The Clinton News Record, 1918-11-28, Page 2ee- a p. VlaT.P,,i00.,NR't MoTiagARI. FoHEE'rovitii:s aRti 1,?01,1 ,,claDTISee oinet taU.00.0 JoIntee Sere an WI3 blitt61:;‘c,:ttl:tc\ eb:t11::::!leric'ihr4eaFt:.1111:11:te°1 ,111:1 d P011 Se 'It McIaggart Bros. RANKED)) IIENYRAT, BANK:VITO VIM ittESs TRA N S'A Man: mtrzs MISCOUNTED, DRAFTS ISSUED INTEREST ALLOWED Ott DT, POSITS sALli blunts "un.• C1.1,5 8ED,, 111. T. n.vccs NOTARY PUBLIC:, b01411r1% ANCER, !FINANCIAL, IIIATATIC ANT') Vifir l'Ortfl• 'ARCS AGENT. IIKPILKOSSIT • LNG 14 FIRE INSUaLANCla COMPANIES. 1)1111610N urre evvict. ot.ircroA: iktanovis,, RAP. ft 1 STER E6T,TrITOS., • NOTARY I'UBLIC, ISTO. @Mew- Moen Sleek :-CI,INTOR• CAIIEROS S.O. B A BR STE R. SOLICITOR. CORVEYANC,ER. ETC e Sale* es A.lhert Street ageism:deg/ Mr. 'kopek.. • In Cliatuo uo eiery. Thursday. aad,ou, any day for which ap- pointment* :era. made, Ofhee Jrcino m p A good vault. in minnettion wtb , the office open i'very are.11 day hi . Hooper stake any gppotutaients for Ur. Came roe.' 33y Agroneimet. This Department is for tins use of OUP farfn reader& who Want the adeloe ef„an per on any micatien regarding 80ii, Seed, crops, etc. If your cloaetioll is,of sufficient general interest, it willbe enewered three& this column, 11 etanmed ead addressed envelepe Is 001000 with your totter, a convicts ,ohswer will be mailed te,You, Address Agronomist, eare of Wileon Publlehing Ltd. 79 Adeteide $t. We Toronto, Farms Lea* Fertile -Then 40 Years `fere. There le Woe exemee foe the Ago. pioneers tkin „a g „ more han on , e gen, t- Cariade has about 28,000,000 acres eration's eeere cm me lerteity more, field crops a which Probably 20,- in soil -by the benefice:ice of nature 000,000 gates ere in the three. west_ during long age* of preparation. . In ern Provinees. h the fertility of ale Pioneer days they needed and lied the soil belag kept up, 1 it being 'ex- . _ hausted, 'is it imieg hiereacied? To getemn answer, the ConimiSsion of Coneervation cerried .out a survey of 2,245 farms. We asked questions of fled, it becomee their cluty to me 0 2,245 fieriners located all over Canada. the place more fertile while in their We totik them in groups of about, thirty or forty --in all ebotit 60 groups, 'frorri British' columbia• to Peinee Edward Island, On this point, WO. made a definite enquiry of the farmer as to whether,the fertility of his farm was being maintained or was deteriorating. Here is the anewer: 80 Per cent. of them reported about the shine yield per acre ea 20 v,ears ago, 40 per cent. DR. GUNN - Office Cases at Eis 'residence, eon High and Kirk streets. • anist tiene 111 ynar agtae• anel uttoreao Audi send yon 1"neligt{ta idvely 0 m h 4 d XI -8118 roSt qtrds reen at 10 coats n0ohage. When they are 1,041, scud, uh the inoeey and we wilt amo you the B1g Den, witivan charges orepelit, ri,00 Win alue sena you tan Doll Plan without any charge ir asyni some right to mme than ,let svour fide:n(1n and -get , ' ' nl, ow Y 01,11' Poll to , ,,r4? •i. of this toe of natdral wealth while , bust three or 'sem to s , ; veil our ettr09 and earn making the 'Place ready 'for. eeetiPa- poem too, " sold ne tion; but, after that Arst need is satis- your name and ad - .DR. J. C. GANDIER 'Otee H.ours:--1.1,30 to 3.30 pen., 7.30. to 9.60 p.m, Sundays 12.30 J.o 1.30 p.m. ' Otlierthour by appointment only. Office and Residenee-Victoria St. hands. 'The history of other mien:Mee end .other farmers sheds .light on ,onr Prohlenis; and we zeiherbe,instruebed, etely great advantage, by their,. ex- Perierice.' 'eentrel New e,York, wheat growing was followed success- fully fer 40 years. During 20 yeare more`;the suecess was doubtful. Then. it beanie definitely enprofitable. With a climate favorable for agrieu - repotted some increase in yield, and ture and propitious for erop-growing, 30 per cent reported sane. decrease. it .took 40 years of exclusive grain. That is to sal., the land, as used by grooving to make that smitem 'mere - 30 per cent. of all the men reporting, fitable, Mid 20 years more to compel was poorer in its power to produce 'SIC:farmers to stop that sort of then it was 20 years before. practice. • Ohio, Indianai From Manitoba, 32 per cent. of the Iowa and -other Western States either farnIers reported about the same yielffl have or are making similar 'history. per acre as 10 years before; nob, one I have gone oyer them and talked to man reported an increase; and 4.0 per the old,men; fro 30 bushels of iyheat cent reported, some ,decrease. That is to the 'acre they came down td 14. We can afford -to take a lesseaa, -from even our enemy. Germany is a country with a soil which on the whole is not naturally. very fertile. Within-aleout 80 years she has been able to effect an increase of about 30 pet 'cent. in the yieldsper acee of . . her crops. On the.other hand, over large area's ofg Canada our methods of farming are exhaesting the fertility of our farms to senile extent, and there' is danger that the fertility •of consider- able areas will be reduced bblow the "Mint' of Profitable farming. -Dr. J. Robertsom'Chairman of , Lands Committee, Corniniesioneof Conserva- tion. • g2,00roto,gr•ay van CHARLES B. HALE, Conveyancer, Notary Public, Commissioner, Etc. REAL ESTATE and INKIIRANCE Issuer of 1Vlarriage Licenses HURON STREET, - CLINTON. GEORGE trT,T,Inrt licensed Anillenerr for the Count; el Herne. "Carreapoodr ado promptly- any atop *4. Itorstatliata arrangemenla Cats he lairds .1pr Rah Date 0 The w•re•Recwel Clinton 14 kV/ eilMeg.Phousa le_ea 117 Charges moderate netl_su.ttsfaclgoar guarantems; a summary of the answers to the question when.. put under an intellig- ently conducted survey. We want .Canada . more serious and intelligently ethfiuoted surveys of our conditions in order -that We may acquire_realknowledge of facts as they are. Than we canmome to con- elwaions andmian our course ot action to deal With the facts .diecovered and properl'yeintemereted. In the West, the lure al land was Itor . a- time similar to the lure of the Yukon; and the lure of the Yukon in the =hilted on to disappointed men, deteriorated health, and pmts ,of the ',Yukon belt with less material substance that could be called wealth than it had be - Solo Agent for Sciattion alld D. D. & foal We are going to give every person a load.of coal as the names appear on the order book and must insist on pay. ment being made for same imme- diately After delivery. - This is necessary as deliveries will be extended well on in tcM. the fall months. . TERMS-STIEICT,Ff CASH. We also have on hand a stock of Canada Cement. . A. S. HOLLOW.A.Y. At Tame Service B• It.- II I G.G I N S Box 127, Clinton • Phone 100. CVormerly of Brucefleld) Agent for The Limon & .Erle Mortgage Com poration and Tho Canada Treat Company Conita'orail, C. of J., Conveyancer, Fire and Tornado Insurance, Notary„Pubile At Brueefield on Wednesday each week, 1.3030•Mlingemem000. emmeras3c3332mawave;nommiftsonf_ a-03,...... rum Potind When goslings oveissix -weeks .,Of age are to be fattened -they can be fed three times per day with a ration of one part corn meal and one part bean. Geese which have been pas- turedthough the eunemer can be 'fat- tened on a ration composed entirely of on meal. This should be given over a period of four or five weeks, depending. upon the condition of the birdwhen the forcing begin, Sometimes young geese 1188 malt keted as "green geese." Then the. fatteeing process begins wh,sn the long wing feathers have develoned until they Teach the tail, 'the birds can.be penned up and feclethe follow- ing ration with good rthults: Font -TIME TABLE. - Trisha will arrive at and depart from Clinton Station as followa; BUFFALO AND GODERICati DIV. Going east, depart 6.18 axe, 03 03 2.58 perm Goleg Welt; ar. 11.2.0, 013. 11.10, a,m, Dunce/Tier eutekv, • .4:a4resA gogism-weseireg odeavAersr gent.„Mee, woronto , Lilac in Old Plaster. When a ceiling fells, as they so0n-6- Hines do' there is the slight consola- tion thatthe obel plaster ean be need , to advantage in the gaaden. Crushed limestone spread over the eon is beneficial; it is slow'in its ac- tion, but is beneficial just the same, accomplishing the same result as • 'lc Keep Chiekene ab Home. burnt lirne, but receuiring more earful A yard -eiirrounded by -a five loot to a •t Se ist is with old plaster, fence will under most conditions keep tpt_hatalL940 rstfLiti,,LIK5 • ..,.....:.....1.; IASI Nal" 1.1%,RE111.1-415, FUNNY KAN ourom THE l3AlRIM '''AND"Cif.E!' i . - - F00.0 PORwAgv - -, ' -.V/R01 i AVA5.:FA51 ALP IN i3ED i DREAMW 'MAT III lltAb ME. - iN' MfliAt. BOWIE'S EiE-RE PAINS DISAPPEAR,. eid . hail/Mat P 4. aho sle 0;1(18 01.1 an, in'Ipleutithreereo 0:E0taitaer,g080000repoliviton,indilleti3.,,onusoles 11088 in ni,ten4 osit:h.toellbllot3ronolnlal:tnerjAc;:iiasiiietenita,.. Vi)r'l as 16r.let17 agri""Mal i?r6" ';eails1010, into the blood 0=110 Rome . positioU, is the opinion of a young ...cot in the ,aignetive toeessee, 000/1 man who specelis out oef SW* C. • th eeeeee tile liver, uid,. remelts el 0 eimmienee, eiteva: wileeent,eatebielin:,0 0:0,0,77111 N:OrytQOautegar,posi5drutioionRatii: abant' 813 11111"S '°"n1 " f"11:-.51sea at a°1fte.o(V.eeStirsaptirille, the old-time WAS eye-stme in the form of a tveetment,of rheemetism, it ROO acres of guilied, worn-out land ad- , johnala it g,eee the aeme.eat ef. e goad 131..g,, tislfab”,loovillkicreihthiet teem, the main Pert 'haviag been field "i nPheibYltectili."1 1.41 3 Itilair itrt").("ilmjiti.taltleIaer6otIolei3ln'dasIgafLselattiLirtasilliite.pa,7711011 ti-t7ocl°ael't. was raertgaged,, and he wanted to gull, his equity and move to t8Wa, I o'111 by "11 aragglat". dilapidated old farm hawse, The ten dkeetiy, with ifying effect, on the and then endeavor to place them on a -Market ewhere quality stock is ap- preciated. ' , conneetion with this property, a I In rather bold idea had developed in the People to live in the country. The. •ecliool teacher's mind by the time Ms; ineentives were fresh air, the chaame iaifitenraetsat" a'nnclimParidaelbaWwhilc.aliaradocasadevtibtle; - litaignicere7°oPfiral.tlis. ' acigHuaainiatiaanclet, ler,dfirthae I; ie question. For the purPose a hie I In the belief of the school teacher.. 'plane, he dividerit into three parcels. Ig.'Neftginhatnathisel pbc40CMI 11:ea.; 1 aawacreisn,g an "state; If °111Y, of a :few_ Ther esu 1 yt Duo ingeentaturnin 1-whe is new giving his whole time to One eontained the old farm lemma and !Itchreenbiuneginetisesm, atilhearefowrillmnbhe praoupeli,nt; some tumble-down sheds. Upon pip - within reasonable aistanc6 of everY sessioli 1.,eing *gained the place was , 'cleared of everything except the' important towel, and that fancy prices, 'house and ea few trees that were for aereage are to be tealized. Hie sites that command worth oalting. liy previous investiga-'i choice is for , chickens atehonie. ' If the hens show across the racabling front, putting -----m • and a roof ; Doing Over the Old Bare. a tenc eney to flyr Over such a fellee the en new weetherhearding, clipped. . A fence made of woven of stained shingres with projecting Foe a m.oment when I came in 'sight, eaves, the aechiteetural ap.pearaece 1-,ff the place I did not eecognize it,. flight feathers of one wing sheuld be wire is preferable to. a fence made was' transformed. The exterior was so changed was it in app•earance. The painted in harmonizing coleys, and building's did not look like they used of board or other material. A b&mi the interior "Weti largely torn out and to. the fences were ,different, and ;the. should not be usecleat the top ef a visible place to alight afid 'tends to rearranged. Thd•chief attraction of ' fithis had b.een arranged on a mew - wird fence, as this gives the hens a teach them. to fly over. The .larger the property had been the legation-- and more economical plan for say - not alone that it fronted on a main Ing time and lessening labor. the yerd which - can be -Provided the tike that was in firetmlase- conditten, But the' barn was the outstanding. more bonteitted the hens will be. It that epelday on feature of the place. The old barn net only gives them -greater 'emelt- autbetattifnielastknaLlShlei " up bad stood in the midst of a low, web - unity to exercise bet often makes it gratefully from -the highway. The Place, quite a. distance from the house: possible to maidain a Sod on the improvements, included. &Ming end' The man who owned the place be'' yard, evhielf is advisable. - grass -sowing, sodding a space about tore it changed hands must liave the house and introducing liere a lit- travelled many miles every day _to. tie shrubbery and a flower -bed or tevo, do the chores. The place was advertised' as a This old barn VAS taken down and country home, and- found a prompt the -solid timbers moved 'away to a efistorner at the price asked. Be- site 200 feet from the house. Such fore excevetion could be started on of the old malls, beams and other a second parcel the buyer of the first timbers as Were of the right size and had persuaded a friend to thine mit length were worked over for the new and be neighbor. to him. The latter frame. The ;woods afforde,d logs preferred to make. his own improve- for what morelieavy timbers were reents. The two merf took over the .needed, as well 415 for the skiing. third parcel, diviaing it between them These siding boards were all'earfaced„ as addition to their grounds. - so that they could be painted. Seine Within a few onoriths the Y08 '213 of the olcl siding was used-in:the new barn, although Much of it was worn very thin by the_ weather: - A base- ment was put under the new barn, with a thirty-foot shed attached. The whole was given a line coat - of red paint, and trimmed with white. It looks fine now, and it is as good as it looks. _ Inside are some devices to same time and etrength. Stain lead from the teen he bed found .that the theme_ • geed view and which peemit of pleas - :work .of the lemee, *Meth woes .of the ' ing effects as observed from the high - =give type of a former day, was lway-on tem theory that the avevage still good. person likes, both to see and to be seere-g,G. E. S. BY throwing a deep verandah which is slower in its action than lime, but in timeeproduccfe the alma result. If old plater isto be had -do not neglect to work it into the garden, breaking up the leampeas fine as pos- sible. / 'Next spring after the . gavden has been limed with the old. plaster a lot of decayed leaves may be worked in. Sheep inanure sho-uld be cinplietl lib- erally to the vowing mops end the abundant crops will more than pay for the trouble. , ' The S„filiciasa Desert is thrme times as large as the Mediterranean Sea. Cabbages furnish sit .great, suceelent food for dairy cows but eisealli they are wall .80 much for Rieman -food that it would. be impraoticable to feed them to the cows. Cabbage thould be fed wither miaringly. It will not do to give a eoweall the cabbage she -watts. to eat,. especially„at fleet, bee cause it will taint the- milk and the eow wila not de Well, but a compara- tively small' feed of cabbage in the morning to take the. place of roots or of corn silage would be very bene - Wel. They Inc not only a -good food but their -succulency assists dig - parts corn meal and ono part beef , serape given three times per day. A cation and a cow would eat MOTO dry food aid digest it better by including cabbage as a portion of the ration. If you would attemiet to feed a cow nearly an entire ration- of Cabbages you would be very likely to get ex- tremely poor vesults because of the laegbe percentage 01ewater. There sprinkle of salE added to the we mash is good for the leirde and 01011,550 an appetizer. Ducks fatten well on the mash com- posed of one part 00011 meal and two parts bran. About five per cent 'of beef scrap end a little tie en shotila be added to the mash: to bring would base little dry matter ancl.imel tuutriments in the cabbage that a cow the best results.:' Green food should 00 " 6.08, dp. 6.45 pra. 0 If 11.18 p.m. LONDON, EampN & BRUCE DIV. Going South, at'. 7.88, dp. 7.50 a.n1,- it 04 01 4,15 13.m. Cobs North depart' 6.40 p3a. " 10.30, 11.11 am, , be given occaaiorally to help in keep - leg the digestive system in good ordm. In fattening both ducks and geese the principle is to inergeme the amount of food consumed and 'reduce the exorcise. Sanitary oeditions in the yards and pens aee votm neces- sary, The profit in fattening either docks and geese can be determined by comparing the cost of good quality corn with the price- that -svill be re- ceived for .the clacks. Ab the pre5. ent mice' of feed it requires more th,an the esual amount of skill to,fale ten the bird e at a profit, but 'under- hold true with cabbage, hut rest as - led birds never pay SO it is un- smell that if cabbages are PtePerly dombtedly beet to give the geese and :fed to dairy cows they will not thy &elm a certain amount of fattening them up but, on the contrary, 'they stinielate the flow of milk, M0166R- 0 ISD M qr One Speck of Dill Too Small' to See May Bring Disease to You, and Your 'Child.' They are worth every ounth of the wisest love and utmost care we can , give them, these price- less little ones from- Heaven, e• a, By'kelen Johnfien Keyes. How Much knowledge and wisdom To see one's Child sun." Iroro p tofll- go into the making eta good motheri nine poisoning and understand. itsm-an had cleaned ep several tames the , -Constantly- I am surprised by dim cause would surely 'cure any mother amount 6f a year's salary at sehool covering new things which a good of careles-sness eith left -overs. teaching. Several similar entee- mother should know and do. The --Yeasts are familiar to lag in kindly maesed tdgether in great.multi- e prises - Which he has siece put ledge, scarcely any skill which eam tudes n.:1 the cakes which make our promptness. theough-though not With the sant. I the first -have been truth is, there is .ecarcely any know_ form, not he used directly in bringing up bread bgbt) but even they may be- very profitablo. e children. ,, . come unwholeeome, whenr' for in- He was ,jed to make his original stance, theyeterment fruit juices. Mold unlike bacteria and yeast venture by Chance reading of a mag - Two strong Mahan went from , harrie one summer to visit an aunt. 'Imine article telling Of the extent to mag - Two days alter their arrival they Which wealthy neople" even acquiring aeasement to the first„ flour and up US spores, is Visible and spreads a were )taleen violently ill with cramps food it is poisoeine. country. homes for yeamround accu- the 'scaffolds. Good swing .sta,nehiens e sickly gfeen . danger:signal ovev the anci vomiting. After a week of ill- It is igedutty ofpavery farm mother . yne , . since the coming of the auto- make it comfortable for the cows and nese they recovered, with the help of to control the growth of these organ- mobile has made them independent easier for the men folks. Feed cav- e doctor, and by following his very of public means of transportation in Mors and litter carriers lessen the wise counsel to go without toted en- , going to" sired from the city, where tabor neceseary to feed the site& iems. The difficulty or impossibility . airelyeforetwenty-four hours and then, potrolgileetmt'inigiaricalear a5niltfairmausItnableastatceade they spend their bueiness 'hours. The and clean the barn. A drilled well to begin with the very lightest diet. artiele -insisted that there was a ne.ar-by affords water. Altogether, After a eveek,•however, one of them tinually:recurring eases of bidiges- general tenslency, though perhaps not it is a good, labor-savIng barn. -E. and conquered. or we shall have °en- tail ill again in just the same way.yet manifest everywhere, among -city L. V. . Ron followed by chronic 'sickliness The doctor happened.. tobe brothermn- and occasional unpeceSsary deaths. law of the aunt and he.quietly made and Food; require to be used up almost at an investigation of her' kitchen, fer he had ften been, called ieto this once unless they the, be kept very o , household to cure eases ee ae.e4:me. c..old and-cMiered, me. . digestion . and ptomaine poisoning. ! keepms t The utensils used in preparing and foods. must; be of the kind couldn't eat enough to proeluce a goo . flew of milk for .any consideroble. length of One. That, I imagine, 'is the reason why some people have had poor results with cabbage. You, get the same results with beet tops. Teo... pie li'arvest their „beets and then they Waal the -caws bite the beet .field and if there are nlenty Of heet imps they think they don't need hay or grain, but toy make a sad mistake. it.would be intich.better to haul the beet tops no and bleed a small feed in the morning. tegether with hay :and - pain end the same principle will The YoKillop Miitual 1?ire Instance qottipaAy • Clinton News - Record CLINTON, ONTARIC. Tams of eubscription-$1.50 per year, in advance to Canadian addressee; countries. No paper disconlanued up' ice this .winter. Almost any kind The main thing is to provide drain- ege , at the bottom, sawdust Protec- tion all round, anti ventilation above. _mem Seed corn selected at heeking tirpo , , Should be stoed where it will thor- oughly 'dry. out before winter. The Before veey bong he foend t 8 ex-, which eontain no meanetary planetien of them in,any illnessese, and crevice§ where crambslendarroPipcas legessotti:" is There were saucers Of left -overs which may lodge and grow old; breeding emsed, itnwrlubreriearnswered personally ff stamped. addressed 'envelop: (8 000' of general Interns had been standing uneovered evident-mpo. -. e . . will not prescrtbe for individual cases or mahoddlAgalasilja ly for mere thoigieventylfour hours; ' ISIM'S. Tit . inum-bottle with. the Address Dr. Andrew IT. Currier. eare et, Wilebn Publishing Co., 7 . • . .. . ' wide Mouth might to be the model for iu West, Tercet°. Measures for thy - Diseases. Infecileus',prevalent. Menthol, euoalyptol, thy- mol, lysol, boric tread, carbolic: aeirl, -salicylic acid and many other anti- - Armed with the fans in regard to septies me available and should' be the nature of infectidus- diseases we used freely -especially in' the preseatee are in a position to eliminate theneto of such epidemics as we ere now .e011 - a eertain extent:" This roust come fronted with. Children should be of the - i- taught the diginfectidn- nose about, first by keeping the body n so (Inc a conditionfor its, daily everk and mouth from their earliest Years ,that it *ill be 'able to offer success- and if thie habit is carried through ful resistance to the great army of life ib will- not only make life more disease germs ever lying in wait to comfoetable • but in many cases, i0. eattath it. 'A goodengineer never will greatly prolong it. .. queetions and Answers. X -1 --.My twelve year old daughter ,has symptoms of goitre. Could you suggast something which will keep it he finds them he remedies them t.M. from enlerging? - COOD HEALTH QUESTION BOX Ely Andros./ i? currier. iii,p pr. Currier win antiwar an Mom] letters protainIng to Health. yorce 'illI be d through these columns; yesterdayai milk was beginning. -to sour in the. pantry; a loaf of bread which had not leen put away in at air -tight box was coabed with mold. dresses and wash them so frequent:Is. that they are clean. Her hands and The doctor'e imagination pictured a nails must be spotlees when she cooks dish of scalloped fish .inade !torn same and even so, should not be used as scraps of canned salmon last -osiers, toasting impltments. Our mouth el - some inside cuts of that moldy loaf, ways contaia the germs of &hates plus the souringemilk. . In his fancy he saw every oho »of -the family ill which most of -f.the mine eame, te develop their deadly .pbssibilities altar that feast and behig a man Ni4thin us Secaus,e certain emative .who believed in preventing illneas, if forme are at NVork ia otiv bodies cle- he had a chance, hietead of wilting stroying,their power; but transferred for it to develop and then curing it, from. onn mouths into food and thee' he took the left -overs end the milk inte other people's stomachs, they and the bread ancl pitched them out may produce the disease bf which into the place whore such things be- they are' seede the enrative, forces ,...... a " being absent or weak in th.e systoles Store thein'in boxes or bareeks in a long. deo' .of thee° May disease-earrYing.„should be rigorously kept' out of tho ' Now this artiele 1 not intended to of the, victims who eat than. , ... Rats, mice and even pot animals . discourage. thrift, it is just a remin- dry place until mwieg, wrhan they organisms, bacte.ria, yeetets and molds, a ki 'then. They, are carriers, of mlia- slionid be spread oyer the garden for _which develop- fit foods.tif theee sired ettso germs, , . ,, elexpesed to elew heat, tameness au Se much has been mild and written their high fortiliein .. value all znilk-containeralm The house:wife ahould. .evear tub Save Wood Ashes.. -Save the ethos- from wood fires, about the nasty fry, its foul habits t au. When foods "spoil ' bacteria yeast or. molds aro spoiling them. and its pewee to infect the food and 'these are demdreclim.of Varieties of the be -dies of the babies, children, and battera, many of which ,are useful, growneups on whieh it alights that 5elit)ccealkinnegeorbaours; Iii)foei,801•1-0IusaibilacticirClii17 ilia is a good mother who duce not screen oue may indeed say that no woman which breed in -foods, dust end dirt, them out of bar houee and ese every atid whieli cause more death, among method of driving them from .the children ,and among 31000n-035 rmighborhooa end „from 'her children. the ehildren need, than hue ler been They are the great carriene of .typ- tItlietsoonbareecbagericla., ...nitg.wictiitseemittgeetitystucuolvoevf 1001/1. 811000 le not dangerous in itself, it they le dangerous because in it grow death-, itilamychetahtle. ofp0aw.cpu,41)1eibittittlhge (1.tens?0,1, ation clawing obitaeria: A ,rdothqr must it families. robbiCtg parents of knew how to swe.ep go MI to collet children el.didrou of parents. I the dust and destrov'ai, not Merely Milk rapidly develope greet eel- to Scatter at, ghil must diligently onie ri bacteria as soon ail 1 18 'OA ',scrub floore nail comities with soap eisaliaine in a imam dondition. That and --water . and expose her 108 WIN 1 :1:81M; th111 When Why's bOt" 8801110, partieularly her kitelfen and direet gunfight 110 111114 been, W.P.r.led for a foe:ling pantriee, 10 brigata what is left ie it -meet 1. 'Ventre Allot food has bean eleetray peeper- $2.00 to the or other foreign EvdrY farroor should Pion to Put .until -all arrears aro paid unless at 'of a house will serve for the perpeee. the option of the publisher. e , date to -which ovefy slibscription is paid is denoted on the label. Advertleing rates -Transient mister- tisements, 10 cente per nonpareil lint; for first insertion mind 5 cents per line for each subsemient Inger. tiore Small adametisements not to ears shorad eet touchmeth ribber due- eacceed one'inch, such as -"Lost," ing tho (Trying Process. e The ears eta, insert- ,can euspentleq. in a well emetileted "StraYed," of "Stolen," ed once for 35 cents, and each siibse» shed or Maio. seea corn _that 18 talent insertion 10 cents. Communications intended .1 or publimae tion must, as a guarantee 0.11 good faith, be ow:invented by the name of M. la. ,GLAEH, "Proprietor. Head office,. Scafortla, Ont, DIRECTORY Preeldent, ja.'pes Connolly, Godorich; Vice., James Evans, Decchwood; Sec,-Treesure;', 'Thos. E. ilaya, Sea - forth. Directors; George AlcCartney, brill; 11 MeGvegor, Seaforth; 3, 0, Grieve, Walton; Wm. Ebn,Son. forth; 13,3 McEoven3 ClMton; Robort Ilarlock; aohn Dennevrelri DroclitagP.n; jos, Connolly, Coderieh, _Age08011 Alex Leitch, Clinton' 3', W. ,T00, FiblOideY, Bea:1;404110 NV, Chesney, algaiondvilial It, 0, 3ar, untidt, Drodhagen „ tu Ile paid In inaY ha void to Iiloorlsh Plothir.g Co., Olinton, or at 0u18's Grocery, aoclortoli, Parties dog,101...3 to tffect insurance transact other blisiness.461.11 be paellIPUY diteded 1)3 application to fat',7 of the above officers addressed to their rosphetive post office, tosses tpsimetodhP the director sv108) 11tp4 483380181.11e Om& - Nearly eve Ty one ripping, tootisotenasthes et tones, Mcorderna fors- soh-sjussishuyEr dim it filieer not tort'a .016'r0! C h h ar I al h 't4 tautelt sx.draveeTableiti, rel vat the etemenh entl bevels vinlit. , All ( reeeestreetre or iyme If:ma "Oluitalesetitie Meade* Ceie. Taranto ' theronghly dry will not bminytered by freezing. 'When 7. 888 a farm p013001 soli know ;just how the farmer looks. When I. see a ceveless, shiftless, im- provident Lamer in town I eaamtell that the ail on his farre is pocaThe ie surely it poor soil farmer, The thrifty, enterprising farmer, who steps 11v21,, and \vast:08 2(0 time, 8001bo counted" 811 OA t geedseil 'farmer, mei the .eoil of hie fermewill be fond to,"bo good. Naturally, ail' 11)112' bs good or bad, 'but fillally it will be whatever it iS made by what 7. ,nll a Pad S011, 01' pOor Soh fernier. The fernier who 'succeeds theebeet dim the ever will be the orte wiao leas the-anost divereffied retioureeelotham front, 'and the sinal Stock of the farin-thogs, sheep and perary-will count fax more than ever before. away, et kept fee' lam next feeding Many a fetid C•ri, hi of diarrhoea ha; i..s.7.1ted from t112 practice 12 warm- • ,),,m's bottle t,•01' to or mom, This of .cow:!•r,tdoel at. refor to lvarpou; .,obuilag; bo the table. Moat bao er • ,."ter pett;rizatier) • ree 488 them:val.:None the hand8. to the eveairs which. hag Melted inbo a wenn fluid tied is thenrefiezen is •Vety datrevoue, for freeeing does not hill bacterial it only Checks their' farther development. litany opidentirm of indigestion wilichhave sWept .through -village% after .1. party or picnic have been duo to the feet that the: leo cream onion Wag refrozen in this Way. Moe lfacteria dc'velon hi meat,' fish • and l'a 011110011 300,11 Whieli are allow. od too,stand in 1110 erns nf. tor they 1000 030n0(1..„: 13 111 11.1.0 111001041108,. overloolcs the requirereents of..his =A- chille, he gives it pure wafer, good coat, good draught; he keeps it clean and well oiled, he is constantly on the look -out for weak spots end when ed Q.nd served it must be cleanly eat- en. Children should, bo obliged el- -ways to wash thekr bands and to scrub and clean their nails before once, if he cam In this way he gets 2 -Are acid fruits, including tenni- the maxinrom of eflicieney from his engine. Precisely in the same irisl, if eile woold 10003 off disease he must have propels food, exercise., . eleep, clothing., recreatielle enel everything else -which will enable his plysiciii organism to work emoothly. There aye also extra precautions whith he might take but in the majority of caees does not. He can take bettor cave of his akin, which is one of the avenue& for the elnainatioa of pea - sons, by mere teequent end thorough ipecac and a few others, are useful in bathing an:a scrubbing, especially tite treatment of biliousness, but ono Toolab and thus ,eaten. ,Ohildrou put their 'hands withceit dainty icruple, in and on everything. Dirt crowds under their nails anci nitty contain bacteria, which lodging on their food and passinOnto their digestive tracts aro lildgy Ito cause cramps, nausea and all the symptoms of indigestion. A' child-speoittlist once said, to me that 'if all children in Canada Wen, forced td wash their faces, hands and rtuilS before eating ,there would be a truly tall in the death 140113. toes, useanlefor one who is bilious? Answer -1-1f your child has goi- tre, the proper thing would be to place her ender the cart of a physi- cian who understeade the treatment. of that disease. 1.1 you care to read my article on goitre, Sand damned, self-atichmseeci envelope and ,you evill receive it. 2-I do not know that the acid fruits have any partieulae telition to 11111mm:ea. Deems, like mercury and withwarm water and plenty of soap. lie e,an be more partieular about the nof his amweland bladder should take them under the drrection of a physician. funetios 0 E. am told that if two whith are identically as Important to cakes of yeast are .eaten each day ,,,or his Well-being es sewers to a city. several inonths„ it willcause rearm - lie can accustom himself to deep ticm of enlarged glandand will also 'breathing, flooding Ins blood 01100011-1 increase the veight. What is gem with .oxygen aed getting rid of pots, opiniou as to this? °laths earbon'emnpountle. It is' from .AneWer-My.'opinion woulel be that the want -of this. Vital oaygme that eo it wotild he an endesivahlo for of ,many people -ate dying eteglay of treatment; .aedthe coxistant Mermen- Vettnemeds, Furthemnore if it is talion and gas which it would pro - true that $errna 000 so omnipresent duce in-the..Stomach, wallet be most and 120 malevolent, so abundant in the annoying and uneorefortable. ,ntently• and nose and so prone, to mi.- Inn troubled with corns. 'grate from this besato the parts. of Will yeti kimity Weems me in reamed .."1110-,'" the body which ere more vulnerable, bo their care end cause./ the neglect is inexcusable if they are Auswer•-it you will send stumped, not destroyed before they hisece had self-addralsed .envelope. I will ,a -end II n opportunity to accumulate and you My article -on cans. meVe 013. 1:11 Othaf words the daily 'ID, Se-ialy baby jo 18 months old, "toiletet the mouth and nose with itas hiccoughs everyday. Seems Miltable Mirs,ys, atomizers andinouth bright and well otherwise. Please washes is its, important ,88, is even toll me what I can do for him. more important than .bbs use et the • Answer -It the • phrente nave. 000 With brush.- 'fleed ,aterainers aro slightly compressed,. it will =tally Musy to gat Wad there 1480 many dom. sten hiccough, This -nerve pOSSOS h1101.t10118 af antiseetics whieh will Aimee 01 piiher •sido of the1101010, nua eigiciently disinfect the norm! olr AS' (11111 l cr..tnpreaSedby passing ilio. sages, destroy gams mid prevent fingvr:; but 'firmly, along each much of the sletmcss -which IS 'tow so Ale (.1. 1. be eeek,.