The Clinton News Record, 1918-12-19, Page 7?eeeliinbor 19th iOt# Dliaton News -Record • Of interest to You • and Me' • '1sn't it a pity all those Clarni.an TriDesrttos and tens did notg e t their caze for democracy a few years earlier, it would have saved . the world a vast amount of taped .ants' treasure, . It 10 no longer =emery to carry :.about your registration card. 15'e .presume, ,too, that nothing serious would happen if you were to again ..dePoeit your marriage eertifeate in the back of the family bible' "until ,colied for." The Kaiser talked of eating his 'Christmas dinner In Paris four years .ago and no doubt indulged in mat 'r imaginings as to the future but all his imaginings we ventureto swf tliat he never contemplated eating :his 1918 Christmas dinner as an ei- rale in Holland, and not being very -welcome at that, • The German Crown Prince is said 'to be willing to go back to Ger- 'many "as a private citizen„ and to ,even "work in a factory'", if noes - teary. He is also reported as saying -that he has "a great many friends in England and would _ask nothing better than to go over and live among then." The Germau Crown Prince may have friends in England ":but they are not shouting fdr his "presence there just now. It is rath- er those whom he would not consid- eer his friends who "want" him, • . • Newspapers throughout Canada con- -tinue to amalgamate wherever there :;are two or more publications in a, re- • stricted field. It will be observed --that in the majority of cases it is -the Liberal paper that absorbs its • -Conservative rival, We do not at- -tempt to account for this phenomen- •on unless it be that they enter in to purify.-Harriston Review. Reminds us of the old story of Pharaoh's dream, when the lean kine devoured the fat kine and, we are told, were none the better for 'it -but were as lean and ill-favored :as before.. * . . Those who caused the war should ' be punished but those guilty of ill- -using prisoners of war should be 'punished to the limit. The French, British and Russian prisoners who -are now making their way home af- ter spending one, two or three years -in German prison camps are said to be in a pitiable condition. A .publio ',speaker who was in Clinton recently and who was in Japan at the time ..of the Russo-Japanese war, spoke of the splendid treatment accorded war prisoners in the internment camps of the Sunrise Kingdom. He said the friendly feeling so quickly Tester- • ed between the two Empires was clue in no small degree to the stor- _,. of their humane treatment at the hands of the Japanese' carried home 'i:/y Russian prisoners. This factor will, we fear, be almost entirely .lacking in making for a better feel- ing towards Germany among her en- • envies. A Short Course in Agri- culture , During the past week calendars have been mailed to the farmers of this district giving an outline of our short course to be held hero from January -7-31. Classes will be held each week day except Saturday •:from 9,30 a,m. to 12 a.m. and frons 1.30 p.m. to 4.00 p.m. The course is free to all who are interested in Agricultural pursuits. If. you have not received a calendar we would be :pleased to have you call at the of- fice and talk the matter over. This course is one of a series of • short courses being held all over the ''province and we are anxious that a 'large attendance be recorded for this ,county. Young men and others can take this course and keep their work going who cannot afford the expense or inconvenience of a short course at the Agricultural College. We will be pleased to see you present part of the time and visitors will be very welcome at any time. At present there is no line of ed- -.motion that is attracting the atten- tion and interest of the people as agricultural education. Embracing as it does all the sciences as,Physics, Chemistry, Biology Economies, Lit- erature Commerce and others, it is a most complex science as well as Canada's basic industry. This mak- es it imperative that we study the principles underlying its practice and their practical application to every' day problems. For Tuesday January 7th the Board of Agriculture for South Hut- •on has secured a couple of speakers who will address the meeting in the afternoon. In 'the evening a joint meeting will be held with the Wqm- en's Institute. A lady and a gentle, man speaker will be present and de- liver addresses on present day top=, `ics. This meeting will be held in the Agricultural Office as well, Come prepared to take part hi the discus - S. B. STOTIIERS Department of Agriculture, Clinton, Ontario. COOIISta lee The Women's Missionary Society -'has peeked a nice barrel of fruit and • other things and sent it to Toronto, Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Riley and fam- ily have all had the "flit" but aro nicety improving. Prr, and htrs. Il, 'Tudor called on the Tatter's patients hi Clinton on Friday. Aft. Hewed Armstrong • was Goderich It taw flays last week on 'Mid fury, Last $essian of the 1918 County COulneil A brief sunnnarY of the proceedings un' meeting, iol ''cv a o the it ....Gil a� et n wh t f C. t ii elk! 3 ia, was crowded out last week ; The December meeting of the MIX - on, County counts was a session full of interest, being the last ono of the year and oenuring after the .close of the four years' war, In view of this on the suggestion of the warden the council, before commencing the bus- iness. of the session, stood and heart- fly sang "1'raiso God from whoni all .blessings flow." • The Warden in his opening addles! "spoke of the splendid victory which hod come to the Allies and also of the great work to be done now and said care should be, had in the elec- tion of all public servants from township councils up. The Victory Flag won by the noun- • tl' in the Victory Loan campaign was iinfurled by tlJe warden, speech- es being made by Rev, Canon Hill, Rev, 11.1r, Clarke and Rev. 1)r, Rut- ledge. On Wednesday the Children's Shel- ter was opened, the council visiting i e e uz evening lulu a body,a d intle n Rev. g Mr. Clarke put on some moving pro• tures showing what has been done by the Aid in the years gone by. A resolution was passed offering condolende to the wife and daughter of the late Reeve Taylor of Blyth, who was killed in an automobile ae- citlent on Nov, 11th, .411 grants for patriotic or Red Cross work will cease at the close of this year; each county taking ov- er its own patriotic work. An execu- tive committee was formed consist- ing of the County Clerk, County Treasurer and Deputy Reeve Clark of Goderich, to look after the sol- diers' interests throughout the coun- ty, each reeve of a municipality be- ing a member of the committee to look after the individual cases in his own municipality, to adjust grievan- ces and to assist' in any way possible the returned men. A grant of $18,000 was made to the Navy League, same to be paid in monthly instalments of $3,000 each,. beginning in June, A 'grant of $8,- 000 was made to the Patriotic Socie- ties of the county, The Good Roads scheme came in for some discussion and on motion it was decided that ninety percent. of all =lies paid into the county un. - .der the Good Roads System by the towns. and villages should be return• ed to said municipalities. • A motion commending the judg- ment of the committee which recom- mended tlheP urchase of the Chil- dren's Shelter suggested that a Children's Aid committee be ap- pointed in each municipality. The sum of $100 was granted to Mrs, Brown of the House of Refuge for extra work while she bad no as- sistant. Inspector Torrance reported ninety- one inmates in the house of Refuge on Dec. 1st, fifty-one females and forty males. On Tuesday evening the usual smoker was held at Hotel Bedford. On Thursday evening Warden El- liott was presented with a compli- mentary address and a handsome gold -headed cane. Reeve Ford of Clinton read the address and Reeves Laporte and Beavers made appro- priate references. Warden Elliott is said to have beet a very popular warden and to have won during the year the respect of every member of the council. The council, on suggestion of the warden it is said, "nixed up" dur- ing the past year instead of dividing according to political leanings, as in former councils. A Word to Subscribers Unless you have paid your subscription since December 1st, our list having been corrected then, the date to which your sub. is paid is indicated on your label. Look at it carefully and see how it stands. If it reads ",tan. 19" it means that it is only paid to the end of the present year, or until Jan. lst, 1910. If it reads "Jan. 20" it means that you aro paid one year in advance. The date on your label indicates the month and year to which your sub. is paid, not in any case the day of any month. Each sub, ie dated 'frons the first of the month indicated in the year in- dicated. As many are aware, the Can- adian Paper Controller has is- sued an order that all mail sub- scriptions must be paid in ad- vance, When this order conies into effect there will he nothing for publishers to do but obey the order and cut oft all who are not so paid, Naturally we do not wish to cut off any of our sub- scribers and we feel sure few of our subscribers would wish to be thus struck from our list and deprived of their local or home paper. We ask, therefore, that all note carefully the label on their paper this week and aet accordingly, Anyone having left or sent their sub. in 'since Dec, let are already teatime for oblige but have not yet been changed on the mailing sheet but it anyone whose sub, was paid before that time finds his date has not been changed will notify us we will immcd- lately look into the matter and have it righted. We aim to have :our list as correct as it is possible to have it, We emit DU the assistance of allour sub- scribers to roach and ]cold this objective„. r « • * a, r • t * .rat * St, Helens Mrs. Win, 'i`.aylor bas returalod Heine :atter a visit to Blyth. ' Musses Eva1•' and •I Ina I nz Iz:e. u z i P Y visited at the Home of Mrs. Cratzs- ton pe Sunday. Mrs, Robt, Wootis has ., returped honkie from Guelph after being exiled there to attend her daughter Clara, Who was sink with the "flu," Wo are pleased to report her improving, Mr, Archy Ateheeon had two geese killed by dogs Saturday night, Mr, Robert Woods had three sheep killed and two more worried by dogs Saturday night., The dogs, 401 away, Quite a number of cases of the "flu" are reported around here. Ll- mor Woods and Jas. Barbour, Sr., came home froip Guelph 'sink with it, Births BIGGART-In Clinton, on Dec. 17th, to 14 Ir, and Mrs. Wm. J. "Biggart, a son, MIDDLETON-In Goderich township, on Dec. 16th,. to 1VIr, and Mrs. J. R. Middleton, a son. PFiIPPEN-In Wingharn, on Decem- ber 911, to Mr. and huts. Sinclair Phippen, a daughter. Deaths WANLESS-In Varna, on Dec. 17th, ' Rev. Edward A. Wanless, aged 45 years. SCARLETT-In McKillop, on Dec, 17th, John Scarlett, aged 69 years. IVISON-At Porter's Hill, on Dec. 13th, Mrs, William Ivison, aged 81 years. KEMPTHOR'Ni9-Accidently drown- ed, at Saskatoon, Sask., on Dec. 15th, John, aged 4 years, and Charles, aged 2 years and 6 months, soils of Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Kempthorne. , MacDONALD-In Godericih, on Dec. Oth, Eleanor Burnes, relict of the late A. C. MacDonald, in her 8411 year. SCHULZE-In Goderich, on Decem- ber 12th, Mrs. Adolphus Schulze, aged 67 years. FERGUSON-In Wingham, on Dec, 7th, Grace Neida Ferguson, daughter of Dlr. and Mrs. W, FI: Ferguson of Morris. McHARDY-In Goderich, on Decem- ber 1111, Jane McHardy, daugh- ter of,the late John McHardy, in her 88th year. ON THE EVENING OF FRIDAY, Dec. 27th, a concert will be held in Baird's school -house under the dir- ection of the Stanley Maple Leaf Patriotic Society. The chief item on the program is a comic play in three acts, entitled " Deacon Dubbs." This is regarded as the best play ever put on by this So- ciety. In addition to the play there will be music, vocal selec- tions and comic hits. 72-2 Standard Feeds Are endorsed by the Organization of Resources Committee of Ontario and are for sale by the following firms The Cambell Flour Mills Co,, Ltd. West Toronto, The Cambell Flour Mills Co., Ltd. Peterboro. Howson & Howson, Winghanlr D. C. Thomson, Orillia. A. A, McFall, Bolton. Write for prices and purchase dir- ect from the above manufacturers. See "Standard" on the tags. OFFERING FOR SALE OIL CAKE MEAL COTTON SEED MEAL for immediate sale in carload 11ts. To be sold directly to Farmers, Far- mers' Local Organizations and Local dealers selling directly to feeders of live stock. This offer is open Duty to Dec. 31st when other disposition will be made of stocks remaining: Prices on application. Till Dec. 31st they will be approximately $63 to $64 per ton f.o.b. Hamilton, de pending on carrying charges at the time of purchase. Sold on the basis of marked weights as they arrive. Purchase directly from JAMES RICHARD - SON & SONS, LTD., ROYAL BANK BUILDING, TORONTO, in charge for the Organization of Resources Committee, Parliament Buildings, Toronto. Logs Wanted We are again prepared to pay the highest spot cash prices for all kinds of timber, either in bulk or by the thousand, andeither in the bush or delivered in our yard. We are start- ing out this year with very high prices so if thinking of selling any logs 'don't delay in Calling us up at 11 on 618. -More Coal ---r Country points will not get much more hard coal this year, se we are loading up with i CANNEL, CORE ANii'»LUMP Would strongly advise securing a supply of those before the transpor- tation question becomes a difficulty, We also have in stock the other various lines we handle including, DRESSED LUMSElt, SHINGLES, CEMENT, ETC, 72-4 J. EL yM�"1�U`P ESTARD litat tilLID • Merry Christmas and ftappy New Year Gore have everything you no o lz d ed� i. a it eon .Christmas Dandy Mixed Nuts Sweat Juicy Oranges ON, 70o, 80o, OOo per dor. Merry Christmas Itd Happy 11 A and Pro8ps New Year • s our heartiest wish to .all; Christmas Pinner the housewife's pride A Vali,u e !s' S nn ggs.n s -a Peas,, Corn, ',l'oteato Catsup, Olivee. Vinoeiateat Etc., Me, SpecialcanTomatoes 22c for Clttdstmae dinner Leave us your order and receive one of our 1910 celondars, JOHNSON & COMPANY Retail Grocer License No. 8-7221 Phone orders promptly cared for. Terms Cash. Wage earner s their usual two weeks. e .-.,-a--.-. Phone ill FOR SALE. -A NICE COUNTRY home containing 25 acres, Lot 40, Con, 2, L.R.S. Srlek house, good orchard, etc. -Apply to Miss M, Holmes, 5,11. No, 5, Clinton. -72 TEE ANNUAL CHRISTMAS TREE entertainment to be given in the Methodist Church, Holmesville, on Monday evening, Dec. 23rd, prom- ises to be of an excellent character A good program is being prepared and a good time is expected. Ev- erybody r welcome. Everybody, come. Admission 16c, Children 10c. 72-1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS -IN THE estate of Emeline McVittie, deceas- ed. -Notice is hereby given that all persons having claims against the estate of 1':moline McVittie, late of the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, widow, deceased, who died on or about the first of June, 1918, are required to deliver to Simon McVittie or Joseph Hen- ry Watkins, the executors of the said estate or their solicitors on or .before the 31st day of Decem- ber, 1918, a full statement of their claims together with particulars thereof, and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them all h affidavit. Ail duly verified by a a n take notice that after the said last mentioned date the said • executors will proceed to distribute the es- tate of the said deceased amongst the persons entitled thereto, hav- ing regard only to such claims as he shall have received due; notice and in accordance therewith. Dated at Clinton, this 11th day of Decem- ber, A.D., 1918.-W. Brydone, Clin- ton, Ont., Solicitor for the said Executors. 71-3 B8 -law No. 9 for 1918, of the Township ofCoderich A BY -UAW TO EXTEND THE TERM OF OFFICE OF MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL. WHEREAS it is expedient that the term of office of the members of the Municipal Council of the Township of Goderich should be extended pur- suant upsuant to the provisions of the Muni-. cipal Act in that behalf ; THEREFORE THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION 0'F THE TOWNSFI.IP OF GODLR- ICH ENACTS AS FOLLOWS : 1. That the term of office of mem- bers of the Municipal Council of the said Township of Goderich, who shall be elected after the passing of this By-law be and the same is here- by extended to two years. 2. The votes of the electors of the said Township of Goderich entitled to vote on this By-law shall be tak- en on Monday the sixth day of Jan- uary, A.D. 1919, commencing at the hour of nine o'clock in the forenoon and continuing until five o'clock in the afternoon of the same day at the following places and by the following Deputy Returning Officers, that is to. say: Polling Subdivisioh No. 1 at Or- ange Hall, 4th Con,, by Chris. W. Johnston, Deputy Returning Of- ficer. Polling Subdivision No. 2 at House of George 0. Sturdy, by Howard Sturdy, Deputy Returning Officer. Polling Subdivision No. 3 at House of Albert Harrison, by John Woods, Deputy Returning Odfcer, Polling Subdivision No, 4 at House of Mrs. W. H. Elliott, by Robert 'Cluff, Deputy Returning Of- ficer, Polling Subdivision No., 5 at House of Ilerbert Murphy, by Hler- flbertcer. Murphy, Deputy Returning 0f - Polling Subdivision No. 6 at House .of William Rowden, Mkt Concession, by Guy Hicks, Deputy Returning Officer, On Friday the third day of Jan- uary, 1919, the Reeve of the Town- ship of Goderich. will attend at the Township Hall at Holmesville, at two o'clock in the afternoon to ap- point, if requested so to do, two per- sons to attend at the final summing up of the votes and one person to at- tend at each polling place on behalf of the persons interested in and desirous of proinotittg this By-law and a like number on behalf of the persons interested in and desirous of oppositig this By-law. On Wednesday the 811 day of San- itary, 1019, at the hour of two o'clock m the e afternoon the Clerk c will attend at the Township Hall at Holmesville to sum up the number of votes given for and against this By- law, PASSED this ' day of - 191:9, W. 1L LOBB, Reeve ADAM CAN'I'ELON, Clerk TAIL(; NOTICE that the foregoing is a true copy of a proposed Icy -law of the Municipal Corporation of the Township and that if the assent of the electors is obtained to 11, it will be taken into consideration by the Council aster the expiration of one month from the twelfth day of Der comber, 1018, being the date of Rest publication thereof, ADAM CANTI9LON, Clerk. $$$$$$888888$$$$$$ $ $ $ FALL TERM FROM S1+IPT, $ 8 8 $ 0 3rd 8 $ $ $ $ in Shaw's Business Schools, $ 1 Toronto. Free Catalogue on $ $ request, Write to W. 5, $ $ Shaw, Pres., Yonge and Ger- $ $ rard Sts., Toronto. $ 8 $ $$$$$$$0$$$8$8$$8$ RAW FURS WANTED -WILL PAY high prices for properly handled prime furs. -H, A. Hovey, Clin- ton. -70 ANY PERSON OR PERSONS trespassing or destroying property on Lots 12 and 13, Con. 9;' Mul- lett, will be prosecuted according to law. Following a dog or a dog running at large the owner is liable to damages. -J. & J. Hes- selwood. 66-24 FARMS FOR SALE. -LOT 56, Maitland Con., Goderich Tp., con- taining 00 acres, on which is a comfortable frame house, good bank barn with good stables, all cement floors ; new cement silo, pig pen, driving shed, 10 acres bush ; well watered ; good orchard ; Maitland River runs at hack of farm; tele- phone and rural mail. Also lot 36 on the Base Line, Mullett, con- taining 854 acres, on which is a barn 36x56 and shed. A firstclass pasture farm with good creek run- ning through. Will be sold to- gether or separately. -Apply to Thos. IC. Mair, Londesboro, R.R. No. 1. 66-4-p GARFIELD McMICHAEL-LICENS- ed Auctioneer for the County of Huron. Sales conducted in any part of the county„ Charges mod- erate and satisfaction guaranteed, Address : Seaforth, R. R. No. 2, Phone 18 on 236, Seaforth Central. -63 FARM FOR SALE. -ONE HUN- drbd acres, best of soil ; good buildings, close to school and church ; 41 miles from Clinton. Apply A. E. Matheson, R. R. No. 3, Seaforth, Phone 17 on 614, Clinton Central. -61 WANTED -LIVE POULTRY, EV cry Tuesday morning up to ten o'clock. -A. E. 1VICAsh & Son, Var- na. -60 PRODUCE _WANTED. - HIGHEST market prices paid for Dried Ap- - pies, Butter and Eggs.-Cantelon Bros., Clinton. Phone 13, Canada Food Board License Nos. 8-18967, 3-1414. -61 ANY 'PERSON OR PERSONS trespassing or destroying property on the premises of the estate of the late William H. Woods will be prosecuted according to lawe- Bayfheld, Sept. 411, 1918, -it M. Woods. 57-17 HOUSE FOR SALE -GOOD FRAME house on Rattenbury street, west. 8 rooms, . sleeping porch, summer kitchen and woodshed. Good cel- lar, furnace, electric lights, •town and soft water, Garden with fruit trees and a chicken house. -Apply on premises to Miss Southcombe. -52 FARM FOR SALE -924 ACRES OF splendid farm land in good state of cultivation. On it are a comfort- able storey and a half brick house with new steel roof, a good cellar, a barn 40x60 and straw shed 22x28 with foundation under all, room to tie up 28 head of cattle and 5 horses besides 3 box stalls, root room, feed room, separator room and harness room. Cement floors throughout except 2 box stalls and root house. A stone pig pen 24x24, a hen house 24x10 and a drive shed 20x30. There is a never failing spring creels, a good well and cis- tern, about 14 acres of orchard. This is a desirable property 24 miles from Clinton, good gravel road. I want to sell at once as health makes it necessary for me to give up farming for the present. Would sell stock, implements and crop if so desired. -Apply Leonard E. Weir, Lot 27, Con. 4, FIullett, Clinton P. 0. -49 CREIM WANTED CALL AT D„ N. WATSON'S GROCERY AND 't1E.T A CAN, 6, 8 OR 10 GALLON, AND . FILL OR PARTLY FILL IT. WILL TEST AND PAY FOR 1DACH CAN ,SEPARATELY EV- ERY WEEK AND GIVE' YOU PRICE. POR FOLLOWING WEEK. HIGHEST PRICES AND A SQUARE DEAL GUARANTEED. CREAM RECEIVED AT SUM- MIIIRFIILL STORE ANY DAY. '.price this week, 531, T. E. MASON PHONE 8 ten 688 Canada T'ood Board License No, 84* 10632.. YOUR CLOTHES CLRANli3D Un - valved and Pressed and- at the shortest poasihle notice, tleth Lad- les' and Gentlemen's clothes, We a ant tod d u r c4 0 or 0 o work, a K ,g 1 to prepared to Proneh Dry Clean Ladies Suits, Gent's Sults arid all kieds of Woolen clothing inehuding Sweat ere, etc, All ordoee promptlp at- tended to, Rooms neer 11uneiford's grocery store --W04, ,I, Jago, -00 Clinton's Leading Jewelerd Store -Goods aro right. Always bought from the best makers end prices the. lowest in town, -Don't forget to see the service rings in 1, 2 and 8 leaves, the very latest novelty, neat and attractive, only 81,00, -A nice line of Jewolery, Rings, Broaches, Pins, Cuff Links, Watch Chains and Fobs, Waldemar and Dickens„ -Clocks by the celebrated Gilbert people, makers of clocks for sixty- five years, aIao some Peq ui 6nets: -Silverware, mostly Rogers' and Community, Cut Glass and Brass Goods. Still a few pieces of China left; -Come in ' and have your eyes tested crud have • your lens chang- ed hanged before you ruin your eyes. Don't try to use lens that don't suit you. -Eyes tested free and satisfaction guaranteed. R. H. JOHNSON Jeweler and Optician (Next to Hovey's Drug Store) &IRLS ¥tIANTEO 1�4 WE CAN GIVE EMPLOYMENT TO A FEW MORE ILNIT- TERS, ETC. APPLY AT ONCE. Clinton Knitting Co. LIMITED Live Poultry WANTED HIGHEST MARKET PRICE W. MARQUIS R.R. No. 1, Clinton • Phone 14-638 THE CORNER STORE Live and Let Live Wishing One and All A Merry Christmas Headquarters for Candies, Nuts, Bon -bons Oranges, Grape Fruit Grapes and Table Raisins E. E. HUNNIFORD Canadian Food Control -License No. 8-8123 Phone 45 ++++444444-14-4++++++++ Our Five Rose Flour is one of the best, We ask you ladies to give it a test, Try a cwt. of our "White Seal," Also a sack of our "Victor Oat - Meal." Our Listowel Flour, the "Golden City," If you have not tried it, what a pity The "Jewel" is another very - good brand, All 0£ these Minn, we have on hand. Since the Kaiser and the Crown Prince fled, You need buy no substitutes for your bread. Gunn's "Ensifrst Shortening" is A No, 1, Sold by the firm of Jenkins it Son. +444401444444444444444 W. Jenkins & Son. ('LOUR AND k`14E1D Elevator Phone 199 1lesldehee 9.142 Edell License No. 4--0308 Wholatalo License No, 12•-82 leitefiellelesemoneserieiseekeenteeelimielf Sauna Claus WHERE; At O'Neil's, WHEN 9 lcrom Saturday, Dec. 1411, until Christmas, Santa will arrive in an .air- -oplano, and will go straight to O'Neil's North Annex Window, on Saturday, Ole will be there every day till Christmas, and Wants all the little girls and boys, fathers, mothers, and grandmothers, to come and see him, Be sure and bring in your lists for your stockings into the main store in plenty of time $o lis won't run out of Nuts, Candies and Oranges. W. T. O'Neil The Hub Grocery Canada Food Board License No. 8-2495 Wishing Our Friends and Patrons A Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year THOS. HAWKINS. Agent for Hecla Furnaces PHONE 63. Slliop over Rowland'a Hardware, A FULL LINE OF Flour and Feed ALWAYS 001 NAND Car load of Government Standard HOG FEED HIGFIEST PRICES FOR GRAIN Ford &cLeod License No. 9-2109 Live Poultry WANTED 1,000 HENS " 1,000 CHICKENS 500 DUCKS each week at our Poultry Feeding Plant for the balance of 1918. Pric- es paid according to quality, and fancy prices paid for targe properly fattened milk -fed chickens. tsea NEW LAID EGGS Meatless days are making very high prices for eggs. Although grain prices are high it will pay you to take special care of your flock of hens and pullets. seelo GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. CLINTON N{W. Trewartha, Phone 190 Manager or Holmesville 4 on 10 Canada Food Board -License No, 7-001 CREAM WANTED t Fanners having cream to sell write us for cansfull particu- lars. and tt it P a ticu- lars. Our markets are the best. Service the most prompt. Firm the most reliable,. And prices 1115 highest consistent with an honest test which tve guar- antee, Remember our Creamery Co. to a thoroughly established and thriving concern and now ono of the largest in Canada. You cannot make any mistake in shipping to us. Patrons holding our oats are re- quested not to make use of In goading create to other creameries or cream buyers. Write today for calks, meihn Seaforth Creamery CO, C. A. BARBER, MANAGE%