HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1918-10-24, Page 5October 34th ISIS Clinton Newvs-Record or Interest to Yon and Me The Globe insists that ael title 'S 'surrender must he an tieonditiO1M1 ,one nota 1-Iun•eontlitionai one, .- Our men have CONE ACROSS. to ,protect us i now let's .COMM A(:* ROSS to protect them, Buy Vie - .tory Bonds, r . The two papers at Aylmer, The Express and The Tribune, have azual- •ganrateci and in future Aylmer will 'be a one -paper town, • «• The Ottawa Citizen urges its read - tors to remember that while the war news is flee it is net final; Good :advise, too, Let's heed it, , • A. Queen's University than declares :that he has "isolated" the Spanish ti Jluonza germ, There must be more than one, However, as there seems :to be a few flying around yet, We know exactly bow Ferdinand, slate of Bulgaria, feels; we ourselves have seen the Horse on which our, good money was placed fall down *on the home -stretch, -Kincardine Re- view, • • • Harvest Leave for soldiers expires ••on Oct. 315t. On that day all sol - tilers who have been on harvest leave ,are expected to -report for duty and any failing to do so will be re- ;garded as deserters. • • • It is all very well to say that we should Show mercy to a beaten foe. We are quite willing to help our Ger- man enemies to recover from their 'troubles. We are willing to heal their wounds and poultice their sore -spots. But we want to see them .jolly well licked first.-Ridgetown .Dominion. • • • A Toronto physician, who is pes- tered by applications for liquor pre- :scriptians, protests against the sup- •erstition that alcohol has a special :efficacy as a preventive of influenza • or as a cure. It is not only neither .--of these things, but by reducing vitality it renders liquor users more :-susceptible to serious attacks of the disease. -Globe. But nevertheless there are those who seem to firmly believe that re- „gular, or maybe irregular, doses of the forbidden. liquid would render them immune or would cure the worst • case of "flu" going. . * * Imagine, if you can, what it meant -to the inhabitants of Ostend, Lille, w. '. and those other towns in Belgium and France when, after four years. of occupation, the invading enemy , marched out,and the Allied armies took possession. Then imagine, if you can, any reason which would -seem reasonable to these people why this ruthless foe, from whom the 'inhabitants have suffered numberless indignities and nameless cruelties during these four long years, should now be granted an easy peace just because they find it impossible to -'hold their own any longer and wish to stop fighting., The savage foe, who -.,subjected these unhappy people to -.every cruelty which the arch fiend could suggest while their superior :force gave them power and who, true to type, turned coward when met with superior force, can put up a fine plea for mercy now that • they know they are beaten. And -this plea might have been hearkened •-to by some, those who are tired of warfare and who. think the world `has had enough of war, but for the • fact that at the very moment when President Wilson is being asked to .arrange with the Allies for an arm- -istice so that peace might be dis- •-cussed, the submarines are torpedo-. ing passenger ships and not content - with that, ,even the boats in which the passengers are trying to save ..themselves. This fiendish act at rsuch a time revealed the true ebar- acter of the foe and has steeled the hearts of even the , most pacific -pacifist. The soldiers at the front want no negotiated peace. "Vic- tory is within our noel)," wires Sin,,Arthur Currie, commander,lof the rCanadlan Forces. "Let us have it •.•so that the blood of our bravest and best shall not have heed shed in -vain." When Germany surrenders uncoil- ' • ditionally, removes her armies from the lands she has overrun, and shows 'herself willing to make some amends, it will he time enough to talk peace,, To make it sooner would be to be- tray those who have already laid down their lives for the cause. /lav- ing sacrificed so much we must he,. willing to fight this thing out until C;erxnany is beaten to her knees. TO THE RATEPAYERS OP STAN - ley township -Owing to shortage of help the Banks are not accepting taxes as was formerly the case. You are advised, therefore, to ply ;all taxes to the collector or re- mit by mail, -Thos. Wiley, Collec- tor. 64-3 'TIi13REGULAR ANNUAL MEET- ; ing of the Clinton Horticultural Society will be held in the Council -charlibel: on Wednesday evening, Nov, 8th, at 8 o'clock for the per - pose of receiving the treasurer's report and the election .of officers for the corning year. -T. Cottle, Seo.-Treas a re r. 64-2 TENDERS FOR CUTTING WOOD'. - The .Municipal Connell of Clintons asks tor tender's for cutting two acres of hardwood bush, situate on James Snell's, farm, Ixlullett, into fottr foot wood, with privilege of ,cutting hard splitting trees into two -foot wood. Foe further: par- -.3lculars apply to Il. J, Miller, •.ctliairnlo,h, Motto 110, Clinton, 64-2 Marrit►.8'ea I7zARD-AiANACl,1TAN--Stn Deid:0l6, on .Oct, 15th, Ruby Pearl, only daughter of Mr, and. Mrs, T. J. 117anaghart of Clinton, to Albert 17,-I4rard of Godorieb towltship, 1-1:UNKIN0-i 'Nl'e-At the Vietoria St, parsonage, Grodecleh, by Rev. J. 1-1. Osterhout, on Oct. 23rd,. Lillian Lee of Londosboro to Norman II. Hunking of I;Iuliett. MEL VILilie -IILSSI'.LWOOD -- At the ntansti, Londosboro, oil Oct, 285d, by ltov, Jas, Abrey, Matil- da liesselwood of the 10th coil - cession, Hullett, to John D. Mel- ville of Londosboro. IVIoTNTYRII-WAI4UIIt-At Wingham on Oct, 12th, by Rev, 1;,, P, Aral. strong, 0, C. Molntyre of tine Bank of Nova Seotia, Torotrto, to Rota, daughter of Dor. and Mrs. James Walker of W'ingham. Births CLIFTON -London Road, Stahley, on Oct. 22nd, to Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Clifton, twin daughters. HESS-At'Zurieb, on Oct. 10th, to. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew F, Hess, a son. Deaths McCAUG3IEY-In Clinton, on Oct. 180, Elizabeth C. Shanahan, wife, of Mr. Frank T. McCaughey, ag- ed 20 years and 9 months,. CLLIOTT-In Goderich township, on Oot. 19th, Thomas Elliott, -aged 95 years and 2 months. COOK -In Mount Hamilton 1Tos- pital, on Oct. 18th, Laura Hobbs, wife of Geo. L. Cook, in her 31st year, LANE -In Goderich, on Oct. 13th, Hanna Stewart, wife of William Lane; aged 61 years, 6 months and 1 day. DONALDSON-In Goderich, on Oct, 14th, Elizabeth Donaldson, only daughter of Mrs. .L Donaldson, aged 20 years and 7 months. NEWTON -In Goderich, on October 17413, Charles G. Newton, in his 67413 year. BABB-In Goderich, on Oct. 17th, Harry Reed Babb, aged 32 years. LEPPINGTON-In loving memory of William Leppington, who died Oct. 30413, 1916. -Wile and fam- ily. ON ACCOUNT OF TEMPORARY shortage of hands would ask peo- ple not to bring apples to the Evaporator until further notice, - Town az Case, Clinton. 64-1 CLEARING AUC1 N SALE OF Farm Stock and Implements. -T. Gundry- has been instructed by the undersigned to sell by public auc- tion at Lot 45, Maitland Con., Goderic t t u 1 wnsl ' 3 . o ui , on Thursday, Nov. 7th, at 1.30 p.m,, sharp, the following : Horses -1 driver,. 1 draft mare in foal to Pereheron, 1 heavy draft colt 3 years old, 1 driving colt 2 years old. CattIe- 2 cows to freshen in Jan,, 5 cows to freshen in March, 1 Jersey cow to freshen in Dec., I heifer 3 yrs. old due in Jan., 2 heifers 2 years old due in April, 1 heifer 2 years old due in May, 1 steer 3 years old, 1 Polled -Angus bull 2 yrs. old, 2 steers 1 year old, 8 spring cal- ves. Sheep -4. sheep, 6 ewe lambs, 1 Leicester ram. Hogs -Good sow.. due at timeo f sale About 0 bo 10 hens , and pullets. Implements - Silo -filling outfit, Johnson -Massey corn binder nearly new, Souther nearly new, Portland cutter, Bug- gy, Set power horse clippers, Set heavy harness, Set driving harness, Set driving harness ( n e w ), 30 -gallon mflti can, Melotte cream separator, A. quantity of hay, Rob- es, Spreads, Rugs, Forks, Shovels and other articles. Terms -All sums of $10 and under, cash ; over that amount, six months credit will be allowed on furnishing ap- proved joint notes, or 0 percent. per annum discount for cash dim credit amounts. Everything will be sold as the proprietor has rent- ed his farm. -H. Williams, Prop.; T. Gundry, Auct. 64-2 CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF Stock and,,Itnplemants.-The under- signed has instructed Mr. Thos. - Gundry to sell by public auction at Lot 34, Base Line, Goderich town- ship, one mile north of Clinton, on. Monday, Nov. 4th, at 1 o'clock the folloaving : 1 di;aft horse 8 years old, 1 draft, horse 4 years old, 1 draft mare . 8 "years old, 1 general purpose mare 0 years old, 1 gelding drivel, 2 years old, 1 lady's driver 4 years old, 1 road mare 0 years old, 1 cow 8 years old due in May, 1 cow 9 years old due in May, 1 cote 2 years old due in June, 14 yearlings, 6 calves, 1 wagon and hay rack, 1 set bob- sleighs and platform, 1 Massey- Iiarris seed drill, 1 Massey -Harris cultivator, 1 Deering binder 7 -ft. cut, 1 Massey -Harris hay rake nearly new, 1 Massey -Harris scut- fier and bean harvester,nearly new, 1. pea harvester and bundler, 1 rub- ber -tired buggy second hand, 1 rnib- ber-tired buggy nearly new, 1 cut- ter nearly new, 1 walking plow, 1 two furrow plough, 1 set of iron harrows, 1 turnip outlier:, 1 hay fork, rope, pulleys, slings and car, 1 turnip drill, 2 sets whiffle- trees and doubletree, 1 wheel bar- row, 1 set 2000 lb. scales, 1 set heavy team harness, 1 set single harness, 1 De Laval cream separ- ator nearly new, 80 Barred Rock hens, 1. cook stove, 1 heater, chains, forks, ele, ivtirything must be disposed of as the proprietor is giving tap farthing. All sums an - der $10, cash ; over that amount 12 months' credit will be giVen oh furnishing approved jcfitt notes, 4 percent straight discount will be given lot omit on credit arnau'thn-' Iasi, Straughen, Proprietor; '1''. (luit- dry, Auctioneer. rend in Need The Pandora Range is your real friend on wash. day. Change the top around, set the boil- er on, the far -side and use the three nearest holes-- you can boil on all Of them. Dinner on time; no extra fuel, no rush or confusion. for sale by garland Bros1 McClary's a ora `j e London Toronto Montreal Winnipeg St. John, N,13, Hamilton Calgary Edmonton 'Vancouver Saskatoon eo Some of our Specials FREE Gold or Comfort' Soap Sc per bar 18; bars for 41.00 Laundry Soap 8 bars 200 15 bars for, $1,00 Extra quality brooms 90c For your friend or boy overseas, on yourpur- chases of $1 worth of overseas goods -Cake of Palmolive Soap do - imbed with parcel. A FULL LINE IN STOOK Fruit Savers -our bulk Corn Syrup 10c lb. y JellPowclers- McLaren's, 2 pkgs 25c Tea Special - 131ack or. mixed O6c lb, 5 lbs 48.00 JOHNSON & COMPANY Retail Grocer License No. 8-7241 "THE STORE Ole QUALITY" Phone orders promptly cared for. PHONE 111. FOR SALE -FORD CAR, 1918, good condition. -Apply Rev. W. Ashe-Everest, Bayfield. -59 WANTED -BY ONTARIO STREET Church, a Janitor. Applications received by C. 14, Nolland. -64 WOULD THE RESIDENTS OF Clinton who have not yet ordered their anthracite coal please leave their order with Chief Wheatley or A. J. Holloway by Saturday, Oct. 26th. Leave order in writing, stat- ing what amount of coal, , if any, they have on hand at the present time. Clinton, Oct. 24th. -Wm. Grant, Local Fuel Commissioner. 04-1' FOR SALE-CHIICKEN PEN AND wire, in good condition. -Mrs. T, McKenzie, Jr., King street. -63 RANGE FOR SALE. -A HAPPY Thought range, in good condition. Call forenoons and evenings. -Mrs. Walter Ding. -63 FOR.SALE-1918P I R FITTED FORD D with Hassler Shock Absorbers, two good spare tires and tubes, also 50 gallon gasoline tank. Lot com- plete $050. -Apply Drawer 13, Clin- ton. -59 TO THE RATEPAYERS "0F GOD- erich township -Owing to the short- age of help the Banks will not re- ceive taxes as formerly. You are advised to have money or cheques on Goderich or Clinton Banks ready or to remit by mail, -R. G. Thompson. 63-3 PRIVATE; SALE OF HOUSEHOLD Furniture -Royal Oxford range, nearly new, four -burner Perfection oil stove, bedroom suites, tables, chairs, book -case, kitchen cabinet, Pouches, refrigerator, wardrobe, baby cutter and general household enacts. -Mrs. T. McKenzie, Jr., Kim street. -63 A'1JCTION SALE Ole HORSES, Cows, Heifers, Calves and Pigs. - Thomas Gundry has been instruct- ed to sell by public auction on Lot 45, Bayfield Road, 14; miles below Clinton on Thursday, Oct. 31st, at 1 o'clock sharp, the followidg : Horses : 1 good work horse 0 years old, 1 good driving horse - Cattle : 1 cow .5 years old due in May, 1 cow 6 years old calf at foot, 1 cow 9 years old due in March, 1 cow 8 years old due in May, 1 cow 6 years old good milk- er, 1. cow 10 years old due in April, 1 2 -year-old Helfer with -calf at foot, 2 black heifers to calve in February, 2 Durham heifers to calve in February, 2 grey heifers to calve. in February, 1 Holstein heifer to-- calve in February, 2 Hereford heifers to calve in March, 6 steers, good feeders, 2 years old, 4 yearlings, 3 good spring calves, 1 brood sow, first litter, 7 youlrg pigs 7 weeks old at time of sale, This is all a choice lot and iu good condition. Steel -tired buggy nearly new. Guarantee : Any cow or heifer proving not to bo in calf within thirty days of time of sale note or money will he refund- ed, Teems : Alisuns of five dol- lars and under:, cash ; over that amount six months credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes dr a discount of 6 percent, per annrun allowed for cash on credit amorutts. Pigs to be cash. All stock to be, settled for befor%. leaving the premises.,. 74. A. troll - Orton, Proprietor ; 'rhos, Gundry, Anotioneer. 02-•2 PARING APPLES WILL BE RE ceived at the Evaporator any day from this date. Highest market prices paid. -A. Case, the Clinton Evaporator. -60 FOR SALE. -A NICE COUNTRY home containing 25 acres, Lot 46, Con. 2, li,R.S, Brick house, good orchard, etc. -Apply to Joseph Holmes, R.R. No. 5, Clinton, --63 HOUSE FOR SALE -0N RATTEN- bury street, 6 -roomed cottage, town water, good cistern, good garden, currant bushes, berry bushes, etc,, also a good stable, possession in the fall. -Apply to Mrs. S. Agnew;' Clinton. 58-4 GARFIELD MCMICHAEL-LICENS- ed Auctioneer for the County of Huron. Sales conducted in any part of the county.. Charges mod- erate and satisfaction guaranteed. Address : Seaforth, R. R. No. 2, Phone 18 on 236, Seaforth Central. -63 COURT OF REVISION, TOWN OF Clinton, -Notice is hereby given that the Court of Revision of tho town of Clinton will he held in the Council Chamber, Clinton, on Thursday, Oct, 81st, 1018, at 8 o'clock p.m. for the purpose of hearing and determining complaints against the Assessment Roll of -the said town for the year 1918, Per- sons having business at the said Court will please attend at the said time and place. -D. L. Mac- pherson, Cleric. 63-2 AUCTION SALE OF C•HUR,CH Property in tine Village of Bruce - field -The undersigned has instruct- ed Mr. Thos. Brown to sell by public auction Monday, Oct. 28th at 2 p.m. the following property c Village lot containing - acre mora or less on which is a frame build- ing 40x28 feet known as the Bruce- flelcl 11Ietltodist church, also a frame shed 75x224 ft, A cash sale will be made of church furnishings, chairs, seats, lamps, box stove, stove pipes, etc. The whole will positively be sold. Terms -For the property 10 percent, of pur- chase price day of sale, balance in 30 clays -Thomas Brown, Auction- eer ; R. P. Watson, Secretary Trustee Board, • 08-2 AUCTION SALE OF 1I0RSES, Cows, Steers,Calves, Sheep " and Pigs Mr, T: Gundry has been in- structed to sell by public auction on lot 33, Con. 7, Hullett, ,} mile from Summerhill on 'Tuesday, Oct. 291:11, at 1 o'clock sharp,, the following : llorses-1 good mare 4 years old supposed to be in foal to Mosstrooper Champion, 1 good mare 3 years old supposed to be in foal to Mosstrooper Champion, 1 driving mare work single or double not afraid of autos, 1 sucking colt sired by Baitneritto. Cattle -1 cow 0 years old to freshen in January, 1 cow 0 years old to freshen in March, 1 heifer 8 years old to freshen in February, 1 cow 0 years old to freshen in April, 1 cow 4 years old to freshen in Match, 1 farrow heifer, 7 steers 2 years old 0 calves. Sheep -16 good breed- ing ewes, 1 good Leicester ram. Pias -1 brood sow, 12 young pigs -10 weeks old. About 50 hens, Terms -:All sums of $10 acid uurier, cash; -over that amount 6 months' credit on approved joint notes, or discount at 6 percent. per" annum for cash on credit amounts, All stock must be satisfactorily settled for before leavitsg the premises. -0, L, Tyner, Proprietor; T, Guhdry, Auctioneer. 63-2 $$$$$4$$4$$$$$$$ 4 $ FALL TEAM FROM SEPT, $ p Ord $ $ $$$$$$$.$$$$$$$$$ in Shaw's Business Sehools, Toronto, Free Catalogue on request. Write to W. H. Shaw, Pres,, Yonge and Ger- rard Ste,, Toronto, FOR SALE -A GOOD SECOND hand organ.. Apply to ' News -Record or Box 148, Clinton,. X54 FARM FOR SALE. -ONE HUN - died °eros, best of soil good buildings, aloe° to school and church ; 4;i• miles from Clinton, Apply A. E. Matheson,, R, 2, No. 3, Seaforth, Phone 17 on 614, Clinton Central. -61 APPLES WAN'T'ED -THE HIGH est price paid for good peeling.ap- ples at- the Bayfield Evaporator.-'- E. F. Merner, Bayfield. -60 WANTED -LIVE POULTRY, leV- ery Tuesday morning up to ten o'elock, A. E. MoAsh Bt Son, Var- na. -60 HOUSIr, FOR SALE -6 -ROOMED frame house, 14 stories high, on Princess street ; stone foundation; good cellar under kitchen ; town water " and Large cement cistern ; garden and chicken house. Will be sold on easy terms. For par- ticulars apply to Arthur Cook, Clinton. -61 PRODUCE WANTED. - HIGHIEST market prices paid for Dried Ap- ples, Butter and Eggs.-Cantelon Bros., Clinton. Phone 13. Canada Food Board License Nos. 8-18067, 3-1414. -61 ANY PERSON OR PERSONS trespassing or destroying property on the premises of the estate of the late William H. Woods will be prosecuted according to Iiayfleld, Sept. 4th, 1018.-1. M. Woods, 57-17 HOUSE FOR SALE -2 STOREY frame house, corner of Townshend and I{irk streets, 18 good repair, electric lights and town water. - Apply on premises to Mrs. L. Stong. -40 HOUSE FOR SALE -COMFORT - able 6 -roomed house on corner of Huron and North streets ; town water and soft water cistern; good garden. For particulars apply on premises to Mrs. J. Mulholland. 56 HOUSE FOR SALE -GOOD FRAMVIE house on Rattenbury street, west. 8 rooms, sleeping porch, summer kitchen and woodshed. Good cel- lar, furnace, electric lights, town and soft water. Garden with fruit trees and a chicken house. -Apply on premises to Miss Southcombe. -52 FARM FOR SALE -COMPRISING Lots 32 and 33, Con. 7, Hullett township, 113 acres of itmproved farm land, 4, mile from school and village, 4 miles from town of Min- ton. Frame house, hank barn and shed, young orchard, small bush. Good well at house, runliing stream on farm. This is an extra good pasture farm, all seeded except 30 acres. Terms on application. -C. H. Tyner, R.R. No. 1, Clinton. -59 FARM FOR SALE -024 ACRES OF splendid farm land in good state -of cultivation. On it are a comfort- able storey and a half brick house with new steel roof, a good cellar, a barn 40x60 and straw shed 22x28 with foundation under all, room to tie up 28 head of cattle and 5 horses besides 8 box stalls, root room, feed room, separator room and harness room. Cement floors throughout except 2 box stalls and root house. A stone pig pen 24x24, a hen house 24x10 and a drive shed 20x30. There is a never failing spring creek, a good well and cis- tern, about 14 acres of orchard. This is a desirable property 24; miles from Clinton, good . gravel road. I want to sell at once as health makes it -necessary for me to give up farming for the present. Would sell stock, implements and crop if so desired. -Apply Leonard 311. Weir, Lot 27, Con. 4, Hullett, Dunton P. 0. -49 More Coal AIthough we are getting a certain amount of hard coal the fuel con- troller persists in advising us to supply substitutes and we now bravo in stock the following FOR PRIVATE HOUSES we baro some beautiful CANNEL Oti L and COKE either of which burns cleanly and gives tremendous heat. FOR THRESHING AND FUR- NACES we have the ordinary SOi" r COAL. In some of the American States they are not allowed to burn anything better in furnaces. FOR IILACKSMITIIS we now have a large Supply of geltuine KLEANWELD SMITIIING which has always given entire satisfaction, We also have large stooks in Cem- ent, Lumber, Shingles, elm, and respectfully solicit your inquiries. J. B. MUSTARD BRUCE FIELD Call us up at our expense, we are here to give SERVICE, Pltoao 018 -11. 01=4 YOUR, (LOTTIES CLEANED RD, paired anti Pressed and ' at the shortest possible ,noti.ee, beth Lad- les' ent! Gentlemen's clothes. We guarantee to do gond Werk ; ere prepared to French Pry Olean I adios Suits, Gent's ,Sults and all lcizlde el Woolen clothing including Sweat - ors, etc, All orders 'promptlyl at- tended to, Rooms over Huantford's grocery store -Wm. .7. ,Jago, --00 Clinton's Leading lleweler9 Store Goods are right, Always bought from the hest makers and prices the last est in town, • -Don`t forget to see the service rings in 1, 2 and 3 leaves, the very latest novelty, neat and attractive, only $1.00. -A nice line of Jewelery, Rings, Broaches, Pins, Cull Links, Watch Chains and Fobs, Waldemar and Dickens,, -Clocks by the celebrated. Gllbett people, makers of clocks for sixty- five years, also some Pequignats, -Silverware, mostly Rogers' and Community, Cut Glass and Brass Goods. Still a few pieces of China left, -Come; in and have your eyes tested and haVe your lenschang- ed before, you ruin your eyes. Don't try to use lens that don't suit you. -Eyes tested free and satisfaction guaranteed. R. H. JOHNSON Jeweler and Optician (Next to Hovey's Drug Store) GIRLS ANTED! WE CAN GIVE EMPLOYMENT TO 'A PEW MORE KNIT., TERS, ETC, APPLY AT ONCE, Clinton.Knitting Co. LIMITED. LIVE Poultry WANTED HIGFIEST MARKET PRICE W. MARQUIS R.R. No. 1, Clinton • Phone 14-638 THE COHNER STORE Live and Let Lave NOTICE Flaving disposed of my grocery business I wish all accounts out- standing settled. As it is de- sirable that my business he wound up promptly any accounts still out- standing by November 5413 will have to be placed in other hands for col- lection. E. E. HUNNIFORD Canadian Food Control -License No. 8-3128 Phone 4 5 ORDER A SACK of mit flour next time and you'll find a great improvement in your baking and cooking of all kinds in which flour is used. The best people use our flour because they have learn- ed by experience of its superiority. You'll surely do so too some day. Wiry not at once ? Highest Prices for Grain and Weal. W. Jenkins, & Son. FLOUR AND 1117ED4 Elevator Prion 199 Residence 4.142 Retail License Ido, 0-2308 Wholesale License No,, 12-82 isimississessis PARCEL• A sample box for eYerSeas Christmas parcels I tin chieicen I: rich Xmas -cake 1 tin pineapple 1 tin Chaco King 1 box raisins 3 bars nut milk chocolates 2 pk3s, gum 1 pkg. Ingersoll cheese 1 pkg, fancy biscuits,; The Hub Grocery Canada Food Board License No, 8-2495 ARE YOU PREPARED ['Off -WINTER? Is your Furnace in good condition? If not, have it overhauled by T. Hawkins. Do not wait until the snow flies and we are rushed, Agent for Hecla Furnaces THOS. HAWKINS. PHONE 53, Shiop over Rowland's Hardware, A FULL LINE OF Flog and Feed ALWAYS ON HAND Car toad of Government Standard HOG FEED HIGHEST PRICES FOR GRAIN , fa. 0♦ Ford &Mod License No. 9-2109 Live Poultry WANTED 1,000 HENS • 1,000 CFIICKENS 500 DUCKS t each week at our, Poultry Feeding Plant for the balance of 1918. Pric- es paid according to quality, and fancy prices paid for large properly! fattened milk -fed chickens. Ee•� NEW LAID EGOS Meatless days are making very high prices for eggs. Although grain prices are high it will pay you to take special care of your flock of hens and pullets. r.•.. GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. CLINTON N, W. Trewartha, Phone 190 Manager or Hoimeavlile 4 on 1491 Canada Food Board -License No. 7-001 CREAM WANTED! Wo will buy your cream and guar. ante() you- HIGHEST PRICES ACCUR'A.1111 RECORD PROMPT RETURNS ENTIRE SATISFACTION Write us for cans. We supple► them. Pay express charges, Pay, you for the cream you ship twice each month. Carefully weigh, sett- pie and test each can and send you a statement, Write today, prtces Are high, Agents .: ! J Walton -W. G. Neal linhurn-hall & Con ti'arna-13eatty Brea, Seaforth Ct'ea><tery Co. Bei 436 , „; SEAF01Trf, O14'17.. 1