HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1918-11-21, Page 7Ittft 13)
raelAMME ' e
ereseeeeeerew severest
' " reeeeee,
0.4-0 . 1,...ritess.„e.411.94 r'tJit res• et.
A lfliggestlea 10
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Ao•.eare sending' .gtfts t6 4
soldiers overseas comes Pest
tieIteceli' (Canon) to
t Mantled, Pro says "The 114:::::
t; Frederick C.Corc &tett,' ss
Al' Senior .Chapialn oe, :tha
Pirst Division, . in ti cebtst Pt
t received Isy `fricesta
e w
men went ,plaYing criele,
4 and chewing teeecco."
.. .iAn t • 4. 4
.,, ...-e.,, ' ''.34 •:•'4,
....„,..„...„ j4,:-...--,..14„..,---,;.-_,...........--,....,..7................,--.^,.7..i-t c;I:tt - .
;•. eakIV.W.Ant;t1,1,11.T...xt.
Strange Effect Which Extreme Cold
Has Upon the Human Body.
Cold presents many odd facts. In
the ant place, ,evater made by limiting
snow is very unwholesome and causes
painful 'inflammation of the throat,
palate and tongue.
Intense cold causes a dulling of the
senses, taste and smell beaming al.
most nil. The lack of those two senses
seems, however, to be a very kind and
wlee provision of nature to enable the
made to work while in a very bad traveller in the cold regions to eat all
state and lost his mind as a cense- kinds of oily, disagreeable foods like
quence of his treatment. He was put blubber and fat, which are necessary
into Brandenburg Asylum •for three as heat producers. The effect of cold
weeks, but was then sent back to the on the eyes is very dangerous. It
lager and ordered to work by the causes 'them first gradually to close
German doctor. The under -officer, and then to freeze tight.
Beards do not freeze except where
the moisture from the breath is con-
vertecl into snow; but the color glands
are rendered somewhat torpid by the
cold, and dark beards gradually be-
come lighter, until after a while they
seem entirely changed in color:
Anothisr curious fact'about the cold
of the Arctic regions is that when a
person stops walking or working in
any way whereby the feet get exer-
Unmape Treatment Willa „They Re-
ceived tin English Camps Stirs
No Feeling of Compassion,
The German prison. camp author-
ities before the war ended' tried an-
other method of treatment of prison-
ers of war. They installed at certain
• of the camps German officers and men
' who had been exchanged :Um Eng- however, said he was too ill and ,told
land, and who acted as officers of him to lie. in bed. In a few days he
justice and corporals of justice to the was taken into hospital. A Russian
camps, These officials were allowed doctor at the hospital asked for him
:Cre('' hand hi the treatment of pris- to be exchanged to England at once,
eters of war, and to judge by their and told the German doctor that he
behavior in somecases, the excellent could not live more than a month.
conditions of British prison camps had The German doctor would not hear
made little impression on them. ' of his being exchanged, and said he'
According to the wort statement was all right. He died two weeks
of a recently repatriated Englishman, after thii
the ckleer of justice at one particular
camp had ,,been dealing out punish-
ment with a very free hand. He pub-
licly announced that some of the Bri-
tish prisoners were clever, but that
he was "cleverer still." A favorite
' practise of his wasto order a par-
ade of the camp at 9.80 p.m., and then
at 1 or 2 o'clock in the morning give
the fire alarm, following this with a
kit inspection at, 3 -a.m. His sole ob-
ject seems to have been to make the
prisoners uncomfortable.
In the same camp a German cor-
poral who had escaped from France
was mit in charge of the French, and
he carried out a program similar to
that adopted by the officer. When
, prisoners complained to the camp
commandant—whom they describe as
a good man ready to consider their
oompleints--the officer of justice
simply showed his papers and intim-
ated that he was paramount in the
This practise of giving German ex -
prisoners of war a free hand in
111 -
treating British prisoners is typically
Garman, and one which would hardly
appeal to the subjects of any other
country who had themselves been in
captivity and regained their freedom.
others in a civillen prison cell 9 by
6 feet. He reported sick several
times, and although he was worn out,
the tor said that he must work,
Ile wanted to .go to the lager to See
the German doctor, but was not
lowed to,.end one night he committed
suicide by cutting his throat. He had
been on the work for some months.
Before he committed suicide he wrote
a letter -to his -wife, but we were not
allowed to see the letter.
Would Not Allow Exchange. '
A private of the West Yorks was
Worked to Death.
Another ex -prisoner, a Royal Naval
Division private, in a sworn state-
ment, describes his experiences at the
camp at Frankford-on-the-Oder from
January, 1917, to March, 1918. There
the commandant in charge said that
he would like "to shoot every English
sivine who put his foot into the
lager." Although there were 20,000 R. G, A., a fine, powerful inen who
men in the camp only fifty or sixty had been a metropolitan police con -
were English, Some will never come stable. I forget his name. He told
back. "They went," says the depon- me that they struck him across the
back, end he retaliated and laid out
the striker. Nothing was done to
hire at the time, but -ti number of Ger-
man soldiers came into. his eell at
night and gave him a severe thrash-
ing and laid hint out. He was, I am
told by him, black and blue all over.
This was the talk of the camp among
the prisoners, but nothing was done
officially about it, and no one was
ed to go on commando, and reported punished.
siekrinit was made to go to work in "There ie one matter involving
a forest felling trees in the depth of great cruelty to prisoners which I
winter. He had to sleep with eleven wish to mention. That is the way in
which wounded met are sent into
Gerrnany in trucks Without medical
attention. 1 knoW that there have
been several cases of men dying ou
the journey through bleeding to death
from want of attention."
Another /repatriated prisones^, a
naval A.B., was one of a party of
eighteen Englishmen, who, while in
Heisenhagen camp from March 30 to
April 29, 1917, were set upon by
eleven sentries, with the rdstilt that for the Ninth Annual Toronto Vat
his arm •was broken and two other Stock Show close Nov25th. From
Englishinen .were badly injured. He
entries already received this show ere -
goes on"In thicondition mines to keep up to the high standard
each ordered to get on with our work,: s we 'Were
of previous years both as to quality
which we were quite unable to do, and and numbers. Anyone contemplating
about an hour later We were taken to
entering stock should get entries off
our shedbut did not receive
without any delay and avoid possibility
treatment whatever for our injuries. , - any
of entry arriving after 'closing date.
We asked for a doctor to see us, but
this request was absolutely; refused. An onion sliced up and put in a
, basin of cold water will ebseeb the'
Chinamen at the Front. „ smell of new paint in a rearm
Another Royal Naval Division man
else, the sole of the foot loses all
has stated on oath that while working
sense of feeling.
in the firing line on the German -Rus -
In all extremely cold lands, the
Sian -front near Kelzien, in February
moisture exhaled from the body con -
and Mardi, 1917, forty prisoners died
denses into small, hard crystals which
of starvation. "The guards," he says,
make quite a bit of noise as one walks
"had orders that if they were seen
treating a prisoner leniently they
would be sent into the firing line for
a fortnight. The tent we lived in was
thelled,constantly. Wffen we were out
at work we have seen the shells burst-
ing in and around the tent, and it
looked 'like a pepper pot afterward.
There was an old barn near the tent,
and the Germans had a machine gun cold cream one can prepare a full
in it, and during one night they played quarter pint of the most wonderful
it over the tent just to show us 'what lemon skin softener and complexion
they could do to us. The top of the beautifier, by squeezing the Juice of
tent was just riddled. two fresh. lemons into a bottle con,
Flogging of Prisoners. tanning three ounces of orchard white.
Another member of the Royal Nav- Care should be taken to strain the
al Division who was captured on Juice through a fine cloth so no lemon
board the steamship Prinz Hendrik pulp gets in, then this lotion will keep
while' going on leave from an intern; freish for noonths. Every woman knows
ment camp in Holland to England, tbat lemon Juice is used to bleach and
describes the flogginglif prisoners re- remove' such blemishes as freckles,
sorted to at Cassel between May and sallowness and tan and is the ideal
skin softener, whitener and beautifier.
Just try it! Get three ounces of
orchard white at any drug store and
two lemons from the grocer and make
up a quarter pint of this sweetly fra-
case of flogging, as I heard the blows. grant lemon lotion and massage it
Afterward I beard it was a French- daily into the face, neck, arms' and
man who was flogged. It 'seemed to hands. It is marvelous to 'smoothen
be almost habitual to knock a man rough, red hands.
about on his entry to prison.
"There was a bad ease of flogging To Utilize Old Tin Caus.
at Cassel which occurred after mine,
the victim being a bombardier in the It is estimated that $8,000,000
worth of used tin cans are wasted
every year in Canada. A conipitny,
called Can Conservers of Canada,
Ltd., has been formed in Toronto to
collect these, and Cleanse, sterilize
end re -top them for use again. It is
understood that Mackenzie -Mann
interests and J. P. Morgan & Co., of
New York aro interested in the under-
Put tea leaves and all waste kit-
chen stuff on the fire after dinner.
This will keep 'your coal bill down.
steaccceserer eerna prompt -vs eamittua
Make this beauty lotion cheaply for
your face, neck, arms and hands.
At the cost of a email jar of ordinary
August, 1917.
After detailing his own particular
case, he goes on: "I heard a man
howling orie night when I was in my
.cell, and I am Sure. it was another
ent, "before civilian doctors, who
ordered them to work, notwithstand-
-ing their condition.. They were told
to avork, and, if unable, were liable to
be shot by the sentry or killed with
the bayonet. A notice to this effect
was posted up in the lager, and pris-
°nen have been killed in this way."
One man of the R. N. D. was very
sick when in the lager. He was order-
Itilttalitl, •0 • vz.e••IrVgI•ii.7.,4•1,i,P.:,' r,-• 'r
who drink ea
or coffee find
subs -Earl -6a'
relief when
-they change
iFiis pure,whoie. .
some 'table drink
does ri.ot von;t6in
"caffemd or any-
9tber lo..Q.prpfiwp,/
nerve &seam
in5 Ingredient,
"712ore's a eason"
A very good use tor worn-out
blankets is to fold them double and
put them in pretty sateen covers.
Buttoned or maehinedy the covers
keep in position and make excellent
"eider -downs." Srnall covers for
cots and bassineiles are readily made
this way, and very warm cosy they
Our readers will note hy aelVertiso-
instal carried in this issue that entries
In 'Nance at the tvatt,s close there
were about 50,000 Chinamen em-
ployed in road and railway making,
machine repairing, and blacksmith
and carpentry svork for the
Their wages range from $9 a month
for wellies to $6 a month far skilled
fitters; board end lotging, clothes,
light and fuel being 4 ound by the
Government, which also conveys the
workmen :from and to ()bins, free, ani3
gives a bonus in hard cash of •$270
on embarkation, 57 n me of PljnrY,
and $180 in ease of deabb,
—.....,-.0................ ,
*.-Austalia's Contribltiefi
e_usiro„ta soni alvomI 88 6,000
of a population of 5,000,000. Of th,at
number the total etiaUell,1614 were.2600- Wo 00 llo"" 8" 1'8"M°' 11618[1
101, Tlic dead roachell„ the terriarIcz "withtli A,14 Mare.
able figure of 54,424 while the prlsp- Ihnek f" ilLePltiorettilh(41664nd
ors numbered 2,461,. and 1100 wain(
150,000, Tho recruiting what the war OLIVER, SPANNER 84 CO.
ended 'win Itt the f!stte pg 4,240 a 26 si„to
` . ,, r '''„-••""''''. '
• ' - ' 4.—Vitr—g711,11°-40- R -ON- 'TO
Wh0lla.1 ZIIIIIIient Crum; rdelttliorle,
DatiortVat TrIntantut Curets Colds, be.
Ono of the most &Veldt tasks con.
fronting well-meaning faernere is that
of doing their share toward treating
tied maintaining rural conditions
Which will attract Canadian -born mai
and their ilantiliee.
»OR ,tx(41t :P1110515
7.110 AN' co)ly
blieeter, .
. .
. sivereeTeleareesterseerreeeeseesseem'ee*
e •
Conciernins thea value of' tine
%noise er aharee in your posses.,
sion, write us end wo will MY()
Y.011 the fullest information even -
able withoet '
Don't run away with the Mea
that because 0 stock is Inactive
it is without Value.
Otir up to date_infermation easy
save you needless worry end loin
rt''IGIri°vIegt311617ylo'etizzr16etounrul=c. and wo
will merit yours.”
&lambent Montreal Stook Illschantre
106,106 TeposportatIon Building
MONTREAL, e qua,
Origin of Sandwich.
Sandwich talcee its name from John
Montague, fourth• Earl of Sandwich,
in 1792, who used to have Fakes of
bread servecl to him while he was at
the gaining table so that he need not
step playing. To go farther back, he
derived his title from Sandwich, a
town in Kent, England, the name of
which was MU& up of the Anglo -
The yoke of this ;nodel is empire Saxon words, sand and "wie," mean -
hack and'front, and the dropped aides ing town—sandy town.
are lengthened by ilappets set up
under and stitched in poeket effect.
McCall Pattern No, 8020, Girl's Coat.
In 0 ,eizes; 4 to 14 years, Price, 20
emits. Minard's Liniment Go, Limited:
Gentleinen,—Last winter 1 receiver]
great benefit froni the use of MIN-
ARD'S LYNIMBNT ie. a severe attack
of LaGripee, , and I have frequently
proved it to be very effective in C11808
of Inflammation.
Smart coat for school wear. Ser-
viceable and practical for the grow-
ing girl. McCall Pattern No. 8622,
Misses' and Girls' Military Coat and
Gap. In 6 sizes, 10 to 20 years.'
Price, 25 cents. •
When developed in broacicToth and
trimmed with fur, this model is suit-
able for dressy wear. McCall Pat-
tern No. 8638, Ladies' Goat Suit. In
'7 sizes, 34 to 46 bust. Price, 25 cents.
A •simple phase of the new sil-
hostethe, McCall Pattern No. 8028,
Ladies' Goat. In 5 sizes, 34 to 42
bust. No. 8500, Ladies' Skirt. In
7 sizes, gz to 34 weist. Price, 20 -cents
each. Transfer Design No, :128.
Price, 20 conic
There patterns may be obtained
irons your local McCall dealer, or
from the McCall Go., 70 Dona St.,
Toronto, Dept, W
Water the work horses .often, but
avoid letting them drink too mu& d -
or being fed, or whet over heeded,
1A131teng pereons over 80 years of
age, ono in ilftY is
There are. many advantages to a
single pitch roof on the poultry house.
This typo is most easily built. It
gives the highest vertical front ex-
posed to the sun's rays and throws
all of the rain water to the rear.
Pay your out-of-town accounts by
Dominion lexprese Money Orders. Five
Dollars costs three cents.
'Scatter coarse salt on the carpet
before sweeping it. This helps to
bring, the colors up,
Minerd,s Liniment Carea Garret In Cows
• Put your brushes in salt and water
to stand a while as -this stiffens the
'bristles end makes :them work like
of all kinds. _
Better quality preferred.
Write for prices.
122 Mansfield $t, - Moeteeal
EGGS and
Highest Prices Feld
Prompt Returns -'-No Commission
89 Illonsorsoura Marks: - Montreal
Entries Close Nov. 25th, 1918
• elteteteetiP
I0 OftA. i ISLA OKI:V.411'A 111110
tkar Meat, Rethiven, Ont.
ANTIC!): •-• AT ONC.I0, HY Plt0.
iiresitive tioneeen in the Niagara
Pentneulte the (laiden Hpoi, or eu,nade,
Boilermakers, Wipers and littsidy mon,
Bloody employment Ithighloerine• and
Machine Worke of Canted, Limited, et,
cent:rim:a, reef:.
100rkii, 11IQpIIIII2)111n1DriaNntE
3' 1540510)11
0neirle, ineurence carried. S1,600. IVIII
rer 01.:100 on quick sale. Bog 00,
Publiablup Co., TALL, Toronto.
in New Ontario. Owner eronur to
Prorra• Win sell MOM Worth doublo
EITOrial ligpInovira von farm
met of windows glazea oornoloto,
elm else, lialliday Connie:in 33034 0331.
Sr on
1'1 AN Can. TIJA10.11,2; 14141,14. L'TC,
intermit and external, oared with..
out Dein by our home treatment. Write
us before too late. Dr. Reitman Medical
Co., Limited. Collingwood. Ont,
Our wonderful book reveals old trappers' favor.
Ito methods, ',viler° and how to trap, best baits
Co use, how to prepare skins, little
kinks that will increase your profits.
Malted 103100, Akio Includes Clams Laws,
and bia Ibt of Trappors' Sunalleu at rock -
bottom nrloes-Stsel Traps,"Oun,
ars, Baits, atm Our market reports frecl
ibt no y001'411 co reedy.
rensTml ones. &
°At Ilaf'w
rost.apig. &min*, hio.
if4W,MOIPrla, aktir "?.4 As In
Comforting relief from pain
makes Sloan's the
World's Liniment
This famous reliever of rheumatic
aches, soreness, stiffness, painful
sprains, neuralgic pains, and most
other external twinges that humanity
suffers froni, enjoys its great sales
because it practically. never faits to
bring epeedy, comforting relief.
Always reedy for use, it takes little
to penetrate without rubbing and pro-
duce results. Clean, refreshing. Made
in Canada. At all drug stores:. A
large bottle means economy.
7,. ,...,
stated repeatedly
that the morale of
our troopsis without equal.
Ile knows that this is duo to
two thIngs-dlsotpline mud mart
Tho orgasm aro responsible
f or discipline -the AutoStrop
for snim t appearance,
The AutoStrop Safety Razor
>1 hoe been of National Bervice in
, keeping, with the aid of soap
and water, the faces of many of
our soldiers in a fresh, clean,
comfortable condition,
Your soldier will appreciate
, more than anything else, an
AutoStrop-tho only razor that
automatically sharpens Ito own
blades, therefore, the only one
that is permanently ready for
,Price $5.00
Attending stores evarrwiare
220. sSosi oleo will deliver an
slittoStroj., Raeor Overseas by
flese eIase tegietered
ei Co.,
11.07 poker St, Toronto Oct.
eepyourdeoes need
tiquiDS and PASTES,.
on Ok-4006 SHOES
30c., GOc., 51.20.
Outfitters to znost of the leading
Hockey Clubs in Canada.
Send for free Catalog.
578-580 Yonge St. - Toronto
Make entries on blanks in back of
Premium List and mail to
(2. F. TOPPING, Secretary
Box 635, West Toronto
Show dates
Quick Relieg
O° Headache
A headache to frequently caused
by badly digested food; the gases
and a cid 9 resulting therefrom are
absorbed by the blood which in
turn irritates the nerves and
causes painful opriptoms celled
headache, neuralgia rheuma-
tism, etc. IS to 30 drops of
Rather Seigel's Syrup will correct
faulty digestion and afford relief.
Quiddij Heals
Itchings and
Its the treettnent of ail skin
troublebathe freely with Cuti-
Cura Soap and hot water, dry
gently, and apply Cuticula Oint.
meet to the affected parts.
These ft:Agra:it super,. creamy
emollients tend to prevent little
'Ain troubles becoming serious
if used for overy-day toilet por.
got Somplo of etre free by Inge tel-
drese poshdprci: 'clutlatItar 0)0301100,0...,SOldWdealore
throushou worid.
ISSITB 14,1o. 47,"1.13 .
Rheumatism, lumbago, neuralgia, sprains, lame back, toothache. ea -
ache, sore throat, swollen joints and all similar troubles aro quickly
reliaped by Ilirst's Pain Exterminator. It has been sold 001010 30010,
and should he In every household -has a hundred uses.
AIX dealer,o or write us. HIRST REMEDY CO., Hamilton, Canada,
.VoLIPWa-, tv,,TPix
DA. Ic1 Coronado
Coronado Beach, California
Near San Diego
W-Hote Goff Course
lickal is equipped throughout with Automatic
Sprinkler System
OnagOnsiMMMIIX' aftnBINIVECOsnisaissmaantaturtriallIIMUISIISM
WitctOt . OAT,. s0113 -46,
tl d
Two Sizes --50c and .111
Does the daily housework, the rubbinm
the scrubbing, the WACESIllet, redden and
roughen YOUr luintls until you despoil. of
their oppooreherr Thou use Inizram's
Mill:weer/Cream. It nsoftenIng, cleans.
Ing Comm with atanly curative effect. It
gloom tits Inutile colleens and whiteness.
It aoothugthe shin titanic, Hang nails
disappear, 011ie,, aro hanialmd, It
Ricca yOu hoods 31 1,, proud of.
The very next (tomour none Or forehead
cote ehinS, just 900 on It tight tough ot
In5ram'0Volveol4,,enveralno Voce Pow -
dor (Sao), II:blonde perfectly with (itt
oomplosion and ooneecio little blem-
ishes. Otto daintY nod freivant. There
43 n Corepicts, lino prlogroin's toilet pro.
1003313 litolueing godento for the tooth
(05itt, at your drugaint's,
Illachtime youbu y apoetrodeoff nrworreo
Toilet nide or Perfume your 01(04501,3
• give y eta eV litter; t elturee, taro
portraitof World-fomed motion
plorom cotrolo, Xach Onto You
«It dilfercrit portrait so you
etalsetteoliestion foryourbome,
Ardt Tour drumlin/. tut
Picittrii with Earit Ietreeliaee
• eitramto,Wforlsor,Ont,
is 11040,
its F44,,,ry
4' Ita*0h'41
.,.„, woo
. .