The Clinton News Record, 1918-8-22, Page 3CANADIANS TAKE VILLAGES
Germans Give Up 'Owns cot' Deaumant- 'lailtel, Serre, Buequoy
and Puisieiu .. Ali -Mont, and Have Crossed Anere
River '.at Several Points,
A despatch .From hoodoo eayst--1 The Germans have" given up the
The .Canadians have talon the villager; town's of Boaunlont-Hamel, Serre,
of Damery and I'arvillers, rr short 13ucquoy and Puieieux«au-Mont, and at
dlstanee north-west of Tboy'e, Thejseveral points have crossed the Anse
Wettish line southeast of Proyart, ;lust River, with the British following
south of the Somalia, has beenadvenc- closely on their trail, The enemy
eci a short distance, Theft) have been: groats destrous of eettt17lishing himself
nu further striking developments In on new ground eastward; with the
the `situation on the new Somme bat- iAncre River a barrier between .him
do :Front, or, immediately north of it Wit(! his foes.
where the Germans have been evacuate. In the weak of fighting on the Pi -
Ing advanced.pests in a manner some- eerily front ;30;241 prisoners have fall -
what. 'similar to that preceding their en into the hands of the British fourth
• withdrawal laet year to the Minded- army and French `fleet army, Record•
( burg line• Ing to the official.announeement, Of
Time enemy seems to -be in some' this number the British captured 21,-
i'one along the.hew front south of the 844, Unof iciola reports give the
Somme, where he has been driven by i number of p1'ieoners in allied „hands
the 'allied armies. His 'principal; since August 8 as 34,000, and say also
force seems' to be between Clhnulnee that 070 captured guns thus far have
and' Roye' I been counted. *NM
'Will Require Help of Artillery Encountering Resistance --Have
to Dislodge Them. Force Ready to Cut Off
On the French Front -The advance Enemy's Retreat.
by Gen. -Humbert s army on the Mus- A despatch from London says:- r n
sif' of Thiescourt gives the The Allied Archangel expeditionary -'-'-- « g
French a line which 0101(05 it practical force 'has reached Pauareshslcaia, 100 United States Markets s me , eonsequen • y we avcictcu the
�y� ¢ World
7`hsn Lhere is 11liss 7;linor Hale, also dislocation of the money market and
ly impossible' for the enemy to act' miles south of Archangel, on the rail -
Wheat, markets of the ttJ `�Y Minneapolis, Minn., Aug, 20.- a sculptor, who has a special London the upheaval 'of credit which after a
tempt any counter-attacks with.„, hist road toward Vologda, it is announced Wheat, •cash, NO 1 Northern, old, centre now at work wbdre women car-' great loan render it impossible for the
forces this side of the Divette• verthere. Bolshevik forces, on retiring; $2.30, Corn, No. 3 yellow, $1,76 to petters copy her designs and models. !Government to issue another loon for
below Lassigny. are declared to have committed every Bre20,-. Ms $1.80, Oats, No, 3 white, 64% to Site concentrates mainly on splints many men•
Tho Germans have lost the ndcant_ Toronto Aug, 20, -Manitoba wheat 65 e. Flax, $4,36 to $4,, 9, Flour
form of atrocity open civilian popula- -No. 1 Northern, $2,23 ria• No, 2 unchanged. Bran, $29,31. and similar apparatus fornbroken and
.age vvharh they held before the French tion. Northern, . 2.201/a; No. 3 Northern, Duluth, Minn., Aug. 20. -Linseed woun ed limbs.
began to climb up into the Massif, of Fairly determined resiste,nce to the $2.173%rNo. 4 wheat, $2.104x, in store on track and to arrive $4.27; Septeme
numerous shelters for men and depots allied advance was offered by the Bol• Fort William, including 2eae tax. her, p9.31 bid; October, $4.28; Nov -
for ammunition with which it provid- sheviki and the progress of the ex- Manitoba oats -No. 2 C,W., 91%e; ember,: $4.26 bid, and December,
ed theta. Either they have already IDeditionai'y forces was delayed. No, 8 C. fisc, 8635 c; extra No, 1 feed, $4,25:
found themselves obliged to move the Allied forces have been landed V 17 Uc3.
'tn °• 1 feed, 84ssc, in store Fort Live Stock Markets
bulk of c or tlir ry forceill be back
_across tosh the
. along the shore of Onega Bay, 100 American eorn-No. 3 yellow, kiln Toronto, Aug. 20, -Choice heavy
Divemiles south-west of Archangel, for dried, nominal; No. 4 yellow, kiln steers, $14.00 to $15,35; butchers'
ly. They will probably'leave a screen the purpose of intercepting Bolshevik dried nominal.' cattle, choice, $18,25 to $13.75; do.
of machine-guns with which to appose forces retiring from Archangel, It is Ontario oats -No. 1 white, 85 to 80e, good, $12.00 to $1`2.50; do. medium,
any French advance and before long it learned. here, nominal; No. 3 white, 84 to 85c, nom 10,76 to $11.00• do, common, $9.00
is more than likely this, too, Will be Another allied detachment is push- Ictal, according to freights outside. to $10.00; butchers' bulls, choice, -
withdrawn even if theyare not driv-g ° Ontario wheat -No. , Winter, per $1.1,00 to 11.25; do. medium boils, stances, THE EMPIRE'S BIGGEST BARN.
en out by the force of are i of Archangel, on the Divine
mines River. car lot, $2.22, basis in stoic- Aontreal, $10.25 to $10.60; do, rough bulls, But water cuay be dangerous, The _ _
At every step the Germans have South of the Vologda River Gener- freights outside.Peas-No. nominal, according 'to $1 ,7 to $8.50; butchers'do.cows, $10.2 most inviting spring ma5,y be polluted THE
on a 10,000 -Acre Saskatche-
put up a violent resistance, Principal a's Alexieff and Denikine apparently arentl -Barley-Malting, new oro p $10,76 to $11,00; medium, do. good, $J.0.2; with filth and disease.- Berme. Like -
1 with m olenO. sits, c 10 all al- 1p Y y g, p, $1._0 to to $10.50; do. $8,25 to $8.75; wan Farm.
Y gare encleavorir,g to amalgamate their $1.22. do,, common. $7.00 to $8.25;' stockers, wise, and More particularly, a well.
cent operations, awl with gain int posi- .anti-Bolshoviki 'forces with the army Buckwheat- Nominal $8.00 to 510.50; feeders, $10.50 to Water that is "sparkling clear" is the What Is teemed the Ia.rgest baro in
tion behind their 11nes. The French of the Czecho-Slovaks, Rye No, nominal, $11.00; canners and cutters, $5,50 to more 010)) to suspicion on that ao- the British Empire le situated not far
nuturilly have been able to•make veryPeas-Nominal. , good t0- choice, $90.00 count; for sewage Is an excellent from Swift Current, Saskatchewan. Its
to $
1 ;milkers exact location is eight )0il@S from a
little use of their artillery as it takes • -"'--<+"---- � Manitoba flour -War quality; to $125.00; do. cont, and m '1., $66.00 precipitant of dirt. '
• time to bring up .gnus and they have GERMANS ARE CONSCRIPTING
95 rTorontoflour - War quality, t12G 00 light ewes,518.00 to $15.00;
to France is a very old country -•older town called Prussia, (This was awned
been deluged v; gee during the RUSSIANS ON A SCALL SCALE $10.85, in hags, Montreal and Tor- yearlings 5:00 to $16,00; aps nby ever so many thuusancls of years before the tear beganl. This barn
whole adya<ee• _' onto, prompt shipment. ' lambs, 1� to 1.814c; calves, good to than ours, so far as its inhabitation was built by a Mr. Smith in order that 1
A despatc�lh from London says:- Millfeed-Car lots, delivered Mon-yehoiee,' $18.50 to $15,50;' hogs, feel by 0 human mpulatiou goes. I!or tlhis• he xniglit put his cattle inside during
1 �- The Germans already are conscripting Treat 'freights, bags included: Bran, and watered, $20.00 to $20.25; do. very reason its sources of drinking the severe winters of the prairie pro.
PANIC .t5iO'N(r 1 NOt 1,3. Russians on a small scale, "Accord- 585 per ton; shorts, $40 per ton. ton, weighted off cars. $20.25 to $20,50; water are taunt more likely to be )01- , t'luces, c
IN _MLR 01`'L 'GOWNS ingto stories of prisoners taken b Bay -No. 1, $17 0 $18 per do. f.o.b., $19.2 1
__ p yluteol. i The baba is built of lutuber and ()e -
A despxnrh from Geneva says:-tAn the Czeeho-Slovaks," says the de. Eons track, Toronto;omixed,, $1.6 to 516 per Montreal, Aug, `20;. -Choice oocers, Hence the precautions taken by the ment, and contains the following 1)10-
$11.00 to $12.00; good, $9.00 to
spatclr, `German flying columns are,
straw-Ca • lots 8 to .8.54 er 50 cors tS meth - 1 authorities atta -I. d to our terial: i
arra, $5.50 balls, $8. 0 to $9,00• armies over there. Positive orders! 875,000 square feet of lumber, 30,-1
lambs, $16.00 to $17.60; hnillc fed forbid any soldier to drink any water 000 seeks of cement, 00,407 square feat ;
calves, $12.00 to $74.00. that has not been tested and found I of corrugated icon roof.
' I wholesome. Chemical, as well as bac- j It 1105 126 windows, 10 doors, attd 7
ASA WAR_ M`E• ,.S-1Y1RE,
AV;E THE . 1.JJC .A„r -
W A �,3Tt" D
19,925 'Torts
I cod' PER LB.
'ft -11$ EQUALS
Preparations For German Counter -attach Broken Up by Allied
Infantry Eleanents and Battalion Commanders Captured.
A, despatch from Paris says;: ---Tho, the stretegle stantlpatnt It ranks with
town or Rlbecourt, on the road, loud- the taking'by-tile French, et the forest
ing to Noyon and 6+A,, miles south- ( and hill positions between the Matz
west of that town, has hepn captured
by the Vienoit.'
The eaphu'e eJ lltbecourt by the
French harks an important epoch In open route up the Oleo alley to Noyen
tlhe 9qrfensive, which has for Cts ilea; a route by rail and the big national
rnedihte purpose Me freeing of the thoroughfare, not to mention the a conal
region between the Somme turd the ' which parallels the roadways for the
Oise of the enemy' .fAe, a gain from greeter part of the way.
haloes, �afety mem strops, erance, and
spring -Perks for motor -cycles.
and :the .Oleo, which bee brought the
Wrench almost to the gates of Las-
signy, Through Ribeceurt Iles an
One ngenloile lady recently emelt.
ed a capital hoer cooler; another, ce
'1.00111 ventilator; but the greatest. sue-'
cess tip to now ba;) been achieved by
those women who have epecializod to _
etlrgloal aids anal appliances, /Balm Law Announces That
fn view of they"numberless women BritishPeople Have Sub -
who week under the iced Cross, it la
not astonishing, perhaps, that ideas scribed This Amount..
should entre round dile theme. A despatch from' London eciyit'i --
Here a Mies Casette, Amorlcan artist The Chaneellor of the lvxehequer, the
and sculptor in Paris, stands supreme. Right Honorable Boner Loci, an.
Her inventions Include a lvouderrnl nounced tha:t'the subscriptions for 1111•
log hammock -a system of Mewl- tional war' bonds had reached the
cion which arranges the splint above stupendous figure of one thousand
the leg and soft rubber underneath- million pounds sterling. Hitherto the
the contrivance being 1 i use In over world's record was held by the greed;
a thousand hospitals to -day. Many tear loatfemf 1917, yi lding £948,459, -
ether ingenious aids for tine wounded 000. afoot remark( bje is the fact
have emanated from this clever lady's that the great result ryas achieved by
brain, and she le,ph•obably the biggest. regular, ular, continuous, week-by-weol: in -
find among women inventors, vet nt tl
r1 nlay 1:10091010
fairly be stated that the success of the
national war bond issue is a unique
achievement. Undoubtedly the ex-
cellent result obtained will serve as a
THE ARMY'S WATER SUPPLY. stinf`uhts to fresh endeavors. We need
____„• 1125,000,000 weekly, and rely, there-
Tommy is Forbidden to Drink Water for,:, on the patriotism .and sense of
That Has Not Been Tested. duty of our people. We know now
• that the financial efrorts of the main
aft is an old story that a soldier will try will not only be sustained, bat
drink anything if thirsty. Any kind surpaa'ad, and that we shall be able
of \Nete1- he conies across Is good to frnencc the rear through to vicl:or .
enough for him ander such ch•,,um-
story of the Famous' Retreat of the
Brltioh and French Foroes,1rem
Molts to the Marne.
An American physician, Dr, George
W. Celle, in a recently published hook
throws a remarkable side light on the
famous retreat of the British and the
'0'r'ench from Monts to the Marne, In
nine days and nights they marched
one hundred and eighty utiles, often
actually asleep, and every now and
then fighting desperate rear -guard ace
naris against overwhelming hordes of
Germans. Rarely were the Melte long
enough for the men to snatch A few
moments of rest, Feed and water
there searee, and irregularly supplied.'
One of the most remarkable things
about that retreat was the sleep phen-
omoua that the soldiers experienced.
1t is known that animals subjected to
the most favorable conditions, kept
from exertion, supplied with plenty of
food, and In gond hygienic surround-
logs,' do not survive longer than from
live to engirt days without sleep. Ia
the 1'elreat from Mons to the Marne
we have an extraordinary human ex-
periment, in which several hundred
thousand man obtained almost no
sleep (luring nine days, and, In addt-
' lion, made long, forced marobes and
fought one of the greatest battles in
How did lltoee Wren survive nine
,lays apparently without opportunity
,to sleep? They did an extraordinary
thing- -they slept while they matched,
1 Slheer fatigue slowed down their pace
to a rate that permitted them to sleep
, while walking.
The unvaried testimony of the sol-
diers Was that everyone at times
I slopt on the march. They passed
. through riilages asleep. When sleep
deepened and they began to real they
• were wakened by their comrades. No
tof th
Men was sats who feltout e
ranks, for sleep euuiluered hint and
asleep many were captnrod. That the
artillerymen slept on horsebox!: was
proved by the fact that every man
Met his cap, •
official despatch recurved here from, impressing malesirom 18 t° 46 years, ton, track, Toronto. $ p ale 00 to $10,00, can
Frankfort. Germany, says that that' of age and are bringing those who 0
Germanized. city was. attaclted by twelve enemy disobey the mobilization on
omit. before
aviators, who dropped twenty-six' Germanized revolutionary tribunals,) Country Produee-Wholesale
bom'hs, 131131ug twelve persons anci in i which condemn them to death. These'Butter-Creamery, solids, per 16„ I
isi,egortse from t Easel, h•iwever, as- 1 conscripted units have German com-' 43c to2 dairy peril) 36 3ii too37c. i
p i)any and platoon commanders and are; Eggs -New laid, 41 to 42e.
teriolegdcai, tests are made -the for- ventilators, each 30 in, square (h1 the
,mer as a precaution against poison roof),
The Heine Poison wells --a thing no ' The barn is 40e feet long, 12a feet
42 c to
I poisons,
sett -that the LasuAltaes W000 fn1 • stiffened by 20 Germans er Magyars; Dressed poultry -Spring chickens, Women Inventors Are Provin£} Their lightens altar titan savages ever dtc} ttid0nand 62 1801 high,
more numerous. These say that a to every 00 Russians." • j 38 tb 40e; roosters, 22c; fowl, 25 to before, 'Pito painting •of it would take 50
bomb fell in the crowded Kaiser Ingenuity.
30c ducklings, 33c; turkeys, 32 to 360. we Where germs merely are concerned, ;mer one week to do it once over.
straeac, killing ],,any persons and . 1 1 I L'iv 9 poultry -Roosters, 16c; fowl, The 101113nine wizard -the female , our public health service has lilt upon ! The ecru on whish this barn is lo -
stopping the street ears; that anoth- ITALIANS CAPTURE 21 to 250; ducklings,. lb., turkeys, I'ldfaou-has yet to arrive, hot her a very Interesting rough and ot'fhand octan contains 10,000 a°t•es, of which ,
er fell in the middle of the large ata - MOUNTAIN SP'URSl27to Cheese-New,gLchiceke s, 32 too 821E birth seems not -far distant, says an test, which is being utilized In connect- 2,000 are irrigated.
tion and several in its vicinity; while' 'twins e� e , l✓e ,old large, 4e Biiglieh writer, ' Between 2,000 and 3,000 cattle can
2 g , 2 tion with our 1ni11tlu'y activities
two more fell in the barracks and stili' A despatch from Rome says:- to 26c; twin 26 to 26%e.
Rapid Strides have been made in the abroad. It determines whether a given he kept in the barn at one time, 'r11e
another near Goathe'a house, which Italian forces have occupied Monte, Batter -Fresh, dairy, choice, 40 to ]dote technical Ileitis of Invention by sample of water Is (i) pure, (11 Int- cost of labor and material would be in
was undamaged.1 i llantello, Punta 4i 1lfatte° and the 42c• creamery print, fresh mads 46 wameu since 1014
not necessarily dangerous; polluted mate/Mile, such as lumber, irony, cm'
water is worse than unsafe. meat. and gravel, had to be hauled by
Even pure Water contains animal ' wlt5gon and horses eight miles. 1
The Basel despatch says the aerial'tepur southeast of Cimn Zigolon, north to 470• solids, 44 to 45c. The veer following the ontbrea.k of
attack has increased the panic reign- of the Aclamelio region, according to Margarine -28 to 82e, hostilities saw 401 applications lodged
ing in the ;Rhine towns. an official statement issued by the Eggs -No: l's, 48 to 49'; in cartons, with one Louden patent ageut alone -
all the. apt)I1t11401S being welled, The i organisms. But the latter are of ape- --- - 1
.A11.7It1C'ANS AT VLAIDIVOSTOJC 50c roosters 26c• fowl 43 Lo heats of this firm then expressed the cies characteristic of pure wate3;,,.--uu•' USING THE LEFT HAND-
"-'- - - 40 opinion that women heti althea to I less distilled. Impure water `)as its 1 _
Will immediately lobi International) conte to 1110 fore as 1)1011010/14 eharurteristic microbes. Like- Make Yourself More Efficient by
$It' 0 Imp hand pteked Burma or not because of trash• lack el 11101111(1 wise polluted water. 'Plias It Is cos- ,
Puree to Aid Czechs. 1
A gentleman visited a jeweller's •Indian, $6.50; Japan, $8.00 to -_$8.75; ability, but merely 1ee0n8e their tech- 'sihle to determine the degree of purl- Training Both Hands Equally,
1A despatch from Washhlgto< says: store to inspect certain precious Lamas, 18 to 19c. nical knowledge was too scanty to al-: ty of auy water by examining under 1 Why shouldn't you be ambidextrous? .
Honey,new eros Strained, d0-lb,g e
-American troops last week disem-' stones. Among Heber gems he was ' I - low them to put their ideas into n ac -rhe ntiul'oscopo a ram le drop. ;The almost exclusive trso of the right
tins, 22c; 10113. tins, 223rzr. 5-}b. tins, 1 p 1 baud is all a untie, of habit, The u -e'
barked at Vlldivostols nmol immediate -'shown an opal. As it ray utero, it {IP-
ly Combs-Doz., $3,00 to $3.60. 1100. I When water saf0 far driuiciug pur-
ly joined the international force to,aid geared dull and lustreless. The Jewel- , Maple syrup -811• -lb tins, 10 to a Not so, however. p0sea is not obtiltinabl°, renot•t is had of both hands is merely tt ruttier of
the Czeeho S1ovs1;. 1)1111y in its cam -lar tool, it In his band, told helrj it for case, $14.50; imperial gallon tins, per A perfect torrent of inventions huts to distilling outfits that are carried training. Men Invariably pot nue urnt
paign in Siberia. The Americans some moments; then ire showed it tin, $2.25; imperial five -gallon cans, followed npou more frivolous 3110119 or .oil utotorh'011c0 ac'cuntpanying tine re. first through un arm -bete and woolen
compose the 27113 regular infantry re again to his visitor. It gleamed and per can, $'10,50; 1.5 -gallon kegs, per pre-war days. 5ttrety hooka, uu1ff sus- glucals. just the ruler aim. lieas(ln for it?
giment from'fillaliu, and will be 'fel-' flashed with all the colors of the rain- gal., $2,00; maple sugar, 1-111. box, peuders, patent ironers, hole -proof ! Habit! Women button garments from
lowed by another. regiment from the bow. it only•needed the touch and Pure, per lb., 24 to 25c.
hosiery, Millinery udjustmclnts, oto.,' __ Y y one_ side, men from ChB opposite. Philippines and additional troops from warmth of 0 human bund to bring out ; have been superseded by weighing- -ft i g • tl t L 1' [Iubt[ again 1
War Office. They have taken 100 52 to 54c.
prisoners, . Dressed poultry -Spring chickens,
fowl, 38 34e;
The Human Touch: i Beans -Canadian, hand-picked, bus.,
pure or (3) pointed. impure water is the neighborhood of 5125.000, as all the
' Provisions -Wholesale a greatly 'o a rr day,( ' h•tt! Mon who shove themeelve1 with 0u
the 'United Stairs. its IrTldefiellGe. There are Inman • room hltliclltUl'1C, illuminated signs f07' marked n friend the other day, "that
lives, everywhere shun 110 that are . Smoked meats -Hams, medium, 3C, ;tdvertisumeuts, electrical tramway ad- fltmily pas t -alto iii of hymns ordinary razor ltstl 07e loft hand mama
EUI 1110 .' MONARCH IS darkly stliine3 with sin. Yet they only to 38r.i do., heavy, 30 to 02e; enol ed, amens, oxy,L•0n warmers, x1)1)11 in- have fallen out f 1501) •y'• a sit°old ly with the right. Teaching then)
IN CRITICAL STATE need the touch of the hand of Jesus 51 to 030; rolls, 32 to 33e; Irreak,fast 1 -•
4 b
to bring out the radiance of the di- see, 1,, 1, t0 1100; 1101(0, plain, 4.1 Al
vine linage hidden within. Wehave45c; boneless, 48 to 49c.
A despatch fromrGeneva says:•- Cured meats -Long clear ha'con, 30
The health of Ring Ferdinand of Bul- to be the hand of Jesuit to these mar- :•te 31e; clear bellies, 29 to 30c,
Maria, :Oho Is at Nauheim; suddenlyred -and lustreless lives; "As AMy 1 Lard --Pure, tierces, 40 to 30}'ic;
has beectme tvot'se, according to a ole- Father bath seat Me. even so send 1 . tubs, 301 to 31e; pails, 30'x• -to 31140;
spatch i'eceived dere from Munich, You." i prints. 33 to 38143e. Compound tiorces,
His tomtition note is considered mitt- -- -8.____-____: 2Pi to 2fi1� c; tubs, 261/ Lo 269ac; pails,
cal. Hard to Explain. M to 27c; prints, 28 to 28at;c.
Field Marshal Lord Methuen, the
Saving Daylight,
Dayli 9
Montreal Markets
Governor of Malta, told an amesitrg - 'Montreal, Aug. 20.- -Oats---Ctula-
At present Standard' time in New story recently or a wounded AusIpe.-' dian Western, $1.01; extra No, 1 feed,
Zealand (Hirers from Greenwich time Ilan in 11 hoepi183 thole who fell in love 98e Flour --New standard grade,
by 1114 hours. .This time was adopted with his Maltese curse, and eventually • 5310,95 to 511.05. Rolled oats --Batts,
in 1.860, before the present world-wide married her. Presoutly letters of con- • 90 tits' $G.20 to $5.30. Bran, $37.00.
system of zone tame was introduced. gratulation began to porn In neon the • Shorts, $40, $5.3ie, $13i7451.4.50; 1107 -
bride from her lutsbaud's Mande and , No. 2 per ton, car lots, $1•l,GU to
The Wellington Philosaoplitcal Society see.00.•
Is now agitating the question 01, rich- relative';, 1111(1 most of them used the : Cheese, finest: easterne, 2214 to 23e.
1ng340w Zealand time exactly 12 hears same adjective h1 referral); to hon, .Butter, choicest creamery, 431 to
in advance of GIeenw1011 111,10, i.l015 calling hint a model men. Furious to 43%c, Eggs, selected, 45 to 46e; No.
conforming to the regnial'!lour zones, learnt the fixed measling of the well -1,i 1 stock, 47 to<48e; No, 2 stock, 45 to
and also seeerint;, throughout the site c:on,:tilt 1d •,n 34115lisll dictionary, 7 Otic. Potatoes, pe• bag' car lots„
year, the advantages of 0 ]calf -hour of and <11,•.eovl;'101 `be' ","del 1011E a' 82; 1.0 to $2,15 Dlo`:sva hope, abat-
"dRSiight saving." "smelt ht.i1)1111tt if tee reel article," 1. el1ni •killed 520.50.01 Lava, pure, wood
.,-.,., .....w.v... .,,.iw . »„m„ab. groar,,",,,�.,,,.,,, ,vvw„"-,-.,»•-s..r•,.,,:, , i• n- • , 0 18, net to 3`•Ic.
Wiz ea
lvtl1l HOW Do /OD Do, lila'°)
tie' Plr'i'1tl Meet AOl 1iu.stm Io
...Kite?. PIPPIN -Fitt ,DUFF,-
1CI¢ ._..,,
"(E.& Ii 061)b,`i H15
WEATilele le JUST
0)10(A DAY 9Y 0000000 PEOPLE
111.10E Uf1NCCE3SARI1Y t,,TEN
Of 17 SNIPLOA0.51N
%HIS WAS�e7L' AD,OS TH,(&- 57 OP 7f,'6' NtO_S7'NODER,Y
,J1t3MAR)N, S TO 7`N£ C',11YV •AN l Avy
iOht,1VE iAUST --- cTi I MUST TPi,1 YOUR
W1lAT 111CARa Aneuy HELEN 4Valeta. - �.,11l [
I G -- 3.o
014 N OK AT Tlia 080v:Ns ••`toll KNOW 6L LATE: 't n 0
THE. -rlMR Re MINKS 0 • AND - -
ti 7
fir• tflt.,,di if i1? l'
.i 110 41
Selves after arriving at the age of (lie-'
erotion. they have acquired the tort of i
ambidexterity, .80 far as this pardon -
liar operation is cou0ew'0d, without et.
fort, and probably without even 110t.3c-
111)g it.
:1311 what can be done involuntarily
ran he done voluntarily. Teach your.;
soli to be dexterously embides_trone,
Start experimenting today. 11 is 1
rare run, .1u6 you will be surprised
1(t the result, manifested In inaretuted
etRelency and the lessening of fatigue
in whatever job you may bo at. lie
left. nett get)oft.
The blower Fair, which was held the �
lust of June in Londolt, took in over
0'10,000 in six days, 1
Mendelssohn visited Scotland- in;
1829. The Overture 'F ngal's Cave",
also known as the "ITibrides" with
the "Scotch" Symphony are regarded'
' as records of his visit.
A110U7 AS
A$ A COD1,1314
roM 1 WANT Y.O.U. TO
WA`J . 7110 I D1A 01=
'' The 513E ACTING
Oblivion of Sleep.
The complete exhaustion of the Wren
Is vividly told by Dr. Gros of the
Amori,•au ambulance, who, with
others, Went to the battlefield of the
Marne to collect the wounded. When
the ambt.hianceis arrived at Meaux -at
midnight they found the town hi ut-
ter darkness. At last they succeeded
iu awakening the mayor.
"Cali you tell 3n what village we
shall Mid the wounded?" they asked.
"We were told thee,' were :uuny here,"
"My town is full of wounded. .1 will
show you," the mayor replied.
They threaded their way through
dark streets to •a dilapidated school
building. Not a sound! There was
the stillness of death. They rapped
louder; there was no response.
Pusbing open the door, they found
the building packed with wounded -
more than five 1(0,1dred. Some wore
dying; ey01•y"lle WAS ill a deep sleep.
Bleeding, yet asleep; lege shattered,
yet asleep! Not a groan, not a mo-
tion. 1101 a complaint -only sleep!
Surgical aid, the prospect of being
taken to a good hospital, the thought
of food and drink, of being removed
from tato range 01 the 0001117 s guns,
awakened no interest, They desired
only to be left, alone. They slept on
while their wounds were being
After deep sloop for two or three
days, during which they wanted
neither food nor drink, they began to
be 110nseiens of their surtoundiugs;
they asked questions, they orperie1-
cod pain, they had discomforts and
wants- they had returned front the
abysmal oblivion of sleep.
One of the Heroines of the War of
Whonl There Are Many.
When rho wort, in your War garden
9001110 tedious and you straighten 70ur
aching bards and Ionic longingly toward
the inviting shade ,'l' the trees or to-
ward the arm( heir on the awning -
covered porch: when you mutter to
'm1 -self that it will not matter hutch
whether the weeds 110 choke the heat
patc•11- it may help you to 1117is11 your
leak if Yoe ,,all to mind a story told hl
My War Diary by Mfrs, Vary king
Wade! ington,
In a villlcg) near ours, says the 11.)1(11.
or, a girl or thirteen is running the
farm. :Lt. the hnginning of the war
it was It thriving farm with a 1)11)11 at1(1
Ms wife, Six Soils 1111 II 000 daughter.
Then 1h, blow telt, and all the u11111 In
Femme were tnobiHzed; the rather
and his two eldest buys went off at
once -1(1<1' hours after the 3( 0,',:•) of
mobilization was reeeiv011 in the vil-
lage,, Tile farmer had no tine to put
his House ht orl100, but left the farm
to theehands of his wife and the two
big boys, aged flacon noel eleteen. The
man and his two eldest sons are 11017
dead, the Inco nest ere in the army,
anti the poor mother, n wreck lthysitml-
Iy and mentally, cries all day, The
girl 't"tnd the two little Imre, do the
whole work of the farm. The 71nnit-
I est, w110 is only tett years old, cannot
accomplish 1111101, but he 4:w9 11 111 cows t 1 carter
ago to watch the c. 1 s sn i y
cans of milk o1 baskets of hiller.
I see the girl aoinelhu ,. •111e is
perfectly well, never ,u 1(latns and
never asks for a117(11ln, - except oc-
casionally for a warm petticoat, o1• a
hood to peep lice- head and steak warm
and dry when she is wonting In the
fields. Thoro are lttlndrnds of girls
doing that work -all over• France,
An i)ioorriglble Bachelor.
That ineorrlgiblo bachelor, George,
Atle, said Menially at a Wedd1115 break.
fest the other day:
"The single nine le Worse Rif Blau
Cita married mice,"
The ladies impaneled warmly.
"Yes," Me. Ade expiabled, "tor the
merried man fears only ube wnmarx, '
W11110 rho 811(318 man 10nSs1 tient