The Clinton News Record, 1918-8-22, Page 8e
Hood War Habits
i5ball we lose thein or most of
them, wlaefrr the happy day of pease
arrives ?
It is to be hoped not, for we have
learned so nutty niec ones since our
itimo of trial, Seine are big and
some are small, hut alurost all are
delightful For instance r There is
the pretty "habit" of the "Flapper
who gives her seat to a mother and
baby or a tired person of superior
age. It is chivalrous and beautiful
this instinetive protection and de-
ference of youth and strength.
There is the !'habit" of spending
on others and on geed Mises that
war has taught us all, A pity if it
were 'to die out, and all our pennies
wore to be spent upon self and
Agd 'there is the "habit" of worse,
that had seemed to be 11y'.ing out --I
Moan of work apart front one's daily
business. Now we, are all gardeners,
helpers or handy=men of wino sort.
Surely we shan't go basalt to the Old
silly, aimless ways of spending free
time, We shall have hobbies of seine
Sorb as well as mere atnusenrerrt,
lakon all together, wo have found
d"war habits" good ones ; we iriust
not lose them when the war is over,
How to Have Coal and
Wood tor Next Winter
'mow i
by getting a Perfection or Puritan Oil (looking Stove
And make sure of a supply of Coal Oil or Gasoline
(as it undoubtedly will be short at times)
Get a 25 -gallon or a 45 -gallon
steel tank
1 Second-hand Gasoline Stove
2 Second-hand Ovens
Most Assuredly we Want
Your Wall. Paper,
but we do net want
you to be Sufluenced in
our ,favor by anything
except the actual ntor-
lts and reasonable pric-
es of the goods offer-
ed plus—your practical
good will for which
we ate heartily grate-
TheI. D Fair Co.
POtten the Cheapest
1 White Footwear
This season, without a doubt, will be the season of ail the
seasons for Women's White Footwear !
We're showing the Best White Shoes made, and we ask
the attention of the woman who enjoys wearing Choice
White Footwear of Special Merit 1
White Boots
White Oxfords
White Pumps
Ladies' Military or the New Low Tread
Walking Heels
$1.:5, $2,0u, $3.00 and $4.00
Our Shoe Service is always Painstaking and every woman
we shoe will have Well Dressed Handsome looking Feet !
- rt•
Always the Best."
'll't, �,jietsnuuuiva a enI%Ult
Miss Ida Wilken is home from De-
troit for holiday.
Major M. D. McTaggart was up from
London over the week -end.
Mr. and. Mrs. J. Percy Cole of Kip -
pen were in town on Monday,
Mrs. John Craib of St. Louis is the
guest of Mr_ and Mrs. Jas. Scott.
Miss Ethel Wasmann is visiting ber
brother and sister in Windsor and
Mr. E. J. Howard of London has
been visiting in town during the
past week.
Miss Kathleen Beacom of Hullett is
visiting Miss Webster of town for
a lew weeks,
Mrs: Geo. Levis and daughters have
returned after spending some weeks
at Grand Bend.
Dr. W. Holloway of Peterboro is the
guest of his brother, Mr. A. J.
Holloway of town.
Rev. J. J. W. Simpson of Toronto
visited his brother-in-law, Mr. W.
S. Harland, recently.
Dr. Coultis of Philadelphia -is visit-
ing his brother, Mr. C. H. Coultis
of the Huron Road, East.,
Mr. and Mrs James G. Fyfe and
Misses Tessie and Viola Irving
spent a few days with their uncle,
Mr. W. S. I-Iarland last week,
Mrs. George Roemer and son, Mal-
colm, left Saturday for their
home in St. Louis, after a visit
of several weeks with the lady's
mother, Mrs. Thos. Trick.
Mr. and Mrs. Siple of Woodstock,
Dr. and Mrs. Stewart of Wingham
and Mrs. Jackson of Calgary have
been recent guests with Mr. and
Mrs, T. J. Watt of -Rattenbury
Mr. I. Rattenbury of Peterboro mot-
ored up last week and joined his
wife who has been visiting her
parents, Mr.. and Mrs, A. J. Hol-
loway, "Ike" has plenty of friends
in the old town who are always
pleased to see him.
Miss Minnie G. Rudd returned Thurs-
day evening last alter a trip to
the west. She visited friends at
Minnedosa, Man., and Medicine
Hat and Calgary, Alta., and also
visited Edmonton and spent a
week at Banff and Lake Louise.
Miss Jessie McGuire has returned
from a visit of several weeks with
friends at Buffalo and Bridgebilrg.
Miss Jessie, who when she left
was still lame from an injury to
her knee received while coasting
last winter, has quite recovered.
Mr. and Mrs, A. P. Gundry of Galt
have been visiting friends in town
during the past week.. Mr, Gundry
was formerly principal of the Clin-
ton Collegiate and during their
residence here they made many
warm friends, who were. pleased to
see them again.
Mr. and Mrs. John Moon and Mas-
ter Jack of Toronto were in town
on Saturday calling on friends.
They had been spending a week or
ten days with Goderich and _Lon-
desboro friends and were on their
.way to Sebringvlile, where they in-
tended spending some days with
Mrs. Moon's relatives before go-
ing houne. They made the trip
both ways by motor and had a
most enjoyable holiday.
Mr. C. J. Wallis returned Sunday
from a trip to New Brunswick,
whither he went with a car of
horses a week or so previously,
and he left again Tuesday for Rose -
town, • Sask., to assist in taking
off his harvest, The man left in
charge of his farm reported the
oats and wheat as fairly good but
the flax in the west is reported as
almost a complete failure', the ex-
cessive heat having ruined it.
Save Money
1i.bout five dozen work shirts, in r blue, khaki, and black and white
Five dozen Carpenter's Aprons striped cottonade, at half the price
of material used, EACH .., ,..
THIRTY pairs Women's Split Oxfords, .solid leather shoe, regu-
lar pride $1.50, SPECIAL .PRICE . ,--$1.19
Men's Harvest Boots, in mule skin , split leather, black or $ tan
Two dozen pairs Men's Trousers, in striped... worsted, SPECIAL
Plumsteel Bros.
Clinton NewRecori
has a charm of its: own. Each
has an individuality . and the
variety- is so great that every
taste can be gratified. Here are
tugs of oriental design, others
of domestic origin ht plain,
floral and geometric patterns.
But there is only one quality
in the 'entire collection ; the
very best that can be obtained
ler the money.
Undertaker and Funeral Director,
28 ' Phone 'I . 28
August 39n1, Iq18'
Give a Day's Thoughtto These
GuaranteediinenS for thellome
WINO to the war conditions and the scarcity of flax, pure linens are getting very scarce; come
0 gnently advancing in price, *A wise woman whose constant thought is the 'Home Beautiful'
and the economical managementthereof will consider this matter. Read this list carefully and
give it your attention. No! perhaps you are not really in need of new linens at present but if you
wish to save money onyour purchase buy them now when you can get them at about half the
price they will be shortly.,, Or if you don't -need them yourself perhaps you have: a young friend
who is anticipating a home of her own and -what is more acceptable than linens.
Beautiful bleached Irish Damask, satin finish, all-round, single and double bor-
ders, a variety of designs, leaves. sprays, floral, figures, dots, etc,, also tabling by
the yard.
Pure bleached linen, a large range of choice designs.
Hand embroidered and Plauen lace ce.lterpieces and doylies, in dainty patterns,
Plauen lace, hand embroidered and drawn work, hemstitched edges, all pure linen
A household necessity, always in demand, carefully selected, pure linen buckaback
towels, hemstitched, plain and embroidered damask borders, guest and large sizes.
Also bleached and unbleached turkish towels, with fancy stripes and all white,
Reliable linen towelings, values that are thoroughly dependable, check and stripe
glsss toweling, heavy crash, plain linen huck and tea cloths. These materials are
steadily advancing in price.
Extra fine weaves, choicest designs in floral, spray and figured effects, good heavy
Tablecloths -
Table Napkins
Tray Cloths
Come in and we will be pleased to show you our stock.
If you don't see what you want, ask for it.
Agents for
Priestley's Dress
OWIT .,8
Agents for
Butterick Patterns
People 'You Know
Mr. W. S. Downs was in Brantford
on Thursday last.
NIr, Campbell, Chesley, organizer for
the C.U.F., has been in town this
Air. Robert Jezzard of Stratford vis-
ited Mr. and Mrs, Thos, Cardwell
for a few days.
Misses Dorothy and Fier -once and
Master Kenneth Rorke are visiting
friends near Brussels.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Lyon of Detroit
have been visiting at the home of
their uncle, Mr. J, G. Medd.
Misses Gladys and Edna Smith of
Toronto are the guests this week
of Miss Florence Cuninghame.
Rev. J: Gandier of Newburg iias
been the guest of his son;.Dr, J,
C. Gaudier, during the past week.
Mr. and Mrs, Norman Carter and
Master Audrey spent Sunday as
the guests of Mr, and Mrs. J. G.
Mr. and Mrs, W. S. Downs and
children motored to MorningtOri
and Lestowel, where they spent
the week -end with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Campbell and
Master Wellwood and babe have
'gone to visit the former's mother
and other friends at Georgetown,
Mr. Arthur Manu left yesterday for
Brantford, where he has accepted a
position. He will not move his
family from town for some time,
Master Jack Welsh, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Norman Welsh of Goderich
township, is spending a holiday
with his grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. A. Welsh of town.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Patterson,
Miss Lyla • Kaake and Mr. G.
Black of Wroxeter spent Sunday
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
A. Miller of the Huron Road.
Miss Azie Nott of Sault Ste. Marie
has been visiting her grandmother,
Mrs. Kearns of town, and is now
with her grandmother, Mrs. Nott,
and other relatives on the London
Mr, and Mrs. E. J. Jenkins and
Master George left Tuesday after-
noon for their home in Termite af-
ter a fortnight's visit at the form-
er's home, Woodlands Farm on the
Huron Road.
Miss Emily Moore of Montreal is a
guest at the home of her uncle,
Mr, Geo., Davies of Huron street.
Miss Moore has spent—several years
in China and leaves for Shanghai
again in October.
Mrs. Screeton and little daughter of
Louden were the guests of Mr, and
Alts. 1. Cuninghame for a day or
so this week. They were on their;
way Home from Goderich where
they had been spending a few
weeks tit Hotel Sunset.
Mrs, W. F„ 'Moody of Chatham '•has
hem very ill with typhoid fever
and het condition still eau5ee her
friends seine anxiety, but it is
hoped the worst is now over, Her
nether ,lllfi W;r.t, has been With
Rev. Dr. 1vIedd of Exeter was in
town a couifle of clays last week,
the guest of his brother, Mr. J. G.
Medd. He was returning (rein a
holiday jaunt to the northern part
of the county and up the Bruce
Peninsula, where be had been
spending some time in botanical re-
search. He had ,thoroughly enjoyed
this sort of a restful, , wholesome
vacation and was returning to his
work invigorated and refreshed.
Mr, and Mrs. C. F. Libby, Mr,. Em-
erson Libby and Mr. and Mrs. W.
T, O'Neil left Tuesday morning on
an auto trip. They went by Ham-
ilton and Niagara and wilt visit
Boston and Levei, Mass., the late
'ler being the home town of Mr.
and' Mrs, Libby, They will also
'visit other points in Mass., and in
Maine and will probably be absent
about three weeks.: Should wea-
ther conditions he Meer ir110i..
People You Know Lonslesboro.
Mrs, Wm. McVittie of Goderich ac-
companied Mr. and Mrs. J. Moon
from that town last week and has
been visiting friends here.
Mr, Stephen Mothers took charge
of the morning and evening services
in the Methodist church on Sunday
last in the absence of Rev. Mr,
Harvest is about past and some of
the farmers have already threshed,
Mr. Russell Atchison of Stratford
spent the past few days with friends
around here before going west.
Miss Alice Fingland of Toronto is
spending her holidays under the
parental roof.
Miss hazel Shaefer of Gowanstown
is visiting her aunt, NIrs. 0, Ruddell,
Mr. Il. H. Hill of Auburn and his
daughter, Mrs. Frank Hibbert of
Fort Francis, spent Tuesday with
Mr. Hill's sister, Mrs. F. Johnston.
NIrs. T. Iliggins and two daughters
of Toronto are theguests of Mrs.
William Graham.
Aiiss Alma Judd returned home last
week from Ridgeville where she has
been fruit picking.
Mrs, Sharman returned on Tuesday
from a three weeks' visit with
friends in St. Catharines.,
Dr. F. Campbell, London, accompan-
ied by his mother and Miss Cun-
ningham, motored to town this
week and were the guests of Mrs.
Thomas McKenzie, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jowett, Miss Jowett
and Mr. Harold Jowett of Port
Huron, accompanied by Mrs, T.
Jowett, Sr., of Bayfield, were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. George
Burnett on Tuesday.
Air. and Mrs. George Burnett have
returned from a visit with their
daughter, Mrs, Thos. Dunbar of
Sarnia. They were accompanied by
Mrs. Dunbar and two children, who
are spending a few weeks here.
NIr, and .Mrs. Lorne }welsh and little
Margaret of London have been vis-
iting the former's parents, Ser-
geant and Airs. Welsh, They were
accompanied by Mrs, !Colvill of
Wallaceburg, Mrs, Welsh's mother.
Miss Jean Rutledge returned home
on Saturday after a month's visit
with her brother at Newcastle,
Ind. She was accompanied by her
sister-in-law, Mrs, Wm. Rutledge,
who will make her Home in Can-
ada, her husband coming here to
enlist with the Canadian forces for
service overseas.
London Road'
Nirs. McKnight, Sr., is visiting her
daughter, Mrs. Tasker of Clinton.
Miss Azbe Nott 'of Sault Ste,
Mario is visiting: at the home of het.
uncle, Mr. Fred Nott.
The Misses Smith of McKillop are
visiting their sister, Mrs. Hodge.
Mr. and'Nlrs, G. g. Manley have
gone to visit friends' in Michigan.
The Patriotic Society will meet
at the home of Mrs. Lawrence Ste-
phenson on September 13th, The
Society made a shipment recently of
sixty dollars worth of hospital sup.
plies and a lot of personal property
bags. The latter were contributed
in a shower, the ladies making 1110111
from their own material, This is a
live, energetic organization and
deal manage of seel patriotic accomplish a good
Mrs. Victor W. ()diem of Vancotiv-
cr visited her aunt, Mrs. R. IAdams
Blyth, last week and also many
friends about Goderich and in Godet-
ielt township. Mrs. Odluln is the wife
of Brig. -Gen, Odbon and was re-
turning from England where sire had
spent six months. She ,had been
present when tier husband received
his last decoration from ' the King.
Brig,-lGon, Odlunn is ,1050 ref NI,
(Monenegro t ) C' B
Hullett Township
Mr. E. J. Thghe of the Seminary,
Toronto, is spending a short vaca-
tion at his home,
Mr. Ernest Reynolds, manager. of
Tho Bell Telephone Co., at St. Cath-
arines, returned Tuesday after spend-
ing a short holiday at his home
on the Gravel,
Mars, Adams, Jr,, has been suffer-
ing during the past week With . a
severe attack of pneumonia. It is
hoped that a few days will see an
improvement in her condition,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hall, Mr. and
Mrs. W. Britton. and Arnold and
Clifford and Miss Vera Colclough
spent Sunday at Grand Bend.
The sound of the thresher is get-
ting quite common now.
The Adult Bible Class will meet
this week at the home of Mrs. At-
heist Irwin.
Rev, Mr, Sawyer and wife of Lon-
desboro were calling on a number
around here last week.
Quito a number around here have
finished their ]harvest.
Mrs, Thuell of Brussels spent a few
days with her daughter, Mrs. H.
An increase in wages for all post-
men is announced.
* * * * * « *
* Kodak Films develop-
* ed and printed—finished
* in eight hours and guar- *
* antes good results.
* Mail orders promptly *
* attended to.
* Why not have your
* best snaps enlarged. *'
* Prices according to size, *
* _ Phone 00 Photographer *
Mr. Warwick Cole and bis sister,
Miss Flossie, of Goderich township
motored down on Saturday and
calling for Mr. and Mrs. .1. Percy
Cole they went up to Ethel, James-
town and Cranbrook and spent the
week -end with friends.
Mr. and Mrs• H. White visited
with Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Johnston
this week. Their home is in Strat-
A great malty attended the Union
picnic at 'Bayfield on Tuesday,
Dr, Mary Johnston is visiting with
relatives in Stratford. Her grand-
mother, Mrs, II. Johnston, ' who
spent the past six weeks here, has
also gone to Stratford for an ex-
tended visit with ber daughter.
Mr. A. McKenzie spent Ole
of days this week with TO
northern part of ' ,
Master t"14,
Very 11
and .'
ing in
crops OA
Betted i.
Ilarvestilg is
It 13 th aro
* * * * * * * * * ht *
Pavilion, Jowett's Grove
Wednes'y night Aug,28
from 8 to 12
Five -piece Orchestra
etrieWirin .�'
Els b
and up-to•date Fixtures
of all kinds
Plumbing, Roofing,
Troughing and Furnace.
" stimates Cheerfully Given
am & Sutter
tyritutabcrs and Eledtriciana
•=a Phone 7