HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1918-6-6, Page 7TWO STORIES OF AERIAL WARFARE AEli01'LAN�S SAMETIMi!S ),LY ATTER MOT IS ICILLI0D,' m , Conspicuous Gallantry Medal Award- ed Meehanie Who Repaired Plane in the Clouds.k Iiere are two stories which open up fresh vistaa of what can and`does happen to our airmen—dead and ]iv- It is not exceptional for aeroplanes to continue flying when their pilots have been killed, said an officer of the Royal Ail` Force. There 1114e been cases of machines continuing until their petrol has been exhausted. We have captured Ger- man machines with their pilots dead. In a recent case just brought to • notice, the officer explained, a Bristol. fighter (two-seater, with guns fere and aft) started at 1.30 p,m. hi good flying weather. At 3,500 feet the two airmen, running 80 miles an ho tr,,at- •tncked a German Albatross, Three • other machines, two of them German, joined in the action, Both Men Killed. The British machine hung on to its quarry, and eventually got it well under the nose, the German crashing - down, ImmedMtely our machine made a sweep_ south. It had lost height in manoeuvring, and was rock- ing badly as i?out of control; but it kept steadily on until it was lost to view. A little before 4 o'clock the ma- chine fell to earth nearly 20 miles west of Arras. Both its occupants were found to be dead from bullet wounds, which had struck them in the back. The petrol tank was empty. a•There is no doubt that the two men were shot immediately the Garman Albatros fell. The Bristol machine, which is the best'and most perfectly controlled fighting machine known, of its own volition swept on a fairly even keel to a distance possibly ten miles' from where the battle took place. Then, from some reason that will never be ;kftown, the controls were shifted and a circle was made. As the total distance covered must have been under 160 miles, the machine seems to have lost speed and height gradually—possibly due to some 'mi nor injury to the engine. For over two hours the dead men were in the air before the final crash to earth.. In order to repair his damtiged aeroplane, Leading Mechanicydney P. Anderson, D.S.M., climbed out on the lower plane in a wind force of ninety miles an hour. He remained in this perilous position for an hour and three-quarters and succeeded in carrying out repairs which undoubt- edly saved the machine. For this gal- lant deed Anderson has been awarded the conspicuous gallantry medal. The trouble started when the petrol system of his machine was extensive- ly damaged in an action with enemy aircraft. After repairing the dam- age, Anderson reported to his officer that the starboard engine was boiling violently. .If the machine was to be saved the water circulation system must be re- paired, and this could only be done from the lower plane. 4 The Arc of the Covenant. The fretted silver of the river flows Beneath the hills the low light rests upon, While in the east a circling rainbow glows, Facing the storm light ,of the sink- ing sun. God sets His bow of promise on the dark, Holding the earth within its gleam- ing span Whose dual elements still form the Arc Of the Eternal Covenant with Man. I or while the Water and the Fire hold sway And whirl their shapeless being into form, Futile and fleet about the Rainbow play The forked lightnings of earth's fading storm. The potato is a great patriot, It has helped to save nations. Let it help to win the war by releasing other essential foods for export. of a chartde from .. tea or cof 'fe to P arum comes When Sou note betf€r h &0f h and ail ro r1d improvement, Nof third. h harmful Po$ fgc,t'ya Aliq�eo 1 vt�iw1B ii li & G +�+n asteand fopt T h ,. k "� vvg r 'Y delhihfJL For, �gY weer Cre You are young but once but you can be youthful always if you care for your complexion properly. Dailyuse ofIngram's Millcweed Cream prevents blemishes, overcomes pimples and other eruptions. Since 1885 its distinctive therapeu- tic quality has been giving heath to the skin and youthful color to the complexion. It keeps your skin toned up, soft and clean. The refined way to banish oiliness and shininess of nose and forehead induced by pers- piration, is to apply a light • touch of Ingram's Velveola Souveraine Face Powder. It also conceals the minor blem- ishes. Included in the complete line of Ingram's toilet products at your druggist's is Ingram's Zodenta for the teeth. Milkweed Cream . 50c and $1.00 VeiveoleSouveraineFacePowder 50c Rouge (3 shades) . . Zodenta Milkweed Cream Soap Borated Talcum . "-,Complexion Tahlets . . 50c 25c 25c. 25c 25c FRED'% F. INGRAM CO. WINDSOR, CAN, (93) Pty SPIES ROB DEAD TO GET INTO LINES CAUGHT BY OFFICER GUIDING ENEMY GUNS. Clothed in British Uniforms, Germans Direct Enemy Fire Upon the • Allied Lines. German spies have been.a contin- ual source of annoyance throughout the recent British retirements in Prance. Many of these spies have been detected in British uniforms, presumably stolen from bodies of the slain. A British officer in a letter to the Daily Express, tells of an en- counter with two such spies. "I had been ordered to take up a position with two guns of my section as our infantry was being forced back," he says. "I was on a Brest just in- front of my guns ready and waiting to open fire and observe the rounds, but the'specified time had not arrived, "On the right of me was the road along which a few minutes before I had managed to get my guns. It was packed with infantry, transport, guns, prisoners, and stretcher bearers struggling along with wounded. Something or other called my atten- tion to two signallers striving to lay out a wire from the road toward my observation post. I could hear a gibe made to them, some witticism which caused a laugh. Then some one else's guns to the left opened fire. In a few seconds I picked up • the target, a blue -grey shadow advancing in ap- parent silence over the top of a crest two thousand yards away. Enemy Gets Range Quickly. "I gave the order to join in the chorus of guns. The rounds were bursting beautifully, and I picked up the range quickly and well, but I no- ticed Boche shells beginning to fall on and about the road, bursting with marvellous precision. "I glanced behind at my guns just as a shell .burst 100 yards in rear of them and another 100 yards in front —a beautiful "bracket," positively uncanny, as the guns were in a splen- did position and certainly could not be seen. "I knew what that bracket meant, and longed tb give the `take cover' or- der to my gunners but only for one moment. Our job was to `carry on.' So we fired away as rapidly we could, for, after all, we do not often have the luck to shoot at moving masses of Boches. "A few minutes later I received the message. `Both guns out of action, sir' I gazed round with a jerk, and 'there below me, sure enough, both gt�ns were knocked out. "The Bodies had begun another de- liberate shoot at the other guns, and. I could see' at a glance he was some- how observing his rounds, and 'cor- recting them for lino and range, and yet there were no Hun airplanes up aloft to do it. A marvellous mystery! I determined to go to ray guns and do my best to get them into action again, ao off I moved, dodggifag around the ancient shell -holes of 1916, jumping across old German treneh'es, gilled by Our Gama. of lead hardly gone bw'ezty yards leen I hear, a buzz quite close, thb 110oqf a rejd • toleplion4. I came Up 'bellh3d two hen hi khaki with the far (liar blue -and -white band of the 14%411 fligno1b Corps on their' fhig o dent ' he mon I had seen jg ' i6t circ �°azint>! outto �*ace the bd'4tei'tes oft t e 19 tl te o het buts hn quietly • aii�"i'oacied, Then x gPanite�i the s tuition, nth a running jump I leaped ppinfab oft the instrument yelled and ;lint of With one .flay under ono jaw and another on the back of the square hard head. "Gott in IIinamel!" came from the hard-headed man and a guttural groan from the other whose jaw, I had hit, who lay apparently stunned. "Then in a moment I was kicked in, the back, which sent me reeling. • "I picked myself up to find both Boches tearing away toward the road. They had some yards' start, but I gave ehase. One Stumbled and fell. I made a rush and before he could' rise I kicked as I never had kicked before —a regular, proper punt. That set- tled him, and on I went. "The other ran on, when suddenly he disappeared in ,a cloud of smoke and a deafening roar. We had run in front of one of our batteries. Fate doomed lie finish of one, but the other I had settled—with a hobnailed boot." •.r.. 1 Metric Money. This year may make history for the Mint, for Lord Southwark has just introduced a Decimal Coinage Bill in the House of Lords, says a London paper,If it be approved, Great Bri- tain will come into line with her al- lies, and will adopt their monetary rate of exchange. The simplicity of the metricsys- tem is not its only virtue. It is urg- ed—and reasonably—that trade with other nations' can be increased and friendly relations strengthened by,ne- gotiations in one universal ':money tongue," It is suggested that our present- day pound -note be divided up into thousandth parts, each to be known as one "mil." These "mils,' there- fore, will represent rather less than one farthing each. Higher rates of coinage, including four r silver and four bronze tokens—multiples of the "mil"—are also suggested, Certain British professions are already under the decimal rule, the metric system being installed in all branches of the medicine world, and also at the Me- teorological Office, where only two years ago rainfall was first register- ed in terms of the millimetre dnstead of the inch. Street Cars as Travelling Kitchen. An electric tramway car -belonging to the Halifax (Eng.) Corp., has been converted into a. travelling kitchen, It is equipped with an electrical out- fit capable of producing a thousand portions of food, and carries a tank holding 1,200 .gallons of water. Cur- rent for the stoves is obtained from the overhead wires. Meals can be served from either side of the car, and there is a cash office at each end. The kitchen may be run over any part of a system of 33 miles exactly like an ordinary tramway car. A Personal Duty. Every pound of food sai'ed by each Canadian citizen•is a pound given to the support of our army and our Al- lies. Every pound wasted or eaten unnecessarily is a pound withheld. :There is no one hest breed, Each standard breed has special qualities and particular values. Breeders do best with -the breeds they like best for their special purpose. You will agree that asatisfying cup of tea is"5eol'lomical at five cups for a tit) yet that is all t 1 e enttitte Salacli costs. tow-miceteas dccti- aliy east you more, for they yield fat; lose let the teapot and, of course, have not that delicious flavor. Two Useful Designs This is a very practical design for the one-piece apron. McCall Pattern No. 7935, Ladies' and Misses' One- piece Apron. In 8 sizes, small, medium and large. Price, 15 cents.. Crean 'Wanted sWE T OR CHURNING QREAM Wu supply esus, pay express oharsas and rentlt daily, Our price next week forty-eight eenttt HLna I D y R air Rad tlropnrOxy do, 743-e �ing jib, 'West . ToroaZo Poppies, I grasped my bowers to sen them fall apathey rt, Wind-blown and scattered at my feet lay; Too beautiful to last, their fragile lice A passing glory of -a summer day, Such sunset tints! Sticli silken leaves ' of gauze; Farewell, dear flowers, '' ye are my thoughts so bright Seen in the visions of my sleeping hours, Scatteredayld wightith, comingeof the world's Too sweet to last, the fancies that we weave; We guard them from a rude, destroy- ing breath; Tho Hand that fashioned your pure loveliness Shall give them to us bit the hour of death. 0-0-o 0 0 0 0 0 o WOMEN l IT IS MAGIC I LIFT OUT ANY CORN Apply a few drops , then lift corns or calluses off with 'a.. fingers --no pain.. o—o--o—o—o—o—o—o—o--:p--o—o—o Just thirvkl You can lift off ani' corn or cal- lus without pain or soreness A Cincinnati man discovered this ether compound and named it freezone. Amy drug- gist will sell a tiny bot- tle of freezone, like here shown, for very little cost. You apply a few drops directly upon a tender corn or callus. Instantly the soreness disap- pears, then shortly you will find the corn or callus so loose that you can lift it right off. Freezone is wonder- ful. It dries instantly. It doesn't eat away the corn or callus, but. shrivels it up without even irritating the surrounding skin. Hard, soft, or corns between the toes, as well as painful calluses, lift right off. There is no pain before or afterwards. If your druggist hasn't freezone, tell him to order a small bottle for you from his wholesale drug house. Hyacinths anti Itulips may he taken up as soon, its iihey aro t8trough glom/46- ,11W and heeled in, ill soma oirt of 111ha sway Place, where they May aipela. their ,bulbs, atlaratd's sjajnn:ent necd aretoialus An extremely good-looking dress that only requires four and one-quar- ter yards of forty -inch material. McCall Pattern No. 8049, Ladies' 44 bust. Price, 20 cents, These patterns may be obtained from your local McCall dealer, or from the McCall C,o„ 70 Bond St., Tor- onto, Dept. W. LEMON JUICE IS • FRECKLE .REMOVER, Girls! Make this cheap beauty lotion to clear and whiten your stun. Squeeze the juice of two lemons into a bottle containing three ounces of orchard white, shake well, and you have a quarter pint of the best freckle and tan lotion, and complexion beautifier, at very, bery small cost. Your grocer has the lemons and any drug store or toilet counter will sup- ply three ounces of orchard white for a few cents. Massage this sweetly fragrant lotion into the face, neck, arms and hands each day and' lee how clear, soft and white the skin be- comes. Yes! It is harmless. World's Costliest Necklace. It remains to be seen whether the pearl necklace ,to which so many wealthy society women are contribut- ing each a gem from their collection, and which is being sold for the bene- fit of the Red Cross, will establish a record as regards price for this par- ticular kind of trinket, says an Eng- Itsh paper. Probably it will, for its intrinsic value is certain to be very great, and this will be vastly enhanced by the associations connected with it, and which will render it an heirloom to be treasured for all time by its pos- sessor and her descendants. Up till now, the record price for a pearl necklace bought in the open market stands at 568,000, which was the sum paid for one of 240 pearls in Paris seven years ago. The highest price recorded in an English auction room so far is 524,000, paid for a three -row necklace of 108 pink pearls at Christie's in June, 1916. �. Tho biggest sum ever paid for .any kind of necklace anywhere was the £85,000 handed over by Cardinal do Rohan for the famous diamond one Which ho proposed to present to. Queen Marie Antoinette of France, Increase Your Acreage. DesWe the difficulty, we must pro ducd more food than we have ever done before. Sec apart all your land for stowing crops and plant as much w'hettt as you can. Plan to bring as "intoe& new land under cultivation for .another breis as j ospible and thus inn. crease ucrebge for nest year. It will be needed then just as much as now. Mtaard's raiment ziuebecmaa't 3 51555, Cut out all deadwood from black• berry and raspberry hushes if this has not been done. Burn the brush, k$SUE No,' 28—'18 Dry bread ` can be ground in the meant chopper and used in place of flour in making gingerbread-. , "Every man has a physical right to think as he pleases, for it cannot be discovered how he thinks. He has a moral right, for he ought to inform himself, and think justly."—Sam Johnson. MONEY ORDERS. A Dominion Express Money Order for five dollars costs three cents. How many slices of white bread can a family do without if a few more potatoes are on the table at every meal? LIM for Minard's and take no other. Buy now any farm implements re- quired for the present season. De- livery will necessarily be delayed in any case, and failure to order early may mean no delivery until the sea- son is over: ,Thc far Cer)icobs, Canadian farmers who grow corn wi.l be interested do the announce- ment that the United States liu5eall of Chemistry has discovered value in coa1cqbs Iithe1t4 thesehavebeen thrown away n I the a as of avec, y au In search for valuable extracts from neglected materials the chemists have. discovered commercial processes by which 371/4 por cent, of cobs can be made into glucose, 80 per cent, us- able mucilage, 6 per cent, cyloae, new baking powder material, and acetic rcld. If these discoveries prove pl'ac-" deal ander long tests Corn -growing will be greatly promoted, At the Yarmouth Y,M.C,A, Boys' Camp, hold at Tuaket Falls in Anaguet, I found MINARD'S LINIMENT moat benefielal for sun burn, an immediate relief for colic and toothache, ALFRED STOKES, General Secy. Everything that can be s=aid of live- stock improvement; can be said of potato improvement. Have a stand- ard variety in .your community; one that is adapted to your soil. Use the best seed obtained by selection and then give it good care. By doing this a market will come to you for all your potatoes. Your buyer will give you a premium for your crop if the whole community has the one brand of potato es. Seep Miaard's Liniment in the honso. In watering vegetable gardens care must be exercised not to wash out small plants. When strong plants are watered they should be web watered as simply moistening the top soil does as much harm as good. ,o,f.MSITi$ WR,NTOP I)0ItT11AIT AW'2N $ WANTINA rood print ii )1s111na a s eeleitY gr4mes Ana everything at lowest prloest gu ok service, UM tett Art Go., 8 diran/fi wivk Ave„ Toronto. s.0n d/tzf3 VTIO7'ap1Oz x N1 AYr9„ ? rsR... ser p !n New Ontario. Owner gains Franco. Will sell $2,000, Werth be that amountApply J, c/o Wllsgn Publishing Co;, Limited, Toronto, W191414EQUIPPED NE Ws1'A.PRRG and job printing plant 10 Eastern go for' 9Insurance QuickHale.`s OBeaW 1a Wilson Publishing co„ Ltd„ Terento. a'rssozzLArNIIorris -” i ADIES WANTED TO PO PLAIN( AJ and light sewing at horse, whole or spare time, good pay, work sent any' distance, charges paint. send stamp for Particulars. National irranutaotu,dng Company, Montreal ANGER, TUMORS, LUMPS, IMO.. ILI Internal and external, cured weft•' out pain by our home treatment. Write as before too late Dr.'Iietlman Medical Co,. LImttod, Collinewootl,Ont =JN. / Cott Takes out the inflammat on - tom burns, inflamed cum, scalds, bra' es, 011,0,8 and sugbern—piles and abscesses. Works like magic! Day a box—al deol°r,, or writ° us, rdlRnT REMEDY COMPANY. ((amnion, Canad The C use of Herat Trouble Faulty digestion causes the I generation of gases in the stomach which inflate and press down on the heart and interfere with its regular action, causing faintness and pain, 15 to 30 drops of mother Seigel's• Curative Syrup after meals sets digestion right,which allows the heart to beat full and regular. 9 Convenience The _AutoStrop Safety Razor is al- ways ready for use —the edge is uni- formly keen and it is a simple matter to keep it so. It strops, shaves and is cleaned without taking apart. This explains what' the AutoStrop as uni- versally used and liked bytheboys over. seas. Give your soldier an AutoStrop—it's the gift he needs. AutoSti'op Safety Razor Co. Limited 83.57 Duke St. Toronto, Cot. 52-1-1e FtEEP .YO Ul7 SHOES NEAT Farmers who ship their wool direct to us get better prices than farmers who sell to the general store. ASK ANY FARMER! who has sold his wool both ways, and note what he says— or, better still, write us for our prices; theywill show you how much you lse by selling to the General Store. we pay the highest prices of any firm in tliecountryead are the largestwool dealer in s Canada. col is re is i ed. mated the same day wool is received. Ship ttsyourmoolto-clay ou'witlbe more than pleased if you do, and are assured of a square deal front us. 2 H. V. ANDREWS 13 CHURCH ST., TORONTO 9, t NIL 9 pialASTIIIRII IU 8 MINUTES bM •• Eliminate, all suets ,work. Wog lisle, ill I , wholesome breed. X11 nolle, an,, wiI{;{;,l,lout /.• .troubtu, Save hour and boles non:erre ilte Notion's food R ' .1) • supply .` .. . Convenient, quiets --_� 'and clean—hands V do sol touch dough. t c f?eUverad all ehara°e paid to your Immo, or Ihtbunh rola dealer— font loaf too 53.751 eishtloaf oro $3.25. sato $3 e I T, 1N VT CO, The Soap to Cleanse. and Furry The Ointment to Soothe alio ilea These fragrant, super -creamy envoi- lints stopitciiingl clear the skin of pimples, blotches, redness and rough. ness,thescalpel it hinganddandruf, and the hands of chaps and soma. In purity, delicate medcation, refresh. i,ngfragrance, convenience and econ- omy, Cuticura Soapnd Ointment meet with the approval of the most discriminating. Ideal for every -day toilet uses. 1fi''r. anmplpc yAo�°rte �Yy mol p�Sd oe posE•oar t ! Dliioughnstbtrl?4OE,11B,AI"141tiat HO RS. BOYD MOOED A OPERATION Canton, Ohio.— `I suffered from a female trouble which caused me much suffering, and two doctors decided that I would have to go through an operation before I could get well. My mother, who had been helped by1 Lydia kl.Pinkham s Vegetable Com,, pound, advised me. to try it before sub:' mMing� to an opera tion. Itrelieved me; from my troubles so I can do my house work without any difficulty. I adv se any woman who is afflicted with female troubles to give Lydia E. Pinkham'5 Vegetable Com$ pound A trial and it will do as much for them," --Mrs. Manna Bost), 1421.611; St N. II, Canton, Ohio.' Sometimes there are serious condi tions where qa hospital operation is th� only alternative, but on the other handl -so many women have boon cured y it famous root and herb remedy, Lydia D Pinkhmn s Vegetable Compound, afte' doctors have sold that an operation watt ,,necessary --every woman who want* to avoid an operation should give it e,' fair trial before submitting to such en trying ordeal. If complications exist, write to LydiaE. Pinkham . ss. for advice, Thieeresult iine of many year experience ie at yourrvtce 'arn s , , Gilarrfirr8:10111A�1.