HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1918-11-7, Page 7Irontfaf Pin
Wi 'SOLDI y . r
A S+eggestion 10 lima.
wile ..re sending gifts 10,
soldiers. overseas comes
frolic f.t..C.n1, (Canp8);
Frederick ,Ccorge Scott;
Senior Chaplain of fila
First lalvislou,, ina cable
revived 11y friends 111
11ontreal, Ile says "Tho
men want 'playing . Girds .ses
and hewing tobacco,"
11 19'7441Y1'
It p
r nr,.v 66.1
:etc rtsovitr
1W •rt•l sir
Complete Sedooi Set -24 Picas
s 'Pen Points, -
Ien Olt sh 11 contains': 1 Box Crayons (12 oa,o1•s)
1 1iln:;lish School Bag, -1 Waxer,
1 Japanese Pencil Bole. 1 BonWa Faints (6 colors)
y Special Drawing Remit, .1 'Pant Bruen,
]. Compass, -` 2 Putriotio P,luttara, g
6 Rubber 'ripped Lead Pone115. 2 Plae� agsn you Onion
nim pStck the nag Stickers your0
2 Metal Cased Lead, Pencils, lder 9ciloolboclta, letters, .ete,
Hrr,. 1 Pane *ill
ntn<as WegYill give you Lhis whole 24 -plass School Outfit free of all charge if
you will sell just S0 packages or our lardy embossed Xmas Post Cards at
10 cents a package (six lovely oards'in each Package).
Send us your name and wo will send you the cards to sell. When sold
send lis the money and we will send you the whole outfit. Address:
sows. e.c.
From Erin's r sea Isle
happenings In the Emerald Isle of
theta by the Omagh Board of
The Countess of Kilmorey has un-
dertaken the maintenance of onepris-
oner of war during the period of his
Commander F. W. Manan, D.5,0.,
R.N., jumped from a small boat which
be was rowing near the Arran Is-
lands and saved the son of a fisher -
Interest to Irish- 1 man from drowning.
Word has been received of the death
mon, in action of Capt. James L. Lees,
The Corporation of Belfast has de- I Tank Corps, son of James Lees, Dum-
cided to present tht freedom of that adoon, Belfast.
elf Distinguished Conduct Medal ssg
city to Viscount French.
The Flax Control Committee haveI has been awarded to Mayne Reid, son
decided to hold a graded flak market of Joseph Reid, Mourne View, Bally -
at Dungannon each Saturday.
Frank Fisher, J.P., was unanimous-
ly chosen as vise -chairman of the
Carlingford Lough Commission.
William McLaughlin, of Derry,
was fined thirty shillings for selling
sweet milk at eight pence a quart.
The Cloughmills Farmers' Associa-
tion have protested to the authorities
against the low price of flax.
The Listowel magistrates fined
John Nolan E2 for taking fish from
the' : River Peale with a shake haul.
Catirina McKelvey was' fined
twenty shillings at Whiteabbey for
working a pony sutiering from sores.
There is a great shortage of coal in
and around Lisburn, and many
householderS'aro unable to secure a
A. farm- containing thirty-eight
acres of arable land near Newton-
stewart was sold recently for £3,500.
Mr. and Mrs, James Brook, of known that zinc makes not only a
Bissbrook, entertained a large party much more sanitary lilting for -a re -
of soldiers from the Newry Camp frigerator than galvanized iron, but
recently. a more durable one, and so in the
long run a less expensive one. Some
of the States are considering the use
of zinc for automobile license plates.
11'his is a field which could be mater-
ially extended, at least so long as
the scarcity of steel continues.
Zinc for numerous small articles,
ouch as shoe and corset eyelets, lace
tips, show clips and metal buttons,
is in every way as satisfactory as
brass and materially less expensive.
The enamelling of 11100 seems to offer
no insurmountable difficulty; there
is good reason to believe that it can
he as beautifully and durably finish-
ed -as other metals. Cornices, ceil-
ings and other fancy sheet week,
heretofore made of copper and steel,
could as readily be matte of zinc
with the same advantage es to cost
as in the case of roofing.
Trench mirrors of polished zine
are whrtilne articles. If zinc can•be
polished in time of war, why not pol-
ish it in time of peace and turn the
article so made to some advantage?
(Reflectors for automobile lamps,
searchlights, etc., are suggestions
along this line.
. Telephone , and telegraph wires
made by twisting two strands to-
gether helically --one' of iron or steel
to give tensile strength and one of
zinc to give conductivity -may bo
used to supplant copper wire.
Zinc of certain physical character -
ropey, Co. Dovm. ,
A most successful concert was and the financial results has just end -
given in Belfast, under the auspices ed at the International Fur Exchange,
of the Whitehead Golf Club, in aid of 115 South Second Street, St. Louis.
the Prisoners of War Fund. In the six days it lasted sales totaled
Many of the residents of Belfast $6,004,000, or an average of more than
learned with regret of the recent $1,000,000 daily_
death of Patrick Cream, an old and The week also saw the purchase by
highly respected citizen. the fur men of Liberty bonds to the
amount of 12,500,000, and generous
donations to the Red Cross, Knights
NEW USES FOR ZINC of Columbus, Jewish Welfare and
other war relief funds. In addition,
May Permanently Take Place of Iron 1 transactions among the buyers totaled
and Steel in Many Articles. more than $2,000,000 and it is esti-
mated that more than $10,000,000 was
WERE $6,004,000.
The \'`;'QCI'1
ilia Si
3,500,000 Pelts Bring. Record Prices
With Buyers From Twenty-
seven Countries.
What buyers who attended say was
the largest fur sale the world has ever
known, both as to quantity of furs sold
A little model suitable for the school
girl. - The combination of materials is
very smart for the winter season.
McCall Pattern No. 8538, Child's
Dress. In 5 sizes, 2 to 10 years.
Price, 20 cents.
Because ,of the large supply -of zinc involved Wile week's trading.
in the United States, and because Sixty-four kinds of fur, known to
fernier uses of zine have had to be dealers from every part of the world,
discontinued on a large scale because were listed in the 350•page catalogue
of the war, new ways to consume the of the sale. They comprised more than
metal have had to be devised. The 3,500,000 pelts, divided into 110,000
refrigerator manufacturers are turn- lots for the convenience of buyers,
ing to zinc sheets, and it is well Every state in the Union, every pro-
vince in Canada, and twenty-five
foreign countries contributed to the
catalogue. Each pelt had to be check-
ed, entered, „graded and catalogued.
St. Louis gradings and lettings are
quoted and accepted es standard
wherever furmero bought and sold. •
All Furs In Demand.
The demand for all kinds of furs was
unprecedented during the entire week,
a demand that was voiced by dealers
from all parts of the world and from
every class of trade and many varie-
at a
ties sold for record prices. Muskrat, ak
fur that sold a few years ago for a few
cents a pelt, sold as high as $2.25,while
a record price of $11 for skunk was
reached: Another fur that sold higher
than ever before was lynx, the record
skin bringing $S5. It was later sold
for the benefit of the Red Cross and
brought $1,250, Fisher sold as high as
$102 and marten at a top price of $81.
Buyers and brokers say the record
prices made in all but two or three of
the furs may not stand long, They
look for prices to increase rattler than
to diminish. The labor situation was
expected to hold prices down a bit, but
evidently manufacturers 'trust have
settled 010 labor question 111010 or less
to their own satisfaction before com-
ing to St. Louis, for the Manufacturers
were well and ably represented by
large and important orders.. Most of
diem aro far too busy in their fan -
torics at this juncture to journey woat•-
ward, but the local brokers took good.
care et their wants in all respects.
istics can be spun for ornamentation And, incidentally, the rise of the fur
and fixture work. In this age of the broker is coincident with the rise of
the St: Louis market, Whether it were
the market that lrmtle the broker, or
vice versa, were negligible.. Sufficient:
it is to know that where the big Mar-
ket 18 there the big brokers gather
Tho text sales are ;announced for
January 27, April 28 and September 15,
Broke the Silence.
Occasionally it has been known,
Robert Symonds was fined five
. shillings at Whiteabeg for having
used petrol for a trial trip on his
• M. V. Conlin, of Cavan, has been
appointed principal• of the joint
technical school at Buncravan and
The Urban Council of Portiush
eased a resolution of condolence with
the family of the late Loid Antrim.
The Lord Chancellor has appointed
John Colles- Carter, of Monawee, 11
Justice of the Peace for Queen's
Coal Controller has authorized
an advance of four shillings and six
pence ou the price of coal at Newry.
Harland and Wolff, Belfast, have
broken all records by completing a
standard ship in five days after the
The Omagh doctors have refused
the increase of £40 recently offered
brin8s cheer
and comfort,
x many a
person who
waits his tea
or coffee but
doesn't. 2
it because
he knows
-these drinks
hurt �'tiiet.
asThere's aRRasot'"
1213310'0 alai. Methere,
yen 'rem invest In
1'f tkt
for yollr children 17y
using our
Partial Payment
-Easy in o rut 111 y pay -
meats secnrea them:
Write let once i'or ex.
placatory Booklet and
state now 12231013 you
want to invest for each
Members Mon treat
015032 Eizahange
105.106 Transportation Bldg.
llgas and Omens Infl3l000ed. Old
} '1'i e. I is herinen
The Canadian Victory Bond,
I guard the green of the forest slope-,
And the wealth of the northern
The precious gold of the prairie wheat
And the ti'o2$ure of tree and vine,
I guard the drehm of: the. pioneer,
That be dreamed in the wilderness,
I guard his helpmeet's toll and care,
And her courage and faithfulness.
T am the strength of'the workman's
And the force of tine scholar's brain,
I am the mother's broken prayer,
As she weeps for her gallant slain.
I am the speed of the aeroplane,' '
As it darts through the star -lit
And I am the roar of the mighty guns
As they guard the"'men who fight.
N 17 it A I. 1)1' At'i01(00ill`l:•T.
l M' -Oros., 1(003well, Ont.
�T101,1', 7tlt)l1'217U N1sWH1'A1'i1f6
All heafaring men are ouparstitiqus,Y nna Jpk Imultinrs plant U lasaturn
1':311' 3111 s ,V�00, ]vol
31110 totro�o, S112du `ontseu GCi sato Iiox c9,.
dnttucnoa as 311,3 old, deop-50i', fisher„
RF11son Publishing Co., 111 d., Toronto,
but dolts hi so obi-apletely antler
of all kine 9; ao n nw, In 3uw Oninrso. irnnr qo ng
luso u 'ski. 'or of the old sc11Ro1.1 that-ei)01331. a Aunty J. ][y:vlall,Wilsboil
Publishing Co., Idmltnd, Toronto.,
Sava l= WINDOWS p011 05ZE
man, Ho
holi000I 111 t'sunna» lU1t '[{X7 J,L:JS,f,Y NI'li'l:l'A U.JC L•t)li, �0Al.4
an 1 it tl i vrould
to sail en n Friday, One intrelnd un-
believer who Glared to leave the docks
tit Grimsby on Good Friday was hoot-
er through the laelNgates by tho
seandalizptl mulatto.- cost of, Wlnlowe gland con-oleic,
a man's bat blew. overboard ill' nilitori. 11a31hdaY 11,p
,101any, 310"; 2101,
while leaving port Many altipp00a npnxxprraova
'would 10011 bask and delay sailing'
until the next day. It was an omen
thatone of the crew would be lost
!tiering the trip. This sign, however,
hemline discredited, and' wily deelt-
' hands, desirous of another day ashore•
1 with their wives and families, -eon-
ltrected the habit of (going aloft 10111
assisting the wind -to foretell disaster.
To speak of • pigs aboard a fishing
trawler is fatal. Poor catches and
split and torn trawls will bo the in-
kvitablo eensequenees. Similar mis-
fortunes will result from taking off
h hatch cover and, laying it on the
deck upside down, as the fishermen
hill a kitty,
call the smaller kind of seagulls that
follow in the.wake of the trawlers, is
a `,nosl: dangerous net, liable to im-
peril the safety df the ship itself.
How to loosen a tender corn or
callus so It lifts out
without pain.
An excellent opportunity for the
'combination of some all-over, oriental -
designed material with plain material.
McCall Pattern No. 8625, Ladies'
Dress. In 6 sizes, 34 to 44 bust.
Price, 25 cents,
automobile and the tractor, this fielc'
could be made to require a big ton-
nage of zinc.
Navy's 7onhpge and 'Its Personnel is
Nearly 3 Tirnes Peace Footing:
Figures made public on the growth
of the British Navy during 111e war
show that the fleet, including- auxili-
aries, increased from 2,500,000 tons
within a thousand or 220143 thousand
displacement to 0,500,000 tons, and 'ardil of the front, in the early 11001.'0
the personnel from 146,000 to 406,000. of the morning, :for Cb)llptet0 }hence
Since 21,
On such en occasion the veteran of
by his companion,*bile reaching format•. unique brand trimming, places this
S the outbreak of the 'wa1 to su ervene fora few uninntes.
500,000 soldiers have been transported n s c
th sea, of which 4,1301 were last. For Mons was enjoying the change when
The vest enact, together with the
the requirements of the British naval 1 tl 's a
and military Tutees mote, - 'ekes inadvertently knocked down ins .;haemin and (loyu'ab10 noel.,,
000,000 tons of stores were trans; mass=tin. The clatter was inhniediate» Call Pat ern No. 811'24, 1,adies' Coat
shipped, while more than 24,0Q0,000 ly followedby a burst of artillery Dress, In f, 5iue0, 34 to 44- inlet.
tons were taken overseas f'oe Great fire. I'ticu, 25 cants. 1'rnllatcr Deign Na,
Britain's allies, anti -1101s.
file veteran, disappointed at having f120. ince, 20 emits.
ryas provided for 2,000,000 alnrnnls. the pleasurable silence cut shorty ex- h15e00 p112100118 lhlay b( Ul;tailled
The organization of convoys, duo +
I a1',,,+«ih .lenlnt•, c1'
to . German submarine war 1110 'hasThere you 10131 rho i4fc(`all Co., 70 llnud l,,
boon. an imptortant part of the work I„ P v
of the 13ritislr. Navy 011100 14!6.001), .-........
1017, from which limo that() have.
been 55,920 sailings, with the' lassos
numbering only 'a few hundred vas-
O-'1-0--0•--o-O---O-O-• o- o ^e--O�-O
Let folks step on your feet here•
after; wear shoes a sirs smaller if you
like, for corns will never again send
electric sparks of pain through you,
according to this Cincinnati authority.
He says that a few drops of a drug
called freezone, applied directly upon
I an the light of the scarlet cross, a tender, aching corn, instantly re -
As it gleams o'er the blood-staine
And I an the soldier's glittering steel
That is keen with. the wrath of God. slrripeis up the corn or callus W1131000
I am Canadian faith and truth, , even irritating the surrounding tissue.
The word of her loyal sons. A small bottle of freezone obtained
Who holds me back is a dastard born, I at any drug store will cost very little
In league with the Christless Huns. ery hard
or softlpositively 00031 0r callus from ve ode's foot
If your druggist hasn't stocked this
new drug yet, tell him to get a small
bottle of freezone for you from his
Nvltolesale drug house'
The Ontario 'Government is invest-
ing 'half a million dollars in feed con-
centrates to tide tht farmers over the
winter months when transportation
will be monopolized by coal and grain.
Standard feed will be manufactured
and sold through millers at $56,50 per
ton for dairy feed and $57 for hog
feed, in car. lots.
Heves soreness, and soon the entero
corn, root and all, lifts right out.
This drug dries at once and simply
(�(^11 AF:C1211.,- 11111U1is, Lllh3r'p, tree„
C 1pain by
and externnL 001.84 wltb-
aut nate by 5311' late. D flelinant -Nelle
Co,. before 0olgwoOd, Ontt. 111edloar
Cornmeal mush needs very thor
ough cooking,
-Make this beauty lotion for a few
cents and see for yourself.
What girl or woman hasn't heard of
10111011 juice to remove complexion
blemishes: to whiten the skin and to
bring out the roses, the freshness" and
the hidden beanty3 But lemon juice
alone is acid, therefore irritating, and
should be mixed with orchard white
this way. Strain through a fide cloth
the juice of two fresh lemons into a
bottle containing about three ounces
of orchard white, then shape well and
you have a whole quarter pint of akin
and complexion lotion at about the
cost one usually pays for a small jar
of ordinary cold cream. Be sure to
strain the 10111011 juice so no pulp gets
into tho bottle, then this 1011012 will re-
main 'lure and fresh for months.
When applied daily to the face, neck,
arms and hands it should help to
bleach, clear, smoothen and beautify
the 812111.
Any druggist will supply three
ounces of orchard white at very little
cost and 111e grocer. has the lemons.
Where there is no thrift there can
be no lasting !greatness. No mean
ever becomes a really great man un-
less he is thrifty. No nation can
become. great or sustain its •g'r'eatness
listless et the very foundation Lies the
thrift of the people.
If it were just to have this bolt slip-
ping through in this novel fashion; one
would make this simple attractive
•dress. McCall Pattern No. 8551,
Ladies' Dress, In (3 sizes, 34 to 441
bust. Price, 25 cents.
EGGS and
Highest Prices Paid
Prompt Returns -No Commission
39 Bease cours »nar';et Montreal
of all kinds,
Better quality preferred.
Write for prices.
128 Manstitid St. • • Montreal
Oliver Spanner & Go.
Send for Illustrated Booklet.
Artificial. Eyes and Supplies.
;AMNId'S wininxont Citron (talent 131 Co
'vo gone and started the whole doom-
ing war again
1.1311 10311 euros Diphtheria, •
Toronto, 1)0pt `,V
'Harmony of aim, not id01101) of
conchlsioM i$ the secret, of the : yin -
Germany must become 11 modern 1 chub' life," ' .•-,tulip Waxy.
democratic sstate if pence is to reign
in. the world, ittinar1t's T,!tth 18311 Cares C01110, rce,
Latest Pekin LIet
Sena For Our and Shipping.
i1'Iinard's Liniment Co., Limited.
Gentlemen, -I have used MINARD'S
LINIMENT' on my vessel and h1 lay
family for years, and for the every day
ills and accidents of life I consider it
has no equal.
I would not start on a voyage with-
out it if it cost a dollar a bottle.
Schr. "Starke," St. Andre, Kamourasita
0 A Cure for
Bad Breath
"Bad breath is a sign of decayed
���((( teeth, foul stomach or unclean
bowel." If your teeth are good,
look to your digestive organs et.
once. Get Seigel's Curative Syrup
at druggists. 16 to 30 drops
after meals, clean up your food
passage and stop the bad breath
odor. 50c. and $1.00 Bottles.
Do riot buy substitutes. Got
the genuine. 6
Sul-,.. 8:3C",:a"43i 3 s*" =Ail
The table scraps that feed many a
worthleos dog would feed a dozen
chicken. Then hens would produce
eggs and meat. The dog produces
Dominion Express Money Orders are
on sale in five thousand offices through-
out Canada.
Whenever there destruction of
.__ is des
property thrift must replace it. Waste
is waste, and cannot be recovered,
TYrinard's x.iniinent Cures Distentear,
I3arvest sunlirnvers before the seeds
are fully ripe. Place the heads in
a loft to dry,
Sloan's Liniment has the
punch that relieves
rheumatic twinges
This warmth -giving, congestion -
scattering circulation-stinuila.ting rem-
edy penetrates without rubbing right
to the aching spot and brings quick
relief, surely, cleanly. A wonderful
help fol' external pains, sprains,
strains, stiffness, headache, lumbago,
Get your bottle today -costs little,
means much. Ask your druggist for
it by name, Keep it handy for the
whole family. Made in Canada. The
big bottle is ec0notny.
The Soap to Cleanse and Puri&
The Ointment t to Soothe and
These fragrant, super -creamy emol-
lients stop itching, clear the skin of
pimples, blotches, redness and rough-
ness, the scalp of itching and dandruff.
and the hands of chaps and sores. In
purity, delicate medication, refresh -
mg fragrance, convenience and econ-
omy, Luticura Soap and Ointment
meet with the approval of the most
discriminating, Ideal for everyday
toilet uses. pp� 1yco ,tt
plo oanh batoa@ A 6dold t dosl�
r nom
iwrn gram S10 to.L''S n week. Loma,ttifhootic nvtnA Onacnra,DopL, N Ha
home. Booklet cont free. ROYAI. COLLEGE OP Oro throughautthu world.
SCIENCE, 702 88 Seadieo Ave.. Toronto. ton.
ppod he prepared against attacks of rheumatism, lumhego, ne3r51315,
toothache and earagha Equally etTeetive for relieving swollen Joints.
npratns, sore throat and other painful ailments. For over de years a
fatally friend, Don't experiment -buy Hirst'ss-ahvays haven bottle in
the house Has a hundred uses.
.A deofrsorwrite us. 'MST REMEDY CO Ifam,lton Canada.
1' •, h ' -.,;'. - o . pa ,k-)•�,a`iii"3, :% t7sxl3'? ..;a.:u�*<Tt1,t14w..0.a '-.,. ..'+lh}ri: �h?'.t 0213
41' k>;•w+. ti.b-,,.,a�.:. ].. r3�d1,Tk�:, c
Market Reports,
Supply00tala3, .^f
Game Lowes,
11 T.
1'c cps $' 1'
This Is going to be one of the biggest
years far trappers eve fur shine= ever
known. More furs needed --ower men to
trap . Got ready early for big money.
Look 0t q0yynt, -Cana and snpplies0OFh
Get our' 13101010 I3001t,-SSttppi , CatnlOC,
(larn0LawsantlTtnpphl5 ebrets-allthreo
ino chonit.Shaevs1cr5tn1101(1081cal-
038, �'scl:60' prices an traps, 5mb:••ets,
etc, rite tbtl1Y tali
00115040 833013.2 00.
tine llemc.ronm isor'rtetcomil
SandellSia LOUIS o.
it SI1is No.,15.-'-'�1a
Two Sixes --50c and $1
For ,'+2 wears Canadian women have found
l notion's k4llkwerd Cream the most efficient
tenet preparation on the market res keeping
the Ins windburn andipimples, kedPl 1atthe prevent -
sort end white oven when 10 dishwater dally, 1
mid warding off hang nails from the fat ers.
It has therapeutic uuatitics no other wool. •i
Item possesses.
Always have n hos or Ingram's Vclveola,
Ilouvorelae Face Powder 0508,11E the house, 1 _
A mere touch and oiliness end perepiratle" •
disappear. (1esSsrect,wem30hcesad elves
you a clear, aavvlesoopmplesion,. It stop's ,
en, Al 1onr d '11301st a there Is complete
lane et. lacteal's toilet p00(113030 Melodies
Zodentta,for the teeth (X531),
A l ieture with'lsae t 1 ui'o1inae
leach th'e you b,4Y 13 pn013500 of rntrri•:un
Tenet nide or Perfume your Arna4lat will
glee you, wlthoutcharge, alarge hermit art
world -famed motion picture senses. 13(,101,
timayati 5et5A111breethertre tisn yonntdtoe
golleetionfor your hnmc,,AAukyoprdruggist.
i'. P. IngramCo,,'Winilaar, 0112. nt®1