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B U 1
Flannelette, Flannel, Canton Flannel, Gaby Delaine,a anunbleachNurses ed, CambCloth, ProokSil eking,
!Bath Towels, Toweling, Cotton, bleached an
Duck, Denim, Cottonade, Table Linen, Pillow Cotton, Sheetig, Sheets, Flannelette Blank-
ets, Batting. Mill ends of Colored Marquisette, chintz and Factory Cotton.
Buying them at any here yeu pay the lowest market price and our sale prices are less
than the wholesale or mill prices.
We urge you to come and investigate the above mentioned facts. Space will permit us
only to mention the matchless values and the still greater part of the story remains to be
told. It will pay you to make a trip to this store from any distance.
Do not stay away from this sale because you imagine the best bargains will be gone to the
early buyers, for this will not be the case. With stocks as big as ours it would require a lot of
selling to reduce them much, in fact it would take our present staff a long time to sell out the
before mentioned goods. We do not intend to put on extra salespeople for this sale. . To
do so would only increase the cost of the goods to the purchasing public, our object is to give
each customer the best merchandise at the lowest price. The public can help us greatly (and
incidentally benefit themselves) in this effort by doing their buying in the morning.'
Dry Goods and House
Phone 67
Next Royal Bank
Custotn Tailoring
Men's Furnishing
Phone 103,
Opposite Public Library
A Tested Lens -r --
An Accurate Shutter-.
Simple Operation -
Good Pictures ----
All these are assured when you purchase aKodak
Anybody can take good pictures with aKodak'or Brownie.' We
• have them from $1.00 up. Come in and let us show you
how easy they are td use,
-We do developing and printing and guarantee good results--
Despensing Chemist
The Features of Our
f FI It tri
To which we invite special attention.
itis its beauty, its assured comfort, its.
',olid eot,s enetron, and its below the
neuel prices. Any one of these points
tvmild he sufficient to earn it your
preference. When they are all cow.
that this is a furniture buying oppor
city in England waters its
streets entirely with electric sprin-
kling wagons.
Suffered from
°CRS'=nstipa` ion
If the truth were only known you
would find that over one-half of the
ills of .life are caused by allowing the
bowels to get into a constipated con-
dition. When the bowels become con-
stipated the stomach gets out of order,
the liver does not work properly and then
follows the violent sick headaches, the
sourness of the stomach, belching of
wind. heartburn, water brash, biliousness,
Keep your bdwels regular by using
Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills.
Mr. A. Roder, 'Hastings St. E,, Van-
couver, B.C., wrttee:-"I desire to ex-
press my thanks for what Milburn's
Laxa-Liver Pills have done for me. I
had been suffering from constipation
for two years also had a bad cough and
headaches. ) tried all sorts of cures and
remedies, but got no relief until I was
advised to try your pills. I got great
relief after the first few doses."
Price 25c. a vial at all dealers or
mailed direct on receipt of price by The
T. Milburn Co.. Limited. Toronto. Ont.
we feel suns you will real,ae D
Y you1 c.tunot iili'u•d to ignore r HEW COAL DEALER
,,J.114S0 D Fi D
Undertaker and Funeral Director. Phone 28.
Blight and Sunday Calls answered at rtesidetiee over store
Just a Minute
What about your Breakfast Foods, whhich do you enjoy? Cornflakes, Grape
Nuts, Krumples, Puffed Rice, Cream of Wheat or Rolled Cots? Try US for
your Breakfast Foods.
3 bars laundry soap 25c
16 " 9 " $1.00
3 bars Gold, P. & G.
or Comfort for 25c
13 bars for $1.00
Mixed Pickles
Bulk 35c per qt.
Catsups per bottle
15c, 25c, 30c.
Brunswick.. 3 for 25c
Holbrook , .1 " 25c some Fruits
Jutland ....2 25e
Canadian Food Control Retail Grocer License Nunmber 8-7245
-Makes a Perfect -
any flavor
2pkgs. for 25
9 pkgs for $100
Made From Pure Whole
Local News
ulllllimllllll@I IIIIuuIiIm011111lIiOIIiIImIUmuIIpIIIII11W11111IIIIUIenuVlluuml!Im011iuoIluilipumIIIiUinlug@!m@Ili!IIIIIUIuimlllmnlgnlllllUulllllilla`
The Undersigned is i ow entering
the coal business and asks for a share
of the public business.
All orders may be left, for the pre
i sent at my residence on Huron St,
ITerms -Strictly Cash -Phone 155.
1 lb. tapocia ....a .15
2 Ib, rice .25I
2 cans pumpkin .25
2 pkgs. seeded rais-
ins .2'
1 ib,Speciai Blend T .6
1 lb. Japan Green T .5t.
1 lb, Peanut butter .25
1 lb. Mince meat.25.
2 pkgs, Jelly Pow-
der .25
1 can tomatoes .20
1 can Corn 22
Fruit -Bananas, Oranges
Pineapples, Lettuce, etc,
The Cornea Grocery
For ritoohing9
Metal Work
T. Hawkins
Phone 50
Agent for HECLA Furnace.
Sleop-over Rowland's I7ardw.zire
Piping And Fittings Always On
E. E. flunniford
Canada Pood Control License 8"3123.
• ` " PHONIC 45
Brighten up
for Siiring
Having received my dis.
charge from the C. E. F., I
am now prepared to take
orders on work for paper-
hanging and painting, etc.
We have the latest sample
books of wall papers at var-
ious prices to suit any hoose .
Call or Phone No. 54
Clinton . . : . Ontario
Fresh from
TERMS Strictly 1Caihe
Buys A Ford Coupe
Dr, J, W. Shaw Is the -owner of a
Pord'Coupe for his practice,
A Favorite Spot
The swimming stoles at the River
1114 the favorite sports for the'boys
during the hot days, ,
,Asking For Terms
Brussels Is asking for terms from
the Clinton. baseball team to play at
their 01d Boy's Reunion en July.
Break Down
The engine on the L,& B„ even-
ing train on Monday broke down at
Centralia and did not get into Clifton
until 1.0115,
W. C. T, U. Meeting •
Tke W, C. 'T, U„ will meet on Fri-
day evening in the Wesley Church Lec-
ture room at eight o'clock. Ali the
Members are 'urged to attend.
Train Was Late The Clinton Baseball team will play
The L. H. & B. train was away late In Wingham on July .4th for a $100
Inst Tlurrsday evening. According to prize. The players will be.picked from
railway time it did not arrive here until the various teams from the town, so
7.45, being over an hour late.
Entrance Exams
The dates for the entrance examina-
Last Friday night Rev, S. 'E. McKeg-
tions, which have been finally decided hey, M. C., addressed an audience in
upon, are later than last year's dates, Owen Memorial Hall on his actual ex -
They are to be held on the three days periences "over there" Mr. R. E,
of July 2, 3 and 4, whereas last year •
Foster, of Toronto, rendered several
they were over by June 99th. , solos.
Hies Blood Poisoning
Mr, Alex, Cudinore is Off work from
the Piano factory with blood poison-
ing In his right hnd,
Court Sittings
Goderich-(Jury) September 16,
Chief Justice Falconbridge; (Non -Jury)
November 11, Chief Justice Mulock,
Mr, A, E, Wood and family bays
taken the residence lately occupied. by
Mr, D. N. Watson on Ontario Street.
Band Goes to Wingham
The Gunton Kittle nand will play
in Wingliatn at the Old Boy's Celebra-
tion on July 1st and again on the 4th,
Attended High Court
Mr. M Hanley represented Maple
Leaf Court No. 16, C, 0. F., at the
High Court meeting at London this
Will ;Play In Wingham
that a good team should be picked.
A Splendid Lecture
Minor Locals.
Been swimntin'
Picnics have begun,
The Garden Party season is here,
The Canadian ,people would like to
see a an armistice signed between
capital and labor,
Chairman Of Exeter District
Rev. E. G. Powell, former field sec-
retary with the Huron County Tem-
perance Alliance, and a former Citizen
here, was elected chairman of the Exe-
ter district at the London Methodist
conference, in session at Goderch. He
is stationed at Lucas.
Went Under Operation
Lieut. Earl O'Neil who just recently
returned from overseas, went under an
operation for appendicitis in the Clin-
ton Hospital on Monday. Earl is do-
ling as well as can be expected these
hot days.
School Starts Early
The Public school started at 8 o'-
1 clock this morning and out at 3 p. m.
during the rest of the tern. Even at
school the afternoons get a little too
warm for teachers and pupils with ex-
ams on,
. Boosting Telephone Rates
The County Rate There is a general all-round
The 'County levy this year is 3 1-10 change in telephone tariffs. The
For -
mills, for general purposes and 1 t/ , most cases the rates are higher. For-
miBs for good' roads, ora total of 4 1 tnerly cheap rates were given after
6-10 trills. Last year's levy was 3 3-10 ' to o'clock, but ecoow they do not begin
mills for general purposes and a mill rill 8is A second reduction of
rates is given after 9,30 each night.
for good roads and a milt for the
Provincial war tax, or a total of 5 3-10 Two Auto Accidents
Mills. This year's rate is thus 7-10 On Sunday Lorne Richardson, of
of a still less than last year. Stratford, had an upset at the hill near
Masonic Officers Wm. Rutlede's on the Huron Road :111d
At the regular meeting last Friday uotpsideffdown butky.His onlyar tliel windsh eld
evening the It new officers of the local
lilasohic Lodge were elected as fol-
lows:I. P. M. -Dr. A, F. Axon
W. M.-il. B. Kerr side down and Mr, J. N. Woods was
S. W. -L, Lawson badly shaken up and was unable to
J, W. -A. Cudmore play, The dust on the roads was ac -
Chap, -Dr. Evans , countable for the accident as a car
Treas-W. D. Fair passed the visitors and the cloud of
Secretary -ll, 13, Chant. dust shut off' the view of the road and
Auditors -J, W. Treleaven, 0, B. they hit the ditch.
Tyler -A.
was broken. •
On Wednesday while coating to the
Bowling tournament one of the London
cars, a big -six Studebaker, turned up -
Bathing Suits
Swimming is once more on the pro-
gramme - Attention is called to 'the
fact that bathine suits are a necessary
equipment within the corporation
litniis and trouble is ahead for those
•who sport in nature's garb. Other
people have some rights in boating.
fishing, etc„ without being driven away
by the Adamac costumes -minus the
fig leaves.• The authorities should visit
the mill darn and receive the name of
the offenders. Some of the profane
and obscene language used could. be
"cut nut" • without any detriment.
Offenders will be taught a lesson if
they ere not wise enough to use gentle-
manly language. 'The hint is given by
way of warning of what will happen if
choicer words do not form the style of
'Good Roads Grants To
Urban Municipalities
Bylaw No 11 pissed by the county
cohncil last week is the bylaw. pro-
viding for the rebate of 90 per cent. of
the amount levied in towns and vil-
lages for the Good Roads system. it
provides for the following grants: To
Clinton, $615,96; to Goderich, $1,280,
34; to Seaforth, . $6,75; to Bayfield,
5127:26; to'Blyth, 5243.72; to Brus-
sels, 5228.90; to Exeter, 5484.38; to
Hensen 5225.36; to Wroxeter, 5135.
18. These grants are to be• expended
solely upon the highways set forth in
the bylaw, as being the connecting
links of the County Good Roads system
through the urban municipalities. The
bylaw has yet to receive the approval
of the Department of Highways, This
year the Legislative grant is 40 per
cent on both construction and Mainten-
ance of good roads,instend of 40 per
cent. on construction and only 20 per-
cent on maintenace.
Toll Us The News
We presume that there never was
a newspaper in any locality that gave
all the local happenings, • It is often
flit someone comes and somone
goes that the reporter does not see.
It happens tint the family is missed
severe] times, • They get the hn-
presSion that the editor does not
care to mention thein, This is a mis-
take. In most country towns the
local work is•ihe hardest work con-
nected with a newspaper. A man
may be a good editorial writer,- but
a flat failure at the Inca) work, and
vice versa, • Editorial material is
obtained by study, by reading• news-
papers, sometimes by using scissors.
Personals and local Happenings can't
be read and clipped from other pa-
pers. . 1t takes physical es well as
mental exertion to get ten or twelve
columns of locai news in . a town of
this sine, Most people take a local
paper 10 gel the local happenings.
Don't be afraid to tell the editor or re-
porter that you have friends 'who are
interested in your friends, You owe
.11 as 5. duty to them to let your friends
know of ether. doings, Perhaps . you
O11Q. Cly► thins :theepaper shows partiality,' hut
just see if `the paper doesn't•treat you
PHONE 3N ';;''" �j ' tight if you give it a' chance,'
Seaforth Won 7.6,
' On Friday, June 13th, 1st and 21171
forms of the Clinton Collegiate Insti-
tute went to Seaforth and played a
red hot game with their 1st and 2nd
forms and were beaten, the score be-
ing 7-6. 111 the last innings there
were three men on bases and two out
and to their luck the next batter got
out, A return match is expected on
Saturday. The line up was as follows
Seaforth Clinton
Ament ,,.. Catcher Lawson
Rankin Pitcher Mutch
Dodds • 1st base Scruton
Smith end base . , , . Bawden
Cudmore. , , 3rd base Mutch
Bays • S. S. Elliott
Greig ' le F. Munn
Willie C F. • N. Cook
Weiland L. F, Livermore
Score by innings-
Seaforth -2011102-7
Clinton -1010022-6
Umpire, S. Graham, Clinton,
"The Heart Of Humanity" •
Following is a synopsis of .the
film play that will be held on Friday
and Saturday of this week; -What is
the filet about? It tells the old story.
A story which vibrates with, thrills, yet
is a veritable epic of tenderness. The
picture opens with a beautiful vista of
the lake and pine clad Bills of Northern
Canada. Nanette, ward) of the parish
priest is married to John Patricia, old-
est and handsomest of five sons of the
Widow • Patricia. Is the midst of the
festivities a courier of the Canadian
Northwest Mounted Police dashes up
to the Northwest village in the foot-
hills of Canada and posts the call to
arms. Canada's sons must respond to
the call of the Empire! John bids fare-
well to his bride and with three of his
brothers becomes one of the great .
army of freedom, joining the C. E. F.
Later on the fifth son of the widow en-
lists and the young wife fees the x;;.11
Of duty, leaves her little sol to the
care of the widow and takes her place
with the Red Cross nurses, whose dut-
ies lie with the little orphans of Prance
and Belgium, bereft by the war. While
engaged in Red Cross Work. Nanette i5
captured by the Iluns and brought be-
fore a Prussian Officer, Von Strang who
had once been her husgand's friend at,
college and who tried to make love to
her in the little 'Canadian village.
Strang tries to force his attentions up-
on her. A spirited fight ensues. She
escapes to another room and plunges a
„knife into her bosoni,just ns John, her
husband rushes into the room, She.
recovers however and weeks later in
hospital, she is decorated by the the
French Government for valorous ser-
vice with the Red Cross' and is persuad-
ed to gq,home, Later there is n happy
reunion in Canada --a reunion which
crowns with complete `Happiness the
Work of Nanette, Love forms the
central theme of "The Heart of Hu-
manity," and as the title implies; it .is
the story of the Grand passion which
prompts: humanity to, do and dare for
what is good amid right, even to the
extent of sacrifieing 'life itself, Doro-
thy Phillips els 'Nanette typifies Cana-
dian womanhood in it's. most iitsjitrieg
'1116 5ppeaiing fbrhi of •eelirdSsldh.'
Thursday, Julie 19th, 9999.
There is
11 Opportunity
Co i ing Your qday.
If you are interested in Wall Decoration, it's to see our
splendid line of Wall Paper --A stock that will produce ang
appearance of dignity, comfort and pleasure in your hope.
Nothing adds more to its general air of attractiveness and
good cheer than tastefully furnished walls. Our stock com-
prises the practical as well as the decorative features.
'mooF a e
Often the eheapest---PtI'k ays the,BesI
Over the Teacups
a'4011)00600csatee,0 so•0ts000003041
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Kerr were visitors
in Brussels on Sunday,
Miss Florence Miller, of Detroit, is
the guest of Mrs, T. T, Murphy,
Miss Nellie Rutledge left for 'Toronto
to -day where she has a position,
Mr,•and Nirs. J. G. Grieve, of Walton,
were visitors in town on Saturday, ,
Mr. Alex, Mitchell, of Detroit, was a
visitor with his mother this week,
Mr: and Mrs, J. B, Levis were at
Oshawa on Tuesday to bring back two
Mr Will Appleby is taking up the
telegraphy course at the Stratford Busi-
ness College.
Rev, Jerrold C.
15115 renewing of
town last Friday.
151 r. ;:,i6 Mrs.
;rood friends on 5
Mr. and Mrs, K
Betty, of Hamilton
Miss Leona Ned
job'' at the Mals
Capt, (Dr.) M
passed through tot
Doctor is the ,Me
Nott, Ontario Stre
Rev. Dr. McMil
and J. L. Kerr a
meeting in Hensel!
of Toronto,
d acquaintances in
E, E. Hunniford and
Miss Stella called
on Brussels and At-
en Chowcn and Miss
i, are visiting with
relatives and friend
s here and in Goder-
lger is back "on the
ons Bank after her
vacation at Galt,
Preston and other
McNally •5116 family
town on Saturday. The
Medical Health. Officer
for Western Ontario.
We are sorry
to report that Mrs.
et, ]las been serious-
ly ill during the
past week. Her
many friends hope
for a speedy change,
tan, of Toronto, was
calling on friends
in town on Monday.
The Dr. was preaching at the Thames
Road Presbyterian
Church on Sunday.
Messrs% Geo.
McLennan, A. Wilkin,
J. B. Reynolds, T.
Hawkins, Dr. Shaw
tteuded the Liberal
1 on Monday after-
Mrs, J. Twitchell and Miss Ida Twit-
chell, of Windsor, were the guests of
Mr. and Mrs, R. Marshall and other
friends in town. They ate op on the
Miss Merle Moore left this week for
Detroit, where she will assume a posi-
tion, Miss Moore is a graduate of the
Clinton School of 'Commerce and her
many friends wish her success in her
new duties.
Lieut. Col. 'Combe, Major Shaw and
Lieut. Earl O'Neil attended' the sports
at Belgrave last Thursday when the
soldier boys of that community were
presented with medals, Col. Combe
and Major Shaw addressed the crowd,
On Sunday last Mr. Olin Hooper, of
London motored with his wife and chil-
dren accompanied with the superin-
tendent, Mr. H, H. Harriston of the
London Street Railway Company to
Clinton to spend a little time: with the
foriner's parents on Huron Street.
Crown Attorney Seager, of Goderich,
was in town on Tuesday.
Mr. T. Watt is a visitor in Bluevale
with relatives and friends,
Barrister M. 0, Cameron, K. C., of
Goderich, was in town on Tuesday.
Mr. S. Poplestone and daughter, of
Blyth, were in town on Friday last.
Major Heaman, of Exeter, was in
town on Tuesday calling on old friends_
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Foster, of Tor-
onto,- are renewing old acquaintances
in town.
Pte. Erwin, of Goderich, an old 161st
soldier, was calling on the Clinton boys
on Friday.
Ernest Livermore and Erskine Evans
wheeled out to Bayfield on Saturday
last and spent the day there,
Mrs. Corless and Master Benson and
Miss Dorothy, of Sudbury, are the
guests of Mrs, Kennedy, Ontario St.
Mrs. Herb Jenkins underwent an
operation for appendicitis in Clinton
Hospital on Tuesday and we are pleas-
ed to report she is doing nicely.
Mr. W. H. Baer, of 277 Warren Ave -
nu., Detroit, Michigan, is in town, re-
newing acquaintance. Ire came up on
the Greyhound.
Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Ross, of Mountain
House, Idaho, and Mr. and Mrs. J.
Haber, of Romeo, Michigan, are the
guestsof Mr. T. Mason, , oP town,
Mrs. Clif. Watson, Mrs. Hellin and
Mrs. A. Churchill, all of Detroit were
visitors with Mrs. Livermore, Huron
Street this week. The visitors came
up on the Greyhound,
Mr, H. 13. Chant, Superintendent of
the Public Utilities, is in Niagara Falls
attending a Hydro meeting. He will
visit at Toronto and Unionville be-
fore coming back home.
Lieut. Harold Kerr, youngest son of
Rev, W. E. and Mrs. Kerr, formerly of
Clinton, now of Vancouver, 13. C., has
bCeen , proEnglamotend,d to Adjutant, at 'Wifely
1 amp
Mr. and Mrs, Jas, Roberton, of Full-
erton, accompanied by Miss Elsie Stone,
of Alymer, and Pies. Fred and George
Stone were visitors with Mrs. Kennedy
I last week. The soldier boys only re-
' cently returned home.
Ex -Chief of Police D.. J. Cantelon is
visiting in town. Mr Cantelon was
one of the Hien picked by Sheriff Mow-
Iaat at the Toronto Jail, after McCul-
lough was recaptured, to assist the
turnkey, as three of the regular staff
were placed to watch McCullough to
the last. Mr.'Cantelon states that the
prisoner was an active fellow and
would be able to slake it interesting if
given Half a chance.
(Globe) -Mr. William J. Twitchell,
of the 49th Battalion, Edmonton, who
has been spending a few days with
Miss S. Mulloy, in Jarvis street, wall
pay: a visit to his mother, Mrs. James
Twitchell, Windsor, on his way West,
Mr, Twitchell saw service at Mons
and Cambrai, and spent a long time in '1
Brussels. While recovering troll)
wounds in England he was one of the
guests specially invited to the open-
ing of Parliament at Westminister.
Shoes of
Selected Leather
But few People when buying shoes ever give the leathers
of which the shoes are made, any consideration!
Leathers of the same name are not always alike by any
manner of means!
There are good leathers and poor leathers known by the.
sante name!
On the grade of the leather used depends largely the life
and the satisfaction you get out of your shoes!
Om shoes are made from the best of stock -not seconds.
The leathers are selected with the greatest care by men
of great experience! That't what makes-
Men's Shoes $6,00, $6.50, $7.50 up to $10.00
Women's Shoes $4.00, $6.00, $7.50 up to $10.00'
FRED. J7...