HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1918-9-12, Page 2r:
w. D. MOT AOC: \AI
ld D.:Ma AO(AIt 1
McTaggart 'Bros..
_-BANiiERS '
iIII gli
3 ornrrt to. ttANNINO
INT<liR)tliti^ ALLOWED ON n6
A . T. }1.C14("El X
DIVISION ri l•-1itT C!'tilCN.
13y Alr0n0lult4l.
t This Department Is for the use of our farm readers who entheel Advice
of an expert en any question regarding soll, scetl, crape,
etc. If your Is of sufficient: general Interest, It will be answered through this column, 1f
stamped and addressed envelope l5 enclosed with your letter, a cordpiete
el, will be mailed to ou' Address Agronomist, care of Wilson Publishing
anew Y to.
W. u41YDOis.
Office- aloe Sleek-('i,IN10
Office ea Albert Streit oeeuPed bl
iM r; trooper..
,111 Cliotvn on every Thursday, •
and on any day tor whioh at•
/ointments are made. Oma•
ours from 9 a m. to a 'P ;m.
A stood vault in ooeneotioa with
$be olio*. ()Moe epee every
reerday Mr- Hooper rill
make any appototmsaba lot Mr, ;
Cg., Ltd, 73 AdeIalde St. w•, role
d tt Ohl to -where they sftauld be, Con.
• t
• it far ''tarn c g
;atony favorers- tole b
ghat to have the Cows •freshen in the I sequently they ale rnxri�tl )}�mighL,
with -
spring, it will make a greater profit,_ out paying the profit that they
come from them than if they came in until tlioy fx'oahc.n again.
in the fall. 011e farmer who thotighti Cows that. have ),heir calves
that wily, told me his reason; Ifall, Can be. taken particular care in the
ttY, To
"Tho principal thing that appeals j and can be mail) to clo their hest..
to me," he explained,"le bocknse what get the greatest profit from ensilage
I get from- the cows in the scunmer,jit should be given to cows that are
is practically ail - prat.I' do not' giving- their largest flow /of milk. To
have to give them much grain, They I feed valuable ensilage to cows that
take' care 'of themselves excepting f are only giving their half flow of ,
around mil ing times when I then. milk, is a waste of good feed. SVch'
•• -Office cases at his residence, cor.
High and Kirk streets.
Office Hours: -f.30 to 3.30 p.m., 7.30
to 9,00 p.m. Sundays 12.30 to 1.30
p.m. a.
Other hours by appointment only.
Office and Residence -Victoria St.
have to get flier into the barn, and great results are obtained when g
out tilt first thing in the morning. I to- cows that are fresh, so fall cows
figure the profit that I get in the sum- bring in the greatest profits ;from
mer is worth enough to pay for the silage.
rest of the year." As a rule the price of Milk is more
We all -knew that cows, naturally, -in the fall and winter, too;.•and to get
are apt to a0 -their best in the sum- more milk (frcesn fresh cows) makes
mer tune, Therefore t9 get the more profit also. Cows that are thk-
greai:est profit from them,, in the win- en care of properly, give more
ter, conditions should be made Ott nearduring their lactation period begin -
like summer as possible. In- the ning in the fall, than those that come
summer they get all of the nice fresh in in the spring. -
water with no ice in into make it too And winter -kept cows will go to
cold. How many farms are there pasture when it is at its best, in the
that have facilities so that the cows spring. There will be no drop-off,
can get the same in the winter? Cows which Is the case with spring -freshen -
enjoy the nice warm days in the sum- ed cows that/go through the dry -pas -
mer, too. Barns therefore should ture period.
be kept warm and comfortable for I Cows that are kept during the win -
them in the winter time. Too cold ter have to be fed grain. The extra
barns require more feeding of grain,' amount of grain which should be
which is expensive; as much of the' given to fresh cows, is more than
feed has to go to keep the cattle l paid for as the extra amount of milk
warm. And they do not give as much given is more in proportion.
either, under such conditions. Light Also, the work needed to take care
is another important thing'to consider.' of a certain number of cows, is near -
Plenty of windows to let' as much of ly the same whether they give a
the sunlight .into the tie-up- is im-' large amount of milk or little.
portant if we are trying to imitate' Then, again, calves that are born in
summer. Dark, damp-itables make! the fall, grow better and are larger
cows uneasy and discontented, and; and stronger and are ready for pas -
also help to breed germs of different! ture sooner than spring -born calves.
diseases. ',Calves raised in the ,summer ate
When the cows are at-rasture in bothered with flies and the hot sum -
the summer, they get juicy, green,' mer is bad for them and the feeding
succulent feed. Such a ration may pails, etc., axe easily contaminated if
tin and care -
Conveyancer, Notary Public,
Commissioner, Etc.
Issuer of Marriage Licenses
licensed Auctioneer for tie Count;
of Moran.
Car respondeoew'riireamptly answered
Immediate areauguateate cart be
made for Male, Date at The
lkews-fteeord, Ciiutoa. , ei IN
!sr!'" '5C. ?Nag Pioee 1i es 14?.
Merges ■ oder•ate amid 'ratiefaotis'e
Sole Agent for
Scranton an* D. tt. & L. ('oat
be given in a way by means of a silo. not washed very promp .
If the'silage is put in before the frosts fully; scours are more easily gotten
kill it green and succulent feed is therefore. Also, calves wintered in
assured, for the winter time. All a nice warm barn do not have these
farmers who have fed silage can risks to bother.
testify as to the great fondness which' So it is seen that if the ercows
cows have for it. taken care of properly,
" -So, to get the best results from win- ing in the fall, they will return more
ter kept cows, it can be seen that by profits in proportion for any extra
making conditions as near as possible care and feed given them, and by the
xis the cows get in the summer, the time they are nearly
ady to is yot d dry
greatest profits are obtained. 1 off, the -dried• im pasture
While it is true that the expense of the harm that it fwould to a cow that
grain and feed is much
at pasture in the summer, perhaps
feel that on the 'long run, cows that. conditions, farmers cannot always
freshen in the fall pay the best. have their cows come in atthetime
By Andrew 1'' Caviler, Al t)
Or, earner ^'111 .ettawer all algoeel 'niters pretainte -to ilcellh. it y031
Meaner Is Ch amoral interest it ell' be enew.el.ed through )hese colurnnsi
11 not, 1t will 1)e aleweled personally 11 atalnped, addroaaed .envelOPP le en' Linin, weak,' tired, Ianytlld feChtlga
t'is.sed, tDr. Corder will not ;1reeerlhn for Individual cases or rattke ,llegnoels• and werae it elxles.
hddr'eag 1)r. iirrdCe 1•'. not
Oill'e of Warm l'o611ehtng 00„ 71 .Adelatdr 1iocd'a tlersapnrilla ilea heel),
13i• tYosl, 'l'trroaio. wone1erfolly allece51t111 lu purifying ying'
Medicines for Kidney Diseases. 1 )nays by medicines for all the blood in tut enrichin
toieioblood,nrar uvi1
and if ono has disease in the �tm s-meb'or the body mime through them every Set Ja
I few ninutcs ailcl it le the. blood which ' building up the whole system, '23110
int°&thal ha ,bps if bo has it and d• final substances taken it -give it to all the family so es to
11 h 1 to nays
Bad blood 15 responsible for more
idltuen1 then 11as'thing else, It
(inoses mittiria dyspepsia, theme-
hie it, but if hr) has disease' carries mo u1 atotd illnta5• 00' 11 wchly..
in his ltidneys, aside from aching and by mouth unci eliminated by the Itid
pains in the loins w t c zid nY r I Two kidneys are usually provided
Means 'sure izdieatars of kidney dis-, � thou h area aro
ace a kidney.,_.
aelo raAwaao. -.- ga»s are cllsoaseci, n•hieh has been destroyed or removed,
ch can tell' for this purpose g y
e there 1s nothing tvht
ase th 1 g -
while'ft re
MOTHER SAYS SHE BATS MAY Win, i e mains in good Condition,
URN AUT At' ACROBAT bola t)Af flan on such subjects, that these or-' Medlainea will 1 of ropl
-..., „ OPPORTUNI`I JEh •
Y ll
n f h da without special infama- able to got along withone
M j
IF ! WERE. ()NIX TWINS YOU'D SEE_, 1 TO be sure tun ur ne Is an import- Har will they destroy kidney tissues "Whenever,". Agatha declared, "I
THE FAMOUS TEAM OF "Mir kill Mk , ant indication but it says lite tsee that advert!sentent in the street-
- the uninitiated. I whi/ h have been so injured they ran- car signs that says, "Opportunities
Its appearance ,has comparatively trot )liter out water told \waste Mat -are equal,' I get so mad that I want
little algal%leance, in fact when'it is tors' front the blood, to fight) They aren't equal, and
as clear as kpring water, and,irre- I Medicines can sometimes spur up never ware in all this world, and
proaehable to the ordinary jtulginent inaotivo kidneys, check those which Hover will be so long as. the world
it may have come from hopelessly dis- ; are doing too much, and coax along lasts Why do people want to lie
eased -kidneys, while that, which is bad 1 those which are diseased and imper- Ill.* that?"
smelling and susplcioua to the unin- feet but not too much so, "They certainly are not equal,"
formed May have came from kidneys \If this cannot be done, the wastes
that are normal. and poisons which 'the kidneys should
j Many of the physical 'changes 1n1eliminate, are retained and life is (la-
the urine take place In the bladder!
strayed by them;
hence it you are influenced by the a'p-j Water fs one of the best kidney
i pearance of •the urine .as to your medirinea, especially when aombined ouusie in here allala up in +c^•-•
:,,.:.•.., clear through -Y IY g Yt
be taking
Jean agreed. "Some people --like me
--have so many morn than others,"
Agatha caught her breath. "O ,lean,
what a brute you must think mot"
she cried. "I'in ashamed of myself':
.41C".. --
We are going to give every person
a load of coal as the names appear on
the order book and must insist on pay-
ment being made for same imme-
This is necessary as deliveries will
be 4extended well on in to the fall
. months.
We also have on hand a stock of
Canada Cement. •
At Your Service
Box 127, Clinton - Phone 100.
(Formerly of Brueoneld)
Agent for
The Huron & Erie Mortgage. Cor•
poratton and The Canada
Trust Company
Comm'er H. 0. of J., Conveyancer,
IO ire and Tornado Insurance,
Notary Public
At Brucefleld on Wednesday each
of me hart you may I other minerals.
tvhat''ima•y be harmful to the kidneys' e. •µ
constantly J 3.1
Mineral water r used fingers. Only -that just proves my
---- tine) lie of 1w use to the bladder. Contention; you're the biggest illua-
aurl casts are the most with advantage by those ivho have trailer of it I ]c for y Y g
know -you ou 1 in here,
important t ings ne disease. 1l
The choicest fruit grows on alto belt they cannot be soon or found i Cold will sttnuilate the t rdneys,A1 Pearn to play in a thousand years•-
pper )tranches. When we want to except by chemical and nticros'copt- will blistering and cupping. really play, with anything except her
ee the finest products of the feria cal examination. I coke) and digitalis, acting through re gars, I mean -going to the cher
e must look high up, among the I Blood and pits may often be seen the heart increase the blood flow sere„story--"
mbs that are nearest to the pure aizt in the urine but how can you tell through the kidneys and so increase hlith Jean! Mith Scan--"
ncl the sunshine. • ty ether they name 'Pram the bled- I the fl h i ofeurile.
berry, .parsley, broom, The voice was full of excitement.
It is the man who thinks big or kidney, as they may come' , and importance -Tommy Bailey's
thoughts, litems great ontetprlses,' from either. f juniper and malty other drugs will in-
voice by every token. A moment lat-
and carries them out who makes the Gallons of urine are sometimes fluence the kidneys and are often pre- er Tommy himself appeared in'the:
eal success in his chosen line. Never, passed daily, how are you going to, sent in patent medicines. doorivay,-panting and breathless.
until a man's 1385801 is filled with love tell that it indicates diabetes with In general it is unsafe for an in- „Mith Joan, Pearl's broke a jar of
or his lvork'can he - be truly happy i sugar or diabetes without sugar, or' Ie..dividual to decide for himself who- huckleberry all over herthelf, and ma
and reach life's finest prizes. Work-, cold,or disease of the nervous ays-i then.. his kidneys' are diseased, and thuya what will take it out? Ws a
ing hard will not do it; investing atom, and how ate yon going to de- how they are diseased, still less thighs, Milli ;ean, It ruined clown
great deal of money will not do it; cite what remedy you should,take? I therefore is it safe or, prudent to de- all her dreth, like thea thpilled ink!"'
nothing but the investment of self
When ne\; spapers advertise nide upon the kind of -medicine which "Dear me, Tommy, you'll have t tar
ill win. Top -branch farming is a Smith's Kidney Cure, Jones Safe Re- i would suit your case, build a fence about Pearl, won't you 1
thing of the best possible study, the' ] d Brown's Kidney Pills they, • But tell your mother not to worry• -
deepest possible thought, the most
or something which may be good if j Mrs. J. 1MI. T. -Will bananas cause she picked up a pad and pencil
Millions of men have gone across.you know hots to use It, but upon increase of weight? ,,I`wish to put from the table; also a couple of pink
the stage of life and left not .c s'ng.e which you are not able to decide by. on flesh. peppermints.
marls to show Choy ever lived. 'their ( },out, unaided judgment. Answer -Bananas, tuhen fresh "There you are, 1411. Postman, and
names are forgotten. They plowed, I There are many societies for the I and ripe, form one' of the most health- there's your postage stamp," she told
they sowed, they gathered into barns; •lrevention of mischief and wrong do- fel and useful articles of food. They him. "Sure you won't lose it?"
but whore are they? What have they 1 !"Thure, I won't," said Tommy in
le'ft`to maks: the world any better or, ing, there should be one to prevent also have a greater food value than
t prove that they were worthy the thevlknowrnething abouty medicines1any other fruit because of the very tones that were his
mouth.' blurred by
W large element of starch which they, rho PDPPermint in his mouth.'
place they occupied? Not a single,
It is possible to influence the kid- contain. "Did you-" Agatha began, but the
-tiring, Their lives were pale fruit,, �r^- - - ,___ „•___ -- --a 'telephone broke in. It was ,Close
growuit, down g 1 III keep account to see
On .the Upper Brunched. I things found in the orals kid y d and Eloise Sharp, who Haver
mac y an
that is I
careful planning,- backed up by good
are less andg you something
Q1IESTION.e�,• AND ANSWERS. jnsf'to pour boiling water over it.
harmless worthless and a 'fraud, j Wait a minute; I'll write it for you."
n out of sight, under. a T _._. _.. - ._...._ ..- -
burden of leaves apt branches. The Silo, The Lighthouse of the Farm. a began to veering at once.
This need not be so. The call ofi During the last few years stock -I whether it returned him any profit. "Oh, that's too bad! But don't
today is for the very best there is in;
raisers have floundered- around,quite )'lis creast checks for one month `worry„liens dear; try a hot iron over
us -not •
here olid there a man, built)) a bit and occasionally one bus bit a l amounted Co $29.31 more than the blotting paper. If that doesn't work
Theeworld need for big men un the I rock and gone clown. Fortunately„ same month the year before. He
I'll tell you something else. But I
111 never be fully milking the same cows and they hurt the
beside ,Jean's hand, and she was ens
less for cows is giving a large ow• farm is urgent. It w' every stock -raiser can have a light_, was m c g thutic it will. It won'tu
•rhe s I Of course, even under the best of met until all men everywhere appre-i house that will keep him, as well as' had been milked about the same
o fabric in the 'least."
an occasional neighbor, off the rocks, length of time after freshening. The As she hung up the telephone,
and guide the way to batter farming; feed was the same except that the lgatha looked at her whimsically.
olid bigger profits, That lighthouse l corn was from the silo instead of "Do you run an emergency stas-
is the silo, from n feed bin. At Chat rate the tion, Jean?"
There is no longer -any doubt that j silo paid for itself in two months. I "I am beginning to believe that I
silos point the way to safe farming.) The ,)ling season, when kernels are do," Jean eginnnded. "Promise not
Thousand's of satisfied users have kill- dented, is close at. hand. Evart; to tell? es you see that card hi-
ed all the doubt,•stock-raiser should build a silo, for Ilex there? It has remedies for half"
In more ways than one swell -filled the stock farm without a silo is only the accidents under the sun. I get
•silo keeps stock -raisers off the rocks, I half a farm. The silo is the line . people to tell me valuable ones, or to
The use of silage cheapens beef, milk, I place where ;11.60 corn realizes 33 a try those I already know. It began
mutton and wool by cutting dowel the i t)ushel when fed. .I with Tommy one morning when Pearl
amount of grain needed. Silage is;' Taming the Lightning Stroke ; upset a bowl of soup. Pearl can
valuable for Iambs in the feed lot, and i fnrnbch an accident a clay, easily; in
fur wintering the breeding -ewes. If theca was ever a time when it is fact, she may be said to have start -
Silos are the greatest food savers : important to protect buildings from ed me on my career. It's such fun!
'known to stock -raisers. An acre ' lightning, that time is now, . Yon don't know how I'm getting ac -
of corn fodder put into a silo has morel High prices for grain, live stock quainte.d clown on Finney Street. The
food vain° than an acre of corn. There and all other farm products make pro- little club 1 used to have has extend -
are several reasons for this. One is tection imperative, to say nothing ed all over the neighborhood."
that when corn is put into the silo about the patriotic impulse that There are people," Agatha declar-
none of it is wasted. The whole should prompt us ail to save food- ed, "who would find opportunities in
plant except the root goes in; when it stuffs that are s0 badly needed by our=Sah:u'A."
conies out it is so palatable that the Country and our Allies, "Why, of course!" Jean agreed
cattle, horses and sheep eat it with al Another important reason for pro -.laughing.
relish. Another economy is that the tection is that it will cost less this ---•----,;.---•---
corn is stored at a time when it con- year than it has ever before, if you -
al1" Cows
and p A(.6 tains the greatest 11010unt of nutrients. Consider the increase in the value of "lis Ne l'asseront Pas"
ofceive is about three or mare,
pounds eating pork and old } vice: (They alfa)) nbt pass!)
grain a dayto each mare, as may are becoming eaters of chickens, mut- i a thread so that it will not unroll.
every person with a dozen cows the building 'to be protectel.
Choy e y shall not pass( A wall of steel
of ' tori and veal,thus increasing the pos- I Then dip the straight edge in hot should have a silo. 'rhe diameter Buildings made of wood. stone or
seem necessary to keep the digestiveY water -just the'erlge, and about half should be determined by the number brick should always he protected by ltl.ovent them!
system acworking h properly_ sibili ass of the, sheep and-poultr of The line .may t nd,-but it•,eae rev -
e fact that straw is a heat -pro- business. I the width of the lace. •1Wristill tlin silo bemafeet wide twelve
thirtyinfeet ltorials ightning-rods,
not or good carriers rilof or break, et
se . When poultry can eat and thrive on water out and dry the 1 , ,
dicing feed is of importance because P !the
For outstretched unseen hands shall
feedforproducing warmth till ,kinds of foods and Produce good! little roll. When it is
�so and high; t\venLyi�six cows,
tvlugh-;f a°tw°uty+ electricity; they offer resistia'ttc° 'to
the best y ginside ,tviil be slightly s
to idle horses 'is also the cheapest. results, it is very\ Cod evidence that'• l t t
work horses require only suffici- they are, constitutionally strong. (that it will measure less than the COWS, twelve •feet wide end,.l:hi>'ty-two
always k
Idle 9 good�.�_--. outside, and so. -you Will have less feet high; t}vuntV five cows, twelve'
ant grain to maintain them in
flesh condition; All the rest of their' What Causes Sttmtling? difiimtlty in fitting it to the curved thiete icdws,ttfourteenthirty-eight
feed may well consist of cheap rough- Stunting of young animals is g.' edge ---•--..e--- thirty-four feet high.
age, provided,_it is clean, bright and serious matter. Steps to prevent) Every grown slfould , drink ' Two:: ,years ago a farmer known to
free from injurious substances: By stunting really should begin before' Every
pints of water person day the writer, built a silo which cost F66.
feeding more bright straw and just the animal le born. To that end it
'enough grain to keep. their digestive
c necessary and profitable to feed, -- --•-..-_-----'-. . ._..__-...__. ..
systems in good order the 3tts 1 the pregnant animal 'well, so that she
ciate to the full the dignity of good
farming, and put all there is in them
Unless the pasture is extremely good, that they want them to, n also,
of mind, soil, body, and heart m o
along the last part of the summer it with a large herd of cows, it would everything they do, from hoeing a hill
begins to get short and the grass not be well to have all have calves in of corn to directing n great farm ill
dries up and without getting feed in the fall, or at the same time. But, oration..
the barn "the cows.drop off. How many by realizing that the fall -freshened e. - --
'der it cows bring the most profits, if taken
farmers are there that const ,
and fail to feed their cows? And care of as they
should ahedd,be, farmers
by the time the cows are taken in, in can, by planning
fall, they have dropped off in their most money from their cows in the
milk flow and cannot be gotten back end.
Trains will arrive at and depart
from Clinton Station as follows: .
Going east, ae.i,attt 6.18 a.m.
of 2.58 p.m.
Going West, ar. 11.10, dp, 11.10 a.m.
" " ar. 6.08, dp. 6.45 p.m.
rt It " 11.18 p.m,
Going South, ar. 7.83, dp. 7,50 a.m.
a u " 4.15 p.m.
Going North, depart 6,40 p.m,
" 10.80, 11.11 a.m,
The IV[cKillo
p Mutaal
Fire Insu,ranoe Gom. an
p Y
,Head office, Seaforth, Ont.
President, Janes Connolly, Goderich; a•r• ru ncc by .1 g.
e Eva ,' ean be prevented without niuelr ef- animal that grazes short grass alt an have decreased during the pan.. ycal. q •illy next to uu rh more dehetous than halCo,
Vice Jams ns Beechwood P d b3 1 h fl • echoed? Look al; the augmenting the nidal su 1 ±
Bright oat straw is wholesome win -
Ler roughage for idle horses. Many
good feeders figure that every ton of
good oat straw which the horses will
eat saves half a ton or more of'valu-
able hay. Some of the very hest
pure-bred•draft mares in the coun-
try are fed good oat straw as their that we would still be gettin • good' though no
exclusive roughage during the•winter prices for our products. one' finds time to do much of that
months' The 0nl7 other feed they Many people are getting tired of 1. sort of work now, try this little.,de-
d ' Roll thel and tie it with
After the Grain Harvest.
Points worth remembering, they
mean money to you. The tender clover -
and timothy plants require all growth
possible as a winter protection, there-
--'-"" fore peep all livestock off the newly-
seeded meadows, because if pastured
after harvest, the young plants are
so weakened that winter -killing is the
usual result. While, on the other
The fowls and eggs from a pure- hand, if a strong growth is left for
brecl'flock of hens will , bring more protection, winter -killing is' avoided
money on accosuit of their uniformity. and usually big crop's of hay are har-
One of our most conservative pool- vested the following season.
trymen says that if all farmers would
keep pure-bred poultry, the business Itt 111e Sewing Room.
would be doubled in a few years and If you htid occasion to sew some
horses Can be wlnter"A.cheaplq as may properly nourish her young and y 1
to oreaaty .sed, :o •- a cost of main- have plenty of mills for it when it is
born. '
pelves are stunted by feeding milk
in large quantities twice a day. The
natural way to feed calves is -to al -
ow a little :nnille often, and certainly meat for foreign people as well as our, able meat foods, secure the services of a professmnal.
• t Prevent ab age Heads From not loss then three times a day. The own, every farmer must put forth his ]'Cry always finds ready sale on all What you want. is protection from
(w Q
mill: l bP warm, the milk pail best effort 10 produce more bogs. A the markets because the palters have lightning, not lightning -rods. rods. There
o a rich clear. the Calf. should be made to glance at the prices of pork on the found many ways of placing it on the It t use noting rodstniput upon ee
If cabbages are grotvs u e so drink slowly. leading markets in this country and market fit attractive Perlis with ex -
loamy soil, the growth is often fes because thecan fainly see that the are slang- eellent keeping qualities. 1 doubt if building unless they are the right
rapidithat the heads split late in the Lunbs fail, to grow t 3011 p i )cirri and are know tin put on; and
especially the case ewes have been wintered on coarse, tering,• consuming at home, and pro- you can find
ninny any other meat from you want a that theytare;put
summer. It is asps Y dry, bulky roughage. Colts are porting more pork than we are 1 toduets are menu
with early taro started or With late same reason .and also n Some will say that the feed factored, A large parva»rage-of all on right. Then you can forget all
varieties that are . early. On because for the duel g ea right ]ightuhng danger's and road
that account mien gardeners delay the mares are made to work is tea high to feed to the hoiys, bet: the meat; and meat: products math- 1000 i+51100 while the alarm rifts,+ut -
t y g too soon and too hard' after foaling the price has more than doubled in the, fneturerl in Canada is derived from ,
setting out cabbage plants until lett and allowed to suckle their young, est few year's and the farmer can the hugs, All huyrl, are tory rtilxl-
in the season. I p
patch when hot, sweaty and tired, make many or the. waste feeds on the; thea Lo get ling, because fern firm i Try Apples T}lis Way.
It often happens that a fend. the most common and veritable byraisinghogs. You i badlyyneecis them 1n order to peep the
di earlycabbages cannot readily 'be' Waorms are fain^ p in this markets supplied with their mamfac-1 1 have taunt that apples hailed
g certain cause of stunting. 7 hey will find many communities disposer) of at onus, Usually 'they with the skhls on, just as poiatnos
are certain to infest and injure every province whtrc Lhc number of hugs :tared meat prod and ee'est waw of eve boiled "in their ,laelcote," aro
l • 1 ' 'The troubleChi tar•h at e
tenance; and this means considerable
reduction in the .cost of operating a
large farm where several work teams
are kept during the year.
How C b H d
By A. M. Porter,
If we are to mini -Mee to provide. used by them in the
making of value -
electricity. • The . • 1ightuing stroke
occurs where the a ec rici y
has been obstructed; when it breaks
through, that is the stroke. If you
equip your building with proper car-
riers, and therefore prevent the elec-
tricity from becoming obstructed, you
need never fear lightning. '
However, it is not only necessary
to have a lightning -rod of high
quality, carefully made, but it is
highly important that it be properly
applied by a man. who understands
the principles of lightning control.
Even if one Is expert at the me-
chanical work involved, and the job
appa•tinilp is simple, it is beat to
old astute ion use aunla s,
Esc. -Treasurer; Thos: E. Bays, Sea. fort, .Peke hold of the cabbage be- P g Whet as this ea ±•
Each kind f 1 taints the pas market '• 0f pork and the quer- the rl±iaing of poultry is by raising apples.
low the head with both hands and ae cin o anima ai 's le - market prices
,,• tore wtth the parasites peculiar Co it. tion is tmswcred, 'hese. prices are ho„s. The ling. is the mast important
lave it a slight jerk sufficient to and 1. animal for the Jamey to raise for If the ground is hard, tile the ad
Directors: 31 George McCartney, See. , loosen Pigs afflicted with piles or prolapse high became we need more pork d
forth; D. F. McGregor, Seaforth; J,part of. the feeding• roots, but an other time ilio meal', and money, Ire requites loss of rho hon with ti longe slat lila. until thi \3l,.3.1
G. Grieve, Walton; Wm. Rots, Sea: not strong enough to pull the plant bf the rectum have beats 'Ste Lack arid; ^tow rather than y e hogs labor, less equipinent less capital, the )toe edge Is sharp. This will 0. E. il.tl•I., al. R. CLARK,
n ge
bften prove a total loss, of farmer should be able L g lrnprulnr. Editor.
Barth; M. McEvreti, Clinton; Robert away from its hole in the soil, rtti makes coater gains ,11Ar alio hundred melee the wont comparatively easy.
thrust against them.
The impious I•Iunnish hordes in
terror quake
Because they know their efforts are
1n train!
They cannot pass) God will the vie -
tory gain.
News- Record
Tt rms of subscription -$1.50 per year,.
in advance to Canadian addresses;
$1 00 to the US. or other foreign
Countries. N., paper discontinued
until all x111105 are paid unless at
the option of the publisher. The
date to which every subscription is
)+aid is denoted on the label.
Ade'.,tising rates -Transient ndver-
t,' 11110nts, 10 veldts per nonpareil
;uta for 11x,1 insertion and 5 cents
•+et• line fin each subsequent inser-
tion: Small advertisements not to
a..ee,1 Otte 11, emelt as "Lost,"
' a t\+,i,' or -Steam," et:., i118ert-
r 1 e fu s, acid ea011 subse-
('rnu11'310:;,d iel1,ied for publira'
tial) must, a+ a ei,erentee of good
faith, be aecompllnied by the name of
Ferries, ILarlo0k; John Bennewair,
33rodhagen; Jas. Connolly, Goderich.
Agents: Alex Leitch, Clinton; J. W
;Yee, f oderich; Ed, tlinchley, Seaforth;
W. Chesney, Egmondvllle; R, G. Jar -
moth, Brodhageu.
Any motet' t0 be paid :n may he
paid to lifoorish Clothing Co., Clinton,
or at Cutt's Grocery, Goderiek,
Parties desiri1,g to effect insurance
or transact other baa noes will be
promptly attended to on application to
8137 of the above officer addressed to
!their respeative post (IMO, Leases
nstiorted by the diz'eotor Who Iivwe
Ixf:(ifeat the aeon&
1 'o rats ., , , ,. 1 tor.
cr.cise constipation and feeding of profitably. g'
him -
that way the flow of food materials Seine irritant such as tlnscreenecl, We can increase the -' amount of !pounds of, food find reproduces
to the plant can be
almost stopped, l o I
sufficientikeep.. ground oats COntainin • hulls, are pork fats. mesh more easily than we self faster end in greater numbers
although freshend moisture to g g
it solid, fresh veer will eon- comifion 'causes. Prolonged heavy clot Increase the amount of vegetable ; than any ether domestic animal. As
to rise.. Then feeding of boiled potRtoes is another or dairy fate. The people can not a consumer of 'by-products on tiro
linos t the heads may
be left in the garden until theyare.' Cat15°. 5tnlfing young pigs On Corn got along without lata as a food and farm the hog has no rival. No other
..led, •f.: o cut off t and confining them to a pen also because of this aced, the farmer a1Ltnal on the farm equals the flog in
neat ohe insu of hrit a rickets or , reduce more fats'' its fat -storing tendency. The most
early Ca't�nagDa instead' Of pniliftg Canaea stunt g, as we a 1 l l Pltde'iVOr 0 p
then) up by the roots, the stems will paralysis.
throw out new loaves that you can tree
/or salad* or give to the hens.
Change lib* drttic llig water- two or
three theft g day art() 'keep the drink,.
hug v'es1e15 clean.
Pot up bulbs or freesias as early as
possible. This is a South African
bulb which responrle to gentle forcing
acid gives pretty and sweetly fragrant
flowers, '
fl 1011 t
by the quickest method. This me-isatisfnctory 'meat for shipping so
thod is by the increased hog produe . trams of wagons for long distances is
Lion, Nearly all the :farmers have a pork, I think In man, ways the fame
PDw dairy cows at least, and y
the are or will And that the hog is ;no of his
in an excellent position to mise pigs most profitable &instate animals
because of the skim -milk, buttermilk 1 that ho is raising for the market Mt;
and the dairy products. which can by the tom,
, . ; L:,tA.a%116Y 0,11alelttfM +...1- it,."• 7.,... vi.....1. ...A :.!085U
"No more headache for ,y4)u.- •tilkfi these
Don't jnei 0 ,' t ondaohr n d1,,nn removnIK it, comm.
Tako ('hunil 11 4 Aton2,11 And 1,1v , t 1'et a 1l ey, •+t onlw euro
the hondaeh5 int Ai•w,,•J n L:oiaat, l,-atlh(I,1 fe,ti",i bo,n,,,, 11,,
tone lhalivor, uweo:,." the stn:a:udr nii,1 , l••..eo' •b., 'ani eh', Tr, '.mem
, ha Il,u,r51,±e, 234e0 or by mill Fs, `•.
�• ruASlslal.nit+ MlintrPlI co. bIt . '
...•-..""! „' t',Teute, nal 1f ±"„"1k,"ri..�'R.i,
{:y1af11 �F i 1A,
gg `, �' Ge
C.1 '' t aF;-
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