HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1918-12-26, Page 8Two Centuries +It wee, bold adventuring, I'll bo hauled MUM for master ants neap, Sweeping than out .of every Sound From the Ifieys to Yucatan. And the holds were cluttered with chalieos,ti With tons el Cathedral plate, With brocaded, stuffs from the palaeo And with massy pieces -of -sight. It was a' jecnnd life and free, Ilia soheanor trim and last,. But the buccaneers of the Carib Sea Came horns in chains at last, It Was bald adventuring is the wash Of the North Atlantis tide ° 4 Fel' the hale underseabeat Boobs, Alger Books With every law defied. He slow the abips that happened along And waited to soo them drown, Then roared a stave front a pirate sang That he )earned in Hamburg town, Rut the flag ho bore .to insult the free Is fluttering down the mast, And the buecanoers of the British Seaom Ce borne in chains at last, —J. E. Middleton in Tho Toronto News„ Wishing all our'friends and patrons A Happy' and Prosper- ous New Year, We take this opportunity of thanking you for your patronage and solicit a coutinuance of the same. r—® HARLAND BROS. STOVES, HARDWARE AND NOVELTIES The Best of Rubbers! This is the Rubber Season and we offer our trade the Best in Rubbers, carefully avoiding:all the worth- less "Bargain" "trash"! Our Rubbers give the wearers lasting and satisfactory service. We've Rubbers for •Men, Women and Children formed to fit the present styles of shoes correctiy To insure the best of Rubber Service, they should be carefully fitted to the shoe—fitted as we know how to fit them. FRED. JACKSON "SHOES 'OF QUALITY." limosmEammtgal 101111114116 TO ONE AND ALL. A Happy and Prosperous New Year Plumsteel Bros.. THE STORE THAT SELLS FOR LESS. PHONE 25 NEW IDEA PATTERNS. IN OUR EXHIBIT has a charm of its own. Each has an individuality and the variety is so great that every taste can be gratified, Here are rugs of oriental design, others of domestic origin fn plain, floral and geometric patterns. But there is only ono quality in the entire collection ; the very best that can be obtained for the money, JAS. DUNPORD Undertaker and Funeral Director. 2.8 Phone w 28 1 4 1 'or Boys GOOD LIST OF TITLES.. TWO STYLES OF BIND- INC}—ONE AT TWENTY CENTS AND A BETTER O1W AT THIlifi`Y-FIVIl CENTS. Thio W. D. Fair co. "Often the Cheapest Always the Best.', Col. and Mrs. Combe were in London on Saturday. Mr. 11. E. Rorke is in Toronto on business. this week. Miss Ruby Irwin of Toronto was home for Christmas, Mr. Charles Cantelon was up from Toronto for Christmas. Mrs. Marshall 'is spending a few weeks with her. son in Hamilton, Mr. Robt. SweetofSarnia spent the holidays with his family in town. Mr. and Mrs. A. Lawson and ehikirer' were up from Oshawa for Christ- mas. Mrs. W. S. Elliott is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs, J. B. Lind- say of town, Rev. E. 0. and Mrs. Forde and Mas- ter George spent Christmas with Toronto relatives. Miss Gertrude Wallis is up from Var- sity spending the Christmas holi- days at her home. Mr, and Mrs. (:has. Conner were with the former's family at Mount Forest for Christmas. Misses Stella and Daisy Copp were up from Toronto spending ' Christ- mas at the parental home. Misses Retta and Viola Cook were up from Toronto spending Christ- mas at their home in town. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Hawkins and family aro spending a couple of weeks with Hamilton relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Will Tebbutt visited the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. 13. MaEwau, for the Christmastide. Mr. Edgar Ilollyman of Lucknow was the guest of his brother, Bir. F. Ilollyman of town, over Christmas. Miss Delle O'Neil of the Toronto Public school staff is spending the Christmas vacation at her home in town. Mrs. (Dr.) Donald Ross of Swift Current arrived on Friday to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.. T. O'Neil. Rev. Mr. McCauley of the Goderich Baptist church, was in town on Monday, waiting over between trains. Miss Rodaway of Stayner is spending the . Christmas vacation at her home, that of Mr. and 'Mrs. E. Rodaway. Manager Sharp of the Molsons Banlc and Mrs. Sharp and little daughter are with Aylmer relatives fon the big holiday, Miss Lydia Smith and her niece, Miss Mae Smith of Elmira, are with Goder,ch friends for the Christmastide. Miss Jessie O'Neil returned last week from I3urling)on, her school having to be closed again on ac- count of the influenza. NIr. and Mrs. I. Rattenbury of Peter - bora were up spending Christmas with the, latter's parents,Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Holloway. Mr. and Mrs, Alex. Drummond were over from Detroit spending Christ- mas with the latter's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Alex. Morris. Mr. H. W. Erwin of Bayfield was in town on Monday on his way to Kitchener to spend the Christmas- tide with his daughter. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Scott and Miss Ethelwyn of Clifford spent Christ- mas at the home of Mrs. Scott's sister, Mrs, W. S. Downs, Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Cook of .Hamilton were Christmas guests at the parental home of the former, that of Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Cook. NIr. and lairs, N, A. Phoenix and Master R. J. were up from Hamil- • ton spending Christmas with the lady's mother and sisters, Mrs, R. J. and the Misses Cluff. Mrs. 3d. Walsh left Tor Detroit en Saturday, having received word of the illness of her grandson. While in town Mrs. Walsh made her home with Mrs, ID, Ward of Huron St. Mr. and Mrs. H. Wilson and family of Stratford were in town today on their way home after. having spent Christmas Day with the lady's mother, Mrs. Connell, of Goderioh township. Mr, Fred F. Gilites came up from Toronto on Tuesday to spend Christmas with his wife and little daughter, who had been visiting; et tine lady's parental'home, that of Magistrate and Mrs. Andtews. Mr, W. 14. Floody canto up from Toronto fot Christmas and on his retm:n today is being accompanied by his wife and little son, who have spent the past couple of months with the lady's parents, Mr. acid Mrs. I1, B. Chant. Mrs. Ploody has almost entirely. reeov- eyed frbin the effects of a severe attack of typhoid which,she had ie the tauter, Clinton Ne Is -Record December 26th, .19.1 A Happy and Prosperous New Year to all is the wish of the whole staff of our stores,. ' WOMEN'S STORE Dry Goods,, House Furnishings phone GAS. Next Royal Bank ROWN 's MEN'S STORE Custom Tailoring and , (phone 108) Men's Furnishings Opposite Public Library, People You Know MMlrs. Jos. Guest of Wingham has been a Christmas visitor with her mother, Mrs. Mitchell of Albert street. Mr. H. Fair came up from Toronto Christmas night to join his wife and little daughter, who were vis- iting the lady's sister, Mrs. W. H. Ilellyar. NIr. George Oaks returned to his home in. Chicago on Thursday last after spending a fortnight or so with his brother in Godericlt town- ship. He called on Clinton friends also before leaving. Miss Margaret Torrance of Port Ar- thur is spending the Christmas holiday season at her home in town. She stopped off at Sudbury on her way down and spent a few days with her brother, Mr, E, Tor- rance, who has a position in that northern town. Bayfield NIr. W. J, Elliott, who has spent the past four months at Niagara Falls, returned home this week, • Mrs. A. , Catlin and, family of ,Port Stanley are,the guests of her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. James Sturgeon. Mrs. Brandon and son, Pte. A. C. Brandon, are spending Xmas holi- days at, Wingham. Pte. Malcolm Toms, who left here with the 181st Battalion, arrived home on Monday evening. Rev. E. Anderson is spending his Xinas holidays at his home in IJam- beth. Air. George Green spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Green, in the vil- lage. He was accompanied home by ltis mother who will spend Xmas holi- days. Miss Evelyn Pollock is spending her Xmas holidays under the parental roof. Nursing Sister Miss Maude Stir- ling, who 'was granted leave of ab- sence, received word to report for duty and left on Wednesday of last week for overseas, Mr. and Mrs. II. W, Erwin and• son, Master Frank Erwin, are spending Xmas week with their daughter, Mts. Saucier, at Kitchener, Mr, John Pollock, who has spent the past summer in the west, return- ed home last week, Miss Dolly Ross, who is attending Woodstock Business College, is spending her holidays under the par- ental roof, Mrs. Brownlee spent Saturday last at London. TIII7 DIFFERENCE, "It is remarkable that so many Women should be working." "Women have always worked," rc- elied Miss Cayenne. melte principal difference ;hist now is that they are worsting away from holed and get- ting paid for It,"= -Washington Star, Londesboro. Misses Esther and Mary Jamieson of Toronto are home for the Christ- mas vacation. Londesboro welcomed home three of her soldier boys -this week. •They were Pte. Frank Brown of the 33rd Battalion, and Ptes. Ilarvey Thinking and Clarence Crawford of the 161st. A11 the boys 'look well and we were pleased to have them with us for Christmas., Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Brumbley, Sr., spout Christmas in Hensall with their son-in-law, ,Mr, T. Shaddock, Miss Margaret McCool of Toroato is home for the holidays. Miss Ivy Roberton of London is visiting with Miss Nellie Manning, •A quiet wedding took place at the parsonage on Tuesday at one o'clock when. Miss Minnie Elva Lyon was united in marriage to Mr. William Knox Govier, the Rev. S. T. Sawyer officiating. They Were unattended and the ceremony was witnessed only by immediate relatives. The bride was married in her travelling suit of navy gaberdine and white crepe-de-chene blouse with which she wore a toupe velvet hat with pink facings, and black wolf furs.. They motored to Clinton and took the afternoon train for Toronto, where they ate spending a short honeymoon with tite bride's sister, Mrs. (Capt.) Dewar. On their return they will reside on the groom's farm a couple of miles west of Lon- desboro, Both Mr, and Birs. Govier are popular young people and have the good wishes of all their friends for a prosperous and happy married life. il large crowd of relatives and friends of Pte. Frank Brown, who arrived on "The Regina," assembled at the depot, 'Tuesday noon, to give him a rousing welcome. Frank is the only son of Mrs. Ed. Haggitt and was one of the llrst to volunteer with the 33rd Battalion, After serving seven months in the I,O.D F.. hos- pital, London, Eng., he transferred into the 1G1st. Later he went "ov- er the top" with the 18th, receiving his wounds an Aug. 25th of this year, Although he has been a sol- dier almost four years, he looks halo and happy and his many friends are indeed very thankful to have him safe in theft midst once mote, • d London Road A number around hero have been quite ill but we are glad to say are now recovering. M'lrs. I, Dodd of Clinton has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. G. W. Layton. Miss Fanny Waldron or Clinton spent Christmas with stet cousins, Mr. B. and Miss id, Waldron. Mr. J. T. McKnight nucceeded in getting the theta building, which he purchased at Bruceficld, shoved up to his farm 00 itionday. It was some Job, too, Mr, H. Riley of Londes bora had charge. of it. Constance - Messrs. W. McIntosh and W., Hugill spent Tuesday with friends at Bruce - field. Mr, and Nlrs. °'Jos. Nichelson of Brussels spent Thursday the guests of their nephew, Mr, Adam Nichol- son, Bis. 13, B, Stephenson has gone to Regina to visit her mother for a few months, Mr. Wut. Clark is ill again, Mrs. John Medd took a paralytic stroke on Saturday. Her, many friends trust that she may soon re- cover. Mrs. McArthur' and daughter Hazel of Seaforth are spending Christmas holidays with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Mann, Sr. Bir, Bruce Medd of Winchelsea was called home on Saturday owing to the serious illness of his mother, Mrs. J. Iiedd, Sr. Hullett Township The following is the report of S.S. No. 11, for the term just ending Sr, 4th—Mary I. Ross 72, 'Phomas Caldwell 70. Jr. 4th—Mary Ie, Moon 80, Robert Leiper 52. Sr. 3rd—James G. Roberton 75. Jr. 3rd—Olive A. Moon 72, Beat- rice A. Fairservice 66, Leonard Cald- well 55. Jr. 2n Jam N. Ross 02, Gladys Fairservice 11, Harry G. Caldwell 42. Primer—Violet E, Fairservice 00, Willie Laiper 84, Best spellers : September—'l'. J. Caldwell. October—M, 1. Ross. November—BI'. 1, Ross. November—Robt, 1,eiper, William Ross (equal). December—Maty K. Moon, William Ross (equal).. —KathetIne 13, Reid, Teacher. Painting -Paperhanging Neat and Quick Work 16 years Toronto experience Avoid the spring rush by getting work done now Not necessary to remove ear - pets. coverings or pictures— we have plenty drop sheets A. E WOOD Isaac Street, Clinton BUL For winter bloom we have : HYACINTHS, NARCISSUS, JONQUILS, TULIPS, FUSCIAS, DAFFODILS, ETC. Gahl:quality, reasonably priced. Try the new Giant White Narcis- sus, grown in water which blooms". in six. weeks. Winter liulbs are easily grown.. Let us tell you how. CUNINGHAME FLORIST, Farmers For the Very best Service' and Highest Prices BRiNG YOUR CREAM, TO Clinlon Crealarl Phone 145 PRICE 'TIHIS WEEK 53c: We furnish Cans and Remit Daily WISHING OUR PATRONS AND FRIENDS Happy New Year B am & Sutter Plunxbers and Electricians. Phone 7 1'1