The Clinton News Record, 1918-10-24, Page 6Has Proved a Ikvelation
NU!lions oR Tea, Drinkers
Tisch in Flavor
Sealed Packets Only p
Black—Greenox Mixed
,J aeas
Abs lute in Purity.
How We Cook in War -Time, above recipes and .flavor'with vanilla
The eerie of to -cls hoar their vend- instead of cinnamon lie cloves.
m d'tters and treat -grandmothers toll, 1)o yeti know all the dainty ways
how 'they ramie their own books of; of 'toeing corn meal? You can cook
tried recipe's, handing 'rheas from; it three times 365 ways and then have
family to family', and down from gen.' enough recipes left to fill a book.
elation to generation: directions fox' here is a group of Corn Itoyal
,a�?ittsk$�L%eittus4imsidc Asi:s@ 9
rhe D®bleWaled Secret
By. Edwin Baird
:'eereseeseeeni,"3tei e:0:1,¢1lleigaeeteeneeelleis•?'ntlefeeeek.21'eeleiv,.','it' i2',•'�;k'3': 1:at';"d9Mt?;?3>,(
"Ah, 1>ltherP" ho heard the girl s'aY,
and a deep voice sap wood. Tien the
Mier 0lat5ed and he could hear them
talking just outside in 'lower tones.
It seemed •t'o Keleey meat 4U1 age
lord p;iezedeeatt ago ofslspeuse, pain,
tiameetaiwev awl beWilderment--•be-
1tiro the door opetled to admit:a tall,
broad, w'llito'haared men of 'indeter•
tniatit.e age. His middy skin and
unclouded eye denoted a life lived
largely out-ofelomes, yet the Roth in
his fact were plainly put there by stet
faring or parertori, or both, As h
carne briskly into the room' he remov
ed hie coat and then, Blaine- beeid
the leather couch, he reeled up hi
elan-s.eovos and [ell to work of
1Celcey s broken arm without' speaking
a=• wore( 1T!s daughter stood behind
him holchng splints and bandages. llie
sinewy lingers moveil with preeisiox
and skill, end pneseatly KelceyM er
was sec Se neatly as - any surgew.
could have done it. The man signed
to his daughter to leave, and when elm
had gone he spoke to .1Celcoy for the
fir 't
time, "What: pen did you irreal
r`,fodiet," samr. the prompt answer
richly enmlrounded cakes,, savory• carts--itartimo (bosl5rts—nxuaile with "Last night.. '1 had fiend outside
• ;H'ea'ts, jams, pickles, sauces, and ale cornmeal that are a little bit differ- They got these clothes for* me."
the -mare or less, heavy, delicious est, r:d the aiipll(1101
"ea.trs'" or the long ago. Corm -need .Pts s.-1 quart milk,- 12
"They got that, too. I was an itvia
i for before 1 was sent u Kelc
ye;J.eedey's girl's could cook but to-; cup cornmeal, 4 tablespoons weep, lfe witicc^1 lntvs •''1. •'t the untruths, and
day's girls have a work -to do that; teaspoon nutmeg', 0 eggs. Bring iritic f thoruu r'i J =mai 1 ti! himself
ems-ke a re onsibilities in food -3 to boil stir in meal eager end nut- e, g'h e 1- 1 se of
51+ ' ,fti`as Iife wprrh pal.^(abasing at such
ehe'nnetry, food -production, 'food -cost, meg and' boll five minu•tes.--stirring a price?
feed rltorage, food -economy, food -pro- eens'tantly. Allow mixture to cool, :1'lie w'hiterhaired man frowned and
panation- eemos't startling respell.' then stir in the eggs beaten very light. Said: ''I belie' a you're lying. You
sibilitiee. But the girls can do it--
are doing i't.
T7en� awe some 'tested recipes:—
Apple Catsup. -1 quart apple sauce,
1 -teaspoon ginger;•1 teaspoon cinna-
mon, ltoaspoon clone, 1 pint vinegar,
1 teaspoon pepper', 1 teaspoon mus-
tard, 1. teaspoon onion extract, 2 tea -
lifted ins right shoulder and 'sig'hed,
Bar big, saeomut eye$ Wee on 4t3's•
face again, "I ern sorry you vire
your pesitlerl with levity, It well
anger father."
lie pretended to become sober.
"And ---if I should. -•-'w'ha't do you sup
path he would do to me?"
"I don't know. You can not leave
here without his consent—throe I elo
know. The p'l'ace is well guarded
by men wibh rides,"
""And 11e Would hold me against eny
tend, against 5111 'law?".
e She 'intorrtnpted •sharply: "Wo re-
- cognize no taw except our pwn."
"But nlhore's the sense an ft?"' ho.
s dginanded. tWhat am I to slim?
x What can he gain by making a pris-
00er of tee? If it's money.—" But
a flank from Iter eyes stepped
She got top abruptly, took a turn
i sabou'11
the room, 'touchin • a statuette
m here ,a book there, her brows knitted,
n eyes troubled. Suddenly she faced
hien, "When you fell—did you—see
uuy't:hing " unusual ? The 'words
came jerkily, but her gaze was a5
c steady as blue steel,
"Nothing more unnsuaz'1," said ho,
"than a !huge double -walled 'thing
n'itltout win:las nor any decent roof.
. If there's a dear 1 didn't see i$, And
I'll bet i't's damp inside."
"You didn't the what ee'inckle?"
Her voice, though low, efeas keyed to
y itis highest tension.
"No," he shook his head, puzzled by
the way she looked at him. "I couldn't
see through the grating. I was fall-
ing too fast, and the light wasn't
Site <aid nothing for a minute or
taro, but he could see that site was re
Bever'. She stood beside the table to
slug walla book,
Perhaps," s'he said finally, "I ma,
be able to save you. Let ane war!
emu to be guarded' in what you say to
lather. It is too late now to assume
014 arstehistic po,:o. He will lcno
who you are when he returns. Above
elle—el-tow no curiosity in what yn
lutve seen or may surmise. Say a
little .as possible. If I succeed in
prevailing upon hen to let you go he
win probably enjoin you to silence.
You must swear to say nothing of
your stay here," She rep'leced the
book on the table and, glancring• at him
briefly,started -from the room.
A nen phaco of the situation struck
Kelcey. "I 55'tlpp0544 you tlrink.lhn •a
cad," he began,"for showing such a
pronounced dislike for you—shall I
Baty hospitality? ---hurt the unusual err•
cumstanees—" he halted largely. She
had stopped at the door, her hand on
the knob, and her attitude seemed to
say: "If you are trying to he funny
you are a nldiculous failure. If
/Lot, you display 211-breedimg,,,
Then, without speaking; she went
out and closed the doer •quie4Iy be-
hind her.
i Laboriously, Keleey stretched his
!et -gee on the divan again, He was
frown ing. . Itis bandaged. grin, held
rigidly in the splints, was aching with
Place in custard cult's and bake 30 don't tack er look like a jail -bird. 11ow-
minutes in a moderate oven, Servo 0000, I'll soon know." Ile rose. "In
with lemon 'sauct or fresh fruit any 02110," he flung over his shoulder
sauce. - 1 es he started, from the room, "you
Delicate Indian Pudding. -1 3 don't leave tills house. tlndeeetand
g.— Pint : that, If you're telling the tenth you
milk, 4 'bablee1oons syrup, 1 'table•! won't want to leave."
Poon butter, ei :cup cornmeal, 3 egg,,1 .leelcey lay staring at the frescoed
salt. Boil Milk and sift meal in slow-, ceiling, his mind busy with the things
spoons salt. Simmer slowly until ly; add butter, Sugar and salt. Set. that load 'happened since that 2,000 -
thick, bottle and . seal. A .similar aside to cool. then add beaten eggs. toot drop.' Ail of his 'thoiighls col -
catsup can be made frons plums or Bake in baking pan 45 minutes. larged at one point and that 'mint
grapes, and spiced to taste. Molasses Corn. Short Gape: Make an egg lxu� ed ould 'his inlagi reason
• may be added if a street sauce is cornbread, fill two buttered Payer felt! g cbeh behavior
oftbein h reg o ple, the
Strange llehaviot of these peiip'le, into
liked. cake pans one-quarter full and bake. whose home i13 luck had brought stint.
Cucumber Catsup. -1 dozen large Turn out, butter and pile up with Ile treed to rise, but a rush of blood
cucumbers, 1 quart vinegar, 1 table- berries that have been cut in half and to hie head checked the impulse. In
spoon settee. teaspoon c:ayenite..Geth- allowed to stand covered with sugar. moving his feet lo t:he floor he saw
er cucumbers before sun strikes them Shredded pineapple, or stewed fruit that Inc shoes 15041 been removed, and
mayhe used. Serve hot with whip- he wonderad if this were the first
and keep in a cool place 11123111 used. p- step vx his weird incarceration. 110
Peel and grate the cucumbers and Ped Bream. '
smiled mirthlessly :at the thought. 11'0
drain off the water. Heat vinegar Mast 1l0000lceepers know that in teas sitting on the edge of the couch,
and spices to boiling point; pour at'some retires eggs replace baking his throbbing temples pressed be -
once over the grated cucumber, bot- Powder and 'that -the lightness of tween right thumb and fingers, elbow
tle and seal. Cucumbers bottled in sponge cake depends on well bea't'en resting en his knee, when the girl
this way retain their freshness and eggs but not every housekeeper is oam•e in to him. • '
make a particularly good sauce for familiar with cornbreads that are lou e's t convince fifes -t she
steak. made without bakingsaid. ' Iltel Bono 'ten dispr to our
'polvd�sr or soda. nearest telephone to disprove your
Ali the year around there is a plane This is t�lie way that plain cornbread prevarications."
on 111e hone table for cold meats, and delicate egg 'breads aro often Keleey laid listlessly: "Let him.
Don't depend en tin cans for •these made in the cornbread belt. Only What do I care."
-meats, You Call pr0pax0 deleglhtdui coarse white meal is used in 'these She stood with her back to a heavy
dishes without drawing on the nation breads; ilia caro r,esu7t5 cannot be oak table, bar hands resting lightly
el reserve of canned'mots. It is a obtained with bolted white meal or on the edge, her ll`
him currausly
compo' • mg eyes on
good plan, 'too, to pile aspeculatively. He
p your own Ye:now coivmeal' noticed that 'lie "had changed to a
reserve of home -canned meats. Dont' expect cornbread to look like house dress of Nile green sill` and
Pickled Tongue.—Boil a fresh ton- wheat bread, Spoon bread's are •soft foamy lace, and a trifle later it came
gue by placing it in hot water, let but not roc scorn pones are Bard but over him that she was o110 of the
00m0 to boil and boil gently for three not not Meavy. Eat cornbread for most striking girls he had erre,: each
hours or Mani tender. When cooked what it is—it has served million's of. —and quite the most unusual,
"Dili you follow my instructions ?"
she asked.
,in thin elices, put one layer of sliced 2 caps cornmeal, 1 tablespoon butter, "Not all of them. I hadn't time."
11e looked up, met her eyes. "Pm tired
tongue in bottom of an earthenware 1 teaspoon salt, 2 eggs. Bring the of guessing .:at puzzles," he said.
crock, then ono byre of Sliced onions, milk to boiling point and pour it on "Won't you clear things up for me,
a few thin slices of lames, s'a'lt, pepper the meal; add butter and salt and sct please?"
mestere away over night. In the Again he saw that troubled expres-
morlting beat up and add 'ewe Well- cion on her pp••iquallt face. She hei•stat-
beaten eggs. Polar in well -greased ed monentarlly, then walked over and
earthen plates 0701 bake 25 minutes, sat down nea0 him.
is too strong, use two -titled,/ vinegar Battex Bread. -1 quart milk, 2 cups "Did you Over, s.he askecl, looking at
and one him hear of ?de
az Stryker?"
part grater. e<:nmeal, 1 tablespoon butter, 1 tea- And when he shook his (lead: "He's
Pressed .Beef Tongue, --1. beef ton- spoon `salt, 3 eggs. 33atter-bread or my"father=the man who was here a
gut, 1 veal shame, cayenne, ,ssdt, pep. spoon -bread, the name tells the story. little wlsile ago. When I was
per, 2 tablespoons catsup. Boil tongue It ;:houl(1 be soft like a pudding, and three months old he was arrested for
and veal shank together Tor three like a pudding "served. with a spoon. murder. Ile vas innocent, but the
hours, putting It on to boil in cold Bring the silk •t0 the boiling point evidence .against• him was strong and
1va•tee. This will draw out all the and pour over the cornmeal, tilix and --elm Wee sent to prison for fifteen
gelatin of 'tile veal 'bone, Whon allow to cent a little; add (salt, beaten Years. It killed mother. Tle left'
tender, skin the tongue, cut in slices, yolks and batter (butter may be omit- .years.
nhe after 'eren b ton
ted);fold in well :beaten whites, bake Sharp. And he was a ing bre man."
or put through a coarse meat gri»g�e'1•.She paused and sat staring broodingly
Add salt, pepper, cayenne turd cat- in pudding tilsh 45 minutes or in at the rug, her chin cupped in her
After a pause. he asked: "Didn't
they ever find the right man?"
Sire answered with an almost im-
perceptible shake of her head. Sit-
ting beside her, regarding cher bow-
ed head and girlish figure, outlined
slenderly in the gathering dusk, young
Keleey mused ,upon what she had
s kj•. _r i told hint; thet'tragedy of a lifetime
compressed in a few brief sentences.
But the thought of ins own predica-
ment soon drove all ethers from mind.
"I'm still in the dark)" he pretested.
"Why should your father feel savage
toward me?"
remove from water, skin, put back people for many years.
into. Nater and let get Bold. Slice Sponge Cornbread.—i. qusle't milk,
a little sugar and mixed spices. Re-
peat until ell material i:,( used up,
staving 'the onions. and lepton on top.
Cove all with vinegar. If vinegar
trip, put into a molt! and cover m!x• shallow dish 25 minutes.
'tui e with the liquid in Which it Intl
been boiled. When cold, 'tura out on \[1t, Order System.
a platter, slice and serve. ,
Gaffs -head Chem.—.L calf's head,
1 tablespoon clammed herbs, pepper,
sett, Put -calf's dread in enough wee
ter 'to- cater, let Memo to a boil and
boil gently until Meat leaves -the bone.
Take up with a 'skimmer, put into an
earthen bowl, .240as0n with salt, pepper
awl chopped herbs. Lay a cloth in
colander, put minced sheat into it,
p'old a cloth over the stop, weight
clary» -with t1 plata When cold, ,lice
es and serve with neestard.
Petted Liver.—Wash and cut up
two pounds of beef lives•. Cover
with cold water, let conte to a bail, end
timnler until tendetr. Press through
She glanced un swiftly, her blue
eyes kindling. "Why shouldn't hoe"
Issued by Canada Food Boarcl, she flared You are St member of
Through its provincial commi:teets the society, civilization—call it whet
1110 Food Board is ca9111124 the atg0n- oen tvi11 lt'Irieh n1'a(10 'those tartar•
ons laws that sent him to prison,
al potato -mew acid one hall'cupful of tion of fish cholera to the necessity Wh, shouldn't he hate you Why
p far supplying people in rural loosl• shoo net he?" She leaned' toward
butter, one-half teaspoonful of salt.•, (ties .with fifty or one hundrecl'"peund `him, fists clenched eyes .blaring. In
and a droit of pepper. Beat the above boxers of frozen fish by the mail order that instant ire thought ales superb.
mixture to a smooth paste. Mince system for the winter months. "And you?" he countered; 'striving
n goo(1-sized 011'10" and •a few sprigs This is an innovation wdticll should :to spook ligh't1y, "Aren't you also
of parsley 113:1 stir into the mas11041 appeal 10 tire' farmer, as' all he has at member of that society?"
310(11, I'ut in jars in a cold place toixlo is to sone in leis older and his
"No!" And She ((truck her litt1e
and it will keep for come time, fist into the leather seat, ''1 ant oil
Perk Loaf103) lb, chollpncl ham, '1 box of frogen fish' will be delivered father's side, now aid always! I am
by express, 1't is a matter which cllbppeta fre441 pdt9c, 8 tablespoons tor. 1 to the Itt1v and all It 5t>uat5
Tor. It is rotten to the cote, unjust
11011101,51 And you—" She checked
het• runaway tongue and drew slightly
away. She was brepthnng rather
more rapidly than normal, -ter ,he hard
spak0n fiercely, and her mounting,
emotion ha4 sent 111 eXee3S (17 bleed
to her cheeks, richly flu ping the fine-
retailltid elfin.
"Well?" bantered he trying to
fancy he, 1n his'e livntg room,
"Whavt''s to he dole with me? Am I
to be decapitate`!?",
She Slid not responerto his s1lile.
haggled, she stat10d at him silently;
and he;notieed that her bogoan wait
rising at1ti 1nlli1241ess tempestuously.
"I think 1 told :3)01.1," elle sand pre.;
s(.nt1y, "131st' your .1rrival markeii u
"Then my punishment, is problem-
She. nodded (112 21111(ng (1(quiceco(400
"I Dan only threw anyso11'' 011 your
-merry," he solid, leaning emelt for his
corner of the couch and ttudyiil_ her,
He wag.beginnhlg to etel0y his ael-
ventuee in at Mad Sort OP Way', $01ne•
how, he could not take •1111e thing
serl0usly, "If nay (41.11) fiord mono.
plane 'wore"'t, 41isahl it l should blrl
Chopped onieL, 1 tablespoon salt, 1 `buaki. be given i,nmeclaa'to auttcntrorl
itabiespoon pepper, lite teesp0011 cuteby thr, entenprisin� City fish dealer,
a;r powder, :L 4ablespoou _nage..1 egg, To Conte Back Bone.
1-.3 c11p cream. Chop meat and "Voll W110 have travelled the aide -
onion and mixt together, • Add egg' world over,
and crane Shape into loaf and You who leave -known the best
tie 114 elteesec103,1. S1m111er 210, 12011124 Tell ue wile ,
3 quarts or boiling water, to wltieli t you hive seen sad beard,
I iensl>oolrfel of sant and 4 table. Aud whefe tour heart sound rest.
spans oC vinegar have been added- „N01v telt us r '
Drain, press and cool, th , fairest sight you va
the children of the family are " -veers ,i
eui'oeled •wf111 the wh001105s, 10wa1.11 Seeking a eight fur.
1315111 with a.'treatnow a.(Yal then, tile
"The .Pairrst sight t0 .sly watching'
Wee the light on the harbor bat." ,
"And :what is the sweetest sound
)eti1ve heard
LihLcning early and lute"! -
"'32110 sweetest; soun(1 in the Who.%
wide world
Wes the diel;. 07` n13) little white
011e calces mean so much to little peo-
Beam le.• -1,j, cup fat, 8 tablespoons
corn syrup, fl. tnblespoibns r710dassee,
1. egg, 112 'teuap0011 Milt, 1-? rum chop-
ped laz5ins, (-3 cep chopped mita, 3
t espoon balling powder, 11 lawmen, t'0 teaspoon cloves, burley
hour to roll, Combine the iagretli•
Wile .as for cake Pell thin; Shape
with emelt cookie cutter rind balm en" ".Ind whet is the ('iealtest tiring
tin eheet. i'or drop cakes nae less y01)ve known.
i1olne Tn the full years time have jlaesed?1,
Brow:tite-•-Subostilinev 1w,> stlneres "The clearest thing that eould ever ha
of Welted 011000141 for the reielus 10 i 13 to ronin` balk 110010 'at 11181."
Taking the Ammunition On Board le
Hardest.. Day's Worls of u
Sailerinan's Life.
"`There's only one day in the year
when the sedlorman really earns the
more or less megniftcent salary the
benevolent Government pays or' gives
him," said the .old sant reflectively,
"And that's the day they get aboard
the ammunition—the food for the
And, il' you were a1 bluejacket, you
would agree with him ---though . you
might differ as to the ammunitioning
clay being the only hard -worked one.
But it is the hardest-wor'kecl'r one,
there is no gainsaying.
Work ostially starts somewhere be-
fore dawn, wl1en•a fussy little tug
acts as knocker -up with its syren,
hooting for you to come and make
fast the barges containing shell of all
sizes, calibres, sled colors, and vary -
mg degrees of -deadliness, wliteh the
being towed at its stern. And In the
cold, small hours, when you fell that
another ten minutes' sleep would
make a new man ee you, yeti leap
through the darkness and lend, with o
dull thud and a few bruises, on the
lighter's deck, and after passing the
hawsers, torn back the 'waterproof
tarpaulin llutchway covers, and re-
move the wooden lids, revealing the
hefty, sullen -looking beasts of shells
weighing anywhere between one told
fifteen hundredweight. •
With the Dawn.
Y' And then, these made fast, you
clamber inboard, and swing derricks
v this way and that, leading -stout wire
1 rope through pulleys at their head,
and bringing them to rite dretm o;f"sit
1, asthmatic steam -winch, or, if your
ship be a m0dorn one, to an electric
dawn down stream roma :a enroll fleet
of red•eeiled barges, which also leave
to be retld4 fast in tltei>' proper pittees,
'Thede are the cordite carriers, the
rule being that, on ace0a11t of its
inllen'»nable nature, no cordite is to
be towed eeter74 of a ship wing fire
111 any 534apei 01 form, Hence, the
piet:Mosque r•0d•su1101 lighters, which,
in spite ef' their npparrnt 51240, are
manoeuvred with g40at skill to the
exact pities/ where you, require them.
And then cernmenee5 work, Squads
Of hefty 22110lnes leap down rota the
shell Magee, 'tiiT(l roll great 'three-
quarter toe pvojoetiles to the centre
5f the hold, whgye lifting bolts are
screwed i,t3o their bodies, the whip
hooked on, and the 'shell takes its
Penultimate sand initial flight through
the air, (ltd final flight coaxes when
the cartridge'pu6hes it Omagh the
g•ini-•lnuvale at the target,)
Doev11 inion the clock it is received
by n. 111011 lvieli 5111 enormous steel
barrow,' and he promptly wheels 1;
away to the lowering hatch, e The
barrows, by the way, are rubber -tired,
the idea being that they see both
easier to hove and less likely to make
i(ldelible marks on the sacred plank: f
ing of the dock, which, to permit of
foothold, and to be more easily ((lean- —
e4 after the tmlmutlitionillg, is strewn
thickly with sand.
Beady When Wanted
working halo's, and yeti vri11 see wily
the olcl salt I mentioned before '`vas
.,, . <, of the opinion that, at loath 011 tun -
The atliking dowel party wait 21t munitioning -day, the sailorman men-
the hatch, and tis soon as the shell is ed his pay.
received, unscrew the lifting -bolt, and But handling shells is not all the
place the missile in ti wire and steel work, They have first to be sorted.
arrangement, which permits of its leach gun in the ship' is allowed "by
being lowered, base' downwards, stand- establishment" a certain number at
ing on end, to the shell -room in the shells of various lentils—so many con1-
bowels of the ship. Here waits un- Dien, so many shrapnel, so many
other hook, this time travelling on a srnlor-piereiug--conte capped; and
kind of overhead railway, and worked others uncapped, and so many high -
by hydraulic pressure, which trans- explosive lycl(1zte, `together with a
porta the shell to the bay tubera, with quota for practice, and a few common
half a hundred of its fellows, it will shot.
lie till "Der Tag" comes. — And when I toll you that seven Vegetables will not keep v:o11 if
hundred three-quarter ton shells lie stored in an unpartitioned cel'mr cov-
in the shell -roods of one of our bigger tabling a furnue . Storage (genera
gnu -turrets, you will have s,omo idea slues be cao1.
of the work this eetowa2e entails. Calreful copies are kept of 511.1 let•
ivlultiply this by five and try tocal tore written by King George in per-
culate the number of tons deadweight sen and these are preserved -in the
that are handled in the ten or so archives ae.•"V ineeor,
u motor, which will, in the long run, -- -- ___... _._ _ .__ ._ _._._._—._._ ._..__ __..... _
s save your muscles n0 end of labor' —�
_end yourself no end of trouble.
And then, with the first streaks of
a steady, dull throb. He tried to
leer the humor in his predicament, but
lit escaped him somehow. The girl's
demeanor wae. annoying, very. He :
;had either fallen into. a madhouse, or
There wets mystery here,
that much was certain!
The ache in les aim increased its
tempo, rising and failing, rising and
falling. He closed his eyes tiredly.
His face, `in the paling light of the
dying tray, looked drawn, waxen.
Listlessly, indifferently, he became
aware that several persons had enter
ed the room; and then he Beard the
snap of a •button—and raised himself
s'ligh'tly, banking his eyes against the
dazzling light blunt filled the room,
Stryker stood near the door, his fin-
ger stile on the electric button. Be-
hind him, tilling the (10000a.y, were
the three Africans and a fifth man
whose dead -white skin, bullet -limped
head and hangdog look proclaimed
the habitual manned.
The button clicked ag1(111 and the
room was thrown back into dankness.
He heard Stryker say sometimes.- in a
quiet voice, heard a tramping of feet,
end the couch on which he lay was
lifted from the floor and borne toevar+1
the hall. He muttered something—
he knew not what --and attempted to
rise, with some Wild idea of leaping'
fro 'the floor -and ctahsdng to 'the win-
drows. But a• hand closed upon his
throat end •cru bed hem back. Be
Stench out smllmt:y with 'h:15 right
fist and disl,xtged the -strangling grip.
He felt at noose-tiglitell about his,
ankles. • He drew his feet toward'
ham and lashed back with all h'1e
strength, loosening the rope, Which
was immediately drawn taut again.
(To be continued.)
She Pinched 'Em.
Queen Mary 'cont a beautiful bou-
quet that had been presented to hoe
to a soldiers' hospital. To show their
eppreoiati011 the imnatee commis-
sioned one of their number to stand
at the hospital gate the :following
morning, 'holding the gift, when the
queen passed. He did so with hath-
er unexpected vest -ins. .Queen Mary,
seated in her car, sew the soldier
standing' there bouquet in hatud, and
assuming that he wished to present
it to her, she reached out and took
it. After she had thanked him her
car passed an,
The soldier stood quite dumfounded
—then, recovering his speech, he
said: "Well, she pinched '(nn,"
The cur was b0ar(104 by a 1tn51ty (40n -
flier in the picturesque highland tri•
form, 011 the snit was .1 young slacker
with his h0t11 girl. Tho girl east ad-
miring glanees al the (inventively- uni-
formed "lclllto," tench to the dis-
pleasure of. 1110 slaelcor escort. So be
endeavored to make 011 of the ma-
terial by remarking;
"That fellow's intoes loots ma if they
were froze."
The kitten, ovet•hoarfag the cotnln0at,
Maimed contemptnonsly att the du(lo`s
eivillan (10111ee, then seneetnily
"A wied, A thinking my knees
aren't as cold .0,s your teat."
The 'decker got off al the next sloe,
Ctanadani 1iese war loon n1 1015, cit-.
ract0cl 24,800 separate aahSciriptions,
ler fourth and latest lents, last Nov
0(nber, clicted 820,000,
You adieu end fly minty, .1.s it is "ltc
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