HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1918-9-5, Page 7M. Connolly & Co.
(lltembw•s 'of Montreal Stoop Exchange)
tee TrOnaportatiofl Building, Montreal, Main 1S4$
Invest a portion of Your earninage
each month through onr
NOmilertoo. shall
it provides p'xnode of Saving, enooura%es thrift, andtherebl
wealth and independence
Subscribe tor VICTORY aONDS
thro*Ch thlm Plsai
1)o not allow your money to remain idle.
information : an any. 'Stook or Bopde gladly lfirnlelieds
But It Is Now Recognized As One of
a•- the Soldier's Bast Friends.
manly sternness to the wearer,: blow
Characteristic, on the other hand, to
the helmet of the Bethel Cumbrous,
ungainly and irredeemably ugly, it
speaks of the lack of taste di6°tingulsh-
ing everything the Hun undertakes,
while its eminently utilitarian quali-
ties—the solid steel, the protecting
ridge at the back—are symptom
of the practical mind of its inventor.
A Friend Indeed!
The steel helmet has now become
the trusted friend and companion of
the British soldier, Indeed, it 1s put
One of the most curious features of to inany uses alien to that for which
this stupendous war is the way in it was primarily designed. Many a
which one by one the old weapons and time I have seen a man take out the
Implements of warfare which inven- lining and use his helmet to wash and
tions swept away long ago have made shave in, afterwards employing it to
their reappearance, writes a British boil the water for his tea. I have seen
officer. Hannibal's "shock columns"
of elephants 'and the war chariots of
Rome have been revived in the Tanks;
the steel cap of the musketeer: the
hand -grenade, whose universal vogue my soldier servant from the battle -
fighting of a century ago etre- field has served me as washbasin in
linters 1n the names of crack foot re-
giments, both British and German; the front-line
nB- ine trenches.
soldier, happy-go-lucky
the mortars of bygone days. Each of Theas he is, has come to recognize the
these appliances of campaigns of long value of his steel helmet Most of he
ago havd been brought back into us -
age by the march of events in the
world -war of today.
Trench warfare—those years of
stagnation when French, British, and
Germans went to earth in miles of
trenches—gave us hack the hand-gren-
i1 ■� elY 1mPerviotte 10
argument or explants
�W 0 MO GUNS tion, and are alwttyii dieeatiefied with
1� the treatment they receive, In tine
O*N FROZEN CLOUDS respect they ;entrust unfav
with a foreigner wine sub)ulttodorably an
British : atinietry of . Munit1Oit Re-
ceives Many Such Novel Plates
For Winning War.
The inventions department of the
Ministry of- Munitions' receives aimoot Day is.a fitting occasion to express,
every day ideas of the most novel on behalf of all those responsible• for
kind. All are' carefully- considered. food`�administration in the United
Some are' useful, but almost nine- Kingdom, gratitude to Canadian men,
tenths are wholly impracticable. In women and youths for the way' 'tip
an. article on the subject,.. published in which they have decreased their con -
the current number of the Ministry of bumption of , essential foods and in -
Munitions Journal,• it is said that• the creased production"
following extraordinary suggestions Net, exports from Canada of beef
. increased b 75, -
been received 000,000 lbs, per annum,
engine which would not worir, and
who wound up ., Iho correapondenae
With thanks and the ada?isslon that bel
WAS "completely suited" of his Idea.
No humhugl Apply few drops •
1 then Just Ilft them away
T f with finger,: .,.
o -o -o -o -o- o--
0 -o•-o-o-o--o-•-o
This new drug is an ether eon-
WHAT, CANADA MAS DONE pound discovered by a .CinainnatI
chertit, alt is called
To ?Help Feed the, Armies and . Civftl ,1 froezoue, and can now
lane of Our Allies be obtained In tiny bot-
tles us here ebown at
Canada ,before his death: 'tDommion Wert' little cost from uny
d'i'ng etora6� 1lftjt•''esk'
for freemen°. Apply a
drop or two directly
ripen a tender corn Or
callus and instantly the
soreness disappears.
Shortly you will And
the corn or callus so
loose that you can lift it
off, root, and all, with
the fingers.
Not a twinge of pain,
soreness or irritation;
not even the slightest
smarting, 'either when
aptilying freezone or
This drug doesn't eat
up the corn or celitis,
but shrivels them so
they loosen and come right out. It' is
no htunbugl It works like a charm.
For a few cents you can get rid of
every hard corn, soft.corn or corn be-
tween the tons, as well as paliitul
calluses on bottom of your feet. It
never disappoints and never burns,
bites or inflames. If your druggist
hasn't any freezone yet, tell him to
get a little bottle for you from his
wholesale house.
Baron Rhondda's'. last message to
for dealing with hostile aircraft have have beena y nearly 75, -
The clouds • are to be frozen art.- of 6,795. per cent. over- the, average
tidally and guns mounted on them; net exports for 1910-1914,
heavy guns are: to be suspended from Net' exports of pork have.been in -
captive balloont; the moon' is to be ,creased by 125,000,000 lbs. per an -
covered with a big black balloon. air- •num, an increase of 571 per cent over
planes are to bo armed with scissors a five year pre-war average.
or scythes, like Boadicea's chariot, or Before' the war, Canada was int -
to trail bombs behind them` on a long porting butter at the rate of 7,000,000
cord; heat rays are to be projected for lbs. annually. This country is now
the,Durpose of setting Zeppelins aifirei producing 'enough' butter to meet do -
electric waves to paralyze the wag- 1ostic aegnirements and, in addition,
notes. One of the most popular Mug- is esilorting at the net rate of inore
gestions of all is to attach a search- than 4,000,000 lbs. per annum.
light to an anti-aircraft gun, get the It is estimated that Canada export -
light on the object, and shoot along ed at least '26 to 80 per cent, more
the beam; but, unfortunately, the path wheat during the last twelve months
of a shell is quite different from that than could have been exported, had
of a ray of light. Most elaborate "de- it not been for the efforts for censer -
coy" schemes are sometimes worked vation and organization of this conn-,
out for the confusion o5?• the enemy. try's resources.
a wounded man in comprising in at least one case sham By standardization of flour and
water brought to factories with chimneys and hooters lengthening of the extraction in mil -
it: Once, at some horse -lines, I saw a complete, To prevent the polished ling,a saving of 20,000 barrels of flour
man squatting on his haunches and,
washing his socks in his helmet. More lines of a railway showing at night, per month is being effected.
than once a steel helmet salvaged by the last carriage of the last train, conservation measures and volun-
according to another correspondent, tary saving in the homes have reduced
was to camouflage them by dtibb:ing Canadian consumption of flour from
blacking es it went along. 800,000 to 600,000 barrels per month,
Other proposals were: as compared with pre-war consump-
A balloon carrying magnets hung tion. This means a saving at the rate
on strings to attract the rifles out of
who have been in action. in France Wren's hands.
have stories to tell of our own or other'A shell to contain fleas or other ver -
men's lives saved by "tin hats,' "tin nein inoculated with disease.
A shell with a man inside it to
lids," or "battle bowlers." A. brother sten i", at the target. •
officer of mine has worn for something The squirting of cement over sol -
like two years a steel helmet with a diets so as to petrify them.
ade or bomb. Its purpose was to clear dent in it as big as a small potato—a The sending of snakes into enemy
a trench. And so 1t was the bomb souvenir of a small lump of shell which trenches by pneumatic propulsion.
knocked him off his feet one afternoon The throwing of live -wire cables.
in the Ypres Salient- I -have seen a carry]rtg a high of live-wire
among the
helmet in the rim of which a machine odvancing infantry' by means of rock -
gun bullet had cut a clean nick. The et$
which brought into vogue again the
steel cap or helmet not seen on the
battlefields of Europe these two cen-
turies past. To the French is due the I.tvearer of that helmet never knew he
interesting idea of introducing this ad Thad been struck until he doffed his
ditional protection against the large „tin .tet "
percentage of head wounds (the ma- `—_
jority of which* were fatal) resultant BRAVERY OF BRITISH SEAMEN.
iu trench warfare from bombs and --
shrapnel., Contrast Between Their Spirit and
We Got Them First! That of the Germans.
The Germans' heavy and ungainly, Zeebrugge is a name which will
though undoubtedly well-designed, t
steel helmet, did not make its appear-
ance in the field until both the French
and British troops were all provided
with the new helmet.
The steel helmet is called shrapnel -
Crosses and other honors to those• of our lines which a trenches
proof, This exactly describes it. It who took part in it. The plainness of as to enmesh the Germans, and a ma- of 1915, whereas the farmer had re- less escapes from discovery, but by
is not bullet-proof, nor with it with- the official language moves us 'more chine of tale nature of a lawnmower as ceived only $6,9$ for the wheat used extreme adroitness and good fortune
stand a fragment of shell or a shrap- than eloquence. These men risked large as a tank to make mincemeat therein. In the spring of 1918 the they succeeded in getting to tho front
nel bullet front a projectile bursting o£ them, price of flour had been kept down to trench, and crawling through the
incredible perils with perfect calmness The purpose of the article in the $11 per barrel, while the farmer had barbed wire into No Man's Land, in
close to the wearer. But it will oftettvl and self-control. Some of them we al •
turn off a fragment of metal or a bul- ready ]snow by name. The "most con• sort, l is to warn inventors of this receives] $8.82 for the wheat used which, in this part of the line, con-
let coming obliquely, and it is practic-
spicuous gallantry" of Captain Car- sort, and frequently they are genially 'therein. _ siderable vegetation still flourished.
11 proof against bomb splinters In t f the Vindictive—his quanta argued with.
cation for the most -cherished honor c
all, the Victoria Cross—was cele-
brated at the time. "ire set a Inagnl
How Two British Airmen Escaped
From the Enemy's Territory.
Reuters special correspondent with
the American army in France tele-
Two British airmen have just
of 2,400,000 barrels per year,or,count- achieved an adventure which must
ing the saving by lengthened.extrac- .seem hlcredible to those who are only
tion of milling, of 2,640,000 barrels I acquainted with conditions in other
per year. This is equivalent to say- parts of the line. They were return-
ing of. nearly 12,000,000 bushels of ing from a bombing expedition when
their machine was disabled b y anti -air -
wheat. h`
Conservation efforts in Canada aye waft fire, and they were forced to
releasing !neat enough to provide the' melte a landing in Gorman territory.
ration for it is estimated, at least ( In order- to avoid observation, they
600,000 soldiers• trusted to the meagre'llght of the
Canada is now'saving sugar at the moon to effect a landing, but their
rate more than 100,000 tons an -
almost proved their undoing,
rate of, as compared with consume- as they crashed into a quarry, which,
however, had.theadvantage of com-
pletely concealing their machine. Only
slightly injured, they started at once
towards the German linos, running
most of the way, their nuly chance' be-
ing to reach them before daybreak.
The distance proved to be over twenty
England Ogiige, lPotl R48it
'nen Ile wna.lutit a tiny little Taft, "[,�'r-f* Ioptllrri P Err AP,Jlit
F'1 aMd loft pdaUf. Plant !n I6netiU
ale'4 spend hours In Cho mullioned Ontario, lassaraneo carrl•4 ii,pOo. Wtjli
"valor 61, 9e on costa sale. Mee
gallery Wfleon lsurlfxhlna Co„ T.td„ Tor $o,
I)reanaiug about t11ti pictured panoply . - 0fcitLY Nlotar:0; rldllt P'f)!t etes t i
Ol hie gi'wat for'aUeare: arias Isord is ew Oatae/o. Q F aiptt tt
Foto? Clad vtu soil 9x.90®, wart eo b'e
lit shining mall; 'Lord PerelYal, wile ejra"pllMhtn[p00.,�tinit d Toronlawi�aop
had !
'Plumes, won at Naseby; young Sir, ►alBircB atareXatia
aftitcP .PAM11ofrtt
Painted as ensign• --bo was ,loot :at
000; -
Aad gay Sir John, who fought in High-
land plaid.
CANCER. `1rumon I, LUMP$, et . .
!Menial and .sternal,{, cured multti�•
as bet fog , toby o inr anborne r, treatment
Co., Limited, Colllarrareed *Pt`
"When Ian big 1'11 go fishing too,' he'd.A.nd now, his wish fulfilled, he lies at Y 1
In Picardy, tate V.C. on his Mallet.
late Colonel wrote: "Lord Julian was
so gay,
;Snell an example of brave hearted
He honored England and a fighting
race," `
Young Wite—I wish to got a war
bond for my husband. Clerk --What
size, please? • Young Wife—Why I
don't know exactly—but he wears a
fifteen shirt.
Remit by Dominion Express Money
Order. If lost or stolen you get your
money back.
tion a, year ago. Very large quan-
Germany should be attacked in one tities of edible fats are also being
case by making a "tube" all the„way, released, out of normal consumption,
and in another by employing trained for export.
cormorants to fly' to Essen and pick Nearly 800 cars of foodstuffs have
out the mortar from Krupp's• chim- been saved from total or partial loss
Heys. through spoiling. miles, in the course of which they had
An Offensive Lawnmower. An amazing reduction in waste is to cross a river, apparently the Settle,
One corerspondent sent quite a shown by reports to the Canada Food a tributary of the Moselle. One of
nova? be forgotten in British nava number of original methods of resell- Board from m•:nicipai officials in all them swam the river three times, once
annals. The heroic quality of the ing attacks, including large caliper- parts of the Dominion, to ascertain the conditions on the fur -
great raid upon that strongly fortified shaped devices wl•ich could be closed Profiteering has been greatly di- they haunt, and returning to bring his
port last April is once more empha- on any one intrut'.ing between the numbed and excessive profit-taking companion over.
sized by the distribution of Victoria legs; a series of n:'ts spread in front is being stopped. For example, flour On reaching the enemy communica-
1 ' h could b drawn so sold at $14.50 per barrel in the spring tiont h theyhad several breath -
Winter pasturage is really what is
secured by the use of silage. More-
over, it Is a food that to both paint -
able and succulent. -
Miner/lib Minitnont Corea Dandruff.
Convenience. in feeding should be
the main object in locating the silo,
but one should always pay attention to
the direction from which extremely
cold winds will cords.
a Y r pen er o ro hi creeping under a hedge for shel-
abort, it affords a most invaluable ad- f •One gentleman had a powder, the LEMON JUICE tar they unfortunately attracted the
ditional protection to the soldier in
the line. •
The British steel helmet cannot be ficent example," we are now told, "to
described as a comfortable article ofall those under his, command by his least, so he said. Another proposed
dress. Rather like a small, shallow,paten composure .when navigating base was the 'grease skimmed off
inverted Hand -basin to look at, it feelsmined waters; he soup. Various constituents which
like one to wear. In fact, it takesshowed. most conspicuous bravery, !)ave been proposed on account of
several days continuous wear to get walking round the decks directing their cheapness would no doubt be I darkness fell made their way without
the feel of a steel helmet so as to operations and encourngiug the men more or less efficient, but the en- 'quarter pint of tho most remarkable
operations adventure into the French
balance it on the head easily and with- the most expos d stun dlingerons thusiastie promoters overlook the fact i lemon skin beautifier at about the rust lines,
out effort that if they once came into use to any ono must pay fol' a small jar of the
Steel helmets are generally covered positions." Not less the bravery of extent the advantages would disap-iordinary cold creams. Care should be
Captain Bamford, who landed on the pear as the price would at once soar token so strain the lemon juice through I
with a khaki waterproof or sacking mole and led au assault on a battery
composition of which he declined toIS-SKIN WHITENER attention of a German sentry, who
disclose, which on being mixed with I fired seyeral rounds in their direction.
water turned it into motor spirit. At I How to make a creamy beauty lotion Luckily, he seemed almost as scared
for a few cents.
The juice of two fresh lemons
strained into a bottle containing three
ounces of orchard white makes a whole
as they were, for they remained unhit.
They spent the day in the thick
growth beneath a hedge, one watch-
ing while the other slept, and when
cover, and nowadays are almost in- "with the utmost coolness and valor," upward,
variably adorned with the regimental din of Lieutenant Dean, whose "courage Black Beam to Obscure the Moon.
badge. The reason for covering the and daring" saved many valuable lives. r. Ih the process of argument some
helmets is that, after ram, when the Equal honor goes to Able Seaman Me- interesting scientific information is
outer surface is wet, the polished steel
catches the light and can be seen•glis-
telling at a distance, In shape the
British steel helmet has always seem-
ed tome strangely indicative of the
British character. Its plain severity,
as compared with the higher ridged,
„more .picturesque helmet of the
French, is not without a certain ele-
gance of line, and it lends an air of
is a real 'fa Ctoli
in the present
public service .
There's NoWaste,
it Saves duel and
Saga?, and it is
always ready;
Not least, it is
iie&1t. f r< xf,
°s`a, and i-
,,y��a-> eisa lie
Kenzie, who was severely wounded
"while wonting Itis gun in an exposed
There was Indeed glory enough for
alb" Signalman Bryant, the only one
left on the Iris, endeavored, though
both his legs were shattered, to ans-
wer signals, "behaving with great for-
titude while in considerable pain."
Petty Officer Youlton averted a satas-
trophe by stumping out a fire set by
a bursting shell in a pile of boxes con-
taining fused bombs. As character-
istic a story as any is that of Able
Seaman Lake:
"This Able Seaman formed one of
the seaman storming party. His coin -
mending officer reports that when the
Iris II. was hit by several .shells, he
found Able' Seaman Lake extinguish-
ing a fire under the forebridge with
sand, under very heavy shrapnel fire.
given, as for instance:
Suggestions are also frequently re-
ceived in connection with colored
searchlights. But color cannot -be im-
annot be'im-
parted to a beam, as by passing it rive lemons from the grocer and make
through a color screen, without re- rep a quarter pintof this sweetly fang-
ducing its intrinsic brilliancy. Color .ant lemon lotion and massage it daily
ts, in fact, obtained by a process of into the fare, neck, arms and hands.
subtraction from the total light, At — --ea.--
great distances all the brilliancy pos- German's Irian -Power.
stble is required for effectiveness, so
that colo
for general purposes.'•• Flame arc theories regarding Germany's man:
lamps for dearchlights give colored power.
light, generally slightly yellow, but One theory is that, for twenty years
this source of light is too large for
the efficient optical projection of a
parallel be^m, .and a parallel beam,
or one neal'y approaching parallelism,
is essential in order to reach the great
distances involved. The most remark-
mean, for ol?scuring the moon!
Another favorite subject with in-
ventors is the "relay shell"—a shell
acting as a small gun discharged in
The record is full of deeds amazing midair and expelling a mallet inner
in their resourcefulness and courage, shell, the object being to obtain an which every male German from the nish'grazing for cattle.
St. Isidore, P. Q., Aug. 18, 1394.
Millard's Liniment Co., Limited.
Gentlon'ton,--I have frequently used
MINAR.D'S LINIMENT atad also pre-
scribe it for my patients ahvays with
the Most gratifying results, and I con-
sider it the best all-round Liniment
Yours truly, -
That logged -off and burned -off areas
in the lower Fraser Valley (B.C.)
should be seeded down by the Pro-
vincial Government, and thus provide
pasture land and prevent bush or
ferns from growing and adding to the
before the war, Germany falsified her fire menace, was a suggostton made by
population statistics, thereby throw Mr. C. E. hope of Langley to the New
ing dust in the eyes of the world.
Hindenburg is supposed to have im-
Westminster Board of Trade,
parted this official secret to an
American lady in 1913, declaring.that
Germany's population was not 66
000,000, but 90,000,000. But this
hardly seems likely, and the existence
of the odd 25,000,000 Germans is very
A more plausible solution of Ger-
many's fighting might lies in the 'pre-
amble to the Mass ,Levy_ -of 1916, by
Mlaard's Liniment Cures Burne, Etc.
Dr, Charles E. Saunders of the
Dominion Experimental Farm, Ot-
tawa, in an interview` at Saskatoon,
said he had soon one or two wheat
fields in the West that would yield
forty-five bushels to the acre, and
others that are too poor to even furs
England may well be proud of her increased range which has been sun- completion of his 17th, year to the
navy. posed by, some to be the prine]ple 01 'completion of his 60th year is liable
No reader of the record will fail to the long-range gun with which the for stone form of service to the Fath -
note the contrast betweeti the spirit Gdrmans have bombarded Paris. As manna. " -
which controls the British !navy anti to that the article says: Twelve million Germans are reckon -
that which controls the German navy. The objections to this idea aro two- ed to have been mobilized since 3,914.
No doubt the German officers and sea, fold. First, it appears from element: Of these, about half must have been
men can fight bravely enough, But ary dynamical considerations that the put out of action, leaving six n111 -
theirs is not the courage of humanity energy of the relay propellant chargelions, plus the resources of lli.usttia,
and chivalry. Driven to undersea
warfare, they ere warring on the help-
less, frit on en and women ha open
boats, smmen
lospital ships, and
breaking all the laws whioh other sera
111e11 have been proud t0 uphold.
Constables Pledge A8sistance
Att10 ttriiltial Meeting of the Chief
Constables AsseCiatiolt, tho following
resolution was passeds-•-"Moved by
Chlef Cuddy and seconded by Supt.
'Rogers, that the members of this as-
sociation give every desistance Sri
their power to the Cinada Food
itttnard's Ziabastit lot 000 .vorywlteto,
would be shared between the outer Turkey, awl Bulgaria, still in the field
and inner shells in the inverse ratio against us.
of their masses, so that unless the --e.----,W.--
inner shell were unduly small, a Wert' Sugar Certificates Necessary
large proportion of the propellant Proprietors of public eating places
enlarge would be Wasted, Secondly, throughout
-Canada have been notified
a shell in flight does not point direct- that they must obtain a sugar certi-
ly along its trajector, but mantes an fieete from ilio Canada Food Board
uncertain angle with it, especially by Septeinb0r 1st, A sworn state -
near! the highest point, whore the in- went must be filed with applications
nor shell would be discharged, so that for certificates, stating amount of
accuracy of Otto would be Impossible. eugar used between January 81st,i017,
(leeral1Y spealtthg, it play be said diet and December 81st, 1017. After Sop -
any solteme Willett seriously rodtices tenlber 1st it will be both illegal awl
Um bursting Change of a shell roust of. impossible i' or public Dating houses to
for some very remarkable advantages, obtain sugar without a certificate,
beton it can be considered promising,
t11a11y of the inventors are absolute l,qt coded zininuoit 7R,o11o0aa 1t31aurargioa
@0,$ 'mase
!earls striksociosel
Kills roaches,i'a1t'sarMit;
Dissolves dirtthat ootllin
else will n10Vil
„+ r. tilt'
ISSUE No. :4—'15
0:.01: r ,
. Eliminates all gu u
it arh. Make, light.
wholesome bread, 1"
ro16, etc., without
trouble Saves Luc�f ,O "and helps conserve
_�•_: �,-^/ the Nation's food
supply. t.
Convenient, quick
and akan—hand,
seri vet do not touch dough.
z ` `D livered all charge
Phiprou tyour ome• or
a.., throughh
your dealer—
four r t loaf alae 12.75 ;
eight loaf sae 13,25.
E.T. WR! bHTCO.`,;
mom' ator
T)on't Suffer Pala—
Buy }Best's
ani! he prepared osalna smirks of them
matt1m, lumbago, neuralgia, sondes •e1
sit 4wll.a pabtlul WlmsnU, 14r eves 10
Welly Wend. Uon'1 experiment --
try I(Int'r^.t deoins, of mile us.
lia,nllton, Canaria cr
51611'5 Fam11y Salvo, (SOU.
HI65r't frrto,al5ymp ulnore•• B
n red d pl a p . (tt I OTTLE
• rS k'.
A Shoe Boit,Capped
Nock or Bursitis
will reduce therii and leave ne blemishes)
Stops lameness promptly. Does not bliss
ter or remove the hair, and horse can be
Worked. $2.50 a bottle delivered, Cooke 8 058.
ABSORBINE, JR., for mankind; the ootlarodo
Ilnlo,ent for Rolla, [truism 10001, Swellings. Vnricoro Volnp%
Allays Saloom! Inflammation. Price 61.25 a bottle at dru(:.i
snow delivered. Will on youmore 11 you write.
W. F.YOUNG, P.D.F., 518 truant Olds., Montrool. Carso.
Al/nothing and Absorbue. Jr.. era made le Caoadsb,
For outside or inside
Work this is the
paint that gives
ptl6idItPATH -rim.
Insist on Ramsay's
Pure Paint, because
every gallon is tested for
unlformity, elasticity and
free flowing qualities.
Ask any Ramsay dealer, ix -write no fora „t'4
Interesting booklets ani! ouggootione.
Toronto MONTREAL Voncour,u•-_-
�.. _..•
F r S{.x le by all Dealers
}•`t -1's."�
9 PIItPtt 8 C.Le1rg1 1 iU e!'- )ES•
6 571'!$ ulI11TItuUITO 551 Psm8t 5t11ri05
UCNISS.a RtADIlY A0t0a0co
Ii F0toER1clf 1', INGRApd'C0.
W,v no Fe,'a pj Ol'r 1111'4
Two Sizes--5Oc and $1
You are young but once, but
you can be youthful always if
you care for your complexion
properly. I)ailyuseofingram's
• Milkweed Cream prevents
blemishes,ovcreomcs pimples
and other eruptions. Since
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