HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1918-12-12, Page 5Decoirber loth 1918 Clinton Newo4enord Ileawilful Christmas Gifts For AIL We oiler you the most 'deSirable line' to choose your Presents from. Our beautiful, display of Gibbs meet all requirements from first to last We have a niost oomplete assortment of presents that everybody apprecia tes. Pleasing and beautiful, at the Same time practical and useful. Every department ie filled with fresh goods at fair prices, Come where there le a wide choice, a nne variety and a grand opportunity to get the best and most suitable gifts for young and old. Remember, our up-to-date Stock is in close touch with the times and enticipates your every want, Chinaware It Is always easy to select presents from our large stock of Fancy Chinaware,' This year the selection is larger .than ever. Come early and let us re- serve for you any special piece you want • 1•01111..lalplea. DOLLS, Books l3oys' and Girls' Own An- nual, Chums, Carsels, Chatter- box and others for this year. New Books of Fiction. New Methodist Hymn Books New Presbyterian Hymnals, al- so English • Church Prayer and Hymnals. Toy Department on the second floor 'as usual Santa Claus' Headquarters GAMES, TRAINS, HORSES, SLEDS, ETC. Christmas Greeting. Cards and Booklets Dainty and choice. Select now what you require. Aluminum Ware This is a new line with us and promises to be very pop- ular. Come and see what we have, ..14•••41.110=111111•••ft A. T. COOPER Agent C.N. Railway, G.N.W. Telegraph, CLINTON IVIarriages PARSONS -DELVE --At Exeter,on Deo. 8rd, Gladys Poly° to Earl Pareons, Births CIAIIDIER--In Clinton, on Dec. Oth, to Dr. J. 0, and lee. Gaudier, a son, „ • • Clinton, on Dee. 4th, to and Mrs, Loam IVIurcla, datighter,-Madeline Ruth. • P,OTTS-On Dec; 4th, at 609 Haron : street, Torente, the wife of Itev„ Jerrold 0, Potts, formerly of Clinton; a son. REYNOLDS -In Ilullett, on Dec, 50, to Mr, and Mrs. P, 0, Rey- nolds, a son. , • Deaths CALWILL-At Parkside, Sask., on Nov. 30th, Catherine McDonald, wife of Mr. W, H, Calwill, aged' 72. years, , NOT KEPT PACE ' The live stock industry of this continent has not kept pace with' the increase in population. NOTICE TO CREDITORS -Ill THE estate of Emeline MeVittie, deceas- ed. -Notice is hereby 'given that all persons having claims against the estate of Emeline McVittie, late of the 'roam of Clinton, in the County of Huron, widow, deceased, who died on or about the first of June, 1918, are required to deliver to Simon McVittie or Joseph Hen-. ry Watkins, the executors of the said estate or their solicitors on or before the Blst day of Decem- ber, 1916, a full statement of their claims together With particulars there -of, and the n ie of the securities, if any, hefe. 'y. them all duly verified by affid, And take notice that after the said last mentioned date the said 'executors will proceed to distribute the es- tate of the said deceased amongst the persons entitled thereto, hav- ing regard only to such claims as he shall have received due; notice and in accordance therewith. Dated at Clinton, this llth day of Decem- ber, A.D., 1918.-W. Brydone, Clin- ton, Ont., Solicitor for the said Executors. 71-3 ,Bg-law No. 9 for 1918, of the Township ofGoderich A B7 -LAW TO EXTEND THE TERM OF OFFICE OF MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL. WHEREAS it is expedient that the term of office of the members of the Municipal Council of the Township of Goderich should be extended put - silent to the provisions of the; Muni- cipal Act in that -behalf THEREFORE THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF GODER- ICH ENACTS AS FOLLOWS 1. That the .term of office of mem- bers of the Municipal Council of .the said Township of Goderich, who shall. be elected after the passing of this By-law be and the same is here- by extended to two years. 2. The votes ',of the electors of the said Township of Goderich entitled to vote on this 13y -law shall be tak•• en' on Monday the sixth day of Jan- uary, A.D. 1919, commencing at the hour of .nine o'clock in the forenoon and continuing ,until Jive o'clock in the afternoon of the sem day, at the following places and by the following Deputy Returning Officers, that is to say : •-• . • Polling Subdivision No. 1 at Or- ange Hall, 1th Con., by Chris, W. Johnston, Deputy Returning Of- ficer. ' . Polflng SubdiVision. No. 2. At Home of George 0. Sturdy, by Howard Sturdy, ,Deputy Returning ' Officer. Polling Subdivision 'No. 7et House of Albert Harrison, by John Woods, Deputy Returning Odiper Polling Subdivision No. 4 at House ot Mrs, W. H, Elliott, by Robert Cluff, Deputy Returning 01- ' ker. Polling Subdivision No,; 9 ,at bile:ratio( Herbert IViurphy, by Her - nem Delra.ty. Returning Polling Subdivision . No. 6 at House of William. Rowden, 12th Concession; by Guy Hicks, Deputy Returning Officer. - On Friday the third' day of • Jae,- uary, 1910, the. Reeve of the Town- ship of Goderich will attend at the Township Hall at Hohnesville, at. two o'cloelt in the afternoon to ap- point, if requested so to do; .two per- sons to attend at the final summing Up 'of the votes and one person to' e,t- tend at each polling place on behalf of the persons interested • in and desirous of promoting this By-law and a like number on behalf of the persons interested in and desirous of opposing this By-law. t On Wednesday the 8th day of Jae- uary, 1919, at the hour of two o'cleck in the afternoon the Clerk will attend at the Township Hall at Hohnesville to sum up the. number of votes given for and against this 'By- law, 'PASSED this -,---- day of 1019. W. H. L01313, Reeve • ADAM CANTELON, Clerk TAKE NOTICE that the foregoing is a true copy ot a proposed By-law of the Municipal Corporation of the Township and that if the assent of the electors is obtained to it., it will he taken into consideratioh by the Council after the expiration of etre Month from the' twelfth day of De. 'cember, 1018, beleg the date Of first ptiblication thereof. ADAld 'CANTELON,. Clerk. Keep up the Christmas Spirit Peace at last,-olter four years of fearful strngole we have peace. bets eele- brute this year with 4 Mee BI g Fruit Cake Our window deroonstpates the quality ef our l:tuts and at prices that can. not be repeated,' Coraraeuoing Sat, Deo. 14th you will receive one of our 1919 ()Menders with your order. Weekly. Specials You can now tree Wag sugar on yper calfee-new stook just in Seeded Raisins 15e & ISO 800111088 Reiellis 150;18023e Valencia Raieins 16e Recleaned Currents 820 Peels, Num, RAW, Vigs, Ete, JOHNSON & COMPANY Phone lilt Retail Grocer' License No. j3. ---n41, ' ,Phone orders prOMptly eared pr. Ternis Cash. Wage earner s their usual two weeks, • London 'Road Mr, John Ashton has installed en up-to-date windmill on .his premisee and now.han plenty of water pumP- ed into both house and barn. Ho. also has installed a -litter carrier -Which adds mita to the convenience in cleaning his stables and helps , to overcome the shortage of help. CARD ON THANKS -THE OLIN - ton Kiltie Band wish to thank the Girls' Hockey -Club for the collec- tion of a subscription amouating to 834.15 and also the Pastime Club for half the pra8eeds froni the dance amounting to $5.75.-Robt. Schrenk, Secretary. -70 AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK and Implements, -The undersigned has been instructed to sell by pub- , lic auction at Lot 37, Concession 14, Goderich township, on' Wednes- day, Dec, 18th, at 1 o'clock sharp, the following : Horses -1 grey mare 11 years old, 1 grey mare 10 years in foal, 1 mare 10 years in foal, 1 colt 8 years old, 1 colt 2 years old, 1 colt 1 year old, 1 sueking colt. Cattle -1 Durham cow 6 years old in calf, 1 Durham cow 7 years old in calf, 1 Durham ;heif- er 3 years old in calf, 1 Aberdeen Angus cow 5 years in ealf, 1 Dur- ham heifer 2 years old in calf, 1 /Jersey heifer rising 2 years in calf, 1 Holstein cow 6 years old in calf, 3 farrow cows, 1 Durham heifer 1 year old, 1 Aberdeen . Angus heifer 2 years old,. 1 Durham steer 2 years old, 3 Aberdeen Angus ,year- ling steers, 2 Aberdeen Angus year- ling heifers, 0 spring calves, 1 Aberdeen Angus. bull "Prospector of Larkin Farms." Pigs -4 pigs weighing about 100 lbs., 11 thor- oughbred Yorkshire pigs 2fr months old, 1. purebred. Yorkshire sow due to litter Manila 29. 50 Barred Rock hens, one year old, Implements -1 Clover Leaf manure spreader, 1 Oliver corn seuffier, .1 Farmer's Friend riding plow, 1 walking plow, 1 set four -sections harrows, 2 wagons, gravel box and hay rack, set slings, hay fork and ropes, Massey -Harris 6 -ft, „binder, Massey - Harris mower 6 -ft... cut Deering hay rake, . Massey -Harris ,disc har- row, Massey -Harris seed. drill, Max- well cutting- box, Frost & Woad cultivator, set bobsleighs, 2 cut- ters, rubber -tired buggy,isteel-tired buggy, road cart, democrat, cir- cular saw frame with saw, tanning mill, 1200 -lb. scales, 2 sets single harness, pair new blankets, 2 sets double farm harness, set brass mounted heavy team harness, quan- tity hay, 200 laus., seed oats, 1 ;Chatham incubator, I cook stove, 2 heaters, 1 bed -room suit, kitchen chairs and a quantity of household utensils, forks,, shovels, - spades, chains and other articles too num- erous to' mention. Terms -Hay and oats cash. All sums df 810 and under, cash ; over that amount 10 months' credit will be giV- en by furnishing approved joint notes. 4 percent. straight discount ocredit amounts. -A.. E. Izr tz at d cash, Prop.on G. FL Elliott, Auc- • - Veneer. • -71 FOR SALE -9 •YORKSHIRE PIG -S 6 weeks' ' old. -Apply to Frank Keegan, Bayfield. ' 70-2 RAW FURS WANTED -WILL PAY high prices for properly handled prime furs. -H. A, Hovey, Olin- ' ton. •'. -70 AUCTION SALE OF °HOUSEHOLD Effects -At ' the residence; Mary street, on Saturday, Dee. 14th at 1.80 p.m., 'the following : 1 ' oak dining room suite, lfmahogany parlor suite, beds, chairs, lino- , leums, stoves, ..etc. -Geo. Elliott; Auctioneer ; R. 5, 13Yani, Propriet- or.. • 70-2 CREAM IVANTED CALL A.T 111; N. WATSON'S GROCERY AND GET A CAN, 6, 8 0R 10 GALLON, AND FILL OR PARTLY FILL IT. WILL TEST AND PAY FOR EACH CAN SEPARATELY EV- ERY WEEK AND GIVE YOU PRICE FOR FOLLOWING WEEK. HIGHEST -PRICES AND A SQUARE DEAL GUARANTEED. CREAM RECEIVED AT sum. mummt STORE ANY DAY. Price this week, 53e. • T. E. MASON PHONE 8 on 688 Canada Food Board Lieease No. 10532. Business Settlement Owing to the death of the senior partner of the firm, the Vastness of John Alrunsdon & Son, Londesboro, is being set- tled 111, and all accounts Ing said firm Shedd be paid on or before Dec. 10111. T, 131MINSDON, J. 0. ADAMS, EvieuterS. $isssss s's 88 $ $.$ $ $ 8 $ 8. $ FALL TERM FROM SEPT. $ 3rd. $ $ in Shaw's Business Schools, $ $ Toronto. Free. Catalogue on $ $ request. Write to W. li. $ Shaw, Pres., Yonge and Ger- $ $ rard Sts,, Toronto. $ $ ' $ $ $ 8.8 $ $ 9 $ $ 8 $ s $ • PIGS AND LAMBS FOR SALE. -A number of Yorkshire pigs 6 weeks old; and 9 ewe lambs. -Apply Wm. Dedour, R.R. No. 2, Phone 12 on 602. -70 -ANY,. PERSON OR PERSONS trespassing or destroying property on Lots 12 and 13, Con. 9, Mul- lett, -Will bo prosecuted according to law. Following a dog or a • dog running at large the owner is liable to damages. -J. & J. Hes- selwood. 66.1.24 BABY CUTTER FOR SALE. -AP - ply Mrs. Harris, Victoria St. -68 RATEPAYERS ARE REMINDED that payment of the second instal- ment of taxes should be made as early as possible. The last day for payment is Dee. 14th, after which five percent, will be added. No notice alter this advertisement will be given. Bring your tax state- ment when making payment. -Jos- eph Wheatley, Tax Collector, Clin- ton, Nov. 14th, '1918. 07-5 FARMS FOR SALE. -LOT 56, Maitland, Con., Goderich Tp., con- taining- 90 acres, on which is a comfortable frame house, good bank barn with good stables, all cement floors ; new cement silo, pig pen; driving shed, 10 acres bush ; well watered ; good orchard; Maitland River runs at back of farm ; tele- phone and mai mail. Also lot 36 on. the Base Line, Hullett, con- taining 84 acres, on which is a barn 36x56 and shed. A firstclass pasture farm with good creek run- ning through. Will be sold to- gether or separately. -Apply to Thos. K. Mair, Londesboro, R.R. No. 1. 66-4-7p GARFIELD IVIchlICHAEL-LICENS- ed Auctioneer for the County of Huron. Sales conducted in any Part of the county.. Charges mod- erate and satisfaction guaranteed. Address : Seaforth, R.. R. No. 2, Phone 18 on 286, Seaforth Central. -63 FARM FOR SALE. -ONE HUN- dred acres, best of soil ; good buildings', close to school and church; 41 miles from Clinton. Apply A. E. Matheson, R. R. No. 8, Seaforth, Phone 17 on 614, Clinton :Central. -61 WANTED -LIVE POULTRY, EV- ery Tuesday- morning up to ten o'clock. -A. E. 3IcAsh & Son, Var- na. -60' COAL STOV.E, BASE BURNER, for sale -In perfect condition, only used one season. -Apply A. J. Grigg, Victoria street. PRODUCE WANTED. - HIGHEST market prices paid for Dried Ap- ples, Butter and EggS.-Caditelon Bros,, Clinton. Phone 18. Canada • Food Board License Nos. 8-18967, 8-4414. . -61 ANY PERSON OR PERSONS trespassing or destroying property on the premises of the estate of the late William H. Woods will be prosecuted according to law.-- Bayileld, Sept, 4th, 1918.-1. M. Woodel 57-17 HOUSE FOR SALE -GOOD FRAME house on Rattenbury street, west. 8 rooms, sleeping porch, summer kitchen and woodshed, Good cel- lar, furnace, electric lights, town and soft water. Garden with fruit trees and a chicken hoirse.-Apply on prentises to Miss Southcsombe. -52 FARM FOR SALE -92* ACRES OF splendid far11i land in good statcrof cultivation. On it are a comfort- able storey and a half brick house with now steel roof, a good cellar, a barn 40...60 and straw shed 2228 with foundation under all, room to tie up 28 'head of cattle and 5 horses besides 8 box stalls, root tooth, feed room, separator room and harness room. Cement aeon throughout except 2 box stalls and root house. A stone pig pen 24x24, a heti house 24x10 and a drive shed 20x80. There is a never failing spring creek, a good well and cis - tett, about 1 acres of orchard. This is a desirable property 2-i mites from Clinton, good gravel road. I want to sell itt Mite as health makes it neeesSary for rrie to gyve Up farming for the presefit Would toil stotak, implements and Crop if eta deaired.-Apply Leonard E., Weir, Lot 27, Con. 4, Hullett, Clinton P. 0. •-49 YOUR CLOTElES OLSANE/D grtp, paired alba Pressed and at the shortest peptide netice. Beth bod- ice' and Gentlemen's clothee, We guarantee to do seed we*. 9aro Prepared to French Dry Olean 9 adiee Suits, Gent'S 'Suite and all kinds of Woolen clothing including Sweat- ers etc. All Were promptlp te4ed to. Booms over Ellinntford'e grocery tore—Wm. .1, Jago, -00 Clinton's. Leading J0Weleru Store •.7Goods are right. Always bought from the best makers and pricca the lowest in town, -Don't forget to see the service rings in 1, 2 mid 81 leaves, the Very latest novelty, neat and attractive, only 81.00. -A nice line of Jewelery, Rings, Broachee, Pins, Cuff Links;- Watch Chains and Fohs, Waldemar and Di-ckCTosek. s by the' celebrated Gilbert People, milkers; of clocks for sixty- five years, also some 'Pequignats, -Silverware, mostly Rogers' and Community, Cut Glass and Brass Mods. Still a few pieces of China -Coned in and have your eyes tested end have your lens chang- ed before you ruin your eyes, Don't try to use lens that don't suit you. -Eyes tested tree and satisfaction guaranteed. R. IL JOHNSON Jeweler an'd Optician (Next to Hovey's Drug Store) GIRLS WANTED ! lb • lb. WE CAN GIVE EMPLOYMENT TO A FEW MORE KNIT- TERS, ETC, APPLY AT ONCE. Clinton Knitting Co. _LIMITED Live Poultry WANTED HIGHEST MARKET PRICE W. MARQUIS R.R. No. 1; Clinton . Phone 14-638 THE CORNER STORE Live and Let Live 9 Shopping Days Till Christmas—Shop Now HOW ABOUT 701391 CAKE AND •PLUM PUDDING ? Special while they last. - Soda bleached Seedless Raisins 18c per lb. .,, Thompson's Seedless Raisins 18c per lb. Fancy Seeded Raisins. 18c per pack- age. . • Recleaned Currants 32c, per ib. Drumedary 'Dates 25c per package, Excelsior Dates 22e per package. Peel -Lemon, Orange and Citron. Walnuts, Almonds and all -kinds of Spices. Withey's Mince Meats-, cow:1011nd and in Bttlk. •E. E. HUNNIFORD Canadian Food Control -License . No. 8-3123 -Phone 46 +++++++,1444+444,444+114 Our Five Rose Flour is one of the best, 1,Ve ask you ladles to give it a test, Try a cwt. of our "White Seal," Also a sack of our "Victor Oat - Meal." Our Listowel Flour, the "Golden City," If you have not tried it, what a pity The "Jewel" is another Very good brand, All of these flours, we have on hand. Sine° the Kaiser and the ' Crown Prince fled, You need hey no substitutes for your bread. Ouan's "Easifirst Shortening" 18 A No. 1, Sold by the firm of Jenkins & Son.; 444.014,14++++4.444401.4+444 W. Jenkins & Son. FLOUR 'AND FEED. EleVator Phone 199 Residence 0-142 Retail License No, 0-068 Wholesale License No,: 12,42 01440.4.11101100110 nth Clauz: WHERE 7 At O'NelPs:, WHEN ? From Saturday, 1,00,1 14th, until ChristmaS% Santa will, arriVe' in an air- 01117ae, and will go etraight to O'Neil's North Annex Window, on Saturday. He will be there every day till Christmas, and wants all the little girls and boys, fathers, mothers, and grandmothers, to conic and see him, Be sure and bring.,in your lists for your stockings foto the main store in plentyi of time so he, won't run out of Nuts, Candies and Orangesei W. T. The Hub Grocery Canada Food Board License No. 8-2495 ARE YOU PEIEITIEll FOH WINTER? Is your Furnace in good condition? If not, have it overhauled by T. Hawkins. Do not wait until the Stow flies and we are rushed, Agent for HecIa Furnaces THOS. HAWKINS. PHONE "3. Shap over Rowland'a Hardware. A Flour an FULL LINE OF d Feed 1:1 4 4 4 4 4 1 4 4 4 4 4 -4 4 ALWAYS ON HAND Car load of Government Standard HOG FEED HIGHEST PRICES FOR GRAIN ilb•ere: F011 & License011011 Live Poultry WANTED 1,000 HENS 1,000 CHICICENS 500 DUCKS each week at our Potiltry Feeding Plant for the balance of 1918. Pric- es paid according to quality, and fanny prices paid for large properly fattened milk -fed chickens. ewe". NEW LAID EGGS Meatless days are making very] high prices for eggs. Although grain prices are high it Will pay you to take special care of your flock ot hens and pullets. te•so* GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. CLINTON N., Trewartha, Phone VI Manager or Holmesvilb 4 on 14, Canada Food Board -License No. 7-001 CREAM WANTED! Farmers having cream to sell write us for cans and full particu- lars. Out markets are the beat. Service the most prompt. Firm the most reliable.; And prices the highest eonsistent with an honest test which we guar- antee. Remember our Creamery CO. is a thoroughly established and thriving concern and now ono of the largest in Canada. You cannot make any mistake in shipping to us. • Patrons holding our cans are re- qUested not to Make use of in Sending Main to other creameries or doom buyers. Write today for cans. "14 gertiortb Creamery Co 0, A. BARBER, 111A,NAGElit 4 4 4 41 - 1 4 4 4 1 Dry Furnishing Goods and House - .. Conch a Co, PRONE 7S. Millinery and Rdy•to- eaWear Garments The Store01 Practical Gifts eiclusive. velours, Lace, play ladies Do your real rush. the , • .. 4 '-' • L- 1. .. Black Wolf, Fitch, Hudson selection ., Siberian .. buying r n and begins. fr _ 4 r ' ....- Wolf, Persian now before the Come while is at its best - Furs ,... .Make - Suitable '0 Christ= mi a "I"' - Gifts Our present showing i,e, ane of the events of the season, Quality unex- celled. Prices reasonable. . The Furs that are shown this season are Black Fox, American Fox, Russian Lamb. Many styles are Gloves Make Sultable Ladies French Eld Gloves-Trebousse white. Prices range from Kimrnonas make Suitable We are showing a very large range crepe, silks, wrapperette. Prices Neckwear maks Suitable Collars of Pique, Crepe deChene, Mao a nice showing of Silk Dresden Umbrellas , Make Suitable Christmas 4.* --, A.n exceptional dis- of high:grade Urn- N becalm., suitable for and gents, silk. and Wool tops, , tape . edge, enaternelled him - dies with stirling silver gap, Prites range frOM..... „ .,.. 11.65O to e,coo This store open evenings, commencing Make this store your headquarters Christmas make, grey, black, 1 85 Gifts of ladies Iiimmonas range from3,80 Gifts Washable Satin,..Embroidery and Crepe Camisoles, — • .i. .p." ,r (1 • 1 ,. , \Jl , 4, , Gifts tan and to 2.50 made of to 10.00 and #14 A. 3 . rttlt _ Tuesday, Dee, for Christmas buying IVIarriages PARSONS -DELVE --At Exeter,on Deo. 8rd, Gladys Poly° to Earl Pareons, Births CIAIIDIER--In Clinton, on Dec. Oth, to Dr. J. 0, and lee. Gaudier, a son, „ • • Clinton, on Dee. 4th, to and Mrs, Loam IVIurcla, datighter,-Madeline Ruth. • P,OTTS-On Dec; 4th, at 609 Haron : street, Torente, the wife of Itev„ Jerrold 0, Potts, formerly of Clinton; a son. REYNOLDS -In Ilullett, on Dec, 50, to Mr, and Mrs. P, 0, Rey- nolds, a son. , • Deaths CALWILL-At Parkside, Sask., on Nov. 30th, Catherine McDonald, wife of Mr. W, H, Calwill, aged' 72. years, , NOT KEPT PACE ' The live stock industry of this continent has not kept pace with' the increase in population. NOTICE TO CREDITORS -Ill THE estate of Emeline MeVittie, deceas- ed. -Notice is hereby 'given that all persons having claims against the estate of Emeline McVittie, late of the 'roam of Clinton, in the County of Huron, widow, deceased, who died on or about the first of June, 1918, are required to deliver to Simon McVittie or Joseph Hen-. ry Watkins, the executors of the said estate or their solicitors on or before the Blst day of Decem- ber, 1916, a full statement of their claims together With particulars there -of, and the n ie of the securities, if any, hefe. 'y. them all duly verified by affid, And take notice that after the said last mentioned date the said 'executors will proceed to distribute the es- tate of the said deceased amongst the persons entitled thereto, hav- ing regard only to such claims as he shall have received due; notice and in accordance therewith. Dated at Clinton, this llth day of Decem- ber, A.D., 1918.-W. Brydone, Clin- ton, Ont., Solicitor for the said Executors. 71-3 ,Bg-law No. 9 for 1918, of the Township ofGoderich A B7 -LAW TO EXTEND THE TERM OF OFFICE OF MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL. WHEREAS it is expedient that the term of office of the members of the Municipal Council of the Township of Goderich should be extended put - silent to the provisions of the; Muni- cipal Act in that -behalf THEREFORE THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF GODER- ICH ENACTS AS FOLLOWS 1. That the .term of office of mem- bers of the Municipal Council of .the said Township of Goderich, who shall. be elected after the passing of this By-law be and the same is here- by extended to two years. 2. The votes ',of the electors of the said Township of Goderich entitled to vote on this 13y -law shall be tak•• en' on Monday the sixth day of Jan- uary, A.D. 1919, commencing at the hour of .nine o'clock in the forenoon and continuing ,until Jive o'clock in the afternoon of the sem day, at the following places and by the following Deputy Returning Officers, that is to say : •-• . • Polling Subdivision No. 1 at Or- ange Hall, 1th Con., by Chris, W. Johnston, Deputy Returning Of- ficer. ' . Polflng SubdiVision. No. 2. At Home of George 0. Sturdy, by Howard Sturdy, ,Deputy Returning ' Officer. Polling Subdivision 'No. 7et House of Albert Harrison, by John Woods, Deputy Returning Odiper Polling Subdivision No. 4 at House ot Mrs, W. H, Elliott, by Robert Cluff, Deputy Returning 01- ' ker. Polling Subdivision No,; 9 ,at bile:ratio( Herbert IViurphy, by Her - nem Delra.ty. Returning Polling Subdivision . No. 6 at House of William. Rowden, 12th Concession; by Guy Hicks, Deputy Returning Officer. - On Friday the third' day of • Jae,- uary, 1910, the. Reeve of the Town- ship of Goderich will attend at the Township Hall at Hohnesville, at. two o'cloelt in the afternoon to ap- point, if requested so to do; .two per- sons to attend at the final summing Up 'of the votes and one person to' e,t- tend at each polling place on behalf of the persons interested • in and desirous of promoting this By-law and a like number on behalf of the persons interested in and desirous of opposing this By-law. t On Wednesday the 8th day of Jae- uary, 1919, at the hour of two o'cleck in the afternoon the Clerk will attend at the Township Hall at Hohnesville to sum up the. number of votes given for and against this 'By- law, 'PASSED this -,---- day of 1019. W. H. L01313, Reeve • ADAM CANTELON, Clerk TAKE NOTICE that the foregoing is a true copy ot a proposed By-law of the Municipal Corporation of the Township and that if the assent of the electors is obtained to it., it will he taken into consideratioh by the Council after the expiration of etre Month from the' twelfth day of De. 'cember, 1018, beleg the date Of first ptiblication thereof. ADAld 'CANTELON,. Clerk. Keep up the Christmas Spirit Peace at last,-olter four years of fearful strngole we have peace. bets eele- brute this year with 4 Mee BI g Fruit Cake Our window deroonstpates the quality ef our l:tuts and at prices that can. not be repeated,' Coraraeuoing Sat, Deo. 14th you will receive one of our 1919 ()Menders with your order. Weekly. Specials You can now tree Wag sugar on yper calfee-new stook just in Seeded Raisins 15e & ISO 800111088 Reiellis 150;18023e Valencia Raieins 16e Recleaned Currents 820 Peels, Num, RAW, Vigs, Ete, JOHNSON & COMPANY Phone lilt Retail Grocer' License No. j3. ---n41, ' ,Phone orders prOMptly eared pr. Ternis Cash. Wage earner s their usual two weeks, • London 'Road Mr, John Ashton has installed en up-to-date windmill on .his premisee and now.han plenty of water pumP- ed into both house and barn. Ho. also has installed a -litter carrier -Which adds mita to the convenience in cleaning his stables and helps , to overcome the shortage of help. CARD ON THANKS -THE OLIN - ton Kiltie Band wish to thank the Girls' Hockey -Club for the collec- tion of a subscription amouating to 834.15 and also the Pastime Club for half the pra8eeds froni the dance amounting to $5.75.-Robt. Schrenk, Secretary. -70 AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK and Implements, -The undersigned has been instructed to sell by pub- , lic auction at Lot 37, Concession 14, Goderich township, on' Wednes- day, Dec, 18th, at 1 o'clock sharp, the following : Horses -1 grey mare 11 years old, 1 grey mare 10 years in foal, 1 mare 10 years in foal, 1 colt 8 years old, 1 colt 2 years old, 1 colt 1 year old, 1 sueking colt. Cattle -1 Durham cow 6 years old in calf, 1 Durham cow 7 years old in calf, 1 Durham ;heif- er 3 years old in calf, 1 Aberdeen Angus cow 5 years in ealf, 1 Dur- ham heifer 2 years old in calf, 1 /Jersey heifer rising 2 years in calf, 1 Holstein cow 6 years old in calf, 3 farrow cows, 1 Durham heifer 1 year old, 1 Aberdeen . Angus heifer 2 years old,. 1 Durham steer 2 years old, 3 Aberdeen Angus ,year- ling steers, 2 Aberdeen Angus year- ling heifers, 0 spring calves, 1 Aberdeen Angus. bull "Prospector of Larkin Farms." Pigs -4 pigs weighing about 100 lbs., 11 thor- oughbred Yorkshire pigs 2fr months old, 1. purebred. Yorkshire sow due to litter Manila 29. 50 Barred Rock hens, one year old, Implements -1 Clover Leaf manure spreader, 1 Oliver corn seuffier, .1 Farmer's Friend riding plow, 1 walking plow, 1 set four -sections harrows, 2 wagons, gravel box and hay rack, set slings, hay fork and ropes, Massey -Harris 6 -ft, „binder, Massey - Harris mower 6 -ft... cut Deering hay rake, . Massey -Harris ,disc har- row, Massey -Harris seed. drill, Max- well cutting- box, Frost & Woad cultivator, set bobsleighs, 2 cut- ters, rubber -tired buggy,isteel-tired buggy, road cart, democrat, cir- cular saw frame with saw, tanning mill, 1200 -lb. scales, 2 sets single harness, pair new blankets, 2 sets double farm harness, set brass mounted heavy team harness, quan- tity hay, 200 laus., seed oats, 1 ;Chatham incubator, I cook stove, 2 heaters, 1 bed -room suit, kitchen chairs and a quantity of household utensils, forks,, shovels, - spades, chains and other articles too num- erous to' mention. Terms -Hay and oats cash. All sums df 810 and under, cash ; over that amount 10 months' credit will be giV- en by furnishing approved joint notes. 4 percent. straight discount ocredit amounts. -A.. E. Izr tz at d cash, Prop.on G. FL Elliott, Auc- • - Veneer. • -71 FOR SALE -9 •YORKSHIRE PIG -S 6 weeks' ' old. -Apply to Frank Keegan, Bayfield. ' 70-2 RAW FURS WANTED -WILL PAY high prices for properly handled prime furs. -H. A, Hovey, Olin- ' ton. •'. -70 AUCTION SALE OF °HOUSEHOLD Effects -At ' the residence; Mary street, on Saturday, Dee. 14th at 1.80 p.m., 'the following : 1 ' oak dining room suite, lfmahogany parlor suite, beds, chairs, lino- , leums, stoves, ..etc. -Geo. Elliott; Auctioneer ; R. 5, 13Yani, Propriet- or.. • 70-2 CREAM IVANTED CALL A.T 111; N. WATSON'S GROCERY AND GET A CAN, 6, 8 0R 10 GALLON, AND FILL OR PARTLY FILL IT. WILL TEST AND PAY FOR EACH CAN SEPARATELY EV- ERY WEEK AND GIVE YOU PRICE FOR FOLLOWING WEEK. HIGHEST -PRICES AND A SQUARE DEAL GUARANTEED. CREAM RECEIVED AT sum. mummt STORE ANY DAY. Price this week, 53e. • T. E. MASON PHONE 8 on 688 Canada Food Board Lieease No. 10532. Business Settlement Owing to the death of the senior partner of the firm, the Vastness of John Alrunsdon & Son, Londesboro, is being set- tled 111, and all accounts Ing said firm Shedd be paid on or before Dec. 10111. T, 131MINSDON, J. 0. ADAMS, EvieuterS. $isssss s's 88 $ $.$ $ $ 8 $ 8. $ FALL TERM FROM SEPT. $ 3rd. $ $ in Shaw's Business Schools, $ $ Toronto. Free. Catalogue on $ $ request. Write to W. li. $ Shaw, Pres., Yonge and Ger- $ $ rard Sts,, Toronto. $ $ ' $ $ $ 8.8 $ $ 9 $ $ 8 $ s $ • PIGS AND LAMBS FOR SALE. -A number of Yorkshire pigs 6 weeks old; and 9 ewe lambs. -Apply Wm. Dedour, R.R. No. 2, Phone 12 on 602. -70 -ANY,. PERSON OR PERSONS trespassing or destroying property on Lots 12 and 13, Con. 9, Mul- lett, -Will bo prosecuted according to law. Following a dog or a • dog running at large the owner is liable to damages. -J. & J. Hes- selwood. 66.1.24 BABY CUTTER FOR SALE. -AP - ply Mrs. Harris, Victoria St. -68 RATEPAYERS ARE REMINDED that payment of the second instal- ment of taxes should be made as early as possible. The last day for payment is Dee. 14th, after which five percent, will be added. No notice alter this advertisement will be given. Bring your tax state- ment when making payment. -Jos- eph Wheatley, Tax Collector, Clin- ton, Nov. 14th, '1918. 07-5 FARMS FOR SALE. -LOT 56, Maitland, Con., Goderich Tp., con- taining- 90 acres, on which is a comfortable frame house, good bank barn with good stables, all cement floors ; new cement silo, pig pen; driving shed, 10 acres bush ; well watered ; good orchard; Maitland River runs at back of farm ; tele- phone and mai mail. Also lot 36 on. the Base Line, Hullett, con- taining 84 acres, on which is a barn 36x56 and shed. A firstclass pasture farm with good creek run- ning through. Will be sold to- gether or separately. -Apply to Thos. K. Mair, Londesboro, R.R. No. 1. 66-4-7p GARFIELD IVIchlICHAEL-LICENS- ed Auctioneer for the County of Huron. Sales conducted in any Part of the county.. Charges mod- erate and satisfaction guaranteed. Address : Seaforth, R.. R. No. 2, Phone 18 on 286, Seaforth Central. -63 FARM FOR SALE. -ONE HUN- dred acres, best of soil ; good buildings', close to school and church; 41 miles from Clinton. Apply A. E. Matheson, R. R. No. 8, Seaforth, Phone 17 on 614, Clinton :Central. -61 WANTED -LIVE POULTRY, EV- ery Tuesday- morning up to ten o'clock. -A. E. 3IcAsh & Son, Var- na. -60' COAL STOV.E, BASE BURNER, for sale -In perfect condition, only used one season. -Apply A. J. Grigg, Victoria street. PRODUCE WANTED. - HIGHEST market prices paid for Dried Ap- ples, Butter and EggS.-Caditelon Bros,, Clinton. Phone 18. Canada • Food Board License Nos. 8-18967, 8-4414. . -61 ANY PERSON OR PERSONS trespassing or destroying property on the premises of the estate of the late William H. Woods will be prosecuted according to law.-- Bayileld, Sept, 4th, 1918.-1. M. Woodel 57-17 HOUSE FOR SALE -GOOD FRAME house on Rattenbury street, west. 8 rooms, sleeping porch, summer kitchen and woodshed, Good cel- lar, furnace, electric lights, town and soft water. Garden with fruit trees and a chicken hoirse.-Apply on prentises to Miss Southcsombe. -52 FARM FOR SALE -92* ACRES OF splendid far11i land in good statcrof cultivation. On it are a comfort- able storey and a half brick house with now steel roof, a good cellar, a barn 40...60 and straw shed 2228 with foundation under all, room to tie up 28 'head of cattle and 5 horses besides 8 box stalls, root tooth, feed room, separator room and harness room. Cement aeon throughout except 2 box stalls and root house. A stone pig pen 24x24, a heti house 24x10 and a drive shed 20x80. There is a never failing spring creek, a good well and cis - tett, about 1 acres of orchard. This is a desirable property 2-i mites from Clinton, good gravel road. I want to sell itt Mite as health makes it neeesSary for rrie to gyve Up farming for the presefit Would toil stotak, implements and Crop if eta deaired.-Apply Leonard E., Weir, Lot 27, Con. 4, Hullett, Clinton P. 0. •-49 YOUR CLOTElES OLSANE/D grtp, paired alba Pressed and at the shortest peptide netice. Beth bod- ice' and Gentlemen's clothee, We guarantee to do seed we*. 9aro Prepared to French Dry Olean 9 adiee Suits, Gent'S 'Suite and all kinds of Woolen clothing including Sweat- ers etc. All Were promptlp te4ed to. Booms over Ellinntford'e grocery tore—Wm. .1, Jago, -00 Clinton's. Leading J0Weleru Store •.7Goods are right. Always bought from the best makers and pricca the lowest in town, -Don't forget to see the service rings in 1, 2 mid 81 leaves, the Very latest novelty, neat and attractive, only 81.00. -A nice line of Jewelery, Rings, Broachee, Pins, Cuff Links;- Watch Chains and Fohs, Waldemar and Di-ckCTosek. s by the' celebrated Gilbert People, milkers; of clocks for sixty- five years, also some 'Pequignats, -Silverware, mostly Rogers' and Community, Cut Glass and Brass Mods. Still a few pieces of China -Coned in and have your eyes tested end have your lens chang- ed before you ruin your eyes, Don't try to use lens that don't suit you. -Eyes tested tree and satisfaction guaranteed. R. IL JOHNSON Jeweler an'd Optician (Next to Hovey's Drug Store) GIRLS WANTED ! lb • lb. WE CAN GIVE EMPLOYMENT TO A FEW MORE KNIT- TERS, ETC, APPLY AT ONCE. Clinton Knitting Co. _LIMITED Live Poultry WANTED HIGHEST MARKET PRICE W. MARQUIS R.R. No. 1; Clinton . Phone 14-638 THE CORNER STORE Live and Let Live 9 Shopping Days Till Christmas—Shop Now HOW ABOUT 701391 CAKE AND •PLUM PUDDING ? Special while they last. - Soda bleached Seedless Raisins 18c per lb. .,, Thompson's Seedless Raisins 18c per lb. Fancy Seeded Raisins. 18c per pack- age. . • Recleaned Currants 32c, per ib. Drumedary 'Dates 25c per package, Excelsior Dates 22e per package. Peel -Lemon, Orange and Citron. Walnuts, Almonds and all -kinds of Spices. Withey's Mince Meats-, cow:1011nd and in Bttlk. •E. E. HUNNIFORD Canadian Food Control -License . No. 8-3123 -Phone 46 +++++++,1444+444,444+114 Our Five Rose Flour is one of the best, 1,Ve ask you ladles to give it a test, Try a cwt. of our "White Seal," Also a sack of our "Victor Oat - Meal." Our Listowel Flour, the "Golden City," If you have not tried it, what a pity The "Jewel" is another Very good brand, All of these flours, we have on hand. Sine° the Kaiser and the ' Crown Prince fled, You need hey no substitutes for your bread. Ouan's "Easifirst Shortening" 18 A No. 1, Sold by the firm of Jenkins & Son.; 444.014,14++++4.444401.4+444 W. Jenkins & Son. FLOUR 'AND FEED. EleVator Phone 199 Residence 0-142 Retail License No, 0-068 Wholesale License No,: 12,42 01440.4.11101100110 nth Clauz: WHERE 7 At O'NelPs:, WHEN ? From Saturday, 1,00,1 14th, until ChristmaS% Santa will, arriVe' in an air- 01117ae, and will go etraight to O'Neil's North Annex Window, on Saturday. He will be there every day till Christmas, and wants all the little girls and boys, fathers, mothers, and grandmothers, to conic and see him, Be sure and bring.,in your lists for your stockings foto the main store in plentyi of time so he, won't run out of Nuts, Candies and Orangesei W. T. The Hub Grocery Canada Food Board License No. 8-2495 ARE YOU PEIEITIEll FOH WINTER? Is your Furnace in good condition? If not, have it overhauled by T. Hawkins. Do not wait until the Stow flies and we are rushed, Agent for HecIa Furnaces THOS. HAWKINS. PHONE "3. Shap over Rowland'a Hardware. A Flour an FULL LINE OF d Feed 1:1 4 4 4 4 4 1 4 4 4 4 4 -4 4 ALWAYS ON HAND Car load of Government Standard HOG FEED HIGHEST PRICES FOR GRAIN ilb•ere: F011 & License011011 Live Poultry WANTED 1,000 HENS 1,000 CHICICENS 500 DUCKS each week at our Potiltry Feeding Plant for the balance of 1918. Pric- es paid according to quality, and fanny prices paid for large properly fattened milk -fed chickens. ewe". NEW LAID EGGS Meatless days are making very] high prices for eggs. Although grain prices are high it Will pay you to take special care of your flock ot hens and pullets. te•so* GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. CLINTON N., Trewartha, Phone VI Manager or Holmesvilb 4 on 14, Canada Food Board -License No. 7-001 CREAM WANTED! Farmers having cream to sell write us for cans and full particu- lars. Out markets are the beat. Service the most prompt. Firm the most reliable.; And prices the highest eonsistent with an honest test which we guar- antee. Remember our Creamery CO. is a thoroughly established and thriving concern and now ono of the largest in Canada. You cannot make any mistake in shipping to us. • Patrons holding our cans are re- qUested not to Make use of in Sending Main to other creameries or doom buyers. Write today for cans. "14 gertiortb Creamery Co 0, A. BARBER, 111A,NAGElit 4 4 4 41 - 1 4 4 4 1