HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1918-12-19, Page 9�ytf p 1N'
,r,. g01.k 1 � _. by
V l' 141
h rt , • N
is—•--• f.lndt,
ft, suggestion le those'. o Ar+
„} 1w'. are sending' gifts to, eori
Soldier's.' Overs,eas'-c01'1106 Pt'
froth( 14, -Cpl (.Canon) Pte.
Frederick George Scott, yu
Senior Chaplain o6 the 46f
PirSt Division,, VI a cable 1'i
rreeIved fly friends ill A
Montreal. lie says ''Pale aWe
nacn' want ,playing cards see
and chewing tobacco." a•
. ' N. Tit
Atb;i?e- r
Nasnrowstmaigimmtimulimag' w4.-
,0jli (Cabe RicaOsi :lki'apZsit°•'aisateis. , •i -
ea'aisiste meas. , _..... ..�
man would slip and stick, and -his
thigh boots would have to be sacri-
ficed before he could he extricated;
then another, and another, until in
ane company nineteen men were"pick-
ing their floundering. way along in
their stockinged feet, and the slush
underfoot was a compound of melted
snow and mud. Fatal to strike a light,
to speak abovea whisper.
Stream as a Trench.
We reached our trench. Trench?
just the shallow bed of a stream; the
water still running. Not many yards„
away, onl the slope of, the hill on the
other side was the enemy Iine, When
,day name every man had to crouch
down, thigh deep in water and mud.
Bent double, else he' would offer a
fair target; until his back ached ex-
cruciatingly, though his legs seemed
dead. Then trench -mortar shells and
bombs began to come over tows, and
.men began to roll over and bite their
lips lest a cry carry the- news to the
German. And there, head and shoul-
ders propped up so that they would
not drown, they had to stay until
darknesscame again. Certain death
_to attempt succour' in the light of day,
save the little first-aid that, we could
render. a Our -doctor, who had been
left behind, tried to make his way
across the open to us. We buried him
that night.
Time seemed to have feet of lead.
My watch was stopped. I asked a cor-
poral the time. The question was pas-
sed along in whispers until it reached
la man who possesseda timekeeper.
"Nine o'clock."
two hours had passed since
'daybreak! It seemed two weeks! An-
other ten hours before a man could
stand upright! '
Brutish Soldier As He Les in Hospital
Tell of Two Things That
Haunt His Brain.
Going over the top, being shelled to
blazes in a trench—those are not the
•1• 1*'"nt me most as I
lie here; though Iva had a full-sized
1.. s both,, and em not
greedy for more.
A smell and a stream. They are the
two things I find it most difficult to
We werein the line. The trench
sides, disintegrated by days of rain,
were continually falling in. The trench
itself was almost knee-deep in liquid
muds Behind, there was a disreput-
able crop of little wooden crosses,
leaning drunkenly in all derections,
many of thein splintered, but reach-
ing stragglingly almost to the parades
In front there was a tangled mass of
rusty wire, with things hanging on to
it like a devil's ghastly mockery of
a washing -clay. Beyond that, ten
yards of shell -churned,: offensive mud;
then a stagnant: green -scummed chan-
nel, oil the_further bank;of which the
blonde beast had built a kind of' pare -
pet that was surely the outcome of a -
nightmare. It was built of the dead
—German dead.
A Cellar Mystery,
The second memory belongs to the
end one of a little row of cellars.
There had been a row of houses there
—once, Forty-eight hours before,
German troops had'been there. Just
behind there was a_ German burial
ground, which, new and again, Ger-
man shells were ploughing up. We had
been marching for thirteen hours. The
cellars were to be our billets for a
few hours more. We threw ourselves
on to the floor, and tried to sleep, but
could not. There was a. stench in the
place thattmade us wish to get out.
There was a pile of earth near the
doorway over which we had to walk
when we entered. We kept eyeing this.
At length a batman got a spade,
and the first thing ho brought to light
was a yard -long tress of hair. Beneath
the eartliwag the body of a girl. What
hellish deed had been committed in
the cellar we could only guess.
We started off to our new -line, down
a hillside, the whole of which was
pocked with shell -craters, each crater
'a hog.- It was pitch dark. First one
Welcome Relief.
Mortar shells and bombs continued ;
to fall. It was impossible to hit back.
Night came at last. A fresh company
came to relieve us. Those of its who
were unwounded began the task of
getting the wounded and ,the dead
across the bogs and up the hill.
s all
f et the
was Hades -a bitsterly cold Hades, a
terribly wet Hades, but a real Hades
for all that.
- -�
Canada's Dairy Products.
There are about' 3,500 cheese and
butter factories in Canada, and over
220,000 dairy farmers supply these
with milk and cream, The total value
of the output of these factories in
1916 was upward of 62,000,000. The
grand aggregate of dairy products in
Canada—cheese, creamery butter,
whole mills sold for consumption, out-
put of condensers, dairy butter made
and milk consumed on the- farm—is
estimated at $200,000,000.
Mftiard'e Liniment Cures Diphtheria.
Members of the Air Force Delight to
Decorate Their: Machines.
While discipline is maintained in
the R.A.F., a certain amount of free
dont' is inherent in the flying man's
psychology, and perhaps 'for that
reason the authorities allow him to
have bis pet machine painted to please
his artistic or Futurist tastes.
This popular craze originated from
the necessity in the early days of
preserving the few aircraft we had
by scientific camouflage. From that
necessity rose the luxury of display-
ingeaerial individuality, Not only do
airmen paint their aeroplanes with all
the colors of 'the rainbow, many of
them add names, weird and wonderful,
to their beloved air beasts. Some are
dramatic—such as "Le Diable Noir,"
"The Skull and Crossbones," with a
`suitable design, calculated to terror-
ize Fritz; "Black Bess; and the like.
Then there is the light-hearted'pilot,
who Christens his beet 'bus with such
names as "Wicked Mabel," "Fairy,"
"The Chocolate Soldier," and so on.
One pilot whose misfortune it was
in 1916 to fly an inferior machine, told
arae that his C.O. ordered him at once
to obliterate "H.M. Aeroplane Never -
getup,"' which, in' a rash moment, he
bad painted on his craft.
One of .Jhe most curious names I
have seen was "Harry Tate's 'Bus." I
was told that the name had been
painted by a wag who often chipped
the,pilot about his fierce moustache.
Many strange combinations of color
are found in both allied and enemy
squadrons. Black and white stripes,
which makethe round nose of an
aeroplane look like the old-fashioned
bull's-eye sweetmeat, are not uncom-
mon in. German squadrons. The All-
red is well known. The allblack is a
rare bird, with a pilot who must be
,particularly contemptuous of Arehies,
!or his craft: makes a good target='
against blue sky or white clouds.
Sometimes a fierce face is painted
on the cowl of -the flying machine,
Presently -the awful visage will dive
upon and terrify. a Hun, who may rec-
ognize that behind it is a pilot with
a sure gun and a steady hand.
It has been stated by-.seientists that
colors have an effect upon the .be-
havior of an aircraft. This may be a
fact, as I have noticed when flying a
dark -colored machine that it is more
susceptible to air bumps and disturb-
ances than a light-coigred one.
�1'oc3'd�y ,Th El s l altar Bice O ildr'arl
Fashions war Laid l•Iewuy Wong ap Children's '
---•„1 Deur Mr, 4 11(-:
What a fascinating little design for
the kiddie!' The fulness at either
side of front and back may be smock-
ed, shirred or 'tiny tucks used as il-
lustrated. McCall Pattern No. 8656,
Child's Dress. In 5 •sizes, 6'months
to 6 years.: Price, 15 cents.
0 Stomas,
An entirely new idea for a house
dress. The belt and pockets are in
one, being connected with the back
belt. McCall Pattern No. 8637,
Ladies' House Dress. In 3 sizes,
small, 84 to 86; medium, 38 to 40;
large, 42 to 44 bust. Price, 25 cents.
Minard'e Liniment Cures Dietomper.
Tea . coffee stains of long stand-
ing be taken out by applying a
little glycerine, after washing once;
a• second washipg Will entirely 're-
move the stain.
Four Canadian
f3oo►ks of Merit
Books that should be en the shelves of every true lover
of what is best in literature. • They are vir`ile, fascinat-
ing, delightfully entertaining and informative. But,'
best of -all, they are Canadian.
Three-Tidnes and Out
By Nellie L. McClung
A real, live story of a real, live
lived, manytmonths in .different
and .who Was only successtui in
.escaping after his third attempt.
He was one of the famous
"German Prison Ring Men,"
and the stogy is given to
the public in that gripping. hum-
orous style which has endeared
Mrs. ItIcClung to all Canadians.
Truth is stranger than flatten;
that's why the facts In this boob
appeal so strongly.
Willow, the the Wisp
By Archie P. AicRishnie
A wonderful outdoor' novel. of
which the Toronto. Globe says:
"Youth and beauty and a forest
—Shaitespeare know the magic
formula, and tender 1118 hand it
blossomed immortallyin the
Forest of Arden. As little real
as .haltesp'eare's greenwood,
yet compelling to the imagina-
tion with its purely modern
addition of 'tt+ill things yielding
to the mastery of inch and 1Nv.
in it1 harmony
-, whit'him, and
one another,
this pleasant
rehearsal ' 0 2
an old Story,
'Willow, t h o
W i soli. h,a s,
power to give
pleasure ttS-
0,1011 40 love
beauty and'
L h o . friendly
ereatures and
swoot, wild
"Canadian, who
German prisons,
Industry and Humanity
AND Hutt/04TV
By Ron. W. L. 11IcEienzie 'King.
A blg book on the vital question of the hour; by Am
erten'' lending authority. The greatest problem *1110),
We shall •hove. to face atftcr t11e 1vn
and one whiemie )trendy attracting
S I$ OTHERS wide attention—le intlustrlsl (0000•
streettee. • 2!r, King's book 10 a'
0E1 MONEY, MON20 !..$1.50 Ut•Illion t study 02p the principlesny Eleanor D. Porter. underlying this futpm'huat qu4stfon.
Tile best book hats. Porter has ever The author heti had n 1ivide,o,, expert•
Tile be epee no n conciliator i many sert-
oosbadnstrialstrlkes'andlli dent•
TANG Op' LIp13.'.,.......$i.np lug with pro lame of Immigration.
By 0. B. 0:41,1m. In this connection he represented
An intense, virilestory of the West; the Government of Canadaon im•
with Its rapid action, Its color and portant missions 112 l;ngland, andi;i,.
Spirit will Pf a ever render an ac.
Chinn and Japan
Spir taste it a tee every
actor a."
MAN eve of e W
By Ernest (oa4la tri.•
tual THE CARAVAN M N $150 i 4I i
Ono of- the most dellghifnl and
boartening'uovels we have road in.a ' By Archie P. Mcii.ishnlo
tong time. Archie-Mettlshnle's "Wallow, the.
THE CROSS t0L' P118211 ..112.50 Wisp" has „mel with stent a spun110 It..
A Charming story of the romaaoe of taneott5 •outees8 net pressure has
lova and 10nl• to -day. been brought to bear upon his palm
Joys me BEINGA SVO.II,2N' Halters to 0(510 a new edition or
31.30' ohm of his earlier snceossos, "lave
By wfnn(I'red Kirtland of the Wild(' which 'has been out of
I'hie firi(t Collection in book form print fur seine time.
of MI00 • Klrklnn,l s asanl's proves, .
that ter cleareels:ontlot expressed 11 [s the 00m0 kind of an outdoor
with humor (u"1 humanness 0(1,1, a etoly, lrltb 0(1111 .flloot1°111'5' 0110x.
bet in � the small circle of. the bent eaters ilia( ino as�m.;' 'a i
pingo beanie the 02814,Y2 Pt Min Rep. "aerie 100'0'
Wier. Elitaboth 1.oenbritige and ton Porter's"
Dr, Crashers. famous honks
the world ormi,
THE NEM' DISATH • $3-'25 : you wl[1 not
Not [n matey years his a boot so only a ti t o y
comforting been - l,nblilllo(l, I1 10 every , Ileo 0f
so sound 'So sa110 end so rsoeettring,: . "Lore of the
and seoltie to gg]vo •sq, h9lpfuily the Wail," Mit yeti
1000004 of on rage one faith and w11! loll all
Insight for *1111ab, in Clete dark your Weeds
drive,. so maOv have heats malting. about It,
It is ito hope of many of the. Tho bona( is
alert;y, that the book will fall late well menet 111
many t.rihousends. oar ban0s 11 Oou• cloth, with sol•
orad 10L'et,
essoy[ets tier book will lake Its 90P1115 r f or
places."" + -
-,..+Y- Frlea, 635,
The Two 14I I£isllnie Books at All Booksellers foi'.$2r00,
Sold by Ail Booksellers..
k- r) 29 • TORONTO
A' simple dress which is quite at-
tractive when developed in some
novelty material, McCall Pattern
No. 8649, Ladies' House 'Dress. In
8 sizes, 84 to 48 busi:. Price, 25
This coat dress when donned by the
Miss would enhance her appearaneei
to the highest degrees. ' McCall Pat -
len No, 8652, Misses' Dress. In- 8
sizes, 10 to 20 years. Price, 25
cent's. •
These patFierns may be obtained
from your local McCall dealer, or
Trona the McCall Co,, 70 Bond St.,
Toronto, Dept. W.
Woman'dob.tags have been of the
greatest service to the emitti'y, Not
only have they released mels 'for 0001-
tial serviee at the :front, but have
a4ttA1ly curried cls bast hospitals as
ei1iclently ns mem—Sit Watson
ativard'li ifthlhnaat tram Osrp'at in Ile
Tile tliliaual report of the I'loapltrti
for Sick' CHl1d1'ep,° Toronto, illul'it, a
new record, despite the ltnavy hnlldl-
cap the war placed upon its Wolk:
Thetask of ministering to.11le suf•
Whig yolmasters of this province lvaa
no,light one in view 01 the liospitai'a
eplendld response to the.a'atlenul call
Il>t doctors and 48 nurses froth its
forces have neon nervine oversees,
Yet the number of patients treated
is 5,048, or 1,303 more than Mart year,
Of these 13[ -patients, 759 were front
266 places outitide of'Torouto, '
The tireless efforts of the staff
made possible aimo 1' reduction In the
a' erago length. of .stay neemery for
the little. patients from 24 days to
.1914 to 14 this year,
'These results show that the rats•
pita' has again pair' to the chydren
rich dhY!dends at health upon the In.
vetted kindness'of its supporters,
Stare has been. easeful stewardship
sof the funds entrusted to the kiospltal,
There has been saving—almost serious
'1ng--in every direction exeopt where
It would prevent the 2lospiltal's Booth.
ing the"sufterIng .or shortening the
sickness of one child. The daily cost
of operation was heal at the Umiak
point which would still: allow the,
children entrusted to the Hospital to
get the best medicine and the hest of
care.' '
And yet so AIgh has risen the cost of
every item In the Hospital's budget—in
labor, in fuel, In food, and, above all,
in medical supplies—that the mint.
mute expense of taking care of one
child for, one day has risen' from 42.34
back in 1914 to $3,21(1'x1 in 1418 Of
that, $1,66%- the'amount per patient
Per day that the official Government
grants do not cover—must come from
voluntary contriInt llona'
During the past four years debts
were incurred to the extent of $100,
000, which the Trustees felt assured
would be wiped out by the public as
soon as the war drew to its close, and
those heavy demands cease tvhicb
have been made upon the gcneroaity
of the loyal people of this province
The time has now come when it Ys ne•
oessaryto make known the Hospital's
dire need of financial desistance.
If this' 43rd Christmas appeal fails
to rally the,friends of this Charity to
its support, it will be necessary to
mortgage its land, buildings and -plant.
By the bounty of the late John Ross
Robertson that property has just been
cleared of debt for the first time since
11 began its ministry of healing merry'
Little children have lost a big-
hearted friend, and.. the province n
noble benefactor. It Isforthe linbitr
to decide whether his ltfe•work shall
be shadowed witb a mortgage within
less than a year of his passing.
What think you? ,
Send your answer as soon as pos-
sible,to the Secretary -Treasurer, i-1os
pital for Sick Children, College Street. '
Toronto. Meanwhile the Charity will
"Carry on " (rooting In your support.
Ohairmau of Anreni Ccmm!tten
To cut velvet, pin the pattern on
the wrong side of the velvet.
ll5inard'a Liniment Cwma Colds, ate,
Our enemies made this war a war
of engineering and science. We ac-
cepted the ch'al'lenge, and there. is no
point in which we have not beaten
them.—A. T. Hobson. +
The safe way to send money by mail
Is by Donlinlon'Nlxpress Money Order.
Rolls or biscuits may be freshened
by placing them in a paper bag,
twisting the top of the bag together,
dipping it in cold water and placing
•fn a hot oven for a few minutes.
When 'taken out the rolls will be as
light and hot as when first baked,
and are far more Wholesome.
I was cured of Rheumatic Gout by
I was cured of Acute Bronchitis by
I was cured of Acute Rheumatism
Markham, Ont. O. S. BILLING.
• Lakefleld, Quo., Oct, 9; 1907.
What is the use of supposing that
the Germans have repented? What
is the use of supposing that they are
sorry for what they have done? All
they are sorry for is that it has not
suceeedeta:—Mr; Churchill.
of all kinds,
Better quality preferred.
Writs for prices,
128 Mansfield St. - - Montreal
The iflghest Falco
srrrn. RAW FURS
96 us,' no matter wham quantity, We
pay the highest price, also express
Try once and you aro assured of
310 8t. Paul W. Montreal, P.Q.
Reference: Bank of nocltelaga, St:
1n 13u0111001 fey 10 years.
ee , Cd'ffrshoe o 1Aw19/
SQUIDS 91:20.26S/MS,,
± 6,14. t;lt,WlilT2,TAN, DAM 6ftCNNIl
OR OX 6iiyol4 8110E88
tnrocn(ut, Ronnn(5nsitt, +Ips t111Y1,..
ISSUE No. 41-4
•Wltis out' eYst9ln 92 jl000liclI tt;
saoiarltias by
"1.11 V1X4L 14 A•A � alE:si1NT
Sl'c !lave eolnlilletl a slpeolai
i;ooklet telltrlis: ea all about this
emareolontrlsed whereby your
favorite slllar10121' be bought
on ,monthly pltymeets.
'ihiri method provides a .genuine
lneentive to sieve, No better
time to begin than uoyv, stand-
ard sees tltieti seilhlg at very
romunorelive prices,
Write fora frao'coriy .of booklet,
H..,ft Connolly Co.
Members .Montreal Stook laxcbange.
10v-103 Transportation Suildinpl
-.Rp-.���•.sr»IpI. pr�,�p.@,��....-.t�,n,(pS
Y60"Y Sill 'F 8{!mar1tatl pr1 ip Jt2Ii
22 years of reliable treeing.
Reference-4-10ton lie, of Canada.,
Write for Pries List and Tags
N. SILVER e05t ran.rrt vv•
,_w•• Nfoutrutl Y n,
Send your
?2br r 1Jj,rl'p ftio. 1#14vIrNb'/AX PILI
am 'fo , 92;nttnit plant In
3ttS'itt,AubP11l0tetdd•, A00r05te alltjtoIrline,Pt091O1ennt1711'0el9al1,ortnL$e1l0l0t0qt►!,
I1r1 a':1,y $3rW38' '17116 P'Q19 64.141.91 1n .New ()Maria. -:owner gOltik tg
Erol*9, WiII 1te11 82,000. w1rtd double
Mut( on1n1(flt, Applyy.3 I'1" olo 'Wlle'aR
Pa13110i1111g (a, LlniJt0O, Tetania, ,
IirOE»? wrryrvows you NAL][, •..
(- 18't' cult PIaiog1 LISP sIrowfigco
f 0oat,sl wind0wngiasad (1(0.191090, any
1050,. iialll(lay r1eitlpany, Ilex 11 01,
Ilam[l tots
ANCER ' TVMOI Il, Lr1Ail' j, BrO,,
l) [ilternal and external, cured lth.
vat nirin by our Mame treatment. writs
we before too late. Dr. Beliraan Medical
Con Limited, G0[Bngwood. Oat.
You'll find Sloan's Liniment
softens the severe
rheumatic ache
Put it Olt freely. Don't'rub it in;
Just let it penetrate llattirally, What a
sense of soothing relief soon follows.
External aches, stiffness, soreness,
cramped muscles, strained sinews,
back 'cricks"—diose ailments can't
fight 017 the relieving qualities of
Sloan's Liniment, Clean, convenient,
economical, lvlade-in Canada; Ask
any druggist for it. '
St. Paul St.
Being manufacturers and not buying to re.
sell we always assure the fairest grading and
the highest market prices. Quick returns!
No -price list issued .but we guarantee to
hold your skins separate until you accept
or reject our offer. -• 60
N vel; bpraro, wcro prices 0e Mph and n getria'
profltta. a![aeral. Tl+n hitih cost oP woof, nn Hio
r00 Nre Kivu r.tixco0 rove.. l re 1 In.
1V tl rte a foe II+ne h r Aat
'; � reale ST n b„o ass nn( F'�ssei<n ,.t1! yet
! n w.nrn
II•li: u 'lith tete g . •i:
els In nu4t i age Lrnnhl�R ulo •l..
8'HINSTElt.1"it®o''dl, as CO.
1ut„ t,onnl Pur Recta uge
093 1gFnt�nsten Sidg.
S,t..n.toalai I4 Gs Moe
1 iu
`bra• �.+;�'
30c., 60c., $1.20.
Cuticura Promotes Beauty
Of -Hair and SIO
If the Soap is used for'every-day
toilet purposes assistecLb'y occasional
touches of Cuticura Ointment to first
signs of pimples, redness, roughness
or dandruff. Do not confound these
fragrant super - creamy emollients
with coarsely medicated, often dan-
gerous preparations urged as substi-
SamRle 8051. Free by Mail. Address post-
card: Cutioura, Dept, N, Boston. U. S. A.tl1
Sold by dealers throughout the world.
Under Allied Flags
Immediate Help Needed to Relieve Starvation and
Suffering—Cannot Hold Germany Responsible NOW I
There is pressing need for our help in Belgium
t �g today,and there will be formanymonths to come.
As our troops occupy the evacuated
territory, untold misery stares them in
the face. Emaciated children, hollow -
checked women, roofless homes,
clothing so worn it offers no protection
from winter's terrors—miseries that
cannot wait but MUST be relieved at
once to avert DEATH!
Need you be reminded how Belgium
was the first to jumpinto the breach
and so make our Victorious Peace
Don't let it be said WE let
Belgium starve. Let us cable
over your offering to the mothers
and children of Brave Little
Belgium AT ONCE!
Make cheques payable end send contributions' to e'.
/10 va
(Regis orad Under the war Charit es Act)
to your Local Committee, or 10
- 127
Over 1005,0009000 Pe o
Llift1A77AA � EM1r A F
ac c Starvation
Reliable Expelimental,5ttttiom. tests show that
F'ertilizer's have int:leaoecl yields of grain, potatoes,
etc., 25% to 130%.
The 1017 Report of the :ward of Agriculture,
England, records the fact that in a general report
from English farmers who undertook to grow more
food, 40% of the farmers made special mention of
the great service rendered by fertilizers.
You can help stave off famine and make profit
yourself by preparing to fertilize your spring crops,
land to top -dress your fall wheat next spring.
Write for our Free Bulletins on Crop Increase.
OF 1'wf CANADIAN Egri1L17,ER Ass0CIATroN.
1111 Temple banding Toronto