HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1918-11-28, Page 8POQTOGOAPOS FUH (11IISTMAS GIFTS Ltur Christmas stoop is t1 e best vve have had yet You had better come early and get a good choice Just thi lk—A doz, Photue make 1p ailriatp?;as Gifu Your friend can buy anytiliu you can give them. BUT YOUR ,OTU Give "Thep One For ,Christman, ROY BAL.1L..'I'hratogropher, Phone 66 Stovcsand Hardware if9 At Bargain Prices in tlany Lines When Comparing the Present Costs. Carrying a heavy stock in advance helps out our customers -to great extent—MANY LINES CHEAPER THAN WE CAN BUT TO -DAY. We have a good line of Ranges and heaters, to burn :wood or coal • A big . stock of roofing, incl uding the celebrated BRANTFOR , also the high-grade Carbon Roofing Paint—same price ae the ]ordinary.. (� LagtI E 1 iff , { A GOOD TIME TO REPAI R. • Get a PERFECTION oil heater for chilly mornings and even- ings—solid comfort—and save your coal for zero weather. HARLAND BROS. STOVES, HARDWAREAND NOVELTIESX sarimmsrw' vessamsir The. Best of Rubbers Thin- is the Rubber Seasonand we offer our trade the Best:in Rubbers, carefully avoiding:all the worth- less "Bargain" "trash"! -• Our Rubbers give the wearers lasting and eatisfaetory service. We've Rubbers for Men, Women and Children formed to fit the present styles - of shoes correctly To insure the best of Rubber Service, they should be carefully fitted to the shoe—fitted as we know bow' ._ to fit them, FRED. JACKSON "SHOES 'OF QUALITY." r..• Take Care of Your Feet Keep your head cool but keep your feet warm. Wet feet can- not be warm feet. Keep them dryby wearing a pair of our "Dom- inion" or "Daisy" Brand rubbers, No better rubbers made. Full stock of all kinds and sizes. Clearing linos of shoes.. at EXTRA O'LIMRING PRICES. See them ph Sur counters. Splendid showing of Men' and Boys' Overcoats -Warm and dressy ; Close prices ; Extra values. Look :those .over, You- will find stir prices decidedly right, goggco IkAjg' igk ! Plumsteel Bros. THE STORE TH AT SELLS FOR LESS, - PHONE 29. CLOTHING NEW IDEA PATTERNS, 1 �sssawrwr• Even Rug IN OUR EXHIBIT has .a charm of its own. Each has an individuality and the variety is so great that every taste can be gratified. Here are rugs of oriental design, others of .domestic origin in plain, floral and geometric patterns, But there is only one quality ire the entire collection ; the very best that can be obtained for the money. JAS. DUNPORD` Undertaker and I unerai Director. 2'$ Phonew ' * 28 I iinniYtiiiiYs4s Tuesday. ✓ i 000D LIST OP '4, TWO STYI. E8 DF' BIND- ING—ONE AT TWENTY` CENTS AND A BE'T'TER ONE AT TFIIl';TX-FIVE. CENTS, , t i.. i i W i <Lle Fair CO. .'often the Cheapest Always the BeMt}'+ eeu,essual encu]] Mr. D, 3C. Prior spent the week -end with friends at Exeter, • Mrs.. J. E. Hogg has been visiting Toronto friends during the past week. Mrs. F, A. Axon left on Tuesday to visit her home in Cheney for a few weeks. Misses Ella and Marion Rutledge go up to Blyth tomorrow evening to assist In an entertainment. Fred Wallis, who has been ' -efy, ill for several weeks, is "now, we are glad to report, improving. Mrs. T. B. McKenzie was down from Blyth this week attending' to some business and calling on friends. Mrs. harry Twitchell and little Miss Bettie of Windsor are the guests of the lady's sister, Mrs. Murray McEwan. Miss Freida VanStone of Wingham was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs, C. 13. Bartliff over- the week -end, Miss Hattie Greig went to Toronto last week to take a position. Her mother accompanied her and has been visiting friends in the city. Miss Mary Lanxon and little Miss Dodie Kennedy of Detroit are vis- iting their grandmothers, Mrs. J. Lanxon and Mrs. D. B. Kennedy of town. - " Mrs. de la Penotiere and little Miss Barbara returned to her home in Kincardine on Monday after spend- ing several weeks with Clinton friends. Messrs. John Robb, Seatorth ; Geo. Robb, Clifford Rev. IL and Mrs, Priest, Toronto ; Mrs. (Dr.) Hon- ey, St, Jo, Mich., and ..Miss Mary Robb, Chicago, are in town this week owing to the death of their father; the late William Robb. .Mr. Carl East, who has been on harvest leave and has been work- ing in this vicinity during tete summer "and autumn, went to Tor- onto last week to see his bro- ther before itis departure for Siberia. Carl has had his leave extended until his discharge and is going to take his old position in the Bank. Mrs. A. F. Mann and Masters George and Arthur left Monday for Brantford, where they intend to locate. Mr. Mann has had a posi- tion in that town for several months and wished to get his family down and get settled be- fore the cold weather came on. Their friends ]tope they may have continued success in their . new home. Mrs. Gordon Curlinghame went to Toronto on Friday to see hex brother, Mr. Roy East, who left the same evening for the Coast en route to Siberia, where . he goes to establish a branch of, the Royal Bank. Mr. East expected to apend a few days in Clinton. before leav- ing'for• Siberia but was unable to do so. ' Mrs.. Cuninghame paid a flying visit to her brother in Osh- awa also. Londesboro. • The regular meeting of the Lon- desboro branch of Women's Institute will be held at the home of. 1VIrs, (Dr.) Young on Thursday, Dec. 5th: Everybody welcome. Miss Belle Soott is visiting friends in Detroit. Rev, Mr. Sinclair of Holmeeville -preached missionary sermons in the Methodist church on Sunday last. Mr. Thos. Millar unloaded a car of coke this week. This . should help out a little in the fuel shortage. Miss Flossie Jamieson is visiting her sisters in Toronto. The regular meeting of the Red Cross Society will he held on Fri- day, Dec. 13th Everyone is es- pecially asked to attend as 'there is special business. London Road The Rev: A. E. Jones and Mr. J. A, Irwin- of Clinton came down. on Tuesday evening and spoke at the League m(3eting, which- was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Layton. Mr. I), McIntosh's sale on Tues- day event oft well, cattle and chat- tels bringing good, prices. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Snell have gotten nicely settled' in their stew trecently ]tame, ttto farm urchased p from Mr. C. W. Stevens, tvtr, and Mrs. S. Livermore visit- ed friends in Colborne township on ingerun p� PATTO' OR FORBES itAKE THREE SHADES OF GREY, ALSO BLACK' $2.40 lb. CANADIAN ''ART' $12O LB. FianEe1otc- Elankots WHITE OR GREY BLUE OR PINK BORDERS DRAGON, 11.4 IBEX. best made, 11.4 140 IBEX, best -made, largest size, 12.4 - WOMEN'S STORE DrL Goods, House Furnishings phone 67. Next- Royal Bank $2.75 Pair $3.25 Pair $3.50 Pair ERQWN'B MEN'S STORE Custom- Tailoring and (phone 103) Men's., Furnishings Opposite Public. Library, Brucefield. Rev. Jesse Gibson gave a very -in- structive address for ;pa Bible So- ciety on •Friday'evening in the Pres- byterian church, Mr. Gibson was to have illustrated his lecture with lime light views but his lantern was run by electricity and unfortunate- ly there was no electricity in the church, so he could not show the views, However, his address was very much enjoyed. IVir. Gibson is a very fluent speaker. Mr, D. McIntosh had a very suc- cessful sale on.Tuestiay. The dap being fine there was a good crowd and good prices ruled. Miss Edyth "Bowey spent the week -end with London friends. Anniversary services will be held in the Presbyterian church on Sun- day; Dec. 8tb. Rev. Mr. Morrison of Sarnia is to be the speaker of the day and special music will be furnished by the choir. On ' Mon- day evening Mr, Gibson will glee his famous .lecture on "That Boy." Mr. Morrison is very favorably. spoken of by those who have heard hen, The Red Cross will make their last shipment of pyjamas this month but will continue to ship socks as long as they are needed. The Keliy Circle will ]told their annual bazaar and sale of work on Friday, Dec; 13th., The girls are making great preparations.. Now that the war is over they feel they can give more time to this kind of work. t. Tire many friends of Mrs. Fred Tomlinson will be sorry to hear she is not "enjoying her usual good health but hope she will soon be around again. Rev. Mr. Johnston, Varna, , preached in the Presbyterian church both merit- ing orning and evening on Sunday. Mr. Johnston is a taporite of the Bruce; field people and they enjoy hearing hien preach, The following, taken from The Swift Current Sun of recent date, refers to the son of Mrs. A. David- son of the London Road, wbo died of influenza after but a. short Bluest ; "Alexander. Clu1T Davidson was one of the most respected citizens or the Gunderson district where he had lived for a number of years.' He was only twenty-seven years of age, but his life among the people of the coinniunitios has been such as to make his name dear to- the memory of all who .knew hien, and bis memory will long .live ,among the people: Ide took the most active part in the affairs of the district, was secretary , of the Red Cross and the school board, and in many other ways proved hitnself a man of worth as a friend and neighbour. IIe was stricken with the. influenza and pass- ed away on November 6tb. 'Elissis- ter, Miss Marjorie Davidson, who was his housekeeper and " alto taught the distrlot sehool, hat the r sincere sympathy of all. The body will be shipped to Brucefield, Ont,, for burial." ' Owing to the health restrictions it was impossible to have, the remains brought home and they were buried in the west.• The friends of the family here sympath- ize deeply with the bereaved moth- er in her sorrow: --y,; Kippen. The,. people of St. Andrew's church have decided to hold their anniver- sary services on the third Sunday in December, when the Rev. R. 0. McDermid,,df-Goderich is expected to preach"; services morning and ev- ening. . Much sympathy is expreksed for Mrs. W. W, Cooper angthe de^ith of her mother, Mrs.` Daniel Bell, which occurred at the home of her daugh- ter, 1VIrs. Thos. Laing of Exeter, on Saturday last. ,Interment took place on Monday to Remelt Union cemet- ery. The Presbyterians intend install- ing a new up-to-date furnace "in the church. Mr, A. Noakes, who recently un- derwent an operation in St. .los- eph's Hospital, London, has made a splendid recovery and is expected home this week. At the annual 'meeting of the Patriotic Society which was • held last week, a-- splendid report was read telling of the large amount of work done during the year 'which Was valued at $1090,. Over 630 pairs of, - cooks were knitted besides many other articles, • 13111011 At an official meeting of the board in the IVIethodist church last Mon- day the afternoon appointment, known as the Jackson church, was closed according to their own wish- es, Thus Blyth becomes a station and is one of -the most desirable churches hi the conference, The sal- ary was placed at $1200. Anniver- sary services were ]telt] in the Meth- odist church last Sunday, Rev, W. G. Rowson of London gave two very eloquent and inspiring address- es, The offering totailed almost $360. Rev, R. J. McCormick, who has been enjoying a rest 'for a few months because of nervous exhaus- tion, is quite •himself again and has resumed his work. band will give a con- certmission cert p'riday evening of this week. Misses Ella and Marion Rutledge of Clinton, two young and clever elo- cutfouists will assist in tite program. Miss Louise klemme, who died at Pittsburg, Pa,, of influenza, was buried at Broadhagen. She was a sister of M4. Conrad Sehiibe of Hay toweshtp. St. Helens • Mr, Robinson Woods is spending a few days with friends in Stanley. ' We aro pleased to see Mr, Aich- eson out again after his illness. Mr. and Mrs. John Durnin, Mrs. R. J, Woods, Wm. Woods and Mr, Isaac Miller attended the funeral of the late Mrs. ,Jas. Reid in Stan- ley on Monday, Miss Margaret Webb and Miss McLaughlin visited Miss Beatrice Anderson on Saturday, Rev, Mr. McCallum of Lucknow conducted the services here on Sun- day morning last. In the evening the W.M.S. had their thankoffering meeting when Mr. McCallum M.11- ducted oirducted the services, Mr. Davidson of Wingham is en- gaged, in drilling a well for Mr. John ,Joynt,- Rev. .1. Little intends having an auction sale on Thursday. Mrs, . W. J. Humphrey visited Mrs. Cranston on Sunday. Mr. Ned Thorns was in London on Monday. Auburn The jubilee anniversary in connec- tion onnecttion with the Baptist church will be held on Sunday week, Dec. 8th, Rev, H, 0. Eastman, a former pas- tor, will be the preacher on this occasion, services being held at 2.30 and 7,80. This is an interesting an- niversary in the history of a congre- gation and all look forward to in- spiring and helpful services. R RUMR1AGE SUE will be held in connection with the Girls' Auxiliary Bazaar on December 7th Anyone having articles which they are willing to donate kindly send to :tire. town hall Dec. - Rh or 7th. Z. E. BAWDIIN MRS.. L. CREE THE KAISER ! r ----THE---- BEAST THE BEAT Of BERLIN FRIDAY rind SATURDAY NOV. 29 and 30 1'.RINCESS THEATRE Admission evenings 25e. Saturday Matinee 15 and 26e. ULBThS 46 For winter bloom we have HYACINTHS, NARCISSUS, JONQUILS, - TULIPS, FUSCIAS, DAFFODILS, ETC. Good, quality, reasonably priced. Try the new Giant White Narcis— sus, grown in water Which blooms= in six weeks. • Winter bulbs are • easily grown.- Let rownLet us tell' you how. CUNINCHAIVIE FLORIST. Farmers For the Very best Service: and Highest Prices ,-.. BRING YOUR CREAM TO Glioma Cream Phone 145 PRICE THIS WEEK 50c We furnish Cans and Remit Daily } * * * * * * * * * DESOLVING * PARTNERSHIP * * * * * * * * * * * As we are des.dving * partnership in December * we would ask that all ac- * counts be paid promptly, * After December 20th a137C f w * past dee accounts will * be taken over by a col- * lector and 10 percent, * * will be added for collect- * * ing. * * Byam& Sutter Plumbers and Electricians Phone 7