The Clinton News Record, 1918-1-31, Page 5January .3141, t9.1 Clinton News -Record J.ACK$ONS Great Moving Sale Third Week The Big Side is and • the' opportunity for saving is replete with bargains ! It's simply our way of averting the,necessity of carrying these lin- es . to another season, and of closing out our lines before moving to our. own store. If you've ever attended one of our clearing sales you'll know what a Big Saving means ! If you've not ---come and learn 111 We have enough of -last week's offerings for - another week's sell- ing. ing. Your oppprtunities are getting fewer. Make your selections . NOW! and ` you will have 'no "Regrets." Ladies' cushionette, lace, Bell Quality, tutu soles. Regula price $4,90. S a 1 e $2.-95 price 'Ladies"Relindo kid, button, rub- ber heel, . cushion, welted. Regular price _:4.00. Sale lLJ66�� 7 5 price • Ladies' Viei kid,• blucher, flexible,McKay, sewed. Regular price $3.00. S a 1 e $2.25 price ' Men's Russia call',_ lace, Bell. Quality, welted, Regular price $8.00. S a I :e $3a 98 price e�7 qct Ladies' G. M. and kid, lace, Hagar _shoes, welted. Regular price $4.00. Sale $2.90 price Ladles' gdfr,metal, lace, some all - Cale, some cloth top, Regular price $3.60. Sa-1e price X2.35 Ladies'patent calf, 1ace Cuban n heels, McKayWelt. Regular price $3.50. S a 1 e' Qe price $ 2 • V Ladies' Ind, lace, common sense, low heel Regular, p.xine $9,90, 5 a 1 e price c2, 4Q • A few pairs are left of last week's offering's in Mefl's Shoes. The prices are attractive. The styles are good. Qualities the best. Get into thenal while the going is good • There is no investment that can be made that will: pay you such a handsome dividend .as a shoe investment- made here right now. THE' ARMS ARE. CASH. NO GOODS •. ALLOWED ON APPROVAL, 4', ED JA:CKSON\ actical, Shoeman�'' a L oncion .Road Al's, and Mrs. C.iai`eiice Cole of Sandusky, mioh;, 119•ve been visitini; Councillor. I-iaaley mat fancily the Ms. Lrver ole Spout the pad, pgst few 'days. fele del% as `the guest or his dough - Was Ethel Lane is. V isittrrg her sis- ter, MYlrs. Harrigan of Luoan. Mrs. McKnight, "Sr,, was a week. end visitor with Clinton friends, Mr, frank Bona and family of Welt salt visited over Sunday with _lie. and Mrs.Roger Pepper, prior to their departure for the west. Mr. Ni, V. "Edwards of Souris, Man., called on friends •here cturing ths;past week, h number of the young people en- joyed a Pleasant evening oil ,li'ririay' at the" fiomn of Mr. Joseph Lisch. 'Knitting bees seem to be the ;order f the � e d� Y hereabouts. Arany a dol Merle feet will be the more eons lortahle for the_lndustre of the", women. Deep sip the good work, ladies, " Tlie Leagher met again at the home 'o>;.Mr. G. 13. Hanley .on Tuesdayev- ening when the Rev. W. 13. Moulton of Clinton gave an illsatrated talk on "Some of the .Wonders of .the. World." ' Mr, and Mrs, : Cole, sen- tributed to the musical part •,ofthe program and a very pleasant hour was spent. . The League extxtptive are much ifulebted to Ma. ,'Moulton for leis 'assistance on the two last oc- casions, his slide's not being bene for last meeting iwe came himself -and contributed •ixi inane ways to the success of the gathering. Zurich _ Nisi ida Ortwein hes returned Irma a visit with Pronto friends. Mrs. Winkenwetter of the west fit visiting htr • mother, Mrs. E. Ran. elle. Mr. Fred Teickbeil of Cando, N D , 1s home on a visit tc _ his, parents, Mr. and Mrs; J. 1. 7lielchell - Mr. S. E)lpfer anis family have tak- en up their. residence at Faylield. , Their Zurich friends wish Mem p os- perity in their new home. At the meeting of the Police Trus - Mees iVI•r. Andkew Hess was appoitr t- ed chairman for ‘the year and Mr. 3'. Hess, Sr., secretary. It was decid- ed as' a general policy their. work which -is not absolutely necessary shall he shelved for this year as there will likely bo .many calms for Rod Cross and Pattie -4e ttie.k, Prior to his removal Mae the neighborhood where he has resided 'so long, Mr. C. Schoch was present- ed with au appreciative address and a bible by the Sunday school of Ev- angelical -church, vangelical-church, 3-Iay. ,dr. ,check has been an official member of the .church for_ over twenty yea's and Stanley school superintendent for :seven ,and the removal rf himself and family from the Conn uli.ty is considered a keen lass. • ;Mrs, Ed, Drake and daughter, Miss Mildred:, of Enchant, Alta.., axe guests at the home of Mrv, i Clarke, Mr. Peter Lamont has returned, from a stay in Torciato. Marriages BItODIE-SHAW-1n Seaforth, no Jan, 23rd, by Rev.-, Dr„ Larkin, W111iazft Brodie of Woodrow, Sask., to Bertha A. Shaw of Sealorth, ,NICHOLSON-McBLRNEY to Sea- forth, bn Jan. 18th, by Dr, F. H. Larkin, Arthur A. Nicholson, of Tuckersnlith, to Catharine Mc- Kenzie *Burney of Seaforth. Births DO'HERTY-In Clinton, on Jan. 30th, to Mr. and Mrs. J, 17. Doherty, (lila-tighter, Mary Agnes CUTT-In Uoderich, on January 21st, to NII, and Mrs: J. Calvin Cutt, •-' twin sons. :,11-ftla'AY-In Carey township, on Jan. ,1.3tli,-to Mr. and Mrs. Roderick McKay, a daughter. ARMSTRONG -In Tuckersmith, ou Jan. 18th, to Mr. and Mrs. Rainey Armstrong, a sou, ROBERTSON' -In Goderiob, on Jan,._ 10th to Mr. and Mrs, 0, M. • Robertson, a slaughter. « Deaths IRV1NG-Iii Clinton, on Jas, 27th, t'ohn Irving, aged .69 years. IIOO;G'Ifl--In London, on ,Jan, 10t1i, Sarah ifmilfire Sunclareook, wife.l of Mr. Olin 0, Hooper. LYON -At Lonitesboro, .oa Jen, 20th,. Joseph Lyon, aged 90 years and la days. • The funeral will take, placeonFriday aftcrt>.00n, ser- vice iii the Methodist church at 2 o'cioelr, 1nterinent in Longo- ' baro,ecmetery, McTCAY-In Philadelphia; on Jan. 10th, William McKay, brother of MY. Adam .McKay :01 Seated)), aged 37.yeare. ARMSTRONG -4n 'ruekersmfth, on Jan. 21st, Arthur. Wheatley,in- fant sen of Me: and Mrs, Rainey Armstrong. v;4 WA'I'SON)-Tn loving memory of, the late Robert ,Watson of l3rucefreld, who died on1'February 4th,, 1916, -Wife and family. (HOUSE FOj,t. SALl1,,- 13 It 1 0 K home) with all modern conveniences, also geed stable, mance ltiltten- htrry and W111iaiii streets. her Heelers apply to Urs, .1, i'witeholl onthe premises. -20 t. 0, 1... N0. 129 WILL 1101,D A box social' at «thclr Lodge rooms, 111;0 eon, Cloderlch toW ship, on Friday evening; Feb. I.Silt boors open sharp at 6 n'elock. Part of brocee45 wilt go for Patriotic put polos. 26•-2 1 DRESSMAKING, ' a- THE MI8808 O'Connor are prapared to (10 drast- malcing Acct pilin sowtog at, trier lrquto on Cutter street, IIO0J3i FOR SALE -ONE OF '1'klil. meet desirable residential ptePet• ties in the towel of •Clinton, .1cnowri as, the 'I'aylll'r cottage,-Appl)9 to' fl•eo.1inoLeanae, r 26 MAM72 BUILDING POlt SAL1l; Building 10 x •24; all taken dove ants in aro class condition, For a ticular p 1, s apply Bart Nott, Lon desboro P.O., Phone 28-1.8. lliy) 1? Central. 26-9 COTTAGE FOR SJ ' )l -I RAT- tenbui'y -meet, wed , 0 :rooms and pantry, good' cistern, town water and electric lights; Good stable and garden.: Apply to W. 'V, Henry, Clinton: -20 APPLICATIONS WILL BE RECIaIV- ad by the Corporation of the Town of Clinton up .10 0 o'clock- p.m., on • Friday; Feb, 1at, for the follow1ng offices and at the salaries stated : Clerk, 2850 ; Preasurer, $180 i Con- stable and,•, tax collector, $500 ; Night Coustable, $450 ; Cemetery Supt., $550. Duties to commence.- • on Fell. 150 1918, and to con - Mime for one' year• or sech other time as the council shall deter- mine.--D, eter mitre.. D, I,. Macpherson,Clerk. 25-2 THE ANNUAL MELTING OF THE 'Huron. County Stock Show will be helot in the council chamber, Clin- ton, on Saturday) afternoon, Jan. 20th,„ -at two. o'clock • All -inter- ested aro asked to attend. this meeting: 252 HOUSE FOR SALE -7 -ROOMED Nouse on Maple` street, town water, also house and lot on Mill street. For particulars apply. to George R. Taylor, • -25 NOTICE TO CREDITORS• -IN THE Estate of Melinda Jackson, deceas- ed. -Notice is hereby gigen that all persons having .elaims, against the estate of Melinda Jackson, late of the town of .Clinton, in 'the Coen-. ty of-Fruron, widow, deceased, who died on or about the 19th day of December, 1917, are required to de- liver to William Jackson, the ex- ecutor of the said estate, or his solicitor on or before the 51i1 day of February, 1918, a full statement Of their claims together with par- ticulars thereof and• the eatere of the securities, if any, held, by them all duly'verifed. by a0ldavit. And take notice that after the said last mentioned date the said executor will proceed to distribute the es- tate of the said deceased amongst the personsentitled theretro; hav- ing regard only to such claims as he shall. have received due notice and in accordance therewith. Dat- ed at Clinton this 12th day of January, A.D., .1918.-W. Brydone, ,C"Linton; Ont., Solicitor for the said executor. " - 24-3 THE Kiddies Like It Tryi our Edwarcisburg Corn Syrup, Just the same as you buy in pails only you are not paying for the pails. Bring your, own pail or jar and we will fill it at 10 _cents per lb. • • SPECIALS Qood cooking teens '13 10c. per ib, Mince meat IC 2 lbs. for 55c, Glauber cattid salts Ice Sc per lb. 3_ only hand made cedar tubs, ex- tra well made to clear l $1.75 each. •Market baskets i 26e each. HHIGHEST' PRICES FOR PRODUCE • Johnson S& Co. The Store of Quality. Phone orders promptlycared for. PHONE 111. Fat ,SAG17,-'Ott ALI3I1)1VT AT1,i101'l' a seveit roornetl eottage, 1,lectrje 11'ghta i s0ig awl town water kitchen, For pfr tieulars apply to T. A, Cretg,•- mo18. SQUARE TIMBER FOR SALli1-4 nu;nbor 01 pieces of square titnbel, auitable for repairing ox for ndw building. Suer,- front 9 to 1.2 iia+ elms square anis from. 20 to 6;4 --t1, long,-„A,ppi11 to News4Recorct 01 flee.. - -24 I'ARIYL FOR SALE -LOT LOT 25, IIUIt- on Road, 1,uckeramith, • eontairnng 98 aores, with buildings 8' of par- tiegh 59 apply to It, W. Gihbings R. It,. No, 4, Clinton. c -R7 YOURJOLO'I'7[i2S CLEANED RE - Paired and Pressed and at the allotted possible :notice,' Both Lad - Ms' and Gentlemen's -clothes. We u ra tee g a n to do good work. I am prepared to French Dry Clean Ladies Suits, Gent's Sults and all kinds. of Woolen clothing. including Sweat- ers, etc. Ali orders promptly( at- tended to, All. over Johnson's jewelry, els fo w y, S re, VJm ; J; Jago'. -00 GIRLS- WANTED ! • .WE CAN GIVE EMPLOYMENT TO Al FEW MORE " KNIT- TERS, ETC. APPLY AT ONCE. Clinton Knitting Co. LIMITED. LIYE POULTRY WANTED every week. Highest market price paid. ' W. MARQUIS Phone 14-166 Ft, R. No. 1 Selected Potatoes Wanted ! ' tor Immediate' delivery. We take them any day. Highest market price • paid. We want . them before cold spell comes. JAS: STEEP & : Co. Box 192 , Phone 128 THE COONEO STORE Live and Let Live Eat Fish. at Least - - Twice a Week We are asked to conserVe food and help the Allies. There is no better way than this. Food will be the turning point of, the` war. • it is the duty of all to save non-perisliable foods. By. eating fish you are helping to win the war, • Fish is a delightful and economical food. _ You will be surprised what now zest it will gime to the menu. Here are a few_.,varieties to choose from : - Cod Steak, . Finnan Haddock, Fillettd, Salmon Trout, White Fish, halibut, Herring, Fresh Water Herring in brine,. Butter' and eggs wanted --highest priues cash or trade, - E. YE, HUNNIFORD HEADQUARTERS FOR p11011014S The eheapest also the best maeh.ine ort the market, ranging in prices iron'; . W,00 to $250.00, Needles and records always ou hand. Herr IrH= JOHN O iti'iwelet; att'd Op IIeiali Issuer of Marriage Lieehses, - (Nett to •flovey's Drug 13tore) aaa LET US LOAD some of our baled 'hap and feed on our truck the next time it is going in your direction, which VIII belvery. soon. Just al au experiment :we ask ydu to try them on your horse for a white„ If it doesn't resutt in your becoming a steady customer for' our bay and feed we miss our guess, Once used always a user , has Well our exnericned, 'W. Jenkins & Son. l I,6Utt. AND 11f ED; Phone 100, I1igheat pried paid fort MAW and Woof, Elevtitar4 fiestdaute phohti 1144 acarom Have you ever tried Macaroni in bulk,? Large, bean tiill i quality nsade in Italy Sold by the pound• --:t will not last long - To O'Neil - The. Nub Grocery • CREAM WANTED Wo will buy your cream and guar- antee you - HIGHEST. PRICES ACCURATE RECORD. PROMPT RETURNS• ENTIRE. SATISFACTION Write us for cans. We supply' them. Pay express charges:` Pay you for the cream you slab twice each -month. Carefully weigh', sam- ple and test each can and send you a statement. Write; today, prices. are high, Agents : - Wa1ton awe; G. Real . • Isinburn-Haff & Co. Varna -Beatty Bros. Tn4 Seaforth Creamery Co. Box 486 SEAFORTH, ONT•, LOGS WANTED ! ,We are again prepared to pay the highest spot cash prices for all kinds of timber, either fa bulk or by, the(thousand, and either in the bush or delivered in our yard, It you have anything to offer call, up the old reliable market (11-145)• We are getting out some of our home 'grown .Hemlock which is better and cheaper than the freighted stuff, so if contemplating any new build- ings; or repairing, let us help you plan your work. Our services .,are free. We also have in stock all kinds of Dressed Lumber, McNair Brand Shingles,Canada Cement, and Buf- falo Fertilizer, J. B. MUSTARD BRUCEFIELD. WANTED NowIL'aid Eggs Fancy prices are being 'paid for strictly new laid eggs at our -poultry plant. 'Bring your eggs to us and get the ready, cash, LiVE Pou!try Wallted' Highest prices will be paid for large quantities of live' Poultry that will be required to meet ,the increasing de- mand due to meatless daps. , Potiltryi taken the first three days of each 'week during the winter months..• Bs good to your flock of lions this year and help production. This is patriotic work and, at the same time helping peer own _pocket. 'GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. CLINTON N. W. Trewartha, Phone 190 , Manager or 1-Iolmesvilte 4 on 147 Plumbing, Heating and A Tinstnithing A. second-hand wood furnace, in good repair, for sale cheap, THOS. HAWK{INS. Agent for Iiecla Furnaces Sliiop over nowlabA'$ 7Inrtiwar.., PHONE 63, . ri