HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1918-12-5, Page 7• r• ot, :aq r effi, vr - VERYBODY prefers a gift that is really useful, to some pretty but purposeless novelty. So that it is easy to be patriotic and comply with the Government's earne.st,plea—Give Useful Gifts.' ThiS applies equally whether you are buying the gift for yourself—as a "treat" after the harvesting—for your friend or relative who may be "over there" for months yet, or Tor the folks here at home. The CELE e 44' Safety Razor THE USEFUL GIFT If it were only the custom to tell your friends 'what you would appreciate as a gift, how many more men would own a Gillette—a really useful gift that constantly reminds the person to whom it is given of the giver's thoughtfulneseeeday after day, for at least the few minutes occupied by the most pleasant of shaves. Make all your gifts USEFUL, with the Gillette heading the list where men are concerned. For men who already own a Gillette, the gift' of.•a few packets of blades never fails to win appreciation. Your /erecter, druggist and hardware dealer is showing Gillette Sets at floe dollar!. Christmas mails for Europp Will soon close. ' You Can't Afford to take chances!!! Send your Gillette Safety Razor Co of Call,atia, Limited, MONTREAL 402 5 V -•q• • :41.: •;W:,•,:•• A‘:i490.70•ARIV;;..44-:, Being tnanufactutero, and not buying to re. • e I! WQ&wnyn nature the Wrest grading end the highest market pricea.-.Quick returns2 etrattrto awangenatuogutecougggi WHEN NEURALGIA ATTACKS NERVES Slortn's Liniment scatters the congestion and relieves pain A little, applied without rribbing, will •Pefiefrato immediately and rest and soothe the nerves. Sloan's Liniment is very effective M allaying external veins, strains, bruises, aches, stiff joints, sore mus - ties, lumbago, neuritis, sciatica, rheu- matic twinges. 1(cep a 'big bottle ahvays on hand for family use, Made in Canada, Druggists everywhere. . " ROM, 60c., 0.20, NEW TRAVELLING REGULATIONS. Persons Embarking at U.S. Seaports Must Procere Permission Before Leaving Canada. Under an order issued.by the Seem- tary of State, Washington, effective November 110., 1918, all persons going from Canada to foreign destinations by way of United States seaports must proCure permission for embarkation before leaving Canada, Such permission must be arranged for either by executing declaration and procuring -vise on passport before ono of the American :Consuls in Canada, o by making formal application before' any of the 'United States immigration officers located. in Canada upon forma furnished by the said officers. ' In order to allovr euffleient time for investigation, transmission of papers 11.,/ Washington, etc., applications should be filed either with the Consul or the Immigration Officer at least 17 days prior to the date of proposed (ismer. tate. The State Department invites spa, tial attention of prospective travellers to the fact that unless they have ob- tained vise by an American Consul, the said Departments must decide whether or not departure from an American Port 'will ba allowed, such decision be- ing based upon the application suli inittod through the inimigration of- ficers. Passengers are Accordingly • -warned not to proceed to the port of enibarkation until.they are \fit posses- sion of either the Consular 'Oise, ors propen certificate from the U.S. Immi- gration authorities showing' that-. 901' mit for departure has bawl granted. The.foregoing appliei to all persons ot c1tizens of the United States,. and 11 • ITALY'S WAR EFFORT. Won., War Against -Austria Despite' Big Odds. The Italian troops were well on' ,their Way into the Trentino when the armistice heateal the allied amides on their many battle fronts. The dream of a century of the Italian peo- ple—tlie redemption of their lost do- mains in the north—was being real- ized by the force of arms when the German -Austrian collapse made it sure that the Trentino, likeAlsace- Lorraine; would be returned by.. the peace terms to the mother race. Tile Austrian government in its latest official census admitted tient the Ttentinewas Italian by 870,900 girt of its 880,000 populate in. The whole district had retained the Latin culturein spite of the efforts to Ger- maniac it in Mileage and customs, Attempts at rebellion had been mit down ruthlessly by the Aestrian mes- tere. Seeds of dissension sowed b the Austrians had' cawted estrange ment between the Italian irredentists and- the Jugo-Slays, whose interests since have proved to be 1ara11e1.' The Italians had fought not only against superior Austrian forces, hut against the physical difficulties pre sentee in the mountainous district of the frontier. In three years .o't fighting under the most difficult con ditinns the Italians took :from thei hereditary enemies prisoners 1111111)1e1? ing 1,489 officers and 169,896 enlister men. Italian engineers built 8.050 kilometres of road and mime' 1.1500 kilometres of cable from cliff to cliff for the transportation of troops and anininnitions. Halt has called to arms little fewer Y " For Wintir • Pays " ,4!1,4,MtifeFeM1=14iertusesit This model features the new tuck, 4 Wonderful Old Bljzifbeth was sitti4 on her. gandintp's Itnee one day, when sla) eaddeoly blurted gut, After long' 4114 interested scrutirm of his wrinkles; akbandP4, Were you in the Ark?" "Certainly not, my clearl".Was the astonished reply. $,The e wily weren't you rlrowried ?" X was cured of terrible lumbago by MINARD'S • LIIYIEMBNT. REV. WM. BROWN. .was cured of bad case of earache by MINARD'S XANIMDINT. ' MRS. 5, KAT,11.4.1.A.CIC, I was cured of 'esensitive lune ,by MINARE'S LINIMENT, ' MRS. 8, MAST,PRS. The horse properiy fed and fitted fox work will give much ..-tilloaper. power than the underfed Animal or One Soft-museled and lackirig 'in en- kinardis Liniment Oured Dipktficria. "The country which will be tile most prosperous for at Aoesi ten gears after the war 4s the country •which has the most live Uncle—Hon. T. A. ed skirt. The narrow tucks are Crerar. spaced wide apart -and the whole — cluster -givee the effect of a wide band at the bottom. McCall Pare tern No. 8666,'Misses' Dress. In 4 sizes, 14. to 20 years. Price,' 25 cents. Here le Dilti of the very newest ideas in dresses, The one-sided drapery appears at the right .side, add the lower -edge is very narrow. McCall Pattern No. 8668. Misses' Dress. In 3 sizes, 16 to 20. years. Price, 25 cents. Q MoCamr, $1' k r What coldcl be more pleasingly - simple than this little empire dress ? 11The deep yoke opens im the centre-. hark es far as the skirt 'portion and no opening is required in the skirt, McCall Pattern No. 8646, Girl's Em- pire Dress. In (1 sizes, 4 -.to 14 years. Price, 20 cents. These patterns may he obtained from your local McCefl dealer, or from the McCall Co., 70 13oncl St., Toronto, Dept, W. it is effective regarding all destine. Oen 5,500,000. men, of these she has Lions, Preluding Mexico; 1.1,5. Insular PosseseionS, etc, hut not including 'Bermuda.. United States citizens Seeking to proceed to foreign points aro required to have passports issued by the 'State Department, applications for same being obtainable from the various American Consule, Military Porde of Habit. He held her tightly in his khaki clad arms till elle wondered at his silence and gently murmured: "Do you love me, my hero?" "Yes," he sighed. "Yes, what?" she softly queried.- ' "Yes, sir" Potatoes should be. thoroughly thy and free of dirt before they are stor- ed in the bin. . ,--------- NanarcVe liniment Cures Garest la Cows Turn medicines ottt (yr the side op, posite the label to keep directions_ •plain. . . V.IIMMaatultinn61.2.041...172...11,4411TrnalIMMLIO1 The Right Market Pricea . .. . Premiere Kee s.rieurrei e9 11teso when dealing with tie,—s, erni having had 00 yrarre linelhorre Oconee id Mbhireal, Beehlet this you have our Wink lte. terentge 13ank of 34001(eletik fit jeetirie 8i21rikt-1. e , i 1.... 1 ,,..,',..,,,Ip...itkjp,s' i,...t.,1,1,,v,,,,t4,, /4,04,0,,,,Li!v 444 Pay all expreeir ehargee, guaran- i I've 5.11. Pul.s,V:, ./.4'.°9.1.:04.841,,,.., te 4101114.Meiltreall ABBEY • P 0 'f''''()(4,›IVIPANY Loui6 AMNON/ITCH ,, bilanager . - 1081, PA1,111 A, 1 l a ./, WiCifiTREAL, P, -Q. . , 0 ""''''''''-a""z"""Vis•,, • • . . etto•e•••••s••••,..e., . xecti.i1.4.4.X:(44figt,a1.0a.,... ,..:4,, ,....,4,4. .' 4 . •••1,•'- .vro Treat' rot to sone as year shipments of lost; 1..500.000. In recent fighting on the Austrian ikont Italy had at -her dispokal. only 1'7f -tie -four divisions Ars- oppose-the seventy divisions ..jr the enemy. In addition Italy Vent forces into France. Albania, Macedonia and Palesfine, which, it is said, - were 'Oeuter than the French, British send American forces sent t6 aid Reis). Italy did all this at a time when she was not well prepared for 'war in her industries and natural resourc- co. She especiallylacked coal. _Tho Trentino -with the Radiate oc- cunation could not bo much more Italian, in cipirit.than under the Aus- trian rule. Teen( is a city of 80,000 inhabitants, is typieally T.tallxni 111 customs and architectuve, , Such is tho clition in Rive, on Lake Garda, 1111,1 other important towns in tlie dis- 'itt, The remit districts, too, are al- most completely Italian in Janguage s),(1spirit. It ir.1 one of the anomolics ofhistorY such a province eoted , remain so leng tinder an alien voice, It WAS highly prised by the Itansburgs /or its military possibilities, a mountain modge projecting into Italy, es nee Itllatt .writer expressed it, "ail mons foot shod with mounta:tis upon the neck of Rely," , Never keeP an unlabeled bottld urbdicine around the house. Tibor(' it out. Odnie ens may ,4nalzo a seri, otts mist/jet+, diJniest, seventy por emit, a all the akar construed 111 this emit* 19 used lo the houeehome, So it it op to the women to moo the auger go hmuurl, Millard's Mutate/It Chwes 00104 #40, RAW FURSLA1 alor,Trithg. RAW PURS'and GINSENG ROOT 22 years of reliable trading. s-P.eierence--1.Inlon 1391. of Canada. Write for Price List end TogS N. SILVER 2" A" at W. Montreal, P. uskrAt cciat Loose box coat effect, with con- vertible collar. Extra well made. Length 46". A popular seller. $120 Frenefc Seal Splendid coats 'that look well and wear bead* than any other seal. Special price $112. Persian Lamb and IVIInkc Two of our specialties in, which wo offer exceptional a 1 - lies. Send for 'Free Catalog. CUMMINGS 8z CUMMINGS 109 St. Paul. Sti-•eet MONTREAL RA* FURS: Highest Prices Paid. ,i-st Cash fO' FURS2 Silip Today to Yon Fret each. not promise=,, vrheo you Bon) to Funsteo. ()oar e.omiv.o nattotertao thi boruergiturb,d,,ay.o...,ta: d5tIW,U. t truPonyes:tre lehieh enables ua to pay. you 4.7! Onr financial rwooteeo r 46'. 000" hattar returns. ,,,United. We ten trod era vry teat Sash tor avoryahhnont. wait- r"' 7rfitietey return MI;toTonstro (aday. •:•FUNSTEN Enos.mib C1 mufinteAT ..,arAeliglet FLIP rxcii51,10 atos fliNSTER etas. St.Lonis, Mo. MONEY 010400. • Send 4 Doialnion Express Mane); Order. They aro payable eperywhore, All Wool-'-ffroTtorxt in. PreParillg their product for market, must eon.: rider the man who b tiMng the''';buy- itift, if the name qf Canadian wool is to• -•become properly famous in the Wool world. , l'44,0441 Matment Ogres Platomner; As soon as linen shows a thin place :darn neatly, as this will prevexit a break and a vetch is never pleasing on tabie linen. '' YOU CAN -START SAVI11.0 Matigy by purchasing Stooks, Bonds and Sitares on our FartiatPayment Plan ;:follufV111:11torfel 6 i yoltdotrn'ttbl° IYP m1 'SO witch per mouth" tn any good sound marketable security making your regular monthly payments to us, You thus be - dome the owner with all accruing interest and dividends. You are Invited to write us for a ire° copy'of our,booklet entitled "saving by the Partial Payment plan," which thoroughly explains our system. H. M. Connolly & Co. Members Montreal Stock Hachange 105.106 Transportation Building MONTREAL - `QUE. • "OraittAi.> • ONT.110, 13Pn6: 509 Niagara tno. Perden_Spot CanacIlp„ }sof ternoeiZerti ithid )1,1111 UPPratOthr tCh,dY omPleymont. Magineeri* and MOM nft WOMHaf 471Ati/Z4, Limited, at. Catibrinee, Ont. rciNg tiA.V.4; 74-ViiriTqcv.7.n7TRID ai4ario"."ilinigrAI4Pgr)Pittutadeagl,;13. lOr 111,2100 on attic* 0000, tics 00. tvIlmton p.:14101m; Co.. Ltd., Toreute, 1V7e'fqt,l; hrivar %tin °lit/1,1111 ettAllnal?v.ety, TIWovriotn Ndvelluolooloe publishing. Co„ Toronto.' , . wascisrmastakus I• .._-_,.._. Co,Ncnrt„ Temons, pustee, 35g.,....., Internal And external, cured with. Nit pale by our honte treatment Writs so berOrt 500 lte. Dr, naeliman husticaj ce„ Limited, Calling:mood. Oat. ...... o • RheumattePal • 11S g Are. relieved ima few deys 13Y 64 is taking 30 drops of Mother Reigel'S gi ts Syrup afterrneals and on retiring. s . It dissolves the lime and acid : • accumulation in the muscles and • i. jointse1ien es de, ttlhi:autaredlleopvnint:spacitnbeandi e, soreness. Seigel's Syrup, also 0 • known as "Extract of . Roots," e) contrasnoelopenorotheratieng • drugs to kill or mask the pain of ; 4 rheumatism or lumbago, it re. • • moven the cause. 50c. a bottle : • at druggists. '••• ix • ...Et •iksiiitibefehiliallift Come people learn of the harmful efFects of -Lea ea rid cof- fee by rpaciinEt. Others find out throuf4h experi- once. In either case its a good idea to adopt 1 it STA Posru cr. T A delicious drink made ; from the finest cereals harm - fess anti flour- rhhing. Made in e cup, instant - y, Saves sudar aria fuel. A° 00 01.50 16,17.01..VMMIE131:, PO LTRY of all kinds. Better quality preferred. - Write for prices. STA:NFORTYS, Limftetf 1U Mansfield tit. • • Montreal For Hair and Skin Health Cuticura is Supreme ,11 you use Cuticura Soap for every. day toilet purposes, with touches of Cuticura Ointment now and then as needed to soothe and heal the first pimples, redness, roughness or scalp irritation you will have as clear a complexion and as good hair as it is possible to have. Sample tech Free by Ma Addrisseest. card: cutiera, Deo t. Seaton, U. S. A." Bold by dealers throughout the world. ,et+' A DON'T STI,I;T.ER PAIN—BUY aiRST' and be prepared against attacks of rheumatism. lumbeg,o, neuralgia, sorains,Core throat and other painful ailment -A, Pot: over 40 years 81 toothache and earache. Squally effective lb- relievi ng swollenjomts. forogyfriend. Matt ezperfinetit—bug sirst's—aiwaystuwea bottle In the boucle. Hasa hundred uses. 17042 116B q-tuzi,re. tax. HIRST HUMEITY co., Hamilton. Caned/, Hotcl Del Coronado Coronado 'Beach, California Where the balmy yet invigorating climate makes possible the enjoyment of outdoor spbrts through- out the Winter months. POLO, GOLF, TENNIS, MOTORING, FISHING, BAY. AND SURF BATHING Write for Winter Folder and Golf Program. JeliN. J. HEI-INAN, Manager 9111111111111111:61111/1[1106111EILIEN 0 Ur CanadIa [looks of Merit Books that should be on the shelves of every true lover, - of what is best in literature. They are virile, faseinat- irig, delightfully entertaining and informative. But, hesref all, they are Canadian. - Three Times arid Out 13y Nellie L. McCitmg A real, live story of a real, live Canadian, who lived many months in different German. prisons. and who was only successful in escaping after his,third attempt, He . was one of the • famous, "German Prison Ring, Men," and the story IS -given td- . the public in that grippingAum.. orous style which has endeared Mrs. McClung to all onnadians. Truth Is stranger than action; that's why..the facts in this book appeal so strongly. Willow, the Wisp Isy Arable 0'..11.1eRishate A wonderful outdoor noVet, of which the Toronto Globe says: "Youth and beauty and a forest --Shakespeare knew the tamale formula, and under his hand It blossomed immortally In the Forest of Arden. As tittle real as shakespcaro's greenwood, ' yet compelling to the imagine., Hon with its 'purely modern 'addition of wild things yielding in tha mastery of man and 119 - Jug in bar/11011Y with him and o 13 0 another, this pleasant rehearsal o an old .story, t h e W 1 Pr' 11 a s/ l4,40--)18 ' 01,35 power to give pleasure t6" such as lova bottuty and. t ti 0 friendly creatures and swoe t, wiltO oboes." • MousTAT AND tiliMMITY. • Industry and liunianity By Bon. W. L. bleRenzie Ring. A big beak en the vital euestIon nf the hour, by Ant. erica's leading authority. Tho greatest probleta 'Which - e shall have to lace fitter the Ivo and ono which is already attracting Wide attentlati—ls industrtel rem'. atructien. 74r. King's book is ft brilliant study of the principles underlying this Important question. The author has had e wide experi- ence as a eoncillater,th many 0071. 07111 industrial strikes, and lu denI- Ing with problems of lunnigestion, In thig commotion he reprette.nted the Government of Confide on -Im- portant missions to England, Mutt& china and Japan SIX OTHERS /- 0111 MONE'T, MONVINI..01.50 By lillentook 15. Porter. The best booliAlre, Porter has erer written. TANG OF SAM, .....SIMI se,11. 15. 1i+1111: An !Meese, virile story of the west, with ite rapid notion, its color and spirit will give every reader an 1107. tual Mato of the "Tang of Life." THE CARAVAN MAN . .81.50 Sy ernee goodwia. One of the most delightful and heartening novels we have road In a long -time. Tint CRoss 7511581. .. $1.50 Ily IL 0. Anderson. A ChM/ling story er the remains of low and srar JOYS 01.0 HIDING A WOMAN 61.51) fly WInillfrod lUoltland T.1318 first reflection In book form or .11118N ,Otlrklstdn essitys proves that ber dear ,perception OSTI.Nitted utlib butner and blnimmiess admits her 09 the small circle or the beat essayists. Hor book will take Its Wilde beside the essays of Miss IMP- ppor, 1111anbeib Wootihrldge onJ 1.1n Cambers. TUE MOW DEA/111„ Nel la mars' Years has a book se etnnforting been pubnahed, it is 110 sohnd, so sane and se reaesuring, and scouts to give so helpftilly the meting° Of woroge and faith Ana insight ter which, in tercet dark days, so many. have bean twitting. xt Is the hope of malty Of 4110 Harpy Mkt the hook will fall into many thousande M bands 111 Con - oda, Love ot the Wild Dr Archie P. Mcnishnie Archie MeNlehnle's "Willow, the POW' has met With such a spon. taneons success that pressure had been brought to boar upon hie pub- lishers le make a MOW edition of ono 01 his earlier SUC00N$09, "Love of the VIM," which has been ont ot print for Mlle thee, 10 14 the Herne hied of an outdoor story, with such faseinatIng char- acters that bus papule r 1 0 o 0 "Gene Strat- ton Porter's" famous books the world over, you tVilt not only enjoy every line Of "Love a the Wild," intt gen edit toll all your friends about H. The book 96 wen bound in awn, with eet• erred jacket, Price, Ode, The Teri) Alcifilsitnie Books at Boololellers for $2,00. SOW by All Booksellers. -1110MAS ALLEN, rublisherl TogoNTo — 215.219 Victoria t, -terevoroeUriaen