HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1919-8-28, Page 6PAGE 6 -1 THE CLINT,ON NEW ERA 11011 mQIIIIW it OVtoUUIIIVIVI(IVVVI(UaVVIIdIIV onI UIUIUf01NJlpIIIIQIIuINUempIV@iV II@QVUIIVUfiUIfVIr ,1, •.355. tient 1 ff its WOMAN'S STORE Dry Goods and House Furnishings. Phone 67 Next Royal Bank e,rsa "=7,= mt>sssr ZOOFO2,mGOV2--..ice rseteam c zmc m2X`• ICadl ra< eearcava�la25 s MEN'S STORE Custom Tailoring Men's Furnishing Phone 103, Opposite Public Library v=77 127 ria'ginrarz17+mtico mWTiZazt.:e2xc:.1CNr:, A Tested Lens---- An Accurate Shutter-- dimple Operation------ Good Pictures - All these are assured when you purchase aKodak Anybody can take good pictures with aKodak or Brownie. We have them from $1.00 up. Come in and let us show you how easy they are to use. -We do developing and printing and guarantee good results-- Despensing Chemist T,--.: m ,L,.r:antcc: ,,,.,,,.,.... mit ..tS�e:...^^s. A Splendid Concert. The Kiltie Band gave a splendid Sacred Concert on Sunday evening af- ter the various church services were over. A big crowd was down street to I' hear theconcert. Returned from Camp. ' The Bay Scouts returned from their camp on Lake hluron e Saturday he Featur. es ori ease' ' . :3 e To which we invite special attention are its beauty, its s<ettred comfort, ice solid cot•strwition; and its below the n:uai prices. Any one of these pointe would he suftieieut to earn it your preference, When they ere all com- bined we feel slim you will realize that this is a furniture buying oppor• tunny you cannot afford to ignore ea Undertaker and Funeral Director. Phone 2S. 1'eight and Shrilly Calls answered at litesidence over store GET THE HABIT OF PHONEING III AND WHEN UP -TOWN • OF CALLING AT OUR STORE. WE WILL LOOK AFTER YOUR WANTS CAREFULLY.. LOOK OVER THIS LIST OF SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK.. TRY A POUND OR ;5 OF OUR BULK TEAS.. THE PRICE AND QUALITY ARE HARD TO BEAT. Laundry Soap 15 bars for $1.00 3 Cans Cleanser for 25c 2 pkgs. Amonia for 25c 3 cakes Lavender Bath Soap. 25c PALM OLIVE SPECIAL 3 cakes for 29c 6 cakes for 58c 12 cakes for .$1.12 Pull line of Pickling Spices and extra quality Vinegar for Pickling season. FREE A Brown Betty Tea Pot will be given FREE with Coupons saved by usingAROMA TEA black or mixed, Ask us how. Sole agents for this Line in Clinton. usamossensmasmussamanzassma lAcempahmerobnowarommaassaxdo SPECIAL BULK TEA 11b Special Blend Black or Mixed ..50c 1111 Royal Blend Black or Mixed..60c IR) Princess Blend Black or Mixed..70c 1 Ib Japan Green .50c 1 Ib Rose, Japan Green 70c SPECIAL PRICES' IN 5 tb or 10 tb Lots Canadian Food Control Retail Grocer License Nunmlter 8.-7242 tile.' r�. FULHL ONE E OF GARDEN SEEDS 1N S TOCK - WE AIM TO PLEASE PHONE ORDERS CAREFULLY ATTENDED TO Pleating AND oral OF ALL KINDS GO TO T. awki ,s Phone 53 ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY GIVEN Agent for ilECLA Fut"liacer Shap -over Jtowlaltd's AlIardwai e Piping Aqd , Fittings .Alt+myth Uta Hind. ,' ' The Corner Grocery "ENE AND LET UVEil ;....l.g 9 Time. VINEGAR -THREE KINDS Cider - - Malt . - •-- and White SPICES --Turmeric Powder, Curry Celery Powder, Celery Seed, Mace,, Mustard Seed, Whole Cloves, Stick Cinunanin, Ginger Root, Whole Pick- ling Spice and 'Chellys, SPECIALS -Peaches Tontatoes, and, New Cabbage, Green Apples, Water- melon, add CanloupeS. c News. Thursday, August 2844 1Q324i biunmm�uommmmlluumummuuuuumummluuumtmlmiwtmtuuluuumlmuuuumumtmuuuimmuluumimlu�llimummuiimimumm�om mumummmu�ummu e Plays In Seeforth To -day i Council ,Moate Tuesday. The Clinton town -baseball team play, in Seaforth to•day'(Thursday,) In Exhibition At Toronto The Doherty Piano Company have a fine exhibit of pianos at Toronto Pair laid will also exhibit at Loudon Fair. Holiday Hours At Post Office The usual )holiday hours will be observed) at the Post Ofl'lee on Mon- day, (Labor Day). To box -holders, mail can be had at any hour, Hauling Flax to Seaforth Messrs. Steep and McCartney are busy -these days hauling flax to Sea - forth, Why not the Council and Board of Trade make an effort to have a flax mill here? Made a Noise Like the Fire Belt. At the base hall match on Friday evening, when the 6 o'clock bell was being rung, it sounded very much at the park as if it was the firebell, and it caused some of the small boys and the firemen to go down street, Invited To Lunch (Brantford Expositor): - Captain (Rev.) 'C, E. Jeakins, presideit of the Ontario G. W. V. A., received an in- vitation to attend the lunch given to H. R. H. Prince of Wales, on Monday, at the opening of the Canadian National Exhibition, Toronto, Half Holidays Ended. Wednesday of this week was the last of the weekly half holidays in town far this summer. The holiday have been greatly appreciated by the busi- ness then and clerks of tome and there has been very little complaint from the residents of the community, The Price Came Down. �•Guleph Mercury: -The United States Government sometimes sets a good example. This week it unloaded a car of army bacon at Newark N. J., which immediately brought the price down to 36 cents per pound. If one-half of the bacon, now in cold storage • in Can- ada, were put on the market as tast as it could be absorbed in. if :toy food- stuffs were offered to the public, the poor man could gel his bacon at 36 Cents too. t morning, They had a big time despite Mrs. Hanley Buried At Bayfield the numerous "wet;' showers. Rev. The funeral of the late Mrs. Hanley (;apt. r1lcKegne} was in charge, was held last Friday afternoon, service 39 Years Editor at the house and graveside being cons Last week W. 11, Kerr, Editor of the ducted by Rev, S. 1uders:ui, Pastor of Brussels Post. spoke editorially to itis (lru,trto reel Church. Interment many readers: -39 years ago on Aug- is r mute at l3,tytirkd Cemetery at the ust 1..t. the present Editor took hold of ts , 1 t, i he p.hll-hearers were the helot of The Post. My how the .11 ennivsr . t,eo, 11U1 ICc, .lutnur Stephen years have hustled along. Quite a '' n 'sirratan, (.1., Edward and Wilbur lar -;e number n1 the 189, subscribers or their descendants are still on our ;nailing list eat the changes that have t men place xunetimes makes the Ed - if .f reel 1 NC lonesome for 1.,,,, tr . WeL,h. i0 nn the relatives and the Mends fro, 1 a distance were,:---Mles,rs. David ;,n 'sl t.;lar. and Muss S. Clark, of Goderich, Mrs. C,'Iwell. of Toroit , and David Welsh, a brother h:cur ai the bit,. .,� ''ltd Past from "miLins .y, . lichit:an. talks to ..vider constituency to -clay 1 Riley's 'team Won. than u1 .11;,' Pei nd td its hisinry and tweirth4rwnitet tht,ty ur )i:eknnrnowl lelledgreecetivhee d.favor lldit;ht a 4n uke dam managedwRiley 3 Iiila'n d.l u d the te:.rt1 by a .core .,t ILL 1 lt_ 1. net s had. a vol n n: er battery for the ;ante a: d despite being ftp against -dd titters pla:d very good Wilbur \Vel.h dirt the pitching and .1a:k garter was catching. Bad errors in the field helped the Rite} iter, to get 4 runs in the first and 5 in the filth. The Old Timers laruught out.a south -paw, in the person tit Alex Butler, and he had the Pianoplayers swinging as if they were just swinging dumb hells. The line up was:- Rllevites: Greig, ss; Mc- Caughey, 3b; Hawkins, 2b; W. Jonh- son, cf; Rutiil'sli, c; 13. Johnson, ib; Butler, p; McEsvan, 11'; Churchill, rf, Doherty's - Draper,ss; Fulford, 2b; Anderson, cf; Cooper, 3b; Tasker, ib; Livermore, If; Shrink, if; Welsh, p; 'C,arter, c; Doherty's - 0 0-0 0 '1 0 0-1 Rlleyites - 4 1 0 1 5 2 x-13 Passed Away •i t.:•. 6.4 11 „ds L Z:31.1 El' . ti:rtP. The way to find out if your hc.:. i we^k is to -nuts -our Linger on ran: The avcrnge heart:of the average irin or woman should b t "d t' to tI ca r •rtes ns minute. II it heats much below or above this average there is something, wrong. There ninny be palpitation, shoot - ing pains through the heart, sleepless- ; ass, shortness of breath, faint and dizzy spells, waiting up.in the night as if smothering, a feeling of oppression, the feet and hands become clammy and cold, a bluish tinge appears about the lips, the blood rushes to the head, or there is a sensation of "pins and needles". If any of these eymptoms arise take Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills, and .you will fad they will fix up the weak heart in no time. They do this by regulating the heart's action and invigorating the nerves. Milburn's heart and Nerve Pills are 60c. a box at all dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. NEW COAL DEALER The Undersigned is now a Hering the coal business and asks for a share of the public business. All orders may be lett, fbr the pre- sent at my residence on Huron St. Terms -Strictly Cash -Phone 155. E. . RESIDENCE -HURON STREET SCRANTON COAL- We OADWe have the pleasure of being the agent for this celebrated product, ' Also ask us about Cannel, Soft coal, Coke and Pea coal. CANADA CEMENT. The recognized standard in cement, and after all the cheapest building material in the world today. . BUFFALO Brand FERTILIZERS. We purpose carrying a stock of these result -giving goodsat our Clinton Yards. SLAMS. Try a load of our short slabs, , Just the thing for summer fuel or cool evenings, Most heat .for the least money: Easily split and rosily lit. cr « filiSTARD o Ii�nni#d Canada Pood Control License 8.3123a Phone for Clinton No. 74. I'IIONIC 43 Rhone for 1lrttcefteld 11 oto 6111, On Monday evening at the Clinton Hospital, Mrs. T, J. McNeil passed a- way, following an operation last Thurs- day Mrs. McNeil made a brave tight, but the operation was a critical one and all day Monday the patient was continuality having -weak spells. Be- sides her husband she leaves two sons, Murray and Nellis. She is also surviv- ed by her mother Mrs. Wm, Cooper, and three brothers, Co]. J. A. Cooper, of New York, A. T. Cooper, of 'Clinton, Ernest Cooper, of London, England, and three sisters, Mrs. Armstrong and Mrs, Goner, of Ontario, California, ands Mrs. Struthers, of China, but now at home, Mrs, McNeil was born in Clin- ton and has spent all her life here. She was always an active 'worker in the old Radtenbury Street Church and Wesley - church in Sunday School and League and the other prganizations. The fun- eral is being held this afternoon and interment will be glade in Clinton Cemetery, The family have the sym- pathy of a large circle of friends in their sad bereavement, Another Epidemic? Medical authorities throughout the United States are warning the public that a recurrence of the influenza' epidemic of last P:Ill is expected this Winter, This warning is issued by the medical authortics so that the public May not be as unprepared as a year agar. It is not intended in any way to frighten the country. Littie progress has been made in developing methods of com- bating this disease which took a toll last year nluClneheavier than the Great War, Whether or not the epidemic, if it conies, will be as severe as a yeair ago no one can forecast. Certainly with proper warning, state and nuulid- pa] author'it'ies can be more ready to combat it. it has been tlfe experience of .the past that these epidemics usually occur for three consecutive years, each one fess severe than the preceding one, There will be no big army camps this hien where waresdisease ands where catch tihoritiies have no thole to properly prepare for it. There will be more physicians in all the cities of the country Hud more nurses:. Keep healthy now, look to your well. that) ( and here willbenofsu h scourge passed aver the continent of America fn 1918, Owing to Monday next being Labor Day, the Town Council Will meet on Tuesday evening next, • Final Band Concert. • 'i'he last open air concert of the sea- son will be given (tonight) Thursday evening, weather permitting: The Band has given many excellent pragrhnis dur- ing the season, and have kept faith with the public by always playing on Thurs- day evening. An extensive program will be taken up this fall and winter for practice to be ready nest season, Zurich Had an Easy Time, Friday evening; the Zurich baseball Leann romped away from •the Doherty tenni by a score trf 13-5. When runs were needed, the Southern boys suppli- ed the necessary hits. The last half,of the game they eased up on their batting but added runs when the •local boys. made errors. Six sure outfield catches were muffed and each one had a run labelled to them. Earl Cooper had 7 strikeouts, and hit two men, while 11011'00, who was pitching for Zurich had 8 strikeouts and walked one, Carl Draper, L. Hoffman and Brown each had a three -base hit; E. Wurm got a 2 -base hit and Fulford had a double -play un- assisted. Dick Tasker and "Shorty" 'Cantelon were the Directors of Cere- mony and had several close decisions to band out, Following was the line- up: Doherty IS, 0, Zurich R. O. Draper, ss , , .1 4 E.Wur n, c 2 3 Anderson, cf .1 2 tlowald, p..1 4 C. Cooper,c .1 3 L. Hoffmanss2 2 E. Cooper, p. 1 2 C.Hoff man3b2 2 Shrenk, rf .. 0 ' 3 Brown, rf 2 3 Fulford, 2b -0 3 T. Wurm, 2b2 3 McDermott, tilt 3 CHoffntanl,1 4 Welsh, 3b ..Lit Ness, if.....1 3 Carter, lir, o 3 Silber, cf.. , 1 3 5 27 13 27 Doherty's -2 0 0 0 0 1 t) 1 1- 5 Zurich ,.-1 3 0 1 1 0 2 0 2-13 MIDDLE SCHOOL EXAMS. HURON C. 11. Armstrong, -W. Aberhart, '(honors), E. Adams (honors), A. E, Archibald (honors), K. 1., Ashton, 0, L. Beavers, \V. R. Bristow, 3. H. Burrows, AI. Al. Bennett, K.11. Bone, J. A. Bos- man honors), D. A. Brooks (honor:), 1'. 31, 11,n;rk'. S. 1'. r:anit, V✓. C. ,o, p, r, G. K. CJi I.th:tn. 11. 'e,atcs (htnru'a), \V. 1'.'D ie (ho,turs), IS A. t)h:i,is (htf n_,) Pi H. (1. [''.4r, N, K, I•,w[er, • 1, isn't,sr, 1l. A. t 3I. 1, IS T (31' n+, M. M. noisy. M. C, H Ii.:nd. M. I.. 11, - dig, 1. A. Ung (honors). C. A. '1.Jackson. 31 I Icr r:,t (wih1.. S. :u•itiuu te), 11, 11.3,'.,-- 11.1. I: rut 11. t 8, 11v, ( P.is (irr- "1. :e to ('1 , 1.1. .1.1.. !ser:• I,1vimgstonc. E. L (1 :r„r•,i t L. Let:: .I, ,) M. r\. 1., t 3. 11C C ^tri,+ •1 r:7 1 1, M . r:.. 7 ' e 1. 1,:. I •11.'t.'. V. `t ) o ! i C. P. , ),tel: t: (nt. •-,). 1 1 '.nrie. i ,l• 1,eA. ,MM,teK:•:. H. A. Miller, U. 'eTi t.r„ tl. ,1, rile (hnni,$), 11. V. fis �n:lyd. L. il!. filter, 31. R. Powell 't1 ut,'•) T. Pani ': 11. U. iiatlenbur', 11 1 1`"'- f „11. 1•,r,.a, 11. 11. Straying, 1 31. Skell. n, c 3. Sp:u'!ing. I. 11. Sin. CLdr (In:,m•:sl, T M. SntalLteomhe, 1':eph:n;on, M. 1:. Sterlin (honors), 13, F: Scott, I. Souter (honors), C. Ci Stoe'dill (honors), M. W. Shay:, K. Smith, G. I. Stocks, E. J. 'Turner, 0, Turner, J. R. '1 lash ri,d (honors), C. L. Tyndall.',:. 0. Tape, N Woods, P. J. Washington, K. E, Weston, 5. W, )will. Must Write Papers. The following candidates•,t the Mid- dle School Examination were not suc- cessful. In view, however. of the marks obtained, they are permitted under the Regehttinns to qualify for a Middle School Normal Entrance certificate by - taking the subject, named in brackets. along with 'another Departmental Ex- amination (Lower or Upper School), which they have not already passed, if any of these candidates are not re- quired to take another Departmental Examination they cannot take advant- age of this privilege but roust re -write the whole Ailddle School Examination in order to qualify for admission to a Normal School. The list is divided into three groups comprising: - Group 1. -The. Counties of Brant, Bruce, Elgin, Essex, Grey, Huron, Kent f am hton, Middlesex, Norfolk. Oxford, Perth, Waterloo, Wellington, Group 1.-M, 13, Beckett (ant, ltist ) 18. M, Brice (physics), J. C. Bruce (Eng, lit,). G. L. Briggs (alg.), P. Con - gran) (ane. hist.), A. H. Campbell (enc. Mist,), A1. A. Carey (alt.), G. D. Clarke (•. ox l, , (:Ialgnc,), lu0st,)(,-LCC. 1- Cooper (Eng, fit.)Cox, A, L. Crawford (Eng. lit.), Arhnre (alg.) A. L. Doering (physics), S. A1. 'Draper (alg), R, C. Pettis (anc, hist.), N. N. Ginn (physics). G. N. Grimes (geom.), R..51, Hammond (alg.), W. C. Johnson ('ole. hist.), F, A. Kent (ling, comp,) EMV. Keys (aig,), S. F. Kitchen (anc. hist ), K. J. Krug (Inc. Langford (anc, hist,), E. G. Langstaff (Eng. lit,), J. P. Lane (alg.) J, E. Lut- trell (Inc.:hist.) .1, 3l:t:Donald C. C. ,Mlanore (ale ), K. E. ?nc(n:ii:; ra'; (ane, hist.); Al. McPhee (aha his.), N. N, McLean (anc, hist.) 0. Munro (phy- sics), Ii, B. Patton (anc, hist,) N. L. Pearce (ane, hist.) B. C. Phippen (Eng, 111,), J. E. Pritchard (alg,), 11. 0. Printery. (chem.), J. 0, Pollock (anc, hist,), `:1. R, Pollen (alg.), Al, L, Poole (Inc. hist) Al.Qsigley (sig) R. L. R.istolick (physics), 3. A. Ross (Eng, lit.), M. I. Searshrook (all„) J. 11. Sharpe (alg,) E, IL Short (al",), K, W. Sproule (anc, hist,), M. V, Swift (alg.), II. 'Taylor (physics,) 8. P. Whit- ney (ale,), It. 1. Williams (physics), L. E. Wigle (physics) R. Wallace (ale.) h1ii,st,3.) , Ynun,; (alg,), Al. V. Young (ane, GRAND TRUNK TIMETABLE Trains Going North 11,17 a, m. 6.40 p. 111. Trains Going South 3.20 5,111. 4.15 p. in. Trains Going East 633 ami, 2.52 p. nn, Sunday is the last day of Awgust, Treble Going West School reopens on Tuesday, Sep- IAI1 It. in. 5,45 p, Ili. tamber 211d. t il.1 s M. a1, '( eal Pen REMEMBER AND IT WAS A FEW STROKES OF THE PEN THAT GAVE FINALITY TO THE PEACE TREATY, TilE PEN IS MIGHTIER 'l'IIAN THE SWORD. WE HAVE WATERMAN IDIEAL FOUNTAIN PEN $2.50 AND UPWARDS. OP82w-u,.ren1=11/f REMEMBER eal nk TtIE BEST FOUNTAIN PEN DE, SEER,VESTHE BST INK, THE POOR ONE REQUIRES IT„ WE 1141» WATERMAN IDEAL INK. A QUANTI'T'Y 01' QUALITY IS IN THE BOTTLE. PRICE 15c, Ofiten the eheapest-Filways the Best i 1 Full Line of all Fresh Meats now on hand. •Also, Bologna, Sausage and Pork. The Buying Public is Invited to give us a Trial Order. utier sir.•'yi Huron St. Scru don's Old Stand ash ^-.-•..--. _.�.s�r-�,-.� `- '51 .10 <3 r. .. ill it light .. .. ,..-_ t .t., the rang.; ;. ... .... tr... 1552 The NAY . .i j� r ., a•e.'rm f 1 f R.e•l•s. y•tY Sou'f it far easier 3501 to tern on fro electricity and cook than go to ail the troze..o of i:, ir.tlsgs a .n.? • It will nlalee the toast, ccoh ;Se cogs or bail the Mettle. 'when you have it name a day qr so,'yota'll find yourself cooking whole meals with it. For it will really do that. In the pain underneath the red -loot coils, you grill the bacon while the tea. kettle sings above the coils. When the bacon is done, you can cook the eggs. For dinner, you can broil a steak under the coils Ind on top you can fry or cream potatoes. ' Ira, it is practical -and the cost for electricity is but a trifle. You can run it on low, medium or high heat. The new Canadian Beauty has a larger cooking surface than any other grill, being eight inches in diameter. We will be only too pleased to have you call and inspect theto newest and best Electrical Appliances. Comet CO • J. A.e SUTTER 5 PiIONE 1.17w 15 83 *'100 11i to In as 68 ® 08 1111 Fe ea FM 185 f5 to 85151088515151550885151 ¢ti -m._2„ .Re e Ship,eChil r Correctly WE ALWAYS SHOE THE CHILDREN WITH THE GREATEST OF CARE! THERE ARE MANY LITTLE DETAILS CONCERN- ING CHILDREN'S SHOES THAT MUST I3E "JUST RIGHT" AND WE SEE THAT THEY ARE! BRING THE CHILDREN HERE FOR SHOES AND TURN THE MATTER OVER T US AND YOU'LL SOON DISCOVER THAT IT WILL COSI' YOU LESS PER YEAR FOR CHILDREN'S SHOES THAN IT EVER DID BEFORE AND YOU'LL ESCAPE ALL VEXA- TIONS! .1 Nature Shape Shoes To Guide Little Feet Correctly We've l-litzh or Low Cut Shoes in a Variety of Model Black or Handsome Tan Leathers: Button or Lace Shq Low Heels -Flat Heels- or the Comfortable Rubber S and Heels. Children's Shoes at $1.50, $2.00, $2.25 to $4.50 IF'THE CHILDREN HAVE FOOT TROUBLES OF A SORT •BRING THEM HERE AND WE'LL CORREC TI -IE DIFFICULTY! R RE1D. J+tA!ieKsM,✓N PRACTICAL SHOE MAN