HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1918-10-24, Page 2reeseamme
10, D. ileTAOG rt
It. 1). 1,/ OT A fl fl A ill
a1.1..pSvid) 6I4
ro3111 A1,0 WY1E,11 run,
leST-eTR Pale !Mtn ?Bailee.
ANCE isicritglg.ENT.
#1.1 :VTOL
v. Utti'DON1111. .
VOTARY' runi.ic, ZTC
Mare- lelene Blare -CLINTON
lit . 0, 4A31E:RON Keen
BA R itl fa' Ell, SOLICITOR,
e t.lON V EY A le MLR, ETO.
antes ea Albert Street :steeped be
r. II ettper.
In Clintens eso every Thursday.
sad 011 any day for which ay-
mantineute •re sna.de. Olheit
team trete 9 a et. to 8 p.m
A goed vault in ernenecticus wit),
the effiee. Office open every
were day , a. Beeper yr ill
make ruy appoint:zoom tor Mr,
Office cans at Itis residence, cop.
Bigh and Kirk streets.
Office Hours; -L80 to 3.30 p.m., 7.30
to 9.00 p.m. Sundnys 12.30 to 1.30
Other hours by appointment only.
Office and Residence -Victoria St.
Conveyancer, Notary Public,
'. Commissioner, Ete.
Iesuer of Marriage Licenses
P lefelta
Cleansed Aurtleneer for Ma Camel,
ad Berea.
respo nth. nes p romptly r.n a wrr
Immediate arraogomenta can he
4414.4 I for Sales Date at The
Ver,e•tlecord. Clinton. or laa
ealtine, Phosie 12 se lilt.
Cbarges moderate awl eatiatiletere
tea rentesset
Sole Agent for
Milton and D. D. & L. Coal
We are going to glee every person
a load of coal as the names appear OR
the order book and must insist on pay
merit being made for same enime-
diately after delivery.
This is necessary as deliveries will
be extended well on in to the fall
anenths. ,
We also have on hand a stock of
Canada Cement.
At Your Servlee
Box 127, Clinton - Phone 100.
(Wormetey of )1rucerseen
Ant for
Tito Nuron 'es Erie Mortgage Cow
poration and The Canada
Trust Company
Cortne'er IL 0. of J., Couveyaueer,
Piro and Tornado Insurance,
Notary Public
At Brumfield on Wednesday each
Trairie will arrive at and depart
from Clinton Station as follows:
Going east, depart • 0.18 rem.
2.58 Mem
Going West, am 11.301 clp, 11.10 axe
" ar. 0,08, elp. 0,45 p.m.
e , 11.18 pen,
Going South, .21'. 7.33,11p. 7.00 a.m.
(I II Is
4.15 pan,
Going North, depart 0.40
e a 10,30, 11.11 2.711,
The MoKillop , Mutual
Fire insuranoe Company
Heed office, SeafortA, Ont,
Preelden 1,' Jale as Connolly, Godorich;
! Vice., James /11Yans, BeechwoOdi
, $ec.-Treasurer, Tilos, E, Ilaye, Sea.
Direct:we: aeorge liSoCartney, Ses,
forth; 1). V, liteareger, Seeforth; e.
0. Orieve, Waftou; Wm, Rin 1, Boa.
forth; 111, llotten, 011ntoo; Retort
! Ferries, Ilarlock; John.. Ilennoweir,
. Prodbagen; jos, ConnollY, Cloderich.
. Agents": Alex Leitch, Clinton; 1 IV,
s Yeo, Cadarialn ud, 1111101110z Senforth;
, ,W. Chesney, Egrnonclvills; IL a Jar.
' glitali, Broditc.on.
1 Any tliObt • he be paid ea mity 114
PAN to titO Or til 0001/11 Ca,, Clinton,
et at Cott's rtieery, ao In:1cl
Parties desith,g tO t oot insuratisa
oi, tra»aact oilier bushiest will be
' promptly attended to on application te
tiny of the obeys officers addressed to
Lam): veApectivs post offiee, LOVIOX
;ti,,,Doatad 143, tlia dirootog volio Uvol
'1,6ataat ilia 080110, , ‘ ,.
Iis of euffielent goneeal Interest, it wM be ansevereil through tills column. If
\.‘4,fr — •
By Agroneatha.
Thle Department le for the use of our farm readers wile want the Advice
of an expert o ny queation men Mina soll, +mod, crepe, etc If your question
I 'tamped mai adareseed envelope is enclosed with yoor letter, a. comfaele
' ariewer will be mailed to you, Address Kgeonomist, care of Wilson Publishing
CO, Ltd., 73 Aeeleitle St W., TOPORt9,
enhe Sterege of Potatoes.
Tile lessee Mem improper storage
Of pate -epee are of far greeter etron-
oznie importance then is generally
realie(ed. Tlieee leases are bronght
About by a variety of A3.etora whioh
may be grouped in three divisions, -0.g,
payeleal, mechanic:el end pathological.
-The chief Rea from physsical fae-
tore le brought &milt -by the storage
nf imeratithe atock. Potatoes that are
to be stored should be thoroughly ripe,
that to, the stalks should be deed,
and the tubers shound adhere firmly
to the ateme. Potatoes- may have
their abeam preinaturely killed sit, as
M resemble a natural death by. being
attacked' by late or eerly blight, rhe
zootonia, the flea beetle or potato bug,
bet peen. examination the -Where un-
der vele plants will he found imma-
ture and unfit .for best storage re-
sults, Frost bitten and sunburned
sego come in this divielore
The meth:inn-al factors that brought
about losas 111 stmage are chiefly about
by careless handling of the crop at
harvest time, such as broloon, muck-
ed or thipeled tubens dug to improper
diggieg and rough usage in gethernig
the crop. The elightest instiey to
the Skill of the potato leys it open to
invasion of myriads of decay produc-
ing epores, which, when given the pro-
per conditions mill rapidly oreed de-
cay through the entire lot.
Under the .fathological factoits
come the tubers affected by dieeaee.
Undoubtedly the late blight (Phyte-
pen-h.:ma infestans) is the most aim -
men, as Well as the most destructive.
Tubers affected by thaa disease are al -
moat certain to decay in eLorage; ns;r
is this decay confined to the diseased
'IeSaplY to thoi
healthy oneis, unless preventive men-
suree are employed, and perfect; stor-
age provided.
The decay of potatoes in storage c
may be caused by a number of e
organisms, while each organ-. p
ism may have its own particuler form
oh attack; still it is gratifying to
know that the remedial measures are
the same in each 58.00.
The foeownig vaggestions regard-
ing the seorage of potatoes, if fol-
lowed carefully, will mactically elis- 1
inmate the lessee frem decay of potn- 1
tee; in storage.
1. Spray your potatoes frequently
and carefully during the summer with e
Bordeaux mixture.
2. Delay digging your potntoes, if \
Dessible, until the tops are dead and a
3. Avoid. covering putatoen alter 1
they am dug, with the tops, to pretect
them front sun or frost.
4. Carefully ex,amine all •petatoee
to be stared, and remove immature, t
broken, ea aeked, (shipped, sue-bit:ten, a
frostbitten or (Hemmed Misers.
5. Never store your potatoes while f
web. 11
(3. Have the tubers free from dsirt.
If dirty, the :mil fele up the spaces
between the tulears and prevents the
circul,ation of sair.
7. Provide a dry mailer with abund.
ant ventilation, where the tempera- E
tore me be beteveen 84 and 40 degrecia
8. Iteeleathe storage mein asegol
as poesiele direeny After -the product
is stared.
9. Pill your bins gradually; by AO
'doing, the potatcee that are Put in
fiest have lost their Lela before thee,
are coyersed by aeether layer.
' 10. Gatefully gart your sterea
paten:sex tit iuteevals during storage,
and remove ali -harem showing signs
oe disease or decay.
Fertilizer's For 1919.
Now is the time fee the farmer to
pken hie emplane aor 191te and in do-
ing so to decide tepon weeet fertilitera,
if any, be purposes to use. Laet
spring -there was considerable disap-
pointment among' farmers, especially
among these who had delay,ett Meeting
their orders till a feve weeks before
the ceeeon opened, as there eves not
melee a shortage of material Mit
transportation facilitate WeTe 50211
that quick deliveries could net
be Made. ,There 13 1)0 prospect that
eon:Miens will bo beater next spring
and it therefore behooves the farmer
this llall to learduilly consider he;
neede, seen the prim and leaving
made his seneetion to place his orders,
ettpulating an early delivery. Co-
operation in ordering may effect the'
saving of e considerable amoont in
purehesag end freight rates: ,
During th.s levet ten years there hes
been considerrane intrease in the
number of faimere, in British Colum-
bia, Quebec, Ontario and the lelaritime
provinces using fertilizers, but unfort-
unately but a small percentage of
them have any definite knowledge of
the profiti. that may have reeutted
ram their 'application. Them will
always be a degree of unecetainty as
•egaede results train fertilizers, chief -
7 owing to the Tact that sea:enable
enaitione min not be predicted, but
with 'close observatiee from carefully
tanned work, a very great knowledge
may be gained se to the kind and
amount of fertilizer which will prove 1
profitable, A series of. adjacent plata s
on -fairly uniform soil, each with re
different amount er combination of
fertilizer and sawn to the same eroa,
minims tiee most, reliable 71102115 of
meting the meet profitable applica
tan, but if time and labor do riot per-
mit of the aeoption of this plan, a
trip of the field, well stakee, shoeld
e left tinfertilized and its yield
veighed against eliat of a similar sized
trip on the fertilized area. From
he tamale so obtained the peolit or
os from the Application el the forte
leer may he readily obtained.
A considerable saving nray 170 WU-
Ily effecaad by buying fertilizer in-
asediente, niteate of soda, sulphate of
minonta, eupembosehate, basic :slag,
te., theut by purchasing ready mixed
ertilieers, and this, coulee else fine
ethes valuanle informatiou for future
'Matinee. obtain:tine in eo other way.
Information and advice regarding
he use of fertilizers 'wile 1,o gleelly
given as far as may be medicable,
y the Division et Chemietry, Central
xperimentail FILM 0 1.171W11.
The beginner must underetaettl that
breeding 01N-2,3, to insure a good lamb
erop, requiem that a goodly proportion
of 11102r bulky feed during the winter
feeding' peeled, bet rich in probeide,
such, as alfalfa. a.nd eloyer hay -bone
anti muscle footi-with at least one- 1 tl i hi e
eauth side nelled open •all winter ae
pthetentive against •eotteel wool and
Deck ell lambs ail, alter 211 ra•nt
lambs aftee •week -and before
shearing time, lf •peeethle.
Dip ewes tied lambsseem after
shearing and repent tho dip in ten
days; otherwise the weak will have
been in emin,„,„•(linping (1)01 not
u I the ens, m (s later develop iato eenten
half pint of eats ewe 40 day for etteli teelee
ewe during the looL eale of the feed- 7 never bred ewee before Novamber
Sainple-Box Brings
Great Results
Chrooie Sufferera7 MAI Relief
Witronie auffeiers from Baelteelies
Greve], atoms in ttio Bleeder or Arty
other form of Kidney trouble are gem
prone willing to tly any remedy ones.
The oetauciatieg pain meted by
Itheemintlem, Lumbegoe &anise, he-
nanimettoe of the Bladder or .20210
other form of Kidney trouble, ie 00
great, ilea 301000 .tillliked are often
&Bee 19 vending large suns of motley
in tin euileavor to find relief at any
This is proven by the testimony of
euedrecle ef people aqui bp,ve writtell
us later$ et:Mug "that having failed
tas,fiaa reliefniteter yore of twill%
they turned to 71n Pille as a leet
reaort-and a sample hox of those pills
9071/1 50711'11108a them that'ela Pills W22
the remedy they neelled.”
Tied is all we ask you to AR. Try a
taix of Gin Meet our expose and if
they fail to bring you the relief they
have brought to hundreds of others
whits similar Kidney deraegements, it
mete you_nothing,
Mrs. Deebene writes:
"I received your ample box of e
Gin Pills, and they have done mo
allot of good. 1 ean congratulate
myself on having thou, and I
evil! never be without thorn inlay
This testimony front a woman weo
was skeptical (about buying Gin Pala
'should convince you that a sample box
is,troll worth writing for. Do it to-
day. Addeess:
The National Drug 44 C;bomioal Co.
of Meade., Limited, Toronto,' Castario.
la FS, residents should addreas
Cm, Ince 2e8 Mate St., Buffalo, N.Y. 103
.0•11001100 0.•••••01.101•WOMM.6•61.W.
Alfalfa hey is a splendid horse
feed but mug be fed with judgment
and care. Beerrase of its palatability,
mature hersee are likely to eat to
mogh if tlrey /lave free access to it.
First and seemel cutting alfelte which
13 free from enold and dust is beet for
mature horsee. Horses like alfalfa
stems. The refuse front cettle melee
ie very atmentable to horstss.
The beet alfalfa hay foe home is
that which was 'allowed to stand um
eveli in bloom before cutting.
Growing draft colts...are seldom in-
jured by eating too much alfalfa,
along with eats. Drale mares, heavy
in -foal, may 'suffer attack.; of impac-
tion if they aro anoeved to me to the
racks and are not forced to take ex.
Good, welleolored alfalfa is of
practieaely the mune coulee-sit:ton as
wheat bran and is of equal value to it
in the horse ration.
AlTalfameal la -used 115 a partial'
substitute fOT oats in the grain ration
TOT horses in city etables. Cate ate
04 tn hleh , 3011)01811103 9001
in quality. Some feeders nse the an
felfammal wall molasses added M it,
while othere me et it dry. Molasses
is retie:bed by horses and meenie te
tone em the sys-ton.
. Pall on the Pareen
Ale the glerieue entes •of fall;
Days of pempkin pies and -
Other meseous combinations
Of film cookery rations,.
With the year's herd work moet done,
Seerne like livines ;Mgt begnn.
Thee to Imetehe and meter 'mune,
Lift your eyes above the ground; -
Se th • d paintedt r.,
Loafing, in the eun. eame-
Melaneholy? Not at teta
S Hif3 SRCON1) I
PON 311E/4 ALPIC 'TM IT.14Ct.
ilAVt. 'TO WATCH "I'RE 51tilltf<,
- 4450020.....,
flOn 5Pf.A14111C fOR LON
Precautione Against Cholera.
Nearly every fall there are out-
breaks of hog ebolera. When chol-
era is in the neig.hbood, imalthsy hoge
may be kept free from the diseese by
cleaning the feed Tots, breeding pens
and hog shelters, and clieinfecting
them tvith a good desief ect,ant. Keep
the hogs away from streams; public
highways mu] neigabors' lots. Been
"carrion" whioh attracts dogs,
buzzards 'and mews. Scare away all
etray dogs, pigeone and Englieh
sparrows. Stay awey from infeets
ed I el' the' ehb 11 1, 1)1 5(3
keep visitors oat of 'the hog lets tin -
leas their shoes have been properly
dieinfected. Disinfeet recently
purchased h-oge end querantine them
for two weeks er longer. Vaccinate
with serum alone to prevent the de-
velopment of the dieease in recently
reirchaeed hogs.
. When chat:ere er other sitetnees cw-
cure 111 your herd, eeparate the sick
animals promptly and confine them
in a stet. or closed ell hen
Can a veterinarian to tell whether the
die:ea-ea is cholera. If Chatera is pre-
sent, vaccinate ael the hoge -which nre
mildly infeeted. Do not teetete serum
051 Tioge in an advanced etitge of thee
ere. ens) burn witheut delay
any hogs that are Tatany Dean -
tete lhe ken thoroughly, burn All rule
hish und litter, white -wash the bean -
Inge and scatate freshly Flaked lime
• about the eheas and att.
llow To Make Money.
'flussre is an oppoetunity in most
localities Tor beri and girls to develop
a little bteeiness ley gathering dry
pine.neeelles, Tor beading. nests • in.
the thicken house. They are bettor
than .htraw, or any othea. netterial I
know of for .thie purpoze, because lice
ar mites will not live or breed in them.
liesidea, they have tendency, to clean
sued brighterethe plumage itsf the helve
They can be t pond in almost any wood.
lot and are easily gathered -,111 bags,
eDear etre soldier 1)0Y s
111,.0t lead, Ter ea se- you tine mother
-wite be glad to teem Viset I have
Lanett the fleal tette in the corA,
0c11/4001, receive -1 my eonerniezion 5.1
licutenent thia Meriting, ;'30/11004
the ecilettes elm twee to beat MO 21
the univeesity mathernetiee 011.1
in (dreaintry laidect lo Imes; they collet
not stand the grime 1 :se not crow
mg over them, ef (entree, but 1 can't
'help feeling set tip a little over real
flint coin/nisei:re, for, it I do see. it, f
workea enel thotight of you
And mother, antT I wee Snead I»
The int:idle-aged couple who hod
given to the 'service their only son
read 'his letter with teem of pride.
"lees boy is doing well," sale the
father, as he ?erased it a second 'tame.
" 'Lieutenant' sounds rigat to see. We
211115t not forget, to adarees his lettere
that way. has earned 1111 title,"
The reettneis munnured aesent and
tenderly platted the letter wile the.
otsbere that the boy had written since
leaving 'home.
A year afterwardsereletter front the
Loy tame. from asomewhere at the
front," hisaising the mark of the "Y. 141;
C. A." and in the handwriting of e
Red &eve RU1'4'0. T1715 el the way ,
It ran, in parte
"I leave been hero three menthe,
sme they tell tne you leave bean kept
informed of my coneition. 'Pieta ia
Ole fleet time I have been able to die'
tate a lettere' (Here followed an ace
emelt of the -engagement in Which hs.
had been wounded.) "Wiele lying1
in this heapital I 'ewe had 31 menerle,
able experionee. There are five na-;
tionalities in my ward, and the Red•
Groes administers its wonderful eel
to us all Linke, of course. A few
nighte ago, in a sort of -waking
1 enemed to sea these nations littLinea
up beeeething lianas for help to beI
liftea out of clarknese into light. Then
a figure =no walking through the,
Ward all in white, arid it woo the t
ChrLet. Ile stopped by my cot, 'linen
. I heard llim (my as plasm es ever
heard pea 00 moeher speak, '1 cone -
mission you, wIth thousande ue others!
Tbe genuine cdci reliable )Io0,1's
SarsuParilla ewer:sets the *sea (media
Bun 'ire the blood. and bniele up the
whole ssietene It drives out themes!,
teern beeanse 3 deem:et the bleed.
It has been sneeessfolly mad for
forty years' in many iliomande of.
eases the world over,
Tiler° is no better 03 seedisefer 81,in
and blooa diecaees, for eas of tippet
tile, rheumatism, eloineeh. and kid-
ney tronbles, general delnister end en
ills wising frain impure, inepoyee.
, lobed, devitalized blood,
It IS unnecessary to suffer. start
treatment at mice. (let it bottle ne
Iluod.'s Sarsaparilla from vete neer-
est druggist. Yost rin be please.1
with the lessels.
• e
like you, to protieli the armee! -to the
world Viet has riot hee el or heeded it.'
"AII thee 17415.ea eleur to me ae any
•real happeeing. It W2 1 a real•ley-
peeing, muniet describe yee tee
wonderful leeauty of that figere es ie
mane down betweee (mai. But L
loe Ilay there that nigbt, Salle to my
.Lord and Master that e weala aeeept
3115 coentniszien, If ara apeae(I,
will envie back as a goeael wee -en -gin'
to fight the battle fee eouls. 1 have.
received my asee-orei commiseion fathee.
awl it is greeter teen the ile.st, done
yOu think?"
Is that visiott. of the pning lieetem
ant eamirtg eo thousand's • of young
men easter the war is over? They
have been living the Bee ef. adventure
21R1 excitement. It will me be easy
for them to :male down te tile com-
monplaces of civic elle beeineee lire.
Bet the 'world Ito open to the
great adventule cf the emspel mese
senger 014. never before, nation*.
that have the leene ot the Christ aele
out te them through the Red Crest
and the Young etilan'..s- Cheisitine Ate
sopiation, and •the other agenclea er
mercy, will be reitee al tsetse. benne
to aceept Hine • May the e beim of
Him and hie geitat commiseion come
to elm young 11101 /10W in tbe fiebtlier
ranka as -it came to Ibis one in the
hospital "•over elterane-
Green corn :mop eel be neele from
rice stork.
By Andrew r Currier, 111 D.
Dr. Currier will aniver all signed letters pretataIng to Health. It teen
9481.10n Is of general Interest it will bo answered through these COlt1M113
12 E01, 1 will be me:veered personally if stamped, addressed envelope Is ea.
Gored. Dr. Currier will not prescribe for individual cases or make diagnoses.
catddscre,:s9t.DareorAonedto.rew E. Currier, care of Wilson Publishing Co, 73 Adelaide
C. W. Re-leor two or three years I
hasse suffered from periodic attacks,
-which the sympteme are: A. smi-
tten partial blindnese, ie which half
of 2/1 ubject rimy be visible, the other
part a blank, -the 'light Ilaehing
better deserlption than flashing would
be "bedtime) before my eyee, the
eight beteg confused and alincese
this conditiorenvill last for a few mi-
nutes, 'the sight then clear, and a
lesesiseehe mimes on in the locality of
ehe eyes, eteling 1111157 hiall 11011/' 01'
SO• my head feees deeey anti I .ssn in-
clined to reel when I walk, there is
also a heavy feeling in the heael,
when water is taken in the cern in
bathing; ray own voice will Nye e far
away :mend. The. 11tb2C1Z5 (70120 at
intervale ,of few weeks, a fen,
months, or it may be only a few days
""a ghe" to get Sillem for " I have' thoagla the (meditate May
be due to a elleorner of •the liver, or
of the kidneyse Have you any tree -
tine that you think would he valeeble
to me?
Th symptoms of wheel). yeu -com-
plain are perfecely familiar to any
physician of even moderate expert
_once and' they may he attribut-
able to other eon:Mame they enewer
quite well 1-0 the rubric welch ie k»own
111 eammon langeitge as bilionsneee.
Vaia is a eerie of which. writers of
inctlicel text booke fight shy of for
it ie hieking evesitneee and does
not define inue•h of anything.
, • e .a e
Living's great in days of fell. .enit be healt tip with city eeople who
keep chicken.
To kill off all the creeks would 11035
'ma trouble; of our era solve, •
For to the cranks we mem a lot
In making wheels al; times revolve.
In preeeryieg with honey, use 0110
cupful of honey to three eirpfuls of
ing period.
'•0hI2,andlater,astenthenna comee
'flee "et 01 eeileteating 1)00ed101(3 with a Imam sen aftee April 15, at it
ewes 33 more than balanced In. the 'lime viten the, 01017.1 are on geese,
•fieece, with market prices placed upon' and (toad leant) out in 'the wild Pp.
the food, and then some. Whether tares (luring the daa with Belle daie
wool sells for twenty cents or fifty I
;gm' of losing lan.lis expesufe. I
fit if 3701.11! fie& properly eared for. amen erne „Awed the, lete at tee
The fleece of a wellekept bend of „erten.; lam et „es. eaebe dropped
_cents pound, tis he lambs are clear pro -1 alsW417,3 penned up heavy ewes at enn.
ewes will average see'en pounas, It' eyeing the ee „Ay al ;tee
a very kw entimete anti I eten mere ((trona end itidependent, Li this way
Many of our eheep men report reeeh , year's proli(s wits eaved ;lint a
bot 101 average ape). I Melee inexpensive ettentioe at the 310 -
Tho lemb crop •of well cued for .pet, time,. •
fleck should be not less than one . 0,e
very modest estimate. (Thie seems meela„5 they
'3000 1015110531 S101'o lo 115
hundred per emit
Provide wen -lighted wham' goal,.
tors, free faom draft or north, tetet
end west wines, with 'wide doors on
WANTED 2t4trrl,
eagheet Pelotas Pak!
Prompt Returnse-No Commission
so menswears 114l33*44 St4111,244/1
of all lands,
bettor quality preferred.
Write for prices.
128 Mansfield let. s, Montreal
You Want the, Ofghes
Market Prioaz
Stip all your
Lo us. --,'We pay all express charges,
To bustuess ror 110 Terme)
LOU 14 AtliNtiVITOH, Manager
110 St, Pool St. W. Montreal, 0,4;
Reference, 'Dank ot Irpcholaga, St,
Itenty. Arentreel.
A common and troublesome para-
site afreeting fowls ,is tbe 10031 1)41,0,
Nvben these heeonet suffeeteetly 1/117112T -
nue they not only infest the neste, but
other parts of the poultry bourse, e51-
1p:11eny eracke mai erevices, 110 well
8 the -meets. These mikes are numb
like tiny' spiesere in appearance end
are often milled splits:elks by pea31ry-
101 511tOo.stanit.es are enmity exterminated
by applying coal oil to sill infeeted
parts of the beading. As prey:Intl-on to
esettee than cure, 11 3)0131) tAl, paint the
rootte every Tone or six weeks in ‚10111
101' time and every two weelm during
the WADI) event -lien 005 ib is in the
presence of heat that the popts in-
crease MOM. rapidly And etee nioet
ire Wye .
, Cleen neses imam clean eggs, Do
itot emid dirty eggs 'to =plug. rtob off
1,110 di I t -sy th 'Ai ghtly ea tepee ed
evoollers rag, . Cider vinegar will re -
Move Washed .oggs do' net
1teep3 AS the gelatinous substance is
removpd whirl) aeals the poi -es of the
she11,fand when this is removed air
is admitted and &Composition begips,
lly the iron in our mountains,
I33/ (ho power in our rivero,
117 L11 e hervm,i, or our priiiyius,
Ily '010 Siini Or our inve»tiens,
lly the tourrign of 011/,' tO111U1',43
„lly Flia 0111 (It (La allov,a na,
We Phan 311n (me Ws shall eolor...cr,
°ember -had no hetherfliem sine ;to elm
Iota Jack Froet
To make a »Innen eight away, 110
matter what it mot;
50 jack Prost; painted tea. the 1E27'03
a lovely red awl brown;
The wind then thook the. lumethees
hard to 101510 them _thane' down.
- .....
By It. G Kirby.
in Planning crope the farmer ehould
etudy the law of eepply and demand
as it applies eo the agricueture of his
commuulty. Even. m time of war Elie
law cannot die ignored. Foe example
a city Tamer, inspired by petelousen
rented land and planted (1 10 turntps.
Re mateoneil 'Betts in tear -thee every
kind of food world be ill great. il(3.
mand. lee raised a large erop of
temape and :famei no demand aor
them in hie community; Hie market;
was semplled. The geocere et the (ley
bail litIlo rieneind far turnip. . The
law of aupply arid demand 'wee work -
Mg and the crop 13114 tutprolitable.
The Arnim' mie eafely base his
plaits on the esteblishod proctire of
the community, . A 71000 ulea man
be fine but poseibly it bete been trimi
and found uneatlefnetory. Farm -ems
who eondect their beeineza :Bete es-
tablished lines will 13113 thal they 1110
teeny catering to Amply ane. demand.
This year, wheat Le erop that 13
earsnot ean vow with Peaty becatme
of the demand, Men who pronuee
wheat knew. that, the -re ix to reek' in
findin3 a market. They know taat
wheat is. In deneene the world orer,
The'groteing oe beanie livesecusk tend
staple cropsi ie safe beesome or the de-
mand, e
Some rainnere find It 1131$5 10 grow
crop for amarby eaneing eacborie.s.
the :ennead IA there stud will 'wee -Le a
numkot for their erope, To a seetton
Vi1111011 11. Panning factory the Muter
cannot 'mite A large amount ot martain
yips weillont, melt beeleiee of ineelle
caret dentands
Some inexperienced observers criti-
cize farmers because they follow more
or less 151 tho ways or their fathers.
$ometimeo it la oulled rut,"
orion it is 000loloo Homo rorm
menegement, Many good farmers
have discovered that the risks or farm.
big are grant enough 'withoui gii‘owing
crops which are Mt en deniami,
h dairyman who starts with pure-
bred gook is playing see if )14 4090(4
a lamed -lid/mated to lite community. lee
can -sell bis enrplas easily 21 good
pricee. Moro of his neighbors ma), -
Purchase a bull from hlm, The com-
munity assoviation may bold amstions
Which w111 bring many buyers from
diet:nit parts who wiN pay good
preses for ammals. 31 be 0)CAS51
breed lees popular in the commintity
he will have lees chance to melte
money beetutse there will be lees do -
1 •
mated for his stock. net. is 03511
certain Holstein and Guerneey eentres
210 prosperoos And build up national
eeputaelone, T'hat, demand makes
the busieees mace:meld. If a breed-
er 0111)1 ill10 311311 2 section And at-
tempted to intild up a herd of a (life
fereta breed las chances of, 81150055
would be greenly reduced Isecaulto 1)0
igeered the demand for pure-bred
stocle of the breml 15.313101(37 3103)111(5 in
that commenily.
The poultryeem etbo epecielizess
wIth a popular breed will stand .more
thaece or eueecee than one wen selects
a Jemmy limed, seldom 8050 W1111 (11
1111:01 54 his honie, • There he a
dernend, levee:se the breed. is popular.
The rare (11 0551 is 1101 311 deemed; ((01)'
05110013±'.y FL110 .or breeding sleek end
leaching egge will Ise diffisult to ob-
The popularity of elrapreveti White
Iltillees Barley and ilfaerpris mheat
are examples of thee law. Favenere
are learnina the merles of thee* Imre
Wee and coneequently the deemed eor
theta to good, leaymere wets etinlv
demand end teen to furnish the sep-
ply, cat»niate their 1:o'31 1(3 mere pro-
fitable, while those who experimont
wail (mops or unknown value will
make little progress,
1)0 truit growing the demands of
the buyors must be carefoliy consid-
ered. certain varieties of aPPla 353130
in &Mend end command good prices,
Other varieties eve Odra vlifficult, to
marIcet. Mixed orchards do not at-
tract buyers like solid bleelps of
standard varieties, , 4 4 • • •
It euggeets eureondition in which
bile may be eireulating in the blood,
Ter taose who are bilious are .eterfaen1.-
iy inutile -sal, anti jaundice moms that
bile pigment has been taken oet 54 tho
mood current ana slepoeited in elm
11 eorreeponde elso to 'the con•de
i•ion which is sufficiently meet lieovi.n
among the -tatty 113 eieleheadache, ehe
diestmese end dieturned visme laomg
followed within half at) imer or en
hour by 51 mare- or lees intenee heads
mho, with want of -appetite end 1/00'
0)3)133 natmea line vomiting.
It lias teemed ,to ene, ae I have
elated, that that condition evas of-
ten due -to dilittrbance at the bile
secreting fursslion -of the liver, teat it
inty else) be essoelated with disseime
of the kidneys, with chronie lerightee
disease eel/at:bane 3' 01' those who have
31 00131133 er infrequently co -m -
plain of eyntiettaus %mei as -are inen-
tienea in the elsove lettme
Biliousneee ie also particuteely eons
neeted 21.130130 00 11101j en attack
54 indigmetioli fellewing eveaetating
01' 010 eating ofeeemething which (135'
101)1350301 tm erome»es in the ea -newel)
or intestines Will often produce 3111
11115311. 14bili011511052.
teem elee be .broeght oa by eme-
Emelt eatteme such its Tear, eerier
anxiety, or piesemte.d (-motion of any
An attack larea several hours anti
with many people it is repeated peve -
edically, parlessularly in the epring.
When the attack is dile to retention
of undigeteled food an emetic of a
pint of inuetard water will prennes-
le. empty the etoraach tied the had
symptonte man eieeaPleeee, PromPtile
For those whe ore (I -abject to bilious
trameits the thing of greatest iinpsr-
tame is to live on fetal of the tine
thesis tharaeler end net 'toe much 1,1
it is else vee' deeirable to avele
mega% of doing this is to tone a gen-
constipation arra elm ce the bass
orotes dere of easter 5111 every two or
three nighee during the peeled in
metich the, atelieles of bilioesneee are
50'0711 to wee.
When -an .21777..:7; isa aecosnpanied
weth jaimaiee aud partieulerey Whes,
there is with it a feeding ef :soreness
in the region of the liver, a sulatele
quantity of calomel followed by n
dose of Espeene ealtee wile frequently les
auffielent to relieve ehe bed emit -
times and 3501350310 another atback.
...Mercury is nut e euliseance erbich it
is (Meltable te ilia 1.41b11712al1y,bul
(1 Lta9 wenderfunt, tes an mete
eiomel remedy for certain ermilitions
and •one of them emestiLions 100 billoue-
P. E. --Will sea inform me in re-
gard to Raynauda, Diseaee?
Answer -A» article has been '3011
ten on this dieease, and you ran leave
01. eopy of it by seneeng searapeel, men
addreesee envelope.
Clint rt
Terms of subscription -$1,50 per year,
In advance to Canadian addresses;
q2,00 to the U,S. or other foretell,
comitries. No paper discontinued
until all arreare, ere paid union at
the option of ihe publisher. Tilt>
ante to which eeery eubseription is
maid is denoted cm the label.
Advertieieg rates---Teensient adver-
tisemente, 10 cents per nonpareil
lino for first insertion and 6 mai
per lino for each sobseqUent inser-
tioe. Small edveitisemonts not to
exceed one Inch, such as "Lost,"
"Strayed," or "Stolen," etc,, insert-
ed once for 35 cents, and each 511830-
5030111 iesertion 10 cotes.
Comeemications intended for mealiest.
Bon must, as 30 auarantee of good
faith, he accompanied by the name of
the writer.
G. 11. rIALL, M. R. CLARK,
Proprietor, Editor.
Many women with disfigured complexions
hover seem to think that they -need 211 ounuoional cleansing
inside As Ivell as 01)1)14135. Yet neglect of this internal
bathing shows itself in spotty, and sallow comooxtons-as
‚3011 3)13 Ili dreedfoleeadaehee and bfileusuess. heelnino
i he liver becomes sluggish, arvi waste matter nectunointes
which 3/2 1120 02171101 remove without 25818 1,2/100. Thebes!,
remedy is Chamberlain's S. tomer)) and 1 v Table IA w1lich
stimulate the liver to lie al hy 715 11V I ty, 0501030 40101011(0311001,
trently nloanse tho stomach and bowels und Mee tho whole
dtgestive system. Sure, safe and roliublo, Tiho une 54
melt and youfeel 1)1)3111 11111) aunty in the morning. Got
Chamberlain's tocloy-druggisto 25e., or by mail from
Gletinliednia Medliene Centre ny, Toronto 13