HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1918-9-5, Page 8Clinton News -Record
September th, lgl
.A Serious rose in Atcl�illop
A ease that caused a great tical .of
interest to the residents of Molfillep
unit vicinity, was hold in the town
all, $oatortb, on Monday week
whoa a tnan named 13rodltagea of
'Logan, was tip before Police Mfagis-
,ttrate Greig on tl charge of stealing
five head Of u'ilee a belonging to lVIrs.
V, Andersttll of Melftllop The man
teas eonvioted and sent up for trial
art' the December sessions at Golder -
lel', bail being accepted for $3,000.
The cattle were pastured on the grass
farm of Mr, John Govenlock near
Winthrop, and were•inisaed about the
last week in, Jnnc, Mats, Anderson
advertised a reward for any inform
istion leading to their r.eeo'very, bub
it WS not Intal a tow clays ago
that - information was reeeivod dict
led to the arrest of tate stall Brod-
hagenr In giving hie evidence the
Mart stated that he drove the cattle
From the Govenlook farm heels into
Bogan where he sold time to a-
farmer for $275 and later expended
$250- of this amount la the purchase
of an automobile. The cattle have
been recovered and will be returned
to Mrs. ,Anderson,
How to Have Coal and
Wood for Next Winter
by getting a Perfection or Puritan Oil Cooking Stove
And make sure of a supply of Coal Oil or Gasoline
(as it undoubtedly will be short at times)
Get a 25 -gallon or a 45 -gallon
steel tank
_ Second -band Gasoline Stove
2 Second-hand Ovens
Differe:'ce in
The difference between .the sort of shoes .we sell and the
"Other Sort" will be perfectly .apparent to anyone who compares
our "Good Shoes". with "just shoes."
Our Shoes are built up to a Standard and not 1 Down to a
Price ! The result is that our Shoes are more economical than
uncertain shoes.;
They wear so much longer and look so much better than
"Bargain Shoes" that they are a Better Investment, Dollar for
Dollar, than any Shoes that sell for Iess money,
The -true test of Shoo Value is not the First Cost, but the
Final Cost—not what they cost Per. Pair, but what they cost Per
Year. It is upon this simple test of value that the successful
growth of our Shoe Business is based
yeti aro invited
to inspect , our
stooks hoping :*
that the advan-
• tage will be
shared by you.
Tile W. D. Falx Co.
Save Money
tAbout five dozen work shirts, in' blue, khaki, and black and white
stripe, SPECIAL PRICE 790
Five dozen Carpenter's Aprons striped cottonade, at half the price
of material used, EACH 23c
THIRTY pairs .Women's Split Oxfords, solid leather shoe, regu-
lar prit e $1.50, SPECIAL PRICE , $1.19
Men's Harvest Boots, in mule skin , split leather, black or an
Two dozen pairs Men's Trousers, in striped
worsted, SPECIAL
Plumsteel Bros.
Everg Rug
has a charm, of its own. Each
has an individuality and the
variety is so'great that every
taste can be gratified. here are
rugs of oriental -design, others
of domestic origin in plait,
floral and geometric patterns.
Rut there is only one quality
in the enure collection ; the
very best that can be obtained
for the nosey,
V N I"'Q '�Li
Undertaker and Funeral Director,
28 Phone 1 28
"Often the Cheapest
Always the Best."
Llli t ,xnaih,.
Mr. I!:: -L. Mitten has gone, to..Tor-
onto to take 6, position.`
hiss Mlae Davies was a week -end vis-
itor with Sealorth frieods,
Marrs. J. A. Robiuson is visiting her
mother, Mrs. Lucas of Markdale.
Miss Leila Ford left Monday after-
noon for Ottawa to resume teach-
Mrs. J. Wiseman returned on Friday
from a visit with St. Marys
Mrs. (Rev..) Bartlett of Toronto has
been the guest of her brother, Mr.
W. H. Hellyar.,
llrs. Nelson Bail and Misses Ruth
and Clara visited friends at Aub-
urn last week. •
Mr, and Mrs. Warren Finch and Miss
Dorothy were up from Stratford
for the holiday,
Miss Viae Smith left Monday after-
noon for Elmira to resume her
teaching duties,
Miss Thelma Finch of Stratford has
been visiting her grandmother, Mrs.
James Finch of town.
Mr, and Mrs. Welsh of Exeter
spent Friday last as the guests of
Mr. and' Mrs. J. D. Atkinson.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Finch and "Miss
Irene and Master Roy motored up
from Stratford for the holiday.
Mrs, .1. G. Medd has returned from
a visit with Rev. Dr. and Mrs.
Medd of Exeter and Mr. and Mrs.
W. C+. Medd of Winchelsea.
14liss Emma Stephenson lelt on Fri.
day for London to spend a day or
so before going on to Port Arthur
to resume her teaching duties.
Mrs. Burns of Detroit, Who has been
visiting with Hensall friends, has
returned to town and is the guest
of her sister, Mrs. J. W. Moore.
Messrs. Earl Steep and Clifford
Smith of Stratford spent Labor
Day as the guests of the former's
parents, Mr, and Mrs. D. Steep,
Mrs. T. Jackson and family returned
home on Friday after spending
several weeks at the summer home
of Mr. and Mrs, J. T. Clark of Go
Home Bay,
MissNellie Medd of Constance spent
the week -end visiting Mr. and Mrs.
J. G. Medd and other friends in
town before returning to her school
duties near Exeter.
Mir. and Mrs. Moreton, who had beets"'
camping upnorth, visited the
lady's mother, Mrs. Kitty of town,
leaving by motor for their hone in
Sandwich on Sunday morning,
Mr. G. A, Bradshaw came up. from
Toronto on Friday evening and re-
mained over the weekend and,holi-
day. On his return on Tuesday he
was accompanied by Mrs. Brad-
shaw and Master Ernest.
MIrs. (Dr.) Dowsley of Ottawa has
been the guest of Col. and Mrs.
Rance during the past week. `Dr.
Dowsley formerly practised med-
icine in Clinton and will be remem-
bered by many of the older citi-
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Mustard and
children of Toronto were guests of
the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
D. Macdonald over the week -end.
They were on -their way home af-
ter spending 'tire summer at their
cottage at Bayfield.
Misses Eva and1Mabel. Cluff and Mrs.
and Miss Morrison of Hensall mot-
ored to Hensall and 'London and
.spent the week -end and holiday
with friends. On their, return they
were accompanied by Miss Helen
Gunne of London, who is visiting
in town.
Mr, and Mrs. Rowe, Mrs, Snell and
Mrs, and Miss Laporte motored up
from Exeter on Labor Day • and
;visited Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Atkin-
son. On their return they were
accompanied by Miss Mildred. Rowe,
who had been visiting Miss Eileen
Miss Clete Ford returned to Loudon
Saturday to resume her work in
connection with the Conservatory
of Music., Miss Ford intends spend-
ing most of her time in London this
season, not returning to tetoh in
Citation for a part of each weak as
formerly, much to the regret of
her local pupils.
Mlir. 0. I7. Todd, of Toronto, son of
Mr. A, M. Todd, formerly editor
and publisher of The .News -Record,
made a pleasant call 011 us on
Tuesday, tis, and his wife and
some friends had motored Op from
the city on Monday. Mr, Todd Is
new eenllttetiliga eneleetlanery
1'itisiness in Toronto but he atilt
takes \ n
�tii i t ter
ase In the, si'i f i
1 nttg
trait, its wliieli he Was schooled in
early youth. Ile ' was ' but a little
lad when the family lett Ciinten.
Give' a Day's Thought to These
Guarantee.dLinens for theHome
OWING! to the war conditions and the scarcity of flax, pure linens'are getting very scarce, corse-
V gnently advancing in, price. A wise woman whose constant thought is the 'Home Beautiful'
1 management thereof will consider this matter. Read this list carefully and
give it your attention, No! perhaps you are not really in need of new linens at present but if you
wish to save money on your purchase buy them now Mien you .can get them at about half the,
price they will be shortly, Or if you don't need them yourself perhaps you, have; a young friend
who is anticipating a home of her own and what is more acceptable than linens.
Tablecloths -
Table. Napkins
Tray Cloths
Towels -
I3eautiful bleached Irish Damask, satin finish, all-roun.d, single and double bor..
dere, a variety of designs, leaves. sprays, floral, figures, dots, etc., also tabling by
the yard.
• Pure bleached linen, a large range of choice designs.
Hand embroidered and Plauen lace centerpieces and doylies, in dainty patterns.
- Plauen lace, hand embroidered and drawn work, hemstitched edges, all pure linen
A household necessity, always in demand, carefully selected, pure linen huckahack
towels, hemstitched, plain and embroidered damask borders, guest and large sizes.
Also bleached and unbleached turkisb towels, with 4ancy stripes and all white,
Reliable linen towelings, values that are thoroughly dependable, check and stripe
glsss toweling, heavy .crash, plain linen huck and tea cloths. These materials are
steadily advancing in price.
• Extra fine weaves, choicest designs in floral, spray and figured effects, good heavy
Colne in and we will be pleased to show you our stock. -
If you don't see what you want, ask for it.
Agents for
Priestley's Dress
Agents for
Butterick Patterns
There will be no meeting 61 the
Women's Patriotic Society this week.
Next week the meeting, will be held
in the council chamber when the
monthly reports will be given and
all finished work should be brought in
for shipment. 'l'he Society grate-
fully acknowledges the following
donations : Ontario St. church Lea-
gue $15.00 ; County grant $114.06.
The Clinton Collegiate opened on
Tuesday morning with a full staff of
teachers and a pretty full quota of
pupils. The stall is the same as last
term with one exception, hiss May -
belle Kerr of Toronto, physical cul-
ture specialist, taking hiss Morgan's
place, -
The Public school also opened its
doors Tuesday morning. The only
change it the teaching staff this year
is that Miss Draper takes Mr.
Bottck's room during tate Model term
and Miss Ford takes Miss Draper's
room. The Model class is not so
large this year as formerly,
The Clinton baseball team journey-
ed to Goderich on Wednesday of last
week and was defeated by tate score
of 12-0. The game was well play-
ed. Lumley was knocked from the
box in the third inning and Jas.
Wiggins, a veteran of old days, went
in and held Clinton, scoreless for
the rest of the game. Clinton was
shy a man and Wiggins of Dungan-
non was used. Following was the
line-up :
Clinton—T. t Ilawkins, c. ; 0. Mur-
phy, s.s. ; M. Elliott, 2nd b ; M. Mc-
Neil, 3rd b ; 1I. 13111,. 1st b ; tV.
Carrick, 1,1. ; E. Wiggins, c.f. ; E.
Hall, r.f ; E. Cooper, p. -
Goderich—W. Doyle, .0 ; Babb, .s.s ;
B. Townshend, 2nd b ; ,1. Wiggins,
3rd •lr; J. Doyle, 1st b ; Aitchcson,
1.f. ; Jas. Hume, af, ; T. Johnson,
e,f. ; F. Lumley, p•
Umpire—Young,,,Goderieh. "
Men are required for reinforcement
draft for lst Canadian Tank _Batta-
lion ; qualifications -as -follows :
1. Category "A".
2. Age, 19 to 35, inelusive,
They should have Educational qual-
ifications similar to the • University
Canadian Officers' Training Corps ;
that is the Matriculation examination
to Universities or its equivalent.
Made 1 men tinder Military Sorviee
Ad, not yet called for duty, may
volunteer for this Unit, This iu.,;lui1
es the 19 year old Class.
Men under Military Service Act
enlisting before expiration of exemp-
tion granted, clay enlist in this Un -
Applicants May apply to any autih-
drised ((1011cal examiner In the Dia -
Wet for medical examination or
direct to Mobilization Centre, Caa"-,
]fug l3lodt, London, Ontario.
Mrs. S. J3ooth of Winnipeg, who is
visiting her mother, Mrs. Kerr of
Victoria street, received word on
Monday that her son, Allen, had
lice!' killed in action in France.
MTrs. Booth's two older sons are al-
so in France and a younger one is
in training in the west.
Allen spent some time with his
grandmother a few years ago and
attended school here. Many will
remember him as a very lovable boy
and will regret his early call, hitt he
went in the way of duty.
People You Know
Mr. J. 13. Levis is in Oshawa this
week on business.
Mrs, Saville spent the week -end
with. Londesboro friends.
Mr. Harry Gould has been in Toron-
to during the past week.
Mrs. de la Penotiere of Kincardine
was in town last week visiting
Mrs, Bolph of Bluevale is the guest
this week of Mr. and Mrs. J. F.
Mr, Snteltzer of Meaford is visiting
his sisters-in-law, the Misses
Mr. James L. Shook of Philadelphia,
Pa,, has been visiting Mfr, Chas,
Lindsay of town.
Mrs. Jack MacKinnon and Master
Billie have returned from a visit
with Caledonia friends.
Miss Bertha Carbert _of Stratford
spent the week -end with her sis-
ter, Mrs, A. V. Quigley.
Miss Winnifred Jervis of Stanley
spent the week -end at the home of
Mrs.1 J. Snyder of town.
Mr. and Mrs. L. 'i'rouse of Wood-
stock visited the fortner's mother
in town over the holiday.
Misses Stella and Daisy Copp, who
have been visiting their parents,
have returned to Toronto.
MIrs, Charlesworth of Grand Forks
and her little son are visiting the
lady's mother, Mrs. MacRae.
Miss Fiances Reynolds has taken a
school at Port Arthur and leaves
this week to take up her duties.
Misses Ida' and Laura Wilken have
returned to .Detroit after spending
a holiday at their home in town,
Miss Hattie C'ourtice returned Mon-
day •evening after a holiday visit in
Toronto, Ilantilton aril St, Thom-
Miss Elizabeth 13uirnett was the
guest of her •cousin, Miss Fiorcnee
Fowler of Seafarth, over the week-
Mrs. Varcae, who has been visiting
her parents, Mr, and Mrs. TE... Rath -
well, leaves this week for Souris,
Mfrs, (Rev.) Edward Laird Mins and
little son Of Salt Lake City are
the lltests of Miss Amy Rowson.
Jtev. Mr. Mulls accompanied his 'wife:
cad son and remained over the
rveelr-end, leaving flet • New York
(lily Monday morning.
People You Know
Mfrs, Laidlaw 11 Blyth and Mr, „II.
Sturdy of Auburn were guests of
Mrs, Robt. Thompson of town on
Labor Day.
Mr. and Mrs. Blatchford and son
motored up front London and spent
the week -end with the lady's sis-
ter, Miss Graham of town,
Mr. James Webster of Toronto vis-
ited Ms sister, Mrs. E. G. Saville
of town, for a day or so last
week, going on to Logdesboro.
;Mr. and Mrs. A. Wilken of town and
Mr. and Mrs. Parimer of Hensall
took a motor trip to Toronto and
Hamilton over the week -end and
Miss Phyllis Sparkes, Brantford, is
spending a few days with her sis-
ters, Mrs. (Ret.) W. 13. Moulton
and Miss Margaret Sparkes, Orange
Mr. 'Phomas Venner and three chil-
dren of Hamilton have returned
home after spending a couple of
weeks with Mr. and Mrs. C. H.
Venner of town.
MIr. and lIrs. Crawford, Mrs. Shan-
non and Mrs. Curtain and daugh-
ter, Miss Wanda, ntotor'bd down
from Ripley and spent a few days
with Mr. and Mrs. T. A, Greig.
Mr. and Mrs. Il, C. Holland, Miss
Mary Holland and Mr. • and Mrs.
Percy Cole motored to Gordon,
Springfield, Aylmer and St. Thomas
and spent the week -end and holi-
day. .
Mrs. Thos. Dunbar and children left
on Monday for their home in Ser-
bia after spending a couple of
weeks as the guests - of the lady's
parents, Mr. anti MIrs. Geo. Bur-
Mrs. W. J. Paisley and Mrs, L. 0.
Paisley and Master Elmer returned
- Monday evening after spending a
fortnight with Toronto friends.
They accompanied Mr. and Mrs,
Stewart Paisley home on his re-
turn to the city after a visit here
a couple of weeks agog
Mrs. W. L. Wade, who has been vis-
iting in Clinton for several weeks,
left last week for ]'ort Huron,
where she will. visit her sisters be-
fore returning to her •home.in Fort
,..William. Many of her old blends
were pleased to hear her sing again
in Ontario street church during her
visit here.
A very' successful meeting, in aid
of the Navy League, was held in the
hall on Tuesday evening. Mr. Janes
Itaitithy presided and addresses were
given by Mfr. Sidenius of the Y. M.
C. A. and others. 000 hundred and
three boys and girls were presented
with badges for farnwork by Mr.
Sidenius at this gathering. The girls
and boys of Auburn and vicinity
Irate been doing their bit the Past
Snititner, '
Hullett Township
Miss Loretto Flynn returned to'
Toronto on Monday after spending
a couple of weeks holidays at her
home. She was accompanied by a
]Miss Snell who had been spending a
few weeks with lir. 'and Mrs. 0.
Mr. John Shanahan was -accompan-
ied home by itis wife the forepart of
the week after spending the past
eouple of, weeks at her home in St.
Miss Minnie Reynolds and hiss
Toots Reynolds returned home this
week after spending several clays
with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Rheinhardt
of Kitchener.
Miss Mary McIntosh of London is
visiting friends in the township this.
* « * * * * * * *
* *
* *
* Pictures of home *
* folks carry warns-
* tit and comfort to *
* the heart of a *
* soldier. Send one *
ti * in the • next par- *
* eel. Our'prices are *
* the same as before *
* the war. *
* * * * * « * * P:
Phone 66 Photographer
Pavilion, Jowett's Grove
Saturday night, Sept. 7
Wednes'y night Sept, IL
from 8 to 12
Five -piece Orchestra
and up-to,date Fixtures
of all kinds
Plumbing, Roofing,
Troughing and Furnace
Estimated Cheerfully Given
Plumbers and Electrician*
Phone ..