HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1918-11-28, Page 7. Chronology' - .. .. 1 IN * i i «r ft Iia lnacd,ret► «ud 1Ler•, •Stu K one . •. .. 'Ink end Uoiorin(f • ?1I,' three ;n' melt; (acus •e delis •fol, twenkyfhq center Yoni, a , wakeless) cents: ,rtesisse ulekly teseeeure bole 7--.11ritlsh -take '1j9Ossil• , , sane floe afte n, cents .t r,. 1914 p1 t' >ipsllto11,,1+1 rn� O „- 4 ', 1 ..� July. 23:-Ailstrian iiltinlatum to Ridge, lravirtn •and nvtrtaae, • ;ern 29 --:Greece bretticH relatiolt5 says L1[oSI1 MNttFra'C1Ulirsee 0Q / jelY, 25,-Serb'lt1 •lecepta all Ani)- witth'.Fite Central Powers, trie's'terme, except that Austrian of, ' Jrily 14 --Michaels succeeds Vast POSIW ficials conduct murder oagairy its Bethrnann ll0lweg. Serbia. • • 4.ug. 1, -Germany ty declares war• on Russia. ' Aug. 2. --Germans enter T-ttxen1- Bourg and invade Fienell territory: • Aug, 2, -Germany' demands passage ;through Belgium. 'further seam at. Lens.; - i .4 .- li idSends ' ultirgatmn Aug. 10.74an,. Haig's men capture. ,- Aug: A. , l,,nglat,> , to German demandingobsetvance preetictilly all German positions ante Germany -southeast of Belgian neutrality. Gesmaby re. suer ofYpres, 0 'efts ultinrdtum' r end makes attack on Aug, 13-Greeee now at war ,with L irge. '1+rngittisd deplore:: war. ' Germany, Austria, Turkey and 13u1 - Aug. 8, -British troops ` land in garia,-.: France and • .',elginrn, Sept. x: -•French strike shri'wcl• Aug. 12, fingland declares war 011.. -blow on Aisne front. ,Austria: • .Sept, 11-.I o nilofl ; ' stats civil • Aug. 20 . -Germans enter Brtitels. • war in Russia in Aug. 23.-Gerntane. enter Namur Sept. 14 --Great battle grog g on and attack Mons, the Meuse. Aug. 24.L.: -British begin retreat, Sept, 16-Kerenslty deelat•es 'Rus - from Mons. • Sian republic. a Aug. 27.-Louvain;.bnrned by Ger- . Sept, 19 -Argentine 'breaks vela.' mans, ' Neils with Germany. Sept. 2. -Germans are within thirty Sept. 29-Balo Pasha seized in ' miles :of Paris, • Slid seat 'of French. Peris as enemy,- Govermnent is transferred to' Bor- • Sent. 30 Gtrent British Off' e ,'naive in cleans.,' Flanders begun' Sept. • ' -Rattle of Marne Begins: . Oct. (,-:Pers breaks diplomatic' -re- Sept 20 - Germans. -,.bombard dations wtth Germany. Rheims. Oct, 7 -Uruguay .breaks diplo-.. Oct. 9 -Antwerp occupied by the uratic relations with Germany. recording moneys remitted it, fairly ' Germans. Oct. 12, --Von Capelle resigns •as • frequent intervals, and it may be gen- Oct.' 19 -First battle of Ypre"be- result of morin& in Ge'r'man fleet, • erally,assumed that these remittances gins. Oct, 20 Pour Zeppelins destroyed have gone Home to the "misane,'. to .. Oct. 20 -Turkey begins War on Rus- when returning from Engla•nd. wlinm the brave'fellow voluntarily al - sin, Oct. 21 -Bastian feet escapes from lots a goodly share of his daily rate ti. Nov. 1 -Garman naval _victory at Moon Sound without loss, 'of pay. May she be worthy of his �--� Coronet, off Chili. - • Nov: 6 -Canadians take P.assehen- lorkng solicitude. Nov. 101 The catninefee reider Ern- daele,, T. Atkins does make use of den destroyed by the Anstrelian crisis- Nov. 5---Revolatioli in Petrograd. the page of A.B.-64 reserved for his et Sydney s Keiens kv flees, will -and lots of. soldiers believe that ilex r8. -British naval victory off Nov. (0--pea"an revolutionists of it is unlucky to make swill -he in Falkland Islands, for so nrne•-done to Germany. variably indites it in strict accordance Dee, 16 -German cruisers bombard -Dee. 1 to 4 -Fierce fighting multi' with the simple formula exampled.for. ,yetrcherneed• and Hartlepool, le Comb0, • civilians killed. Delc. 10 -French •a»iI B, it.. ,w s. his. guidance. Wife or mother are the Dec. 18 -'Flaunt "proclaimed a -Bri take up noeitians nn tltb Italian front. usuallegatees, but: nosy and then one tisli protectorate. lief. 1.1-Rrttish centore Jerusalem. happens on an exception. p A nop table instance is su lied by ' Dec: 17-Belehevild sign armistice 191"0' with the Central Powers. Pte. B., whose A.B.-04 says: "In the Feb. 20 -Allied fleets bombard evert of my death, 1 give the whole of my property and effects to the Dardanelles. • 1918. Children's Fresh Air Fortnight Fund March 12 -British capture Neave Feb. 23 -British stoops cuter Jeri- n Cbanelle, London, Pte.ai, is a slightly grey - March 22---Przemysl captured by els Mar. 7 -Due to the defection of haired, taciturn, but exemplary bath- Tussians, ti clot soldier of some forty years. Ain'.il 22 -Second battle of rotes, Russia, Roumania is forced to sign When leave to England- comes in Ancil 24 ---Battle of .51. Julien. peace treaty with General Powers. sight his financial standing becomes Mar, SO -Gen. Foelt annointecl gen-' a matter of the utmost moment to April 25 (erritan'first use poison eralissimo' of allied forces. 1 gas in attacking.Tommy, and nt there times A.B.-64 Anvil 1 to 7 -Terrific fighting on , is' scanned with• grave intensity,in an May 7-•L tsitetlia 261. nrdoed the Somme, I effort to calm,tate how much leave -pay May 9t -Battle of I estubert. p,nril 10 Battle of Lys. May 23 ---Italy declares war on.Asoil 2l Bvi ish naval forces raid be claimed before starting off Austria. Ostend anti 7aebrul Vie. , for dear old "Blighty." If he is in May 31 outhetin raid en London. Anvil 25 -'-Battle of the Somme re the balmy position of having an ample Tidy ''$-S6nth-\Jest Africa (Ger- credit. good luck to' him! If. he has roan) surrenders to General Botha. rreA.pril 213 -Battle of Kemmel Hill. 1 spent not wisely but too well, who, Ang, 5 -Germans darty "Warsaw: May ?9 -Germans launch last rernemhering the restrictions nut Ang. 21 -Italy declares war on great nttemnt to advance on Paris. ++'ton him in the battle line, can blame Ttn'key. Mav 30 -Germans retake Sniesens. him? Oct. 12 -Germans eremite Nurse Cavell, June .5 -German advance halted. ANOTHER HUN TRICK Jline 12 to 14 -Battle of Oise, Oet.15-Great Britain -declares war J,lne 24-25-Ttallans rout the Aus- 1 __ ,_son Bulgaria, trians en the Piave. heartlessness Shown by Firing Upon ��� Oct, 10 -Italy declares„ war on Bul- 7uly 22-Gnemans forced to retreat garia, across the Marne. ' Nov. 24-Gret;re yields to the de- Tilly 20-Fara-eh-Tardenois recap,, mends- of the -allies.; •turerl by the allies. Dee. 1.5-SorenDouglas Haig succeed- Ang 3 -French again occupy Sois- tish-American armies are numerous, • ed Sir johnFrerieh as commander of ons but perhaps none shows the cold and, the British forces. Aug. 7 -Forth raised to rank of calculated heartlessness of the Hurt 1916. 0 ' ' Marshal of p''rence. more than the following story, which Aur;: 9 -British troops, ander Haig, was relatedeto the correspondent by Feb. 21 -.Germans beJtin attack ori launch successful offensive. Germans one of the,:,inhabitants of the little Verdun. in full retreat. - town of St, Souplet, near St. Quentin: itlarc + mh 8--Portugaldeclareswar on Aita. 27-R6gte captured by the An attack by the Englisli and Ain- -Germany. -- French, ' dolens forces .was impending. The Amit 3-T3a,ttle of St. BredElmAug.30-Bapaunte taken by the Amir 29• -Kut surrendered -to the Germans expected` it and informed the spies, 'population that if ,they gathered in T May Sent• 1-Brit:isl1. rnrsue Germans th'e local church -and put up a white • May 31--NavalWitchetle off Jutland. • thrnutdi the Lys'valley. Se sheet as a flag, they. would be spared J1Tne f -r;miA Tr+teilener drowned Pont. 14 -Americans wipe out St. on 'FT M.S. ITanlnehire., • • • by the advancing allied troops. They Aug. 51-Ttnkev and Bulgaria de- n']ihicl -salient did so. The Germans soon were Clare was. on. Roumania, • • Sent. 18-Rritis'h break through the driven out by the English and Am- Austrian ETi'trlenbnrg line. ericans. .When they reached a point of the Dec. 2:1 --Death $est. 23 -British rout the Turks it1 Bonne -Nu Franz ,,Iosenh. of vantage, however, they tuned their Beatty guceeerls Patnstiue. guns on the church:- Several persons Dec. 29-Aimingof rho net, 1.-A Wes eapture.Rouleis,. were killed and manySeverded. ,yr Jelin .Teitierie in command - ;,tsar a itulates to the S Oct: y. R is c p - The .Germans had thought to make' British High Seas Fleet. I terms of the allies. • i Oct. A "i-1. lnsns, abandon Lens. the British and ericans b'eoiev"e it was the allied artillery auk not their own, that had bombarded the church. When the- allied troops entered the village they found the ch"rchshat- tered, the ocetmants terrified, 'and many of their number lying prostrate ,on ,the floor, dead or wounded. The American :Potato crop is 51.- 000.000 bushels 'below Haat of last year. July 22. Army of O r8'1) Pifttc e).•a Tommy' Moat Treasured' Official' pulsed all, along eked lice, fitly 2:1-w-llussian troops-doncral. Document, . ized.11 t'he'soldier's hest friend. is 1110 ;)1a1g;' 7 -British Admiralty recon- rifle, be is privately convinced that .trueted. C:tiindiatt troops , make _Ms most valuable possession is his pay.book---the little& brown, cantatas. bound' volume, designated by the Army A:13.-64. It is a very real' human document,' the soldier's pay -book, not a mere bald statement of cash received, but illuminating in regard to a manse military career,. Tits external appear- ance alone may suffice to hall -mark the man as thorough- in his efficiency or inefficiency a5 a soldier. A brief reference to the crime -sheet of a soldier whose A..13.-64 is soiled end: ragged twill sometimes show that he has been penalized for such minor. offences as being dirty- ort parade. .Promotions, appointments, reduc- tions, etc.,`is a page of the pay -book that has often much to tells, and the column of payments recelVt eda if serutinizec1 with understanding; have sometimes a generous story to relate of abstinence and self-denial. These columns may punctuated'by..entries Refugees in Church. Instances of German mistreatment of the civil population of villages in France which were taken by the Bri- 1'117. e • - 1 eh. 2 -United Statics breaks oft? Oct. 9 -Canadians capture Cambial. (baton:miie r•rliltinns with Germany.. Oct. 17 -British secure Lille. Feb. 26 -British retake Kut .. Oct. 18 -British sailors occupy Os - Match 11 -Bagdad, taken by the Bri- tend.Oct, 31 -Turkey surrenders to the rf trrh 1.4 -China severs relations ,British. \vifli eierman" Nov.1-Italiana' huge drive of Ans.: Ancil 6 TT.S. Conerrees fortna'ily'trians out-of'Italy. - passes resolution declaring' war on Nov.. 2 -Austria surrenders to the Germany. Italians. peen O-Vimy Ridge taken by Nov. 2 -British take Valenciennes. Gnir:ar9;ans. Nov. 6 rnrmany seeps peace terms Aevil1,--B3rasil severs relations front the allies. with f=ermnnv. Nov. 7 --Marshal Foch hands his Anil 15, Wcrkinemen's and Sol- terms to the Ferman emissaries and filer,' DeIegates take control in grants them '72 boast' time limit for ltussie., reply': . OPTICAL GI,A !� ^ of optical glass were discovered and ~ w - SS made, and by 1914 the German in- dustry Nati reached the position Great Britain is Now Independent of which has just been described -i1 the German Prooduct. contributed sixty per cent of all the 1tegardtng the 4evelopment of the glass that was used in Great Britain. British optical glass industry rho Bri•. Without optical munitions upon a tish . Board of Trade Joiatnal say -s scale far exceeding that of peace, that pptash salts ,form an essential naval and military operations could ingredient in glees making, so that not have, been.ef1'iciently carried on, the very great development which ilaas yet the country was threatened at the takcii place in the production of,Bri•' outbreak' of war with an immediate 'fish' glass would -not have beets pos-•,reduction .by•moire than ono -half in sibita had not the parallel devej jp= its supplies of glass, merit its noted; production also to •en r MEDICINE 'i - LOOSplace. • The, publication says that altleengh lioruicals Used to Preserve 7'iritlier ellen war.' broke out optical glass ,C 14ralc l sed'Ravages of Insects:,. had, been 'manufactured in England r for seventy'. yeaxs, • the country was Wood, being a vegetable structure, llepglident upo11 Germany for sixty is1 liablo 51'delay: But if properly per cent, of its 'supplies,• Thirty per doped With soma preservative rent, calve from ]?ranee; the remain- chemical it may be rendered almost ser of, ten per Cant, made an the coup- decay proof -NA -deb, when the inat- t1y 'Ly0s tad pr0dlI6tlml o1' Dile ?!r>?i, •ter is brought down to dots,. Meats lliecars. Chalice Bros, & Co., ot? Birm- proof ahbtnst devouring insects and Ingham', Until Germany clevolopcd 4t destructtvo fungi. Joe, its optical glafts industry upon Creosote is one of the chemicals a largo and stiYoossful coinlleoreial comu1o1111r used for this p}111Peee,'13u1, 2aitr; tiro ';Norio of»• Ream, ChhncQ Whotltet ihia or' another, the most up - tiros, and the import's of French malt- tsaturate -datgs Withteery Civ method preeted o stufY by ors- csupplied practically all the op - Lica' the hitter into their intimate tical: glass in in Great l3'rrjaili, Imo 'pumping 1ISrtnOn experimenters and mo tifae- ,. The lnrosrivative, 1.111401' pressuro,.is ttn'ers 1110811)0(1 substantial financial forced int( the pores at1i1 l interstices support front their government . and of .the dogs throught a 11(1 r..pfl)e to a lore aft)ciai113' eucouraatd in bvel'y which is attached a contrivance that vr+tty. Gernlale znilustry, and research, shows on a dial tern exact amount of Ad'oquately backed by money, made the lona work& famous all over the pressuio used, WOrld, Many uow and valuable types ptjutra'n Ltafinent'`(rnrowr 00108,' to, Thousands o+ under- noyu,rished people have found-tha.'b -Pooc-- sdieh t"Fic blend of nourr l air cereDIs .v.,.... helps wor lderr-X ally in burldsr eeyo1*11• happiness. cads � ,yy,p.�,pyy�,,, 0i., N.r'"_ r d50s4 acs:d Licenneh'1•-Bre "'ISSUE No, 1:$-x••'13 Tit > 'It"a?st lsty', For the lively Itf:tle youngster who is a little hard on oloUhee, here is an ideal stilt. - MgOall Pattern No. 8604, Boy's Suit In 3 sizes, 210 6 years. Price, 20 cents. A charming afternoon dress for the' Miss, vcith the new rippled 'Genies. The one-piece straight skirt is attached to the waist with soft st5allew pleats. McCall Pattern No. 8610,' Misses' Dress. In 4 slice, 14 to 20 years. Price, 115 cents. One of the nuwest ..,,,ptetions of the cape -wrap is this novelty co'atee. McCa11 Pattern No.. 8585, Ladies' and Misses' Goatee. -In 3 sizes; small, "32 to 34; medium; 36 to 38; large, 40 to 42 bust. Price, 25 cents. Whitt is •Your - avop ite Sc4r ity. t,T101"11Elps you cannot pnrohase it 1100a110e )0111' nears- do not 1?01,: Mit yell to pay ror 11 In full, It is right here that etre sleet yen, You eau become the owner by using our Partial Payment Plat),. -pgynent being Made by monthly instalments. Ito inrito,yoii to write Rota free copy or our booklet telling you all about our plait, .M:CON.NoLIN, 8z CO. Umbers )lioiftreal Stock Exchange 905-105 Traneportatlon Building MONTREAL, . Obeying, the rcrjucst of the Govern- silent about coltsert+ation of woad, nutty • smart • women have found. re-.- liCrge in an entire satin dross. Here is an excellent model to be, developed in savor or velvet. 14IoOsti Pattern No, 8013, Ladies' prtes1. '1n 6 sizes, 84 to 44 brunt, - Price, 26 cents, Those patterns spay be obtained from your local McCall dealer` or Troia the 11IeCC11rl Cot --70 Bond St., Torontd;" Dept. W:- -• - .Art .Ancient Loaf, The discovery in Sweden of a loaf of bread made from pea flour in tite time of the 'Vikings has disclosed tho fact that peas were cultivated in :Barone more than 1,000yeers ago. >tkiitoss't's Ti..i11i1nerit eatele 3Ji0ltt0st'Sa, Whenon mond tine lace curtains paste panel' t is iso a rcr under the rents and it 8 etitob back and fortis on the machine. 'phis Will fill 1n neatly and securely, d of all 'kinds. Better quallty preferred. Write for prices. , ' STANFORIYS, Limited 128 Mansfield 3t. • • Montreal eco -- If Vote Want the Highest Merket Prices Ship all your to us --We pay al express charges, ABBEY FUR COMPANY (In business for 30 years) LOUIS ABINovrrOH, Manager 310 St. Paul St. W. Montreal, P.Q. Reference, Bank of Hocbelaga, St. Henry, Montreal, ,. • w KNOW YOUR SYMPTOMS: Medical Terms Everyone Should Know -=-Some Latin Phrases. There are several 'medical, terms one 'should know about. For instance, your examiner tells you that %u ire suffering from dementia praecox, you smile affably, and say, "Thank you,' doctor." Would you be quite so oheeri`u1 if you knew that the Latin phrase meant chronic delusion- al insanity? Here arca few ordinary terms you should know: Prosthesis -The addition of an ar- tificial par -t to supply, a defect of body, as /appliances to take place of lost hand. A trophy -Wasting away, viithering, as of injured limb. - Flexion -Bending, as limbering up stiff wrist through exercise, massage, -ete. Lesion -Damage, injury, as ' `nerve lesion" Functional -Affecting the worlc- inf• of an organ only, not affecting the organ itself. Myoptic-Defective sight; short- sighted. -'Anaesthesia-Insensibility to feel- ig; thus: "Pronounced anaesthesia calf of leg." Amnesia -Loss of memory:. Anhasia-Loss of speech. Neurasthenia -Nervous debility, nervous exhaustion. Neurosis-Funetimtal derangement due to disorders of nervous system. For instance, "War neurosis." ' Orthopaedics -Cline of deformities of the body Not confined to leg eases. Disorientated -A mental state; con- fusion as to place, time, date, etc. Neuropathic tendency- Constitu- tionally abnormal, conditions perltans made evident by, but not primarily due to, war. 4 samara's zintm1nt cares 171sioraper, "I£ we are not responsible for the thoughts that,pass our doors, we are et least lesponsible,for these we -'ad- mit and outertain,"-Chaalies 13. Neiv- ecnrb. The entries which have' just closed for The Toronto Fat Stock Show to be �. I G u91'n[r®uatie 40145NLon OtS4i taeiis ' bourn. Booklet p.l loam g0iA1t to t �15 (5j Beano zsr wr 3osticoAve T o,ot. Su. sts held at the Union St'o'ck Yards, Pe^ 41w,uut9 naa 549101 farm JP, 555 151'h is CID"; 5th and 6th, indicate .._ _ splendid display of'finished•live'stock, This,, despite the fact that the man- agement have..diseentinued the offer= reg. of premiums ;for female cattle Jo the hope -drat aril -male' suitable ,for breeding purposes will be kept on -the farm for that purpose. It will be well worth, anyone's time to take in this show, and also to be present at the Auction Salo of Prize, Winners which is attended by buyers from a1i over America. - • 1Ti l.e'' - 1 _. NI A, 11, I qr realms' your Vora to In tIl 1,1 I.1, H, 'Ortablo Gasolines Engine ward, st Two minutes to attach or detach, Attaches to ernuk shaft, which ensures delivery ba the. engine Power, Only ,the engine' runs, COnserltlantly no wear" on tires; difloreuLIal, etc A special patent, est auicitte'y fan keeps the engine cool under all conditions Car Can Os moved or driven with Autopowol• attached, Auto. rustic 'governor controls the power• r((,sps, at 11(5001• to a +,UUUJVI,r run 4r,}k(n. grintlgl f �qq , woad pans, ensila8 '.'hrl_ • cutters,hay presoe5, , fanning nrilla, sopa- rotors, chul'ns, 00- 11107)1 mi\e,5,•well- Write foe htnes,eto; Write foe catalogue and trial offer•..and WITH ATTPC,..trTerr see what users env. 0,15 LI(11511 MU 1108 OM A. "151, ttcGXLL Dept, A., .11.4 Adelaide et. W. Toronto FurswillRaw mark For p7'taCp RAW FURS. and GINSENG ROOT 21 years .of reliable trading. Reference -Union Bk, of Canada. N. SILVER 1720 et. Paul ,it. W. *Montreal, V.Q. Arrange to attend the Ninth Annual F TORONTO SH �F -------__�WAiiiiPEPt. r'A iV7 l]8): A 1 <ONg 9, ' 13Y ' 2+11AM 1 �lct•ess1re Gopolsrn in the Nimauxfy 1''enittaulati'th0 (larges -H'+ot o,4 11oilermattete and • T):rl'11 0peretore• f1tendyy emeloa•Mont. Engineering. .arid Maeithio Woolen' el Oo058e la:NHS ; Eft. Catbal'inee, Ante P031 f161f Iii nt,i, r..q IIYr5D .... P)tvs 0'n vv.'and sob printing alone in mesterei flntarle, insurance carried 11,500. `W119 go for 91,200 on 01ato, 111011 sHDA X80. 'Wilson Puulitonnn Co,. Ltd. 'i'ornnto, > 10III 1y' •Ni4•WSPAI'lcit 1r0it...SAWA 'e In New Ontario, Owner tieing to pierce,. Will 17011 92.000, Worth double, that amount Anplr T. FT. do Wrlsos PuhliuhingrCo„ Limited, Toronto, Pa28d£2r,112010ll`$ c\NCiAR,M )US*Uitli, L,UXYfl'S. 1'71C., internal and external, mired with. out pain by our home treatment, Write 'cit before too late,' Dr. Bahama Madlcal 'Co•, Limited, Collins -wood, flat Ir +' -. EGGS and 1 V. . FEATHERS �° Highest ,PrIces Pald Prompt 1±eturris-.No Commission p, POULIN & CO. 89 BoaSOeottrs aterhot 7tontreal Irl,'N'tttav`m•,ivs 1:,W "..ryy'•w1••,,.,-•: Tide Cause of Emit TrOuteg e I Faulty, digootion cetses the 3 generation 01 gases in lira otenraah which inflateand:^preas da•,In on tine heart and interfere with its regular action, causing faintness and pain. '15 to 30 -) drops of 010&er Seigel's, Curative Syrup after steals sots digestion eight,which allows the heart to beat full and regular. 9 rti:PVoWYSHOES NM Union Stock Yards, Toronto. Judging 10 a.m., Thursday, Dee. 5th. Auction Sale or Prize Winners 10 a.m., friday, Dec. dth. Everybody Welcome. Admission Free. Muskrat Goat Loose box c o at effect, with con- vertible c o 11 a r . Extra well made:. Length 45". A popular seller. 5120 French Seat Splendid coats that look well and wear bettor than any other seal. Special price. $112, Persian Lamb and Mink Two of our specialties 121 which we offer exceptional v a l - ues. Send for Free Catalog. CUMMINGS & CUMMINGS 109a St. Paul Street MONTREAL RAW FURS: Highest Prices Pali. THICK, SWOLLEN GLANDS that make a horse Wheeze, Roar, have. Thick Wind or Chrko down, can be reduced with yrs Bl' 4y'j L kfi:�:�` ?tiuta�•.,.`�� i��' tacb'il-`. QUID'JandP+ASJTE.�"a. frBLACI(,6`Jifl•FE,TAN, DARK BROWN OR OXBLOOD SHOES PRES Ti;'il'E?Ae E,ATEIESQ THE F.F.OALLE5 CORPOISIIINSLm,NAHa,ON,WiSlL WHEN YOU SUFFER FROM RHEUMATISM Almost any man will tell you that Sloan's Liniment Means relief For practically every man has used it who has seffere'd from rheumatic aches, soreness of muscles,stiffness of joints, the results of weather ex- posure. Women, too, by the hundreds of thousands, use it for relieving neur- itis, lame backs, neuralgia, sick head- ache. Clean, refreshing, soothing, economical, quickly . effective. Say "Sloan's Liniment" to your druggist. Made in Canada. Get it today, • :'1 ,uc., $1.20. also other llunches or Swellings. NCtblister no hair gone, and horse kept at work. Eco- nomical -only a few drops required sten appli- cation. 2 50 per bottle dtlivered. Beak 3Nhe. MSORBINE,16„ the antiseptic liniment for man- kind, reduces Cysts, Wens, Painful, Swollen Veins and Ulcers. $1.25 a bottle at dealers or delivered. Book "Evidence" free. W. F. YOUNG. P. U. 0.,'516 Went alar„ r ostrstt: eat, Harry Lauder paid u visit to the Western frontsome time ago. While standing before a great barbed-wire barricade he. asked a highlander how ,long Tiethought the war would last, "Forty yeas," said the Highlander, at eyelid. W ell be never moving ..fighting another year, and then it'll tak' us thirty^rind yeasts more to wind up the wire." Miuprd's Liniment Go., Limited.' Oentlenicn,--Last winter I rocoivetl great benefit frern the use of 0flN- A1tcD'S-LINIM1.1NT in a severe attacks Of L aGrilrpb, and 1 have ffiequontly proved ft to be very effective its cases or Inflammation. li ours, • W. A. ITUTC"lINSON. Tommy (after operation -!'What with .sister '015, urn' them lilies, I thought 1 was in 'Nivel), when 1 fire',: came: round, till T. seed BM yonder its the next bell!" - MONEY 01fl)EXRS. It is' always safe to send a Bouibi. ion lxprces Money Order.... 1Pivd. 17o11tp'a casts three cents, 'there are about, ±11,000 square of coalfields 111 '6110 U111llnl Kirordent, mei» ard'a Linlaitent Phren'(lar'ket 10 001711 s4(sr '4444 4.fi•1 ,..co mcsnst ,a s tfi� began. .....- Nea s Pimp es With One Cake. Soap and One Box Ointment. Fee never free from them for tw® OT three years. Were sore end often became large and hard. Left dark, red blotches that disfigured face. Nothing did much good till tried Cuticula. Helped from first application andnove face is healed. ilrom signed statement of Miss Lorena Kennedy, R. R. 1, Williams. town, Ont., March 7, 1917. ' Aloe 'Ctiticuta'•Sapp for toilet put. poses, assisted by touches-of.Cuticura Ointment to soothe And heal any tea• dency to irritation of the skin and scalp. Byusing these fragrant, super. creamy emollients lior, all toilet pur- poses you may prevent many skin and scalp troubles becoming serious. For FreeSampleEach by Mail ad. . dress post -card: "Cuticurs,7Dept.A, Boston, U. S. A." Sold everywhere. rThe world's sheep stock; have de ire(tsecl by 5.1:,000,000 since the war r.�t�••;rslmtan Hold Del Coronado Coronado 3oaoh, California Where the balmy yet invigorating climate makes possible the enjoymetibo1 oitidoox• sports through- out the Winter months.. POLO, GOLF, TENNIS, MOTORING, VISIfIN(T, :BAY, A.NID SURF BATIING 'Write f.f.Witter• ,tiler and Golf Py'1g11T. JOHN J. tiffP.NA.'f, • Manager siro`xt'ttel•su Always Effective--- end acts quickly 61ikvos ladle back, lumbago, neuralgia, sprains, Lome jolnle anti muscle(, toothatltt, earache, sots throat and other painful complalnte'-,f1rf1'st's ,stopsak^.ea(r1, Get nbottletoday. Hare ithendy'-hen a hundred l800..At dealers 05 nitric us. 5-10*3,I' ItIZIL'DY (10., Xtfltillten, Can