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SV13$CRlFT10N RATO IN CANAI?A r y I. F-77"'_.' . ' ,' I I 11 I I I , . .1 . ��.
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Tliree 111alitlls . , , , , , , $ 0 , SIJIBaf: A
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-If not,pald ill adYalleal PLO per iLlant1r11 ' � tdujted Still , , , „, , , , , , , , , , ...
France .
�,,, .. , , 2,40
. f office Qhone 30. ' . T H 4 C L I N T O N N E W K R A, a' Thursday, l7amiriber, 4411, 19191
I I House Phone 95.
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If, ,��r Wei. Surfaces C eat }plproveil
ToMake tile SiOC}C }lit { et (} About fifty-elg'Itt years ago file utriln- e " 1 ivv , Ap ' °' mrmsr,t,c,ia+* ,
, e Y moth clock on Westnun5wr tower, f . "t 4.
by 'rile f1}'BlI1S, LIFELONG
CO"untrate', . London, was started and si'nc'e then m � �'� � i
d° iV n each of its hands Ingsl have coYerad a 7 s A 0 a,iv
. . I r,, „ wtni ;,•,a`n OnIT. by Xcepiug Individual ,ItNlh; , _ e , ..
Roughage fund finals Cfve distance close 'n» to 5,800 attics. "' i,j '
lit, v g f}tlfi 'tn¢ yr
,E�'ts, r5, ,l, Accords Cati th Unit-yuuto I< Foed Anr3 u DQngeroua 0 eration b the a an(I a � ,. 'I'llis vruutads .nstq,unding at :first, but -. ,L
�4i? Pqr ` Operation, y Ration, [tut I i.odnt.tlr n pa• is not meredtble• {viten we, know the 9 eo' ,w; w" `
y.+�t.r y f'� a L:>:„,' Out A11..19is UupcoflfnqulG (;arts— }eking ERUl1-A-TliWE� pends URon Che Clrnins, l411i1-t'cerlw relntiv sire I w,„” ;.eta �,+"i ' , v'
eAN!` - r ^.:..cJ M , 14Southly Milk Record Sheets {Sale My t , t ui tto dalls slid figures <:!,';i•.'1^` t
,,,, ”, l> % n,,i' itt:,•t ,:Q" rild Wilcaltes, I of this gatmt clock aY Big Beit," 1'he J�IAbE
,. ..t 1.+•ulhrlshQd 1rr'ce. •Y;;s,J. fCnntributed by l7ntnrin ISenn:rtmentn?. + tittll5_:u•e Itp }CSS than 22 1-2 feet Ilii ! +�`3s�s� SV �)�y .� 1 } i' t
• ii- (0onrtrlbuted by Ontario ue arGaient or e 'eh1 Agrloulturp,'Turun,n.) 1 across and consequeintly'each presents GANAp iI- �f� ? ,•iu �'
s -r Abrleui.ure. Toroni±,) y, ag' a. a surface of nearly 400 Feet .to the. + J tel .i ,r;+ x'' `On*nrn:wonWn
i'e s provide a new t'•r i t mr-nt ,.
p A I ANY people forget t tat a
enub,hs, cotes ,art t. lilt ni t;, t>, 1.,, I tr eros a, of hillsides and 1, world. an figures n then) are two j f
hen requires fails rtthror � feet long and Ilte omnia s ,ti.es one J, ,J ���� tll�
t»v;ir, urz 2iti„s t, 1.ieti? t, .,.. , �^ ': p" 1
Tthe flooding of the laud' be- r a. a than grain .in order.to he in ' foot square, I Qi
11 .
froxn fine �•±:t :cars uirrl xr.r.-farm:{ � n passing Duce around
essences, 'Si ace, i±ut tarn low by -the eroded matoriai .kd':i:. r, good health and to lay.. � the face, therefore, ilia minute hand "'- _
»aoutli tLesn u ' - i' 7 ::ria.::• has long been a worry and if I covers a distance of sixty feet 'and in MEDALS FOR Ytl {��j(' Qj� '
s.,a s ? All -grain rations are neither Hou- th course of a year covers uearl a00 O"'v"' `+'tO
-eats tt n intra hrit4;n n , r•e, s 3r>t e y -_- ,
a� an economical 'loss to many farmers duenve to health at, a miles, These hands are copper tubes n� �+ 1
`vtalch fir: brcatr, .., t; a .t s n £g production. 1pflO1RER� OE HE-ROES
I &iL yy
togt,e lnnr r, tl r, ut ant u.,,,• 3. 1 in hilly and mountainous sections, Y i At' times when hens have the run Dill and are attached to sloid gunmetal S i on Co.
^` ` the'stables and the ;rs,rds,, tr+gethpr stalks." Each hand, together with the
tubes. ",4'h l'rrs trrrrinrot This ,can frequently be prevented, sf _
dir:?ct, $s:•olio++ i'.,: xu c , z <?"'' weights attached for balancing purposes
b and uiethud eiuployed depends on `ria fig, a �: with house scraps, they do verywell, g g p p ses-��..o.
tures irt,; U:a s' i, ' a ' , x „ weighs nearly' two hundredweight. l `hi the House of Commons last March
allmests and drs(,::,trs me f.) • `tc ilia eanditiogs existing, such as the sit." ,.; a owing to the Pact that am opportrnity Ill site of their great vet h ' g - the Minister f M' Mr, {ober( Black, Of '1'uriberr .
and fon!,s, i� ,r..t,,•,;; 4, ( nature of the soil; light. or heavy,
e i , Is given thena to pick tip hits of ' p g weight t and error o tithe, lion, S, C. urnberry,
s r ` clover leaves, roots, .,md such lute onus sweep the Iinuds are wonderfully Mewburn, aw0unced that memorial east of Biuevale has sold his farm io
revrlu#ivaix,ing, t1aG rrctst rat !�-I i (.lie steepness of the siorie, an'd the f `.. .. �.` v < s , + regular- tests show that the cluck does
ooldii anti their prier if, ;i • ,it ! type of agriculture practiced; Pasture MRS. M. J. GORSE . material' not vary a second !n a week, crosses would be 'vranfetl to the moth-
. Ills nephew, Mr. Pleating Black, also of
reacii of I. All deabare, s'.i. b'• x. A certain amount at' meat foods i8 I ers and wives of Caiiadin!t soldier • k'il- Turnberry. The new propreltor will
� Send te, stain± rr. i. R3.!;'llZ1.1Y L or tilled crops. 8028 Union St„ Vancouver, B,C, essential In biller Co produce the I rhe clock itself is a huge mass of s n
1.PAC KAf3F. FVeC hillsides need as•sUoep pas- "Isuffo;edwi1ha11 the Symptoms white of the eggs. Too mueti qP such , +Metal ,weighing between fn4een and led in action. The regulations vrhich are take possession next March, Mr. Black `
Leel is apt to cause trouble Willi the sixteen tons, Its diameter Is nine feet to govern the distribution of these I is now looking for a smaller farm,
=.VNAt°+k:a±i M— w,Vita-e:�Ete "- -•'t Lures rnuy bo much improved by what oflocinaloTrouble,withohroniftCon general digestion of the bird:, Did (lie metal is 8 3-4 inches thick, ineinOriai crgsses as now made public Mr. John E. Hontuth hits sold his.
are sometimes called "sheo)-drains.` stipation and constant FIea[laehes.. 1lifllt ps,a dr'i'nk, is, without doubt, the winding of the clock, without are extended to include soldiers and 100 acre farm on 4h'
BIRDS IN PALESTINE, These •ire merely shallow, open I had pains lots down in the back and the best afilnud feed known, It gives the stricking mechanism, occupies sailors who served In the Canadian nav- 10th D.
-•', �- ditches about 30 inches wide on top, sides of rho body. Z tried vnrionc the best results when sour, When twenty minutes, The striking mechau- at or military forces, or. who having °F 1'urnberry to Mr. John D, McEwen
remedies without relief, and then ,u birds are accustomed to it the will Ism is wound twice weekly, requirivs beau resident in Canada on Au August q of Grey Township,
Swarms of European birds visit Pales- nine inches wide on the bottom, and put y idmost a day for the'duf g s g P, a former n•ell known
a ihes s wide removing the sur- myself under a doctor's care and he not take too mulch, ' y. The wet his 1914, served in the naval or military resident of the 1st line of Morris, The
tine in winter and man breed there,' , Beef scrap and high grade tankage are about 1 t tons and the shaft forces of His Majesty or any of his all- I r
Y advised me to have an Operation. , Z inl.which the move;u . and down Is 17•L ' nes. I Price paid was $6,500. Mr, McEwen
The cranes, as in Dente's fine line:, still Pace avatar, and curry it in a deft- P are used very extensively on large Y P `
pass the winter "trailing their long- I'nfte eharinel to a suitable outlet at refused. poultry plants` where milk is .not Afeet dee , Tile pendolu ill
weighs more The cross will be issued only to the I will get Possession the middle of next
drawn lime across the sky," and in the the bass of the hill, The removed Than, I started taking fruit -a- available. These are mixed with hundredweight. and nneasurrs widow of a married soldier or ,sailor, March.
spring the voice of the turtle is heard tves'; and from the outset, r felt ground grain, generally In the tiro. fourteen feet five inches in length.- and' to lire mother of an unmarried sol- I Trustee Stothers of Dungannon, re-
p g e earth shoald be thrown out on the b
in tine land: better, and this medicine has completely portion ail fifteen to twenty Per cent, ; dier or sailor. "file preparation and ex- I ported having invested tine funds of the
lower sla to Ym'm a sort of em- For the general purpose breeds the + amination of des{ ns and other details West Shure Railµ•a • in Victor Bunds
The Holy Land is appropriatelyfaintly;
ur a relieved me of all my mssery and former amount is sufficient. Breeds, ' have been Completed, tint it Is expect -j y Y
$1 y of ile di h ho drain, The rade Fdating Dizzy Spells I bearing 5 % per cent, by order of the
stronghold of the pigeon fanill ; turtle f g , suffering. My weight was only 198 such ae Leghm•ns will make good use ' 7� ed that issuespwill commence to be
doves are found, the wood pigeon I of the ditch should not be an steed;' pounds and now it, is 168 pounds. I of twenty per cent, of ,]neat scrap to c • made within the two weeks. The 1 Railwa Commission. Goderich' share
comes !n myrafds.in winter, and the as'to give lite Water,sulficient force the ration. Weakness incl cross Which is an inch and a is approximately $SO,G25; Ashfield,
common Pigeon, the, true dove of ' am free ofpain and headaches and the
P t'o ll.sir°y the drain by either wash- Cooked butchers' meat, green cut quarter
Scripture, is still abundant, both wild' Ing away tho banks or digging Clue terrible Constipation; and what saved bone, cooked beef head, lunge liver, square, n u silver, beautifully design- tied$16with
Each municipality was cred-
and tame, throug'haat the country, As = ui_t t 1 r;,, sad lhtts nnulung in0 from mi cry ]s the sPJepdfd Trutt etc. are all ver Dort feed air' ma `�hel t19eS5,�f �i�ea�h' ed and includes as features, I. crown {ted with its sh;tre.
a contrast to these,"every raven after it ::c::�:'.•5::,5'fa: Lhe zIncep and-f.a:nt•s T r ,t y g 5 y n: »•«.a ='i" and royal cipher, the maple leaf and The fine farm of Lewis Whitfic;d,
I medicine, rot -a -lives "� _ De tLd. In a mariner stroll, r to 0teitl �, shout a mile West of Ethel, has been
. his kind;" the crony tribe of every spec- Sub -drains are sonneti:nc:c neceiisaty, r , ,_,. , the laurel, it will be engraved with
MRS, Hf'. T. raoRm, I siren. msn.-.9 r.;.,,.91.r4'r &!tIr,7;1t,,,_ sold to Air. Earl, of Howick, for the
nes is in at)unid,^,ncC, amt birds of prep, i',_ . nr: -,n Al, t rrarirR Is gaiter , , e e "eo Je tLinli that becamse a ; Those feelings of fnintngt?a, thoea dizay the name, rank and number of the ' u n f 4
from the great griffon vulture, the"eng- un.fv:.:faaiy neat to proid"at desgi'iie- 60c, a bo,c, G for $2.60, trial size 2l)e, P P . shells and "all gone' sinking sensations I soldier commemorated Only one cross ii t o - 7,300, purchaser gets pnsses-
fe" of Scripture' to the sparrow hawk I five waaheuts oil hillsides. Tho ter- A$ all tl J6rs or sent postpaid b I little of meat feeds are good, nlare which come on from time to time in- Will be ISStlgll is respect to ec:'i sol- I start next March,
P p P pan Y I rvoc d be better. Experience has I dier or sailor.
are a feature of the country. (races are made perfectly level,and Fruit-a-tives Limited Ottawa Ont, �' andel a tiered tae°r{du nog of the heart The home of Gen. Hannon, 7th line,
in the deep, tropical Jordan Valley we I o'f any width and then carefully seed- r shown that such is not the case. Too and disordered state of tNe Native
Pi, "� ave I ti tt widow or mother, hitv]u been I Morris Township known as the Read -
(much often causes serious trouble, I Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills have entitled to the meuurria:d, hus gsubse- t man farm )vas destroyed by fire on the
boll n sort of o variety of real tropical I ed to grass, s the time of rain the One of the by pr0dticts of lite mining Green foods are essential far o uta g y morning of the 14th !list, supposed
birds, wh[ch found there a refuge from +water spreads out overtly over the I h-alth and fon• economy. A hen 9 • l=rl I for I lj,11gthenin the heart and queuti died, the cross will be issued
of tungsten ore In China has been the I nhvigorating i t8'iievves. to tine eldest of her next -of kin, 'lie to have caught from pipe upstairs.Mr.
the last glacial epoch- the lovely little iv�f, w,ol re -awl then Iow,s gni_;. I should have all the teen feed slue
sun bird, or "Jericho humming bird," ( ly ov-1 the sL,ne bel°`'a• without Et _ff• production of bismuth, which is being vdill consume, A certain awount i J I . Nilra, C, A, S. Disko,' Pajis, Ont., issue is designed to include idiosa who and Mrs. Harmon were at the barn at -
the land -feeding, white -breasted k!n out force to wash awn any .portion exported to increasing J t I tending to the chores at the time.
g- ( y g qutuntites, .ai- sulky, succulent green feed she will ,w'r'ites:-' I. have used on towards the were killed• in action, or who died, on Little vvns saved from upstairs. There '
fisher ',tail a species of gregarious of, Ute hill find thus prevents ready exceeding 10 per cent. of the consume. Such feed Is usually fairly second box of Milburn's Heart and ,'active service, or Who died, or dies, p•
thrush, a "gttlleying," world's supply. inexpensive. Where birds are not fed 1 Nerve Pills and find they have done I frons causes attributable to war service, was 8500 insurance on building and
. On the coast is found the great) Far the di-.gc of titled hillsides any green feed, in the course of time
I me good. rI had those fainting, dizzy I previous to November it, 1920. $500 on contents in the Howick Mun-
fishing owl, and among the rocks a system of 'under -drainage le soli;- they become unthrifty, lay poorly and spells once s a while, and also would
see I The minister of militia is to be conn- aunt. It is a hard blow to the family
of Marsaba the monks have half -tanned times dscd successfully. The anio,ml, PIMPLES end BOILS moreover, the eggs from such birds and shortness of breath, and would ba , mended for issuing these nlemoria+ as Mr, Harmon was only Setting nicely
of a•osiom of the land lar I co so choked up at times I could ' crosses in honor bf our beloved and started. He is a returned soldier who
the orange -winged f African
which is ghe ui w>•a�^�- pgny, lianas are very low in hatching hard] sleep without sitting ui,in bed. suffered from gas.
vends en its co:ulition. If t.ltea s:u- Y P b I heroic Canadian dead. Not are of them
really a starling of Afriasn type, x. , t1 �^ F¢1r P19arIy 41PJ0 V08fS, Lower, - When walking too fast I wouk have to but Was a« hero, and endured• hardship
much out o! his latitude as the hyrax, ace si , n- k- t firm the orosloa"'f > xperienCe has ahowu that eats I
Viii i) ' i ':iii -jib s on r' - of .�N-' o�Y ,- {I{ when properly sprouted are a most atop and try to enLcL my tirchlh. I I and 5uflering nF which the hunn,ap
One of the birds peculiar to Palistiue I n iii -. -- -., -feel a lot better since I have used.�y'cur franne was hardly thought ca able sand.' r9O�ss, �i2t)" s)Er"r0
the pretty little pigmy ,54aUite sparrow, tia°'ti;h, frrqu.:ntly or: df as Vi hen p'trq,lcs and })ails aptiear On the excellent Feed. The hens are very
which lives in reed beds, is one of the a ''-•silt bf : e _:ta tv" n"- rirl5l ubovg {ace and hod it afros es i£ the akin pills and know that they leave helped roc i P � rn � f
I y fond of them and the value of the wOnderfull as I have im roved very ParFaruned feats of incomparable valor ;9„'a w,e c*.,u h+ntrxhatirrurd,.
rarest birds in the world. I r:li'ch into 1” ee[tt1 ilia surf2ee is the Beat of tLH trouble. but the real oats lag a feed 1s good. That is, the n- y-.. _ p :l oil the fields of honor, which wait im- - ,rte" Teiresur•iia_vrsurntes tr,e while
mlleh. nervanA ovntem, malice new nloani
Reptilias abound, and Sven the Nile s'aa an' ernL�d' a tr::pervflnus layer disenst,e In.the blood; sprouted oats reduce the grain feed Price 5Qc. a box at ail dtalrrs r:r Perishat':e renown fur, their ,,al i,•e iaud, la old Veins, r,ereA Nei nor,z
crocodile, the leviathan of the Bible 0- -rr d Rdct. o ilio snrfte ; Ey LUUUt:e t.d. ointments may allay the consumption equal to clic pounds of mailed direct on receipt tf l,rice by The : +tad immortal vlory fit themselves. The Debilitil Dfentat aatd Btiain hVe,mv, L ox -
t " troutle iol a while, bill, set jam If ever T. Milburn Co., Limited Toroafo, Ont. g e tenet, foss of temopv, Paiao 31 per ox Ilia
lingered long enough to give Tris' I t: •' silo of il:e tali.. Water flowing oats sprouted and one gains the i .- debt of ratitud which the country uric•, h(jasn libie rut, Price $scion oz, sia
ani "i"`r , 1
the chin a of obtaining a sns•:„a4ii antic , over t; cs wiult.eousiderable force will c;fi Lave to grt under the skin get creased palatability of .the oats, as 1 awes to these brave men cannot be suit- for $5. Sold pt .f
Iv f2 feet long i hfle it naturr._:y wash la. away more 'easily ave rv-h;ch is tl:r. cause oft tilt well as the value fron3 the greens. ( ,; ably expressed, or adequately capsid, wc,o. Tellw” itld����nIjtedfrr e, THEMtuxl
Y atidlli0iu to the at tl,e b c rvri t' v
,^'r1SS snake anti,;, " timin ia:a )i. ui,ar Buil free 'ti•omi this Thin -loafed' greens contain one of j�1�4, �,��jp'�a''�TTyyt,ii�j �g� pp ���•e gyp' but this beautiful cross will he a tan- NIEDICIN co *QLIGK-D.ONT. tFo,w„m Vaed='
o_u- ug the haruiiless spec- j see+itago waken;• ttot:bie. the very important elements oY I OiYifii trtJ151il5 r�1FA�hE!@= guile token and memorial ,to their ---•— _
les, and• ;rte Wicked littl hotdold viper Biudork Blood Bitters go's d;rect
lies ttf wait, as in olde4iethiaes, to bite if tlde (Ifuilke are so laid to inter- to tl,e root at the disciln; en,d restores growth and health. They orecalled��;rt�,,,•,_,,, loved ones, of the valor and service �{' �Tq f
the lieelsof lite horses, 1 cetii:thit soepL a water, cousld0rabl° healthy, normal aetion to the'dfft!renl nature's protective feeds; i < l3 I i freely rendered by these unreturninC LIVE POUL11Y WANTED
As for lit fish s , ero»lois Can of prover fed, It the hill- prgars; and cieauses the brood of all its they assist tg :nainta.in 'the bfrPa I Do you know that the sun is corn- a oes, lu defence of their native land, i
e , they are as abundant tilde -is compat`at%',ely•!slbep, drains ,,.-,«.•-• health or"'normal 'realbtanc ,last posed of sodium, iron arra nesium, ,
and vatted as ei•Ar. quct !t is interesting , laid at ,2n an l0 f:1Se incline will bo tonin i 6 1 to. , cobalt, hydrogen, nickel Utaufum, I The Public e; Loon, of ilia country I-•p'r;5 -- " i
t'0 Rota that fife SeR of Galilee is still ' ' li_a, E, C, Guodwin CAMICc'ai •u 14,13. disease. Iiealth (S. nn er :alit Y b , wgen d support the liestowntent of the
I more salisfaetoky, They will ilatural- writes: -"For nearly twa year; Iysufforeif profit, in winterr. we fled s .oh Poce l ' chroniupn and a few other things? cross to all mothers of fallen heroes, 4000 CHICKENS
packed tvftlr tCism, and that the conn ly inLertOpt'ali of Che water flowing goo boils ,and p'mpka on my face and do sprouted eats, cabbage, unci clover There are movements in the sun but Whether the soldier was marc{dor not t ''m
ftl,trnes{ hands ire of an African family L1rf•ongh the ,soft above them. Also p _ -
lWYn st Vinds PreStr ,,tit of the stenty through
grade e , ft less and the drains neck, and nearly all of my body was loaves.-PerfP.' R. W. Uranam, U. A. Ina.sigus of dl being burned out or ex- for no class in tile coulntry suffered —O^
Ific ln'teresi; t�hdcb Unites witk tit veli- ( ori; not lip w it b lbs affected dr the covered with the pimples. I tried Ynost ; College, Guelph, -_ hnusted. I more deeply, or endured more bravely, ' 2000 HENS ,t•'"''• ',r J
e, everything; but, got no relief, One --I The summer sun Is 95,000,000• mil'as I or sacrificed rubra willingly, than the
!gdous Jr, t'nake Palestine`among she I water inoVIn.g slowly through them. day a friend advised me to try Burdock Value• nt Concentrates In Patina. I away from you but the sun you See is l noble and heroic mothers, who gave _O_ A
it'llal lraeresting of illi countries. IY the elope is not very steep the 'Blood Bitters and after using three A cattle feed is valuable to tete es- only n part of the real suit, the country these spieuded ,lien, and - ,
-,I/ « druins'vmay Le laid down the incline' bottles the f2s and pimples -bad all lett tent it contains those : subs ,vices I The violet tinge over everything . they deserve to be specialty honored, , ,A'' 1000 DUCKS I • x' i� '
! 'r , with 8atisfactm•y'results. Here the me and there is no sign of them return- which will repair' body ,tisane, build after you have looked at the sun is If the Canadian boys acquitted them -
7 �`. tide drdins the land on both sides ling. I can strongly recommend B.B-B. new, tissue and furuisb energy to tto there because violet is the accidental i selves li nuo'ably,and heroically on the '` —O—
aisd. no double draining results, to' anyone who is troubled with , skin work. The particular materials in a 'I color of. yellow -the suit's color.. field of fame, they but reflected the '
C/ A TO k I , In this,underdradiiage, the general disease.":,- : • food which'have this power are pro You cannot really look at the sun, , spirit that 'ave them birth. As one r Each week.from now until therend
ibeneats . are agafn,,t obtained. TheManufactured
nano aLlm ed Toronto he T Mil. thin, .°the flash -form iagthssubstance, l but birds can, because they have ail boy expressed it, in writing home of of December, we pay for all Paul tr3r
For Infants and Cblidreia. { watot level is lowefed thus` giving bur _ cai;bohydrates and at, extra eyelid which can be drawn down the ave before the great 'nettle of
In Use lForOver3oYears I ore root capacity to planus, and the o orgy producers and the no nerd l to act as a screen or shield. on a quality basis delivered with em t r
ieventlori of sur ate washing by thatter which has a great many tuna I Amiens, to comFart his suffering par- Y p v
y _ i lowing': tire, water to: penetrate g tions in the 'body- stroke but Ilia
elinvisible gvioletYoraysuof cuts Do not fear for me; to -morrow crops. ,
Always bears' The British overnment has estab-
the ��� I through t:he'soil, to the d> fns, thus lished a research station to determine Any feed ghat carries a higb,per- the sun; and the base of the skull is l be illy father's and mother's sou
Signature of ut-sttulK carrying much plant food to'the roots the fuel value of coal and its products ceintage of protein: and fat and .a I The minister of militia, and the govern- We pay special prices for properly,
the vulnerable spot, meat can make no mistake ht honoring
I of A. College, -la., C. Moffatt, M.A., :tad especially gr ascertain the extent tare amount of a digestible farm, of Sunburn is real the rupture and
O. A. College, utelph, to Which tow rade coal land colliery tl a eanbo. ydrates is called a coneen- . y the splendid sacrifices Of anadia❑ milk -Fed poultry, and we would strougr
" g t inf:ammatioi of the tiny veins of the nuOtherhood,
iliTL`DCC+Tii►1f' PA.(r'�'Q waste till be utilized, tr;ated feed or. r eoneentr'ate. Thus I skin. And you wear white in hot weath- I ly ndvlse all producers to finish theft
11V1TiI►GJ1l�I�pll AViu �+ Methods of lieeplrfg Cow Records. To enable aeroplanes to alight 'at sea grains, mill feeds gild out cakes are er not because it looks cool but because —
things are necresary for keep. - Great • Britain has built a ship with a concentrates. On the other handl a it resists the beat rays Of the suit belt- I"p fj# kr " �Uf1t ib" , ^-
deck 535 feet long, entirely clear of Ob- feed low in these valuable edusiku- , er than colors. L+t+i;'Wa- poultry as it will pay you to do so,
ing cow records: ante and high in ,indasestftile carbo- A }rile, rrdi,ehi, rr, ,� r,.;
structions, the smokestacks being Kori The sun seems larger at sunrise and I ModiviA4 Q„W it umee ur
1. A monthly intik aUeeC, ruled so hydrates, or crude fibre, as, for ,!n- e
zontal and,the pilot house and wireless sunset because it is then nearer terres- {� as lit ergeottn--,4e. 1, AL t � I f
In Spain there are 3,851,233 acres that there shall be a column for r'e stance,, straw, bay, corn sialks, .are yo. 2, tS, 11e a ss n=r lir,>• It r� j ft(fjp p pp 1 ,��tt�� ij .
planted with olive trees. Of their I toasts coilapsibie, coiled roughage or but .feeds.. Roots trial objects and so gains by eotnpart- $uid'•�4y nit draKr+srs, lir e, u1 Tq��i'L Ill 115 (Y , ��,, U.111�it1.
p cording the weight of the morning may also be put in this clean because 5O° preI. on ;,m` of pprice, , w ,,.
prorduct about 97 per cent. is for obi. nail event A red sunset' !s the s! n of fine ii Flee psn,nhlrG Addr-Aar ,t -.,
The recd Of olive O!1 varies wider from ng.milking of each cow for they contain a very .high parcenlage g tiattf'ratotl atEotettee Co„ The tip-to•date Fitton
y each day of -the month, though sone i;;-;??? ` of water and they are L'or this reasow weather; t red sunrise lnadlcates wet
year to yearl in 1911. (t was 4.1.,782 weather -the vapor in, the air being a TORONrp.el4f, tFenrdrwi,4ar.t
. ' metric tons; in 1912 Only62,001 tons, I use a'sh�eet ruled for three days only, ,ti; 6ulk'y+. p r b
Tbese bulky feeds have th@ir place already condensed to clouds.
In ad years the yield Is moronity great- ' 'and estimate. lite: weight of milk given i. I'ItntUtl ltrtUu t1 I`Uone f9th
er the in even ears, ('l�pp i In i the ration, .ndeed in Lae citta .uY, pOCK 0
Y for tht nt'enth from thes,s three days, C�ItTERS furl -from animals on tuaintenanceOCET HAS A lV I q, W. Trevriha, Manages
Th' ugh there are oil mills, the great- ITTLE : , A Saint Louis inventors gauge to
g which may be consecut}ve, or on the J" ration, they may form the whole uY indicate the amours( of gasoline in an I or Hoimesvdlle 4 on t4q.
er part of the .oil is pressed by the pro- first, tenth and twentieth of the 'i'' `, iV�R ; Lhe;Yood,• but. it Is Impossible for aoil 1191LE RHI\VE
ducats', After :pressing, the pulp called month, making, ten-day periods be- t+.,"'''•'i<' zi; automobile tie tank on a dial pe the in- —`
oruJo is sold to the sulphur -oil factor- tureen, The Ontario Department of �.'f%rci ? n, PILLS a critw to gSve aiarge amapunl brnY n'a t k strument board of a car is operated by
in 1. r' a`f-`:1:':;<•;:C:i:::.:..........,..,..,..;.:., the pressure of the fuel'oil a cylinder
ies,- the product of which is used Agriculture, Toronto, will furnish }hr•;ii•e::....:... ... .. •....?��. °r a burse to wovk hard on suol ,screwed into thebota°aa elininpipe. its Isis development °f n rocket {°r i
k,r'1v , mak. teed, The hart, w.00rdy fibre of the use in warfare which was invented
making soap, The residue !s a brown, (,Free) nlonthdy atilt record sheets •,I �
It flaky, charcoal -like substance used as to those interested. :ct ��" yu.tw auu racy ,ire Umiuit to. digui,L `//� �r y C by Robert 1.1 Goddard, professor of
fuel, Tbis generates high heat. 2. A milk (rale -preferably one e¢ r1,,..±.it .... and mruuh o;, Lhe energy that altonad HOW YOU CAN TELL was physics at Clark Collage, the doctor
The quantity of oil depends upas having a dial face and two bands, one �} . go produataou of wa k br ,rrervase was acting under the patronaga of the , PIANO
_ .
the acid content. Oil with less than of which shows,. the net we*ht, of IQs Liver . I$ i;. is uses up to gigastit,g the ,uou. War DepaYtmnent,'Ilia Smithsonian In -
half of I per cent. of acld brings the milk In the pail, when properllr set. Joris:quew.y when Vivuuttlon-is uv-GENUME ASPIRIN 'estltion, Clark University and Wois
This scale costs about five dollars. thQ.$ Beaut sired Ltaa utnuu,L'vr .ruug„aoe Lead ceder polytechnic lnsHtute, which is
highest pliice, but anything up to 3 per ! a Before purchasing oto
¢anti is considered edible. 3. A tone• to•eigliC bottle Babcock ••:+ T��� � uius:ue ue reuu'ced and ,the o011cen- reported fU La a terrible angina of fuer p g y e
Lest, where it is deshred to know what DOetQr caws-,ineteat+t u. �, with ail altitude range of at ]east 200 new fano or organ lot cis
It is contrary to law to mix olive oil each cow's milk tests in fat, This „ 1? Anotli,i r,: Wil why concentrairs Only Tablets with Bayer Cross miles, At the ending of the war some p iy f
with any other oil un Spain, but of will cost from eight to twelve dollars it: A tall, yellow �lifelesb ,, oust ue nsao is that un get,u,r 1ai'g- I „r. - of these were being built for trial on
course this does not prevent its adul• e As tan No other's! i show you the newest de-
t .tattoo in other cbuntries. In the
complete. (If a member of a cow- r skin, or punpfles and st,lnuuuecly t wa utast have the w, ,- p the batt,efield; but the sdgnhlg of the'
i testing association or convenient to 'i eruptions, ,ase, tW1I1 sal utg,;st and i%.Urb the itivatinhtu armistice prevented. I signs in several well-
.Yirst five months of i919 edible olive utuu.,i nY `Lite twrluus. coi,suut ._n n The Goddard racket is rolelled by . lm
a creamery or cheese factory, ar- ?• brothers to constipation. a propelled oil to the value of $3,t53,2i4 was Px- f' willih Lur,,andr 161_,.1 a luau: A eo,v A at perfected gas engine; installed' in the known and old establ1sh-
ported to the United States from rangenteuts can usually be made to. 1, , n
test the samples, Lance the tester is Bile, )natures own :It t3- if aciuut i r ti; cdi;ii7iur w furan ti a SGJ�' �R n toper part of the she'.1, ilia explosions
Malaga. not needed, lint a progressive dairy- tiv 1s ettin in#O y fir rt;e uuu,u.,t ut to �:ii In Diff{ iu,rvse I d+lnicIi generate the ower cothin i
H g e, S g ' h e ed rrralces.
man should have bis own testing out- blood instead oE•pasaing "j •t b-ls Lao lauw:,.at u�i;i i,uiuu ,,u , Tran cartridges which are .Fed into the
An efllciency of 83 per cent. is claim- fit and use.Itl) ei. ,,..., it t,um nuc tuou. rvenner Old - chaniber by a clocklike time device, -
ed for a navy motor ,ire engine with a '4 'PhD fourth and most important out of your system 8ll, it `,;+, , st-1, 1--t cul,.., btu,,.., .Liu ILL- The range of the rocketis limited only INSTRUMI {NTS -RENT-
rotary pump. " should. r eu i,,, wu•, to t,lo nu, t�r��s( ; li ilia amount Of c:uind,ea
ns, Phe -quill -to-do " ' i, Y propelling, 4
req uicement i
Without this, . milt sheets, scales, Thls'is the treatment, In suo• ic;, . htig uutiuut ut urn. endo uu.,suttt•' Thorn is only one Aspirin, that marked it could' be filled to carry, The rocket ED AT MODERATE
• }` ''t c'esiful uie for J0 years tile •urs maa,.iu,U for grov,lln, '111we - +
��r "'testers, eft., ai•e talileleasr By n, ri;l• with the ."Bayer CPoss'-all other tab• tines not require a cannon to start it .
your headfaelsllke scale, sheet, pencil, sample bottles ;; pill daily ((more tontq w,Lea ,1 u.,rtvba suUti,ir 4Ju uie l�a+bosTautl lets are only adid invitations. oil its flight, its journey being started PRICES
tY�.hen a basket of blroken properly labeled, tits„ till convenient- y necossary). rest quanulLi.s exebl,t L:y', wt -. use of Genuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" Troon ai
Lie curiu�ntr.ttt a me' ca,aiser wads ,y - 1 y point which a {nap Can reach.
bottles--vou needtY:,arranged, it takes. but little time :; ERS' "' I,ave lacca p.e,cribed b physicians for -,_ _ _
,Iin:. rI o tub€hate me ui,utSdi,iy LouL,give Ail
i'��\L ai to,ke,ap A t•eoord of each milking cote e#. 6 ,nineteen years and ,proved sato by uii4• PHONOGRAPHS,
ITTLE '.At, „.,,, ry must Shot] ilia Holy Land lie coloi,ized PHONOGRAPHS
iI in tlto lidrd..' f IVER ° lions for Pain, headache, NeuiritlgiA, 1, '
it b,urd Lrice at ea:il f t c n J r c11 t N n
tJ+i a s y, d ges,ti le '
Vla would add a Ofth need, which ;, PILLS a a, t7olde, 11.heumatian, l:umbngo, llcurifas, ,>i a ages , e t nrwegivi engineer c
,,» .,,i,{ - fs sones Porro• oP i10ra3aftorit' rocord ' s:: ,, i t sac{rn [til, ,t LLe best resdlts ed'L to Handy, tin bozos of 1?, tablets -also ppurposes t0 utilize the difTerence in vyn- See our stylish i " "
l • book fdr• niontinly totaiR aiuld t6ets, as ;;I ' , s S nitnrr ;:'. +oP larger "Bayer" packages, call `bo, had ter levels betiteen the Mediterranean Y cabinet
a' $ Mf 6dtwlne b?erf ' q rn obtairi,d and nus Fu the place ,
+ So ilYtilk shoots, aril tuot6a or roobrdr inE `i.. v: r 11b,c4 Litim s td the lutloii,., the wa,:uit - at.any drug stOi-a. Made in Canada., iuld Dead seas for the extensive pro- '
1� i ,,, designs inti the best makes,
i" Z, .- r tostfri re, itkaly to he lost nail not r:'); �-tro tC :,, ottle r,ltrse .cede, even It they are AePiri r iii lite tYnd"e rnnrlc (registered
.. it,ro. , ;nl , y �nl t ,_. 4, ,I . duction of fiydroeleciric power, " .
vie • tivaf n for, p.6foratitnd: Put if th600 ' �'. ^- _ , jl ,it�ixrly , i,ymst+,v7, bill, .:We 4106 .,want ,n Canada); of BaycP iulauufautttro of — - ,,,
;r :,'o- „ ., I ,011ie E°nctutrktiiu 4u•:s,i1t ti -11'' u - •, ' To eunl,le lout try get shout wllhoat I. )
Stdtiiach, Wet dts• •Jbr6' taco� Ml near 4,tpmat11 in, tA':peP y ,, Cbiorleufacesoften show tike n;. t1 y mi MgneneQticacidester of Sahcybepurtl,
,f• I.bO lt ;I ;,'r s9 ads tot toW(h uud roupction, ll• r,,Iwn that,Asnfrin 'the aid of'a cane a Seattle blind ni.Fn ' ':' £ '
, bYtfbs_ �isb istffb 61dod 'pate., b fbrriit they Will TjtOYe n aoRixee . r ,. absinee,o#<1no. latg Niko aiwi. A ., . i _ , !} }Vti;(e, tt is wq , �f t s, , t
( ., •. ,, .., 1 ?'"" •u ... iv . Pi. ilia , yNl I' , Oen tale linrfts t the ,..
t. mc} Zlluat4tcatea the b# }kt {tiered{ ; eeaQt+a}I ,rFaltt.. ; Y,.T'.,_k ,. ,r ten it er uan, tacture,to gsoi t h has utvemtctl adrrehtion indicator, con-
:1 nIf 'r'a Iron hMllt :. Q!,¢,•oi. kine c s tl;u'a,ton tea:tfhe 'llia'dttitili itniNiidiis`"HerTkfietli'pf ii ;i! 6 1t
Yebt of the I
e fiody, 1t" {-4-04 AA•ft4$ mwc - - 0t hf. Sl; iY, Kiil
:il r `� p n •. sistin,g" of a Compass and bo%keta work ,
6l i[ pDit a fy J` ,,' r►''t11ii's'coddit of a p' t er Pl od c ] kt>nW l rof. It B€uyei i.&rnptiri'y, Qitd:y WilikUkl,tafhped '. ] . t : x
L.rseslBaldof la>Me+'deh 6a !►rIV.�Ii IY ' ' ' Win' w h P 5 , 11tt, Or ,A. QpilCRe. Guei}yh.r with 'tl,sir al tins% 3uArlt; ibe `len abelt;''Lite:bun,al4'splifdlflg'Wiled"Jif
(- ., . YS if
isfJwetrelKslaC,aals, IG Anbryle„ tI rt ;: ? ,...i .,! t i geA jA , .:.
i `I�a er 01'e6e.''14fll�atdS.frLittl'a•9ey:`Cciai'SC. °, .
n ,
o .,:^•, r
I r