HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1918-12-26, Page 7.w-n.+TeJMn-.'m'-A"1 s.�,e,.'..n+,r+,7e*r.«• v r` .,, .-.-. .. :Enter thio IV0W Yeats y44.04 the :detertuitied'roeolutiott to"becoxno the owner of sofas flood dlvideud paying eteelNeee and In the easiest way, With that resolve in nitind we .,'ittead ready to assist you with our PARTIAL PAYMENT PLAN )zy means of whieh,yaU can invest cR1'Thirs on a nianthlY basis m the purchase ase of any selected sound marketable" et -amity, on - actin* you to all dividends end aearuing interest, o ou "twee booklet entitled t"611' Ing'by the Partial .Payment Plan," which fully erplaitta our ayetotn, U. M. Candy 8z Co. .31embera Man treal Stook Exchange 106.106 Transportation Building MONTREAL • P.Q. RaoMen's dao CDeR'I Coats C. & C. Raccoon Coats are the beat value on the mar- ket today. They are made front full furred prime skins —good and roomy, with wide skirt so as to Insure warmth to the wearer when seat- ed, The lining is the best quilted Venetian cloth, Length of coats: 62 inches, Sizes 42, 44, 46, 48, E'rioeo $156. 8170, $210, 8230. Coate sent O. O. D. for approval at our expanse. CUMMINGS & CUMMINGS 109o, St. Paul Et. - Montreal An Old Mystery Solved. A commercial traveler, on leaving a certain hotel, said to the proprietor: "Pardon nae, but with what material do you stuff the beds in your estab- lishment?" "Why," said the landlord, proudly, "with the best straw to be found in the whole country!" "That," returned the traveler, is very interesting. I now know whence the straw came that broke the camel's back," In the dry air sound travels 1,442 feet a second, in water 4,900'feet, and through iron 17,500 feet. Minard's Li imeat Cures G6arret In Cows To shake rugs, grasp then at the side. In this way the fringe is pro- teeeed and the ends do not' ravel. mysTER0,.9.F. . .THE.. � CRUE EEP INSTANCE'S S OX'' SHIES WI10s17 FATES AIRE UNSOLVED Yessels Catalogued es "Missing" and the History of Their Adventures Will Never Be Known. The ocean le the home of ,mystery,. and one recalls many strange happen- ings which have occurred even in' our time. ;',hips have sailed away, well built, and in charge of skilful officers, but not a trace of them has ever been found ---that: fateful word "missing" has been their epitaph. But there, hav[, been other ocean mysteries, in no way connected with missing ships.. Some years ago a ship was found with all sail set and all her gear in good condition, but without a soul on board, A fire was burning in the galley, and an untested meal was upon the table in the cabin,,and the whole of ,the cargo was sound and in good 'condition, There was not'the slight- est sign of a struggle, and the log had been written up peacefully and in a proper manner up to a short time of her discovery. '•The ship was salved, but no one every solved the mystery, and probably it must for ever be writ - ton off as one of those strange prob- lems which defy even the skill of the nautical Sherlock Holmes. Like a Thief lin the Night. •On January 22nd, 1873, the emi- grant ship Northfleet was run down and sunk, with the loss of two hun- dred and .ninetythroe lives, as she of a passenger on the President, say- -ifty peacefully at anchor 'off Dunge_ ing that the missing ship had been ness. Although many people on board driven to Madeira with a damaged the ill-fated ship saw the "long, black, rudder. Flags were hoisted, and there straight -bowed steamer" which cut as joyaly nboas th ida es of the el hoax,Atlantic, down the clipper, the mystery has but, utace that ill -ata cru daywhen the Sever belyen fof soved tk this day, big President left New York here have Suddenly out of the darkness a Uig steamer came rushing at the emigrant been many missing ships, and the ship, and struck her fairly amidships, story of the old AmeriFan liner has in spite of the warning cries and been repeated again and again, with whistles raised by the latter. Like a perhaps a slight variation in detail. thief in the night the steamer backed, Some mysteries, although never ac - turned, and finally steamed off Mihail rosily solved, give us something on speed, leaving the unfortunate emi- j which to found a theory. The ship grants to go down with the rapidly- I which sailed away with a cargo of filling sailing ship. As the steamer railway metals, matches and g;nn- backed the crew were seen to run powder, and was afterwards reported forward and cover up the figurehead "missing," may have sunk, but Sher - and name of their craft, calling out lock Holmes would probably have at the sane time something in a for- thought otherwise. eign tongue. The mystery of identity of the steamer which ran down the North- fleet has never been solved. A Span - tali dtearnor was detained for, home months'stCadiz, on eus21 1011 of hav- trig been off Dungeness on the night. In question, but In the one the matter dropped, and another mystery was added to the long roll over which rather .Neptune keeps 'guard, 13efore we leave .the sub;feet of col. listens It should' be mentioned that there is a story' of a sailing ship which was run, down by another wind -driven ship, which approached her contrary to all rules and usages of the sea, struck her, basked oft, and finally dib• appeared—or, rather, drifted astern- end was seen no more, The remark- able part of the story is that not n soul was seen on the strange ship, no one answered the hail of the astonish- ed crew of the first -named craft, and, as the colliding ship drifted off, no one came forward to clear. away the wreckage. Epitaph of Many Ships. "Missing" is a terrible word, and yet it is the sole epitaph of many a well -remembered ship, We all remem- ber the case of -the Waratah, .which faded out of existence some years ago, leaving not a trace;; but other equally final ships have never been heard of again after sailing away "all well.' The first big steamer to be reported missing was the President, which sail- ed away from New York as long ago as March, 1841. Perhaps it was be- cause big steamers were then marvels in the eyes of the people of both the Old and the New World that the whole public of America and Europe thought of nothing but the missing liner over a period of many weeks. Ship after ship arrived which had started after the President, and still no tidings of the missing ship came to hand. On April 113th—unlucky day—a let- ter was received by one of they family The Right Market Prices Trappers are assured of these when dealing with us,—n. firm having had 20 fyears' business dealings e ence: Bank ofHochelaga,2Sttreal. Besides Henry, Montreahts you have our Bank Ra - We want you to send nn your shipimontn of• M0 AL 13717 .M52 We take them In any sized quantity and pay all express charges, guaran- teeing you satisfaction, which means a square deal. ABBEY FUR COMPANY 310 ST. PAUL ST. W. - LOUIS ABINOVIT1.1H Manager • MONTREAL, P.Q. •yY December. Dark -eyed December, you are here— Peculiar maid with brooding brow; Your sullen voice brings me no cheer, In dreary woods 'you wander now. Oli, that I had a wild birds wings To lure me far from you the while; I'd soar away where nature sings On some e'er fragrant laughing isle. } I'd float afar, and leave you, maid • 01 cloudy brow; the hills of- green Where bright-eyed summer long has stayed Would lure my footsteps to my queen. Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, leo. 1 Pt2=Alaq 4,0 A4, i! '"�"- 1 ,// 9/ A ' y ✓' • / i J. r .mo��ir�41111r- Tr, ,/, Buy HIM a Gillette This Christmas ! Ishe18? - Every young_man should shave right, from the very start. Encourage him with a Gillette to be as smooth -chinned all his life as he is today.. Is he 25? He is keenly interested in appearing at his best. They say smartness begins with "a shave and a shoe -shine". Noone would appreciate more than he the gift of a Gillette Safety Razor. Ishe35? Having put up with old-fashioned shaving methods for 15 years and over, he would appreciate among his Christmas gifts a Gillette, so that he may, for the next 15 years and more, know what real' shaving comfort is. Is he S5?• 10 fig You will delight hien with your gift of a Gillette with its unapproached ability to introduce comfort and pleasure into shaving and take out all the fussing. By all means, GIVE HI1114 A GILLETTE Z Sold Evterywher e - by Jewelers, Druggists, and Hardware Dealers, .;^ Five Dollars the Set. GILLETTE SAFETY RAZOR CO. of Casella, hutted, MONTREAL. 414 4., int Ow Weekly .1ash1ons ' Seevice and simplicity are obviously the features of this school frock of serge, relieved by the. soft white col- lar. McCall. Pattern No. 8644, Girl's Dress. In 6 sires, 4 to 14 years. Price,: 20 cents. This charming afternocn dress has the waist in basque effect, closing at the centre -back: McCtf11 Pattern No 8659, Ladies' Semi -Fitted Dress. In 6 sizes, 34 to 44 bust. Price, 25 cents. Transfer Design No. 936 Price, 20 cents, woMMY'S MESS -TIN An lndiipenieablei Ally Talks Aliouft Ttsell;, X am a stttltll tin can,with a 114 eovering my body, inside of which Is a folding handle, which, When with- dtawn,converts my lid into a mini* tore frying pan. Tommy and I have been together many, years --In feet, we aro not only great pais, but insepar- able companions 0180,, On the march I am." often hidden Within bis valise, sometlines securely strapped on the top, and when he dons fighting order I am 'usually found suspended beneath the haversack carried upon his back. In canis or Uo- hind the line I ;iourney up on the hook at the back of his tunic; or, when 1*. is affectionately inclined, he, gives me a swinging' ride in his hand, Officially, I am an utensil in which he is'tttught to produce a plain; brown or an Irish stew, and to make the tea of which he is so fond. But I am use- ful in other ways. I am frequently the means of cheering him with s4eaming hot cocoa, cafe an lait, and really good beef tea, When he chips the wood finely—as he usually does—I am at his service, even in daylight; and rarely am I the Cause of one "corning over," because I Om quickly heated and do not smoke. In me he boils eggs; Pr if his stock, combined with rations, runs to eggs and bacon or steak, then my lid ac- complishes the rest. I have in my time turned out steak puddings, boiled ride, porridge, and potatoes nicely cooked. Respectable batter has, under adverse conditions, been made in my body, and the pan part of my anatomy has put the fin- ishing touches to an eatable; though crude pancake. Quite frequently amidst the roaring of the guns, and within a few yards of Fritz's front line, I have added potato chips to a doubtful piece of steak. Tired, weary, and worn after hard nights, Tommy has desired above everything e. wash. Again have I come to the rescue. In shaving, the exterior of my lid has frequently been of invaluable eerviee to him as a mfr-- ror. But my best times are spent when we are at rest in a little estam- inet, where the worries of war are - temporarily forgotten and everyone seems happy. CAMP COFFEE IN LAPLAND Method of Serving Dinner ftmong the Inhabitants of Little Country. An American consular officer in Scandinavia gives the recipe for mak- ing coffee among the Lapps, when • they are so fortunate as to have it at all. Dinner was eaten out of doors, and the one dish of the meal consisted of roast lemmings, little creatures some- thing between a guinea pig and a rat, and as the officer admits "exquisitely peculiar" as to their flavor. •The party sguattedin a ring about the fire watching the roasts, all except a wrinkled old woman, who as an ex- pert was intent linen a more tedious ceremony. Out of a skin knapsack she had taken a small skin bag. From Ws she extracted some twelve green coffee beans, which she proceeded to roast one by one in a small iron spoon. When they were cooked to her taste she bruised them to coarse frag- ments between stones and put the re- sult with water into a copper kettle, which had one lid in the usual place and another on the"end of the spout to keep out smoke and feathery wood ash. Thenthe whole mixture was boiled un together into a bubbling froth of coffee fragments and coffee extract. She cleared it by an old trick which si known to campers all over the world. This was to throw into the kettle a small splash of cold water when the coffee grounds were prompt- ly .nrecipitated to the bottom. Then she poured the clear, brown, steaming liquor into a blackened bowl of birch root and handed it to the good man, her husband. After he had taken the bowl in his fingers the woinan hunted in a lea- thern knapsack and produced a lump of beet sugar. The host bit a frag- ment from it and lodged it in his teeth and then he lifted the bowl to his lips and ,drank, In a more civilized man this would of course been rudeness; in a savage it was asimple act of courtesy. It was a slaw assurance that the bowl con- tained no poison.. Then he handed it on for Inc guests to drink in turn, and the American says that he does not knew that he ever tasted better coffee. TOE Qi1 CINAI, `i'AN1C The Snail Presents ctIt0lierablanai to Modern Instrument of War. The war tank 11806 for locomotion the principle of the so-called "cat- erpillar" tractor, 3 i when one o1c amines the matter It becomes appar- elft that there is really not much like Hess between caterpillar and tank In their mode of getting over ground. It tho ons.dl that offers a real and ob- vious resemblance to the tank, Mov- ing over the ground by a series of wavelike undulations, it progresses in a way strongly suggestive of the peri patetie T'tirt,and with an equal dis- regard of obstacles of terrain. The shall, of course, may be ro- Ii'016 u.-.. "kVEU/ d' 'Lt5t.ti I'Ao tuft Yfippr.A)' til,, n l0]'t r�xletlnrt Pima 1 ,kailt 14utario, ' 1ne awes earrto6 i;f+o0, NY!iI rn tar tl1,tl0O aft golf* eels, Act e_w Ween i'ttllhllehin8 40.:1116 Toronto. �} rJIlf[ilq, .. j+l'81W�x'.A'P�F1Tt Il'o5 eAo r F'ranc's,to 13nill est! tw OptUrlp ,,d00.4,et1 w, Worth don ors that amount. Aunty 3, ,, ole wn6oe »tomat,3 tr CO.. 14I'tielvR..ted• TOPOOti. /Ion OUk1 I'I,UOB z,I8`0 {itlowXxle? VI'ooat Of windows glazed oornplete, any else, ,_. 7laltidaY ' Gotnpany, Bus 13, 01. 'KIS BASS= 0VS 1 ANCgrt. R'UA101t34, x,UA2113. erre., internal, and external, eared with.• eut hat[ or our home -treatment. writs usbeforetoo tate. Dr, Bellntan Medical Co., 0101tta4, (o1Ungwoo3,'opt. garded as corresponding to the ar- mored body of the tank. It is oeeu- pied mainly by ,th-e expanded lungs of the snail, when the creature is promenading, But when the snail re- treats into its shell, room for the manoeuvre is made by the collapse of the lungs. 'Tho most powerful animals are vegetarians. Mtuard'e T,intlnent Cures Diphtheria, Run cranberries through Uhe potato dicer while warm, then 'add the su- gar. Send your Simple middy dress for the little school -girl. A suitable design for the combination of materials. McCall Pattern No. 8654, Girl's Middy Dress. In 6 sizes, 4 to 14 years. Price, 20 cents. The lines. of. 'this smart suit con- form with the winter modes. Fur trimming adds to the attractiveness of the design. McCall. Pattern No. NU, Misses' Coat Suit. In 4 sizes, 14 to 20 years, Price, 26 cents. These patterns may be ,obtained from your local McCall dealer, or from filo Mo0,all Co., 70 Bond Street, Toronto, Dept. W. • After Crossing the Sart "That's how We do things iti the Old Tenuity, pointing to a noWs-heading which bore the words; "Vivo Hundred Germans Drowned in Champagne." "Clot nothing to beat "Oh, haven't wo7" retorted his sailor Mend. "My lad, that's nothing to get excited itbOut•-nothing at all, h. that hist affair along the Belgian coast W6 Sault throe Gorman sabmarines Four inches make a hand in measur- ing horses. Al:on:dour: For 16 clays In the month of January I was suffering with pain of rheumatism in the reek I tried all ]chile of remedies but nothing did me any good. One Per- son told me about ♦111NAIID.'S LINI- 111.13,STT; as soon no I tried it the Satur- day night, the nextmorning1 was feel- ing very good; I tall you this remedy is very good; 1 could give you, a good cer- tificate' any time that you would like to have one. 0f any time I conte to hear about ana' nerson sick of rheumatism, I could fell thein about ibis remedy. Yout,r)RN17S'C TI7VBIl.l..no, 216 Rue Ontario Bast, \Montreal. Ppb. 14, 1.001. "It had' snowed overnight. The Holds were all sheeted up; they were tucked in among the snow, and their shape was modelled through the pliant counterpane, liko childeen tucked hi by a fend mother,'--Robor•t Louis' Stevenson. MONEY ORDERS. Send a Dominion Express Money Order, Five Dollars'costs three cents. To keep cheese from getting hard and'inouldy, cut and glut in glass fruit 31ta', air -tight, Pomi Itinata`S Rdnlutont Ourea Dietatuslar. A soft, clean wool 'brush is excel- lent for taking the film el' dust off the walls, - 423 St. PauI Et. West MONTREAL Being manufacturers and not buying to re. 11,11 we always ensure the fairest grading and the highest market prices. Quick returns! No price list issued but we guarantee to hold your skins eoparate until you accept or reject our oiler• MalisTexessmassMmozaiosamerxesitissilma of all kinds, Better quality preferred. Write for prices. STANFORD'S, Limited 123 Mansfield St. • - Montreal Reduces Strained, Puffy Ankles, Ly'uphaegitis. Poll Evil, Fistula; i Boils, Swellings; Stops Lameness and allays pain. Heals Sores, Cuts. Bruises, Boot Chafes. It 1s a' SAFE ANTISEPTIC AND GERMICIDE Does not blister or remove the hair and horse•canbeworked. Pleasant to use. 82.50 a bottle, delivered. Describe your case for special instructions'and Book 5 it free. ARSORBiNE, 3R., antiseptic liniment for mankind, re. duets Strains, Painful. Knotted. Swslien veins, 001,010. crated—only a kw drone required sun apptleatlos. Pace 81.33 per bottle it dcalcre or delivered. W. F. YOUNG. P. 0.1'.. 516 Lfmase sldg.,Montreal,Can, auau.mue age nu100103. Jr.. are matte l0. Canada. RAWFU R ye mnskeb D ioaalifor RAW FURS- and GINSENG ROOT 22 years pf reelable trading, Ileferenee—Unlon 131c, of Canada, tttt�� Write 1 for Price List and Togs Nl. SILVER 2207 St. Paul. ST.Q W. DARLING, PIERCING SCIATIC PAINS Give way before the pene- trating effects of Sloan's Liniment So do those rheumatic twinges and the loin -aches of lumbago, the nerve - inflammation of neuritis, the wry neck, the joint wrench, the ligament sprain, the muscle strain, and the throbbing bruise. The ease of applying, the quickness of relief, the positive results, the cleanliness, and the economy of Sloan's Liniment make it universally preferred. Made in Canada. 30c., 60c., 81.20. Kept Awake at Night itching So 1tense Healed by Ci>iticurea "A nasty patch appeared on tate right side of my face, caused by shav- ing with a dull razor. I drew blood with my fingers, the itchingwas so in- tense. The patch was red and 'irritated causing me to keep awake at night. "Seeing Cuticura Soap and Oint- ment advertised I sent for a free sam- ple. After using I noticed quite a change so I bought a box of Cuticura Ointment and two cakes of Cuticura Soap, and I did 'not finish the whole box of Cuticura Ointment when I was healed perm-anently." (Signed) Ewen MacDonald, Marion Bridge, N. S., September 30, 1917. Cuticura Soap and Ointment are not only most valuable for the treatment of pimples, dandruff and irritated scalps, but their great mission is to prevent such conditions. Cuticura Soap used exclusively for the toilet, and Cuticura Ointment, as needed, keep the skin and scalp clean, clear and healthy. For Free Sample Each by Mail ad- dress post -card: "Cuticura, Dept. A, Boston, U. S. A." Sold everywhere. •• IS;311:x No. r2—'18 - �,n,d 'd-d¢5Anao5. n„ e Under Allied Flags Immediate Help Needed to Relieve Starvation ana Suffering—Cannot Hold Germany Responsible NOW! There is pressing need for our help in Belgium today, and there will be formanymonths to come. As our troops occupy the evacuated territory, untold misery stares them in the face. Emaciated children, hollow- cheeked women, roofless homes, clothing so worn it offers no protection from winter's terrors—miseries that cannot wait but MUST be relieved at once to avert DEATH! Need you be reminded how Belgium was the first to jump into the breach and so make our Victorious Peace possible? Don't let it be said WE let Belgium starve. Let us cable over your offering to the mothers and children of Brave Little Belgium AT ONCE I Make cheques payable and send contributions -to _ 'et 1! 00 (Registered ur der the War Cherit'cs Act) to your Local Committee, o to Ontario Branch—Belgian Relief Fund -95 King St. W., Toronto X27 !scuta,..atsAWILIr .,mra. ., - nteaas; llotcl .il ci Coroudo Coronado Keach, California Where the balmy yet invigorating climate makes passible .the enjoyment of outdoor sports through. out the Winter months. ". X'OLO, GOLF, TENNIS, MOTORING, FISHING, BAY AND SURF BATHING Write for Winter Folder awl Golf !)t"ogralna JOHN J. I1ERNAN, • Manager 4.1