HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1918-8-29, Page 7LSU
�1) �on,SktArn,lt�f colt `ALit ' Ltlls4 8�1a� li'9 AJ
fn iv°mel a owner keine to
E rt heti win sell 21,00 W orth
ni g,y ' •••
that ;bat it+t1'y J I1 1111v
Publishing Co,,µconte ALEXANDRA RA
L"LI. Lgu1vwop NI7l'l Sl ADP81(i .-.-.--.
V If and 101 printlnfi plant In S)iwtern
On2a 1o, Iittaminoo oatrted ;.1 500. )rill GOLD ARID Sit -VER AN. WORKS
F'n fer 11.22'1 nn gut* POO. )lox 8d, D
Wlisen Publishing 000 Ltd., Toronte,Or' ART.
sip./ 1I:1 D .A1,
1112 1;. lw.GouND LANA.
Pu office, that noble breed now so
no'trly extinct, We have some ver, nne
Pons, 7t, A, tiillesnle^ Albhotsfm•d,
ACi'LNoiS wANTIi1)
A GIIINTS U'AW,1I22D—$1,000, vet;
la Min make ft lo your 4ou ty with our
fast selling Combination Cooper, One
salesman banks 138$,65 the first nitopth,
Another- agent sells 20 10 -two hours.
Others 'cleaning tip $10
tel necessary,2I$shipped Ci
men on .limn, Territory going fent.
Write qulolt to secure your tteld, Corn.
binatlarl Produuts Co„ Thomas
Lister. elite,
internal And external, cured with.
mit pain by, our home treatment, Write
as before too late. 1>r, Stillman Modica]
CO„ LIMIted, Co11)n0$ ,Qd Ont
rain? .klirst's wih . stop. it!
Used 1102 40 years 10 relieve rhea
matisnl, lumbago, neuralgia,
sprains, lame back, toothache,.
and other painful complaints.
Have a bottle in the house. All
e lers, q1'- write us.
H1ase' REa4E0Y QOMPANY, Hamlltoo, Can,
HIRST'S Family Salve, (50c), 1..018 4112
HIRST'S Pectoral •Syrup of •..fl
Horehound and Ekcampone, (35e) Ci0TTIE
h1Al(_Esilft2Al1 IN 3 22:211088
• Eliminates all guoa
;work. MoiorGehh
wi,eieron' o breed,
r, roll+;r •cls, w3hout
'Trouble. Savo ' Bout
y▪ on d helps connive
the )•)noon s food
'ti t% supply.
P Coav02 a quick
� fond d pa hands
n. 4111'1' do not�tauch douab.
• D hvared ell eh roes
� four
your hem or
i. throe h our. deal 5 ;
1 g"hL loaf slip $•3: 5 .
eight loaf size ve.j 25.
s 52T,WRrQHTfO
s Ne
Useful Canning Booklet ,
The Canadian Food Board has pub-
lished a very .attractive and useful
little booklet on the canning, dryilfig
and storing of fruits tnd vegetables.
It -is being distributed at five cents'
per copy as one of 0 serties -of four
imilar booklets dealing in addition to
canning with the subjects of bread -
making, cooking of vegetables, and
cooking of fish. The set of •four may
be obtained for twenty cents from the
Previncial„Conimittees of the Canada
Food Board.
'Dominion Express Money Orders
are on sale in ilve thousand offices
throughout Canada.
A baseball bat for bun'ting,having
stripes of non -resilient material set
intb the end, has been patented by a
Atleard's Liniment Cores Diphtheria
Scalloped corn can be made in a
baking dish; putting the corn on in
layers and seasoning with pepper,
salt, butter and grated cheese. Bake
till the top is brown.
The Choke
of all Ranks
Shaving under
trench difficulties at
the front will t%uick-
Iy convince him"
that the AutoStrop
is the only practical
razor. It is the only
razor that sharpens
its own blades and
consequently is al-
ways ready; for'
instant service)
Anticipate , your
boy's request by
including an Auto -
Strop in your next
Overseas package.
Price $5.00
At (oaks Mored everywhora
asi:< Aoatostrop
Safety Rta,zor Co.,
"83 87 Duko3t.
Toronto, Ont.
Relies Worth •Ten MUllon- Dollars Are
Kept In .a Steel -lined Ropm 2s
in Marihorough.Hoese.
'rho collection. et troiooures,pt I4Ilvl`1-
10r» U01 House, in the niaY of gold and
Silverand 'works of art,' ]s one of the
Most valuable in the,WOrld, And
°very • article at '1�Iarlborougll House
H 1110 personal poseesel011 of Queer.'"
Alexandra, with the exception. 'of elle
faino0s Gobelin tapestries, which 1)e -
long to the nation,
These were accounted by King Ed -
mud as being among the most velar
able works Of art in. the possession of
the Royal Family, and they were per-
haps on this aceolut specially prized
hY Queen Alexandra.
The late Mr. Egmont Morgan ie AN A[,PHABT T 1POR CxIiNA.
said to have offered $250,000 for them _
121 tho late coign; but, of cOUi'Oe,'ttle Forty-two Characters Are Required to
offer was not made directly to King
Edward,Represent 4i Language Sounds.
For Sentiment's Sake. .,Chinese scholars who are dissatis-
Praetica1ly all the gold and silver fied wfth the ideogrphie characters in
treasures in possession of the late which their language -has, always been
King, arid which his Majesty bequeath- written have set out to form an al -
ed to Queen Alexandra, are stored ph'gbet which they hope to see grad -
away in a vast, steel -lined room on the ually adopted by0their countxymen,
ground floor of Marlborough House.
was Chow Hi Chu, secreary of the
The Court' jewellers and goldsln)ths, Chinese Legation at Rome, assisted by
001210 years back, roughly-'dxed the Wan. and Chou, sub -secretaries, and
Value of the treasures at. $10,000,000. Signora Rivettres professor oi;.Chinese
Guests of Queen Alexandra, visiting and Japanese at the Oriental Institute
h?arlborou h House for 'tile first time, at Naples, who,.began the project.
are always shown this famous Royal To represent exactly all the sounds
treasure -room, of the Chinese language it was neons-
It is difficult to convey in words any Bary to draw upon almost all existing
Idea of the wealth of treasure revealed alphabets. The alphabet composed
by a sight 02 the treasure -vault. The in the present case consists of fgrty-
walls are lined with immense glass, two characters, of which twenty-three
ebony-bouutl cases, crammed with gold are vowels and nineteen are conson-
and silver treasures—huge Pilgrim antet Of the vowels four are taken
bottles, immense gold and silver drink- froth the Greek .four from the Rus -
Ing -cups, shields of Oriental design, sign, five from the Latin and One ftom
ornaments of every sort. the Chinese, Of the nine others two
• Ii1 one case there are twenty -tour are what .are . called "Monied" pr
elver tea -services, twbuty .ginner -ser. "prolonged" and seven are reversed.
vices, over a thousand massive solid Of the consonants fourteen are tak-
silver candlesticks. And this is one of en from the Latin, three from theoRus-
the smallest cases. A large case in sign and two from the Greek.
the. Centre of the vault is filled with
tate various racing trophies toll by the
Iate King, and underneath the case' at Lady IKathleen Scott, widow of Cap -
each sidef it is a deep drawer, and tain R, F'. Scott, who lost his life in
this drawer is filled with all manner his effort to discover the South Pole,
of; gold ornaments, boxes, etc., that is doing her 'bit by'' acting as secretary
Wore given to the King byhis various to the Ministry of Pensions in Eng -
Blends at hone and abroad, land.
In one drawer there is a solid gold
box the sides of which are about a '^ L achute, Que., 25th Sept., 1905.
'quarter of an inch thick, It is about hiinard's Liniment Co., Limited.
a foot square and six inches in: depth. Gentlemen, Ever since coming home
Ou ffie outside of the cover are the from the Boer war I have been bother -
'letters "E.R.,'surmounted by a crown ed with running fever sores on ray
set in the rarest jewels. On the inside legs. I tried many salves 'and lint -
of -the cover are carved the words:.) meats; also doctored continuously
"Prom his Majebty's devoted and loyal for the blood, but got no permanent
subject, Alfred' de Rothschild." This is relief, till last winter when my mother
but one of hundreds at such gifts that got nie to try MINARD'S LINIMIENT.
these .drawers contain. Iu one case The effect of which was almost magi -
is a small glass, 'silver -mounted salt cal. Twp bottles completely cured
castor. Tntriilsicslly its valuer'is prob- mo and I'have worked every workhlg
ably not more than about 85, but itis day since,
one of the, objects among tliis wealth
of treasure that Queen .Alexandra par.
ticularly values, •
A Tragic History.
0•., -et
'Eel 4!PT A t8O N
OFF WI'Tl114'47 PAiN
•OinelnnatI man tells how to dry' n
up A earn .or eatilie CO 11 .lifts 0
oft with fingerv,
'Yon ((lirfl-pestered leen tied W01110n,
need suffer no 1011501', Wear the shoed
ti�at nearly killed You befere, BAYS this
Cincinnati authority, beeauso a few
drops of freesone applied dlreOtly on it
tender, aching gore or callus, steps
8e10182300 Rt 01100 and 80011 11113 0011) or
hardened callus loosens 00 ft can by
lifted Off, r(iob and all, without pain.
A email bottle of freasono costs very
little at allY drug store, but will p0111-
Lively tape off every )lard or soft cord
or callus, This s11ot)ld be tried, a'soit
is inekpensive olid is eaid not to irri-
tate the eurroUnding 811tH.
If Yollr 811411551st hasn't ally 18eezone
tell hint to get a 8111011 bottle for you
from his wholesale ,(!rug house) 'It is
fine stuff and Oats like a eilarm every
time. .
It was given to King Edward years
ago by a very valued friend, and the
late King always regarded this castor
as a sort of mascot,
His Majesty had it sent up every
morning on his breakfast -tray,' and
even when he Went to the house of a
friend this mascot was among the ar-,
ticles always taken with the monarch.
It tipp,eared on his breakfast -tray when
it was sent up to his room on the very
meeting of the day he died, and the
dying Ring said -to the servant: "I
am glad you have not forgotten -my
mascot, 1 011011.00101' see it again."
But the treasure -vault contains but
Yours gratefully,
Wonderful Way in W- hich They Gen-
erate Heat in Winter.
The bee upholds his reputation for
industry throughout the winter months
as during the `simmer. Being sus-
ceptible to scold, the bee must have lemon juice to remove complexion
seine means of supplying warmth, blemishes; to whiten the skin and -to
It was found by experiment that tiring Out the roses, the freshness and
Only the 'shell of the cluster made ay the hldcton Uoauty? 13ut lemon juice
the bees in cold weather is compact., alone is acid, therefore, Irritating, and
This is formed by one of several lay -1 should be mixed with orchard white
ers of bees all solidly arranged with this way. Strain through a fine cloth
their heads inward, their h'ajrs interthe juice of two Fresh lemons into a
Lacing. �+ bottle containing about three ounces
This arrangement is perfect for of 0rc13ard white, then shake well and
a part of the treasures at Marlborough t onserr01100 of the heat within. Ex yon have a whole quarter pint of shin
House. In the Green Drawing -room cepa• for an occasional shift of posi- and complexion lotion at about the
are two carved tapestry-
eeverea,i tions the bees forming the shell are cost one usually pays for a sola); jar
chairs, given to their Majesties by the quiet. .But within the shell strange of ordinary cold cream. 130 sure to
tato Sir Richard Wallace, the man who things are going on . strain the lemon juice so no pulp gets
bequeathed the Wallace Gallery to the It is het e,. hat the heat is generated. into the bottle, then this lotion ;will re -
nation. These' chairs are said to be And the antics are not alike our own main ;Sure and fresh for months.
worth ten thousand dollars apiece. when we are cold. When applied daily to the Paco, neck,
Under 0 glass cites in another apart- The bees are packed loosely within arms and hands it should Help to
meat is a fan of beaten gold,
erne"the shell so that there -is plenty of bleach, clear, smoothen and beautify
mented with a most delicate tracery skin.
space for many bees to be exercising
work. It Was despatched as a Christ- at a time. Rapid fanning of the wings, Aly druggist will supply three
mos present to Queen Alexandra by an 1 shaking the hotly from side to side, ounces 01 02011084 white at very little
cost and the grocer has the lemons.
In These Anxious Daye We Need the
Medicine of Laughter
Two ilrefu1
One.bf the reasons 'why the kiddies
;dee parties. And why shouldn't
they if they may wear a charining
little frock like, this? McCall Pat-
tern No. 8440, Child's Dress. ' In 5
bizets, 2 to 10 years. Price, 15 cents:
Oe MCC(( .
Cool and dainty as a nightgown.
This design developed in sills or other
material makes a charming negligee.
McCall Pattern No. 8437, Ladies' and
Misses' Negligee or Nightgown. In
one size. Price, 20 cents, a McCall
Transfer Design No. 848. Price, 10
These patterns may be obtained
from your local McCall dealer, or
from' the McCall Co., 70 Bond St., Tor-
onto, Dept. W.
Make this beauty lotion for a few
cents and see for youreelf.
What girl.or woman hasn't heard of
Indian 5112100 soros years lige. It was 1 rapid breathing and other movements
sent by a servant of the prince. The 1 are all ports of the -scheme for raising
first part of the servant's journey lay the temperature.
through a jungle, and here he was at- I yn one .particular instance, when a
tackedanis )tilled by n. tiger. The ease I bee had been' rapidly fanning with his
containing the 11111 was afterwards wings for seven and a half minutes,
found and sent back to the prince; the thermometer nearest him nese Half
three years after it had been first sent. �.a degree Fahrenheit.
Once more it was\despatche(1, and this
time readied. Marlborough House in
safety. One of the 8002110 at Marl,
borough. ,TIouse is furitighed with all
the furniture, ornaments, aid picttn'es
that were in King Bclward's writing -
room at Buckingham Palace.
A Screen Woi'th a Fortune.
Two objects of art in the room
specially prised by Queen Alexandra
are two 501101ne Tariagree statuettes,
Purchased in Paris for her by the late
King during one of their early trips
after they were married. In this room
is also a pencil 413 1et:eh of Xing Ed-
ward 1w11011 Prince Of,12201os, done by
an artist in a. restaurant in )naris ttt
which -his Majesty was dining: and a
screen completely covered with photo-
graphs of the late King's personal
friends. The first photograph was
110st3(1 on it two years after the King's
marriage, and the last a year aftdr his
000esainll to the Throne.
Feed The Bees.
NoW fa the time to save out the b01x,
ey for fall tooding. It fe the poorest
kind of eeon0m21 to skimp tate beef 11
their allowance of food, , ]:p 2)15'0 't8
tape Jimmy for feeding only from
1`tealtltys detentes, Ex(aliline the brood
nest (kat!1] ted 588 that There are
lie dead tar ao'211 the cells, Moiled
honey Is fletfit for ,winter food for
ileal, - r
Experiments with alfalfa growing
in Bermuda have readhad'rsueh a Otago
as to indicate that the ever -May be
made a profitable abet
VX/ear and
Tear ort that boy
off-youfs Curb
of childhood and
youth necessitates
a real buildin,food,
Gr e° uts
supplies the,
Ossentials for,
Yi¢orous minds
"'anctaodi20 M
any ace.
"There's a Reason"
Canticle, Peed hoard License
No; 2.0201
Levity and frivolity, especially as
applied to the grim actualities of the
war,' upon sober-minded Americans
who feel that any thought or desire
not centred upon the present crisis of
the nation and the world is a sacri-
lege, says a United States newspaper;
They are right from one inlaortant
viewpoint, but not altogetherright
from another, • --
One of the most :famous Cabinet'
meetings ever held in the White ;louse
took place in the. 488140st time of the
Civil War, when Lincoln gathered
with his stern-faced, gloomy secretar-
ies to transact momentous business.
Tho President came in, 510140d up a
book by Artemus Ward, the great
humorist, and proceeded to read a
chapter aloud. The atmosphere was
tense with angry disapproval at this
apparent levity by't ie time he had
With a deep sigh, 'he laid down tbo
boob*. "Gentlemen," he - said, "why
don't you laugh? With the fearful
strain that is upoii me night and
,day, if I did not laugh I should die,
and you need this medicine t(a much
as l:"
then ho turned to 1118 tall hat lying
on the tab I0 nen)" hint and drew from I
ii WWaI1• ,.secretary Stanton after'-
wards described as a. "little white
paper." The little white paper wee
the. Emancipation Proclamation.
The application to the present of
this 11isterle incident and ihe example
of the Great Emant'iplttor does not
)need painting out
yj:. •...-.AP 'i1'
Stanar4'0 r,tn1ntnat cures Qa15ci is olive,
OLIVE WEEK. for every
user of this famous soaps
The week in which you buy one cake at
the regular price, and secure another full
sized cake absolutely free by presenting
tie coupon which appears below.
Every dealer who sells soap is acting as
our agent, in this great free, offer. Each will
accept the coupon in exchange for a cake
of Palmolive provided you buy another
cake of Palmolive at the same time.
With all soap selling at war -time prices,
this gift willbe doubly 'appreciated —act
now, while the supply holds. out. Tear out
the coupon, sign it and take it to your
dealer at once. Don't risk losing your
free cake of
No 'heed to tell you hoer good
Palmolive is. flow its smooth,
creamy lather is considered the
greatest of all toilet luxuries.
Make this your introduction tsr= the
luxury you have been missing if you
don't already use Palmolive-
-or accept this opportunity to enjoy
a cake free if you do.
Palmolive contains Nature's greatest
cleansing 'agents—the Palm and Olive
Oilsrized since history began as the
greatest of all toilet luxuries. Its delicate,
Orient -al perfume adds to the pleasure
of its use. Its lasting qualities , make it
the economy soap.
g 71' Pres
"'"" rete F. s..
Before the Charge.
The night is still and the air is keen,
Tense with menace -the tine crawls
In front is the town and its )tomes Are
Blurred .184 outline against the sky.
'bile dead leaves float in the sighing
Darkness moves like a curtain
A veilwhich the mprning slur "will
Free') the faro of ` death. We
charge at dawn;,
1 laard1's Liameat Carom Manatee.
A basket cradle for babies, which
eon 113' titt„pendod from sin a(ltomOblle
AM11t or foldedcompactly when not in
two, 111112 been invented for the tree of
most youthful motorists.
This coupe, will be accepted (if presented
within thirty days) as full paytnent for one cake
of Pa110011ve Soap when the holder purchases
another ,cake at the regular price of 15c (two
for 25c.)"
Only one coupon may be presented by each
family and the name and address of the party
receiving the free Palmolive Soap oust he
signed in full to the following:
I hereby certify that I have this day purchased
one cake of Palmolive Soap from my dealer and
received one cake Palmolive Soap Free.
woTICL" TO DEALSns: We will r phu:n the mon
aal1vett with 0.1110 eounou only under the hallow-
ing Courson must he returned direet
- f , the Palmolive conte ntl full, Waited, Toronto,
ha aieredlby rt the natty receiving aname ond m°onpa.
a1'• poeilivaiy win refuse le oan.m upon* cal (rem a•w*peeer. p
bee tl Oy Eoslen. u=`
,it 17tut
_ ie.,.�..e,. - __—
��.._...... "Till IT�rvest or Bust;' is tho wheat
thrift slogan. .
Shall I wear mourning for my soldier
I—a believer? Give me red,
Or give ole royal purple for the ICing
At whose high court my love is
Dress me in green for growth, for life
made new;
For skies his dear feet march, dress
nib in bluco
In while for his white soul --robe n:,
in gold
For all the pride Hutt his new rail)(
shall beid,
X11 earth's dim gardens bit:Kens 110 hue 1
too bright'
To dress mo ter my love who walks
in light)
I41lnarct'g baiarntent Cares Colds. Yea I
"�'i11th ran be on01'31)n',l 1,,sloucri
quite as cruelly ns by Op1'211." )