HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1918-9-19, Page 8An ,Ally of Germane Germany has a powerful ally woik- ing within the boundaries of Canada, its operations are very elTective. It enters inanition Plants and causes explosions• It cripples hundreds of factories wide)) are labouring to Pro- duce wax -time alecessities. It waits until the grain in the fields Is ripe for ltarvent, and then destroys it over thousands of acres, or else it bele$ its time until the harvested crops have been stored in elevators and obliterates thank by the hundreds of thousands of bushels, It operates in every city and town and in the Cliuttaal New3-Record September ;9th, 1018 eouotry (listriots. It is unceaslne lir its activities, 'working by night as wolf as by slay,, and for every hour of the twenty-four, It enters cont - less homes, bringing 1ievastatiol and sorrow , and last, irut not bast, it oausos heavy loss of life This foe is not an "ellen enemy," but comes of good Canadian, Stock. It is `encouraged by millions of lino pie who believe themselves • to he Patriotic, Without their help, it would soon be of ereome 'Tile name of this great enemy is Preventable Fire, and its principal cause is Can- adian:Carelessness•-Conservation, Get Busy and Prepare - ,-For the Cold Weather is Coining We have the appliances—Ranges, Stoves, Stove Boards, Stove Pipes, Coal Scuttles, Coal S ifters, Etc. Get a Perfection 011 Heat er and save your coal For the zero Weather. They are just right for the chilly mornings and nights. We expect to have•in a few days the recently patented devise ., for turning coal oilinto gas. It is named the Koro Gas Burner. Fits in the fire box of any range. We are appointed agents for Clinton. A good time now to repair and make your roof water -tight, We have all kinds of Roofing and Roofing Paint. HARLAND BROS. STOVES, HARDWARE AND NOVEL .ate ,mgr r�r S. TIES 0 • THE Difference in Shoes Tho difference between tate sort of shoes we sell and the "Other Sort" will be perfectly apparent to anyone who compares our "Good Shoes". with "just shoes." OUR BETTER SHOES Our Shoes are built up to a Standard and pot Down to a Price 1 The result is that ou r Shoes are more economical than • uncertain shoes. They wear so much longer and look so much better than "Bargain Shoes" that they ar e a Better Investment, Dollar for Dollar, than any Shoos that sell for less money. 'The true test of Shoe Val ue is not the First Cost, but the Final Cost—not what they co st Per Pair, but what they cost Per Year. It is upon this simple test of 'value that the successful growth of our Shoe Business is based I. FRED. JACKSON "SHOES 'OF QUALITY." 1 Save Money PRICES ARE STILL ADVANCING, SO DON'T FAIL TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE LOW PRICES.' About five dozen work shirts, in 'blue, khaki, and black and white stripe, SPECIAL PRICE. 79e Five dozen Carpenter's Aprons striped cottonade, at half the price of material used, EACH 23c THIRTY pairs Women's Split Oxfords, solid leather shoe, regu- lar price $1,50, SPECIAL PRICE ... $1.19 Men's Harvest Boots, in mule skin split leather, black or tan SPECIAL PRICE $2,50 Two dozen pairs Men's Trousers, in striped worsted, SPECIAL PRICE ,., $2.26 DON'T FAIL TO INVESTIG ATE THESE LINES—YOU WILL FIND THEM GOOD BUYING. Plumsteel Bros. THE STORE TH AT SELLS FOR LESS. PHONE 25 AGENTS—SEMI-READY CLOTHING. NEW IDEA PATTERNS. 1 IN OUR EXHIBIT has a charm of its' own. Bach has an individuality and the variety is so great that every taste can be gratified. Here are rugs of oriental design, others of domestic origin in plain, floral and geometria patterns. But there is only ono quality in the entire collection ; the very best that can be obtained for the money, JAS. DUNIORD Undertaker and 1Funeral Director, 28 .Phone > 28 1 * * * * * aeon SUI1o0L 11oOICS AND SUPPLIES * * *'* * * * * * you are invited to inspeot our stock, hoping that the advan- tage will be shared by you. * * * * * * * * * * ..* '* * * *.' * Tile W. D. Fair Co. .Often the Cheapest Always the Befit.".. Miss Jean Boss has taken a position at Markdale for the millinery sea- son. Miss Naomi Ross of Powassin has bean visiting her aunt, Mrs. Chas. .Bartlifl• Miss Florence Urquhart of Listowel is .visiting this week with Mrs, W, 5, Downs. Mrs. Mills, who has been spending some time at Crookstown, Minn., has returned to Clinton. Miss Sadie Mahafy is holidaying with friends at Stab:, Mitchell and in Stanley township. Mr. Albert Jervis of Napance, Ind., is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Jervis of Huron street. Mrs. A. 0. Pattison returned last week after a pleasant visit with relatives in' Buffalo and Bridge - burg. Mrs. (Dr.) Browning and' Miss S. McDonald of Exeter visited with their sister, Mrs. Bowden, this week. Mr. C. F., Libby, manager of the Knitting Co., is ou, a business trip to Toronto, I-lamilton and Montreal this week. Mrs. (Dr.) Belden of Toronto has been visiting Mr, and *Mrs. W. Jackson and other friends in town during the past week. Judge Dickson, and Mrs. Dickson and Miss Dickson of Goderich were the guests of Mrs. Dickson's sister, Mrs. Bawden, on Tuesday. Mrs. Chambers attended the Pres- byterial meeting at Egmondvillc, last week, being the guest while there of Miss McTavish. of Sea - forth. Mr. ,John Watt -OT Los Angeles, Cal., formerly of Clinton, is spending a few weeks in -town. He is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. T. J, Watt of Rat- tenbury street.. Mrs. J. Seeley and family and Mrs. J. Crich and ]Miss June spent the week -end as the guests of Mrs. Crich's mother, ' Mrs. E. Haggitt of Londesboro. Mrs. Wm. Bennington and two chil- dren of Stratford visited during the past week at the home of their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. C. H, Wa- iler; returning home on Tuesday. Miss Garrett, who has been spending the summer at her cottage at Bay- field, was in town Monday and Tuesday as the guest of her niece, Miss 13. F. Ward, and left Tues- day afternoon for her hone in Washington, D1.0. Mr. Wm. Taylor of Chicago is in town for a few days this week. He had been visiting his , brothers in Toronto and London but likes to take a run up to the old town and shake hands with a few old friends - occasionally. ' Miss Mary Jenkins of Woodlands Farm, Huron Road, returned last week from the west, where she had spent a couple of months visiting friends. Most of the time was spent at the home of ber brother, who has a ranch near Medicine Hat. Mrs. Derry returned from London on Tuesday after a week's visit with relatives, While there Mrs. Derry met a cousin, Mrs, C• Lean of . Medicine Hat, Alberta, and another cousin, Mrs, hill, whom she had not' seen since they were young girls 10 England. Miss E. A, Washhngton, who has been spending the past year and a half with her brother, • Rev. Mr. Washington of 5touftvil1e, returned home Monday and will spend the winter in her own home on Rat- tenbury street. Mrs. ,las. South- • combe is spending some time with her, Mrs, J. Walters and little Miss Nancy, who have been spending tine` summer with friends here, at Bay- field and in other parts of Ontario, left this morning on their return journey to Seattle, Wash. They will visit at various points in the Canadian west on their way. Miss Florence Cuninghame, 'accompanied them as far as 'Toronto' and will spend the week -end there with friends. Air. and Mrs. C. F. Libby, Mr. Em- merson Libby and Mr, and Mrs, W. T. O'Neil returned on. Thursday last from at extended motor trip through New York, Maine and Mas- seehusotts. They visited most of the cities of interest, taking the trip in 'a leisurely way, stopping wherever night overtook them, and thus thoroughly enjoyed the out- ing, They travailed sornewhere about. nineteen hundred and forty mites altogether, Give 4.... Day's Tholight.-to....These Guarante:edLinens %r thellome OWING to the war conditions and the scarcity of flax, pure linens are getting very scarce, conse- gnently advancing in price. A wise woman whose constant thought is the 'Home Beautiful' and the economical management thereof will consider this matter. Read this list -carefully and give it your attention, No ! perhaps you are not really in need of new linens at present but if you wish to save money on your purchase buy thein now when you can get them at about half the price they will be shortly. Or if you don't need them yourself perhaps you have a young friend who is anticipating a home of her own and what is more acceptable than linens, Tablecloths - Table Napkins Centerpieces Tray Cloths n Towels Towelings Bedspreads • Beautiful bleached Irish Damask, satin finish, all-round, single and double bor• ders, a variety of designs, leaves, sprays, poral, figures, dote, etc., also tabling by the yard. ▪ Pure bleached linen, a.large range of choice designs, - Hand embroidered and Platten lace centerpieces and doylies, in dainty patterns, - Platten lace, hand embroidered and drawn work, hemstitched edges, all pure linen A household necessity, always in demand, carefully selected, pure linen huckahaek towels, hemstitched, plain and embroidered damask borders, guest and large sizes. Also bleached and unbleached turkisb towels, with fancy stripes and all white, • Reliable linen towelings, values that are thoroughly dependable, check and stripe glass toweling, heavy crash, plain linen huck and tea cloths. These materials are steadily advancing in price. Extra fine weaves, choicest designs in floral, spray and figured effects, good heavy qualities, Come in and we will be pleased to show you our stock. If you don't see what you want, ask for it. Agents for Priestley's Dress Goods. Agents for Butterick Patterns Bagfield Mrs. Ross, who was- exhibiting fancy work at London. Fair, return- ed hone Saturday. We understand she received a number or. prizes. Miss Claudia Baker of Toronto is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. J. Biggart.. Miss Lucy Woods is visiting her uncle at Durham. Rev. A. Macfarlane left on Tues- day for C'ollingwood, where he will spend the week. On Sunday next he will conduct a memorial service at his former appointment for three young men who were killed in action in France: On Sunday next Rev. Dr. Stewart of Toronto, formerly of Clinton, will occupy the pulpit of St. An- drew's church in .the absence of Rev. A. Macfarlane. Mr. R. Bailey of the Sterling Bank, Dungannon, is spending his holidays at itis home in the village. Miss Garrett and Miss , Mothers - head, who have spent the summer at their _summer residence in the village, returned to their home at Washington, D.C., on Tuesday of this week. • Mrs. Buchan of Durham is tine guest of her daughter, Mrs, (Dr.) Woods, Mr. Jaines 11. Reid is holidaying at Detroit for afortnight.. On Friday last the sad news came of another fatality amongst our boys when Mrs, Currie received word that her youngest s n, Pte. Kenneth Currie, was killer in action, Just one year ago her oldest son was killed in France. 'he stricken moth- er and sisters ha a the sympathy of the community in their sorrow. Mrs.1I. W. Erwin, who has spent the .past month i t Kitchener, re- turned home Satu day,.al Mrs. William B kwell and children are visiting friendsat London. Weston Bros. h ve received the Government contr ct for the cement work on the south pier and are now busy engaged oil to work. • Mr. F. A, Edwards is spending a few weeks' holida A s at London and vicinity. HullettTownship t 0 1 7 v v ti r a a th t y T Miss Irene Byrne of Cleveland is spending a few weeks with her uncle and, aunt, Mr. and Mrs. P. .J. Rey- nolds, and with other relatives. Pte, Thomas Flynn Who is hone from London Camp on a few weeks' leave, was presented .zvitb a wrist watch and safety razor by his friends and neighbors of the community one evening last week: as a slight token of friendship. After the pteSentatiolr the young folks sljent a few pleasant hours in dao - ring and social intercourse. NIr. and Mrs. ()wen 'Flynn enter - tabled quite a number of young folks at their hone on Tuesday evening. Ur. Iloward Snell has purchased Mr. Stevens farm on the London Road. Holnxesville Mts, R. Acheson, who went to vis- it her daughter at Winona, returned on Friday last much improved by the change and her many friends look forward to her speedy and perfect recovery. Miss Fern Elford of Ottawa is visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A, J. Courtice, for a couple of weeks. Mrs, Cudmore's sister from De- troit, who has , been visiting here a few weeks has returned to her home. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Ford of Kit- chener are visiting Mr. Ford's sister and brother at the old homestead. Rev. T. J. Snowdon of Clinton took all the services in connection with Holmesville Methodist circuit on Sunday last, preaching excellent sermons with his old time vigor and was ntuclt appreciated. The pastor, Rev. A. Sinclair, was taking . the work at Blyth for Rev, R. J. Mc- Cormick, who we are sorry to hear, is still unable to take charge 01 his circuit. Farmers are hoping for One weath- er now .to harvest their bean crop. Threshing .is in order and excellent returns are reported. McKillop Township. The weather is unfavorable for saving the vegetables, but we hope for finer weather soon. Messrs. A. Godkin, T. McKay and G. Underwood visited London Fair. Mr. J.• Jr Irvine spent ten days in. Toronto visiting the city and the Exhibition. . Mrs. Cole of Toronto has been visiting at the hone of her uncle, bir, S. J. Bell. Mitchell Bros. have two threshing outfits at work and grain is turn- ing out well. Mr. John Boyd sold twelve steers which hrouglt*t limn in a large sunt of money. Aaron Hulley, who has been i11 for several months, is not improving, St. Helens Mr. and ]firs. John 'Turner were' in Toronto for the Ex. Miss Nellie Brooks and Miss Rush of 'Toronto are spending their holidays at the. home of bias, ,las, Ramage. Dlr. Bell of Ilamilton was a week- end visitor at the manse. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Mc(lowun of Blyth spent the week -end with blinds on the 12th concession. Miss Winifred Woods belt on Mon- day to talro a arrow: at Stratford Normal. 1'tes,.heel Miller and Jelin Darnin 1oave for London this week after spending a few weeks at borne, . I Goclerich Township The anniversary services at Shar- on on Sunday were well attended, considering the. disagreeable weath- er, Rev. J. A. Agnew of Clinton, chairman of the District, conducted the evening service, The Young Ladies' Patriotic So- ciety will meet next week at the home of .Miss A. Steep. Mrs. E. 11. Wise is visiting rela- tives in Toronto and Belleville. Stanleg Township Pte. Norman Holland returned to London on Monday after having spent his harvest leave at his home here. It is expected that Norman will go overseas soon. Word has been received that Pte. 1Iarold Whitmore, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. Whitmore, has been admitt- ed to hospital suffering from a gun- shot wound .in the taco. Pte. Whit- more was a great favorite with all who knew hiyt and his many friends hope to hear good news or him soon. O• London Road Mrs. J. Watters and little daugh- ter of Seattle, Wash., were the guests for a couple of days last week of NIr, and Mrs. G. Wr Layton, A number from this vicinity took in the Western Fair at Loudon last week, People You Know Miss Margaret Walker left- Monday for London to attend Normal. Mr. and Mrs, Fred Pattison of Lit- tle Rock have been•spending a few days with Mr, and Airs. A. 0. Pattison of town. Mrs. Fessenden, the founder of Em- pire Day, died at her home in Ham- ilton on Sept. idth at the age of seventy-five years. Londesboro. The Londesboro branch of the - Women's Institute held a sewing bee at the hone of Mrs. Mains recently and a number of shirts were made for the soldiers. The Institute in- tends having a bazaar some time in the near future to raise funds to send Xmas cheer to our boys over- seas. Any person wishing to con- tribute anything towards the bazaar or money to be used for this purpose• it will be gratefully received. * * * * * * * * * * * * PHOTOGRAPHS * * * * Pictures of home * * folks carry warm- * * th and comfort to * * the heart of a * * soldier. Send one * * in the next par- * * eel., Our prices are * the same as before - * the war. * # * * * * * * * In ROY BALL Phone 63 Photographer EleetrieWiring and up•to•date Fixtures of all kisds Plumbing, Roofing, Troughing and Furnace Work Estimates Cheerfully Given Byam Sutter Plumbers and Electricians Phone 7 Miss Ila Bawler, Having re -opened her Millinery Rooms in the Normandie Block for the Autumn Season, Invites the ladies of Clinton and vicinity to come in and inspect her stock, EACH ORDER' WILL RECEIVE CAREFUL ATTENTION. Wetallij