HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1918-1-3, Page 2T li E C L. X N'1'O N NEW E It u Thursday, January 3rd, 1918,
....... .. .. -.... ... ... ... r.1, Y1,Ia.r✓ . wrrwws./!Naaa.+wa.•.IS,ar-+rw.ao,Wi+aaMM.•W,wbwM
n n p
Dry Goods
and House
Y Sale
You have been going to buy a
1t for some time but have been
itating. You thought you
nld wait until January sales.
111 here's the best opportunity
will get this season, one where
I are sure of getting Quality as
11 as Bargain prices. There are
many of these coats left. We
sect to clear these out in a few
'ks time. Your choice of any
t including childrens' and Miss -
at exactly 1/2 price. •
ot Hurt Them
The locked antlers. •
i N September and Ottober during
A the rutting season. the hunter
occasionally hears the sounds of
terrific combat between those giants
of the forest, the hull moose. With
their formidable antlers theme huge
creatures can snap a young birch
tree like a piece. of matohwoad, and
although it Is only rarely that the
mill moose will attack a Inan, if he
does do so the man has little chane
unless he le buick with his tile:,
powered rifle. The other day on R
Ignore Teinnd, t:•enty-one mile) roar.
nP Rosspnrt, on the C. P. R., a nett' " t.
locked noose borne was fm'^••t p.
traglc record of a rom"l't Tao,
had a„a<n '• ;•r.,+ i; ehth - ,n)ca1 rhe
atinrc h rine nn 150,'1 0.n .1 en brei l'rn".9na l'e'nv 1 otn,1 •U•"r,
to ),fr,cr'r rano rt++or tliil tar '•,i- hears who erot3,9 around
mats died there of starvatloa, their forests of Dot. -1)U,
o,• t``e
m the
Following is the list of contributors
Capt. Fred Saloum, the rant us to tite British Red Cross Fund In sub -
big game hunter, Was killed in division .No, 1, Stanley, ;tact the Village
notion. of Brucelield and vlatnif
8. The ,Allied Governments sant an >'•—
'ultimatums to Greece regarding 13, 12. Biggins 820.00
the pro -German attitude of King Charles Reid , , , ,. ,i, , , . , , , 1 0,00
am a.atititae rind his advisers, ''"""1"s Fraser
The Germans occupied Folsshani,
Speak -el. Sevlg0y joined the Bora Edward Glen
den Cabinet, Hugh McGregor, sr,
i'ortugneee soldiers arrived on. Malcolm Mcliwen
the French front and began to
take, au active part in the war ;John McCowan
against Germany.
IArch, McCowap
10. Paernier Trepoff .of Russia re- 'George Baird
signad, 1 Joseph McCully
11, Greece accepted the Allied ulti- IA.T. Scott
malum, though it later turned Ill P, Madden
out tlu,t the acceptance was in- ;
sincere. tJames Petrie
12, The Allletl Governments answer- 'John McNaughton
ed rho peace note issued by Pare- John T. Graham
sident Wilson shortly"before the Goldie Graham
end of the year. They declared
that the war would have to con-
tinue until the Central Powers
relinqulsh•ed their purpose` to
dominate the world by brute
Anzac troops destroyed the
Turkish position . at Rafe In
Palestine, John 11, Mcliweu
13. The Allies issued their final
LONDESBORO. Ephraim Brown when their daughter,
Etta, became the bride of Mr. James
Miss Mary Finc';land who is taking a W. iinggarth, Promptly at six o'clock
Deaconess training course in Hartford, the bride, leaning on the 100 of her
Conn., spent Christmas with her par- father, and proceeded to the arch of
ants, Air. and Airs, John F agian& ,,,,,,rzen :old rases, Mendelsohns
Miss Jamin,', of Toronto, also spent `Nettling Atarcn ros played by Mrs.
the vacation with her parents, Will. lioggarth. 'I'hsbride looked charm
Mr, A. Bronston is spending a shoit 1118 in an attire of pale blue silk crepe
time under the parental roof, de chine, hemmed with pearls and wore
Miss K. Waymnuth left for Toronto)
the usual bridal veil caught with grange
this week where she holds a position blossoms and carried a boquet of car -
of milliner in one of the wholesale nations and tarn. The ceremony ttas
stores in that city, performed by Rev. C,C, Kaine sold wit -
Miss Evelyn Cartwright, of London, messed by the immediate relatives and,
spent the Christmas vacation with her friend;;. During the signing of the re -
parents, Mr. and Mrs, J. Cartwright. gaster, Misses Flossie Brown and Oliva
Airs. Reil spent a few days in lying- tole sang "S,n)us or :kW." After 5011-
ham this week. gratulatiuus the bridal party.sat down
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Miller are iu a snmptuuus :cedtling dieter. The
visitors in Drayton this week, t•ride was the recipient of many Pres-
a. f 11 t
re -union on1's
A veru balmyteals, among tv[11':11 Pals the groom's
bets of Alrs. F. Stalker's family talk ,ia a handsome srl ,d Fox furs- The
plata at the home of Air. D, C3edde' nappy :':+.pie will reslde on the 6th tit
during the t'hri;tmas vacation. The
liallett. The be -1t wishes of the 5'111-
onay Absent member was Mr. T. Stalker,
:m.Ltly q:l with 115111.
father •,t the tairal • who, passed away
mE' td::f? .t?_u, '1'i,c following tit.'lu-
ber. ,tine in ,.-umber 5/:re all pi. ;eat ERUCEr1ELD. ,
is a, d'Inner, Mr, Rol.ort
;tailsar ;La. 1., ,1, McCaw 2: a Mrs or A d 1 ze. :•1 levan' el the bred CattSt
as bald in Walker's hall nal New
31, '1 Auburn. Mr, 1. Dixon, "i no e. 1 ":d lints nus spent 1'y
i t, c, 1n .Lantra; Saint I an, of W
I1)1 and old
,,1 a I. tat L+:i, ",Viliir.tl , 1 1,'.'r•, -, ,. _.
1 h iii'; .bar of Detroit, spent
]..s a. -': 1,04e)% -.),ii and DIY. 1>. Hast11 ? !1 (belt .sister, Mrs. of Londe:Moat-a At the t h 1 •t- Y 'i ,,,, village,.
Ir111" dilll:r tot s were drunk t.- ,r .',,Irr. Wl' 1,)' 033 of Toronto is the
health 'I the 1lother and short ail- st . her sister, Mrs. Madden,
dresss were ut ,iia by members of the l ~ 1.1r. 31"her 1 t t1, Ilal. a,dden, ;.l,
family c::il3:g up many rm-unions
by gone days. This was the first 'c- snail!. Christmas at his home at t :}ester
20 55.1 0f 3 reunion far a period t 'f •
Stewart l:n'.x of Woodstock spent
2; t,1 ,and the los of sncit a gather -
vats caressed in sung and jocular itis vacation at home.
Miss Gardener, of Scotland, who has
to this which added ing and a bore ;-e,ut visiting at the home of C. Was -
this that rs, Stalkeg.r
We hm51 imc0,, has gone 10 Philadelphia for the
and prlq• that Alrs, St:dker the math,:('
of the family who is in her 83rd year winter.
Stanley and'I'ucl:atsmith town -
happy, sphered .).hava aunty more such `hips have elects.: their councillors and
happy gatheringgs.
G, John a, pusi..
reeves by acclamation. There will be
Air. • 'arts tali; n
titin in London. no election so much for saving.,
Alr and Mrs W. 13, 13randson, of L. Beatty had rhe good fortune to get
Saskatchewan, are visiting at Mr. and :) ear load of cad last week. It was
Mrs. W. Brundson's here, soon distributed in small quantities,
1~t,, and Alrs, Brmwt, of Brantford, ----
are visiting at the home of Airs. Dr.
Miss Brigham, of Highgate, who
spent 1151' holidays with her patents
'here. returned \Vedttesday,
Miss L, Young left 1)n Monday for
Rechla to resume her duties as te"acher
in the college there.
Miss Jmieson, of Toronto, who
spent last week with her parents here
ha:: returned to 'Toronto.
Tslr, and Mie. Hooper. of Exeter,
spent Sunday at. the 'home of Mr,' E,
tiring to raise a fund of ST!). 5,00o
le. Ontario W.C.T.U. is aiding,
France, mainly for this purpose
more insistent,
tile- Ontario W.C.T.U. has be -
ng a weekly leaflet of cheer and
ugh the mails to all the soldiers
ss a desire to receive it. The
f comfort can be judged by the
'thin one month after the issue
heir names be entered on the
being so named from. the fact
soldiers' pay book.
Inds the W.C,T.11. of this town
ble and
.1 5.00
John A, Moffat 10,00
J. A, McEwen 10,00
Neil McGregor 10.00
James Jackson t0 00
John Johnston 10 00
John Butchart 5 00
11, 01)
1 5.1)0
10 0o
10 00
Thos, Campbell 3.00
F, C. Waldron 5.00
W. A. Stanbur}' s 'a
W. J. Falconer 2,00
W. J. LaBel 5.00
George 0, Hanley 5.00
John J. Biggins 5.00
Miss L. E, Kennedy 2.0'J
Mrs. W. Jervis 2,00
Mrs. Argent 1.00
Arthur 1Viltse a.00
H, Livermore 2.00
Fenwick Stewart 5.uo
Robert I I un ter 2.00
.lcIto l011113is
1Vt», Y.0-101" 5,00
Alex. Irle'liwen
warning to Greece. John Pierson
15. All -mantra] diplomats were or-
dered in 1)1(Ae Bucherst. .lolw, Jervis
111 A+Lut'ai Lsewey, the United Ales. Mustard
Statorsseaman, the hero of (John :mustard
alanilu, Bay, died in his 811,0
look through their possessions )ltltt1lf'
gold and ilver trinkets; tis- Mr. and Ahs. Loudesberry, spent
triple -plated. a few days last week with dfriends in
The following is the report. 'f 5. S
No. 4, 1lullett, for ianeniberl---
3r 1V --Lilian Cartwright 90, Wel-
ling On
lintli,tt Mi!:aor 5)). 1', Sy (fibbing%
7S, Arthur Weymouth aa. Ir.
Dora Vodden 77, 15,(11335 Cr:oyanal 74
Sr, III—Mary Drown, 70, Jr, .11 -
Laura Snell 81, livelyn Gibbh ngs :>n,
Edith G0rIott 78, Alvin 1artvti:ltt
52. Jr It -Warren Gihbings 76. ocr-
tie Oui,iney 72, Charlie Brown 0e,
Charlie Weymouth 65, Harty,Snell 56.
llughia Radford 51, ilerbic Vodden
51, first- Berrie Noll, Burliest Brown
rticles in sterling silver" or triple,.
have been monogrammed or
down and the proceeds lls0(1 to
armless drinks our boys SCI need.
money if sold, than as ;)8170"
Mr. 'Thos. 13aird was visiting re-
latives in Aslalleid last week,
lir, Wtn. Baird and family left for
their house in Taranto on Wednesday
of this week after spending the hal!-
dltys.:unoug relatives sad friends her.:,
vasa J. & S. Johnston
Fred. Tomlinson
S. Tlarl of Elgin died in Scotland,] W
this Scotch nobleman hec•attse he I ! hum's Bao el
was born in the Dominion (tura (Thomas 13. Baird
ing the il1tys of political storm;Jahn Pepper
and stress when responsible ;Joules Rogers 11 U
31(0) )')11)1113 w:LS Lain? establish- George 'T, Baird
e(1 here,
23, Two small naval engagements 1 W Putter ,
took place to the North Sea. Adam Stewart
Several Gelman war vessels were I Heory Diehl
destroyed while attempting to John V Diehl
leave Zeebrugge on account of 3011
1entina ie Diehl
the ice.
29. Earl of Cromer, one of the great- Duncan McKenzie
est of British statesmen, who Frank Lane
made his fame by his handling Jan Kaiser
of the Egyptian situation, died
suddenly. Jos. Addison
31. The Kaiser hoisted the black Neil Smith
flag. It was officially announced Thomas Carr
by the German Government that Miss Bessie McGregor
the ruthless submarine campaign
would he resumed at once.
Tho must important incident in the
month of January was the announce-
ment of Germany's return to the
campaign o8 piracy. For many
months the brutal element in the
Hun Government had been advocat-
ing the adoption of this form of
warfare. '1'11ey liromied that it
would starve ]England and end the
war before the end of June. At last
the more humane and progressive
German statesmen were defeated and
the war lords g01 control. It was
.generally 'cer,or;ntsrd ,'ven in Ger-
many that the ruthless warfare
might can.as' a rapture with the
Ctnnted States, lint the our lords he-
Canadians were interested n •
Among the number of Xmas visitors
were E: and W. liagleson of Saskatch-
ewan; Mr, 11nd Mrs, James Cameron of
Toronto, and a number of others.
Air, Th'nats McMillan made a (lying
visit.iast week 11001,
Airs. Ai, Russ Is on a visit to her
friends at iBuffaloThe Fat: a. t-,: hall' held in the toren
hall 11'30a0 lart;cl0 ;Mended,
At the marination on isior.tttty Iasi
matters went slowly, than reeseship
was not disputed but all men objected
to become councillors so that f coun-
cillors are to be had here the tow" will
have to resort to lli)rdcn cunscriptioa.
Atter wan: yam's of experience in
the coal business, we have come 30 the
conclusion that the only successful
way to sell' Boal is lur cash, and from
now on all cull sold will be for cash
Tins will help to keep the price down
as we arc now lower than any other
town of its size.
A. J. Holloway
11)1-0(1 that (11:1 could bring the war
to an end r lore the Am tieans Edwrd 0, Glenn:.t'1)
could Lor to 71 th-' .0Hui'a any Arthur t:hat+man 2.ui1
effective ; - f t •r.,, Their diplomats Reid ,t" Jicon,di.i. ,s1 tit
did etrlyth1t u .. to dela the .,3 „
eti 1 I -lig 1 .:o( unit,lg At'plet+ 1 '"i ,u
l ..d IMnren, and worn ably Pupils of s. No. I. Stanley. , 2.nu
:1'F'100)(1. 0,,he pro -Gorman polit.i J. 511!-1:::
clans in fa, Putt•' I, at•:•:;. Their
prophecy that. the -'- :rima. 1 arfare.f�.•tal .'•"1 1
11.011, cud 1h<• War h' fore uudsuul-
n111 has misett1tif i and 1I •
sy also "
w0 lolly
miscalculated 1r:g'irding the
United Sl, ,. 'Li'11111 Ci.1 0 13. Ci '
talailltlaallY. FOR FLETCHER'S
3. Th;( Statoa Make off di- ' , T.
plomatie relat„'15 0s,th )ler- ,m'
nran? nn 1r: el. li of the: ruthless
rt-boat ct mpr! n
5 Seven sumivors or Sla Erneet Calves and CoNie :p:, kr Salo
Shacl lftn, : r tt , ' •,l
tion rr a he d 1v 1111.35111,1)Z,
6. The Turhs evn.t:ate(t tho ea,a'h Parties wanting calves please leave
bank of 11,e 'Tigris .'oltt, lvina a your orders. You need not take t11e111
l•uceas.'1'ul 1)101sh otranaiv", if thy ch' not suit. Good Collie pima
7. Germans evacuated it,t,i 1;1 , i 00l'i, for sale. A. E. Matheson,
which was oe, upied by Oa.. that-
' i.t'oop. Phone 17 on 136 [liana*Settf,rthPt"
8, General .Tloig's troops eaplui'sil
011111y Saitlisol Bill on the Son- POTATOES WANTED
me front.
11. The British army in 3lesopo-
tamibi rearheil the ouiratlrls r,f
Kut -e1 -A nus rn,
The Dukc' or Norfolk, the rank -
1ig member of the I3rilis!I
nobility and the foremast mem-
ber of the Roman Church in
England, 111e(1 in London.
13, The United . States Government
urged all Atnorie•:ins to leave
Germany as soon am possibl-'..
China made the official threat to
sever diplonutlte relations with
Germany. secure steady employment on Munition
A revolution that Germany had work APPI'y i1),
Highest prices paid
Bert Hovey, Clinton.
63001) wanted to take up a first
mortgage, gond security. interest
ti per cent.
54,000 wanted, on first mortgage,
good security. Interest 6 1-2 per
W. Brydone
(In Alpert Street, a seven roomed
cottage. Electric lights, soft and
town water in kitchen. For partic-
ulars apply to
Delivery any day, Highest market
price, paid on delivery. aides, furs
bought also any quantity empty sacks.
Jas. Steep & Co.
P.O. Box 192, Phone 126
A number of goad reliable men can
fomented in ('uta burst tato
flame, but 11 Dns suppressed in
less than a nton111. •
18. The British troops advanced on
tttla Auer
theToi•hs \V''rr ,l'3 1)1t,iI by the
littlish near Nut -el -Amain,
19. Major -C1ono ral Fa, Met i:•a tau
.ueLn, who caminamted. lir; Am-
crie.an standing 11 futy, died end-
21. Sir 101;ort liar:i n )'0'1,''11',',l hn:c.•
land to ts10 1.11 is (:1,' lu,, r1111
(1011rtfn '
25('ln' (( roan,, araiaed
miles '.111' 74 .0
11:"101 r.- .!1' nt 1. tf,I. 1.11!;:i
(.11','!t , hr. tftLl 111., ,(m. t of Gt.,
1'ciy 5(11111),'d, ria:). r; c, t
.;lr,f. o)1 1:, Coo is'til:.,11
til:., i-' Inn-'!' 0'' 1 f. 1 1) %t
vIci,1135 3'-,- 13..•lir rill ,.1!a.
The aaw 1,atimwlek (; 11 di1n-.'ill
mor d I
26, The 110ted 1, '.1 ( It tl, i-tt
y,)1.0,1 4;1 i 111,110'1,0')0 f:. ,,' tt!t'-
is T),,::;,:,.
I0'' llidislt 0 ,»pf<d Tani-el-
Itantri, 1(310) a i031511in4 vietnry
over the Turks, 'Poor) (11(1 Lien,
('i•al 11nnde avange the great die-
' tffcrral
nsl1 r list lite i dtlsdi d t
at 111110 spot (1111111,4 the That year
of the var.
'Norma Snails Primer—Eddie Matt- 27. The Provinelal taet;islatut'e of
ford, Tran Carter,' Willie Stevens, SERIOUSLY lNJl1RP3 Ontario gave votes to the women
ltreddle Vodden, of the province,
Olive 13, Cola Lieut. W. V, Roti, TJrussels, 211., It was rltst.overed that Germany
'reacher linin, had proposed to ,Mexico and
1113, W. Fittbiclite Win 1101 a 5,11. that those two cenmtrles
No election ibis year. Lverybodyr Winghard efo ltd attack the 'United Status
3ssiitisfied, be foto that nation amid be
htr.. truest Dobbs, of 1 105111scns, at. ISelolg aero ' retiet3e N.,!1* war.
tended Ile wed'dint of fviis5.ldtta.Mrown The telrlparatlire watt) eveniflj;( trona Its lmnatoPrairoo,30 ward to mored
00 New Vcars day', last Week (dropped froln by the' :British,
A very pretty wind intfrestilig event one to fifteen 131355(1 ilelow, ,41'0, Ili
i o'hie of Mr, and Mrs, 4 Ctiiithlti@d tylt Pa's $.
1'003 nist) a the h
Lists[Pm a ellCastsit,
The Robt. Bell Engine & Thresher Co.,
Seaforth, Ontario,
For Sale or to Rent
The brick house on Raglan street.
now occupied by J, U. Doherty,• for sale
or to rant, Electric light and town
water; 2 acres of land. with stable. A11
in good repair--.
Apply to David Cantel'on.
House for Sale.
Six rooms and Summer kitcheti,
waterworks, good cellar, central and
very comfortable, to close an estate.
Apply to
James S. Miller
or W. Brydone
....WI:M1 is 1S HEREBY GIVEN hist
the above named insolvent Charles B.
Hale, carrying 00 business as an In-
surance Agent and Conveyancer at the
Town of Clinton in the County ot 11u -
rill has made an assignment of Itis
estate to me for the general benefit
I f his creditors under the Assignments
and Preferences Act.
The Cl editors are notified to meet
at the office lately occupied by the in-
solvent in the 'i'own of Clinton on
Wednesday the nth day of January,
f 9 i 31 o 1)�lu,k in the . t
ho- 1112 purpose of re5eivina a state-
ment „f theinsol ent's .alai['?. tui' the
MO'1 m n.•:•t. and the sly-
0.1reetl,ns 11iti1 reference to the
.,lel' ,'.,I of I1 estate.
A11 pera'us )ishan, g u, br entitled
1.1 ....,.. ,00 tiie 'their
.''alms Naito me on et 0,'i„'' the :011,
1ss c 1 i,ctrr (Tisa ;r ter v,thIch trate
distribtoc tne assets
th h .0 1,0 r,1 1, t1N• c'a'ms
les', 1 shall then ht,r recciv-
50 not152, not..md 1 will 1,3 ( ' ',)'!: for
hr Il '1 'a, part thereof to
to any vors,,af+ hos; .31)710 I have
not then reee c 1 0,11,2e.
tiATFi) ,at tauuu' , c) trio, this
asth day of December. 1, D. 11117.
Clinton, Ontario.
nave ''(811F (1'dl%L1'
for some of our Western Oats, which
00 have just received and we will
charge youn0 note than if they were
just the 'ordinary grade of Oats,
If you wish to secure $eine of these
Oasts place your order early as they
aro going fast.
Wo always have a MI stock et
T'1ou1:' and Feed.
k][isK1me$tPr. ices paid Nor Grain
W. Jekins &Son
Reside rlhono 191),,
Sleeping cars on night trains
and. Parlor cars on principal day
Full 3: i, i iuoo' tt from any Grand
'i'runk 'l'iakel Agent, or 0, E. Horning,
District Pa,senger Agent, T,n•,nto.
Jahn Lansford lc wan city pass'•n-
a' and; bet .1; •r. ,. „h n,• ,.
1.0. i'�itiir. .. . t',t'
o n ^,
6-A T.? 13'f
ew: aril
When ilia liver bees -on -a elsaaa.,10ria.
1115)1 lye t he genal:, 3),,:01:10
the 1.,:311310 1000l1.: ..01 •d, 1'31'
had, the sio1010'tl [t3,1 111(1 t n, ;+'d •:a
heltchtrbels, 110311lnu'n, Bent 01, e.l::eks
before the. evc wit 11 h,-1 n, b:llonerwe•3
And all klurl1 o liver troubles,
Milhttrn's Lura -Liver I.'i1ln will
sluggish liver,
dealt , liaoul-
coateetongue, sweeten i he sour !a c. n u•h,
and banish the disagreeable 1,car.1r , •s,
Mrs. A. $Sltnhlery, 1Tnlifax, N.31.,
wrii.est--"l take pleasure in writing you
e00aerning the great value 1 have re -
delved by using Milbtirn's L xa-tiver
fills fora Sluggish liver, •
When my liver got had 1 would have
Severe beadacllest, bat after using a
couple of vials of your 1)3111, T have net
be.en bothered any mere,"
1ilburn'n taxa -'Giver Pills aro 28c, •a.
Bial at d11 tlealnrs or mailed Ilireetoll•
reoript of trine by The T. Milburn (1o4.
Limited, Toronto, Ont.