HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1918-9-12, Page 5e>l• l2ttl,'19E$ Clinton News -Record terest to You land Me ' 'Phare Is a saying in England -the effect that ,"every shillinN, wast-, r:ed stabs a soldier iu the back,"' ?flow much are we doing .assist in the way of economizing 1, * .. 'Toy found an Bildt still opera'- ]lig oti, a kitchen stove at ;Graven - keret a short time ago. anti•' eee is-. -bated. it, How Heartless the author :sties are. They won't even allow the inhabitants of that':,; out -of -tile -way Place a chalice to' drown their. :troubles, . .i 0 An advertisement is published on _another page of this issue calling the :.-attention of citizens of the United States resident in Canada to their •obligation to register under the 1V111 itary Service Act, Such citizens have sixty days from July 30th, 1918, in which to exercise an option -to enlist or enroll with the United States, and ten days after the • ex- piry of that time in which to reg- ister under the Military Service Act •uf 1017 with the registrar of the province or district in which he re- • sides. Failure to obey these regula- r -aloes within ten days of the expiry of the aforesaid option will subject a man to a penalty not exceeding five hundred dollars and to imprisonment ,for any time not exceeding'isix mon- ths and also to a penalty of ten dollars per day for each day after the expiry of the time when he should have registered. These are new regulations agreed upon by the two governments and • will be strictly enforced. • :Married in the "City of the Straits" Of interest to a large circle of friends was the marriage which took . place in Detroit on Aug. 31st, of Elva E., (Bessie), daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weston of Goderieh • ..township, to Mr. Lorraine P. Vail, •son of Mr. and Mrs. Boston Vail of Detroit, which was solemnized at '7,30 p.m., by the Rev. Mr. Cane in the Campbell M. E. church. Only the _immediate Families and friends wit- , nessed the ceremony. The bridal party and guests then drove to the -home of the bride's sister, Mr. and Mrs. A. Agnew, 227 Larchmont Ave., where, a sumptuous dinner was par- taken of, The decorations were car- ,ried out in pink and white. The bride looked charming in a ' gown of King's blue satin trimmed with fringe 'and embroidered panels, and large brocaded gold and black icture hat and carried cream bridal -roses, The bride was attended by : her friend, Miss Vera Mayer, who wore a gown of blue georgette with large black picture hat and carried pink -roses. Mr. George Oswald, uncle of . the 1bridegroom was best man. The bride's going away . costume was a blue tailored suit with hat to match and Goatee of grey squirrel. After a short boat trip • Mr, and Mrs. Vail will be at home to their :friends at 766 Junction Ave., De- troit. Mrs. H. Weston, the -bride's moth- •er, attended the wedding. Profound regret was felt at the passing away of Janet, only daugh- ter of the late James McDonald on August 25th at her home on the 9th -con. of Wawanosh where. slie • bad • spent her lifetime. Deceased had not • enjoyed good health for some months but was only confined to her bed for about ten days, heart •trouble being the -cause of death. She was sixty- • three years of age and is survived by three brothers. Marriages ,aFERGUSON-CARTER-In Seaforth. on Sept. 3rd, by Rev. Dr. F. H. Larkin, John A. Ferguson to Miss Gladys L. Carter, both of • Hallett township. .PINNING-BI;GGINS-Ili Clinton, on Sept. 5th by Rev., A. E. Jones, Mary Biggins to William John Ross Pinning. MARKER-FLNGLAND-At Londes- boro, on Aug. 28th, by Rev. J. Abery, Jemima, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, John Ffnglanct, to John Barker, Toronto. 'FAIL-WJ'.STON-In " Detroit, on Aug, 31st. Elva , :15., (Bessie), daughter of NII, and Mrs. Marry Weston of. Goderieh township, to Mr. Lorraine P. Vail of Detroit. Births 'TYNER-In Hullett, on Sept. 7th, to Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Tyner, a daughter. .MACMATi3-At Hillside Farm, God- erieh township, on Aug. 24th, to Mr: and Mrs, S. R. MacMath, a daughter (Grace Douglas), ELLIOTT-At Victoria -hospital, London, on Sept, 3rd, to .Lieut, and Mrs, T, R. Elliott, a son.. ,VINCENT -In Blyth, on Aug. 81st, to Mr. and Mrs, John Vincent, a 'laughter. BOLTON -In Seaforth, on Sept, 1st, to Mr. and Mrs. L. Bolton, a son. .EBERHERT--In Tuckersmith, on August 14th, to Mr, and Mrs.. G. Eherhert, a daughter. "'COLEMAN -In Tuckersmttli, on Aug, 21st, to Mr, and Mrs., F. Cole- man, a daughter. Deaths TYNER--- n 'Mullett township, on Sept, Ot1t, Mandena Holland, wile of Mr, "Charles Tyner, aged 20 years and 1 months, 'SOLA'I'Elt--in Seaforth, en ?1agent 8O1;h, Wi111am Sclater, aged 74 years, • TO UNITED STATES CITIZENS IN CANADA By the United States Military Service Con- vention Regulations, approved by the Gover- nor -ii) -Council on 20th Aiugust, 1918, MALE CITIZENS OF THE UNITED" STATES IN CANADA, WITHIN THE AGES for the time being SPECIFIED BY THE LAWS OF "THE UNITED STATES prescribing 'corn. pulsory . military service, except those who have diplomatic exemption, ARE MADE SUBJECT AND LIABLE TO MILITARY SERVICE IN CANADA, ' AND BECOME ENTITLED TO EXEMPTION OR DIS- CHARGE THEREFROM, UNDER THE CANADIAN LAWS AND REGULATIONS. The regulations governing this liability are published in the Canada Gazette (Extra) of 21st August, 1918; copy whereof may be obtained upon application through the post to the Director of the Military Service Branch of the Department of Justice at Ottawa. UNITED STATES CITIZENS of the description aforesaid who were IN CANADA ON 30th JULY, 1918, HAVE SIXTY DAYS FROM THAT DATE within which ' TO EXERCISE AN OPTION TO ENLIST or enroll IN THE FORCES OF THE UNITED REGUL 3. EVERY MALE CITIZEN OF THE UNITED STATES WITHIN THE AGES for the time being SPECIFIED IN THE LAWS of the UNITED STATES prescribing compulsory military service, not including those who have diplgmatic exemption, WITH- IN TEN DAYS AFTER THE EXPIRY OF THE TIME LIMITED BY THE CONVEN- TION within which the Government of the United States may issue him a ter'tificate of diplomatic exemption, SHALL TRULY RE- PORT TO THE REGISTRAR BY REGIS- TERED POST, and in writing which is plainly legible, his dime in full, his occupation and the date of his birth; stating also whether he is single, married or a widower; and if the latter, whether he has a child living; also if married, the date of his marriage; and stating more"over his place of residence and usual post office address in Canada; and, if he reside within a city or place where the streets and dwellings are named and numbered, the name and number of his street ancl dwelling; or if he reside in another place, the lot and concession number, section, township, range, and meri- dian, ;or other definite description whereby his place of residence may be located, having regard to the custom of the locality in which he lives: and IF WITHOUT REASONABLE EXCUSE HE NEGLECT OR FAIL TO STATES, or TO RETURN to the United States; and THOSE WHO -for any reason SUBSEQUENTLY BECOME L,IABBLE TO MILITARY 'SERVICE IN CANADA HAVE THIRTY DAYS FROM,THE DATE of the accruing OF SUCH LIABILITY within which to exercise the like option. It is stipulated by the Convention also that certificates of diplomatic exemption may be granted within the optional periods aforesaid. EVERY CITIZEN OF THE UNITED STATES TO WHOM THE REGULATIONS APPLY is required to REPORT TO THE REGIS- TRAR under the Military Service Act, 1917, FOR THE province or DISTRICT WITHIN WHICH he is, in the manner by the regulations prescribed, WITHIN TEN DAYS AFTER THE EXPIRY OF HIS OPTIONAL PERIOD and . will be SUBJECT TO PENALTIES IF without. reasonable excuse HE FAIL SO TO REPORT. For the information of those whom it may concern Sections 3 and 4 defining, the requirements of registration, with which it will be necessary strictly to comply, are set out substantially as follows:- ATIONS REPORT IN THE MANNER and with the particulars aforesaid within the time limited as aforesaid, HE SHALL BE GUILTY OF AN OFFENCE, AND• SHALL BE LIABLE UPON' SUMMARY CONVICTION to a penalty not EXCEEDING FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS, AND TO IMPRISONMENT for any term not exceeding six months, and moreover he shall incur A PENALTY OF $10.00 FOR EACH DAY after the time when or within which he should have registered during which he shall continue to be unregis- tered. 4. EVERY UNITED STATES CITIZEN WHO HAS DIPLOMATIC EXEMPTION, although not otherwise subject to these regulations SHALL WITHIN TEN DAYS after the granting of the same truly REPORT TO THE REGISTRAR, in Iike manner and with the same particulars as required by the last preceding section; and in addition he shall embody in his report a true and complete statement of the particulars of his certificate of diplomatic exemption. NEGLECT OR FAILURE without reasonable excuse to comply with the requirements of this section SHALL CONSTITUTE AN OFFENCE PUNISH- ABLE IN THE MANNER AND BY THE PENALTIES provided in the last preceding section. ISSUED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE, MILITARY SERVICE BRANCH. Egg -Laying Contest in P.E,L Prince Edward Island is going to produce more eggs to the square foot than any other province in the Dominion. Already eggs are one of the big exports and the Island is bound to make it bigger. To further this patriotic ambition an egg laying contest is being staged at the Ex- perimental Farm, Charlottetown. It is conducted by the --Experimental Farm System Poultry Division. It starts November the 1st and will continue for eleven months. The contest will be open to birds from anywhere in America but ac- commodation is made for only 20 pens' of eight birds or 160 birds in all. The first 20 applications will be the ones accepted. There will be two classes : Class No. 1, Light breeds, and Class No. 2, Heavy Breeds. Full information Including rules and regulations, application form, etc., May be secured by applying to Sup- erintencletit, Experimental Farm, Charlottetown, where the contest is being held or to the Dominion Poul- try Husbandman, Central Experi- mental Farm, Ottawa. • A PRIVATE SALE OP HOUSE - hold effects, including 2 lounges, 3 tables, 1 bedroom suite, baby car- riage, pictures, etc,, at the home of Mrs. John Scruton, Huron street. -58 MISS EDNA. McCA'UGHEY IS prepared to take a limited number of pupils for piano at her home, Huron St., Clinton. Pupils pre- pared for Toronto or London Con- servatory exams. -58 HOUSE FOR SALE -ON BATTEN-• bury street, 6 -roomed cottage, town water, good cistern, berry bushes, etc., also a good stable, possession in the fall -Apply to Mrs. S. Agnew, Clinton. 58-4 CREAM WANTED -T, 15, MASON, Sunumerhili, has made arrange menta to have create taken in at D. N. Watson's grocery store, Vic- toria street, each Tuesday and Fri- day, (:ins furnished. Cream paid for weekly. Food Board License No. 8- 10582, Phone 8 an 638,-58 HOUSE FOR SALE-COiMFGRT- able 6 -roomed house on cornet of Huron and North • streets ; town water and soft water cistern; good garden. Poe particulars apply on premises to Mrs, .1. Mulholland. 50 AUCTION SALE -A SALE OF FOR SALE --A GOOD SECOND household effects will be held at hand organ. Apply to 'News -Record the hone of James Scott, High or Box 148, Clinton.. ,•54 street, on Saturday afternoon, Sept. 14th. -55-4 STRAYED -ONTO THE PREMISES of George Mann, Lot 14, Con. 3, Mullett, about middle of August, a red yearling heifer calf. Owner can have same by proving property and paying expenses. -57 FARM FOR SALE -100 ACRES, Lot 32, Con. 11, Hullett, 2 miles from village and church and 1 mile from school ; large bank barn, large brick house and other out- buildings, artesian well, water pumped by wind mill and piped to House and barn, a spring creek "a place. The land is of a good clay loam. 10 acres of bush. For par- ticulars apply to Chas. H. Man- ning, R`R, No. 1, Londesboro. 56-4 MIR G. AI. ELLIOTT, GODERICi•I, 'County Secretary for the Chil- dren's Aid Society, has been nom- inated as -a candidate in The Free Preds' Big Prize Contest and will appreciate the support of his friends in and near Clinton, Cut the coupon out of The Free Press each day and hand them . in fre- quently at A. T. Cooper's store. Each coupon counts 25 votes and will increase Mr. Elliott's chance of securing one of the autos given as -prizes. A year's subscription to Tho Free Press will count 30,- 000 votes. NIr. Cooper is author- ized to receive subscriptions al- so. -56 VOTERS' LIST, 1018, OF . TIIE " Municipality of the Township of Stanley, County of Huron. -Notice is hereby given that I have trans- mitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in Section 0 of the On- tario Voters' List Act the copies of the list made pursuant to the said Act, of all persons appearing by the last revised Assessment Roll of the said Municipality to be en- titled to vote in t41e said Muniei- pality at elections of members of tite Legislative Assembly and at Municipal elections, and that the said list was first posted up at my._ofOce, in Stanley on the 81st day of August, 1018, and remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to talie pro- ' eeedings to have any errors or om- • issions which may be totted there- in corrected • according to law, Dated Iii Stanley this 31st day of August, 101.8,-R, J. Richardson, ' Clerl€, PUPS k'0R SALE -A PAIR OF well bred Collie pups, about a month old, for sale. -Apply at The News -Record Office. ANY PERSON OR PERSONS trespassing or destroying property on the premises of the estate of the late William H. Woods will be • prosecuted according to law.. - Barfield, Sept. 4th, 1918.-1. M. Woods. 57-17 NIUSIC PUPILS WANTED -MISS Beatrice Greene is prepared to take a limited number of pupils for the fall term for piano, the Myers Kindergarten method for ci-ildren. She will also give vocal insti'"ration, Call Phone 69, Clin- ton. " .. -57 TENDERS WANTED. - TENDERS addressed to the undersigned and marked "Tender for Bryant Drain" will be received until September 26th, 1918, at 3 p.m. when said tenders will be opened, for the con- struction and completion 01 the work to be done and material fur- nished on the Bryant, Municipal Drain -in tate Township of Hullett and Morris. Plans and specifica- tions may be seen at Clerk's of- fice in the village of l.onde,;ioro. A marked cheque for 5 percent. of amount of tender : to accompany same. Hullett, September and, 1018. -John Fingland, Clerk of I3nllett. 57-3 AUCTION SALE AT LOND'ESBORO on Wednesday, Sept. 18th, at one o'clock sharp by Thos. Gundry, auctioneer, the following : 1 rub- ber tired covered buggy, 1 steel tired covered buggy, 1 double seat- ed catt, 1 Portland cutter, 1 set single harness, 1 string ' of sleigh bells, 1 leather horse net, 1 coal heater, 1 lounge, 1 large extension dining room table, 1 cook stove, 1 Alladin lamp eompiete, 3 coal oil lamps, 2 lanterns, 1 writing desk, 2 bedsteads, 1 organ and stool, 3 washstands, 1 washing machine, 2 rain water batrols, 1 toilet set 7 pieces complete, 1 side board, and Corks, shovels and other articles too numerous to mention. Sale at ono o'clock sharp. Terris --Six months credit on approved joint notes or 0 percent, per annum dis- count for oasb.•-,John L asham, 57-2 P.S.-All parties owing me will kindly call and settle on or before Sept. ldth and oblige, J. Lasham. $,$$$$$$$$,$$$.$$$$$,$. PALL TIVIeld FIWM SEPT, ' $ r.. 4 $ Ord ` $ $ $ $ $ $ $ la Shaw's Business Schools, $ Toronto. Peet) Catalogue on $ request. Write to W, 1^I, $ Shaw; Pres,, Yonge and Ger- $ $ rard Ste,, Toronto, $ $$g$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ FARM FOR SALE. -.-LOT 29, BAY- field Concession, Goderieh town= ship, 010. acres. On the property. is' a 1* story frame house with 5 rooms and'• kitchen, frame stable on stone foundation, and hen house ; good spring water, The farm is well feueed and watered by the Bayfield River, making it aa excellent pasture farm. Situate 1:1 miles north of Varna and 5 miles south oh Clinton, -Apply Gladman & Stanbury, Barristers, Hensell or Exeter, 55-4 ROOMS AND BOARD -COMFORT - able furnished rooms, heated by furnace, and board if desired. Al- so suitable rooms for light house- keeping. -Apply at News -Record of- fice. -55 HIOUSE FOB, SALE -GOOD FRAME house oa Rattenbury street, west. 8 rooms, sleeping porch, summer kitchen and woodshed. Good cel- lar, furnace, electric lights, town and soft water. Garden with fruit trees and a chicken house. -Apply on premises to Miss Southcombe. -52 HOUSE FOR SALE -A GOOD 2 - story, 8 -roomed house on Town- shend street. Heated by furnace, good cellar, soft and town water, bathroom, pantry apd summer kit- chen. Good garden, barn and chick- en house. A11 in good repair. Excel- lent location. Apply on premises. Mrs. B. A. McDonald, -51 FARM FOR SALE -923 ACRES OF splendid farm land in good state of cultivation. On it are a comfort- able storey and a half brick house with new steel roof, a good cellar, a barn 40x60 and straw shed 22x28 with foundation under all, room to tie up 28 head of cattle and 5 horses besides 3 box stalls, root room, 'feed room, separator room and harness room. Cement floors throughout except 2 box stalls and root house. A stone pig pen 24x24, a hen house 24x10 and a drive shed 20x30. There is a never failing spring creek, a good well andcis- tern, about 10 acres of orchard. This is a desirable property' 20 miles from Clinton, good gravel road. I want to sell at once as health makes it necessary for me to give up farming for the present. Would sell stook, implements ' and crop if so desired. -Apply Leonard E. Weir, Lot 27, Con. 4, Hullett, Clinton. P. 0. --43' Livo Pou!try WANTED HIGHEST MARKET PRICE W. MARQUIS R.R. No. 1, Clinton Phone 14-638 Pickling Season The busy housewife certainly takes a pride in the making of her pickles and this year is a year they should pickle everything possible. Our lines of spices are of the best and can bo depended on too so you will not be taking any, chances of your pickles spoiling by getting your supplies of spices and vinegar at our store. A full assortment of spices needed : Gr. Cloves, Celery Seed, Gr. Allspice, Mustard Seel, Tumeric, Ginger, Cry`urPowder, Mustard Whole mixed rtekia .spices in 5c or 10e pkgs. Special Crystal pickling vinegar that can be depended on to add the flavor to your pickles, Parkes & Parkes special pickle mixture on hand now. OTJR ONE HOUR SPECIAL' THIS. WEED 3 bars pure laundry soap for 200 2 pkgs. Jelly Powder for 20c Between the hours of 7.30 to 830 p.m. only. Johnson & Co. The Store of Quality. Phone orders promptly eared for. PHONE 111, - Retail Grocer License No. 8-7241 Dunure Uartley • 9221. Enrolment No. 97, Form 1 Will stand tot the improvement of stodk this season at his own stabio, West' End, Tuckersreith. Tarns $15 to insure,: , - G.. W',. 1"10TT, Proprietor 0000 BUSI1131$ FOR SAFE -- Store business, with ktoolc of Kfro•• aeries, Paints, Wallpaper and Hoots. and ,Shoos, Also a six -film evap• orator, Business must be dispos- ed of as the proprietor has. ;bought a farm, -3), F }Yiorngr Bayfield, 5.0 HOUSE FOR SALE -3 STOREY frame House, corner of Townshend and Kirk streets, in good repair, electric lielite and tows water,-' Apply on premises to . Mrs, L. Stong, -19 YOUR CL RE - paired R OTFILt1S CLEANED Iz>r- paired and Pressed and at the shortest possible notice. Both Lath fes' and Gentlemen's clothes. We guarantee to do good work. I am prepared to French Dry Clean Ladles Suits, Gent's Suits and all kinds of Woolen' clothing including Sweat- ers, eta, All orders promptly' at- tended to. Rooms over I.•Iunniford's grocery store -Wm, •L ,Jago. -00 Clinton's Leading Jeweler', Store ge THAT'S WHERE Tk1E PEO- PLE ARE ALL GOING . TO BUY TI•IEIR JEWELERY, RINGS, WATCHES, ]STC, Mr. Brown, treasurer of the Waltham Watch Co,, said be- fore the Jeweler's Association, "Buy all the watches you can while you can get them. We have just refused a government order for 80,000 wat- ches as we could not supply them owing to shortage. or help, etc." There soon wont be any watches to be bought so if you have thought of getting one don't delay too long or you wont be able to buy, one at any price. MISTY VISION comes with advancing years but can be cleared by properly fitted glasses. When we fit them they give satisfac- tion. Eyes examined free. A few more pairs of Motor Glass- es left. Come In and get a pair and protect your eyes. R. H. JOHNSON Jeweler an`d Optician (Next. to Hovey's Drug Store) GIRLSYiIANTED ! +ice WE CAN GIVE EMPLOYMENT TO '/ FEW MORE KNIT., TERS, ETC.: APPLli AT ONCE; Clinton Knitting Co, LIMITED. THE COHNEH STORE Live and Let Live You will always find us busy but never too busy to give - YOUR ESPECIAL WANTS our special attention. We value your trade. Cttt out the hot stove and use cooked meats. We have- 000KED HAM, JELLIED TONGUE, VEAL LOAF, BOLOGNA • * * * *_ * * * * * * * * ` FRUITS and VEGETABLES .r, * * * * * * x * * * * * 1 APPLES, PEACHES, ORANGES, BEANS, BANANAS, TOMATOES, CUCUMBEIIS, POTATOES CELERY BUTTER AND EGGS WANTED HUNN!FORD Canadian Food Control -License No. 8-3123 10110110 45 ORDIR A SACK al our flour next time and you'll find a great improvement in your .baking and cooking of all kinds in which flatir is used, The best people use our flour because they have learn- ed by experience of its superiority: You'll surely do se too some day. "Why not at once 7 Highest Prices for Grain and Wool. W. Jenkins & Son. FLOUR AND FEED. Elevator Phone 100 Residence 0-142 Retail Meese No. 0-4368 Wholesale License No, 12-42 1 Creani d •13,Ari r ' 1Ii)l NEW ldliit)A:1i1ASp FOOD, COOIEII. IN pi-ntI7F. MINUTES, A ALSO PACICAG E RALSTON AT WH13AT. 25 CENTSr. FOOD WITH FLAVOR ALL ITS OWN, PER ,PACKAGE 80 CENTSi Alma," ..1. . UlliV il The Hub Grocery Canada Food Board License No. 8-2405 • A ASE YOU PREPARED f08 WINTEB? Is your Furnace in good condition? If not, have it overhauled by T. Hawkins. Do not wait until the snow flies and we are rushed. Agent for Hecla Furnaces THOS. HAWKINS. PHONE 83, -i Sliiop over Rowland's Hardware, A FULL LINE OF. Flour and Feed ALWAYS ON HAND +• Car load of Government Standard HOG FEED HIGHEST PRICES FOR GRAIN Ford Micg License No. 0-2109 Live Poultry WANTED 1,000 HENS 1 1,000 CHICKENS 500 DUCKS each week at our Poultry Feeding Plant for the balance of 1918. Pric- es paid according to quality, and fancy prices paid for Iarge properly] fattened milk -fed chickens.. NEW LAID EGGS Meatless days' , are making very high prices for eggs. Although grain prices aro high it will pay you to take special care of your flock or hens and pullets. ;e.w GUNN, LANGLOIS CO, CLINTON N, W. Trewartha, Phone 190 Manager or 'Holmesville 4 on 141 Canada Food Board -License No. 7-001 CREAM WANTEDI We will buy your cream and guar. antes you - HIGHEST PRICES ACCURATE RECORD' PROMPT RETURNS ENTIRE SATISFACTION Write us for cams. . We supplyi them. Pay express charges, Pay you for the cream you ship twice each month. Carefully weigh, sam- ple and test each Ban and send you a statement. Write today, prices are high. Agents : • %, Watton --W.. G. Neal IZinbnrn-�tTali Utz Coy Vatee--Beatty Bros.. 'Nat'l Seaforth Creamery Co Box 486 ; S3Al1t0WXI 1I, ONTa