HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1918-9-12, Page 6as "aTaadaiale asiasaeseaa aes! same'. • -.as- • as • a — vase sanaaaaace,' a •
Al ays
The Tea of Teas „r,„w
,00 -ii
Ikelielottsly plgsrelllt to the pirdirtary4,
Mack,— Mixed Preserved and Snld only
Or Nahtra.1 Green in, Sealed
... zi 4- a
a4k '
il _ • '
Pulping Fault.
Every housekeeper Is anxious
build up safe reserves of fruit and
Vegetalbes for winter, and a good
amovider takes justifiable pride in
Well-filled shelves. To such women,
• tacentyLave pound allotment- of sugar,
116 Great Decision
. .
which $hows the A.tuttalf, �L' Our SOulliern Neighbet Atsit! Beginning of asara 1.
he War and allow the Republic's Noblest Sena /fed Deatratere OVERT SHIP THAT la *UM( la NOT OASHINO EXPLOIT alY MAJOR W,
Rose to the Oecasion.
• LAST, • . ''',' A. DISHOP, V,O.s D.S.0,, M.O.
By Edith Bre wn narawooda ,
CH AtaTER V,. I 0eYes, yoeat Well the Keiser's nose, a
Marjerie, at first, had felt no pears you \Voila'," she answered With a
er the war in Peals than she had been 'ringing 'Raab, "Yoted get; SPArilsed.a One of Cunada's Horolo Sons Relates
at Olinton. With the approach of a I "Nat—le Mlle,' Cratie's eyes
big doferisive, the war seemed at her , slowly' opened and his right tare went a Thrilling Experience In His
sitle, Wheats wounds would be leans-coat as if gamang for some new-found as FIYIng Carreer,
ed by the filmy material before hes'? treasure, Then healooked. about and
English, French, (Belgian, Algerian, stared' at the girl at his side, alalarji° Baster Sinutay wee one of the moat
African, Orleatal—who? Atneo'l- he waiapeacd, "Marj1"sand fainted. teautiful days 1 aave ever seen, and
cans?. She turned sudden's! white I To -clay the two who brought the we felt amt. at last the gods of the
but stooped the nearer her Work that War in reality to Clinton's doors are Weather wore going to smile un a Bra
every tiny tareasi of raveling 'Matt absurdly happy to have such grim (ieb offerieive,
be removed. No man intive en- messengers -Crane, invalided home
Borne Are Brought /antis to Life and
Action as In atm Present Inetance.
She looked a Pitiful thing, lying
there, Ina! heeled over with the tide
waehIng in and out of a great hole 14
her aide. At her blackoned, twisted
davits hung the chuffed remaine of
what had been efficient life -boats; her
funnel was blistered and !scorched, and
all her deck -fittings showed that sire
had been the victim of a devasting
fire. " -
The afteen-foot hole in heradde was
With the great attack seltedeled for were being escorted and protected by
ough to face death for his country under the care of his nurse -bride, cons
should find infection lurking in the 'teases that eras good arm trained to dawn tae next morning; we went et three other machines flying well hack
dresaings she cent forth, double duty is as good as two work- mu' Wel% on that Mester aaindea with ot and above thein By quick thinking
au added - Kest. At 11111e 00100k, lust I estimated I could snake a running
The ope»ing of the big defensive ing ollwlirilftatlicmee.up Ys, •Faivii,n.e inivI•obr:
clime, . at filled the hospitals with ebb' - filter the earl pm orn i Is g mist had attack an the airsver two before tbe up:
'Mena Insists that he has laid. abide
wounded 'and the couttry with fresh
heartbreak. No word had come -from enough to give a real 'Man of aasons
Grano. aeadosie aeatmea that now anelawn ;further worry, Still Crane.
it would be many more days before thialte that heijosavioluyldwioarithherwhilikiee on
be could find the opportunity of. com. do something
ing to her. She had made manY hie own ""a°Vitt•
inquiries about the work of the am- (The end.)
to six jars of fruit or vegetables the bulance drivers. Ilithat she learned •
firet Chia, ' Speed up gradually. ' dici not bring her happinessexcept! TEAR DUCTS AND OaYING.
--- ..
reuniting the jars 'will keep boiling h°ale• . ' Though the Lower Animals Have Tear
`Do they take risks?" ,The Enalisla
Glands They Do Not Weep.
without attention to fuel. The right
• • woman who worked beside Marjorie, I
for amillea. "My dear, there are few of ' The Keiser will hold in history the
temperature must be maintained
• , the workers in the war acme 0110 do amenaisage distinction
air even a more gel -woes allowance Dont mistake sinamoring water for •not take risks but I doubt whether maaea more tears to be shed than any
of having
for canning, will not provide a saf e boiling water. "It was boiling just many of them are in more constant :other 1111111 that bee ever lived. They
- Don't assume that tho water Stli- that salmi° would stand vindleateclaat \
• • . a minute ago," doesn't meet the re -• 'danger than the ambulance drivers.
clay of a young ambulance driver. The 0 s iv •
stretAer bearers had brought some Why are tears ealty?
of the wounded to his ambulance. leer the flame reason that perspire -
Some of the men were badly hurt— 1.3011 hi salty. of the wastes or the
one was an American. The ambulance Maly contain salt.
driver was an Apaericara too—" I
• Our tears flow all the time in afnall
location—so much sugar for cherries, quireinent of boiling water at the mo -
and so much for peaches—and' this ment of aeing•
program backed up with -geneaous
aupplies canned without sugar,
Boeldets on Calming.
"\ England has adopted a method di There is an abundance of literature
preserving fruit without sugar, known on canning fm' free distribution and
onse one was aamaa me the ether .would maim a pretty fair river ---a river
as "pulping," that -is employed both even the mast experienced housewives An Amencan. Marjorie pul, her hand to her throat. mautity. atathoet• them, we would
commercially and in the homes. Teal can getssorae pointers from it. Here
method ia. economical of jars, as no are some useful bulletina Which can
. • •
water is used in canning the friait. be had for the askipg:
The method, eccoading to the Bulls- Can, Dry and Store for Victory—
tin of,the Royal Horticultural Society, Canada Food 'Board, Ottawa,
as -as follows: Pack sterilized jars full ',Reale Canning (Bulletin 252)—
of fruit, add no water, place rubbers Ontario Department oa Agriculture,
and cape In position. Place pan on
fire and bring water to the simmerat
a yes, many . .
drivers are AllteriCROSI You are the r°1' the purpose of keeping the eyes
great automobile 001111try—Most of Irrigated. Also to wash out intrusive
your boys have been tinkering with particles of dust or what not.
automobiles for years. Many of The fluid is somewhat complex
the ambulances are driven by plucky chemically; hut, speaking 10 terms not
kinealcans. This one had to drive statatly
. scientific, R is composed of
soon go tilled; for they are required
to get his !hot liewhile elie woe in mid -
the place where a U-beathad Managed
I waif due ror an offensive patrol—in . closed in, ' stud fired a burst at the
three could get Into the affair. 1
bean driven kWAY by the moraing elm, 1 per
Channel; the maws on har, bow plating other words, the
wore ceased by the wireahawsers of Ing over the lines in search of trouble. I
re were six of kis go- , nearer of the twd; but the second one
the salvage tug that almoet miracul- Our squadron mammander WAS in the got on my tail, and, grata very au-
: curately, gave me emu of the most
oualy appeared as norm as bit benzine
cargo caught fire, and hauled her to
practical safety in her present bed.
In the old days before the war she
would not have been even a 'Mom-
imosesie'e,isavihvenelletist•leerYtiloitihoef °Bahl711°)1711ge= a hawk and his first burst of fire came,
all-important, she was looked upon as clearly hit home. Tho enemy macalne • No. 2, lam No, 1, in the meantime,
I turned and ;paid attention to
a most promising patient dived towards the ground; but, think- evidently derided he hal had enough,
This was.
evident from the fact that no less than Ing this might bo a trick, I dassal after for he kept' flying away us fast as he
three sturdy salvage tugs were dauc- it firth •11 the way. , 1" soon saw, ' could. Ju turning on the second me-
at the Huns actually had chine I chanced to find myself in sit
MI were doomed. So 1
chine out of the dive, OM Ideal position, tine my first burst 01'
lire sent him spinning In an 1111001'
looked twofold for the rest of the pat-
rol. They had all disappeared. trolled nosealive, which ended a tew
seconds later in a crash Mat beneath
A Relining Fight.
A moment or two later I sighted as Me. "Clearing the Air."
flight, and haaliad been leading es in-
side i•litaland for about tweaty inin• ' career. One of las bullets greaod ma
tnuenntortable moments of my lighting
utoe before anything hapPened• Then cap as it passed' fila heal, then 0..aesh-
a two-seater machine, with the enemy
markings on it, appeared underneath In Trout et me. This was ton much; i
ed. through the tattle witasereen just .
us: Our commander dtved at hint lihe .s
u leavingm m ilt of the that 1113.
lug .attantion ;upon her day and night, however, t
letting their dime and hull repairers been hurt,
take advantage of every low tide in pulled my m
the aght against the Hun and against
Weird and Wonderful. -
The chief of the salvors, who wee a
quiet man -in the uniform of a coma pair of. our machines engaged in a Is figured that by this Uwe lbit 01Mer
mender R.N.R., said little, but what helter-akelter fight to the left ot me, three were due, and, Miming,. found
circlets he gave were carried out to the and had just started in their direction, all ofathern Saving for ale, firing with
very letter, for lump him depended the when, seemingly out of nowhere at all, ell their guns. There was no time for
success of the work that never ended. an enemy scout dived at me. 1 turned any choice of tactics on my part, so I
His satellites were men of rongh as- quickly and avoided him: Then for headed for the enemy ineeltinea, and
ready to several mluutes we• had a running flow directly under them, managing to
Pect and profane tongues,
dare any risk if they were regaired- fight, firing occasionally, but oelther get in a good burst of fire upiaard at
Toronto. ' over a stretch af open road—In plain ,
eater an 1 !rat both of whieh are sup- so to do, and at all times full of vigor one of us being able to manoeuvre Otto the leading twoceater, that seemed
Home Canning of Fruits and Vege- sight Of the Boehea and they do not
. a position. of real advantage. Finally, particularly anxious for a sight. Fie
a if plied to the tear glands from the blood.
mg point -and keep it at this point tables—Macdonald College, Que. sand eneagy.
Behiad eaoh of your eyebrows Is an I The salvage tugs were simply the enemy flew away eastward and es- wasn't so anxious, es 1 had thought.
half an hciew Remove bottles and fill Canning by the Cold Pack Method they can. They turned on him as be
(smothered in- weird and wonderful (M. caped.
them one from the other, replace rub-- —.Manitoba Agricultural College, went along but he picked his svay almond-sheped gland that secretes the
carefully that the jolting might be tear fluid and dribbles It out in a small In the excitement of the tIghtipg I how
nevoteswhfeorkeepfttearivtiins ea 1:ti.:Naat yoxIonlidea(it,iiel .
hers and caps, and put the bottles Winnipeg. made leas hard on the wounded, Suds and steady stream. Every two seconds 1 Pliances—great air and water pumps,
chests of tools, huge Pieces of Plating. had not notteed it before, but now, not veturn,
bock in the pan and bring theta up to Home Canning of Fruits and Vege- delay things went black. When he Ai wink. Why? Simply for the pur- 1 And, at the next low tide, the larger [official; downward, I so -it' a Roche The other two remained On the
__the simmering point again far anoth- tables (Farmers Bulletin 853)—Div. picked hitnself up his ambulance was pose of titatrilmting the fluid over the of them edged herself in towards the I plunged "field" of battle; I estimated by that
sausege juet beneath me.
er five minutes. Take them oat one 'af.-?ublications, U. S. Department of minus two wheels and the mangled
eyeball andlatter m
keeping the oist. wreck till their hulls were all but rub- at it just es the crew began to 1)011 it time that 1 hill only aboutnds,
forty rou
Agriculture, Washmgten. . ; mep within abeendumped like : If you -will examine either of your bing, and, getting hoe derricasi to wort!" franacally down. I kept diving and of ammunition for ray guns; but agate
Canning and Drying Book—Nations so many deal cattle by ithe road
!his, eyes in a handglais, you will see, on siting one of these latter "putchse" -- firing at the big bag; but, as no there was no real ohotae tor me, 1
al War Gardens 'Commission aWaash-
ington, DC. (Encloac 2e. [or Aineri- andHiownulleefsit aatrIlis"sTie triL,T . .
alai). the lower lid near the inner corner, a as they were called—into position, smoke appeared, • I gathered I had , had either to fight or be fat:faked sin
bed antak from the ground andawith tiny hole. This is the opening of a •• . elttrit• milifsecieltii anti the twlife, or my ',a very nasty position; so I fought.
Divers, looking like strange demzens
can] for postage.) but e s lad' a o n he r duty as My two adversaries had seee the pee.
his own pocket handkerchief made a little pipe, called the "tear duct,"
a simple method of pulping, but the The Canada Food Board, Ottesati,of the midersea world, hauled it
tourniquet for himself. He turned 1 which runs down and empties --into straight, and, working under water, " i c. ugs." • vi us coraba H,, and when 1 :atoned
athit will be darlcer than ifathe Mance will auto supply, for 5 cents• each, the to look for his feltow-sufferers to find I had dropped to eight hundred feet fight towards them they seemed none
• ' your nasal passages. a ' ' managed to bolt it over the great jag -
method is followed. This method is following booklets •which are careful- only the _American still living,. He I Tho in chase after the bag, and could too anxious to prolong the fray. I
pipe is meant to cgrry off the ,ed hole In the hull before the 1110
as :follows: Place fruit over a gentle ly'complied and attraetively gotten up: snatched his flaslc from las pooket all
' fluid. 11, as occasionally Mappens, it l'ame back, And this time there was plainly see German troops marching had just finished my last bullet when
heat until enough moisture comes out ' ' Fruits and Vegetables—Canning, put it to the soldier's lip!. The ma towards the support and reserve linen the two of them dived away in opposite
to prevent' burning, •then increase the Drying and Staring. • • opened his eyes. I be atopped up, the tears run over onto back,
to laughing gurgle of the water as It
" 1-I llo old ard '-seid the driver • the cheek, creatieg nn uncomfortable mocked mates efforts to hold it back. ' -
at the front Evidently they were pre. ' directions, alai left me "lord of all 1
at a time and screw down the tops.
Invert to.cool and ;test the points.
Wrap in paper to /prevent bleaching
• and store in a dry, cool place.
Cooking the fruit before bottling is
heat Mild theafrust' boas.: Boil an Vegetable Recipes.
hour, stirripg all th time, and can Bread Recipes,
following the usual methods of stela- Fish Recipes. •
lizing. In puttiag up apples a. lit -
tie water will have to be added to the
Canaille Calendar.
fruit to prevent burning. •
Pulped fruit ean be used fer jam, 'Cr f ues viea
stewed fruit, puddings and pies. The Ica'
English housewife who has to be very
careful .ofssugar makes up pulp into
jam, one jar at a time, allowing half
a pint of sugar as a pint of fruitaThis
does not make so sweet a jam as the
usual quantity of ;sugar.
Don't start canning until you have
the right appliances.
Don't use old screw -tops. Buy
new ones.
Don't use old rubbers. New ones
are cheaperlhan allowing fruit - to
'I'm from the good Cad U.S.A. too.1
!condition that may be remediable only The ship was Almost whole once more. 1 5 01 111 as& u . ie way our suiveye .
artillery had been going for a week I When I turned in Inv report. es.
Much hurt?' He felt over him cave- 1 by removing the obstruction with a Then the second tug came alongside
past left them little room for doubt. genially the part &tiling 01111 the
fulls'. They're a bunch of horse !probe. It isn't at all a pleasant per- and also used her derricks. This time
I flew about watching these troops for fight with Eve enemy 11101 1110S, some
thieves, they are. Just about as laorMance,
Foot i
smashed? Your shoe is blood -soak -
t 1 ' -
When one weeps, the quantity of piece of machinery that was like the
she dropped over a monstrous -looking
some time, despite the tell-tale rattle of the squadron looked 00 me no some
square in war as horse thieves. P
salt water that comes from the tear of the machine-guns on the ground, sort of wild illitil jest escaped from the
ed. You can't walk and we're within I refuse of an iron foundry attached to
but at last I decided I bad better get Zoo. The colonel telephumal up and
glands is so great that the little pipes a couple of huge pipes, the longest of
walking distance. Thow your arm .
• t t, d thefl 1 1 ill 1 1 • , out of R. I SRN a cloud some dstance said that I had better not (10 stay nuns
at•ound my neck. lhat s the stuff.;t ' I above me, and decided to climb into that day, so I was given the afternoon
gat i over. We call this "sb.edding tears." and -was kept from running awasaby a ,
-----ai Now easy, easy—hold tight till I
If we laugh hard enough, it makes couple of stout cables, which the it and lose myself, . , oft
I this arm of mine around you.' Some -I .
• i
r I time after, a white-faced ambulance . us shed tears Sympathy or other
a * I driver, staggering under the load of 0 'gentle emotion will bring tears to our knew to be electric leads, ivatcher immediately and instinctively
i had just reached tho edge of the I Sugar Conservation Urgent
When My Gun Jammed.
l'i 1 wounded brother American, fainted in 'eyes. Thus we cry aver a nook some- This was one of the marvellous sub- cloud when another enemy scout do.' Next to saving the harvest the most
urgent -leod service at the present
times, or•at the play. Women often mersible pumps which are at present tided to have a go at Inc. I had fired
weep because of mete vexatIon, making merchant naval history. Cut about a hundred rounds at him when Bmooamrdentapips etaoin7 sugar ainosayatihecle;floac!
I the doorway of the 1:anteing station
for the wounded." •
• "Did he 9"
h' •
027- , "Who, the driver? Yes, he lived
There are actresses who cult weep
a hole, or find a hole big enough for my gun jammed. I dodged away to d • • h'
ten tears, on e s age, Ian cs 0 a it to go iato, and you can safely say have time to correct this and the
' but he wah hurt worse than the man''
dew," he saved. The soldier woald have I control over their tear glands which that it will keep any vesel not actual- enemy, Immediately seeing'his advan- sconservationby others. This
bled to death on the toad of coarse' ordinary folks do not possess. is absolutely necessary in order that
iy filling herself from the ocean clear tage, dived after me. He was using
but they saved his foot. The driver I Lower mantels have tear glands like
The canning calendar for September
lost hie arm—it was too badly ming- I cau•s but they do not weep—if ex-
tolls you to can plums, peaches, to- led to save. The soldier says that caption be ma
• -
de, perhaps, of the croco-
matoes and corn. Nor must you for- all the way in: he kept cheering hind
explosive bullet-km:I I count see them our aye], a e supply o sugar e
burst near me rrom•time to time. One stretched until the new crops become
hit the machine about three feet from .
available and that it be equitably dis-
Ten minutes later the purface of the where I was sitting and exploded, but .
Don't use two -quart jars. Use quart get to make some plum jam. Fol- up with funny stories and his laugh , a. .y.
a • et largo tear glands; and is- suitl-0- sOn =nuanced to boil, and out of the did no material damage. A little more ' .
size. Pint size is best for a family lowing is the recipe: 8 lbs. plums, 6 was a tonic. Miss Mann, it's the manI
tul sticking up from the dodging from these ungentlema1.ila Tennyson's "In Memoriam" is per -
times seen to shed copious tears, pro-
of not OVS1' five members.
• —Dotat . neglect cleanlinessa—clean ai together in a preserving kettle is a hero in this fightl
lba. sugar. Put the plums and sus- who laughs in the face of death who I
, suniably tor nu °the' purpose than to soa water gushed out in a spout a foot missiles, and a little more work, and
round pipe -e
haps the most profound and beautiful
wide. It described a beautiSul arc in my gun was right again. So I turned treatment of the re -union of souls that
person, clean room, clean apparatus, over the fire, with just sufficient was
laughing too and the doctors and lect in Its eyes as it floats on the sur -
"Since then. he's kept the hospital , weal' away foreign particles that col -
the air, and then full gurgling back to upon my pursuer le to be' found anywheres—Brittsh
clean work, Cleanliness counts fifty ter to start the cooking. Boil gentay nurses say he's been better for the face of the water. Its parent see. The submersible pump We fought round and round each
' that the tears of the crocodile were hi • 1 1 1 time, wbon at last I saw my chance, Weekly.
stockings front wenring ont, get the
per cent. until the fruit is thoroughly cooked
Don't plan to can more than three Stir as little as possible. than all their -medicine put together.] Nature *
. • rest of the chaps chained to their; beds ; lists in early days declared had- started its work Inside the flooded other for a seemingly interminable To prevent the •linees or children's
• • - - it ems only at firet when he went nut niaant to tatr "a I° ( • .„
T1 t • til • at
of water.
The Last Stages:
Army at the Front. The grapnel, after
eat the sympathy of Suddenly the stream ceased, and the ; darted behind him. !old gave him a top of an old kid glove and place it
, of hit head that he sobbed. They're
It'slways , bpassersby, who might thus he tempted awe emitted hollow groans. I short burst of fire. No effect. A under the stocking at the knee. Then
a long coil of rope has been attached all the same. abecause within 'smellier; distance of its is we. "Suction m
blocked!" cried the an second later I got hint within my sights herrifig-hond it loosely rosutd; turn
- ENTANGLoIENTS to one end of it, is Inserted Otto the of some woman. He'd gonoff and •
mouth of the old-fashioned "Archie," forgotten to tell a girl semethirms ha- I _ "a weep
Portant and he reviled himself for his kaiser, atter that; city had been am- A man in a monstrously bloated suit, I fully. Hl a machine gave a shivei
for Louvain," said the • who attended the electric switch. 'again, and this time I tired very carce the other side and run it several
. aalla the rope lming allowed to lie 071 th0 .stuoiclity. Wait—there's the tele- lated by his soldiers Ha alwaye • • • ,, times round.
wearing a toppu belmet, appeared on ; then began tumbling toward the earth
ground in a coil. The gun is fired. the I phone. Anyway, we must get back seems to have onshand sui;p13/ of the tug's deek. strapped leaden -soled !completely out of control. I followed
boots to his feet, and slid down a , to within a few hundred foot of the
der while hia comrades pumped air I ground, and as It was still plunging
helplessly, I turned away. The aka
around me now seemed entirely 10 -
sorted. It gave me time to speculate
as to whether I should climb up a nice,
safe height of ;about two miles, and
then fly home; or whether should
streak it across tho trenches 11,,S I had,
done the day before, Recalling some
incidents of yesterday's adventufes,
however, I decided to clhnb, pro-
ceeded upward in wide, sweeping
, circles, looking all the time for any
j trace of my missing comrades. They
Swore not visible, eveh at ten thousand
feet, so I flew around a bit more, ln
the hope of finding them.
A Near Thing.
grapnel dutifully shootsenut, and grace- I to work immediate y " 1 tears—true "crocodile tears."
DESTROYING THEM WITH GRAP• fully embraces Fritaas wire. The rope 1 Marjorie didnot‘tairri at once to her:
duties. The telephone jingle seerflea i
NEL AND AIR TORPEDOES. ., which. was tiecl to the grapne1 has '
been violently draggedw la It, butps ; ,,
• Miss alarm? Yes, Miss Mann is
- 50°0° 11' I here." Canada's FarmsSuffer an Animal
. other end of it still lies on the
Descelbing Some of the Devices Em- TWO or three Pettus now take hold of ,
Marjorie went -to the phone with 0, '
LOSS of $4,00.0, DO
this, and atter some momouts' tugging : sinking heart. Her supervisor could s
• ployed in France to Clear Way For a decent -sized open space is male in ; nat 'have described Crane better had •
In the past, flae-prevention work
Our Advancing Troops. the Hun wire. ...a she knosvn him.
, has been almost entirely confined to
"Who is it, please? J cartit-heaaa
cities and the larger towns. The time
Most of the devices usual at the llama. Marjorieshald fne receiver claws "De.
!Bacon! v,,_,,, r',,, I'm needed at has come when the campaign must be
for tearing dowe the enomy'e.beaesetg asaa
as onte of Cop- you are with him?" Marjorie steadied frame The demands of war ha
11:V1?, mune rura communities and the
er ame:lel attached to• whatever is ' have
Wire ell tan tr. If, III Or- OP, vIltia .741I of h.' sort' as; °wowCathedralaH D 1 thehospital? It is Cr doctor? • d to1
;per and Gotta
" employhtl for the tearing down pro -
The Cathedral of the Holy Savior hefasreiaceImtemtiNsItalUotI•lecilittl the door made the arotection of food producte
from fire an essential malertaking
: . calfaaaeay. the armored' car. A gun of of a big, rambling old residence whose
in Moscow, says Stray Stories, is The Canadian farm is the focal Tibia
large proportions is mounted on the
probably. the most magnificent lateits now held row after row
apon which the future of civilization
car, and to this; is attached the grail -invalids. Her
"sit uio . church in the world. Its five cupolae °cots forcwar-rnacil
nel to make the RIM WITS ' eyesoaske e question to which the largely depends, al
'Phe car makes towards the wire, sue;
inch in thickness. ".Its interhal de-
an Covered with pare gold one-helf 1 war.d tor knew she pas seeking an ans- I Specialafire pretecaion for slevators
; -flour mills, packing houses and stock
coeds in throwing the grapnel -hook
coratlons are magnificent and Very i "e's living. You've got to be yards, desirable as it may be, cannot
. over one part of the entanglement, and costly. This cburch is the nation's I breve. He calls for you constantly. I save the $4,000,000 worth of gram
then races backwards. By-and-by, af- Vats off on an important mission when
thank offering for the deliverance of fruit§ and live stook which are en-
ter a few throws and backward move, 1 re first of the wounded were brouht
Moscow from the Frenca, It took neatly clesttoyed by fire 01 rival dis-
ments, great gaps are to be semi in n from the receiving station. When
fifty years to build, and its cost has I I got back and they sent me his re- I bads in Canada, Up to the present
wine, and in many phone it is torn
!been estimated at $160,000,000
right away., By this means our sol- 1 cord—when I saw old Crane's natne little attention has been given to fire
tam, situated inside the Kremlin, is long to g tclothes. I aRy none to fire protection on the
Thiers are able to advance and give the I • In the Cathedral of the Assamtaa down on tohnripteopemr—y iwtodgitni't Like me . inotection M. the village and practic-
ben.evolent "Omen" his dose of poison. the most sacred picture in Russia, He'd baegn calolinnogkfneoiN,v",AM:iai rjerie' but ferm. As a result nearly every rural
These cars, I may say, pass over the
Flattish trendies on bridges composed ' til's 'Wren of Vladimir, said to he of course act 0 Marjorie fire is a loss; . •
of wooden pianka, Between the rows of white cots the painted by St. Luke: The jewels remit." The common causes of fires in
which adore it are valued Lit $1.,250,- country districts are lightning, spon-
IVIezzle.LoadIng Cannon, , 000, one emerald alone beam said to docter lead the young girl to Crsine's
teneous combustion ia barns, aecumu-
Another plan involving the use of be worth 4;250.000. Napoleois took bedside.
Tears staited into Marjorie's eyes lations of robbish, carelessneas with
the grapnel was brought out in the from the church five tong of wryer , but Dr. Baton laid a warning hand on matches, lanterns, kerosene and gas-
hardiutelles affair, an the slap'sland.and 500 P11001115 or geld, bat 11103t her arrn as she took a seat by Crane's (Ant sparks on shingle 'roofs and
;Mg, Mal the aoldiers famping Out of arceaaas treasure', wre elioni"edled bsaside. prairie and bush fires. In the cities
the boats, an obatacle Presented itaelf 'previous' Lo the French invasion, and "Steady. Marjorie."
to the Allied forces. The wily Turks afterward restored.
Nearby is the Cathedral of the An
had made extensive preparations for
the coining of their 1006, and the first nunciation, with its many goatee
It has a pavement of agate
' obstruction designed to impede their I "'nes.
and jasper. The,.eelebrated icon of
progress consisted of our old Weed I
the Virgin of, the tion is its most
prized possession,
The dome of St Isaac's Catheclr I
the barbed-wire "wangloroonts," which
were set up In shallow Water close in
to the land, .13ut In this east, at least, „r „
the Allies went one bettor, arripriel- In •'.1.`"" sy.'°" 4°Yut-
lets fired machine guns during the
hooks were attached to ropes, these , ,
A reVOlUtion 11'0 most e0,1101ellOtig
1/1 filth hOI11g .arriXed to tOl'ped0,ueg. ohjee„_ ,„ st, y,
troYere, night the 11001U1 Wilr0 '" .""° '"1""ln," 111 e°V, 6,e,c1
with copper overlain with pure •goio,
thrown over the barbed wire, tearing
It 4way, less than 0,000,000 of gold being
me am muzz/04046ing 0111mo11 H18 'melted doaou for the purpose. The
porn() 111 OW) hkotty for till 1001'6 1 total cost of .this cathedral is esti-
; mated at $115,000,000. ,
A d
"Marjorie," moaned the marl.
"Yes, Crane," she answered softly
and reached out to smooth his fore-
head. The man stirred. Marjorie
bent low.
"Yes, Chie,
n" she said distinctly,
Many of the wounded comrades
turned their eyes, now tear -wet, away
from a scent that had become rover -
mit. For a long time the girl at,
patiently answering the call to her
name, Then slowly quiet carne to
the inan on the bed and he raised his
right arra as if to wave. A smile
spread over his face, -
"ChtMli th' book," he murmured.
"Hiles—in country—scares trio—pink
—Kaiser's nose "
05 per cent of .fires is reached by fire
departments in time to extinguish
them while incipient and thus serious
damage is averted, When the farmer
discoversfire all ho CEM do is to car-
ry a few pails of water from a well
or cistern and throw it on the flames.
In the majority of instances, such ef-
forts prove unavailing and the fruits
of industry are carried away in smoke
and flames. Every farmer in Canada
owes it both to his country ancl to
himself to preserve his food products
by; prevenfing fire,
Fortune seldom knocks at the door
Marjorie quickly took hot cue, of the chronic kicker.
• '
throrigh hie pipes.
The iron spout ceased to deliver
water—then, with a roar of triumph,
the silvery gout hurled itself _onwards
assails, end the diver reappeared.
Black was his, origlually khaki stat
—black anti slimy, and the copper hel-
met was of the same sable lane, Im-
mediately a hosepipe swished its full
power over him, and the slimb allayed
d for tl • days01)11 11150115the
pumping went on, and the divers oc-
casionally _descended to clear a sluice
or to strengthest 'a bulkhead that had
threatened to callapse fluky the water
pressure. Then, as her holds emptied,
the great ship exerted her natural
buoyancya and began to rise.
First her deck-rafis showed above
the water at high tide, then the top
of the "patch," and presently het
easterlies). Theta with. joyful hootings,
the tugs 'passed their wits hawsers and
towed the 10,000 -ton patient to the bed
in dry dock reserved for her, where
the skilled surgeons, whose tools are
hemmer and drill, and whose meth -
cities are steel plates end rivets, would
take her In hand and'complete the
Work of the salvors—of the men Who,
onee more, kali cheated both the Hun
in the linterseeboote and the hardly
less ruthless ocean.
No Curiosity.
A daiway Man named Pat Care was
met one day by an taglish tourist,
who said to hint::
"What's your Wane?"
"Carr," said Pat. a"
• "Well, well," said the Englishman,
"you're the first car 1 ever saw going
without 'eat ass, so you're a great
curiosity 11) 1120"
"Well," said Pat, "you're not the
first ass I saw going saltbout a vela so
yott're ne etalegity to mo,"
Ills shady character rievea kept a
;Mali cdols
aly search was rewarded, not by , se/was,
meeting my Mende, but by the sudden
appearance of two Hun machines fly-
ing in the direction of our lines. Draw.
525 a little to one side, so as to have
a good look at 111001, I discovered they
%mown Acqn, Coa44: tic/Cot:7,41
Rea& 10 0 CCA.2.g5.,,,,v4,
1"'HEi example of the late
i. Queen Victoria In se -
looting the Williams New
Scale Plant) has been fol.
Towed by many of the
world's most renowned
musicians. This foot has
caused 11 to be known as
the choice of the Oren%
Lows XV Model, S550.00
Canada's Oldest and Largest Piano Maker
ULM= . tgfl 111 1, 11111 1