay to 300,000 tens annually. During the type with a dead weight capacity of
P roughly made from an old board, wits railways would be guaranteed. the formulate in detail, and from time to
same dividends anti a proper dented. time, a policy of operation of ail or Tr011uES";A°B°L11,41t 11411.1°LtILS() .ims.
continuance of the war and for some .• e
witb it cane and drawing a bag of Gene,rat managers of. all the railways AssociatiOn for National Defence,
time therefore the construction of steel .
in, coal on ii hand sleigh, which lie had and made arrangements by which the whielt shall have general authority to
ships in Canadian yards for foreign .
seen on his Way from the coalyard to
wore before, a»r1 advised the when it is announced by such (Agent. policy is in line with that adopted by ! Non 'if this question, recognizes that
The Government, in the considera-
chief -
Tafletta Silk, 19c a yard
95 yards narrow Taffetta silk in
fawn, white and creast, regular
85c, Sale price 19c
Dress Goods 64c a y d.y
450 yds. dressgnods in Black, Navy 3
Copenhagen and lawn; 4u inches wide
very special fur sale; per
y:ted 64c
Odd Furs $2.98
0 odd pieces in Fur neck scarfs;
Brown, Black and Grey oppossum and
Coney; values up to 510.2[>18
Sale price pit-Pw
Cotton Eiderdown 25c a yd.
48 yards only of cotton Eiderdown
in Mauve, 27 Inches wide; suitable for
Kimc>ntas and dressing saques, +r9 C C
reg. 50c. Sale price �ra7
Boys Suitisags 16c a yd.
50 yds. only Boys Suiting Blue and
white stripe, and piton Fawn; regular
205 and 25c. Sale price a 9 6e
yard A iD
Flannelette 14c a yd.
Childrens Wool Toques 39c
I I'I IIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIjiu!iiidc too yards only: wide stripe Flan-
Your choice of any Ladies and
Misses Suit at exactly 1/2 regular
Wool Batts 74c ih
50 lbs wool Batts. Special 74
sale price per ib
Linen Towels, 35c a pr.
'�` .i.,,, ,A.
^^I5ttp°fittlliy britt
General ly]anagel'8 to farm te commit soften shop be accepted Rtrrl mace both Great. Britain and the United Use of the difficulties" "' ' "'
amongst tlienieulves to conduct the effeetivo Icy tits several tnanagements
States, t of successfully Carrying on a construct -
* ail s: * * yr et ,t * * railways as one; In otter words, to or the individual railway companies. THREE DIFFERENT TYPES. ton program arises ('runt tti fact that
eliminate competition and devote the The Canadian Railway Association 'sacci pinies and shapes' are nut now
,R a railways to essential transportation for . National 'Defence determined to
GIRLS PATRIOTIC NOTES n [solely. open an ethic In Montreal at once, The naval construction branch of th manufacttued in Canada. I'he over -
✓ When the tinned States came into and appointed te Secretary.
department of marine and fisheries i5 whelu,ing advantage In Canadian in•
k the great war, the executives of the A Car Service Committee, consist• busily engaged in the development of dustry, as well as to the general cause
:k 8r s' 'k ai t` 4s 's s: * 'r vorioua railroads met and arranged Ing of the following, has been uamcti: the details of the e deyelpi eiCt pro- of making Canada self-contained in this
t, amongst themselves to form a etam' W. A, Kingsland, Catwullan North-
x reg, is obvious, 'l'n overcome this
Those who have an acquaintance a ar,Sitieo to oporatut tie railroads se see, ern., 1
Marguerite Clark, will se Ito to got the full gape. of their W. N. I4ippey, tlimtdu►n Govern- ! ,y x„, i1flt,l p�tt3i 740di73i9 1 iegar lty and to meet the situation in
(a screen" with g transgorintwn Nadi/ea and aloof- meat Ratihraya P: d1 eta tient ntasutet'. negotiations are
e gladto know that the Y.L.P,A.' has a coni etltiou. the (*radian tl+v A, Itt,'Leake,'•`„ 1=1. & B, Railway. 7 The 6T ren f4eptisssusent,' v !
lonoo at,d inviftorstes the motto o anow under way with responsibip per -
b smite `L
secured A film "Tire Valentine Girl" entmt.,e,t, havieR ea ueveso oseasteas J. R. YlnvalL Grand Trio*. nnrvnnsVctss,,mnknnaow131ood
t 'f utero shori]tl be+i. "*'fit.
rola' Vot>,s, (rerct Neriiotta sons with the object of establishing at
. _�,. it
in Wlticl this cli;u'itting stogie :t frogs exltrclewd a wish tr$, /)eGOS/, Losslse>tef Ere 73ta,m•T1fLatiois 03 ow
✓r bile rotten bettireea .the reB' VI'. A. file1Ntir, T- t ti, O. 1'taiiweiy.
��'pp,,��((��,,=t33�•� , . LIMITED clorlrr] t}D r ! t0 filo <tenair, of Micron. Ibies+attoo, of thx seine suitable plrollln nfor asitk "sce tili fes,
JOHN ` Lt. i 9 is 'featured. Those: 'who have. never at plMesettive Cow py�►egrta�Atttees eRnrt p>K Rent, cazi.mr7DTotttargr. I rico $ r ads, trills fol the ro ) p
IiYTisl,rtl•►5tl tb l3$.^. attic~ iti pictures tttusf: not ...4,ms Isrsarsalr.esrr'ist tsl4' of ON, 1 !Mt will Ne R)irie,w�tQnitwiit,ed ora, n riee$1 roldbynll
. .her A , tirrtgdt1W 4r,nnttpd sea lx lIka• oa mnoit:t 11 attd sliaiit!,C tth l51•n1llig cite inaxitiattrrt,
Beton testi M(4NIIKFhlP ail pRet►tecn- acid
Ol Y1 b11YrO%Vt-,ntcellwdo.4at.I.elenear ,Cliis"gi' at op- 1pNs ,lw♦MEs of 1lroi, .tabAdei »r�, +w Herr tate. rcaslkoi,.ave:sMlstMae requircme]tts,
L fail to take advantage; of 1 7trnll st1l�Q bYi Arad "'rim is qt iDEChr%Co..Tat1011ioio . (F,i,sittWtrnlot' +'
DOrttftaity to sloe her In this production
"AIM"AIM Al " � L .GFR
o as 11 i ati.e�, tl? + a
Tit t hraci,tg I r 's aro dr:erent from the enommn—aad. '
let :et•. They u, r, mewed by a more costly process thiitt
the "toot-a:n;•iood" hirci and have the old-time
Labatt ta..tortnd wholesomeness thatcannot
Itc imitated successfully. Said at
(;sccrit , Car/'i,. Hotels or
direct from the Brewery.