HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1918-9-5, Page 2>r, n Nisi fitiON rt 111, U• lleTAGGAlty M.c 'aggart Biose. RAN IeMIti4 2 ,(tFNFl1AT, NKINC# tlillAt' 22814 TRANL AC?Ti11D NOTi I1 • DJSCOUNT1SD, DRAFTS ISSUE -11 INTERNI• • ALLOW ND Ott' 014 POSITS MAH 1It)TEs ^U RMA■ND r T. BANNS' MOTAS.Y PUBLIC. OONY1>I- ANCIEIR, 1f1NANCIAL,,* AL ESTATE AND TIN! 1NMlI!• ANCE AOIfNT. ILEPitE11Ei1'' INC; 14 PISS INSUILAxr.Y COMI'ANiIilt: CIMfCE, •IVIi4ION EOURY SLINTOl. W. 11111YDONL, IAftR1STN R, Mo1L1Ct1'COs• NOTARY PUBLIC, *T` alae— •leas Sleet: OLINTO'' IL H. CAI*ERON IL C, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR CONVEYANCER, irrO Q81ee os Albert Street *cowed la1 Sr. Beeper. In Cliutun un every Thursday, and on any day tor which AP- poinimemta- are made. Ogee lours from It a.m. to a p,es- A hood unit in connection with the dace, Office open reven week -day. Kr, Hoops will seeks any appointments Lor Mr. Cameron. l DR. GUNN . Office cases at his residence, cog. High and Kirk streets, DR. J. C. GANDIER reach a high door or work in a cramp- over the manufacturer in that the la tie AGrouensiet, . Thee 13epartnnent Is for the use of. our fat to readers who want the advise of an expert'on any question regat•dinu soil, seed, crops, etc. If your queetlon is of sufficient general interest, It will be answered through this .column, 11' stampole and addressed envelops Is enclosed with yotar letter, a complete answer will be mailed to you. Address Agrone nlat, care of WHAM) Puhllshing Co, Ltd., 7$ Adelaide Bt. W Toronto . t$a1•ing the G1Crirm -'• .. - i clown elle -Sliced, which, means a pro-, ent estimates that the portionute loss he efficiepcy, with the Our' Govednniresult ale much grain le carried over, farmer loses three per cent, of his into the 5taclt, grain each year throegh , careless threshing methods, and very often- it Who kens Your I+'++rm7 is the farmer himself who is most to blame. Anxious to speed • up a "The government runs my farm, wearisome' but very necessary job, he and I am quite willing to let them do fo•gets that the bieidea ii to•get as so." Thus spoke a fartner ivholle much grain as possible instead' of financial credit balance is represent- getting the w9rk done in the shortest ed by six figures. 'Ho basmade a time," practice of reading and ,adopting the is ex eri- • While the causes of waste ere coni• results of the + gavernmen p paratively few, every preLaution sauce on the experimental farms, both should be taken. for its peen@noon. Dominion and previncial, and has bead Grain threshed- when it is tough. and rewarded handsomely: damp is sure to represent a loss. "" It This farmer was. instrumental in is impossible for the separator to re- forming a farmers' club: in his neigh- move ell the kernels, and an untie- borhood and securing lectures by the 1}enable amount of grain goes over, travelling representatives of goy with the straw. The value of the ernmeit agricultural departments. 1Ie time loot in, whiting for the- bundles took advantage of races by adopting to dry will be more than made up by the good points,lrom each• A govern - time the saving In grain. •ment report advocated the 'installation A. competent separator man: yvill of lightning rods • on farm buildings, He put them), on his buildings and ad - keep ilia machine adjusted and run- visaed his neighbors to do likewise. ning at the proper speed, but he of - Some -of them followed his lend; oth- ten becomes careless and thinks, more era ridiculed the idea, one of whom about the number of bushels going lost his buildings the following sea - into the feeder than of how much son by lightning. Neither was he grain gets to the bin. From long as- too proud to make arrangements with aociation many farmers understand the town store and livery to supply threshing machinery well enough to them with straw free that he might find out for themselves if everything haul away the manure from their is working properly, and should not stables, and thus keep his land up to neglect to' see that adjustments are the highest producing point. He did made whenever needed. I not consider it too much trouble to so Where the portable elevator is used: clean his seed that he could demand the waste in tranefering grain from' per bushel for his oats as seed, wagon,to bin is very slight. However,! while his neighbor was getting but 65 not every farm is so equipped. Shovel -.cents. ing grain is hardly child's play under' Farming means production, just as the best of circumstances, and if the truly as does manufacturing. The man with the scoop is compelled to farmer, however, has an advantage t - Office Hours: -1.30 to 3.30 p.m., 7.30 to 9.00 p.m. Sundays 12.30 to 1.30 p.m. Other hours by appointment only. ' Office and Residence—Victoria St. CHARLES B. HALE, Conveyancer, Notary Public, -Commissioner, Etc. REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE Issuer of Marriage Licenses HURON STREET, — CLINTON. - O1SORtitt ELLIOTT !Licensed Auctioneer tor ill. County ef Huron. Correspondence promptly aoswered. immediate arrangements cam be made for Salt; Date et The News -Record; Clinton, ea It sailing Phone 13 ea 11T, Charges anoderate and satiafaotdes guaranteed Sole Agent for ' Scranton and D. IL & L. Cons We are going to give every person a load of coal as the names appear on the orderbook and must insist on pay- ment being made for same - in me- diately after delivery. This is necessary as deliveries will be extended well on in to the fall months. TERMS STRICTLY CASH. We also have on hand a stock of Canada Cement. A. J. HOLLOWAY. ed position, not all the grain will ter must make his own experiments; reach its intended destination. A he must pgy for his experience. If the blanket on the ground and one from' results of his experiments are satis- the grails door to the wagon will1 factory, they may produce financial returns fully warranting the outlay. Careless and fast pitching into the If they are unsatisfactory, the ex - machine is another cause of waste. penditure upon the investigation ie On a neighborhood run, where help is, lost, and, in many cases, means ruin. traded back and forth instead ofHow different is the farmers posi- having a hired crew, more care is tak-I tient Canada is making the experi- en, as all the men are farmers and ments for the farmer, Canadians—the remember that their own turn will be, manufacturer, the mechanic, and next. But•even your best neighbors' every resident of Canada—are paying get in a hurry 'at times, especially if i the cost of securing the experience by they happen to be on the tail end of 1 which the agriculturist may, personal- ly, be the gainer. • Lt is only too true, however, many of our farmers neglect to profit by the help thus provided, Innumerable bulletins are left unread, end the in- formation they contain is not utilized. At Your Service B. R. HIGGINB Box 127, Clinton • ' Phone 100. (Formerly of Bruceneld) Agent for The Huron & Erie Mortgage Cor- poration and The Canada Trust Company . Comm'er I3, C. of J., Conveyancer, Fire and Tornado Insurance, Notary Public At Erucefleld on Wednesday' each week. save considerable. the run and it looks like ram. A separator will not stand crowding. The machine is set at what is con- sidered a fair pitching speed, and at that speed is supposed to handle the grain properly. Overcrowding cuts —TIME TABLE.-, Trains will arrive at and depart from Clinton Station as follows: BUFFALO AND GODERICB DIV. Going east, depart 6.18 a.m, " " " 2.68 p.m, Going West, ar. 11.10, dp. 11.10 a.m, " " er. 6.08, dp. 0.46 p.m. 11.18 p.m. LONDON, HURON & BRUCE DIV. Going South, ar, 7.33, dp. 7.60 a,m, CI" 4.15 p.m, Going North, depart 0.40 p.m. 10.30, 11.11 a.m. The MoKllloi �iut'ral Fire Insurance Co pauy Feed, care and cleanliness this month and next are all important. If any important item is overlooked now that neglect will show in the results next winter, also next spring and summer. All young stock should now be sorted and culled. Besides those. showing very undesirable color and shape defects . and serious disqualifi- cations„ it is important that any and all slow growing,. and slow feathering chicks be culled and sent to market Never breed or attempt to get eggs from such stock. Youngsters show- ing leg. weakness, twisted wing teeth - ere er any inclination whatever to lack of vitality should be sorted out and sent to market as soon as pos- sible. Standard size and shape, which are obtained bhrough strength, vigor, pro- per housing, feed and care, are nec- essary to success:- Even strictly egg farmers must select and breed to-•' a standard for size and shape. Pure bred fowls unless carefully culled_ will degenerate, showing different charac- teristics, different sizes, shapes, etc., and as a class difficult to handle in Large flocks, to house and feed them to insure uniform conditions. There Read office, Sea f orth, Orli., DIRECTORY : President, Janes Connolly, Goderich; Vice., James Evans, Beechwood; Sec. -Treasurer, Thos. E. flays, Sea. forth. Directors: George McCartney, Sea, forth; D. F. McGreg r, Scaforth• J. O, Grieve, Waltor;; Wm. Rin',, l ea - forth; M. Mellwen, Clinton; Robert ,sll'errles, Flariock; ..John l3onnewe}t, i rodhegen • : Jars, Connolly, Goderich, gentsr Alex l,aitoh, Clinton; .1. W, oo, Goderich; Ed. Hlnehley, Seaforthi W, Chg"sno B mondville; R. G, J. lax th, Br$ hag, n. Any tuonay+ tit, he paid :.n may ho rai4 CD 14Ror air Civthh , , Co., Clinton, t, r t� m @ey, oo r t �'x0 rl,ii tC. , 1Artie2 deelr a,g tP et Set Ineuranpc n In r b ossa �q o her t will 66 pot g vy be >4' A on a to�dtoo !tent l}tam!st3 a t tt,a Pp inti to taly of the Aliotg oi1loors 4ddreeeed to "their reepeot Ye ott office, oceeS Inspected by AA Wilda Who' Knott ineareet the t eerie, Clinton NeliifS'.. Roo rd CLINTON, ONTARIO. Terms of subscription—$1.60 per year, in advance to Canadian addresses; $2.00 to the U.S. or other foreign -countries, No paper discontinued until ail arrears are paid unless at the option of the publisher. The date to which every subscription is paid is denoted 'on the label. Advertising rates -Transient adver- t 10 t '1 are other reasons also why the young stock should now be culled, thus per- mitting more house and range room for the more desirable during the au- tumn months. Green food in some form, as well as sour milk or buttermilk, should be supplied to both the old and young stock if possible. A good grade of meat meal, beef or fish scraps should also be supplied. These foods will T. H. Estabrooks Co. LI&r1TED St. John, Toronto, Winnipeg, Calaa:Y CGnndinn rood Control Limn.. No. 6-276 E11 OE* Rio. OF HUMORS P°1146 11114 AND AVOID SICKNESS a4IVl(T:1f4 TI ING we are tel i t1i nit! d@,.angcmonls last 6!1001, 11tH mettle of oar melt. ese iIitlnore 1i1 the Toad cause inlet!+ - d, ie Rev ng 0 tvitole system, as Well es pimp el ;rt•�s etxlpying !totes n)iii older 01310403$, Anti s'tr m then ci', t111 pretences 15114 t°1•eirl, rebppottale ;for the readiess w�i4 • them light, �1tlier ahew s the real othemselYes uttinrlr truewF k--; which many people _Qantl�Ao1 disease,. (Por forty ;refire Mood a pn1,•sapt' Ifngs,'' No one remembers the bluff villa has 'seen more sneaessfttl ihadt when the time comes to "face the Hun, Op, ether rneAioine in exeelline lee every soul Stands revealed. 1 htunorg @ufl eetpoving'thele 1nwer' It Isn't the men over there who are end onte/era (Aids, Get I3oettris being shown 119 alone, The fonts No: other medicine :nets like it. back here arc little by little, ,.unit bit nam they e, Souse of them, I almost any see.eial paltrietiem in.pleiting frul'11, said many of them, ere not looking for a eomnteeeial 'cannery. If eh1 • ver) well-, In' fact they resemble wes, going ee tn. help a faIf sh$ children, to:put it es kindly as T can.' wife, I might, t'tdrgivo her." They dela great' deal of talking about ... ")3ut 1 afhould think your Mother. their patriotism and wanting to dothey would mitke her come And help youI. tleMe byte hut .when tithe bit they Sorely she can see It id inose neo. step "to do is shown them, they side- ser to do the work right at home• step and choose bome'tne-h easier or than It is to chase off across the, ee- mora showy, but nee' one-half as ane -re rovinee and clutter up traffic, put - l y, A great matey women are p put looking for "a war job," who thought the 'government wanted Ile have left behind them at Irene the all to travel as little as poesible, Youdr' biggest war job they could do, 1 mother talked so beautifully last week. at the club about doing the duty near - I' dropped in to call on a neighbor est and giving up our vacations," the other day, Three children, aged "Oh, {:hut's all for the other til-• four, three and two years old respec-' tively, were whining and clinging to law," she sniffed. "Mother and Hes-• 'her skirts, while a Six -weeks -old baby sic need a rest, Poor Iloasie isittet lay in the crib; 11 was two o'clock, worn, out with standing around street but the breakfast dishes were still un corners on Tag Days and such Uk1, washed, the beds unmade, the living- Mother says she is, entitled to room untidy and a basket of ironing change and besides, there's a bun waiting to be done. She dropped of boys from the Junior College going into a chair and burst into tears. 1 up and there's a good swimmila ' "I know it's. awful 'to let things go beach near and a dancing pavi}lod,. so, but what can I do?" she sniffled, and what have I to offer against the "I can't get a girl for love or money importance of cherry picking as ne and the womtm I have can only come eessary to win the war?" one day a week and I can't find an- "Xour mother surely Suess in and other. The children have cried all helps you out, though," 1 ventured. morning and the baby screamed with "She was around trying to get women colic for two mortal hours., I did get to volunteer to go out two or three a hatch of cookies baked, and my cur- horn's a day and take care of children rants ready for jelly, but I haven't or mend. Doesn't she do your mend - been able to do another thing. When Ing and take the youngsters off your . Jackie hasn't wanted something, Mol- hands a few hours every day?" ly or Peggy have and all the lunch I' "Mother is running a taxicab to re - anti i, behig robbed pretty 'pretences she helping the eoneervAtlon move.. and revealed for pretty ranch what mettt so she says, ;But .os MOTHER W�SDDM All Day Long the Happy Farm Child Learns by Doing. By) Helen Johnson Keyes. I don't eeb Education • has a new slogan:, in the very best possible way so that "Learn by doing." `I they will be quick to understand the piece of hard, cold toast that were left' could do housework; it is too heavy. That is a way in which farm chil- higher branches of learning -at a from breakfast. I wish I was deadi.I believe she has joined the 'back-to- dren always have received much of , more mature age. ' and the children were, too. What's the -farm' movement, or whatever their education though neither they. We know that only a small proper- the use of living when you haven't the I they call it, end is going to the coun- nor their parents nor their teachers tion of farm children continues strength to take care of your horse try soon to help in the wheat her - have been in the habit of calling it through high school but the number is and family?" 1 vest, She can handle a. pitchfork all education. Education has been eon- rapidly increasing. I believe that 1 "Why can't your sister come and right, but it hurts her back to wring sidered something learned out of very there is no stronger reason for this help you?" I asked. Bessie is seven-' out a asap." dull books and the "higher" it has increase than the fact that more and teen years old and the prize canner in I There was a few minutes' eloquent been the less practical use It has had. more the elementary schools have her school. "School is out now and, silence. "I am ashamed of myself," All this is changing and something been developing children's brains by.; I should think she coald hale a lot.! she broke the silence, "and if I hadn't very odd is happening at the same, teaching them through doing. The Surely helping you is the best sort of .been so tired I would never have criti- time. I old dull way of committing to mem- ' war work." I c}sed my own mother and sister. But You remember that when our little ory facts out of books is discarded in! "Oh, she's gone up north to pick it does seem funny that so many folks district school began to be not quite! the schools of our 'more progressive cherries,"said Mrs, K. bitterly. She 1 can't see that their own bleed and kin what we needed for our new farm life,, regions and where it- is discarded' pledged herself to work eight hours, need a little help, isn't it? Mother ' there arc foLmc1 the brightest, most I a clay, with a half-hour for lunch, and' isn't the only one. I know a half have had was the cold coffee and a sieve a man for war work. She never develop better youngsters and will in- sure the adult stock being in far bet- ter condition this winter. Training .to Stand There is no one thing that shows the -amateur quite as much as to bring animals into the ringthat are not ac- tually broken to leaThe show ani- mal ought to -be taught to lead right .up beside themaster and not have to be pulled and hauled and tugged. An- imals being shown for the first time should be previosuly led about so that they are accustomed to the noise of automobiles, shouting, etc. In teach- ing .an animal to walk up beside the master, a long buggy whip held around behind' one's back will be found quite useful. It i not necessary to mistreat the animal to teach him to lead. Most animals are easily taught ,}f approached in a sensible sort of Way, In dealing with bulls they should, of course, be' sufficiently handled so that they are tractable, but the only safe bull Is a dead bull and most fairs make it a misdemeanor to bring a. bull Into the ring without a staff. The one thing to remember about handl- ing bulls with a staff is to keep their heads up. As soon as a bull can get his head down, he can use the huge muscles of his neck, but as long as his head be kept up,'he can be hand- led with considerable ease, Animals intended. for show.. should be started on feed at. once. Showing has always been accounted a means of advertising And it has never been looked upon as a money -making scheme, The young breeder should by all means show at least at his local we turned to the city schools and oe- gan to•copy them. Soon we found' ambitious children and the largest shell get just enough to pay her ex - they were not right either, at least' number going on into high school. penses—has to board herself while not for our country children. Se -we' As a result of mental development she is there and pay her own tran- developed a kind of school all our own,' through muscular training they are spor'tattion. We'd be glad to give t ht b full of energy and amhit' on when they her her board and five dollars a week, in which arithmetic is aug y, • working out farm problems, and Eng- finish the lower grades and they seize hut there isn't anything romantic lish - themes .discuss the operations eagerly on the more cultural studies.' about working in your sister's kitchen.' saucers," which occupy us day by day, and; A great educator says that prob-I chemistry uses the kitchen and the ably no city school can equal the good soil for laboratories. The oddity is farm as an edpca.tor for the mind that sdddenly this country idea has through the muscles. It offers a , taken hold of the city, and the farm splendid variety of employments, de - school at its best is being imitated mends accuracy and promptness, punishes Dr, Currier will answer, all signed letters pretaining to health. if your schools! l shirking. and shows definite results question Is of general interest ft will ue answered through these columns: I do not mean that for the}r• arith-, from work done. This is easy to if not, It will be answered personally if stamped, addressed envelope is en• metic city children are taught to eel-' understand. • closed, Dr. Currier will not prescribe for Individual cases or make diagaosle. eulate the shrinkage of hogs, nor to There are machines in use in some Address Dr. 'Andrew 0'. Currier, care of Wilson Publishing Co., 73 Adelaide Bt. West, Toronto. The Meaning of Tonics. I flaming advertisements of all sects of No medicines are used by those who Patent medicines, presumably tonics, do not consult a doctor for their Mi-' to deceive the unwary. henry o such an extent ns tonics. I 'The tuberculous weakened by sweat- dozen, yes, a half a hundred, who are neglecting their obvious duty to chase about doing something everyone wi es they wouldn't do. And then scold children for wanting to make a cake when all they can do is dry the GOOD HEALTH VEST OP\ By Andrew F. Currier, M.D. in the most modern of the private city pt h s forgetfulness , neglect and BOX write themes about silos. That would city schools which develop the same be as absurd although no more so: muscles which housework on the than were the old stock -exchange and! farm does—one, for instance, which banking problems formerly imposed! repeats the exercise of scrubbing at on farm children and the compositions! the washboard; another which calls n concerning the sewers of Paris. I'. into use the muscles which are exec- Many o£ these preparations are not Ing, cough, loss of sleep, anti absorp- knowthat the principle of bringing oiled es mopping up {},floor, In some tonics as advertised but simply mix tion of poisonous material need tonics, knowledge into touch with life and of of these schools no arithmetic is tures in which the principal ingrecl}-' and those should be selected which learning to do things which it is go -i taught out of books till the fourth encs is alcohol. I will help and not delude and disap- ing to be our part in life to do, in -i grade. Before that time it is learn -I, But alcohol is not a tonic, it stim- point them, stead of only learning about things ed indirectly through the measuring elates at first and then depresses and Tho anaemic, pale and weak from which have fallen to the share of oth-! and collecting of materials for mak-', is the worst kind of ahabit-forming- poverty of blood and impairment of r people to do, is making over the Ing and doing things. These -opera-' drug. I functions require tonics and are often t schools ne it has done the farm: tions are only what every child in al But it is of great value in certain greatly benefited by them. ci y schools. There are two very solid' reasons for this; one of them is a business I So you will see that the farm is up a fainting heart. • reason and the other a scientific one serving as an example, a copy, fort It cannot possibly be useful when' the symptoms, cause and curability of and each vital. I those elementary city schools which 1 taken for weeks and months in pre, pink eye. 2. What is your opinion of represent the most scientific ideas and; parabens in which it forms 50, G0, or one who cannot look out from a great difficulty and compleetty of toward the most scholarly' 70 t elevation without a desire to leap-. • farm grows up with, sees every one conditions especially when it is neces- round him do and does himself. sary to produce heat quickly and. stir QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS. M. V. -1 --Please inform me as to The business reason lies i11 the in creasing c' educate olvarc per cent. Such preparations surely aro not down, and who starts in her sleep medicines in the proper sense of the when such a situation is brought be - term. fore hher? A tonic is a substance which helps Answer—l--This disease is other - the organs of the body to improve wise known( as contagious con,iunc- viii , being 'an infectious condition • life. When you compare the busi- ness of 'farming to -day with the sim- ple occupation which it was in our grandfathers' time, you will under- stand what I mean. li'ome, are being copied artificially in No one does ;anything more in a I elementary city schools because great very small way. The whole world 1 educators know them to be the very is tied together in a network and the best means of producing active, effici- threads of your business are knotted � eat minds, capable of making the into the threads of other people's , most of whatever higher culture or businesses so that you are obliged. to i business' opportunities life .niay offer take very good care of your owe ; in later years. They produce the kind strand when you knot it into. the net of men and women who act. and do it very properly or else you Three cheers for the Canadian farml will disturb the business of other It is the best place in all the world people, who, in turn, will injure yours, to raise great citizens, Life having become so complicated, there is not much time left for mere- ly thinking about things. Every a,, man, woman and child must do things FUNNY ' IIt LDU and do them well. l CUT OUT AND FOLD ON DOTTED I. A new science has grown up in the last generation which consists of the study, of the brain and ,nervous sys- tem. It has a very long name and adver- tisements, cane per nonparei very delicate and complicated instru- line for first insertion and 5 cents ments with which to make its discov- per line for each subsequent sneer- fairs since a mann usually gets his first cries, Tho truths the learned men tion. Small advertisements not to and.. often his best advertising right establish through This now science,' exceed one inch, such as "Lost," in the home community. There is'no are taken up by educators and Rut to "Strayed," or "Stolen," etc„ insert- "hems porus" about showing animals use in schools, and in this way many ed once for 35 cents, and each subs°- despite the fact that once in a great changes in methods of teaching have professions, The basis of brain de- velopment is now known to be muscle training and the occupations of farm life, whether learned in school or at quent insertion 10 cents, Communications intended for publica- tion must, as a guarantee of good faith, be accompanied by the name of the writer. G. 10. HALL, ' M. R. CLARK, Proprietor, Editor, Ye t ebeeid e(talrvnyy5 keen a bottle of (;I ampei•le{,ges Stomach and I,, yes Teletota on the obeli. ,r s 1lL -i9: fel ab aftbn hoed Is 111 d pia• nate eathsrtlo nhrl t1,e"il npyrbolnto Qhmnba+` A o a Of o Lnn4 ,i o Y o e A r } it n �+i it. ti roe o sop Ix a r stem m a t n tit L .o raubi a a �oh ! e s h I n f t� q usthtr er ii Y p �, 1 it t0 6,L9p'S �y, at E 6q' seine 0 1 d a s s 6 4i � dr send cll410Ittl,AlN h?;nIl dill C),'t0 ' 10 le tl �t1Vi►� ,ltilr e.riNr1F%tifI4lPtt'j while a judge can be deceived into putting an inferior animal ahead of a good one. Animals with good in- dividuality, well-fed well -taught, well - come about. One of these discoveries is that our muscles play an important part in the growth of our minds. It has been bred and with ale exterior appearances found that those parts of the brain in in first-rate form cannot. help but be, which are seated the centres whieh' a credit to the breeder, even thougll' control our muscles lie round those, they do not stand lin first place. centres which.. makes us think and that sometimes the centres for mus - pest crit and burn the old blackberry els control rind for thinking :are the end raspberry canes as soon as they've came, 'fruited. This eelentifio revelation must be a Celery' may be blanched by means comfort to !'arm mothers. We have of boards, paper' or drain -tile, Earth realized that env children ought to be when the soil or foliage is wet, keepers leu t is likely to cause decay if applied taught to U@ g9Q(l Nidlers ran t n have tram aft'ai that - w tf our schools filled-ndp their time with pn, It manual r 1 u nnnua 1 a est r ( t @ Atsr 0 g 1 t Pteiti ROU1,Ttelele Iut.Y, ,s rRATI.1MnO. P 17 e 0'30,1111d � 4 1 t Uo`CtlfA$ . d4811111401on POIJLI t CO, a a9 6ctieeeoitt5 eVgeet x 36Os tr a}. �etn.Mdr xnt+mt aceeannd. Istituto training an domestic seienee our n nothing boys and. Girls would know a g 9iso, N W wa hews 1 @e) ehoWi that, ofecu.'p i}d vfith these s.ti64.0 while they era young, that' tyre not only learning useful °coupe -Lions but at lite same time taro fleyelo�,hit+A+ e)1ele Waite I.I6LL SPOR7,175 SATURDAY AGAIN , 111 STEEP THE WALK FOR tIA,AND11lEEN -(oto roawdao, WE'LL 60RROW BRD'IHLR Dein CANOE AND TARE ATRIP -JUST ME AND -YOU' the quality of their work, the heart toof the mucous membrane which cov- beat more slowly and vigorously, the ers the eyes. Its principal symp- toms arc swelling, reduces, soreness and a free discharge from the eye. This discharge must be removed with great care very frequently, and a solution of boric acid instilled into each eye, as often as the discharge le removed, It usually gets well in the course of a week or ten days. 2:--- I should say that such a person should lungs to expand and contract more forcibly, the digestive apparatus to dispose of food more effectively, the brain to think mere clearly and per- sistently. er- sistently, Perhaps it will not do all these things directly, but if it does one ef them successfully this may be fol- lowed by a successful action in other directions, keep away from high places and avoid The pure air of the mountains or over opportunity for carrying out the' forest is a tonic to the lungs, but y pp it also brings more oxygen to theteeternithe desire• to julnli ,t,Lar•+as��< blood and hence means better blood nn, the digestive organs, heart, ' liver,': roper` brain, and kidneys, ''?Soil/ (i d fie ds^''Ft Therefore pure Dir Is one of the f%icyeratton ; best and cheapest tonics to be had,' `� ane In ` i if0tIi rlAI.I, 1 to almost everybody. l a, ices, Seees a WHEAT ' available 1 People mood tonics sometimes be-; � 'a cause they really have some kind of disease, and sometimes merely be -1 Fertilizersrthe cause their machinery is slowing q,, down and needs bracing up. " 1 ft' ece iiy Gear The tonic in the first instance may 1 not cure the disease, the disease may I I ertilizers made hull.- be hill-be Incurable and yet it may shake the i Cl1CCia of acres strong DLit; patifrlit feel better for a while and perhaps enable him to cls much useful I enough to survive the , work before he is permanently laid ha91d11tCr conftilCcl.iltioli 5s1'1.17 Of 1. :1st --'NOM by G Or it may be the means of putting , the patient on his feet and making lent y u'i.l eau to 10.• hie. well, Do ti tonTiitcin aifeteoresenvsteeensiienknt@shes tale suonf fSourxtablaer ol livtrh:t rr:.ocut'gd*iittittoc1t i;lestl operetlons or any condition ha 1whit Ld thore 'has bean great loss of s i! e Tonics are often ilyode4 after -pro. rVr;:. / r frac hntre fs o,, x,7:1' aItplinetg v1 j3p lty 'tsilfqo1haegtw1l'Ti ollt1: Qn Ql Dsat3jaltiln nlotPer}'y lwo�i116alaia4,vnti1ated Thp 1,11 1,04 1. dual 0giil1 �•. which egele$ II the Wing is 44 inotontoni f4;444. 'n A ' 7ii r Ilton last tb,d it' i4t10 iY1101111144141:1s - fiZtiYo troth j 'rhe Soil an:0 Crop l�rrrdiiiE v i2 . tat wean t t r7. it be Cea:rdian 1'tertilidAc,' ,iscietl,+„ 3113 Temple 1314-(1 Toronto ereseese